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Make Your Move 5

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Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008
Not wasting countless hours on a 10 man community
Make Your Move 5
”The Infinite Sakurai Theorem”

//As Stated by Fawriel

"The infinite monkey theorem states that a monkey hitting keys at random on a typewriter keyboard for an infinite amount of time will almost surely type a particular chosen text, such as the complete works of William Shakespeare." -Wikipedia

Now if we assume that there is an infinite number of alternate universes, that means there's also an infinite number of Sakurais, which means that there's an infinite number of Brawls, which means that every character who has ever existed will somehow make it into Brawl!

Now let's bring this totally scientific theorem to its completely illogical conclusion, right?

//What It Actually Is

Make Your Move is a contest in which full movesets for characters are submitted to be voted upon at the contests end. The idea behind Fawriel’s quote is that in some alternate universe somewhere, all the characters you wanted in Brawl…are actually in it! Make Your Move is your chance to show, through a full and complete moveset, exactly how any character would play in Brawl!

However, this is not limited to characters like Ridley, King K. Rool, Mega Man, and Mewtwo. In fact, you’re not even limited to actual video game characters, or existing characters at all! Past contests have seen all kinds of submissions! Additional characters from familiar universes like Super Mario and the Legend of Zelda, anime characters, historical figures, and even completely original characters from the creative mind of the moveset maker! In Make Your Move, anything is possible!

//The Seven Deadly Sins

This contest is run by a group of seven people, known as the seven deadly sins. If you have any questions concerning happenings in this contest, or any other concerns, these are the people to go to. They will do their best to make the contest run smoothly and efficiently.

  • MasterWarlord (Pride), the Mortal Sin
  • KingK.Rool (Gluttony)
  • Hyper_Ridley (Greed)
  • Spadefox (Lust)
  • MarthTrinity (Envy)
  • Tanookie (Sloth)
  • BKupa666 (Wrath)

In addition to the seven deadly sins, SirKibble (Kindness) will be a guest authority figure for the first half of MYM 5. He'll be leaving us some time in the summer, but until then, he has as much authority as any of the other seven deadly sins. An additional sin, the obligatory joke sin, Stupidity, is Sundance. He rules the chat for no particular reason. Don't get on his bad side.

//Posting Movesets

There is no limit on the number of movesets you may submit.

Submitting a character that has already been submitted, whether in this contest or a previous one, is permitted, so long as the movesets are significantly different from each other.

Due to the increase in moveset quality standards during Make Your Move 4, all movesets from Make Your Move 1.0, Make Your Move 2.0, and Make Your Move 3.0 may be updated and resubmitted. Resubmitted movesets from Make Your Move 4 may have a maximum of 5 shared moves with their past-contest counterpart.

Movesets should not be reposted under any circumstances. If you have changed or updated your moveset, you are permitted to post a link to it in the thread, but do not repost the moveset.

You may retract a moveset of yours from the contest at your discretion. If you decide to do this, you are expected to 1) completely remove the moveset from the thread, and 2) notify one of the Sins that you are retracting the moveset via Private Message.

//Story Modes

Those users who chose to create Story Modes for Make Your Move 5 are expected to do so in their Smash World Forums User Blog, not in this thread.

Any user who is writing a Story Mode may have a link to it added to the Arena (see below) by requesting said link on the Arena. The Seven Deadly Sins will attempt to keep track of and add all Story Modes to the Arena, but are prone to miss a few here and there.

Story Modes will be voted on at the end of the contest in a similar fashion to movesets.

//Voting Regulations

In order to vote at the end of the contest a user must have made at least 50 posts in the thread, or submitted at least 3 movesets. The Seven Deadly Sins reserve the right to remove voting priveledges of those they deem unfit to judge, though this is very rare.

Users are not allowed to vote for their own moveset(s) or Story Mode.

In voting for movesets, users have 30 votes to use, with 6 of those being “Super Votes,” which count as a double vote.

In voting for Story Modes, users have 3 votes to use, and only 1 is a Super Vote.

Users should send a Private Message to one of the Seven Deadly Sins with their votes, stating the movesets they wish to vote for, along with the author of the moveset, and also specifying which are Super Votes. Votes posted in the thread will not be counted. Voting for Story Modes will be handled similarly, through Private Messages.

PLEASE only vote if you have actually followed the thread and have seen a good enough chunk of the movesets.

The sins reserve the right to vote among themselves to see if voting priveledges should be taken away from certain individuals as the contest progresses. In the same fashion, the sins also have the ability to make exceptions for notable individuals to give them the right to vote.

//The Results

The votes received by the Seven Deadly Sins from all the eligible voters will determine 35 movesets as the contests temporary “Top 35.”

After tallying up the votes and determining the Top 35, the Sins will commence what are known as the Sin “Picks, Kicks, and Shifts.”

Each Deadly Sin is allotted two each of Picks, Kicks, and Shifts.

Picks allow a Sin to add a moveset to the list that did not make it, at any location outside the Top 10. This allows unrecognized, but deserving movesets, to receive due recognition. Picks must be approved by a majority vote from all of the Sins, and all Seven Deadly Sins are required to use both of their Picks.

Kicks allow a Sin to remove a moveset from the list entirely. This may happen in order to trade out a user’s moveset for one that the Seven Deadly Sins feel is better, or to remove a joke moveset from the list. Sins cannot Kick a moveset from the Top 10, and Kicks must be approved by a unanimous vote from all the Seven Deadly Sins.

Shifts allow a Sin to transfer a moveset to a higher placement in the list. Movesets in the Top 10 cannot be moved up, and no moveset from lower in the list may be moved into the Top 10. Shifts must be approved by a majority vote from all the Sins.

Picks, Kicks, and Shifts will occur in private, among the Seven Deadly Sins, who will then release to the public the finalized Top 50.

//The Rewards

The winning moveset’s author will receive a gift download of any NES (or similarly-priced) Wii Shop game.

All winners receive bragging rights.

If you seek power in MYM and wish to become a sin in MYM 6, placing high certainly won't hurt your chances of becoming one.

Other rewards may become available as the contest progresses.

//General Archives

The Abyss, the home of the Seven Deadly Sins, can be found here. See the comprehensive moveset list, request reviews of your movesets, and check out past Make Your Move contests!

The MYM Wiki, created by Kholdstare. Contains various info on the users and movesets of MYM. Create your own article here today!

The Official Make Your Move social group. Used solely for advertising for the most part, but there's the ocassional discussion tucked away in there.

//How to deal with it
Do NOT respond to off topic spam/trolling. REPORT IT. We should've done this all along, but this time around we know better. Spam is not to be tolerated here. This also means that:

  • You are NOT to ask for a countdown for a new page. If you simply must have a new page, WAIT FOR IT.
  • No moveset previews for no reason. If you actually need help with a move or are showing up a crappily done moveset for your character by another person, shoot, but only do it with an actual reason.
  • No moveset reposts. This includes humurous renamed movesets meant to be a joke.

If you wish to talk social and off topic, use the Official Make your Move SOCIAL group.


Common Sense: Use it. By far the most important rule. Failure to follow this rule will result in your movesets not placing in the top 50, you making no friends, and overall having a miserable time. Break this rule at your own risk. Other side effects may include getting yelled at by MasterWarlord and Spadefox.

Incomplete Movesets: If you post an incomplete moveset, you will receive a negative vote penalty to that moveset, even if you finish it later. Please, for your own sake, wait until you finish your movesets before posting. The minimum requirement for a moveset to be complete are a neutral A attack, dashing attack, tilts, smashes, aerials, a grab, a pummel, throws, specials, and a final smash.

//Why MYM 5 is out early


Ocon made me do it.

And with that... Let the games begin!


Smash Champion
Mar 17, 2008
Cleveland, Ohio


good luck with this one. Hope it goes as well as the last one went for you guys. I'm excited to see some of the ideas.


Tiny Dancer
Mar 21, 2008
Link-Up Space - Now with actual links!


Obligatory Compliments

Megaman.EXE: Extremely fitting to the character, right down to the usual playstyle expected from Megaman. The organization also helps in making this moveset insanely true to it's source material. Originally this thing was in all caps. . .If you babies can't read it in it's current form, then you are truly pathetic and don't deserve to see the epicness within.
I highly enjoyed your Megaman.EXE set. Just so ya know; I had forgotten to say something, but now I have. Excellent work. My only suggestion is that perhaps you might change that digital font to just headers, since it's not very easy on the eyes in large masses.



Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008
Not wasting countless hours on a 10 man community


"WHHHHHHYYYYY NOOOOOOOTTTTT?!?" -K. Rool's reaction to not being in Brawl



This moveset is a severe turn of events. . .It's an actual character who IS going to be in Smash, and should've been in Brawl. If you do not know why, you live under a rock. If you are educated but do not agree that he is a lock for Smash, your opinions are invalid.

. . .But I'll tell you who he is anyway. K. Rool is the main antagonist of the Donkey Kong series, appearing in more games in the series then even DK himself. K. Rool is the king of the Kremlings, and while usually trying to be dignified and fearsome, he has. . .Problems. Sometimes the good king lets his animal side get the better of him, and he also has a personality disorder. He has changed into a pirate captain and a mad scientist before due to this disorder. While K. Rool is in generally far more intelligent then most villians in his league, he's also insane, hence his problems, and will stop at nothing to get his vengeance on Donkey Kong and company.

>~~ STATS ~~<

Size: 10/10
K. Rool is easily up there with Bowser, DK, and Dedede for the largest body mass. He's a tad bit taller then Bowser, and his crown makes him exceed Ganondorf's height. His width is around the same as Bowser and Dedede, his tail helping to ensure he has a large stature. K. Rool is a ridiculous target for combo food.

Weight: 9.5/10
K. Rool is the second heaviest character in the game, behind only Bowser due to not having a massive shell on his back.

Walk: 2/10
Pathetically slow, as K. Rool tries to look all cool and bad ***.

Run: 6.5/10
His run, however; is actually decent. K. Rool, despite his size, is more athletic then the other kings who live more lazy lifestyles.

Traction: 2/10
K. Rool's traction is worse than even Dedede's as he fumbles around over his cape, his tail, and even his overly large feet.

Power: 8.5/10
He's the biggest and heaviest, so yeah he's among the most powerful. He's still outclassed by Ganondorf and Bowser, being more on the level of Dedede. Still, he easily outclasses his eternal rival, Donkey Kong.

Attack Speed: 4.5/10
What? K. Rool's attack speed actually isn't terrible?!? It of course is below average, but K. Rool is a good bit faster then the other heavyweights, having more moves that can actually be used regularly. Those moves that actually are absurdly powerful are still plenty slow, though.

Range: 7/10
Not quite as insane as Dedede, but K. Rool has good range, along with several projectiles and means of hitting his foes from afar. When it comes to actual melee range though, he's not quite as insane as the penguin king.

Priority: 8.5/10
When you go through all the work of making a heavy hitter's moves to connect, they sure as hell better out prioritize your foe's easy to land weak attacks.

First Jump: 7.5/10
This is impressively good for a heavyweight. Remember K. Rool's jumping ability in his original boss fight?

Second Jump: 4/10
Sadly, when K. Rool has no ground to jump off of he's only so-so. K. Rool isn't exactly good at recovering.

Recovery: 3/10
While it can travel a long distance, K. Rool's recovery is extremely gimpable, and also offers the potential chance of failure should your fingers slip in a button mashing session.

Fall Speed: 7/10
Standard fatty falling speed.

Crouch: 0/10
A king? Crouch? Much less crawl? ARE YOU MAD? K. Rool crouches for noone! Yeah, K. Rool is the only character who can't crouch. It REALLY doesn't help with his size problem.

Hover: No
Crawl: No
Wall jump: No
Wall cling: No
Glide: No


Standard Pose:
K. Rool stands up tall with his hands held tightly as fists.

Idle Pose:
K. Rool plucks out one of his teeth and uses it as a tooth pick, then puts the tooth back in his mouth.

K. Rool closes his eyes and marches forward, swinging his arms as he goes, his cape blowing in the wind. Arrogant and bad ***.

K. Rool opens his eyes, but otherwise the pose stays the same.

K. Rool stops bothering with the bad *** look and runs forward full force, pumping his arms as he runs, just like his running animation in his first boss fight.

As stated in the crouch section, K. Rool has no crouch. If you hold down on the control stick while K. Rool is standing in place, he'll turn to face the camera and shake his fist at the player trying to force him into such a lowly position.

First Jump:
K. Rool lifts his hands above his head and springs up for an impressive first jump, just like his jump in his DKC boss fight.

Second Jump:
K. Rool swipes his arms downwards once to propell himself up slightly.

K. Rool puts up his arms in front of himself to block as the standard bubble shield forms.

Spot Dodge:
K. Rool decides to lean towards the camera rather than lean into the background, unlike the other characters. This causes him to block the action slightly as he does so.

K. Rool just sort of slides in the button input you directed, much like Dedede's roll. K. Rool's cape blows to cover over him a good deal during this "roll" to provide him with more protection.

Air Dodge:
Like his spot dodge, K. Rool leans towards the camera to show off his amazing presence.

K. Rool falls over on his side and his crown falls off his head. He hugs his crown like a teddy bear as he sleeps, snuggling up against it.

K. Rool holds his hand over his face in a pose like a facepalm as he staggers about. With his other hand, K. Rool holds his crown steady.


>~~ MOVESET ~~<

>~~ SPECIALS ~~<

Neutral Special - Crown Boomerang

The king's signature attack. This is all but mandatory. K. Rool takes his crown off his head, then if you're holding B will angle his arm to throw his crown in whatever direction you choose. K. Rool will keep angling as long as you hold down B. If you don't hold it down at all, he'll throw it forwards.

In any case, this has below average starting lag. After throwing the crown, it will travel the length of half of Final Destination before returning to the king, being disjointed and around half the size of Kirby. Contact with the crown does 8% and below average knockback. K. Rool cannot move while the crown flies through the air, but it goes very fast, the speed of Captain Falcon's run even. Below average ending lag is present when K. Rool puts back on his crown.

After the crown is thrown, you can hold B once more for the crown to keep going out farther then the normal distance. The crown will keep going out as long as you hold B. There's no limit to how far the crown can go, but it still has to come back to K. Rool before he can do anything. Used well, this can be used to shatter enemy approaches and edge guard with ease from the safety of the stage, but it's far from a tool that can be used for camping and is potentially very punishable. Should K. Rool be hit while his crown is away from him, the crown will simply vanish and reappear on his head.

Side Special - Blunderbuss Shot

K. Rool takes out his blunderbuss (A large cannon) from Donkey Kong Country 2 and shoots a disjointed cannonball the size of Kirby forward with average lag on both ends. The cannonball goes forward very quickly, but is actually affected by gravity, unlike most projectiles. If fired from the ground, it will go forward the length of half of Battlefield, although you could get slightly more distance if you short hop and use the move (Not much, the cannonball has hefty fall speed).

Contact with the disjointed cannonball while it's flying through the air does 10% and average knockback, however; the cannonball doesn't vanish when hitting the ground. Instead, spikes will come out of the cannonball in a fashion much like the Unira item. The cannonball will stay out for an impressive 30 seconds and deal the same 10% damage/knockback to anyone who comes up to it. . .Including K. Rool. If K. Rool fires another cannonball, the old one vanishes.

On the whole the projectile part of the attack is too laggy and inferrior to your neutral special, while K. Rool is more likely to be made a victim of the spiked cannonball due to him being so slow. The down special; however, makes there be a point in using this move.

Up Special - Helicopter Pack

K. Rool's helicopter pack from Donkey Kong Country 3 appears on his back, but before he uses it he takes out a remote control and starts fiddling around with it. A thought bubble will then appear K. Rool's head with 5 random button inputs shown in it, and you must press all 5 (Whatever you push won't effect what K. Rool is doing atm) of them in order quickly for the recovery to work, otherwise K. Rool's helicopter pack will explode and deal him 5% damage, sending him into his helpless state.

Should you succesfully push the buttons, the helicopter pack will actually start spinning about, propelling K. Rool. Due to the Kremling King's weight, though, it is unable to make him go any higher and thus simply makes him extremely floaty, making the recovery resemble Peach's up B. The spinning blade slowing the king's descent though is far more menacing than Peach's parasol, doing 10 hits of 1% and flinching per second. K. Rool can also perform other attacks while his helicopter pack is out, greatly helping his aerial game. The pack will stay out for a bit after you're done using it like Mario's FLUDD.

As an actual recovery, it's worse then Peach's what with the requirement to start it up and the fact that he keeps falling while he's fiddling with the controls, making him have very bad vertical recovery. While K. Rool is great at gimping, he himself is also a prime targe to be gimped, the startup part of the move begging to be interrupted. If K. Rool is hit out of the move while inputting commands into his remote control, he'll get electrocuted for an additional 5% damage.

Down Special - Blunderbuss Suction

K. Rool takes out his blunderbuss just like in his side special for above average startup lag. Cloned special move? WTF! Hardly. Instead of shooting out a cannonball, K. Rool's blunderbuss starts pushing out air at fast speeds. K. Rool will keep doing this for as long as you hold B. If you press the direction K. Rool isn't facing (ex: Right if you're facing left), then K. Rool will instead have the gun suck forwards in towards himself. To make the air push away from you again, press the direction K. Rool is facing. K. Rool is very vulnerable from behind due to being unable to turn around or even move while sucking with the blunderbuss, and he suffers above average lag if he wants to come out of the move.

This on it's own does no damage whatsoever. The range of the suction is about double that of Dedede's neutral B, and the pull away/towards K. Rool is just as strong. The most obvious use this has is for gimping recoveries by pushing away, but you can't aim the blunderbuss like you can K. Rool's crown and this is considerably more laggy, making this a worse option.

What good is this then? Well, you can suck foes into the blunderbuss like Dedede's neutral B, then walk around with them inside the blunderbuss like said move, except you can still attack and move at normal speeds. If you use the side B with somebody in your cannon, they'll be shot out as a human projectile that does the same damage/knockback as a cannonball, taking 10% themselves. If you use down B, they'll be shot out the distance of two battlefield platforms from the force of the wind, meaning you can jump out from the stage then shoot them out even farther. Better yet, you could simply jump off the stage and suicide with them. Still, it's only as hard to escape as Dedede's neutral B, so whatever you intend to do, do it fast.

The blunderbuss can sucks up items, and if you suck up an explosive the blunderbuss will explode, covering K. Rool in soot for 5% damage, him shaking it off angrily. The blunderbuss can even suck up enemy projectiles, giving K. Rool a decent defense against camping, although the lag on the move makes it far from ideal. More notably, K. Rool can also suck up his own cannonballs fired from his side B. If K. Rool sucks up an extra cannonball, he'll fire two at once when he next uses his side B. However, the cannonballs are hard to suck up, being very heavy, and thus float through the wind considerably before coming to the cannon. This can be used to form a barrier in front of you as the cannonball whizzes about in front of you.


Standard Attack - Finger Lickin' Good
For the first two hits of the combo, K. Rool does two generic slashes forward that are identical to those from Bowser's neutral A combo. However, there is a third part of the combo to set this apart from Bowser's standard attack.

After getting his claws bloody from slashing up his foes (Obviously not being seen), K. Rool quickly sucks each of his claws, one by one. K. Rool first sucks the claws on his left hand, then his right. If K. Rool didn't hit with the first two strikes, this does nothing whatsoever. . .but if he did, each claw K. Rool sucks will heal him of 1%. If K. Rool only hit with one of his two hands (Thus one of the two hits of Bowser's neutral A combo), only the claws on that hand will heal him. It takes a half a second to suck each claw, and due to the low knockback of the first two hits you'll very rarely have a chance to heal for more than 2-3%, much less the full 10%.

Dashing Attack - Bull Charge
K. Rool tilts his head downwards so his crown is facing forwards as he runs. How does it stay on? Is it freaking attached with glue? Anyway, during this time the crown is a disjointed hitbox that does 8% and below average knockback. You can keep the crown in this position for as long by holding A and still feel free to keep running forwards, but as soon as you do anything other than run or turn around you'll automatically be knocked out of this move with below average ending lag, but it's notable enough to not always have the crown facing forwards. Due to K. Rool's height, the crown will miss shorter foes completely, but against taller ones this can be used as a good way to approach.

>~~ TILTS ~~<

Forward Tilt - Royal Cape
K. Rool swings his cape forward in a motion just like Meta Knight does in his final smash, but much more quickly, not trying to look like a bad ***. The cape is disjointed and stretches out quite far, 1.5X Bowser's width away from K. Rool. This has little starting lag, but slight ending lag as K. Rool gets his cape back into position.

This reflects non energy based projectiles, but this move can't be spammed all that well due to the lag, meaning it's not good enough to prevent enemy camping. If this hits a foe, it flips them like Mario's side B and does 8%. This is harder to throw out then Mario's side B due to lag, but it's range can be used to destroy enemy approaches when used correctly. Due to being unable to use this move in the air, this can't be used to gimp like Mario's side B, but if a foe just barely isn't going to make it to the stage, a ftilt from the edge of the stage may be all they need to be sent to their doom thanks to the long reach of the cape.

Up Tilt - K. Rool's Family Jewels
K. Rool takes out the jewel in the front of his crown and inspects it, eyeing it closely. After a moment of average starting lag, K. Rool rolls his eyes and carelessly tosses it away behind himself without a second thought, taking out a new jewel to replace the old one he deemed unfit for below average ending lag. The tossed jewel travels in a rainbow arc behind K. Rool, going up around the height of Mario and going the length of a battlefield platform and a half, vanishing upon touching the ground. Contact with the disjointed jewel at any time does 5% and a flinch.

This is a very awkward projectile to hit with, particularly with the lag, so what's the point in this attack? Well, every time K. Rool uses this move, he takes out a bigger jewel that he puts into the front of the crown. Each jewel K. Rool takes out does 3% more damage and slightly more knockback, as well as increasing in size. The sixth time you use the move, K. Rool will throw away a jewel 75% the size of Kirby that does 20% damage with above average knockback. Nice! However, after throwing away this massive jewel, K. Rool will pull out a regular small jewel and put it into his crown, starting the cycle over again. The best use of this move would be to spam it to build up to a bigger jewel, then face away from the platform when the foe is recovering and casually toss down a large jewel to gimp them, but it's not really worth the trouble when you already have the far more usable neutral B.

Down Tilt - Down and Dirty
K. Rool, from his standing upright position (He has no crouch. . .He kneels for noone!), chomps down in front of him, his jaws having good range and priority. If he hits anyone as he chomps down, he does 12-13% with slightly above average knockback. This has below average start up lag and is easy to hit with. . .But should K. Rool miss, his jaws will go into the ground and get stuck in them briefly, him literally eating dirt. This causes a few dirt particles to slide forward for 5 hits of 1% and flinching, but they're very weak and low priority despite being disjointed. K. Rool has terrible ending lag as he raises his jaws up out of the ground and coughs/hacks a bit. This isn't a move to just throw out anywhere.

However, it should be noted that this move can be spammed when your foe isn't present to dirty up your teeth from the dirt you chomp up, increasing the speed of your fair by 3% each time you use it for a maximum of 45%. This is very laggy, so it's hard to speed up the otherwise laggy fair strictly with dtilts. Read the fair for more info.


Ledge Attack - Tail Sweep
K. Rool gets up onto the stage at a quick pace, not doing any damage as he does so. K. Rool then turns to face away from the camera and sweeps his tail towards the ledge to try to push foes off it. This does 6% and small set knockback. Bad priority, decent range, great for a ledge attack.

Ledge Attack Over 100% - Stumbling Rocks
K. Rool slowly struggles his way up onto the platform. While he does get the obligatory invincibility frames from ledge attacks as he climbs up, he does nothing to harm enemies as he does so, and his climb up is rather laggy. What's the point of using this over just jumping/rolling onto the platform? As K. Rool's legs flail about as he tries to get up, he kicks a few rocks off the platform. These do below average knockback and 6%, and go at random angles. They can be anywhere from the size of a Smart Bomb to Kirby, and are all disjointed. There can be as many as 5 rocks or as few as 3. These can be used to form a wall against those trying to recover, but it's more likely to help them back then anything else due it giving them back their jumps.

Rising Attack (Either side, first use) - Play Dead
K. Rool holds his neck in pain with one hand as he lets out choking noises and reaches up to the sky with his other hand. His crazy eye twitches violentely and his crown falls off during this attack for more dramatic effect. This does not cause K. Rool to rise, unlike the typical rising attack, and he stays perfectly still after it. This causes anybody within Bowser's width on either side of K. Rool to taunt in celebration due to thinking they've finally defeated K. Rool. Quick, get up and hit them with one of your moves that actually aren't laggy! You're not down yet! This has infinite priority to hit foes on the ground, but you can get around this by short hopping and hitting K. Rool with an fair, unless you're cursed with air taunts.

Still, your enemies aren't entirely stupid. They're not gonna fall for this trick twice. Even if some idiot would fall for it twice, like, say, Kirby, K. Rool won't even try this a second time, giving them enough credit to not fall for it twice. If you use a rising attack after using this one, it'll be a different one.

Rising Attack (Either side, uses beyond the first) - Lunge for the Kill
K. Rool suddenly and without warning (Tiny starting lag) lunges forward the distance of a Battlefield platform, his claws held out in front of him, slashing down as he goes. His claws are a hitbox during the whole duration of the move, and if he hits anyone along the way does 10% and average knockback. Otherwise, he fumbles to the ground at the end of his lunge for horrible ending lag. This is great to use against foes you just got to taunt in front of you with your old rising attack. They'll never see it coming. Just be careful not to use this too close to the edge, as this move WILL let you leap off if you're not careful (Although it won't leave you helpless, thank god).

Note that this attack has worse starting lag on K. Rool's back due to him not being in the prime position, boosting it up to average. This is only worth using when you're already ready to pounce on your prey on your belly.

Tripped Attack - Dust Off
K. Rool gets up from his tripped position and dusts himself off. How rude of the enemy to knock him down! K. Rool quickly dusts himself off in an arrogant matter as he rises up, his eyes closed and his head held high. This causes two clouds of dust the size of Wario to come off on either side of K. Rool. This pushes foes away in a fashion like Mario's FLUDD, and the clouds of dust last 5 seconds or until attacked, obscuring vision. This is very fast, and while it doesn't damage enemies, it at least gets them away from you.

>~~ SMASHES ~~<

Forward Smash - Torro, Torro!
K. Rool takes off his cape and holds it out in front of him for the charging animation, then upon releasing the charge he whips the cape away to reveal an anvil (Around the size of Kirby) behind it! Guess K. Rool took a trip to mexico recently. . .This has no starting lag whatsoever besides a tiny bit for the charging animation to start up. K. Rool will put back on his cape over the course of a second, during which time the anvil is a disjointed hitbox that does 21-22% with above average knockback, or 27-28% with great knockback fully charged, bordering on unholy. This is pretty easy to hit with and a good way to punish foes who whiff an attack right in front of you, but you're likely to get punished if you miss.

Up Smash - Highlight of the Fight
K. Rool takes out one of the massive lights (Around the size of Marth) from his arena in his DK64 boss battle, getting on his tip topes to try to hang it up as he charges. Upon releasing the charge, K. Rool lets the light go for below average lag. If the top of the light was up against a cieling (Such as a Battlefield platform), the light will hang down from it and emit a beam of light downwards from it's position. Anybody caught in the light will be stunned save K. Rool, but the light can be taken down quite easily, having a mere 10 (20 charged) stamina. The lowest elevation required to place a light on would be, say, placing it on the bottom of the top platform of Battlefield.

However, more often then not there won't be a cieling for K. Rool to attach the light to. So what happens then? The light falls down on top of K. Rool, covering up his upper torso and head, his arms popping out the sides of the light, making him look like quite the idiot.

K. Rool will run forwards at double his running speed after the light falls on his head, turning around to run the other way should he run into a wall/edge (God knows how he knows when to stop). K. Rool has super armor during this time and does 19-20% damage and above average knockback on contact with anyone. He'll run about for 2 seconds, 3 seconds fully charged. After running about the full duration of the move, K. Rool pulls the light off the stuck position over himself for horrendous ending lag, still having super armor, but this being a great chance to rack damage on him. There is a brief window of lag after K. Rool takes it off where he doesn't have super armor and still can't move, so if you time it just right, you could get a fully charged fsmash off on K. Rool. This is best used in FFAs, the lag making it unusable in one on one fights unless you're abusing the super armor frames.

As a small nod to K. Rool's DK64 boss fight, he'll have even more ending lag and the move will get cut off early if he runs over a banana peel. Make sure you don't use this move against Diddy.

Down Smash - Tail Chaser
K. Rool eyes his tail and licks his lips for the charging animation, then upon releasing the charge he runs around in circles, chasing his tail (He doesn't leave his position gameplay wise, him chasing his tail in place.). K. Rool's mouth is the (above average priority) hitbox as he spins about in place, meaning there's no hitbox at all when K. Rool faces away from the screen as he spins about in place. K. Rool keeps this up for a second and a half, unless he hits someone, in which case he'll bite them and end the move early for 19-20% and above average knockback (24-25% with great knockback fully charged). Otherwise, K. Rool will finally actually catch his tail, biting it and yelping out in pain as he has bad ending lag. This has low start up lag, but is very punishable and even has a few open frames in the main attack itself as K. Rool's head is in the background. This is better used to punish your foe when you have a brief moment rather then defensively, unlike the typical dsmash.

>~~ AERIALS ~~<

Neutral Aerial - Belly Launcher
K. Rool turns to face the screen, and does two light swipes on either side of him with each arm for pathetic priority and average range. These do a pathetic 1% with tiny set knockback that reels foes in to the king. K. Rool then puffs out his belly as a trampoline like sound is heard, doing 15% and above average knockback with good priority, his belly obviously being the hitbox. While K. Rool puffs his chest out instantly after the first part of the nair is done, he's a bit laggy with reeling his foes in with the first two swipes. The attack also has notable (Average) ending lag. Whatever you do, don't short hop this. The landing lag is ridiculous.

Forward Aerial - Feeding Frenzy
K. Rool reels back his head to give the move notable starting lag, a tad bit worse then Bowser's uair even, then chomps forward for good range and priority and 17-18% with great knockback. This on it's own is a horribly impractical move. . .But if by some miracle you actually manage to hit with this, the lag decreases by around 15% as K. Rool craves the test of his enemy's flesh for the rest of the match on the move. You can reduce the lag by up to 45% to make this move nearly as fast as Bowser's fair but with superior range, priority, and power if you hit with it three times. While this is useless at first, it can become one of the single best parts of your arsenal. You can remember how much K. Rool has tasted by how dirthy his teeth are, them getting nastier with each chomp until he does so three times.

The dtilt can also be used as an alternate method to dirty up K. Rool's teeth (See the dtilt for details), not requiring he hit anyone with a move, but this is a very slow method. Still, it's probably better to speed it up enough to get this move to hit at all with the dtilt before trying to get this move up to it's full potential by hitting with this move.

Back Aerial - Un-nerving Grimace
K. Rool turns his head around 180 like an owl and lets out a creepy grimace, it all looking very unnerving and unnatural. A slight cracking noise is heard as K. Rool's head spins around, his eye twitching violetently from the pain. The turning around of K. Rool's head gives the move average start up lag. Anyway, K. Rool's his teeth shine briefly as he grimaces, causing a small flash of light the size of Kirby to appear in front of him which is the hitbox (Disjointed of course). This hitbox does nothing whatsoever if it doesn't hit the foe's eye level, but if it does it'll send them into their helpless state. If you short hop this aerial to hit a foe on the ground, they become dizzy. The ending lag on this move is thankfully brief as K. Rool's head snaps back into place.

This can be used to gimp a foe's recovery, but has to be aimed PERFECTLY, particularly on human characters who actually have rather small heads (In comparison to the rest of the cast).

If K. Rool's teeth are dirtied up to decrease the lag of his fair by 15% or more, then his teeth will be too nasty to emit a shine. Instead, K. Rool will let out some nasty breath the size of Kirby that does 10 hits of 1% and flinching over a second, the last doing average knockback. The breath vanishes as soon as it does all it's hits, but K. Rool is free to move after he breathes it out. As K. Rool's teeth get more dirty, the size of the bad breath that comes out increases, potentially getting up to the size of Bowser if K. Rool's teeth get disgusting enough. The weak version of this move is inferrior to gimping recoveries, but the sheer size of the hitbox of the larger versions make the move more appealing at high power. Still, you have to actually think about sacrificing the regular bair for the new version when dirtying up your teeth. It's not 100% positive.

Up Aerial - Eyeing Vengeance
K. Rool turns to face the screen and he lets out an angry roar as his crazy eye starts twitching and pulsing. It swells up to a large size, doubling it's normal size and becoming a low priority hitbox that does 5-6% and tiny upward knockback. Low lag on both ends, but it's too weak and the range and priority are too pitiful to consider using.

However, if K. Rool is losing, he'll get more pissed when he uses this attack, wanting vengeance, causing his eye to swell up bigger. This causes his eye size to triple, being around the size of a poke ball, and boosts it's power to 10% with average knockback.

If K. Rool is losing by more than one stock or is in a lower position than second in a free for all, his eye will swell to the size of Kirby and do 13-14% with slightly above average knockback, still lag free, a welcome addition to the king's arsenal.

If K. Rool is somehow still not dead when behind more than two stocks or is in dead last in a FFA, his eye will swell to the size of Wario, doing fully fledged above average knockback and 16-17% damage, still lag free. Holy crap! That's insane!

The catch to all these moves is the eye has absurdly low priority no matter how big it gets. Any attack, even a projectile, will cancel it out, causing it to deflate like a balloon and causing K. Rool to hold it briefly, having terrible lag, then going into his helpless state. The low lag may encourage you to abuse this attack, but you'll pay the price if you do.

Down Aerial - Ground Pound

K. Rool turns to face the screen and gets into a pose like Bowser's down special, then plummets towards the ground, his body becoming a high priority hitbox. K. Rool falls a bit less quickly then Bowser does in his down special, but it's still a typical stall then fall. K. Rool does 15% and spikes anyone he comes into contact with, but unlike the typical stall then fall dair, K. Rool won't stop if he hits anyone, meaning if he intends to spike someone he'll be comitting suicide (Although you can grab the ledge out of this move like Bowser's down B if you go right next to it as you fall).

What use is the move then? If you land on the ground with it, it has typical bad ending lag like Bowser's down B, but green shockwaves will come out from K. Rool like those in his boss fight from DK64. The shockwaves are disjointed and go out the width of Bowser from K. Rool. Each shockwave does 5% and flinching with the last doing average knockback. How many shockwaves come out? It depends on how far K. Rool fell through the air. There'll be another shockwave for every Marth distance he falls, him getting one automatically. This can be used as a great damage racker if you go high into the air and space it just perfectly for the shockwaves to hit, but this will rarely work properly.

>~~ THROWS ~~<

Grab - Tail Lasso
K. Rool extends out his tail and bends it slightly to try to capture somebody in it, then reels it back to himself. The tail reaches out the distance of three quarters of a Battlefield Platform and has the usual awkward lag on it for a long range grab. This grab is quite awkward in the fact that it's actually aimed behind K. Rool rather than in front of him like all other grabs. This cannot be used as a tether recovery, as K. Rool is far too fat to hang merely by his tail.

Pummel - Bind
K. Rool squeezes the foe in his tail. 1%, but INSANELY spammable.

Forward Throw - Swamp Mud
K. Rool grabs the foe out of his tail with his bare hands, then slams them to the ground and stomps on them for 5% and to implant them in the ground like the pitfall item or DK's side special. He next goes to pounce on them like Dedede's dthrow, doing 10% and average knockback. The thing is, K. Rool does this much laggier then Dedede's dthrow, and it's possible for foes at low percentages to button mash out and avoid this hit, leaving K. Rool to slam his butt down onto the ground for horrible ending lag. This throw has the most kill potential out of K. Rool's, so use this one at high percents.

Back Throw - Dizzy Spin
K. Rool brings the foe up close to him and wraps his tail around the foe fully, then unravels it quickly and slashes them away for 5% damage. This causes them to spin away a set distance (Half of Battlefield, though they won't go off the edge), then become dizzy at the end of it as if they broke their shield. This has bad ending lag for K. Rool, so unless the foe is at high percentages and thus have a hard time breaking out of their dizzy states, K. Rool will be unable to punish them. At high percents though, this can be a good set up for a kill. Once you're at really high percents, say, 100%, you could chain grab bthrows before the foe could recover from the stun, but there's not much point in it seeing they already have 100%.

Up Throw - Seismic Toss
K. Rool grabs the foe out of his tail and holds them against his body. He then does a massive leap up into the air the height of Dedede's up special, his body becoming a hitbox that functions just like in Dedede's up special to other players as he crashes back down to earth, albeit the stars that appear on either side of Dedede don't appear for K. Rool. K. Rool lets the foe go as he crashes back down, doing 10% and average diagonal knockback. This is useless for 1v1, but creates an interesting hitbox to take advantage of in FFAs.

Down Throw - Tail Chomp
K. Rool turns around to chomp the foe he has wrapped up in his tail, doing a broken 17%, 1%more then Dedede's broken bthrow, and small set knockback. However; K. Rool also bites his tail in the process of this, causing him to yelp out in pain and do 5% damage to himself, meaning you gain only 12% on your foe with this throw.


Final Smash - K. Rool's Lair

The screen zooms in on K. Rool as he uses the Smash Ball. He gets into a sitting position and we can see the throne from his lair forming underneath him, then the camera zooms out to show that the stage has changed completely into K. Rool's lair (His throne room to be precise) from DK64. K. Rool is in the center of the background in his throne, while the view of the ocean (And the steering wheel in the picture) are seen on the left. This "stage" has no cieling (Or rather it does, but it's so high that foes can still be KOd off the top), but has walls on either side. This final smash lasts a lengthy 30 seconds, and K. Rool has a moveset of sorts that he can do to assault the intruders in his lair, all without leaving the comfort of his throne or the safety of the background.

A - Summon Guards
K. Rool rapidly mashes a button on his throne and yells out "GUARDS!" for 5 Kremlings to run in from the background and into the fight. They have 30 stamina each, and can attack with claw swipes for 10% and average knockback or bites for 12% and above average knockback. Their attacks have decent range and are rather speedy, the swipe being slightly faster. These are weak on their own, but are a threat in numbers. Using this move again when guards are already out will do nothing. Players will want to kill 4 of the guards, then let the fifth stick around so K. Rool can't summon more. However; K. Rool has methods of destroying this 5th Kremling should players refuse to should he want more guards. . .

A Side - Spikey Defense Mechanism
K. Rool presses a button on his throne and spikes come out of the walls on either side and stay out for 3 seconds. Contact with these spikes do 10% and average knockback away from them. Nothing too threatening. . .On it's own. . .Used in combination with the A Down, this is very useful.

A Up - Battle Presence
K. Rool leaps off his throne and comes out of the background to join the battle himself. He isn't stregthened at all, so this isn't recommended, but if you already have a bunch of Kremlings out to help you and your foe is already at a high percent, this could be a decent way to finish them off. Beware though that you can't go back into your precious throne after coming out of it, thus having no more access to the moveset of sorts the final smash gives you.

A Down - Closing In
K. Rool presses a button on his throne and the walls start closing in on foes slowly. The walls will keep closing in on as long as you hold A, and you can use this in combination with the A side for devasting results. The walls close in at half the speed of Ganondorf's walk, making this very long, and whenever you stop holding A they start retracting at the same speed. K. Rool can close the base in entirely to get a guaranteed KO, but he'll KO himself in the process and cause the final smash to end. Still, if you're ahead of your foe in stock and they only have one stock left, this is the best option to use.

B - King's Dinner
K. Rool's stomach growls. He hastily claps his hands for a Kremling to come in carrying a steak on a silver platter. Occasionally while K. Rool is waiting he'll mumble to himself "I wonder what's for dinner. . .". This takes around 5 seconds. When K. Rool's dinner arrives, he hastily scarfs it down, healing himself of 35% damage. This is great to use when your foes are already busy with one of your other traps.

B Side - Crank the Wheel
K. Rool doesn't actually do anything for this move, rather the Kremlings next to the wheel and the Klaptrap powering it. If you input this as B Right, the Kremling on the right points to the right and says the direction, and visa versa. The Klap Trap running in the wheel will then starts running in that direction, causing the arena to start tilting in that direction as the ship turns. If you spam this, the tilt can get very severe, causing K. Rool to groan in pain. If you try to tilt it beyond this, K. Rool lets out an aggravated cry as his men at the wheel, causing them to tilt the ship back to normal. This is best used for sending your foes into various other traps.

B Up - Updraft
K. Rool presses a button on his controls, then fans appear in the floor and start blowing upwards. Players will slowly be sent upwards at around the speed of Ganondorf's walk, and combat is extremely floaty. This only lasts 5 seconds, not long enough to KO foes off the top, but if foes were already up high this could be enough to finish them. When multiple foes are fighting, this is also likely to increase the chaos between them.

B Down - Floor Trap
K. Rool presses a button on his controls, then the floor shortly after gives out. This lasts for 3 seconds, and foes must use their recoveries to stay above ground during this period or fall to their doom. Use this if some idiot made themselves go into helpless for w/e reason. Don't throw this out randomly, as it will kill all Kremlings you have currently summoned. K. Rool cannot use his B down when his up B is in effect or visa versa.

The various moves on their own are rarely all that good on their own, but used in combination over the long duration of the final smash can prove to be deadly. This final smash requires some actual thought in order to KO your enemies, but it's far from underpowered.

K. Rool is a rarity in heavyweights: He can actually approach and prevent foes from approaching, and quite well at that. He can be where he wants to be, should he play intelligently. While this might seem broken when coupled with his power, if a fast foe should get right up in K. Rool's face, he's dead meat. No literally, he is dead meat, as he'll be making up a delicious meal of combo food for the small fast character. K. Rool is the largest character in the game, meaning it's absurdly easy for someone like Fox or Shiek to come up to him and utilt him in mass for over 50% damage, or for even Ganondorf to dtilt his percentage up.

So long as you keep your foes just in your reach and not directly in your face with K. Rool's thankfully not horrendously slow arsenal, he'll fare quite well. K. Rool needs to keep up the pressure on his enemy to keep them where he wants, as otherwise they'll devour all that fatty combo potential like no tomorrow. To make up for being so vulnerable to this, K. Rool can do more then simply KO like the typical heavyweight. K. Rool is the only heavyweight save the utterly broken Dedede who can actually edgeguard worth a ****, what with his projectiles and his actually half decent aerial game. On the flipside, K. Rool begs to be gimped by the small fast characters he already loathes when trying to recover.

All in all, matches against K. Rool are rather frantically paced. He goes down awkwardly fast for a heavyweight what with how fast his damage potential racks up and how easy he is to gimp, but he's just as great at killing you off with his sheer power and gimping. There's little breathing room for either side to let up on here, K. Rool can't let foes get in close while foes will have to take advantage of K. Rool's limited lag the best they can. K. Rool mainers should always be prepared for heated match ups.


>~~EXTRAS ~~<

>~~ Extra Animations ~~<

Up Taunt - Sinister Laughter
K. Rool folds his arms and laughs evily as his cape blows in the wind. What? He needs a good evil pose! Bowser could've really used something that was, y'know, actually evil. . .

Side Taunt - King of the Jungle
Lions rule the wilds? Pah! K. Rool lets out a mighty roar towards the foe, sounding load and menacing. If this taunt is spammed, however, K. Rool's voice my ocasionally croak out and he'll end up letting out a wimpy roar and smiling stupidly, trying to get foes to forget his little screw up.

Down Taunt - Crowd Pleaser
K. Rool turns to the audience and raises up his gloves, shouting out "YEEEEE-AH, THANK YOU!". If done when the crowd is chanting for K. Rool, this will increase the duration they will do so. He showboated like this a lot in his DK64 boss fight. . .

Entrance - Overdone Entrance
K. Rool is lowered down from a wire like when he enters his boxing arena in DK64. He does his down taunt as he's slowly lowered down.

Win Pose 1 - Taking a Bow
K. Rool takes off his crown and bows before the camera.

Win Pose 2 - Disgruntled Minion
A Kritter, one of K. Rool's most basic soldiers, is seen alongside K. Rool. Both are waving out to the crowd, the Kritter with both hands, K. Rool with one hand on his hip while he waves with the other. After a while of this, he turns to the Kritter and yells "Back to work!" for the Kritter go off screen and mumble under it's breath while K. Rool continues waving to the crowd.

Win Pose 3 - Oversized Crown
K. Rool has a crown twice his normal size on, looking up at it awkwardly. He decides it's too big for him and throws it away, taking out his regular one and putting it back on. As he does this, however, the crown comes back to him like a boomerang and smacks him across the face, knocking him unconscious. A fine "victory" pose indeed. . .

Loss Pose - Eye Roll
K. Rool rolls his eyes as he claps, only trying to keep up his image by applauding the victor.

>~~ Kirby Hat - King K. Kirby ~~<

Kirby gets K. Rool's crazy eye and crown upon copying him. It would be far too undignified to have a mere rip off of the Yoshi hat! Kirby can use K. Rool's crown toss neutral special, and his utilt is replaced with K. Rool's Family Jewels (K. Rool's utilt). Why does Kirby need the utilt? He's King K. Kirby! What is a king without his family jewels? Certainly not a manly one, as there would be nobody to carry on his royal line.

>~~ Snake Codec Conversation ~~<

Snake: So I'm watching this overgrown psychotic aligator. . .He's talking about his blood fued with a bunch of apes. It sounds like his fat butt can't do anything. . .
Otacon: Don't underestimate him Snake. He may be slow, but he packs one heck of a punch, and he isn't nearly as slow as some of the other kings you've faced.
Snake: Good. . .That last fight against the overgrown turtle was -too- easy.
Otacon: Your best bet would be in to get up close and to keep the pressure up on him Snake. You can't be relying too much on your explosives against this guy, as he does just fine when at a distance.
Snake: Guess I'll get to put all that physical combat training into use.
Otacon: Yeah. Have you gotten your muscles back into joint yet? The blow the Koopa King gave you still hasn't healed.
Snake: No. . .My arms are still disjointed. Guess I'll still have to win with my broken disjointed bones and my hit up boxes. . .
Otacon: Heh. . .Don't worry. I don't think you'll have it too bad.
Snake: What makes you say that?
Otacon: Nothing. . .
Snake: . . .

-End Transmission-

>~~ Assist Trophy - Klubba ~~<

Klubba stands in place and pats his club in his hand, being slightly less wide then K. Rool but slightly taller. He stands in place for 20 seconds, doing nothing if nobody comes into contact with him. If they do however, Klubba will do one of two attacks. Klubba's first attack is to thwack them enemies with his club (It's disjointed, but Klubba is invincible, so it doesn't matter) for massive range and 25% with amazing knockback. Klubba's alternate attack is to grab a foe, then shake them up and down to cause coins to fly everywhere (He's making them pay their toll), dealing them an insane 40% damage but no knockback. In coin matches, foes will actually lose the coins that get shaken out of them, the coins being more then props. Klubba is a very rare and powerful assist trophy. Do your best to knock foes into him and stay close to him at all times.

>~~ Stage - Krool Arena ~~<

What? You wanted Gangplank Galleon? But that would be a boring stage!

This stage is slightly changed to work for Smash. The outside of the arena is a bottomless pit, there only being stands for the crowd in the background. This stage is around the length of Final Destination and has a cieling, meaning vertical KOs are impossible. Due to the stringy ropes blocking you, it's also very hard to knock foes out horizontally, as they must go over the ropes. The ledge can be grabbed despite the barrier ropes, but you'll have to jump over the ropes to be back into the arena, and doing a ledge attack against the ropes will just send you back over the edge. If a foe is knocked into the spriny ropes, they'll be knocked away with the same knockback in the opposite direction, meaning plenty of chaos is in this arena. No, you can't chain grab against the ropes, as the foe will get bounced too far away from them when you try to use the ropes like a wall.

There are four spotlights on the cieling just like the ones in K. Rool's usmash. They're all dimly lit by default, but on ocassion one of them will crackle slightly before becoming fully light, firing a ray of light down onto the arena that stuns foes just like the light in K. Rool's usmash. The ray of light lasts like this for 30 seconds, then the light becomes dislodged and falls down onto the arena. Anyone hit by it will take 18-19% damage and hefty knockback, although if K. Rool is by it he won't take any damage/knockback and will start running back and forth with it on his head like in his usmash. This is defenitely a great stage for the king to pick.

A few other more obscure easter eggs are on this stage. If K. Rool does his down taunt, his crowd chant will automatically start up. If this is played in a timed match, then the counter will end at 8 seconds rather then zero as the kremling judges in the background rapidly bang the bells. If K. Rool is defeated in stamina mode on this stage, the Kremling judges will also rapidly try to bang the bells and an announcer will start counting up to 10 to see if K. Rool's out. The kremlings will successfully bang the bells on the count of 8 and the announcer will yell out "Saved by the bell!", but this has no effect on the battle and K. Rool will still lose.

Stage Music:
K. Rool Duel
K. Rool’s Intentions
Thrash the Plank
Chekan Winter
Simian Symphony Part 1
Bad Boss Boogie
Frantic Factory

>~~ Alternate Costumes ~~<

-Default (Green team)
-Red skin, green cape (Red team)
-Navy blue skin, silver cape (Blue team)
-White skin, gold cape
-Black skin, white cape
-Orange skin, red cape

Can you really say you'd be satisfied with mere color swaps when this king has so many costumes to choose from? All three of his other main indentities are present here, and they even have a few different moves when you change the costumes! These moves are specifically the ftilt, utilt, and fsmash, although the neutral B changes very slightly also with each version. Below are the costumes available, and they also have their own color swaps like Wario's overalls.

>~~ Kaptain K. Rool ~~<

Alternate Colors:
-Default (Green team)
-Blue skin, black coat (Blue team)
-Red skin, blood red coat (Red team)
-Pale undead skin, black coat
-White skin, gold coat
-Orange skin, normal coat (Resmbles Kaptain Skurvy)

Neutral Special - Kaptain's Hat
K. Rool throws his hat rather then his crown. It's essentially the same, what with it being K. Rool's signature move, but does only 6% damage. It moves even faster through the air, though, making this a very speedy projectile.

Forward Tilt - Reverse Cloud
K. Rool takes out his blunderbuss and shoots a green cloud the size of Wario out of it that's disjointed and goes the length of a Battlefield platform over the course of a second before disappearing. This has below average start up, but average ending lag. Contact with the cloud does a mere 2% damage and a small flinch, but causes your controls to be reversed for 5 seconds. The cloud is not affected by gravity, so you can use this on the edge on a recovering foe to send them back just far enough to not make the ledge. Nifty!

Up Tilt - X Marks the Spot
K. Rool does a slicing motion above his head with both arms, crossing them apart for the slash. This does 7% with below average knockback with below average priority, average lag on both ends, and non note worthy range. Terrible move.

However; after 10 seconds have passed, the area K. Rool slashed will have a red X appear in the same formation as he slashed, being disjointed and doing 13-14% with average knockback. Nifty! You'll want to try to stay in the area the X is going to appear and force your enemy to approach, then grab them when the X is gonna show up. That might not be worth all the trouble, but if nothing else it can be prepared as another means to make it harder for foes to approach you, being another attack they have to avoid that can lead you into hitting with another one.

Forward Smash - Gunpowder
K. Rool takes out his blunderbuss and makes it face away from him as he charges, then upon releasing the charge misfires it so it'll shoot a bunch of gunpowder out the back end. Unlike in his down special, he's not the one who's gonna be hit by it this time. This has slightly below average start up lag with average ending lag as K. Rool turns the blunderbuss about and puts it away. The amount of gunpowder that comes out is a cloud around the size of Bowser that does 19%, 26% charged. However, this does no knockback, as the foe merely shakes the gunpowder off angrily. While this causes the foe a bit of lag, K. Rool's ending lag prevents him from punishing the foe, it just being an animation. This costume robs K. Rool of a kill move, but he's a heavyweight. He's not in dire need of them.

>~~ Baron K. Roolenstein ~~<

Alternate Colors:
-Default (Green team)
-Blue lab coat (Blue team)
-Red lab coat (Red team)
-Black lab coat
-Gold lab coat
-Brown lab coat

Neutral Special - Helicopter Hurl
K. Rool takes his helicopter off his back and throws it forward. The helicopter moves even faster then K. Rool's hat, being propelled by the copter in addition to the strength of K. Rool's throw. It does multi hit damage rather than one solid hit from the propeller, doing 5 hits of flinching and 1% per second, the last doing below average knockback. This is very easy to hit with, but it's rare you'll get all 5 hits in, and even then this is horribly weak.

Forward Tilt - Chemical Leak
K. Rool takes out a beaker and spills it's contents onto the ground in front of him. This has average start up lag as K. Rool does it carefully for whatever reason. The area K. Rool spilled the liquid from the beaker onto will cause tripping for 20 seconds or one use. This is useful as most most as this type are for setting up a more powerful move, but due it only working once and you only able to have one spot out at a time is rather annoying to make use of and not worth the trouble.

Up Tilt - Chemical Reaction
K. Rool takes out two beakers, then jolts one of them upwards to cause a drip of acid to come out of one of the beakers at random and go into the other. The chemical drop is disjointed, but very small, the size of a Deku Nut, doing 3% with tiny knockback. K. Rool will catch the chemical drop in his other beaker then put the beakers away. This move is insanely fast and spammable to make up for it's insane weakness, but that's still not really enough to use it.

If you use this move 20 times, however; a chemical reaction will occur and a massive explosion double the size of Bowser will occur over K. Rool, doing 25% and unholy knockback to anyone within the radius as well as K. Rool himself. This is an excellent move to take your foe down with you through. Should K. Rool somehow survive this, he can't cause another chemical reaction for the remainder of his stock.

Forward Smash - Mushroom Cloud Explosion

K. Rool takes out two beakers with skulls and crossbones on them filled with ominous looking red liquid as he charges, then upon releasing the smash attack he throws the beakers up into the air, them being tiny weak disjointed hitboxes that do 3% damage and flinching. The attack can be stopped during this time by attacking the beakers with any attack, and K. Rool is free to move as soon as he throws the beakers up - get the hell out of there!

Once the beakers land onto the ground, a massive explosion occurs, a trial shooting up twice the height of Ganondorf then creating a mushroom cloud 4X Bowser's width at the top. Contact with this or a bit to the sides of the trail heading up does 25% damage and insane knockback (32% with unholy knockback charged). K. Rool is perfectly vulnerable to being hit by this move, hence why he's allowed to flee from it before it occurs. This hitbox is extremely awkward to hit with, and while K. Rool isn't left open during this move, the lag of the beakers spinning about in the air prevents this from hitting most of the time. Any competent player should be able to avoid this with ease or destroy the beakers before they hit the ground, as they spin in the air for a full second before crashing down onto the ground. Better yet, grab K. Rool and throw him into the explosion!

>~~ Khampion Krusha Rool ~~<

Alternate Colors:
-Default (Green Team)
-Blue skin, green boxers, red gloves (Blue team)
-Red skin, orange boxers, orange gloves (Red team)
-Black skin, white boxers, gold gloves
-Yellow skin, teal boxers, white gloves
-Pink skin, pink boxers, pink gloves

Neutral Special - Boomerang Glove
K. Rool throws his boxing glove like a boomerang instead of his crown just like in DK64. It travels through the air a bit more slowly then the crown, but does 10% and a bit more knockback.

Forward Tilt - Toe Jab

One of K. Rool's nasty toes come out of his broken up sweaty left shoe, stabbing forward the length of half a battlefield platform for 5% and small knockback and below average knockback, but having a bit of a disjointed hitbox on the end. This has little starting lag on both ends and the range and priority make it super easy to hit with, this being an EXCELLENT move for poking and approaching.

However; each time K. Rool stabs out a toe it gets stuck outside K. Rool's shoe and turns red in pain, unable to be used again, K. Rool using a new toe the next time he uses the move. After all four toes come out K. Rool's shoe will rip apart entirely. Trying to use the move after this will cause the move to have more lag and less range and priority with no boost to power, taking away what was once a useful move.

Up Tilt - K. Rool's Family Jewels
Yeah, this move stays the same. K. Rool still has his crown, so he can still use this, but he can't use his ftilt or fsmash due to his lack of a cape. Don't fix what's not broken, aye?

Forward Smash - Final Charge
K. Rool brushes his feet as he charges the smash attack like a bull, yelling. Upon releasing the charge, he holds his arms out behind him and runs forward at a fast speed the distance of half of Battlefield at the speed of Meta Knight's run, Captain Falcon's run fully charged. Contact with K. Rool does 20% and good knockback. Totally overpowered? K. Rool has ZERO priority during this charge, anything will knock him out of it. It's hard to punish this too hard due to the speed K. Rool runs at, but if you're famaliar with the move him using this against you essentially gives you a free hit, and you still have some time to react, him having a bit of start lag before he starts the charge.

This is based off the final battle with Chunky Kong in DK64 where Chunky has to smack K. Rool as he charges towards him.

>~~ SSE Role ~~<

In the scene where DK and Diddy are first introduced, after they head after Bowser’s troops, Klump and Krusha can be seen in the bushes, spying on them, Klump looking through a pair of binoculars. Klump takes out a walkie talkie to report to K. Rool (Some gibberish being heard from him to represent the talking) for K. Rool to be heard on the other end shouting out gibberish back at Klump. Klump holds his non-existent ear in pain as the walkie talkie gets propelled upwards by K. Rool’s bellowing voice, Klump catching it shortly after. Klump motions for Krusha to follow him, and the pair head out after the Kongs.

In the scene where Bowser turns DK into a trophy with his trophy gun, the scene goes on after Bowser laughs for Klump and Krusha to come in. Bowser looks at them questioningly for both of them to give a salute, Bowser nodding to approve their allegiance. Klump points to DK’s trophy, then points to himself for Bowser to shrug and toss the trophy into Klump’s grasp effortlessly and casually for it to crush him, him unable to lift it’s weight. Bowser facepalms and leaves, then Klump struggles out from under DK’s trophy. Krusha picks up the trophy with no effort at all, balancing it on one finger, for Klump to sigh, annoyed at not being as strong as the other reptiles. The two kremlings and Bowser leave in separate directions.

Before the second level where you play as Fox and Diddy, a cutscene of Klump and Krusha reporting to K. Rool is shown. Klump takes out a small old fashioned TV for K. Rool to show up on it, seated on his throne, drumming his fingers. Klump and Krusha smile stupidly and gesture to the DK trophy for K. Rool to look excited and let out an evil laugh. Klump steps in front of K. Rool’s view of Krusha and points to himself for K. Rool to nod and take out a sack of gold, nodding back at Klump. Krusha gets angered at Klump taking the credit, and proceeds to shove him out of the way and point to himself. Klump and Krusha rapidly begin pointing to themselves and grunting, arguing over who gets the credit, and eventually get into a fight over it. K. Rool facepalms at this and cuts off the connection to the TV, and the cutscene leaves the two Kremlings to their fight.

K. Rool makes his first in person appearance in the SSE when he takes Bowser’s place in making the Giant Diddy Kong Fox, Falco, and Diddy have to fight. However, unlike normal, K. Rool will first fight you with a bunch of Kremlings (Generic enemies, who can be found in the second Diddy and Fox level and the Falco/Diddy/Fox level instead of Bowser’s koopas) at his side. After being defeated, K. Rool won’t turn into a trophy, and will instead whip out his trophy gun and make the giant Diddy Kong as normal, then flee.

K. Rool, Klump, and Krusha aren’t seen again until DK’s trophy is normally seen on the ship flying to the subspace factory where it normally goes. Klump and Krusha are still with DK’s trophy, guarding it, bringing it to the subspace bomb factory for safekeeping. In this scene (Separate from the others shown at this time), Klump and Krusha will be shown with a bunch of bruises from their fight against each other earlier, and will decide to call a truce and shake hands. After this, Krusha will be bored and go over to the TV they used to contact K. Rool and fiddle with it. Krusha turns on his favorite show, “Sing along with Uncle Swampy”, and begins clapping to the music stupidly. Klump facepalms at this and changes the channel on the TV to one with a bunch of Kremling babes, him literally drooling over the sight of them. Krusha changes back the channel in anger, and they then begin to fight once more, this time over who gets to watch their shows. The camera cuts to K. Rool, who is coming over to the Kremlings with his helicopter pack from Donkey Kong Country 3. K. Rool facepalms at the incompetence of his minions and lands on the ship alongside them for the Kremlings to hastily put their salute their king and stop fighting, letting out big stupid grins.

The next cutscenes go on as normal, with the exception of K. Rool, Klump, and Krusha being shown on the airship with DK’s trophy. Diddy first comes onto the ship for K. Rool and Klump to come up close to him, closing in on him, Diddy looking rather intimidated. They don’t notice Captain Falcon and Olimar come onto the ship though, although Krusha does. Krusha rapidly points towards Falcon and Olimar, but K. Rool dismisses it, thinking Krusha’s probably just being stupid again, unaware of the threat. K. Rool and Klump hastily turn around when they hear DK being revived for their jaws to drop and Diddy to laugh, and a battle begins. You play as DK, Diddy, Falcon and Olimar against K. Rool, Klump and Krusha, with the subspace enemies that you normally battle against here in the real SSE still being present and required to be defeated.

After defeating the Kremling trio, K. Rool uses his helicopter pack to escape, and Krusha leaps out to K. Rool as he flees and grabs onto his legs for dear life. Klump tries to jump out also, flailing in mid-air rapidly to try to get to grab onto Krusha’s legs, but he doesn’t make the jump, and falls down into the water, staring up at K. Rool abandoning him. DK and Diddy laugh at the Kremlings, but turn their attention to the subspace bomb factory as they’re taken inside by the ship as normal, along with Falcon and Olimar.

In the cutscene where Samus and Pikachu burst into the heart of the subspace bomb factory to meet with the Ancient Minister (Before DK’s party arrives), K. Rool and Krusha can be seen coming in from the side before they burst in. The Ancient Minister takes a bow before K. Rool, and motions to his Robs to tend to his wounds, which they proceed to do as ordered. K. Rool chuckles and pets the ancient minister for him to stare at K. Rool hatefully, then Samus and Pikachu come in, the cutscene resuming as normal.

In the cutscene where the Ancient Minister reveals his identity, Ganondorf doesn’t have the Robs set off the bombs when he appears as the hologram. Instead, he brings out a massive amount of powerful susbspace enemies, having no intentions of blowing up the factory, confident that they can easily defeat Samus, Pikachu, and DK’s party. K. Rool laughs alongside Ganondorf before he vanishes, but after he does so Krusha can be seen stupidly messing with the controls. He ends up setting off the subspace bombs for K. Rool to facepalm in response and the Ancient Minister to stare at K. Rool hatefully as his Robs go to sacrifice themselves. K. Rool hastily goes to flee the exploding factory along with Krusha, the Ancient Minister going with him. K. Rool notices the Ancient Minister coming along and puts up his hand to tell him to stop, then points downwards to tell the Ancient Minister to stay there, ordering him to sacrifice himself along with the other Robs. The Ancient Minister stares hatefully at K. Rool then shreds his disguise to reveal his true appearance, and proceeds to try to attack K. Rool. K. Rool and Krusha hastily flee out and close the door to chase after them, leaving Rob trapped with the others. Rob goes alongside the other characters and smacks his robotic fists together, getting ready for a fight, and the battle against the subspace enemies proceeds as normal.

After defeating Meta Ridley and the Subspace bomb factory is engulfed in the bombs it produces, K. Rool and Krusha can be seen escaping the blast via K. Rool’s helicopter pack in the background as the Blue Falcon easily gets out in time. More notably though, Klump can be seen watching this from the water he fell into, and is sucked into subspace by the blast. Klump screams wildly and rapidly flails his arms as he’s sucked in. . .

K. Rool and Krusha aren’t seen again until the great invasion cutscene, where they are up on the “Ganon cannon” alongside Bowser and Ganondorf. In the cutscene where Ganondorf betrays Bowser, K. Rool and Krusha also present. Ganondorf aims his trophy gun at K. Rool instead of Bowser, but Krusha takes the shot for him, getting turned into a trophy. K. Rool turns around at the betrayer hatefully and growls lowly alongside Bowser, and you play as Ganondorf against the other two villains in a two on one battle. After defeating them, Ganondorf will go before Master Hand, but Master Hand will fail to escape Tabuu’s control and will instead attack Ganondorf. You must face Master Hand as Ganondorf, his stats being double what they normally are in classic mode. After this, Tabuu turns everyone into trophies as normal, although the game shows the trophies of DK, Diddy, K. Rool, and Krusha flying far farther then the others, off into the distance.

Due to not being in the same area as everyone else, having been sucked into a random location of subspace, yet not turned into a trophy like Wario was, Klump is still alive after Tabuu turns everyone into a trophy. Due to not needing to be revived by one of King Dedede’s badges due to not having been turned into a trophy, the game first shows Klump before King Dedede’s party or Kirby. Klump gets up wearily from having been sucked into the portal and looks around at subspace curiously. Klump, unable to determine his location, lacks his pointer finger and points it upwards to see if he can feel the wind, but there is no wind in this lifeless place, much to Klump’s fear, his pointer finger drooping down. Klump paces about mumbling “hip hup, hip hup. . .” to himself, swinging his arms about, trying to keep his cool, but suddenly a bunch of primids pop out and attack him, causing him to lose it. You play a subspace level as Klump alone, not having the luxury of Krusha to assist you, no further cutscenes of Klump showing.

After Klump’s level, you play through King Dedede’s level as normal, but before the game shows Kirby, it goes back to Klump. Klump finds Krusha’s trophy and Klump has flashbacks of them fighting over who got the credit for taking out DK and the channel. Klump also remembers Krusha getting away with K. Rool while Klump fell into the water, left to be sucked into the portal. The flashback ends, and Klump stares at his comrade with anger, shaking his fist. He proceeds to take out his anger on Krusha’s trophy, but then a hoard of subspace enemies arrive, surrounding Klump. Klump looks horrified and hastily revives Krusha to assist him, and you play as them both in another subspace level, there being a small battle at the start.

After the second Klump subspace level, you play through Kirby’s as normal. Once all the normal cutscenes play that normally would before you go up into subspace (The only exception being that DK and Diddy’s trophies aren’t in the subspace levels of Dedede’s party and Kirby), a final Klump and Krusha level starts up with another cutscene. Klump and Krusha will find DK and Diddy’s trophies laying on the ground together and laugh stupidly over the trophies. The pair will proceed to assault the trophies out of their hate for the kongs, but then some subspace enemies attack once again. Klump and Krusha are vastly outnumbered and have no choice but to resurrect the kongs, who beat their chests and join the two Kremlings in battle against the subspace enemies. You play as DK, Diddy, as well as Klump and Krusha in a battle against subspace enemies. After the battle, Krusha will go up to shake DK’s hand, but Klump will come inbetween him and DK and point towards DK, reminding him that he’s the enemy, for Krusha to salute. You play as Klump and Krusha against DK and Diddy in a 2 on 1 battle (As far as gameplay is concerned) in the enemy’s favor. Once you defeat the monkies, Klump and Krusha laugh stupidly over their victory and proceed to drag the apes along. Klump has a flashback of being unable to carry DK and decides to try carrying him, but is still unable to. Krusha casually picks up DK once again with his pointer finger, balancing him on it, laughing stupidly. Klump sighs and goes to pick up Diddy, but comically isn’t able to lift up his trophy. Krusha sighs and goes over to pick him up as well, but due to having to balance DK’s trophy on one finger and not paying attention to it due to picking up Diddy, DK’s trophy falls over and it’s base touches falls on Krusha’s foot, reviving DK and causing Krusha to hop on one foot in pain. DK hastily revives Diddy and Klump puts up his hands to tell the kongs to stop, not wanting to be pummeled. DK looks ready to put the hurt on Klump, but Diddy puts his hand on his shoulder and motions around to the vastness of subspace, and DK regretfully decides to allow Klump and Krusha to live. He motions for them to come along with him and Diddy, and you then play a subspace level as the four (Three as far as gameplay is concerned) characters.

At the end of the level, DK, Diddy, Klump, and Krusha find K. Rool’s trophy. K. Rool sees his minions revive him and looks relieved, but is then startled to see DK and Diddy behind them. K. Rool frantically motions behind them for them to just shrug, not knowing what he’s so worked up about, forgetting that K. Rool doesn’t know they’re working with DK and Diddy. DK sees this and comes forward to help K. Rool up for him to realize what’s going on. K. Rool refuses to take DK’s hand and stares at Klump and Krusha in disgust, considering them traitors for going with DK and Diddy. K. Rool slashes DK’s hand away then slashes at Klump and Krusha as well, and you then play as him in a three on one battle against DK, Diddy, and his “traitor” minions, Klump and Krusha. After the battle, the cutscene shows K. Rool being defeated, despite the results of the gameplay. K. Rool isn’t turned into a trophy, but appears to be KOd. DK, Diddy and the Kremlings go up to K. Rool out of curiosity for him to rise up and do a spinning tail whip on them all, having only been playing dead. K. Rool hastily flees from them up the stairs into the great maze. DK and Diddy facepalm, and they along with Klump and Krusha go into the great maze, them getting no further personal cutscenes.




Krash Testing:

Klap Trap






King K. Rool


Tiny Dancer
Mar 21, 2008
Pretty good. The back air doesn't suck, and the up smash is awesome. Pretty cool set. Though, I get the feeling that a few of the moves are a bit underpowered, percentage wise. Maybe change that a bit?


Banned via Warnings
Nov 13, 2007
Yep. I had it coming. Stupid apathy.
My honest and un-biased opinion of the movesets on this page:

K.Rool: Well, K.Rool seems like a very promising character. I see the very repeated use of the word badass...I'm not sure, but is that really necessary? Anyway, about the moveset itself...

PPL13's Qualms and Concerns


The Standard Special, Up Special, and Down Special have a very unique quality: exploding. Is this part of his mechanics? Is it part of some sick, twisted mind-game? I'm very curious.


The Neutral standard seems a little too violent, even for Smash Bros. Any real reason for this?


I didn't fully understand the Forward Smash. Does K.Rool actually move? The move, like all other moves you make, is very detailed, but IMO, not fully explained.


The Forward Aerial *is* very impractical. Just curiosity here: What's the use of the move's horrible priority? Balance? Humor? What?

The Back Aerial may frighten small children. LOL


The actual grab is very unorthodox. Even Olimar's is more normal than that. Could you change it? Just a little?

*Final Smash*​

Well, this is by far more original than any other that I've seen, IMO. I mean it, but I have a serious problem with this. The moves in the FS should OHKO. It's just that K.Rool seems like that kind of character to me.


Golbez: I really hate to make this review so short, but the only real problem with this set is the power. I have to agree with Ocon in saying that some moves are somewhat under powered. This may have been done inadvertently due to balancing issues, but the set would be better if the underpowered moves were 5-8% stronger. Just a suggestion.


Well, that does it for this edition of PPL13's Qualms and Concerns.

On a sidenote: Yay! I posted within the first hour! And on the first page to boot!

The only set that is viewing worthy is in my sig. ;)

Lastly: See? I CAN make non-spam posts. Also, no flames! I *have* matured.

Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
This post is reserved as an archive for my movesets.

Moveset Contest 5 Entries

Rosalina (moveset version 2)

Leon Powalski

Amy Rose

King Hippo

Past Moveset Contest Entries

This is just a list of movesets that I've done during the past contests.
Moveset Contest 2

Rosalina (moveset version 1)
King K. Rool
Knuckles the Echidna
Moveset Contest 3

Bowser Jr.
Miles "Tails" Prower
Moveset Contest 4

Werehog Sonic
May (Mudkip, Grovyle, Blaziken)
Wolf Link & Midna


Smash Champion
Dec 21, 2007
Hippo Island
Hyper_Ridley's Official Make Your Move 5 Link Space​

Posted Move Sets​

Ratchet and Clank

My first move set in MYM5, eh? This was mostly a "for-fun" set to finally give this series a move set, so it isn't quite up to my usual epic levels, but it's still got plently to like about it. Ratchet is a glass-cannon character with good offense but poor defense, so if you like that kind of character, this could be right up your alley.

Bass and Treble

This was my first actual major entry in MYM5, and it reminded everyone of why I was on the top 10 of MYM4. Rather than just have a standard Bass move set, I added Treble for an Ice-Climbers style duo, that has more emphasis on the fact that they're a team.​

Dark Gaia

Dark Gaia is the final boss of Sonic Unleashed, and I was crazy enough to turn him into a playable character! I had to take some creative liberties in order to have him function properly, but he turned out to have a more fluent play expierience than you'd think. Just like in Sonic Unleashed, Dark Gaia doesn't want to directly fight but instead stop his enemies from reaching him, and this translates into a defensive character that would make Bowser look like a berserker!

Mewthree (Original Character)

Mewthree is the final boss of my SM, "Playing God", and now he's in a playable format! This guy was really fun to write due to his "playful" nature. Fans of Playing God should feel right at home with this guy, as he retains his trademark personality from the game's climax. There's even a unique universe symbol to represent my SM!

Lemmy Koopa

Being the major Koopaling fan that I am, I decided to make a move set for the one I remember most, Lemmy the Clown Prince of Koopas. Just like his title suggests, I made his move set oriented towards creating a plethora of traps in order to essentially customize your own circus of hell. If you like characters that have a lot of ways to play them, you'll love Lemmy, as he perfects what my Black Doom move set attempted in MYM4; A playstyle of "creating your own playstyle".

Acid Seaforce (Joint set with Spadefox)

Wheeee! My good buddy Spade and I had planned do this guy ever since MYM4, but it took a while before we both felt like actually getting together and doing this. Acid Seaforce is quite simply, all about poison damage. But hoho, he has his own type of poison called Acid Damage. He's the only pressure character in the game who leans more towards defense, so if you want to see a wierd playstyle with some of mine and Spadefox's best moves, then check this guy out. In fact, read it just cause it's a joint set between HR and Spade. ^_^

WIP Move Sets

Planned Move Sets​

Castlevania 3 Heroes (Joint-set with Tanookie and Spadefox)

Jonathon "Johnny" Jones



Past Move Sets​

Bass.EXE - Placed #22 in MYM3 top 50

This was my best move set in MYM3, and also the move set in which I both joined "detail movement" as well earn my place as an esteemed MYMer. Bass.EXE is focused around projectiles and gimping for a fun and unique playstyle. I still have a lot of affection for this move set even though I've stepped up my game considerably since then. My best friend claims that this would be good even by MYM4 standards, so give this a look if you have the chance.

Black Doom - Placed #8 in MYM4 top 50

Ah yes, Black Doom. My masterpiece of MYM4. Black Doom has some of the wierdest attacks I've ever come up with, my favorite of which being the UTilt. I had absolutley no real theme for this move set other than a few combos, so this move set has become known for having a playstyle entitled "create your own playstyle". Even if you hate the character, this move set is worth checking out just to see how limitless the boundries can be for move set making.


Smash Lord
Nov 26, 2005
K.Rool's Zone

~ It may be at the bottom of the page, but don't be fooled; this is a REAL link-up space. Accept no substitutes. ~

This is, yet again, where you can check in on my movesets. It was supposed to be first post, as it was in MYM 4, but unfortunately, Warlord and Ocon pulled a swifty on me, so now it's here at the bottom of the first page, unnoticed by anyone and buried beneath five other link-up spaces. Oh, joy.

Who am I?

To those who don't know, I'm a Sin (one of the authority figures), and one of only two who was also a Sandbag back in MYM 4. Just as a little shameless plug, five of my six MYM 4 movesets made Top 50, and my Chef Kawasaki won the whole thing. Hey, part of winning an MYM is getting the bragging rights.


My first MYM 5 moveset, and perhaps my only Pokemoveset of the contest. For this one, I completely turned away from my usual organizational scheme for something more classic and pleasing to the eye - or so I thought, anyway. The detail level is low but more than enough, and there are actually tons of wacky ideas sealed away within. This one received much critical acclaim...

SirKibble, thread starter of MYM 4 and guest Sin, says: "Mucho love for his overly defensive style, and Water/Ice attacks are always just so much fun!... I LOVED IT!"

half_silver28, he who runs the MYM Awards, says: "I can't really think of a primarily defensive character that was pulled off as well as shellder... [Your] playstyle sections put mine to shame."

TWILTHERO, whose linkup space is right below, has this to say: "That is one sick moveset K.Rool... It seems that Shellder would be really fun to play as for me. Man, this Shellder moveset makes me want to catch one in my Pokemon games now lol."

Tanookie, one of the Sins, says: "I love Shellder. I admire your ability to make movesets for such underrated Pokemon, K.Rool. I would have never thought of giving Shellder a unique mechanic like that; even if I had, I probably couldn't have made it work at all. Sheesh, it's just...wow. I'm speechless that you stuck with such a hard-to-use mechanic throughout the entire set. He's a very unique character; I can easily imagine him in-game. Great work."

What did MasterWarlord, the Detail Nazi and thread creator of MYM 5, think? "Epic. FREAKING EPIC. Best set posted yet. No questions asked. . .Though there are hardly any sets yet. However; there is another set I've previewed that can compare to this in Waluigi, so don't think you can claim the Kawasaki award just yet, K. Rool. Anyway, the playstyle is just so insanely detailed and unique that I simply HAVE to love this thing, and the individual moves are great too. It's like freaking perfect... among my favorite movesets I've ever read. Easily a extremely likely super vote candidate."


Ekans was my second random Pokemon set, as Warlord is fond of putting it. This one aimed a bit lower than Shellder, seeking to make a functioning moveset for a snake fighter, rather than some sort of crazy mechanic. Although its creativity is below average for me, its organization was universally lauded, as was its easy, easy readability. If you can only bring yourself to read one moveset, this is the one for you.

Junahu says: "I think there will always be room for simple, well thought out movesets like Ekans. It's also remarkably well written. You can really get a feel for him, without actually having to read the moves themselves. The playstyle section was particularly helpful and you could probably trademark the little touches of humor you pepper the moveset with."

Wizzerd: "Very nice moveset, and some original, interesting yet readable organization."

PK-ow! commented: "While reading then the move set in scrutinising detail, when I got to uptilt, I realized "OMFG I want to use this character NAO." So I'm pretty sure you've succeeded... Great moveset! Loved it! You have truly discovered the essence of Ekans; and with this move set, you have put Ekans into this game."

half_silver28: "All of his attacks were so unique and awesome, I don’t think I could pick favorites. And your playstyle section is like a poem; it seems like you could go on for hours talking about your sets."

And then Warlord: "That’s like the best organization I’ve ever seen. It’s a really cool gimmick having the text snake around like that surprisingly doesn’t hamper with actually reading the set, mainly due to the brief descriptions. This moveset begs to be read even more-so then Father Time and Shellder. Ekans leaps out at you and devours you until you’ve fully read him and just plain refuses to let go... Ekans really his own unique charm what with it being quite possibly the most readable (Yet still good) moveset in the contest while not being under detailed."

Father Time


Father Time is basically my most creative moveset ever. He's outrageously creative, with an extremely cohesive playstyle that's considered by some to be one of the best in the contest. It's a bit lacking on some important details, and perhaps unbalanced, but all the same, if you want to take the time to think about what's going on, this is as rewarding as mine come.



Yeah, I thought I was done with random Pokemon, too, but I couldn't help myself. Jumpluff is a great exhibition of a Plant-based moveset, which is rare enough, but also has a unique playstyle based around more or less drifting way high up in the air. It's been all-around well-received, a much more rounded moveset than its two predecessors.


Smash Lord
Aug 19, 2007
Ahhh......MYM 5 is here at last!! Golbez and K.Rool look like great movesets from a skim. Anyway, i'll try to get my first moveset posted later tonight (i'm unfortunately not at my computer at the moment), but for now......


Posted movesets:

Edward Elric (Full Metal Alchemist)

Near (Death Note)

Movesets i'm finished, but i gotta wait till MYM 6:

Lelouch Vi Brittania (Code Geass)
100% finished

Death The Kid (Soul Eater) 100% finished

Work in Progress movesets:

Setsuna F. Seiei: Exia Gundam (Gundam 00) 10% finished

Planned movesets (also, not guaranteed):

Allen Walker (D.Gray-man)

Lenalee Lee (D.Gray-man)

Lost Prophets (band moveset)

Hawkeye (Fullmetal Alchemist)


Smash Champion
May 2, 2008
> SirKibble's Link-Up Space <

=== Completed Movesets ===

Super Star Helpers: Ultra
(Universe: Kirby)
A moveset to follow up my Super Star Helpers from last contest. This time, I'll be including Blade Knight, Plasma Wisp, Rocky, and Gim as the team of four Helpers, as well as a new twist on the switching mechanic.

Balloon Fighter
(Universe: Retro / Balloon Fight)
Who didn't love a little Balloon Fight? Anyway, after recalling some mentions of Balloon Fighter's experience with the Smash roster, I had to make a moveset for him. A little balloon mechanic rounds off his moveset with a few quirks.

Wilhelmina Carmel
(Universe: Shakugan no Shana)
My first anime-based entry ever, only because this is pretty much my favorite anime ever. Go watch it now. Credit goes to half_silver28 for his Yuji & Shana moveset getting me interested in the anime. :p

Heat Man
(Joint with Plorf)
(Universe: Mega Man)
Plorf and I worked together to add yet another of MM2's Robot Masters to the list of entries. Heat Man is one of my personal favorite Robot Master, and Plorf was willing enough to work with me on his moveset. Interesting to see what happened with the two of us working together. This one turned out pretty well, I think.

Animal Crosser
(Universe: Animal Crossing)
The boy (or girl) from Animal Crossing! After multiple debates about whether he or Tom Nook was a better candidate for the world of Smash, I started getting idea. And you know, once I have ideas, I just start making the moveset, and I end up like this...

(Universe: Pokemon)
May is a Pokemon Trainer-style moveset using Beautifly, Glaceon, and Blaziken as May's three battle Pokemon. I went out of my way to construct this multi-character moveset around a multi-character playstyle, and I think it turned out well. With Beautifly as a pure nuisance/effect-based character, Glaceon as a rock ice-solid defensive character, and Blaziken as the powerhouse KO-scoring character of the trio, I really enjoyed constructing this moveset around those facts.

(Universe: Panel de Pon)
One of my most daring endeavors yet, for a character with as little depth as they come. Lip's friend Elias, the Fairy of Water, is a moveset more focused on playstyle than originality, in an attempt to keep up with the intense playstyle movement that's going on recently.

(Universe: Looking for Group)
Got interested in the LFG comic and decided to do its comedic warlock a little justice. Some crazy stuff here.

Computer Virus
(Joint with MarthTrinity and SkylerOcon)
(Universe: ???)
The Computer Virus boss from Kirby Super Star and Kirby Super Star: Ultra! This one was in the works for a while, and was even spoiled to most people, but still remains one of our cooler movesets, with a unique switching mechanic tying five characters together.

(Universe: Make Your Move)
An incarnation of the Make Your Move contest as a fighter and submission. Lots of crazy stuff, from your favorite memes to important points in MYM history.

(Joint with Baloo)
(Universe: Full Metal Alchemist)
Originally, Warlord got Baloo to do this moveset. When Baloo disappeared for an unknown period of time, since I wanted to do Wrath anyway, I volunteered to take up the torch. When Baloo came back, we eventually decided to make it a joint moveset. It ended up being made in only a couple days, and was kind of rushed, but turned out pretty good despite.

Steven Stone
(Joint with MasterWarlord, MarthTrinity, SkylerOcon, Hyper_Ridley, and Chris Lionheart)
(Universe: Pokemon)
Biggest. Joint. Moveset. Ever.​

Let this stand as the final testament of my work in Make Your Move! Thanks, guys, it's been a heck of a ride. :)


Smash Lord
Nov 26, 2005
K. Rool is an interesting moveset. I've said it before, he plays like a cross between archetypical mad scientist and some beastly, evil, man-eating dinosaur. Very interesting combination, not entirely unfitting.

In general, most attacks seem like they have effects stapled on. This isn't necessarily a bad thing; it means that he's easy to pick up while also having some depth and something interesting to him.

The Specials, I admit, I find a bit bland, but maybe that's just because he has a lot behind him and you need to sacrifice a bit of creativity (seriously, whatever fool said "Oh, K. Rool boss fight, we should make him throw his crown, gaiz!" should be shot) to keep the relevance to character.

On the whole, more than worthy of a vote. Glad you decided to use my template, it's SO much easier to read than what you had before, much more airy, IMO. Plenty of detail, too. Not a bad showing.

EDIT: Forgot to mention, I love alt. costume clones. Loved making one with Munchlax, love reading them here.

Haven't read Golbez yet, will do so promptly and then comment again.


Smash Ace
Feb 24, 2009
Wizzerd's Movesets

The Goos

My very first moveset in Make Your Move 5, and in Make Your Move in general. In it is a special mechanic where you add "goos" to your character. Be sure to check it out! And check out World of Goo, as it totally rocks.

Frown: AAAH WORLD OF GOO That moveset made me happy.

Baloo: Goo is win, really. Excellent moveset for a newcomer.

Twilithero Wow, this moveset is actually pretty good. Nice job with this moveset. You have some really cool attacks in this moveset dude. Nicely done Wizzerd, nicely done.

goldwyvern: @wizzerd, the goos are extremely unique and well thought out. to be honest its the pokey of MYM5. im voting this and hope to see it in the top 50.

Akiak: I read the Goos. Excellent job, for a newcomer. The mechanic, while it could use more detail, is a nice idea, and the moves are all fun stuff. Bravo!

KingK.Rool: Interesting how you implemented them, I was wondering how you'd make that work. The description of the twist is a bit vague at times, I admit, but it's a great idea. Most of the attacks themselves are a tad generic, tending towards simple bounces in a certain direction, but you really had nothing to work with, and you pulled it off admirably.

The Trophy Master: The mechanic seems understandable and simple to me, which is good. I don't know why, The Goos make me think of Worms, from the Worms Series. Each move is unique, but okay at the same time, but they could still use more details, I'm sure you can. The Extras aren't too short or too long, and it's perfect. Even if it doesn't have as much details as let's say, Revolver Ocelot, that's the kind of newcomer moveset I like. Good job Wizzerd! Can't wait to see your next moveset!

Smash Daddy: So very interesting. Typical niche puzzler / collector / Lemmings inspirational with the context, but I find the idea of building stuff and using it to attack people baffling. Continue smoking the weed.

Spadefox in his review for The Goos: Overall, I have to say, that this is by far one of the best newcomer sets I’ve seen... if you work a bit more on the originality of your moves, I see you becoming one of the better contenders. Despite all critique I made, this is sensational for a very first set, and I hope we will see more of you in the near future.


My second entry in Make Your Move 5 was for a gigantic cake. This time there's a mechanic where Bundt can light candles to power himself up. Again, check it out!

Kris121: Gahh awesome sets people and I hated the Chuckolater with a vengence. 4 weeks of my life i'll never get back again!!! Seriously though at a glance Pretty spiffy. I like that Spiffy. I call it!

MarthTrinity: @Bundt: Bundt makes me happy considering SMRPG is my favorite game of all time, looks pretty good too, I'll have to read it over later.

aeolus: In particular, I am impressed by the ability of people to make quality movesets out of characters that seems to have very little to work with, such as Balloon Fighter, Shellder, and Bundt.

KingK.Rool:I really, really enjoyed this one, Wiz. Tons of fun, seriously. Although I would've liked to see more cake-based attacks and less things-he-magically-conjures-based attacks, that's really the only complaint I can level here, it's a great little set. Made me hungry.

The Trophy Master: Bundt is really good Wizzerd! For me, you're on of the best newcomers yet. ( Of MYM5 )


Yes, it's Medli, that bird-girl that you had to carry through an entire freaking dungeon full of Floormasters. No mechanic this time, but there are some pretty interesting attacks, I think. Take a look, although I don't think it's as good as my first two movesets.

flyingfilipino: @Medli: It's a Legend of Zelda character...that I actually recognize! Woo-hoo! *has not finished playing Wind Waker yet* Overall, it's a nice, easy-to-read-and-follow moveset. Using the Grappling Hook as Medli's neutral special was a very good idea, and I like it. Harp Mirror (wait, her harp is a mirror too?) reminds me of my Yugi's Mirror Force from way back when, and is a good tool for shutting down energy-projectile using characters. The Earth God's Lyric is pretty cool... Overall, the moveset's pretty good and well-organized, great job! :bee:

SirKibble: Lots of good stuff here. For a character whose in-game abilities include flying, playing music, and being a freakin' pain to take through the stupid Earth Temple being carried around by Link, you've certainly extracted a plethora of abilities.

Junahu: MEDLI was a fun read. I loved the way all her aerials work together to rack up damage/gimp opponents. And it was nice to see that the grappling hook does everything it did in Wind Waker.

Tanookie: @ Medli: Ah, yeah, you finished it! I loved all the items you implemented into it, as they were items that I would associate with Medli in-game. The Grappling Hook was an especially obvious item that I overlooked, so I give you props for that. You did a great job of making her feel really natural in Smash even though she doesn't do much.

Baloo: *makes bad pun about Baloo and Valoo*

Anyways, Medli. It's a good moveset, I like the aerials, they're fun.

KingK.Rool: Medli strikes me as a very nice moveset for a fun character from a great game. The organization is a bit messy at times - the little ~s, I don't particularly like - but the ideas within are all more than solid. It's got one of those dang prop-based movesets I tend to dislike seeing, but all the same, another nice outing, Wiz - you're certainly one of the best newcomers.

My obligatory Kirby series boss moveset. This time, you equip paints to summon various monsters and weapons. It's a fun read, if I can say so myself.

cjrocker: Looks pretty good on the surface...I'll have to read it later.

phatcat203: Paint Roller looks pretty good right now.
LOL at quote taken out of context.

Budget Player Cadet_: @Paint roller: The codec alone makes it worth it. :lol:

Jimnymebob: Paint Roller is a good moveset Wizzerd, but it isn't your best (that goes to either The Goos or Medli).
This is mainly because while the mechanic is really unique and is pulled off very well, it is just too confusing to get my head around properly, and while I think I now know how everything works, I believe this character to be one of the most confusing to follow in a long time.

However, the moves are creative, and the layout is great- my favourite move being the vortex (lol the B-air sucks), as it allows for great spacing options, and gives you time to plan your next move.

All in all, this is a great moveset, in terms of the attacks, but the paint mechanic makes it difficult to understand at times.

PK-ow!: Paint Roller is pwnage.

I love Tingle. I consider him to be the most manly yet underrated video game character ever, and I support him for SSB4 so much that I naturally had to make a set for him. This is probably my best entry so far in the contest. Come in for lots of prop based moves and decent detail. It's unfortunate that I accidentally stole the page from Spadefox.

Junahu: ZOMG Tingle

KingK.Rool: I must admit, I'm rather impressed, Wiz. This is a huge step up in terms of detail (almost overly so), creativity (just right, without going nuts), and organization (absolutely incredibly better, unrecognizable from the guy who made Bundt).

I've always been partial to Tingle; the little guy is woefully underrated and unjustly hated. You did him plenty of justice here, and I'm fond of quite a few attacks, especially Up Smash, because scarecrows are just that awesome and you did some cool things with one.

There are a few more prop moves than I usually like, and that compass picture is waaaay too big, but this is definitely one of those movesets with tons of character and I certainly enjoyed reading it. This basically solidifies you as a great newcomer, Wiz.

Jimnymebob: Tingle is a great set Wizzerd; it has plenty of detail, and has some interesting moves, especially the Olive Branch, which is a great concept, and you pulled it off well.

Heartz: Wizzerd. I believe you've just changed my opinion of Tingle's playability in SSB4, just like you said you would. Unbelievable. That can actually work. Post the link in the Official SSB4 Discussion thread. lol

bivunit94: For Tingle, I love everything about the moveset...yet I still hate him as a character. =\ I doubt anything could change that, though.

phatcat203: You know what wizzerd? Before I saw this, I despised you for even attempting to make a Tingle set, but now that I've seen it, I can honestly admit I was wrong.
Tingle's a great set, original and creative(he's stretching the borders there though) While he does have many random moves that wouldn't go well alone, they somehow all seem to fit together when combined.

Kholdstare: Tingle, Tingle! Kooloo-Limpah!

You have warmed my heart, Wiz. I am going to review this little baby after my Alphonse and Medli reviews (WHICH ARE COMING, GIVE ME TIME!).

A moveset for everyone's favorite vulture from Donkey Kong Country 2. Some pretty gross attacks, as he literally eats the opponent for his Down Smash, but some cool ones, I'd say. No mechanic, but a few mini-mechanics.

BKupa666: Woah...when you said you were making a DKC set, I thought you meant from the first game. I am pleasantly surprised with Krow, and his moves are plenty cool and original. You take cool attacks that he can use and attach them to his standard boss attacks. The Krow's Nest mechanic is especially fitting. Definitely my favorite set of yours so far.

MasterWarlord: My favorite part of the set is all the move interactions. Utilt and dair, dtilt and usmash, the minature bloodlust mechanic, and how it all comes together all the more in general with the down special is priceless. Despite being laughably unfitting for Smash, the dsmash was my favorite move in the set, hands down. The sheer originality is brilliant, even if the move is somewhat situational.

Krow’s playstyle flows more then your other movesets and I find she’s far less random then Tingle. In addition, you seem to be gaining experience in recognizing your own characters’ playstyles, as Krow’s playstyle section was far better written then Tingle’s as well.

SirKibble: I still commend you on what you did with this moveset. Bravo.


Smash Ace
Nov 14, 2008

Baloo's Link Up Space
This is where you can find all my obviously top 10 worthy movesets!

MYM5 Movesets:


I originally was going to make thsi set in 1 hour, but it ended up taking almost 6. In the Xat, to be continued. :|


Cosmic Mario


Toad Brigade


Gary Larson, Rat, and Calvin and Hobbes


Super Star Helpers Burnin Leo, TAC, and Parasol Waddle Dee

Mr. Saturn

Dig Dug, Pooka and Fygar


Oh-So Ghosts

Men's Room Sign,

Jealous Bass (complete)




Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008
Not wasting countless hours on a 10 man community
K. Rool is an interesting moveset. I've said it before, he plays like a cross between archetypical mad scientist and some beastly, evil, man-eating dinosaur. Very interesting combination, not entirely unfitting.
K. Rool is highly intelligent, but also completely insane. How do you think he randomly switches personalities like that? Also have to take his species into account. In any case, glad you agree with him on how I portrayed him.:bee:

In general, most attacks seem like they have effects stapled on. This isn't necessarily a bad thing; it means that he's easy to pick up while also having some depth and something interesting to him.

The Specials, I admit, I find a bit bland, but maybe that's just because he has a lot behind him and you need to sacrifice a bit of creativity (seriously, whatever fool said "Oh, K. Rool boss fight, we should make him throw his crown, gaiz!" should be shot) to keep the relevance to character.
I was trying to keep him somewhat basic in comparison to some of my other sets, particularly in the specials. In any case, this would hopefully work out like you said. Not too hard to pick up, but has lot of tidbits in his moves that the pros will look for and eat up.

On the whole, more than worthy of a vote. Glad you decided to use my template, it's SO much easier to read than what you had before, much more airy, IMO. Plenty of detail, too. Not a bad showing.
Many thanks. I feel that my other movesets I've yet to post outclass K. Rool, so that you like even K. Rool this much this is a very good sign. I also like the moveset's presentation a lot more since you gave me the new tempplate. Thanks.

EDIT: Forgot to mention, I love alt. costume clones. Loved making one with Munchlax, love reading them here.
Well, I knew I simply HAD to include the costumes, but three moves used part of KING K. Rool's costume. . .So I didn't have much choice. Glad it turned out so well. :bee:

Spadefox said:
Why were you playing this guy down again, and how does Roll compare to it? This guy has an identifiable playstyle like Roll, but it's far more original then Roll's, and Golbez's individual moves are also far better. Moves such as the dthrow, fsmash, and bair are brilliant. Plenty of hidden gems in there. I also get the vibe that this moveset is very true to character, and how can you resist the most epic music choices EVER? This more likely then not will get a vote from me unless your other stuff (Sans Waluigi, which will be supered anyway) outclasses it. Great stuff here.


Smash Ace
Jan 3, 2008
United Kingdom, Birmingham
Switch FC
3133 8842 3910
~~Dancingfrogmans Sets!~~

Yes, it's a different name to "Link-up Space", big deal, I was one of the first people to do this in MYM3, so this isn't a new trend! What's in this area, well, it's in Make your move, yes, I'm here, yes, and the contest is about creating movesets, yes. Basically, you should put 2 and 2 together, and that this area is where ALL my movesets are going to be, and this will be the same link as it is in my Sig! So if you one to look at my sets, clicky that linky, and this post will be a loop!

My first set of MYM5, this is my second Original Creation other than the chronic Froggy set which was a self interpretation in MYM3. The most distinctive thing about this set is that the mechanic "Doom Clock" is the center of th set, with many moves having affect on the how far the clock jumps, and the altering of the speed of the clock. The mechanic makes Ding-dong sound when the clock goes to 0, and depending how long it took in real life time to 0, depends on what effect it has, not to mention that depending on this speed of the clock makes the velocity of the attack weaker or stronger. Quotes of this sets thus far are:

Dancing frog, I really like your moveset. Especially the down b and down air. They are very unique. Master Valgermond sounds like he would be an awesome smash character.
Disaster: Good, 2nd best so far. Yeah.
I've read through all the movesets so far, and I have to say that Golbez and Disaster are looking the best so far. I have really enjoyed all the others though, and this contest seems to be off to a greater start than the previous one, which was pretty fantasitc. Well done guys :bee:
Disaster: Wow, an (almost) underdetailed frogman moveset! Shocks! Anyway, it was much easier for me to read than most of your movesets, although I do feel it's not quite as outrageous-creative as most of your work. The mechanic is complicated but cool enough. The organization sort of works, although to me, you have little enough detail that you can afford to shrink the headers - I'd save them for Battalion Army or some such hugely detailed moveset. I don't like how you put the Specials at the end. I know what Kibble and Spade and others think about suspense and whatnot, but the Specials set the tone for the character, and with them at the end, the reader can't really picture the character as they read it.
flyinfilip's feelins
Disaster - Cool concept for a character, DFM. A lot of his moves seemed to be just fine. One thing though, is that I felt that the effect descriptions in the beginning of the moveset felt out of place. And call me dense, but...when do the effects actually come into play? I think I might've overlooked it somewhere. I know they're affected by the time on the clock, but does a certain move activate them, or what? (I apologize if maybe I just missed it somehow.) (Reading so many huge movesets in a row is exhausting!) The Dtilt attack was also confusing to me; I didn't exactly gather how the attack worked. Also, in the Nair: what does "reeve" mean? The moveset is creative, and cool overall, however. Good job! :bee:

My second set of MYM5, with an another very complicated mechanic that is worked by the specials of the set. This is an army set, so you can imagine that all the veterans are on the stage at one time, causing massive amounts of havoc. Battalions Armies man power is the saying of "More you have, the stronger you are". Battalion Army has a very good stage control game, but if the leader is ever truly on his own, he is flat out crap. This has the same problem all my sets have with the 3 sections style, and that it's a big fat round Tl;Dr. Here's the views of the set:

A PTs perspective​

Wow. Battalion army is some good stuff. I like the use of all the different stuff but I haven't got the time yet to read it all. Looks akin to Cortiny so far. LOTS OF Good text.

However it gets a little hectic with all the things happening. And how would the jab work on a non gc controller?
Finally the mechanics look good.
I know though you were working on it before the advanced army was posted.
I gotta get mine done!
Whoa Battalion. FINALLY some entries I know, and good ones at that. That Battalion one is HUGE. Do they HAVE to be that long???
Battalion Army is MASSIVE. A big, fat tl;dr. Seriously, I'll read it... eventually.
@ Batallion Army: So, my initial thought was "oh, DFM's just trying to be like the Advance Army and build of its success," so I'll admit I was skeptical at first. While there are some similarities, I do admit you did a great job. It's so massive that I haven't finished reading it, but I can say this: I'm not a fan of all the random effects your Specials have, as it put a character which (supposedly) is based around strategy at the mercy of luck. It's too soon for me to read another army moveset, so...yeah. How do you guys pump out movesets so fast?! Especially ones that long, geez...
Batallion Army was epic win. Seriously, seeing all the different types of possibilities from the Specials made me j**z in my pants. I'll read the full thing later.

My 3rd set of MYM5, it still has all the massiveness of the other sets. Chaos 0s organisation is added by the use of animated gifs and low quality pictures. This made people who didn't exactly understand the move as much easier. Chaos 0 is another set of mine to have, not one, but 2 quirks to it. Chaos 0 has the Water Content mechanic (explained poorly, sowwies), and also has Crawl attacks. Chaos 0 also has a crawl that's faster than his run, and has an intresting technique to go wiv it. Chaos 0 also has frame data in the same fashion of Brawls 60 frames per second, so DFM understood how long each move lasts in terms of exact Brawl data. This is what mandems thought of the set:

Wow DFM that was awesom3 Nice Job. I always wanted a character with the "Perfect crouch"
Chaos 0 was an interesting move set.

The water mechanic was a good idea, but sometimes I had a problem trying to follow it. Though that may just be your writing style =/

Like Dr. Robotnik, I liked how you implemented moves from his actual boss fights into attacks, as well as moves from Sonic Battle. Chaos Double Stab FTW! =D
You put a lot of work into that - it boggles the mind! Good work.
Nice job...once again, an awesome Sonic character got a fittingly awesome moveset.
My biggest problem I have with this moveset, and the only real thing stopping me from enjoying it, is its organisation and writing.
But from what I did read, I spotted a small mechanical annoyance in the moveset. Why can't Chaos simply walk over his puddles to collect them (or pick them up like items, or collect them automatically when crawling over them)?
Chaos is a great set. It has very unique mechanics (I love the idea of crawl attacks) and attacks, and those which are from games were nicely implemented, as well.
It just suffers from what every DFM set suffers: The writing style. DFM, you really have to improve your writing, the text was almost unbearable to read. >_<

I also suggest you to use PaleTurquoise for the normal text instead of DeeoSkyBlue, the latter starting to get uncomfortable to read in big chunks after a while.
Comments on Sonic Movesets

Comments on Chaos 0

First, the good. This is a fun moveset, with plenty of entertaining attacks and pretty, sometimes animated, pictures to accompany a lot of them, making things a lot easier to visualize. The Water Content mechanic was cool, although it does seem that it would be a little awkward at times, having to use moves to regain it when it seems like he might be able to regain it just by touching the water. The Crawl Attacks, however, are just plain perfect. Awesome idea for the character, and really well done! I'm a definite fan.

As others have said, I think the only big thing hindering this moveset is that oft-awkward writing style of yours. Beautiful ideas sometimes suffer from an unnecessarily wordy explanation, which can be kind of a turn-off. Glad to hear you're planning to remedy that, though! :)

My fourth moveset, I originaly didn't want to have it to have a special mechanic, but it... kind've did, mostly because I felt that the B-air was boring without the little twist. Basically, the biggest thing changed is that DFM changed his 3 sections into just the normal like the majority of people have. Bowser remixed has moves that pretty much originate from every Bowser game, so too many MYMers it was a wave of Nostalgia to them. I kept some of his signature moves from Brawl, cause some of the moves are what he does in his games. Here are some of the quotes some MYMers said about it:


Besides the moves being really creative (Love the Spikes mechanic), this is Bowser if he actually had a move set that worked with his defensive playstyle in Brawl. He can actually force an approach now!

Bowser Time! Oh, man... seeing all the moves ripped from virtually every single one of Bowser's appearances was a massive wave of nostalgia. But... I'm really glad I read it, as it gave me the final thing I needed for my moveset. I'll wait a while to post it, to give both sets on this page the attention they deserve. :p
King Koopa was awesome. Much better than Sakurai's pitiful attempt at Bowser.
Wow... a Bowser people will actually want to play! Nintendo could learn a thing from you. You turned a character that Nintendo had made nearly worthless into a tank that's almost impossible to approach. The projectiles are a great addition, Bowser's way too slow to be shunted in the reach department. I think there was a typo, though. On the Up-B, you said that at 50%(max), the Klown Kart travels 3.5 Stage Blocks up very slowly, then at 49%, it goes 5 blocks very fast. Did you mean that as the Stamina left, or like just under half of the max?
Good job with Bowser, froggy. Much more true-to-character without going crazy with complexity. I especially like the Spikes mechanic and that lengthy Down Special.
Wow...Bowser Remix, The Kid and May have all left me speechless. Excellent work.

Indeed, this set is a massive detail improvement from Chaos 0, but there are still a few moves that are particularly annoying to picture, such as the uair and nair. While the descriptions aren’t unbearable like before, they’re still hindered by your awkward writing style. Either way, this is a massive improvement, and this moveset in particular is worth trudging through it to read the individual moves.

I found the specials to strangely not be all that interesting in comparison to the rest of the moveset, which was a bit awkward. I’d recommend switching the generic fireball neutral special with the incredibly sexy bullet bill canon ftilt/fsmash (I forget which one it is). There are several very unique moves in here, and this whole moveset is a massive nostalgia trip through the Mario series in a similar fashion to Spadefox’s Robotnik set with all the various mechs. Very well done.

A couple more complaints. I feel too many moves are taken from Super Mario RPG when you could’ve taken us back to many other games, particularly when you choose an occasional boring attack from SMRPG such as neutral A or an outright awkward and random move in the nair. I also fully read through the dair, expecting something to be changed about the move, but nothing was. You could’ve saved us some effort by just saying “See Brawl Bowser down B”, ya know?

Bowser doesn’t flow as well as I’d like him to, but you do go for an actual playstyle theme at all by keeping in tact his signature Brawl moves and keeping him defensive like he is in Brawl, though a hell of a lot more fun to play (This coming from someone who uses Bowser regularly for the purpose of fun) and more then just a punching bag. This is what Bowser should’ve been, no questions asked.


Smash Lord
Aug 19, 2007
<He's the Full Metal Alchemist everyone!! Edward Elric joins the Brawl!!!>

"I don't think you could have picked a better TARGET!!"

Edward is born in a small town named Resembool, where he lives with his younger brother, Alphonse, and both of his parents, Trisha Elric and Hohenheim. When Hohenheim embarks on a journey and Trisha dies of an illness several years later, the two young boys are left as orphans. Their neighbor, Pinako Rockbell, then begins looking after them. During that time, the brothers concentrate on studying alchemy in hopes of bringing their mother back to life and are able to train with a skilled alchemist named Izumi Curtis.[16] When they return home from their training, they proceed to try the taboo art of Human transmutation but fail, costing Edward his left leg and Alphonse his entire body. Edward then performs a second transmutation, sacrificing his own right arm to bind Alphonse's soul to a nearby suit of armor.[15] Edward becomes a State Alchemist in order to find a way to recover their bodies through use of the legendary Philosopher's Stone. Winry Rockbell, his childhood friend, also outfits him with prosthetic automail limbs to replace those that he lost. It is because of these metal parts that Edward is given the title "Fullmetal Alchemist". During their search they become the target of an Ishbalan called Scar and of the Homunculi.[17]

When Edward and Alphonse discover that the homunculi and the Philosopher's Stone are related, they work together with Lin Yao and Roy Mustang in order to find them.[18] However, after the Elric brothers meet the first homuculus "Father", they are forced to keep working with the military by the higher ups secretly using their friends from Resembool as hostages.[19] Being unable to protect them, Ed and Al go to the north of the country to request help from Olivier Mira Armstrong.[20] Shortly after arriving there, the State Alchemist Zolf J. Kimblee, takes Winry to the north along with him to keep forcing him to work.[21] When they are ordered to capture the Ishbalan, Scar, they decide to ask him to help them to move Winry to a safe place.[22] Once they succeed, Ed starts working with the rebelled homunculus Greed, who is in the body of Lin Yao, and finds out that "Father" plans to make a human transmutation out of the entire country. Ed, Al, and all of their allies thus unite in an effort to bring down Father.

Attack: 7
Running speed: 6.5
Attack speed: 5
Range: 7.5
Weight: 4.5
Jumps: 6
Height: 6
Falling speed: 8
Wall Jump: Yes
Wall Cling: No
Glide: No
<Special Mechanic>

Pressing the neutral A button will cause Edward to change his auto-mail arm in to a blade sort of weapon. Edward’s auto-mail arm will stay in that same blade form until Edward decides to change it back. He can change it back by holding the neutral A button for 2 seconds (simply tapping the A button will cause Edward to attack again). With the arm still in that blade form though, some of Edward’s move change, like the side tilt, and the side smash. They usually involve Edward doing different attacks with his blade auto-mail, but there are times where it doesn’t involve his auto-mail at all, despite Edward is currently using it. Still…this affects quite a few moves that Edward uses, so I suggest that you study which moves do which. However, you should note that Edward can only use these moves every 5 seconds.

There is a different way for Edward’s auto-mail arm to go back to normal. The opponent might try to break it. They can break it by attacking Edward’s auto-mail arm, and after 75% damage suffered, it will break, not being able to use the neutral A attack (or any other attack that involves that auto-mail for that matter) for about 20-30 seconds and the fact that all of his attacks drop by 3-5% damage. Every move that involves Edward using his blade auto-mail, he usually leaves it open for the opponent to attack it. I suggest you watch out, and make sure you don’t miss with Edward’s attacks.

Edward’s leg auto-mail can also break. If the opponent uses low attacks like there D-tilt, or something like that, after about 75% damage racked on it, it will break. This causes Edward to have a 50% more of a trip rate, and the fact that his running speed stat drops by 2. Obviously you do NOT want this to happen, so jump often, and avoid.
<Special attacks>

Neutral Special -----> Obstacle alchemy
Edward will have his palms on the ground, and after sparks of electricity start surrounding him, something appears right in front of Edward. An…item? That’s right. With this standard special, Edward can use alchemy to create items. The standard special takes about a whole 3 seconds to make the item, and the item appears about 1.5 stage builder blocks in front of Edward. The item that is being made however really depends on which stage Edward is on. There are some items that only help Edward only, but there are other items that have the possibility to effect both Edward and the opponent. Edward may only use this move every 20-30 seconds. The items that can be made for each stage are as followed:

Battlefield: Edward creates one of those Wireframe fighters (you know…the ones you find in 100 man melee), to fight for him. However, they will not be able to move at all at the beginning of this move. Otherwise, the opponent can pick up the lifeless Wireframe soldier like an item, and throw them off the stage, rending them useless. Edward has to be right next to them again, and press the standard B button again for them to be able to move like an ordinary Wireframe fighters. They will not attack Edward at all, but they can easily be knocked out with a nice knock back move.

Bridge of Eldin: Edward creates one of those big bombs that King Bulbin always throws on the stage, except this time, he can throw it. In 8 seconds, the bomb will explode by itself, dealing off about 20-25% damage with good knockback. Edward (and his opponents) can pick up and throw it, but it's heavy to carry (like a box), and it takes about 2 seconds just to throw it.

Pictochat: Edward will create a...Nintendo DS, and if someone picks it up, they will be distracted by playing on it for about 3-5 seconds, giving Edward a chance to attack. After the opponent stops playing with it, they toss it aside, and it disappears away. However, be warned as if Edward picks it up, he can be distracted with it as well.

Final Destination: Edward will create a smash symbol, and if he throws it, it will open up a dark portal 2 small stage builder blocks forward that sucks everyone in, and will reappear somewhere else on the stage in the sky. It could be anywhere really. The portal isn't really big (only as big as Mario actually), but it sucks anyone in a 2 small stage builder block range. So yeah..

Delfino Plaza: Edward will create....a super soaker? Yeah, he'll create a water gun that acts exactly like Mario's down B (charging, blasting, the stuff.) Yeah....that's the best i could think of. Sorry >_>.

Luigi’s mansion: Edward creates a stone pillar, that is impossible to break, to prevent the mansion from falling down like it does when you destroy those pillars...thingy. The opponent cannot go through the pillar, so there is no way they can cross it. This can be used to keep one part of Luigi's mansion from falling down, and to keep the opponent at bay.

Mushroomy Kingdom: Edward will create one of those blocks with a question mark on it. Obviously, if hit by someone (or if it's headbutted underneath it), an item will pop out of it (most likely a super mushroom though). Yeah....all i could come up with.

Mario Circuit: Edward will create a Mario Kart car! If the A button is pressed near it, the player will hop on into the car, and start riding it. It controls similar to Wario's Bike move, but it's more controlled, and it doesn't breaks to pieces.

Rumble falls: Edward will create a ladder, which he can climb upwards with. It only lasts for about 20 seconds though. Also....it only goes about 4 stage builder blocks upwards, so it doesn't really extend THAT far.

The Pirate Ship: Edward will create a cannon ball that shoots out a cannon like the ones that come out from the background. It shoots very slowly though, like Ike's forward smash, but it can reach as far as 5 6 stage builder blocks forward!

Norfair: Edward will create a capsule that if someone enters it, they will be completely safe from any attacks for about 10 seconds. However, they can't go anywhere at all. You best be knowing what you're doing.

Frigate Orpheon: Edward will create a platform that doesn't change at all, no matter what happens to the stage. It's only a small battlefield platform, and it only lasts about 10 seconds.

Yoshi’s island: Edward will create one of those Mario blocks that if you hit, things can go through it for a while...except you can throw it. Yeah....i realize i'm running out of ideas.

Battleship Halberd: Edward will create a....cape similar to Metaknight. It will temporaly change the character's down B button to Metaknight's down B for 10 seconds. That's some good stuff right there folks.

Lylat cruise: Edward will create a gun similar to Fox's standard B one, and it will temporaly shoot out the exact same firepower that Fox has for 10 seconds after it wears out.

Pokemon Stadium (both the original and the new one): Edward will create....a pokeball. A regular pokeball. Yeah, yeah, i realize this is kind of generic....but STILL!

Spear Pillar: Edward will create...a Masterball. OMGZ. Seriously though, if thrown at an opponent, it will capture the opponent without fail! It's moves just like a regular Pokeball, only it catches people! The opponent will be trapped in the pokeball for 10 seconds, so Edward can throw the Masterball off the stage for an easy KO. THAT ISH ALL.

Port Town Aero Dive: Edward will...create a car. Refer to Mario Circuit. It's basically that....only faster! LOLCHILLINZ.

Castle Siege: Edward will create a generic sword weapon. With this sword, he'll be a temporary Ike clone, only with the same stats he has right now (so he's still Edward, and not slow Ike). If Ike uses this sword, he'll simply use the sword like he uses a sword weapon (2 swords at once =O).

Warioware: Edward will create a coin that allows Edward to automatically win a Warioware minigame. He has to hold the coin until the current WarioWare game is over. If he doesn't,...oh well!

Distant Planet: Edward will create one of those blocks with a number 10 on it. If thrown at an opponent, it can deal off about 10% damage. Variety!.

Smashville: Edward will create those annoying balloons, only this time, it can distract the opponent by causing the opponent to continouisly follow it.

New Pork City: Edward will create a can of food labelled, "FOOD," and if that chimerah (you know...the huge pink monster that bites off a lot of damage O_o) is near the can of food, it will go up to it, and start eating it. This make the monster actually get rid able, so you don't have to deal with it for 20 seconds by hitting it with 30% damage. Be careful though, as it only takes about 5 seconds to eat it.

The Summit: Edward will create an icicle spear, that functions like a laser saber or a fan. This time, it can cause opponents to freeze (about a 50% chance with everyhit), and who's ever using this weapon has there knockback increased by one level. It disappears after 10 seconds.

Skyworld: Edward will create a cloud, and if used by someone, it will make someone as light as a feather, with there barely being any gravity, making them all floatish, and jumpier. Lol.

75m: Edward will create...one of those platforms that you can climb on, like the stage. Really.....i can't think of anything else.

Mario Bros.: Edward will create a pipe, that transport you just about anywhere. Relax however, as you'll most likely reappear somewhere safe. No where near a pit, or near the edge of the stage even.

Flat zone (1 and 2): Edward will create a box that is completely 2 dimentional. Seriously. Anyway, Edward can throw the box at the opponent....but it passes right through the opponent, since it's so slim, and predictable. You can, however, climb on it. SERIOUSLY.

Green Hill Zone: Edward will create a ring, that if grabbed by a person, it will temporaly boost there power by 3-4% damage for 10 seconds. LOL.

Temple: Edward will create a copy of the Master Sword! It will temporaly allow the holder be a clone of Link (besides specials). If Link is holding this weapon, Link will have 2 master swords in his hand.

Jungle Japes: Edward will create a banana, that acts exactly like Diddy Kong's bananas.

Onett: Edward will create....a Yo-yo. It temporaly changes the down smash and up smash of the holder to Ness' Up smash and Down smash. HOORAY FOR YOYOS.

Corneria: Please look at Lylat cruise. *was lazy*

Green Greens: Edward will create...an apple. It will act like the apples that whispy woods sends out. SO YEAH.

Big Blue: Edward will create a platform, that for 10 seconds allows the player to safely walk on the ground that's speeding like crazy.

Lab 5: Edward will create steel bars, that prevents the prisoners from getting out. Also, it also prevents opponents from getting too close to Edward. Use this move if you need to some time to think. Do think fast though, as opponents can simply jump over the 3 small stage builder blocks long bars.

Side special -----> Equivilant exchange

Edward will stick his palms out, and if they touch the opponent, electricity starts happening. If he doesn't, nothing happens. If they did however, Edward's auto-mail will start being damaged! However, for every 4% damage a second that Edward's auto-mail suffers, 1% of damage will suffer upon the opponent. The opponent cannot do anything at all, when Edward uses this move. As soon as 1 of Edward's auto-mail armors (leg or arm) is destroyed completely, Edward will let go of the opponent, suffering a huge amount of lag (2 seconds =O). Once both of Edward's auto-mails are destroyed, Edward may not use this move for 10 seconds. Edward may let go at any moment however, so he doesn't screw his arms and legs over.

Once 10 seconds is over, Edward can still use this move if Edward's auto-mail is broken, only this time, something else happens. This time, Edward's auto-mail will start repairing it self by 4% damage each! However, the opponent will heal themselves about 2% damage for every second as well. Once one of Edward's auto-mails is healed by 40% damage, Edward will let go again, and it goes back to the first effect it was intended.

Down Special -----> Human Transmutation

Edward will start create a circle on the ground for a moment. It takes about 3 whole seconds for Edward to make the alchemy circle. If he is interrupted in those 3 seconds....well, looks like he has to try again with this move. If he does manage to complete the 3 seconds, the circle will be fully drawn on the ground. Now for the next part of the move...

If Edward presses the down B button near the alchemy circle again, Edward will throw his palms to the ground, and lighting starts surround it. After about 2-5 seconds in waiting, the transmutation is a success! It will be a complete clone of the character Edward is fighting (if it's a free for all, it will be the one that Edward last hit) and it will act on it's own, being a level random Cpu. Seriously. Only exception is that they only last for 10 seconds, as it rots away to the ground, just like there mother did.....no offense Edward. If Edward was interrupted in those 2-5 seconds, the transmutation will fail. It will cause Edward to suffer 10% damage, and have a huge amount of ending lag.

Use this move wisely.

Up special -----> Door creation

Edward will quickly say, "If there isn't a way out, we make one!" and focuses on the back ground behind him. After that, with some alchemy magic, he will create a door that he will enter, and reappear in any direction you choose by using the control stick, about 4.5 small stage builder blocks in that same direction. This move has about above average lag, and above ending lag as well (the animation for this move is 3 seconds in total). This is not an attacking move, but when Edward enters the door, he'll be out of the field, not being able to attack, so players should use this move to escape from tight spots.
<Standard A attacks>

Neutral A -----> Automail dagger

Edward will quickly turn his auto-mail arm into a blade weapon. He will then use that same weapon to stab forward with it, then follow it up with a horizontal swipe with it, and finish it off with a vertical swipe. This move has short range, with fast speed, at both the beginning and at the end. The damage it can deal off is about 3-4% damage per hit and very little knock back on the last hit.

Side tilt -----> Spear Alchemy

Edward will use alchemy to create a spear from the ground, and punch forward to the opponent. Range can reach about 2.5 small stage builder blocks, with slightly above average beginning speed, and little ending lag. The damage it can cause is about 8-9% damage, with just okay knockback being dealt. A decent move for range attacks, but maybe hard to hit with.

Blade Auto-mail attack: If Edward has the blade auto-mail out, he will still create a spear from the ground, but this time, he will use his blade to cut it in half (any opponent near there will suffer 6% damage, with only a flinch), and then use the spear to stab forward, causing 6-7% damage, with okay knockback. This move has 1 small stage builder block range only, and speed has above average lag, and barely any lag at the end.

Down tilt -----> Canon Alchemy

Edward will use alchemy…again, this time, creating a canon from the ground! The canon will fire one cannonball straight forward, travelling about 4 small stage builder blocks forward, and dealing off about 12-13% damage, with nice knockback. The lag is really bad however, with the beginning lag of Ike’s forward smash, and the ending of it as well. Hitting with this move is not easy.

Blade Auto-mail attack: Having the blade auto-mail in use will have Edward stab the ground (instead of just simply touching the ground) causing the cannon to upgrade to a Gatling gun, which will cause it to fire rapidly. The range is about 3 small stage builder blocks, and the speed is still the same as the original down tilt. This is a multiple hitter (about 5-7 hits in all), seeing it’s a rapid-fire attack, dealing off about 2-3% for each hit, with little knockback on the last hit.

Up tilt -----> Rock alchemy

Edward will use alchemy once again, only this time, he’ll create one huge, and the rock will fire itself straight upwards. Range shoots upwards about 3 small stage builder blocks upwards, and speed is rather laggy with the beginning of Captain Falcon’s neutral special, but there is hardly any ending lag at all. The damage is about 10-11% damage, with a bit above okay knockback.

Dash attack -----> Spiker

As Edward is charging forward, he will tuck and roll forward (but he is still hittable, unlike shield rolls), and after clapping his hands, he will point forward, causing spikes from the ground to shoot up, dealing off about 10% damage, with ok knockback. Range being about 1.5 small stage builder blocks forward, with average startup lag, and above average ending lag.

Blade Auto-mail attack: He’ll still do pretty much the same thing as mentioned before, but this time, instead of pointing forward, he will stab forward, dealing off about 6% damage, with just a flinch knockback. Not only that, Edward has super armor while stabbing too. So yeah, that’s pretty much it….
<Smash Attacks>

Side smash -----> Explosion Destruction

Edward will throw both of his hand forward, letting out his palms. If they manage to touch an opponent, a huge explosion will happen, and cause some major damage. If they don't hit an opponent, nothing happens. Speed is the beginning of Captain Falcon's forward smash for the explosion to happen, and the ending of it as well. Range reaches only what's right in front of Edward's palms, so this forces Edward to get in close. Damage being is around 17-18% damage with good knock back uncharged. Fully charged, the opponent suffers 21-22% damage with great knock back.

Blade auto-mail: Edward will run forward, perform a back flip off the opponent, stunning them for a moment. Edward follows it up with a spinning blade attack, hitting about 5 times. Range reaches about 2 small stage builder blocks as Edward is charging forward for a bit. Speed has just below average lag at the beginning, and only average ending lag at the end. The damage Edward can cause with the back flip will cause the opponent to have 8% damage with temporally stunning the opponent. With the spinning blade auto-mail attack, each attack will cause around 2% damage with ok knock back on the last hit uncharged. Fully charged, it boosts up to 3-4% damage for each hit with nice knock back on the last hit.

Up Smash -----> Electricity Alchemy

Edward will clap his hands together, and soon, a small electric bolt will shoot out from the ground, and reach up about 2 small stage builder blocks upwards, and shock enimies down. The speed is about the beginning of Pikachu's forward smash, and the ending lag of Marth's standard special. Damage is about 15-16% damage with little knockback uncharged, and 18-19% damage with nice knockback fully charged.

Blade auto-mail: With that blade, electricity will start surrounding him, and while Edward is spinning, he will slash all around him upwards. It barely has any beginning lag at all, but suffers with above average lag. The range is that Edwards hops up a bit, causing this attack to reach about 1.5 stage builder blocks upwards. This attack can deal off about 14-15% damage with nice knockback uncharged, and 17-18% damage with good knockback fully charged.

Down Smash -----> Alchemist circle

Edward will have both his hands on the ground, creating a transmutation circle. Right after, light will lit up, and damage the foe. The bigger Edward makes the circle, the greater the damage. The down smash’s effects depends on how much Edward charges this move.

0-25% Charged: Edward will have just a small circle that lights up, dealing off about 8-9% damage with little knock back. This move’s speed is fast, with barely any lag at the beginning or at the end. Range however, reaches only what is directly in front and next to Edward. This move is really weak, not being smash attack worthy, and barely being tilt worthy, but it’s a fast move. So use this move when you’re in a pinch.

26-50% Charged: Edward will have his circle a bit bigger this time, and when it lights up, it deals off about 13-14% damage. This circle’s special effect is that this move transports the opponent somewhere else on the stage. That’s right, the opponent could be anywhere. It only teleports opponents about 2-3 stage builder blocks away however. Plus, the opponent will always remain on the stage in someway (so Edward cannot kill with this move at all.) The speed is for the beginning, basically the entire animation for Lucario’s down special, and the ending lag is just average. The range reaches 1.5 stage builder blocks in total.

51-75% Charged: The circle is even bigger this time, being the biggest circle that Edward can make, and the circle’s light shines up, it deals off about 15-16% damage with nice knock back uncharged. This Edward’s best way to KO with his down smash. The speed is about the beginning of Link’s side special, and the ending of Link’s forward smash. The range reaches a total of 2 stage builder blocks forward.

76-100% Charged: The circle is still the same size, except that the circle lights up COMPLETELY. This time, the circle when lighted up will deal off about 13-14% damage. The circle’s special effect tampers with the opponent’s stats. It will lower down the opponent’s stat by 2 levels (like power, speed, jumping, etc.) It’s only a temporary stat change, as it only lasts for about 10-15 seconds. There is no knock back at all, as the opponent just stands there, un-stunned. The range is about 2 stage builder blocks only. The speed is really laggy, with the beginning of Ike’s forward smash, and the ending of it as well.

<Aerial attacks>

Neutral Aerial -----> Hands clap

Edward will simply clap his hands together. There is barely any beginning lag, and barely any ending lag either. What this clapping of the hands does is have Edward's next alchemy based attack do an extra 3% damage. It's nothing really special. If you press the neutral aerial button again, Edward will still clap his hands, but nothing happens.

Forward Aerial -----> A shiny punch

Edward will send a punch forward with his auto-mail arm, dealing off about 8-9% damage, with ok knockback, and ripoff any clothing that was surrounding the arm before. The range is about 1/2th of a small stage builder block forward, and has barely any beginning lag, but above average ending lag. This move may sound generic, but it's not over yet! After Edward finishes punching forward, a shining bright light will shine from his auto-mail for not only cool visual effects, but also with that light, it covers 5 small stage builder blocks, all around Edward in light, shining the screen! A useful move for blinding the opponent temporaly, and mindgames.

Blade auto-mail: Edward will slash vertically 2 times, up and down, and end it off with an axe kick, sending opponents to there doom, with 3-4% damage for each hit. The range is the same as above, but the speed has some beginning lag, and still above average ending lag. On the bright side, it can now meteor opponents!

Backwards Aerial -----> Blade Auto-mail extend

Edward will point his auto-mail arm forward, and all of a sudden, the same auto-mail blade we've come to now and love, shoots out, extending far backwards, reaching about 3.5 small stage builder blocks. The speed has major above average lag for the blade to come out, but hardly any ending lag. This move does around 11-12% damage, with ok knockback. This move is good for reaching far places.

Blade auto-mail: Edward will still do the exact move, but electricity starts surrounding it instead (for cool visual effects!) and the fact that the lag is majorly reduced to having barely any lag at all. THAT IS ALL.
Downwards Aerial -----> Electricity Alchemy

Edward will start having electricity surround his hands, and Edward points his hands downwards, trying to shock opponents, dealing off around 10% damage with ok knockback. This move is rather laggy, for the electricity to happen (about the beginning of Captain Falcon's forward smash) but there is hardly any ending lag. Range only reaches straight downwards, but it has a disjointed hitbox, electricity spreading 1.5 small stage builder block all around Edward's hands in total.

Upwards Aerial -----> Backflip

Edward quickly uses alchemy to create a double edged sword blade, and immediately throws it upwards. It reaches straight upwards only, reaching about 2 small stage builder blocks upwards. It's speed has some above average beginning lag, but hardly any ending lag. The damage it causes is around 13% damage, with ok knockback.

Blade auto-mail: Edward will use his blade auto-mail to quickly swing upwards 3 times horizontal motion, each slash dealing off about 4% damage each, with little knockback on the last hit. The speed has barely any lag at the beginning, and hardly any ending lag either. Range reaches only what is directly above Edward.

Beat down -----> Auto-mail punch

Edward will simply use his fist to do all the talking, punching the opponent continously. Deals off about 2% damage per second. Goes at average speed of a regular Beat down.

Forward Throw -----> Spear throw

Edward will throw his opponent forward, and he will quickly create a spear with alchemy, and throw it forward. This deals off about 10% damage, with ok knockback. The spear can also effect opponents outside the throw, though it's kind of hard to hit with.

Blade Auto-Mail: Edward will push his opponent forward, and go in to a stabbing frenzy, continously stabbing the opponent forward, dealing off about 12% damage in total, and with the opponent stabbed to death, they fall to the ground lol.

Backwards Throw -----> Fast Kick

Edward throws his opponent behind him, and quickly charges toward them, and sends out a fast kick, with his feet. This attack causes about 9% damage with ok knockback in total. This is a okay KO move, but make sure you damage rack first.

Upwards Throw -----> Gun alchemy

Edward will throw his opponent upwards, and will create a gun (OH SNAP! GUNS IN BRAWL!!), and he'll fire it 3 times upwards. Each gun shot deals off about 4% damage, but the opponent slowly falls down to the ground, so this move can't kill.

Downwards Throw -----> Obstacle creation

Edward will let go of his opponent for a moment, and create....an obstacle? That's right, an obstacle, that prevents Edward's opponent from reaching him RIGHT AFTER he let go of his opponent. They only last for 10 seconds however, and the obstacle is completely random. Here are the 4 choices:

Edward will create a statue of liberty! It's about as tall as 3 small stage builder blocks, and 1 stage builder block wide. This acts as a wall against the opponent and Edward. It's practically so solid, that no attack can get through it! Not even Final Smashes!

Edward will create a fire pit, that every 2 seconds that happens, a wall of fire shoots up, and attacks the person, dealing off about 8% damage, with ok knockback. THAT IS ALL!

Edward will create....a bat? Not just any bat though, it's a bomb bat! If it touches the opponent or Edward, it will explode right in there face, dealing off about 18% damage, with nice knockback. It moves slowly though, so don't worry about it too much.

Edward will create a small wall....with a hole in it? That's right. Opponents can't get through the wall, besides jumping it, but they can get attacks through. Only projectiles however, due to the size of the hole in the wall.
<Final Smash>

The Gate

Edward has grabbed the smashball! With the smash ball, Edward's auto-mail arms and legs return back to human arms and legs. Edward will then ripoff his shirt (no, this is not a yaoi >_>), and has those alchemy symbols all around him. He then creates a large alchemy circle on the ground, and claps his hands once. All of a sudden, a huge gate appears right in front of Edward, and starts to open up. The gate will then suck up opponents in a 8 small stage builder block range in front of it, and close the gate door. If the gate fails to capture an opponent after 3 seconds, it's a waste of a smash ball. If the gate does manage to capture an opponent however, while the opponent is trapped in the gate, they'll suffer 20% damage! Once the gate opens up...the opponent's right arm, and left leg have disappeared (since this is a kids game, there is no blood whatsoever.) That's right, all of the opponent's attack drop by 5% damage, and there running speed is dropped by 2 levels, plus a 60% more trip rate. Edward, while his new human arms and legs returned, cannot use any more auto-mail blade attacks, but his attack power does temporally increase by 4% damage, with one extra knockback level. After 20 seconds, the effect wears off, with Edward's arms and legs back to auto-mail parts, and the opponent's regular's body limbs back to normal as well.

Edward is one of those faster and versatile fighters that have a wide arrange of attacks. Edward, like all characters, needs to rack up damage to be able to successfully KO opponents. Using the 3 hitting neutral A attack combo will do things nicely, usually dealing off a solid 10% damage usually. Keep on using the neutral A attack, and things will go surely fine. Of course, the neutral A attack WILL get predictable, so don’t count on it too much. It’s best to use it may be 2 or 3 times, and get ready for a Blade Auto-mail attack.

Let’s start with Specials. His neutral B really depends on what stage Edward is playing on. Be aware of Edward’s surroundings, and know what Neutral B effect does on each stage, and you should be fine. His downwards special will cause at least a distraction to the opponent, causing the opponent to fight 2 characters at once. It will take a while for the downward’s B to actually happen however, so don’t depend on it too much. Edward’s side special is useful to trap opponents in Edward’s range, so they do not escape from his grasp. Just let go before Edward’s auto-mail starts to break, or otherwise, you’re screwing him over. His upwards special is not the best reaching recovery, but it cannot be intercepted at all, so don’t worry about getting hit.

Edward’s blade auto-mail attack involves him getting in close to the opponent, so if you’re a close combat kind of person, obviously Edward’s auto-mail attacks are for you. This is also both a good KO and a damage racking way to fight with Edward. 2 things in one! Also, using the auto-mail blade down tilt is a nice way to damage rack easily from far away, without getting close in at all. Edward’s forward smash is also a great way to attack. With that move, Edward can have the opportunity to KO an opponent, without worrying for the opponent to attack back. Edward’s side tilt auto-mail blade attack is decent as well, making Edward more of a risk taking kind of character.

More in detail with his smash attacks, his forward smash also has a bad side to it. Edward cannot easily hit with it at all. It requires time and patience. The hitbox is rather small, so it is hard to hit with. Also for the down smash: the effects are hard to measure with, so you might want to practice constantly with his charging. Make sure you know what effects you want for the down smash, so that you can measure carefully. Edward’s up smash can easily attack opponents upwards, but it’s a slow moving attack, so you might want to time attacks carefully.

Now for the aerials. Edward’s neutral one will have attacks boosted up a bit. However, this will leave Edward open on the spot when he’s clapping his hands. You might want to take a step away from the opponent to safely get the wanted boost. His forward aerial can cause a distraction to the opponent with the light and the stuff, so you might be able to get away from a chain grab or something. His backwards aerial has a good reaching move, but that leaves Edward open from all his other places. His downwards aerial has a good hitbox, but it’s a rather slow aerial. His upwards aerial (and man, I just though t of this aerial on the spot O_o) can easily hit opponents above Edward, and is decent for KOing opponents in the upwards direction, but of course, like most of Edward’s moves, leaves him open.

Finally, the final smash. All you have to do is get Edward to be right in front of his opponent for this to fully work. Use some grabs and throw his opponent to get in full reach. Use his downward’s throw too for good and better results. After the final smash hits, it’s an easy game from now on.

Edward is a around a high mid tier kind of character. He is a fighter with a variety of options, but leaves himself open too much. Also, his auto-mail blade attacks only reach forward and are not projectiles (besides down tilt). Good luck using Edward!


Up Taunt: Edward will transform his hand arm into that blade weapon again, and change it right back.
Side Taunt: Edward will look all angry and pissed, and say, " I'M NOT LITTLE! DON'T CALL ME ******! OR SHORTY! OR SHRIMP!"
Down Taunt: Edward will look at his auto-mail arm in sadness, and then turns his face to a determined look.

Victory Pose
Victory Pose 1: Edward will look all serious and say, "The Philosopher's Stone: those who possess it, no longer bound by the laws of equivalent exchange in alchemy, can gain without sacrifice... create without equal exchange. We searched for it... and we found it."
Victory Pose 2: Edward points to his opponent and says, "WHO ARE YOU CALLING A MOUSY LITTLE PIPSQUEAK?!"
Victory pose 3: Edward will do a thumbs up and say, "That's alchemy for you!"

Assist Trophy - Wrath:

Wrath raises up his foot to show his homonculis symbol tattooed on it, letting out a laugh upon being summoned from the assist trophy. Wrath then runs after the closest target save the summoner, running just a bit slower then Captain Falcon’s run. Wrath has only one jump the height of Mario’s and takes the most direct path to you, so the best way to avoid him is to get him to run into a wall or get to a elevation too high for him to get to. Don’t think you can just jump off the edge so he runs off it to his doom, though, as he’ll just respawn. Wrath lasts for 15 seconds or until he comes into contact with someone.

Upon touching someone, Wrath will extend out his arm to use some unrefined alchemy to fuse his body together with the victim’s. This counts as a grab. When Wrath is fused with you, he’ll try to move the opposite way you do, causing you to just walk in place and be unable to move. Wrath will regularly smack you with his free arm every 2 seconds, doing 8% and interrupting any moves you were performing. Wrath keeps you stuck like this for 10 seconds, and for the final hit he does a kick for 15% and above average knockback. You have super armor when Wrath is fused with you, but you can’t really do any harm to your enemy and Wrath is constantly beating you up, giving you a total of 47% damage.

*** Stage – Lab 5: ***

The entire stage looks rather metallic, and there are mass red bubbling cauldrons in the background. Several prisoners can also be seen being held captive behind bars. No objects in the actual arena besides a transmutation circle at the center, and the stage is around the length of Final Destination. There are walls on the sides of the stage, but the ceiling is too high up, you still able to get star KOs. If you stay against the wall for long, spikes will come out before retracting back into the wall, doing 10% and average knockback. This prevents infinite chain grabbing. This stage is essentially just a less broken version of Shadow Moses at heart. . .

But what fun would that be? There are a few various events that can randomly happen on the stage.

Sometimes an explosion will occur in the background next to the prisoner's cell, busting it open and freeing them. The prisoners will then hastily run out from the background onto the stage and then off the foreground, coming up against the cameras before getting out of vision, causing mass blocking of the view. As they overlap with the stage, they do 15% and above average knockback if you don’t do a dodge.

The guardian of the lab, Slicer, will also occasionally come out onto the battlefield to join the fray. He’s a sturdy suit of armor that functions as an even slower even more powerful version of Ike. While he can’t use items, he’s insanely heavy, like as heavy as Bowser with a metal box, thus he can’t be KOd by conventional means. However, once he takes 30 stamina worth of damage, his helmet will be knocked off. Slicer’s little brother will still continue to control the suit of armor and fight on, but after taking another 30 stamina worth of damage will crumble to dust. However; once his helmet is knocked off, it can be used as a throwing item, and Slicer can put it back on to reset his stamina back to the full 60, so be careful. While Slicer is powerful, he’s so insanely slow that he’ll only really affect anything in a FFA where he can actually hit something.

The –other- guardian of the lab, Barry the Chopper, will also occasionally come out onto the battlefield. He’ll leap in from the background doing a downward slash for 20% and spiking downwards, then his blades will get stuck in the ground, leaving him vulnerable. He’ll then go into the background again before coming out again in another random period 10-15 seconds later. Barry has 40 stamina you must take out before the living suit of armor will crumble to pieces.

The stage hazard who has the most notable effect on the battle is Tucker. He’ll follow a player’s horizontal position while in the background for 5 seconds, then grab them. Tucker cannot jump, so this is the easiest way to avoid him. If he –does- grab you, however, he’ll pull you over to the transmutation circle and cause a massive explosion double the size of Bowser for 30% and huge knockback, creating a cheap knock off of the philosopher’s stone. Tucker will take it and run off into the background with it. You can escape Tucker’s grab quite easily by button mashing, but at high percentages it becomes hard to escape. Still, it’s not terribly hard to just avoid him in the first place.

*** SSE Role: ***

Before the level where you run away from the Pig King Statue as Lucas, PIKACHU and POKEMON TRAINER are seen together, Pikachu mounted on the trainer’s shoulder. They’re walking through a forest together. A Metapod falls down from the trees and wiggles back and forth. The trainer takes out his Pokedex to inspect the Metapod to see if it’s worth catching, then rolls his eyes and sends out Charizard to dispose of it with a fire blast for some quick experience points. The screen fades out then slowly fades back in for the Pokemon Trainer to look tired. He looks at his pokedex again, it showing data on Jigglypuff with a blinking mark over the trainer’s location, this apparently being where they’re located. The Pokemon Trainer lets Pikachu look at the pokedex and points at Jigglypuff’s picture for the electric rodent to nod and let out a “Pika!”. You play through a level as the two characters and rather then subspace enemies there are various wild bug Pokemon for the enemies. You have access to Ivysaur and Charizard alongside Squirtle.

At the end of this level, the trainer comes up into a clearing to see GLUTTONY chasing JIGGLYPUFF around in circles. Gluttony is drooling in mass, going very fast, Jigglypuff barely able to keep fleeing. Pikachu’s cheeks crackle with electricity upon seeing this and the trainer sends Ivysaur out into battle. You play as the trainer, Pikachu, and Jigglypuff all against Gluttony. Gluttony has maxxed hunger for the entire duration of the battle to keep the three on one from being a cake walk.

Upon defeating Gluttony, he’s turned into a trophy. Jigglypuff angrily goes up with his her marker and doodles over Gluttony’s face, then happily goes up to the trainer and nods in thanks. Before any pleasantries can be exchanged, though, LUST comes into the clearing with an army of subspace creatures. Lust extends out a finger to touch the base of Gluttony’s trophy to revive him, then motions out her other arm to have the army attack. Gluttony leads the charge as the trainer and his pokemon have intimidated looks on their faces. The trainer lets out Charizard and hops on top of him along with Pikachu and Jigglypuff, flying up and away from the army. However, Lust extends out her fingers and wraps them around Charizard, bringing him down to the ground. The trainer, Pikachu, and Jigglypuff hop off Charizard and run frantically as Gluttony drools over Charizard’s tail, putting out the flame on it and turning him into a trophy, Lust and the subspace army still on their tail. Lust extends out her fingers to stab Pikachu and Jigglypuff as she chases them, turning them into trophies which her minions catch. Lust goes to stab the trainer, but he nimbly dodges. Lust still manages to snag Ivysaur’s pokeball, however. The trainer comes up to a cliff, cornered. He turns around to look at Lust, then reluctantly jumps off. Thankfully he lands in a pool of water. Lust looks over the cliff to see if the trainer is still alive to see nothing, then goes to leave. The camera zooms into the water to reveal the trainer holding onto Squirtle tightly under the water, then going up for air the moment Lust leaves. The trainer and Squirtle head in the opposite direction of Gluttony and Lust hastily, the trainer being seen next when he encounters Lucas.

After the first level with Pokemon Trainer and Lucas, we are shown Lust, Gluttony and their subspace forces hauling along the trophies of Charizard, Jigglypuff, and Pikachu. One of the primids is carrying Ivysaur’s pokeball. The pokeball. Suddenly, Ivysaur’s pokeball starts wiggling around violently, and Ivysaur escapes from the pokeball. He uses vine whip to touch the trophy bases of Charizard and Jigglypuff. Charizard snorts at Gluttony and smacks his fists together, ready to fight, but Ivysaur carries him away by wrapping his vines around Charizard, carrying him away, this not being a fight they can win. Jigglypuff runs off along with them, but gives a regretful look back at Pikachu’s trophy. . .Lust gives a dismissive motion to Gluttony and some of her forces to go after them while the rest of them continue on their way. You play as Jigglypuff, Ivysaur, and Charizard for a level, the former two not having the trainer around with his annoying voice to bug you. Enemies will constantly come at you from the rear in this level, so you’re encouraged to keep moving.

At the end of the level, you’re shown a cutscene of Charizard leaping off over a cliff as Jigglypuff and Ivysaur hop onto his back and ride on him. Due to Lust not being with the group chasing them, she can’t bring Charizard down like before. However, this is far from over. Gluttony laughs maniacally and takes out a trophy gun and starts firing it rapidly at Charizard, who does graceful aerial maneuvers to dodge. After a while, Charizard gets too far away, much to Gluttony’s dismay, him going back to head to Lust and putting away the trophy gun. He hastily runs back to Lust at a frantic pace and points out in the direction they escaped for Lust to facepalm and motion her troops to come along with her. Lust sees how far off the Pokemon are over the water and sighs. . .How will they chase after them now? Suddenly, WOLF comes up in his Wolfen and gives a thumb up to Lust, motioning her to come over for a ride. Lust looks at the disturbing lack of space in the tiny one man plane and raises an eyebrow for Wolf to spread apart his legs and motion to his lap, smirking. . .He wants Lust to sit his lap?!? Lust grits her teeth and extends out her fingers to get a grip around Wolf’s neck, choking him briefly before releasing him. Lust hops on top of Wolf’s ship, Gluttony following her lead (Carrying Pikachu’s trophy), then she motions off to Charizard. Wolf sighs and flies in the direction they went, them being long off camera by now. The camera zooms in to a deserted island in the general direction Charizard flew off to, it more likely then not being where he landed. Lust and Gluttony hop off the ship, and Lust takes Pikachu’s trophy from Gluttony. Lust hands the trophy to Wolf and points to the subspace bomb factory in the sky for Wolf to nod, taking the trophy and flying off towards it. Gluttony and Lust proceed to go further into this uncharted island. . .

We’re shown a cutscene inside a base of some sort, with ROY MUSTANG at a desk, filling out mountains of paper work. After watching this for a brief bit, King Bradley, comes into Mustang’s office for Mustang to hastily get up and salute him. . .Such a suck up. Anything to one day become the fuhrer. . .Bradley gives a dismissive motion for Mustang to go at ease, then the king takes out a photo of Ganondorf and Bowser to show to Mustang. Bradley runs his finger across his neck, then throws the picture into the trash can. Mustang nods to the king for him to leave, Mustang sinking back into his chair and sighing. How is he supposed to get to them, much less capture them, with such little warning? Mustang sighs. . .He presses a button nearby for SAMUS and SNAKE to come into the room. Mustang brings up a pictures of the subspace bomb factory and the Halberd on his computer and points to it for the two of them to nod and head out after taking some papers for mission briefings and what not. Next, EDWARD and ALPHONSE come into the room. The camera shows Mustang’s point of view from behind the paperwork, only able to see Al due to Ed being so short. Mustang gets a thought bubble with Ed and a “?” for Ed to jump up above the paper work and throw a little tantrum, causing the paper work to fly everywhere. Alphonse laughs while Mustang facepalms. . .Mustang just brings up a picture on his computer of the island Charizard, Ivysaur, and Jigglypuff went off to with a photo of Wrath next to it. Ed gets out of his tantrum for it to just start up once more upon seeing the little gremlin homonculi. Mustang drums his fingers and points outside to a boat for Al to nod, dragging his brother out with him. . .We cut to Bradley who is seen secretly watching Ed and Al leave Mustang’s office. He shakes his head and paces back to his quarters, where SLOTH, his secretary, is waiting for him. Bradley motions off to the boat for Sloth to smirk and nod, turning into a mass of water as she goes out through a vent. . .

Another cutscene opens up showing Ed and Al aboard the boat, it sailing off for the island. Ed looks rather bored as he slumps up against the wall while Al looks out to see. Everything seems to be going smoothly. . .Until a crash on the ship occurs. Ed and Al go out to look at what caused it for it to be a bunch of pathetic pirates in a poorly made old fashioned ship. TOON LINK stands at the helm of this ship, leading the raid against them. Perhaps he’s short on Rupees? Perhaps he thought the ship was one of Ganon’s? Who knows. They put up a plank and start running up onto the much more modern ship Ed and Al are on, but Al casually blocks the way, them getting knocked overboard as they try to pass his massive armor. Ed runs to go down onto the small pirate ship, Al close behind. Some army men from the modern ship go to help the Elric brothers, but the scrawny plank collapses under Alphonse’s large weight, preventing them from coming along. You play a level on Toon Link’s ship (Which is enlarged so as to be a level), various toon pirates being the enemies.

After this level, Toon Link is seen running up to Ed to slash him across the face, but Ed casually transmutes a wooden spike up out of the ship to send Toon Link flying back. Toon Link prepares to run at Ed again, but he is flung away by the ever annoying launcher from the Pirate Ship stage, flying off and landing on Ed and Al’s ship. Toon Link lands deep within the ship to find that it’s sinking and the men panicking to try to prevent it from doing so. A level starts up where you play as the vastly superior Link clone, getting out of the ship before it sinks, there being a time limit. The enemies are various military soldiers in the FMA style.

After getting out of the ship, Toon Link finds the source that’s causing the ship to sink to be Sloth, as she turns one of her arms into water and shoves it down a man’s throat to drown him. She turns to Toon Link and chuckles, petting him like a child. Toon Link, disgusted with this, takes a slash at her, but Sloth picks him up with one of her watery arms and flings him overboard. Ed and Al watch from the puny pirate ship, unable to get back up onto their main ship. Al tries to steer the pathetic ship into the main ship to attack it, but this just causes it to crash due to it already being damaged. It sinks into the sea. Sloth chuckles and jumps into the water, turning her body fully into liquid and rocketing off towards the island at amazing speeds. We then get a shot of Ed, Al, and Toon Link sinking close together, watching Sloth swim off. Al goes to shake Toon Link’s hand, but Ed and Toon Link just swim off, not trying to go for any pleasantries. Al shakes his head, then a underwater level starts, you playing as all three characters. The enemies are various Water Pokemon and aquatic Mario/Kirby/Zelda/DK enemies. Underwater, you have infinite mid air jumps, but your attacks are slightly slower.

Before continuing with Ed and Al, we cut back to the base with Mustang and Bradley. Bradley is seen in his room, pacing back and forth. . .Suddenly, an image comes up on his computer screen showing Wario coming in through the sewers with an army of subspace forces. Bradley clenches his fist and chuckles. . .Finally he can ditch his little cover up here and move on to further greatness with Master Hand. He nods to Wario, then quickly cuts the screen as Hughes comes in. Hughes raises an eyebrow, but Bradley hastily does a dismissive motion to Hughes. Hughes gets a thought bubble of Sloth, pointing to her empty seat, for Bradley to shrug and glare at Hughes angrily. Hughes reluctantly leaves. . .Bradley sighs. He can’t keep Hughes around any longer. He presses a button on his desk for ENVY to come in through an alternate entrance. Bradley runs his finger across his neck for Envy to nod and chuckle. . .He turns into a female officer and heads out into the hallway after Hughes. Envy takes out a gun and points it at Hughes. We’re shown a mug shot of Hughes as he turns around, then the camera instantly blacks out as a gun shot is heard. The camera comes back in to reveal that a certain box has been watching this entire incident. . .Looks like Snake didn’t leave for the Halberd just yet. He waits for Envy to leave, then hastily gets rid of his cover and runs for Mustang’s office. Upon getting there, he finds Mustang already fighting against a bunch of subspace forces, Wario commanding them. Snake takes out a grenade, then you play as him and Mustang in a standard SSE enemy battle. Wario is seen in the background commanding them, regularly using his taunts on you.

Upon defeating the enemies, Wario’s jaw drops. His army has ALREADY been defeated?!? Guess the troops he plowed down along the way already took down a sizable amount of them. Mustang snaps his fingers to cause Wario’s buttocks to light on fire, and he hastily runs around the corner to flee. Snake and Mustang go to chase him, but when they get around the bend Wario is on his motorcycle, fleeing quickly. Snake takes out his rocket launcher and Mustang prepares a powerful attack, but before anything further can happen, Bradley steps out from his office, no longer in his military uniform, blocking their way. He takes off his eye patch to show the symbol of the homonculi, revealing himself as Pride. Master Hand would never accept it if Wario didn’t make it out alive. Pride draws his sword and slashes forward at the shocked Mustang for a boss battle to start.

Boss: Pride

Play as: Roy Mustang, Snake

Attacks at 100%

Ultimate Eye-
Pride reaches up and places his hand on his forehead. Anyone who attacks Pride while he’s in this stance has their attack blocked and countered with a swift kick. Pride’s counter-attack deals 1.2 times the damage and knockback the attack would’ve dealt. Look for the obvious tell and this attack is easy enough to prevent.

Piercing Thrust- Pride lunges forward a fair distance (two battlefield platforms forward) and thrusts his sword outward. This attack is incredibly fast and can easily catch you off guard. Fortunately the thrust is high enough that it can be ducked under. Either duck this or spot dodge it. Deals 14% and medium knockback.

Casual Slice- Pride casually walks forward whilst swinging his sword from left to right. A fairly predictable attack considering he move so slowly but if he does it near you it can wrack up some damage quickly as it’s possible to get locked in the attack. 6% and very low knockback.

Attacks at 50%

Psycho Crusher-
A very close range attack, Pride thrusts his arms out and grabs the opponent by the throat. He then lifts them off the ground and begins to squeeze. Wriggling the control stick is the only way to break free of this attack and if the control stick is NOT wriggled, the player will lose a stock instantly. The player will take continuous damage until they break free of Pride’s grasp, receiving 2% every second and a half that passes.

Raging Inferno- The arena you’re fighting in slowly becomes engulfed in flames; as the battle rages on, the flames grow larger. The flames deal the same amount of damage and knockback as the flames on the Pictochat stage so it’s best to try and wrap up the fight quickly.

Attacks at 25%

Body Reform-
Pride’s body begins to quake slightly as his wounds begin to heal. It takes him a total of 4 seconds to heal and if the move is successful, he’ll recover his health up to the 50% mark. If attacked at all during the process of this attack, Pride will stagger backwards and be vulnerable to attack

Attacks at 10%

Neck Breaker- A variant of the Psycho Crusher attack; instead of slowly crushing the player, Pride crushes the character’s neck instantly costing them a stock. Fortunately this attack is slightly slower than its other form due to Pride being worn down.

Attacks at 5%

End of the Line-
Pride rushes forward as quickly as in his Piercing Thrust attack. If he grabs an opponent, he tosses them into the air and impales them on his sword. He then tosses the opponent’s limp body away and laughs. This attack is rather fast, covers the entire arena length and instantly kills any opponent he grabs. Fortunately, it can be jumped over and, once leapt over, leaves Pride in a vulnerable state where you can easily reduce his HP to zero.

After defeating Pride, Mustang triumphantly stands over him. Looks like his long campaign to become the fuhrer has finally payed off. However; Mustang’s brief moment is cut off when Snake motions to the corpse of Hughes. Mustang clenches his fist and lets out an angry cry, then motions for Snake to leave, him not being seen again until he normally is on the Halberd.

The next cutscene shows Ed, Toon Link, and Al washing up on the island the Elrics were assigned to go to, albeit at another spot on it. Alphonse hastily gets up and starts getting the water off him, thankful that none got on his blood seal. Ed does a quick transmutation on Al to remove the rust his armor acquired and gives his brother a thumbs up for Al to nod in thanks. Al gets a thought bubble showing Wrath, the reason they were supposed to come here in the first place, and points to it for Ed to nod to him. Meanwhile, Toon Link has already run off, long gone, the Elric Brothers scurrying off after him to catch up. You place another level as the two alchemists, the enemies being more various Wild Pokemon due to this island being uninhabited. The Pokemon are considerably stronger than the bug ones from the forest level with Pikachu and the Trainer.

Before continuing the new sub section with the FullMetal Alchemist characters, you play the first Zero Suit Samus/Pikachu level early. However, in the cutscene where Zero Suit Samus normally finds Pikachu being forced to power a machine, Samus spies into the room rather then barging in. We see Wolf placing Pikachu’s trophy into the machine, then reviving the rodent and slamming the door to the machine shut. Wolf chuckles as Pikachu is tortured as a power source for the camera to cut to Samus’ face, letting out a slight gasp. She comes into the room and primes her pistol for Wolf to just let out a chuckle and gets into his feral fighting stance. You brawl Wolf as ZSS. Upon defeating him, Samus frees Pikachu from the machine and then mass Robs come into the room to attack Samus as normal, but they also revive Wolf from his trophy status. Wolf gives Samus a smack to the face, then backflips out over the Robs and out the exit of the room, the door closing behind him. Samus scowls as she gets into a fighting pose alongside Pikachu, and the level plays normally.

The next cutscene opens with Charizard landing on the island and looking around. Ivysaur motions forward with his vines and the other characters follow. Another level in the same design as the last one with Ed, Al, and Toon Link takes place with Ivysaur, Charizard, and Jigglypuff.

At the end of this level, Toon Link, Ed and Al are seen walking by, the Pokemon watching from some foliage. Jigglypuff sees Al in his huge armor and hides behind Charizard. Charizard gets angered by this and roars at the warrior who caused Jigglypuff to cower in fear, coming out into view, Ivysaur hastily coming out alongside him. Jigglypuff stays in hiding while Ed is slightly taken aback by the dragon. Ed goes up to attack, but Al holds him back, not fond of hurting animals. Ed and Al are left with no choice, however, when Toon Link simply leaps out and slashes Charizard across the face, a battle starting up. You play as Ed, Al, and Toon Link against the two PT Pokemon and Jigglypuff.

After the battle, Toon Link, Ed and Al continue on their way, Al shaking his head at the beasts turned into trophies. After they’re gone, Jigglypuff comes out and revives Charizard and Ivysaur. Charizard goes to go after the alchemists, but Jigglypuff and Ivysaur hold him back. Charizard sighs and allows Ivysaur and Jigglypuff to mount on his back once again, flying off into the distance off the island. The camera cuts back to Ed, Al and Toon Link walking through the island, and they suddenly hear some childish laughing. They turn to the laughing, but nobody’s there. They run off after it. . .The camera shows a mug-shot of Wrath, who is in hiding. You play another level as Ed, Al and Toon Link that loops around in mass in a maze like fashion, you having to catch Wrath. You’ll rarely if ever actually see him on camera, and if you do he’ll probably be exiting the door of the room you come into. The only way to catch him is to corner him into a “room” without an exit besides the way he came in.

The next cutscene shows Ed grabbing Wrath as he tries to flee, but Wrath simply smacks him away with impressive force. This pisses Ed of and he starts fighting Wrath, Alphonse rolling his eyes as he reluctantly goes to help his brother. After a bit of this, Sloth reveals herself, leaping out in front of Wrath and takes a hit for him, Wrath excitedly yelling out “Mommy!”. Ed raises an eyebrow at this, but Sloth just lets out a smirk and turns her arm into water, swinging it forward at him. You have three characters (And thus three stocks) against Sloth, but there’s a Wrath assist trophy around constantly that makes things significantly harder and Sloth has an intelligent AI.

Wrath sees his adopted “mother” turned into a trophy and runs off in fear. Al looks down at the trophy of Sloth regretfully. . .She looks so much like their own mother. Al reaches down to touch the base of the trophy, but Ed smacks his hand away. There’s no way that monster could be their mother! Suddenly, Gluttony and Lust come out into view with a sizable amount of subspace forces surrounding the clearing Sloth was just fought in. Lust extends out a finger to revive Sloth and the army proceed to attack the Elric brothers from all angles alongside the three Homonculi. Toon Link and the Elric brothers put up a decent fight, but ultimately get turned into trophies. Wolf comes down in his Wolfen, back from having delivered Pikachu to the Subspace Bomb Factory. Gluttony and Lust hop on top of the small ship, Gluttony carrying all three trophies (Barely, he’s seen struggling a lot while Lust walks past him casually), but when Sloth goes to get in Wolf motions down to his lap again, making room for her. . .He doesn’t know when to quit. Sloth turns her arm into a watery substance and smacks him, then gets on top of the Wolfen alongside Lust and Gluttony. Wolf scowls and flies off for the Subspace Bomb Factory.

Before anything else happens, we’re shown a brief cutscene of Charizard flying with Ivysaur and Jigglypuff. He suddenly gets swarmed by those bird enemies that can be picked up as weapons when they impale their beaks into the ground and is forced to do some barrel rolls to avoid them. . .However, this causes Ivysaur and Jigglypuff to fall off the beast’s back, falling down into the ruins and turning into trophies. Ivysaur and Charizard aren’t seen again until they normally are in the SSE, and Jigglypuff is found alongside Ivysaur.

The cutscene where Kirby runs off and leaves the princess he saved from Petey and Piranha and Bowser turns her into a trophy, then makes a shadow version of her plays out a good deal differently. Instead of Kirby simply running off, Envy appears and smacks him away, causing him to fly off into the distance where he’s not seen until his next cutscene. The princess sees this and goes to run frantically, but Bowser appears and grabs the princess from behind. Bowser throws the princess to the ground and gets in the pose from his dthrow, but Envy comes up in front of Bowser, shaking his head and wagging his finger. Master Hand would never accept this! Bowser sighs and simply smacks the princess unconscious, turning her into a trophy. Envy then transforms into the princess and lets out a chuckle at Bowser, who gives him a thumbs up. Bowser gets into his Koopa Klown Car to take the princess’ trophy to the Halberd and the cutscene ends.

In the next cutscene, Envy then attacks the heroes as the princess normally did due to being in her form, the cutscenes looking the same with the exception of Envy not having the shadow energies radiating off him like the shadow princess. The battle against the princess is also made somewhat harder, as after defeating Envy while he’s in the form of the princess you’ll have to battle him as his true self, him having two stocks.

After defeating Envy, he’s turned into a trophy, but still in the form of the princess so the cutscene remains unchanged. After Mario’s/Link’s misunderstanding, Dedede whisks by in his trophy cart and picks up Envy’s trophy, thinking he’s the real princess. Kirby then comes by and frees the trophies of the character who lost the previous battle along with Envy, also thinking he’s the princess. Mario/Link help Envy up depending on which princess he is. The characters who battled against Envy and know his true identity glare at him, but he just smiles and laughs, hiding behind Mario/Link. Mario and Pit/Link and Yoshi see that the hero is far from willing to let them attack Envy, and just head off in the opposite direction. Kirby heads off after Dedede, motioning Envy to follow, and he hastily heads off after him. The princess’ lover sighs and chases after him, while Pit/Yoshi follow the hero with little thought. You play as Envy in the form of the princess in the levels where you chase after Dedede now as opposed to Link and Yoshi/Mario and Pit.

After playing the first of the two cave levels with Mario/Link’s party, there’s an interruption as we cut back to Mustang, who is located outside the Subspace Bomb Factory with his men, prepared to launch an attack. Mustang motions his forces to move in, snapping his fingers to hasten them up, but this accidentally causes a flame to materalize and burn off a random soldier’s hair, him running around frantically. Mustang facepalms and puts the fire out, then the men run inside. Mustang takes a different route then his men inside, preferring to go it alone, hence there are no soldiers to help you in the level. You play a fairly standard subspace bomb factory level with Mustang, but in the background you can sometimes see your men helping you out.

After this level, Mustang is seen entering the room the Ancient Minister is found in when he reveals his identity. His men are already inside of here fighting off the Robs, but there are far too many, them quickly subdueing and KOing Mustang’s army. Mustang snaps his fingers to burn off the Ancient Minister’s robes to attempt to reveal his identity, but the AM hastily runs out of sight before we can see anything of him. Mustang goes to run after him, but all the doors slam shut and a hologram of Ganondorf appears and laughs as several Darknuts come into the room through Ganon’s dark portals. You play a battle as Mustang against them, then another brief cutscene plays where yet more Darknuts come out and overwhelm Mustang.

In the cutscene where Mario’s/Link’s party chase after Bowser, he is carrying Luigi’s trophy as he flees rather then that of the princess. However, Mario’s/Link’s party catch up to Bowser before he gets away. Kirby goes to smack Bowser with his hammer, but all of a sudden Envy reveals his true colors as he does a swift kick at Kirby to knock him away from Bowser. The princess’ lover stares at Envy in shock for him to smack him across the face, then turn into his true form. Bowser hops off the cliff and Envy runs after him to follow, and they both leave in the Koopa Klown Kar together, heading off to the Halberd. Mario/Link’s party isn’t seen again until their final level where they battle against mass subspace enemies, them reuniting with Link and Yoshi/Mario and Pit which lengthens that cutscene slightly.

Before the Snake/Meta Knight/Lucario level, we are shown Envy and Bowser in the room with the princesses in the cages, Bowser carrying Luigi’s trophy. Envy transforms into Mario, and Bowser nods at him. Bowser proceeds to go out of sight as Envy opens the cages of Peach and Zelda, reviving them. They look excited to see Mario. . .But not so much when he attacks them. You play as Envy again, though with Mario’s moveset rather than his own, you still not getting to unlock him yet.

After assaulting the princesses, the battle is seen raging on rather than the princesses being turned into trophies in the cutscenes, although it’s not really shown as much of a battle, as Envy is owning the princesses considerably. Bowser creeps out behind Luigi’s trophy and touches it from the back, then quickly goes back into hiding before Luigi notices him. Luigi stares in horror at his brother attacking the princesses. He goes up to Envy and frantically talks in gibberish, but Envy knocks him down with an fsmash. Luigi is angered at his brother. . .What the heck is he doing? Now is finally his time to take the spotlight! You play as Luigi in a battle against Mario/Envy.

The battle is still going between the “Mario Bros”, you getting a decently cool fight scene for Luigi’s vengeance that I won’t bother to detail. However; before either brother can finish the other, Bowser intervenes and leaps out, smacking Envy down with an fair and turning him into a trophy. Bowser extends out a hand to Luigi. . .Luigi looks very reluctant to shake, hesitating in mass. In the background behind Luigi we see a primid come over and revive Envy, who turns back into his own form briefly before turning into Peach (Albeit now looking dark and evil, in her Shadow Queen form from Paper Mario 2). The primid presses a button to close a door to block off the real Peach and Zelda, getting them out of Luigi’s sight. This all happens very quickly, Luigi being completely unaware. Envy comes over to Bowser’s side and gives Luigi a kiss on the nose which of course gets Luigi to shake Bowser’s hand (After the shock of the kiss, of course.). Bowser gives a hearty evil laugh and the cutscene ends. . .Luigi has been successfully manipulated.

Snake/Meta Knight/Lucario’s level now happens as normal, but instead of finding the princesses at the end, they bump into Envy, Luigi, and Bowser. Luigi is in his Mr. L costume, Envy finishing the costume up by putting on his mask for him as they arrive. Bowser motions Luigi and Envy out to attack, and you fight the pair of them, Envy still in Peach’s form.

After Luigi and Envy are turned into trophies, Bowser takes out a trophy gun and starts firing at Meta Knight’s party in mass. They are forced to flee the area, and Bowser goes over to revive Luigi and Envy’s trophies. They’re still in the general room where Peach and Zelda were normally fought. . .And Luigi finally realizes he hasn’t seen anything of Zelda since the Mario incident, getting a thought bubble of her. He points up to the thought bubble and speaks gibberish to Bowser for him to hastily pull Envy over, who is still in Peach’s form. Luigi shakes his head and points up to the thought bubble of Zelda again for Bowser to slash the thought bubble into pieces. Luigi does his down taunt, but Envy goes over and kisses him on the nose again, which causes Luigi to stop thinking of the other woman. Bowser and Envy go to leave, Bowser motioning Luigi to come along, but he holds up his finger as if to say “Just a sec”. . .Bowser shrugs and leaves with Envy, Luigi waiting for them to leave. . .He goes over to the controls of the room and opens up the door out of curiosity to find Zelda and the real Peach. Was he just faking his allegiance to Bowser all along? Who knows. He motions for the princesses to come along with him, and you play the normal level you do with the princess pair where you escape the Halberd, only now with Luigi as an additional character.

The remainder of the Halberd plays out as normal, only now with Luigi added in the Duon boss fight. In the cutscene when Duon is revealed though, Bowser and Envy (Envy back in his normal form) are seen watching in disgust due to Luigi (Yes, he’s playable for that boss) being alongside the others. Upon being defeated, both are shocked, and they hastily hop off in Bowser’s clown car.

After this, we get another entirely new section, where we see Bowser and Envy riding in the Koopa Klown Kar. The Klown Kar goes to land down on the ground in a secluded area a good ways off from where the rest of the action is taking place. Bowser and Envy gets out of the transportation vehicle, then Bowser snaps his fingers to cause a portion of the ground to open up to reveal a mechanical base inside. Bowser and Envy hop inside, then it starts closing back behind them as if nothing happened. Here we see SONIC look at the base closing back up, and he hastily runs inside just before it closes with his insane speed. Bowser and Envy turn around and see Sonic for Bowser to let out a loud roar, summoning subspace creatures to attack Sonic. Bowser and Envy flee, not having time to waste, then you play a level in this underground base as Sonic.

After the level, we see GREED being held in a cell. He looks bored as all hell, but suddenly Bowser and Envy come up to his cell. Greed grits his teeth, pissed at seeing the ones holding him here, but Envy gives a dismissive motion and chuckles. Envy unlocks the cell and enters it, extending out a hand to help Greed up. Greed smacks Envy's hand away, but Bowser comes in behind Envy and takes out a bag of cash. Greed's eyes turn into dollar signs as he happily takes the bag of cash. Envy extends his hand out to Greed to shake. . .But Greed realizes the fatal error of Bowser and Envy. He hastily runs out of the cell while Bowser and Envy are still in it, then slams the cell shut before they can leave, locking them in. Bowser glares at Envy angrily for trusting Greed for him to just shrug. Greed runs off hastily, chuckling. Some subspace enemies come to the prison door to let out Bowser and Envy, Bowser motionining off to where Greed went and letting out an angry roar. You play another level in this base as Greed.

Greed keeps heading for the exit, ignoring all the enemies that attack him along the way, them not phasing him in the slightest. He's the ultimate shield, remember? Greed sees Sonic getting beat up by a considerable amount of Subspace foes. Greed lets out a reluctant sigh, but then goes over to the Hedgehog's aid, coming down on the enemies with a powerful drop kick. Greed extends out his hand to Sonic and shakes it, then they proceed along together through the base. The two of them see a way out of the base, but it's closing, and fast. Sonic makes it out easily, but it becomes clear that Greed isn't going to make it. Sonic sees this and reluctantly goes back into the base to help Greed, who just got attacked by another swarm of enemies. You play a battle level as Sonic and Greed. After defeating the enemies, a brief cutscene shows Greed smashing down the door, then the pair leave.

Before the level where DK, Diddy, Captain Falcon, and Olimar invade the subspace bomb factory, we’re shown a cutscene of Gluttony (Who is still carrying the trophies of Toon Link, Ed, and Al), Lust, Sloth (Who is no longer in a suit), and Wolf entering it, meeting up with the Ancient Minister. The Ancient Minister salutes his superiors for Sloth to give a dismissive motion to the Ancient Minister, allowing him to be at ease. In the background, Wolf can be seen turning around and leaving, going back into his Wolfen, being rather annoyed. He doesn’t particularly like being reduced to a delivery boy. . .Lust points to the Elric brothers for the Ancient Minister to nod and motion for them to come along with him. He opens up a secret room where a massive transmutation circle is ready along with tons of Robs moving about mess chemicals. Mustang is also seen here, along with several of his men, right in the middle of the Transmutation circle. Lust pats the Ancient Minister on the head for him to look down at the ground regretfully. . .Lust does a dismissive motion to Gluttony for him to let down the three trophies with a breath of relief. Lust and Sloth revive the trophies of the two Elric Brothers, and Lust points towards the Transmutation Circle with a thought bubble of the Philosopher’s Stone. . .She wants him to transmute Mustang and his men into it. Ed goes to lash out at her, but Sloth wraps her watery arms around him to hold him back. Lust chuckles and points to Al, who is being held by Gluttony. Lust snaps her fingers for Gluttony to take a bite out of Al, him letting out a cry of pain. Ed frantically tries to get out from Sloth’s grasp, but to no avail. Lust points at the transmutation circle once again for Ed to reluctantly gets on his knees and prepare to do the transmutation. . .The Ancient Minister, unable to bare watching this slaughter, hastily leaves the room, going back out to the main room, closing off the doors inside. The DK/Diddy/Captain Falcon/Olimar level now plays as normal.

In the cutscene where the Ancient Minister normally reveals his identity as ROB, everything for the most part goes the same way, but Ganondorf simply forces the Robs to blow themselves up rather then set off subspace bombs. After the Ancient Minister reveals his identity and joins forces with the characters, rather then fleeing out, he hastily opens up the door where Ed and Al are being held and motions the characters down to attack. There are all the more Subspace forces inside of here, but they easily manage to free Mustang, Ed, and Al, and they also revive Toon Link’s trophy. Lust, Sloth, and Gluttony hastily go to flee the factory, heading back out into the main room. Sloth takes out a remote control and presses it for the Robs to start taking out the subspace bombs, and they escape, a door closing behind them and blocking the characters from chasing them. You play the normal escape level here, only now with the additional characters of Toon Link, Ed, Al, and Mustang. You also go on to use these characters in the fight against Meta Ridley.

Wolf’s been busy getting his *** kicked the entire SSE and being made fun of. . .He’s had enough taking orders. He’s doing things his way. Before the Great Invasion cutscene, we see Wolf flying off towards the Halberd where everyone is preparing for battle, Fox getting his arwing. As Fox and Falco get up in their arwings to fly alongside the Halberd, Wolf’s Wolfen crashes into Fox’s arwing and causes them to both crash. Both pilots hastily eject from their Arwings before they hit the ground and clash against each other in mid-air, and a standard Brawl occurs. . .And you play as Wolf. Yeah, you’re actually getting to play the villain in this SSE for the first time, outside of Envy copying people. After defeating Fox, Wolf gloats over Fox for a brief moment, having had his 15 minutes of fame, before Falco and a hoard of other characters arrive. Wolf reluctantly gets into his Wolfen and flies off into the distance as the other characters get up and revive Fox, who angrily shakes his fist at Wolf as he flees. The great invasion cutscene now occurs as normal, although the cutscene before it is edited slightly to show Greed and Sonic joining the rest of the cast at the Halberd, having fled the prison base.

In the Great Invasion, the Ganon Cannon is quite crowded with villains. Ganondorf, Bowser, Wolf, Lust, Gluttony, Sloth, and Envy are all seen on board, standing together. Aside from that, no changes to the scene take place. However; in the cutscene where Bowser normally betrays Ganondorf, all the homonculi take out trophy guns rather then Ganondorf, aiming them at the Nintendo villains. The Nintendo villains perform their various sidesteps, then you play as them against the Homonculi in a 3 on 4 battle. Only one foe from each side it out at a time, but they have one more man then you, keeping this far from easy, and besides, the highest ranking of your characters is in D tier!

After defeating the homonculi, the Nintendo villains all do victorious taunts. Bowser and Wolf continue to walk forward, but then Ganondorf takes out a trophy gun and fires it at Bowser as normal. Unlike the normal cutscene though, Bowser dodges the shot and gets into a battle with Ganondorf. Wolf takes Ganondorf’s trophy gun and aims at the two fighting, wanting all the credit from Master Hand for himself, but Ganondorf smacks the gun out of Wolf’s grip and it falls off into the abyss. You now choose one character out of Bowser, Ganondorf, and Wolf for a three way Brawl. The losers get turned into trophies at the hands of the winner, and the winner goes to go before Master Hand then get defeated by Tabuu.

In the cutscene where Dedede normally squares off against Bowser, he’ll find the winner of the Nintendo villain brawl and fight them instead of it always being Bowser. Later on, the winner will be seen whaling on the trophies of the two losers like how Bowser whaled on Ganondorf.

Everything continues as normal, but you also have to hunt down the trophies of Wolf, Jigglypuff, Toon Link, Ed, Al, and Mustang. If you find Ed and Al’s trophies, a cutscene will play in which Ed and Al stand before the four trophies of the four Homonculi. Ed goes past them without a second thought, but Al stares down at Sloth’s trophy again, unable to shake off the thought that she’s so similar to their mother. Alphonse slowly reaches down to revive her once more, Ed running up to stop him, but ultimately being too late. Sloth gets revived, then hastily turns her arms into water to revive Envy, Gluttony, and Lust. All four homonculi quickly run up the stairs to the Great Maze, ignoring the Elric Brothers. Ed facepalms at Al while he just shrugs, then it continues as normal, them being added to the Great Maze party and finally being unlocked.

A few small sections are added to the Great Maze. The forest where Pokemon Trainer was introduced is added, containing the shadow versions of Gluttony, Lust and Jigglypuff, and PT and Pikachu’s shadow versions are also moved here. Wolf is moved back to Pikachu’s old spot due to him not showing up at any place in particular. Another new section is an underwater one with parts of Ed’s ship and Toon Link’s ship where the shadow versions of Ed, Al, Toon Link and Sloth are found. Yet another additional section is made for the prison base introduced towards the end of the SSE where the shadow versions of Greed and Sonic are found. A final additional section is Mustang’s base, contaning the shadow versions of only Mustang, Envy, and Pride (The boss).[/QUOTE]


Smash Journeyman
Jan 22, 2009


Height: A tiny bit taller than Samus since he is so tall.
Weight: About the same as falco (He’s practically a twig though.)
Walking speed: about 6/10 because his long legs get him places fast.
Running Speed: 8/10
Jumping: Two regular jumps that are 7/10 due to powerful legs.
Attack power:5/10 Nothing very special.
Priority: Overall about a 4/10 but you shouldn’t have to be worried, you can outrange even Ike and Dedede.
Range: 9/10 This is where Waluigi shines. His legs and arms are so long that ike’s sword beats out his punches and kicks by just a bit. He carries a baseball bat, tennis racket, and whip making his melee moves look like a projectile. He also has 2 projectiles.
Fall speed:6/10, He has very little air resistance due to being a twig.
Traction:3/10, bad like his counter part but you should use this as a plus. If you add the fact that he is sliding forward during an attack with his incredible range, you get a character that control all of final destination’s ground.
Directional Influence: 8/10 His traction lets him slip out of most situations.

From the Mario universe.

A: Punch(left hand) 3%
AA: Punch(right hand) 4%
AAA:Stomp 6% good horizontal knockback. Can spike you opponent if they are off stage.

Dash Attack: Tackle, Waluigi does a small hop then falls on opponent for average vertical knockback 8%.


Strong Side: Roundhouse kick, Waluigi does a roundhouse kick. Small knock back average lag. 3%

Strong Up: Waluigi turns into his upside down L shape and then kicks out with his legs. 5% with ok knockback

Strong Down: Trip, Waluigi puts out his leg to trip anyone nearby. A bit startup lag but almost no finish lag. No damage but good for punishing opponents.


Side Smash: Tennis swing, 15-20% damage and high knock back. Yep, This is a finisher. Killing most people at 130% uncharged and 110% fully charged.

Up Smash: Bomb toss, Waluigi Takes off his hat and takes a bomb out of it. Does 10-18%. Below average knockback that pushes them straight up.

Down Smash: Walugi crouches down and spins a vine whip around underneath him. 8-12%

Ledge Attack: Waluigi pulls himself so he is laying on the ground then kicks as he gets up doesn’t damage or anything but has an 80% chance of tripping.
100% Ledge Attack: Waluigi pulls himself up slowly and then punches twice 4% damage overall.
Floor Attack: Waluigi spins his whip around while he gets up 5% with little knock back..

In the air

Neutral Aerial: Waluigi does a spin with his vine whip Dealing 13% and ok knock back

Forward Aerial: Waluigi does a somersault forwards with one leg sticking out covering all around him. If you get hit when his foot is coming down it is a meteor smash. 18% damage and if hit at the beginning you get knocked slightly up for 15%.

Back Aerial: Waluigi does another spin with his whip. This time he only hits backwards but gets more range. 15% and normal knockback.

Up Aerial: Waluigi makes his Upside down L and then extends his legs all the way. Exactly like up tilt but deals 10%

Down Aerial: Does a stomp like his current assist trophy does.
It’s a semi spike with little lag. Deals 15% but its main use is canceling momentum. It slows Waluigi down a lot so he can survive those finishing moves.

Grabs and Throws

Grab: He throws out his purple vine and grabs people. It can be used as a tether recovery.

Pummel: He knees them in the stomach area. 2% damage each hit. It’s kind of quick so you can usually get 3 in at least.

Foward Throw: He hits opponents with either a tennis racket, Baseball bat, or golf club. They all do 10% damage but different knock back. Golf club is very horizontal. Baseball bat is a 45 degree angle like he hit a home run. Tennis racket is halfway in between.

Back Throw: Waluigi whips the person around him with his vine while throwing a bomb at them For very good knockback.(rivaling mario’s back throw.) It does 14%.

Up Throw: Whip lash. Waluigi throws the opponent up while they are still stuck to the vine. He then pulls them down rapidly(does 8%) until they hit the floor for 9% damage and good knockback. (20% overall)

Down Throw: Waluigi stomps the opponent into the ground for 4%. This is meant literally seeing as how they get a pitfall effect. It is the quickest of the grabs with little lag and is meant to be followed up with a strong attack.


Standard Special Move: Tennis Serve. Waluigi hits a tennis ball forward dealing 5%.There is a 25% chance of him hitting a bomb That deals 15%. It has little lag making it spammable. Here is the tricky part, if someone is right next to him he grabs them and hits them for 20% and regular knock back. They then deal 5% damage to anyone they hit.

Side Special Move: Whiskered eggplant. Works like snakes grenades only with whiskered eggplants. Does 12% damage and average knockback. No it doesn’t explode. Instead if it splats on the ground it trips anyone caught in the Kirby sized splat.

Up Special Move: Vine wall, a vine lifts up Waluigi. It works like the support ghost but it lifts Waluigi up 1.5 Ganondorfs. If used on the ground the vine stays in place. 2 walls at one time they last 10 seconds and they block projectiles. When he uses it in mid air it stays there until he jumps off it. He can then use any move other than Up-B. It also refreshes his second jump. The thorns on the top left and right do 10% and very good knock back. It is hard to with since there are two and have small hitboxes.

Down Special Move: Vine explosion. A charge up move. 3 seconds to charge and Waluigi holds a rose until he uses the move. On ground vines shoot up right next to Waluigi on both sides. Uncharged is the size of wario on each side for 6% while charged is the size of 1.5 bowsers on each side doing 12% and very good knock back. In the air the vines just shoot down.

Final Smash: Total Chaos. Bombs drop down 2 per second for 10 seconds. Bullets come from the sides 1 per second. For the first 5 seconds Waluigi is invulnerable while dancing. After that he can move but the explosions don’t hurt him.


Idle stance: Waluigi leans on his racket.
Sleeping: Eye’s closed with his head in his baseball mitt.
Dizzy: Waluigi holds his head while stars spin around it.
Winning #1: Waluigi does his up taunt
Winning #2: Waluigi leans on a vine wall while holding his rose.
Winning #2: Waluigi break dances like from DDR Mario
Losing: Waluigi throws his rose on the floor as a sore loser, but eventually claps.

Up taunt: “Waluigi Nambuh Wan (Waluigi number one)” With his fist in the air.
Side taunt: Waluigi pulls out his rose.
Down Taunt: Crotch chop!!!

Purple (normal)
Green (Luigi)
Red (Red overalls with black hat and shirt)
Blue (Blue shirt with black overalls)
Yellow (Wario)
Black and white (Black overalls and hat with white shirt)

How to Play
Description: Waluigi depends on range. His arms and legs are long and his whip and racket add to the distance. The way to play Waluigi is to space yourself so you can hit them but they can’t hit you. He has 2 projectiles so don’t be afraid to camp. You can also use 2 vine walls to protect you from both sides but others can use them to for recovering and projectile shielding. Another main part of his game is to combo. He doesn’t have long combos but he can put opponents into vulnerable positions and then follow up with finishers. Finishers are forward smash, Fair, Dair , and to a lesser extent B-throw and B special.

Team Play: Waluigi is a team player and learned to work together from doubles tennis. Waluigi works best with someone strong with good finishers. King Dedede, Ike, and Ganondorf are excellent choices, but Waluigi will do good with most people. One way to help is to use your stunning moves. You normally use your own moves after them but a strong fully charged smash or grab is good. If anyone is charging use your up B to protect them while they do so. Also since your recovery is useable by anyone you can use it next to an ally out of jumps. Up b can be a chain grab or combo wall also.

Character: Waluigi
Enemy: Luigi
Description: Your Rival is mocking you. Bring the fight to him.
Stage: Luigi Mansion

The Wario Bros
Characters: Wario and Waluigi
Enemies: Mario and Luigi
Description: Take down the two Plumbers and come out on top! Evil vs. Good!
Stage: Mushroomy Kingdom

The Sidekicks:
Character: Waluigi and Luigi
Enemies: DK and Bowser
Description: The two beasts have captured Mario and Wario. It’s up to the sidekicks to save them!
Stage: Castle Siege

Assist Trophies:
Petey piranha: Petey piranha pops out and Chases after the nearest opponent. Petey then starts chewing the opponent and eventually throws it.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 7, 2008
Junahu's Box

"For the person who shouldn't exist, anyway."

"The Inferior Movesetter"

»To Do List«





MRG & K.Rool : Fawful

MRG & Filip : Xiaolin Showdown [5 Sets]


»Link to Old Sets«

Red Arremer

Smash Legend
Nov 27, 2005
My good and nice Sir. It seems apparent you haven't seen what a real Waluigi moveset is capable of. *sighs theatratically*
With the allowance of MasterWarlord, the head of MYM5, I will post a preview of a few of the moves from the Spadefoxian Waluigi to show how it is really done. Excuse my arrogance, but I have claimed this character very long ago, his moveset done a week ago, and think it is one of my best. If I may present you...

Forward Tilt:

Wario Clash

As you can see, Waluigi has purple Koopa Shells in his arsenal! This move basically works like the Koopa Shell item. Waluigi gets out one of the purple shells and tosses it onto the ground, causing it to slide along it. It travels slowly, similarily fast to Luigi's Fireball. If someone is hit, they'll recieve 10% damage and below average knockback. Now, there is, though, a big difference to normal Koopa Shells and this purple one. Unlike the standard green shells, the purple shell will disappear as soon as it hits an obstacle/target. Then, the shell cannot be picked up, or knocked into the other directon. The purple Koopa Shell is disjointed, but can be blocked by many other moves, making it more a move to pressure the enemy and stress them than actual attacking. There can only be one shell on the screen at a time.

Up Air:

Poison Shroom

Waluigi gets out his favourite item, the Poison Mushroom. He throws it upward slightly. If it doesn't touch someone, it will fall back down and hit Waluigi's staring face. This move has almost no startup lag, but some ending lag if it misses, if not, almost no ending lag, as well. If it doesn't hit, you're not concerned with lag anyway... now, what does this move? If it connects with an enemy, they will recieve 10% damage, but no knockback. Instead, they will be "poisoned" and automatically enter Helpless/Freefall state. Note that they still can control their character and it still can grab the ledge. However, this move is a great gimping tool. If it misses, the effect will occur onto Waluigi, making HIM enter Helpless instead! So beware using it. It has the range of a normal backflip Up Aerial.

Back Throw
Waluigi, chuckling, gets out the Standard Kart WL, his betrusted... well... standard kart from Mario Kart DS! However he keeps it hidden alongside his trike... Anyway, he drops the enemy, the kart onto them, hops behind the control and starts the engine of his kart, but having the brake on, so he's running on the stand. This will literally crush the enemy below the kart's tires, and launch them with high speed out of the kart's backside. They will fly very low, but very far, and it deals 13% damage, on top of that, so it's easily one of Waluigi's better throws. However, there is a 10% chance that the kart's engine explodes into Waluigi's face, releasing the throwee and launching Waluigi highly straight upwards with 12% damage. After successfully using this move, Waluigi hops out of his vehicle and it disappears.


Smash Ace
Feb 24, 2009
My good and nice Sir. It seems apparent you haven't seen what a real Waluigi moveset is capable of. *sighs theatratically*
With the allowance of MasterWarlord, the head of MYM5, I will post a preview of a few of the moves from the Spadefoxian Waluigi to show how it is really done. Excuse my arrogance, but I have claimed this character very long ago, his moveset done a week ago, and think it is one of my best. If I may present you...

Forward Tilt:

Wario Clash

As you can see, Waluigi has purple Koopa Shells in his arsenal! This move basically works like the Koopa Shell item. Waluigi gets out one of the purple shells and tosses it onto the ground, causing it to slide along it. It travels slowly, similarily fast to Luigi's Fireball. If someone is hit, they'll recieve 10% damage and below average knockback. Now, there is, though, a big difference to normal Koopa Shells and this purple one. Unlike the standard green shells, the purple shell will disappear as soon as it hits an obstacle/target. Then, the shell cannot be picked up, or knocked into the other directon. The purple Koopa Shell is disjointed, but can be blocked by many other moves, making it more a move to pressure the enemy and stress them than actual attacking. There can only be one shell on the screen at a time.

Up Air:

Poison Shroom

Waluigi gets out his favourite item, the Poison Mushroom. He throws it upward slightly. If it doesn't touch someone, it will fall back down and hit Waluigi's staring face. This move has almost no startup lag, but some ending lag if it misses, if not, almost no ending lag, as well. If it doesn't hit, you're not concerned with lag anyway... now, what does this move? If it connects with an enemy, they will recieve 10% damage, but no knockback. Instead, they will be "poisoned" and automatically enter Helpless/Freefall state. Note that they still can control their character and it still can grab the ledge. However, this move is a great gimping tool. If it misses, the effect will occur onto Waluigi, making HIM enter Helpless instead! So beware using it. It has the range of a normal backflip Up Aerial.

Back Throw
Waluigi, chuckling, gets out the Standard Kart WL, his betrusted... well... standard kart from Mario Kart DS! However he keeps it hidden alongside his trike... Anyway, he drops the enemy, the kart onto them, hops behind the control and starts the engine of his kart, but having the brake on, so he's running on the stand. This will literally crush the enemy below the kart's tires, and launch them with high speed out of the kart's backside. They will fly very low, but very far, and it deals 13% damage, on top of that, so it's easily one of Waluigi's better throws. However, there is a 10% chance that the kart's engine explodes into Waluigi's face, releasing the throwee and launching Waluigi highly straight upwards with 12% damage. After successfully using this move, Waluigi hops out of his vehicle and it disappears.
Sounds epic. I love the backwards throw. Can't wait to see this guy and Impa.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 22, 2009
My good and nice Sir. It seems apparent you haven't seen what a real Waluigi moveset is capable of. *sighs theatratically*
With the allowance of MasterWarlord, the head of MYM5, I will post a preview of a few of the moves from the Spadefoxian Waluigi to show how it is really done. Excuse my arrogance, but I have claimed this character very long ago, his moveset done a week ago, and think it is one of my best. If I may present you...

Forward Tilt:

Wario Clash

As you can see, Waluigi has purple Koopa Shells in his arsenal! This move basically works like the Koopa Shell item. Waluigi gets out one of the purple shells and tosses it onto the ground, causing it to slide along it. It travels slowly, similarily fast to Luigi's Fireball. If someone is hit, they'll recieve 10% damage and below average knockback. Now, there is, though, a big difference to normal Koopa Shells and this purple one. Unlike the standard green shells, the purple shell will disappear as soon as it hits an obstacle/target. Then, the shell cannot be picked up, or knocked into the other directon. The purple Koopa Shell is disjointed, but can be blocked by many other moves, making it more a move to pressure the enemy and stress them than actual attacking. There can only be one shell on the screen at a time.

Up Air:

Poison Shroom

Waluigi gets out his favourite item, the Poison Mushroom. He throws it upward slightly. If it doesn't touch someone, it will fall back down and hit Waluigi's staring face. This move has almost no startup lag, but some ending lag if it misses, if not, almost no ending lag, as well. If it doesn't hit, you're not concerned with lag anyway... now, what does this move? If it connects with an enemy, they will recieve 10% damage, but no knockback. Instead, they will be "poisoned" and automatically enter Helpless/Freefall state. Note that they still can control their character and it still can grab the ledge. However, this move is a great gimping tool. If it misses, the effect will occur onto Waluigi, making HIM enter Helpless instead! So beware using it. It has the range of a normal backflip Up Aerial.

Back Throw
Waluigi, chuckling, gets out the Standard Kart WL, his betrusted... well... standard kart from Mario Kart DS! However he keeps it hidden alongside his trike... Anyway, he drops the enemy, the kart onto them, hops behind the control and starts the engine of his kart, but having the brake on, so he's running on the stand. This will literally crush the enemy below the kart's tires, and launch them with high speed out of the kart's backside. They will fly very low, but very far, and it deals 13% damage, on top of that, so it's easily one of Waluigi's better throws. However, there is a 10% chance that the kart's engine explodes into Waluigi's face, releasing the throwee and launching Waluigi highly straight upwards with 12% damage. After successfully using this move, Waluigi hops out of his vehicle and it disappears.
Wow, That sounds awesome. I'm sorry i didn't call it. But i have to say i worked on mine a lot longer. I have been working on this for a month just tweaking it. I didn't have the guts to post it in MYM 4 so i saved it until now. I realize your's is a lot better and that is why i put mine out first. I didn't want to be compared to you. Sorry about stealing your spot light but it was pretty much now or never.

Dream Land Works

Smash Journeyman
Mar 11, 2008
Dream Land Works's Link-Up Space

Completed Movesets


Planned Movesets




Red Arremer

Smash Legend
Nov 27, 2005
But i have to say i worked on mine a lot longer. I have been working on this for a month just tweaking it.
How do you know how long I worked on Waluigi? ;O
I have just said I finished it a week ago. I have worked on it for at least 4 weeks, not including the time I spent on just thinking of moves/playstyle/etc.


Smash Ace
Jan 3, 2008
United Kingdom, Birmingham
Switch FC
3133 8842 3910
“Listen to me, you really wouldn’t want to stay here, unless you’re here to see my magic tricks, there’s plenty of space in this theatre”

Master "Disaster" Valgermond


Disaster was once the leader of an army in the historic “Fatality Conflict 2”, and his army, named “The Murderous Titans” fought in a 3 year war. Disaster always wanted to become king, and wanted for the citizens of the world to bow down to his greatness. Disaster always had a rivalry against the king, named Albert. The Murderous Titans lost the war, and Disaster forced to let all his soldiers free from his grasp, which Disaster agreed to with a smirk on his face. Disaster wields a magical sword which grants strength and ultimate power, which could bring havoc across the whole world. Disaster kept himself hidden from society, use the magic of his sword to give birth to a new race of soldiers, much stronger than mankind. Disaster is currently finishing his army now, and preparing to take other the land which King Albert rules over. The future looks like it’s going to be tense. Disaster has also a device, which is called the Doom clock, which can bring torment to everyone around the world.

Disaster is a tall guy, just a bit smaller than Ganondorf, and his sword is about as long at Marths sword. Valgermond has a cocky attitude, and he has tremendous power with his sword. Disaster is a male and is 32 years old. Disaster also thinks he can talk down to people, and have everything he wants. Disaster has a deep tone, not as deep at Metaknight, but still quite deep.


Power: 7/10
Walking Speed: 4.5/10
Running Speed: 5.5/10
Range: 9.5/10
Projectile Distance: 8/10
Weight: 8/10
Drop Speed: 8/10
Size: 8.5/10
1st Jump: 5.5/10
2nd Jump: 4.5/10
Aerial Movement: 5.5/10
Crouch: 4/10
Traction: 5.5/10
Combo ability: 8/10
Grab Range: 3/10
Wall Jump: no
Wall Cling: no
Crawl: no
Glide: of course…. NOT!
Tether: and also, NO

~~The Mechanic: Doom Clock~~

When Master "Disaster" Valgermond enters the stages, an old clock appears behind him in the background. A clock which looks similar to this type of clock:

Depending on what stage it's on, it will have a futuristic/older look to it, as in Lylat Cruise would have a flying digital camera with the numbers, or on a stage like battlefield, which would have those Roman numbers for it. The clock will only show the 60 seconds mark. On the old clock, it would go round like a normal clock, but if it’s a digital clock, it starts at 2:00 and goes down to 0 (and then a special effect happens, which I will explain later). On stages like Delfino Plaza or Big blue, it will float in the air at a specific point. As soon as Disaster enters the stage, the clock makes a big “Ding Dong” sound. When you start the match off, the clock goes down at the normal second pace, but some of Disasters moves slow down the time it goes, so some moves will speed it up every 2 seconds per a second, or slow it down half a second per every second (it will be shown under the properties section as an example like [2 secs per sec].

Note: If you do 2 [2 secs per sec] move after another, the pace will stay at the same pace. The pace only changes if it has a different move instead.

Disaster also has some moves that will make the timer jump down quite largely, but the seconds will remain going at the same pace as before, so for an example, a move which can make the timer go down by 10 seconds will have a [+10 secs] underneath the properties section. However, it’s not all easy for Disaster to get the timer down, as when he dies by the opponent, the timer will go back 1 minute, and when the opponent hits him with move, the time will go back up a few seconds, obviously, depending on how strong the move is how much the time go back up, lets say Squirtles f-tilt for example, that would only make the time go back up about 0.5 seconds, but if a fully charged Ganondorfs f-smash hits, it could make the time go back about 8 seconds.

Depending at what pace the time was going at, depends how much stronger/weaker the effect is, lets say the time was going up every 2 seconds per a second, then the strength of the effect will be 2 times stronger, but if the time was going at halve a second per every second, the damage and knockback will be halved. Depending on how long it takes in real life seconds depends on what the effect will be.

Below 30 seconds: Disaster will spread his arms out horizontally, and a barrage of bombs about the size of Links bombs will come down from the sky will go down vertically going about 1.5 times faster than Wolfs blaster. The duration which this move lasts for is for 5 seconds, and it has some start-up and ending lag. This move covers the whole range of the stage. The bombs blow up if it hits any obstacle, and the explosion takes up 2 stage builder blocks. Each bomb does 12% and mid knockback, which sends the opponent diagonally upwards.

31-60 seconds: Disaster will bow down, and then claps his hands together. A giant thunder cloud hovers over Disaster from the top of the screen, and many blue lightning’s that shoots down and is visible for a long time, which covers 4 stage builder blocks going away from both sides of Disaster. This has a large amount of start-up lag and ending lag, and this lasts for 4 seconds overall. This does 20% and mid-high knockback, which sends the opponent horizontally.

61-90 seconds: Disaster puts his hands in the air highly, and then as soon as he slams his hands down, the light of the stage is darkened a bit (not to the point of Frigate Orphans). Disaster then sends out about 3 ghosts which are similar to the ones in Luigis mansion, varying in different colours and shapes. The speed which the Ghosts travel at is slightly slower than Marths walk, and the ghosts can also travel through obstacles. The ghosts stun the enemy for a short period of time, and sometimes they scream and enlarge themselves to attack the victims. The duration of this move is about 9 seconds long, this also has some start-up and ending lag. The shriek of a ghost does 10% and mid-low knockback, which sends the opponents horizontally.

91-120 seconds: Disaster begins to rise his hands up to the air, but when their halve way, he spreads his arms out and kneel down a bit. When this happens, a wave of fire starts about Squirtles height rapidly moving up and down. The wave of fire covers about 8 stage builder blocks going horizontally from the centre. This has quite a bit of start-up and ending lag, and the duration of this move lasts for 3.5 seconds. This does multiple hits, which can easily be DI’d upwards to be avoided. This can do a maximum of 19% with the final hit doing mid-low knockback, which sends the opponent diagonally upwards.

121-150 seconds: Disaster spins around once clockwise, and after the spin, he clicks his right fingers. When Disaster does this, a light blue wave which has snow flowing around it appears just above of Disasters head. And from where Disasters standing, the light blue wave travels 6 stage builder out both sides of Disaster. If anyone is at least 2 stage builder blocks up and down of the wave, will get hit by this. This has some start-up and ending lag, and the duration of the wave is 1.5 seconds. If the opponent touches the wave directly, it does 19% and sends the opponent into a ice block, This does mid knockback, which sends the opponent upwards. If the opponent isn’t hit by the wave directly, it does 10% and low-high knockback, which also sends the opponent into an ice block and send them upwards.

Over 151 seconds: Disaster clenches his fist, and green energy comes from his fist, and then his releases his fist, and large amount of green energy is seen around Disaster. When this happens, we see vines grow on the opponent, and slowly take the opponents percentage a way, as well as healing your own percentage. This hits an opponent if they are in the radius of the size of Luigis Negative Zone final smash. This has some start-up and ending lag. This does no knockback what so ever. This can damage the opponent 10%.

You can activate this by doing Down-b, and you will know the timer ended, as it makes another Ding-dong sound like when Disaster enters the stage.

“Heh, I’ve warned you over my power, but you now shall suffer the consequences”

~~Basic moves~~

Neutral A: On your guard!

Animation Disaster will hold the sword with his left hand holding the middle of the blade vertically, and Disaster tilts the sword forward quite quickly forward. If the opponent hits the sword with a melee move, Disaster will do a low horizontal sweep with his sword, having a chance to trip the opponent up. If the opponent hits the sword with a projectile, the sword will glow blue, and send the projectile back with the same velocity and power. This move only counters the opponents move when the sword is facing vertically.

Properties This has quite small range. This has some start-up and ending lag, and the duration of this move is about a second. The stab of the sword does 5% and mid-low knockback, which sends the opponent horizontally. The counter does 4% and low-high knockback, which has a high chance of tripping the opponent, and also sends the opponent horizontally low. The projectile does the same amount of damage and knockback as originally.

Uses This is a useful move, as if they are to close to you, you can use this to make the opponent trip up, and follow it with his F-tilt.

Dash attack: Pyro Force

Animation Disaster steps on leg out quite far, and crouches down a bit. Disaster will then stick its right arm and sword forward quite far. At the start of this move, a small fire spark appears at the handle of the sword (This is just a visual effect), and when Disaster stabs forward, a massive flame will burst out from the tip of the sword.

Properties This has great range, and the hit-box starts when Disaster stabs forward, and stops when he doesn’t move again! This has quite a bit of start-up and ending lag. When the opponent is hit by the sword, it does 8% and mid-low knockback, which sends the opponent horizontally. If the opponent is hit by the fire burst (which is about 1.5 times bigger than Marios F-smash), it does 12% and mid knockback, which sends the opponent diagonally upwards. The flame also goes out quickly.
[1.25 secs per sec]

Uses This has great range, so you can be quite a far distance away from the opponent and can still hit them. This however has quite a bit of punishable lag, and it gets stale quickly, so use this in moderation.

Rising attack: Raise the fire!

Animation As Disaster stands up, he slowly rises his hand up into the air, and when he does this, a burst of purple fire that appears about a Captain Falcons body width on both sides of Disaster about 1.5 stage builder blocks upwards.

Properties The fire out burst covers a wide distance around himself with this move, but it takes quite a bit for it to come out. This also has some start-up lag. This does 9% and mid-low knockback, which sends the foe vertically.

Uses This is different to most rising attacks, as most send you horizontally rather than upwards. This covers a great amount of space around Disaster, so it’s effective for getting out of a being in a bundle of fighters.

Tripped attack: Plot Twister

Animation As Disaster gets up, he look to his back and swings his sword around 270 degrees, and at the end of the spin, he swings his sword upward and a small orange tornado about 2 stage blocks big travels forward for a little while before disappearing.

Properties The tornado travels about ½ of Battlefield, and it ravels slightly slower than Wolfs Blaster. This takes a while to end, and has a bit of ending lag as well. The sword slash has good range as well. The sword slash does 7% and mid-low knockback, which sends the opponent horizontally. The tornado does 6% and low-high knockback, which sends the opponent diagonally upwards. The projectile goes through opponents as well (like Ivysaurs razor leaf)

Uses This is a good projectile, and it can push back multiple characters if they are all in front of you. Also good to get the opponent away from you.

Edge attack (Below 100%): Vacuum Pull

Animation As Disaster is holding on the edge with his left hand, he sticks his sword up into the air, and angles it diagonally upwards. After this, we can see wind going towards the sword, and a bit behind the sword as well, pulling enemies of the stage.

Properties The pulling effect stays out for about 0.8 seconds before Disaster gets onto the stage. The pulling effect occurs about 3 stage builder blocks in front of the edge, and a stage builder block behind Disaster. This has a bit of start-up and ending lag as well. This does no damage, but you can gimp opponents quite well with this.

Uses This can gimp an opponent quite easily for characters such as Ganondorf. However, there is enough start-up lag to get away from this move, making it useless.

Edge attack (Over 100%): Forceful Push

Animation Disaster slowly crawls onto the stage, and stabs it directly forward while crouching down a bit. When Disaster does this, wind comes from the sword, and pushes the foe forward instead of pulling them like the other Edge attack.

Properties The sword has good range, and the wind goes 2 stage builder blocks in front of the tip of the sword. This has quite a lot of start-up lag, and a little bit of ending lag. The sword does 6% and low-high knockback, which sends the opponent horizontally. The wind does no damage.

Uses If the opponent was waiting to you to get up and knock you off as soon as crawl back onto the stage, this move can clear crowdedness around the ledge very well, but Disaster is still vulnerable from above however.

“You’re here to see me? Funny, as I see a rotting corpse on the floor in front of me, should’ve caught me sooner!”


Forward Tilt: Mind Tormenter

Animation Disaster will turn to his side, and sticks his left arm out as far as he can, and we see blue aura around his hand at this time. At the end, he clenches his hands, and if the opponent is close enough to Disaster (they don’t need to be touching Disaster for this to work), a small blue explosion occurs from the head of the opponent. If the opponent is hit by this move, they will be stunned in one place until the explosion occurs.

Properties The hand itself does no damage. The range which the opponent needs to be is 1.5 stage builder blocks in front of Disasters hand to be hit by this move. This has quite a lot of start-up and ending lag. The explosion does 7% and mid knockback, which sends the opponent diagonally upwards.
[+3 secs]

Uses This can stop a lot of ground approaches, but this quite a lot of start-up lag, so it’s punishable. This is has the best priority in the game, as it’s taken as a grab.

Up Tilt: Flame Explosion

Animation Disaster turns his body towards the screen, and he looks up and sticks both of his hands up into the air. As Disaster does this, a dark purple flame ball appears just above Disasters hands. The fireball is about 2 times bigger than Marios Fireball.

Properties This has good range, but the hit-box is only the fireball. This has a little bit of start-up lag, with just a tiny amount of ending lag. This does 8% and mid-low knockback, which sends the opponent upwards.

Uses This can juggle opponents at early percentages, and can link into Disasters at higher percentages. But remember the opponent has to be in the air for any chance of hitting the opponent with this move, as the hit-box is high up.

Down Tilt: Platform Elevator

Animation Disaster looks to the ground, and then looks up to the sky while moving his arms up to the sky as well. At the beginning of this, a grey platform slants to the right and to the left continually, but if you hold down Down-tilt, the platform will stop rocking, and gets pushed upwards by a flame pillar pushing it upwards. At the point when the platform is getting pushed, the opponent can stand on the platform, but can’t go through the platform. The fire is also a bright orange colour, and also does damage and knockback. When you let go, the platform will drop down to the ground quickly, which is a meteor smash if anyone’s underneath the platform.

PropertiesYou can hold this for a maximum of 4 seconds before it automatically ends. The highest point which this reaches is about 3.5 stage builder blocks going upwards. The platform is about 1.5 stage builder blocks wide, and the fire is about a stage builder wide thick. This has quite a bit of start-up and ending lag. The rocking platform does 8% and mid-low knockback, which sends the opponent horizontally. The fire does 9% and mid-low knockback, which also sends the opponent horizontally. When the platform is falling down, it does 12% and a medium strong meteor smash.
[Held down: + 0.5 – 6 secs]

UsesThis can gimp the enemy quite well if you use this next to an edge while the opponent is recovering. This also can force an opponent to think about his moves, as this move might break their game plan.

“You’re shaking already? Pity that you won’t stay long enough for the true show now!”


Forward Smash: Twilight Diamond

Animation Disaster will stick his sword forward with both hands, and the sword has been surrounded by darkness, and when you release this, depending on how long you charge this for, the bigger it will be. When you do release this, a pitch black diamond figure shoots forward slowly, and it shines quickly every time it completes a full spin. The Diamond shatters when it hits an obstacle, but this is only a visual effect.

Properties The black diamond uncharged will be about the size of Wolfs Blaster, and a full charged black diamond is slightly bigger than Samus’s charge shot. The range of diamond at any size goes about half the distance of Final Destination. The diamond also travels about the speed of Lucarios aura sphere uncharged. This has little start-up and ending lag. When uncharged, this does 8% and low-high knockback, which sends the opponent horizontally. When fully charged, this does 26% and high knockback.
[If 4/6 charged at least = +5 – 8 secs]

Uses This is extremely good finisher when you fully charge this, and can be spammed when you don’t charge it at all. Use this when the opponents recovering, and make them mess up their recovery.

Up Smash: Elemental Rainbow

Animation Disaster first points his sword diagonally downwards on the ground to his left, and the sword is bright blue with icicles coming from it. Disaster then swings his sword over his head to the other side, but then the sword leaves a trail of Ice behind it, which has a shape similar to a rainbow. And then Disasters sword has flames emitting from it, and then he swings his sword back the other way, making a fire Rainbow as well (it overwrites the ice as the sword is swung).

Properties This has great range, about the same range as Ikes Up-smash. The ice rainbow and sword sends the opponent into an ice block, but the swords stronger, and the fire from the sword and rainbow shape sets the foe a blaze. This has a small amount start-up and ending lag, but the duration is very long as well. When uncharged, the sword (when it’s covered by Ice) does 20% and mid-high knockback, which sends the opponent upwards. The rainbow ice does 16% and mid knockback, which sends the opponent upwards as well. The sword (when it has fire coming from it) does 23% and mid-high knockback, almost touching on high-low knockback, which sends the opponent diagonally upwards. The fire rainbow does 19% and mid knockback, almost touching on mid-high knockback, which sends the opponent upwards. When fully charged, the sword (when it’s covered by Ice) does 26% and high knockback. The rainbow ice does 21% and mid-high knockback. The sword (when it has fire coming from it) does 30% and high-high knockback. The fire rainbow does 24% and high-low knockback.
[+4 – 8 secs]

Uses This comes out quite quickly, but the duration of this move makes it easy to shield grab Disaster. On the plus side, it’s likely that the opponent will be hit by this move if they try to dodge it on the spot.

Down Smash: World Banisher

Animation Disaster turns towards the screen, and points his sword diagonally downwards in front of himself. The sword then has darkness covering the whole sword, and has a trail at the tip of the sword. Disaster then sweeps his sword lowly from his right to his left slowly, and darkness surrounds Disaster. After this, Disaster lowers his head down a bit, and spreads his arms out wingspread and the darkness around will spread further out. When you charge this up, more darkness is collected from the sword, which makes this move has more range as well as strength.

Properties When uncharged, the range of this would go out about 2 stage builder blocks away from Disaster from both sides. When fully charged, it reaches about 3.5 stage builder blocks away from Disaster from both sides. This has quite a bit of start-up and ending lag, and the duration is also quite a bit long. When uncharged, this does 24% and high-low knockback, which sends the opponent horizontally. When fully charged, this deals 32% and very high knockback. The charging time is a tiny bit longer than the standard charge time.
[+3 – 12 secs][3/4 to fully charged: 0.80 secs per sec]

Uses This is the most strongest smash that has amazing range, as well as it being harder to avoid. This is Disasters most reliable smash move to KO someone, as the forward smash need to be charged, and the opponent can easily shield grab Disaster in the Up Smash.

“You’re actually challenging me? Hahaha, this won’t last long”


Neutral Air: Galaxy Gravity

Animation Disaster will tilt it’s body to his right a bit, and he becomes see-threw and slightly grey as well. Disaster will stick its arms out far a part, a puffs his body out. As he is see threw, he reeves his body side to side a bit.

Properties This is interesting, as Disaster becomes 1.4 times floaty for the period of this move. The hit-box of this move is just the body of Disaster, so the range of this move is worse than any other of Disasters moves. This has a tiny amount of start-up, ending and landing lag, and the duration of this move is about 0.8 seconds. This move does 5 multiple hits. The total this move can do is 13% and the final hit doing mid-low knockback, which sends the opponent horizontally.

Uses This is very useful when recovering back onto the stage, and is pretty much what you will be using this move for, as you can DI out of this, and you can outrange this move easily as well.

Forward Air: Flame Bash

Animation Disaster holds his sword above his head first, and we see the sword has embers coming from it, and then he slashes his sword downwards quickly until the tip of the sword is on line from Disasters knees. At this point, a giant flame appears in front of Disaster at the tip of the sword, and the flame will go into a V-shape, but outside of the platform,, and you can’t really see it when your brawling unless you pause and angle it.

Properties This has great range, and the hit-box starts when Disaster first swings his sword down. The strongest part of this move is the fire explosion. This has quite a bit of start-up, ending and landing lag, and the duration is quite long as well. The sword does 10% and mid-low knockback, which sends the opponent horizontally. The fire explosion (which is about 1 stage builder blocks big) does 15% and mid-high knockback, which also sends the opponent horizontally.
[If hit by the explosion: +5 secs]

Uses The sweet-spot is a very useful to KO an opponent, but it does have punishable lag though, and that this move is terrible if you don’t sweet-spot this.

Back Air: Illusion Slash

Animation Disaster turns to his back a bit, a swings his sword upwards until the sword is slightly behind Disasters head. When Disaster does this, the sword had 2 illusions of the sword travelling behind it t the same speed. Each slash does its own knockback, but the slashes join very quickly, making it seem like a multiple hit move.

Properties This has good range, and the hit-box is the entire sword(s). This has some start-up, ending and landing lag, but the duration is quite short compared to most of his moves. Each slash does 6% and mid knockback, which sends the opponent horizontally. The knockback isn’t stacked with all the slashes.

Uses This can rack up damage quite quickly with it’s low lag and duration, but Disaster has to be close to the enemy, as he can DI away if you hit them with the tip of the sword(s).

Up Air: Orb of Light

Animation Disaster will lean his body backwards slightly, and sticks both of his hands into the air quite a good distance high. And then a bright yellow orb which fuzzes around and has a black outline appears above of the hands. The Orb is about 1/5 times bigger than Marios F-smash fire ball. This also does electric and fire element to the opponents as well.

PropertiesThis has great upwards range, and the hit-box is the orb and just a tiny bit away from it. This has some start-up, ending and landing lag, but the duration is a bit lengthy as well. This does 5 multiple hits, and this move can be DI’d out of as well. This can do a maximum of 15%, with the final hit doing mid knockback, which sends the opponent upwards.
[If opponent is hit by all hits: 1.20 secs per sec]

UsesThis is a great move to rack up damage with, although it’s easily DI’d out of, at least it’s not as punishable as other moves.

Down Air: Teleporter

Animation Disaster points his sword downwards, and a short distance below the sword becomes fuzzy and blurred, If the opponent is hit by this, they get teleported directly above Disaster. The sword does no damage or knockback.

Properties This has great downward range, and the hit-box is the fuzzy area (which is about 2 times the size of Marios F-smash ball). This has a very small mount of start-up and landing lag, and this has almost NO ending lag. The teleportation deals just 3%, and the tiniest of hit-stun.

UsesThis is extremely useful, you can use this for D-air into U-air if you’re in the air high enough, or you can do D-air into U-tilt into a possible U-air if you do a short hop. Beware of people like Metaknight, as his D-air is extremely quick, most likely quicker than you’ll hit the U-air.

“If I was in Smash, I would know which Tier I would be, muhahaha”


Grab Attack: Magical Essence

Animation Disaster pushes the foe forward with his left hand, and then he sticks his sword forward, and a rainbow beam goes forward into the opponent, and you can move the opponent around when they are touched by the rainbow beam, and when you move the opponent, they will have a rainbow outline. The less percentage the opponent has, the easier the opponent gets out.

Properties The controlling of the opponent is quite good, you can move the opponent into the air, off the stage ext. The opponent moves about the speed of Luigis fireball. The rainbow beam is unavoidable. The push does 5%. This automatically gives the opponent their second jump back.

Uses This is very useful, as depending on the stage, you can make the opponent beneath the stage, and make it hard the opponent to recover, and you can just edge-hog if the opponent has a poor recovery.

Forward Throw: Ice trap

Animation Disaster sticks his sword into the gut of the opponent, and then we see the sword bright light blue, and then Disaster takes out his sword, and the opponent is left in an ice block.

Properties This happens quite slowly, so it can be interrupted easily in a free-for-all. This has some ending lag as well. This deals 7%.

Uses You can link this move up with another move right afterwards, but the opponent can wiggle the control stick to get out of this quicker.

Back Throw: Twilight Tornado

Animation Disaster spins the opponent backwards with his left hand, and he turns around as he lets go off the opponent, he slashes his sword to make a black tornado to go forward.

PropertiesThe tornado is about 2 stage builder blocks big, and 1 stage builder block wide. The tornado travels about the speed of Wolfs blaster, it also travels about half the distance of Final destination. This takes a while to end, with some ending lag. The throw does 5% which does low-high knockback, which sends the opponent horizontally. The tornado does 5% and low-low knockback, which sends the opponent upwards.

UsesThis can be used to set up combos for a projectile combo with his side-b or neutral b. Can provide a good combo with a team mate!

Up-throw: Lava madness

Animation Disaster stamps on the floor while holding the opponent twice with his left foot, and then an hold appears underneath the opponent, and a massive beam of lava shoots upwards into the sky, setting the foe a blaze. The lava is bright orange, and goes up about 3.5 stage builder blocks.

Properties This can potentially hit more than one person if you’re in a free-for-all/team battle. This has quite a bit of ending lag, and the duration is quite a bit long. This can do a total of 8 constructive hits overall. This can do a total of 12%, with the final hit doing mid-low knockback, which sends the opponent upwards.

Uses This can be DI’d out of quite early on, so that will limit the damage some what, and you probably will get hit by the opponent during the ending lag if they DI out of it quick enough.

Down-throw: Poison Mind

Animation Disaster pins the opponent onto the floor, and Disaster crouches down, and lays his sword across the forehead of the opponent. You then see the opponents face turn dark purple, and Disaster then stomps on the opponents’ stomach.

Properties The poison deals a total of 6% with no stun of knockback, and the poison stays there for 4 seconds before disappearing. If Disaster does this throw again while the poison hasn’t ended the first time round, the latest throw overwrites the first throw, and the counter goes back to zero for the new one. This has a bit of ending lag, and the duration is also long. The stomp does 3% and low knockback, which sends the opponent upwards.
[0.9 secs per sec]

Uses The opponent can DI away before Disaster can use this throw again, so the opponent should go away from Disaster. This helps rack up damage for Disaster without actually touch the opponent.

“Heh, apparently I’m wanted, do they even know my power?... Fools!”


Neutral B: Flame Maker

Animation Disaster will tilt his body to the right a bit, and hold his hands together, and we see light and wind going around Disaster does this. If you hold it down every 0.75 seconds, a small fireball about the size of Marios fireball appears floats above Disaster and behind him. You can get up to 4 fireballs appear above Disasters head. You can store this move as well. When you press B again to send the fireballs and they will home into an enemy of 3/4 of Battlefield away. The fireballs will get released a tiny bit later than the first fireball, and the same for the 3rd fireball etc.

Properties The fireballs travel about a tiny bit faster than Wolf’s blaster. If the opponent is further than 3/4 of a Battlefield away, the fireballs will just travel in a straight line. This has some start-up and ending lag however (no landing lag). The fireballs have low priority. Each fireball deals 4% and a slight upwards stun.
[Each hit = +1 secs]

UsesThis can be used from a far distance and still hit the opponent with the 4 fireballs, but it can’t be camped, as you have to charge this move for maximum results.

Side-B: Thunderballz

Animation Disaster sticks his arms out forward, and we can see yellow electricity around his sword and his hand, and then Disaster sends out a Yellow fuzzy ball forward with a black hole in the middle of it. At first, the ball travels 3 stage builder blocks horizontally in 2.5 seconds (at this point, this does multiple hits), and after that, it zooms of to the boundary going through obstacles at almost the speed of Fox’s blaster.

Properties Well the ranges above. This has quite a high amount of priority as well. This has quite a lot of start-up and a bit of ending lag. The first hit-box (when it’s travelling slowly) can do a total of 9 multiple hits from the start. This can do a maximum of 13% (the knockback is dealt at the second hit-box of this move, which is when it speeds off). The second hit-box deals 7% and mid-low knockback, which sends the opponent diagonally upwards.
[1.35 secs per a sec]

Uses Use this move at the last few seconds of the Doom clock, as this will vastly improve the strength of the effect. Not to mention it’s quite a strong Projectile as well that can hit really far.

Up-B: Dimension Travel:

Animation Disaster first points his sword below himself, and then he sends out a small green energy ball a tiny bit below him, which grows very large (about 2.5 stage builder blocks up and wide), with the centre of it having a dark black hole in it, and that curved green lines travel around it clockwise at very fast speeds. Disaster then goes into the black hole himself, and as he goes into it, he fires another energy ball about 4 stage builder blocks in a direction you want it to be sent at. Disaster then appears in the other Black hole, and enters free-fall as soon as he appears out of the second black hole. The second black-holes green lines travel anti-clockwise instead.

On the ground, he just sends the black hole about 1/3s of a Final Destination away in front of himself.

Properties When Disaster does the first black hole, the opponent can get sucked into it if they are in the green line radius, and just before Disaster can get out of the second black hole, the opponent will be sent out with high hit-stun before Disaster goes out of it. This move has quite a lot of start-up lag and ending lag, and a bit of ending lag, not to mention this has quite a long duration as well. The second Black Hole (as the first does no damage) deals 15% and high-low knockback, which sends the opponent diagonally upwards.
[+8 secs when the opponent hit]

Uses This is very powerful, and can kill opponents early if the opponents on the edge or of the stage when you use this on the floor. However, the recovery takes a very long time to finish, but this can counter the opponent if they try to Meteor smash you, this can potentially kill the opponent, while you can recover back to the stage. This recovery has a good balance of pros and cons.

Down-B: Gravitational Alteration

Animation You can only use this on the ground. When you do this (before the clock ends), Disaster will turn to the camera, and the he clenches his fists, closes his eyes and looks up. Disaster will have a Red outline. About 2 stage builder blocks going outwards of Disaster on both sides of himself, the platform will be covered in a red coloured layer, and the red layer continually changes it’s pattern, and that some red balls float a tiny bit into the air as well. If the opponent is hit by this, they will get lifted into the air about 3 stage builder blocks high, and they become 1.4 times more floater, and 1.2 times lighter!

Properties The range is also stated above, and the hit-box is just on the ground. This has some start-up and ending lag, and you can hold this down for a maximum of 3 seconds before it automatically cuts of. This does no damage or knockback, but it can’t be cancelled out of.
[0.7 seconds per secs]

Uses This makes KOing the opponent much easier, and you can chase opponents who are in the air quicker. Don’t use this move before the clock ends, as it will seriously make the strength of the effect utter weak.

“I was playing with you, but now this has gotten serious, prepare to be my appetiser”

Final Smash: Broken Time

Disaster gets the final smash, and when Disaster releases it, the clock suddenly spins forward 1 minute forward, and the clock seems to be going 1.6 seconds per a second. This Final Smash enhances the power of his Mechanic, but Disaster is still vulnerable, so knock him off the stage as soon as possible. The speed of the clock can’t change from 1.6 seconds per every sec. If Disaster gets hit while in this, the time which goes back is halved. Once Disaster dies, the mechanic resets as normal, and if you don’t use the effect in the 10 seconds period, the mechanic resets it self as normal and the clock goes down like normal pace. Basically just heightens the effects to a new level high.


Up Disaster holds his sword up into the sky high with the sword cover is darkness, and then he clenches his fist which makes blue energy appear, and says “You ready yet?”

Side Disaster tilts his head upwards, closes his eyes and sticks his hands out wingspread, and Disaster will gets a blue outline around his body, and then he opens his eyes, and they are bright red, and yells in a demonic voice “Prepare yourself!”

Down Disaster folds his arms in, then he flicks his hair back, and while in the process of flicking his hair, he shouts “*** Awn”!

Victory Taunts:

1 Disaster folds his arms in while he tilted his body to his right a bit, and then he says “I expected better”

2 Disaster is floating in the spot with his arms out laughing demonically, with a trail of dark, black magic like in his down-smash.

3 Disaster swings his sword around him twice, and thrusts the sword forward which emits a large amount of dark energy, and Disaster says “You just saw perfection!”.


A pool of black liquid appears on the ground, which has funky lines a patterns coming from it, and then Disaster will slowly appear from the puddle, and swings his sword around once before the battle begins.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 22, 2009
How do you know how long I worked on Waluigi? ;O
I have just said I finished it a week ago. I have worked on it for at least 4 weeks, not including the time I spent on just thinking of moves/playstyle/etc.
Sorry, I guess i misread the post. I am looking forward to seeing yours! I want to see what true talent can do with waluigi.

edit: Dancing frog, I really like your moveset. Especially the down b and down air. They are very unique. Master Valgermond sounds like he would be an awesome smash character.


Barnacled Boss
Aug 12, 2008
Toxic Tower

YTP Arthur

Arthur, the eight-year-old aardvark from Elmwood City, has joined the Brawl! You better not touch it!

Unlocked By: Play 88 Brawls, clear Classic and All-Star Mode with Captain Falcon, get Arthur to join your team in the SSE.

Arthur Read is an eight-year-old aardvark who lives in the fictional town of Elwood City. He is a third-grade student at Lakewood Elementary School. Arthur's family includes two home-working parents, his father David (a chef) and his mother Jane (an accountant), his two younger sisters, Dora Winifred (D.W.), who is in preschool, and Kate, who is still an infant, and his dog Pal. Arthur also has several friends who come from various ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds, and he also occasionally meets with members of his extended family as well.


Power: 6/10: Arthur's a fairly average kid, with above average attack power.

Walking Speed: 4/10: Slightly below average, Arthur walks fairly quickly, but not too briskly.

Dashing Speed: 6/10: Arthur runs at a decent speed, but is no real speed demon.

Weight: 6/10: Although he's only eight, Arthur has stolen and eaten enough ice cream from the school cafeteria to gain above average weight.

Range: 6.5/10: Due to a heavy usage of props, Arthur gains above average range for a good deal of his attacks.

Projectile Distance: 6.5/10: Arthur doesn't really care for his projectile, so he can throw it an above average distance.

Size: 6.5/10: Arthur is slightly between the heights of Mario and Luigi, and is about as wide as well.

Attack Speed: 6/10: Arthur is not a fast attacker, but can still fight with decent speed.

Priority: 5/10: Arthur has mediocre priority from his attacks.

First Jump: 3/10: A poor, mainly vertical jump that has little control.

Second Jump: 5.5/10: Slightly above average, with more horizontal range than vertical distance.

Fall Speed: 6/10: About above average, although Arthur can fastfall quite a lot faster than his normal fall speed if he falls a fair distance.

Recovery: 7/10: With average jumping and a decent Up Special, Arthur clocks in with above average recovery.

Crouch: 8/10: Arthur gets pretty low to the ground, so he can dodge several projectiles or attacks.

Traction: 3.5/10: Pretty poor, Arthur slides a lot when dashing.

Comboability: 7/10: Although some of his attacks are more one or two hit moves, Arthur can string together combos with relative ease, although not as well as some characters. Learning Arthur's combos takes a lot of time to get the hang of, as well, making this stat quite variable depending on your skill.

Wall Jump: No

Wall Cling: No

Crawling: Yes

Gliding: No

Tether Recovery: No


Entrance: A small checkered hole from the Arthur opening is opened up on the stage, releasing Arthur, who falls with a cry of, "NO! YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THE LAST OF ME!" in a CD-I Ganon-esque voice, landing on the stage with a crashing sound. The crash is over-dramatized by a prolonged series of gunshots and shattering sounds, as Arthur gets to his feet, brushing himself off, while the hole closes.

Walking: Arthur walks normally, smiling and swinging his arms slightly.

Running: Arthur pumps his arms and leans over a bit as he picks up his pace a bit.

Dashing: Arthur pumps his arms harder and bends over even more, panting heavily due to being overweight.

Jump #1: Arthur raises his arms slightly as he lightly pushes off from the ground with both feet, while wearing his Moon Boots (fake astronaut boots with springs on the bottoms). The boots don't affect his jump height at all, they just add a comic prop. The boots vanish after Arthur reaches the peak of his jump.

Jump #2: Arthur spreads his arms in a plane-like shape, and makes a "Vroom!" noise to himself as he jumps up again.

Crouching: Arthur gets down on his hands and knees, as if ducking in a game of hide-and-seek, or avoiding being spotted while stealing ice cream.

Crawling: Arthur crawls forward on his hands and knees, looking side to side nervously.

Idle Animation: Arthur stands with a slight smile on his face, breathing normally and peering around the stage, squinting through his glasses for detail. If left alone too long, he'll occasionally whistle to himself and tap his foot repetitively, or adjust his glasses or glance at his wristwatch, wondering if he'll be home in time for DINNER.

Forward Roll: Arthur does a surprisingly able cartwheel forward, like the one he learned from his grandma before she DIE!D. He lands on both feet after reaching maximum range.

Backward Roll: Arthur backs up rapidly, stumbling over his feet clumsily. He takes three small steps backwards like this, stopping when he reaching maximum range.

Spot Dodge: Arthur yells out, "Auuuuggh!", like the time D.W. touched his PINGAS, and hops backwards, holding up his hands, as if something gross was on them.

Air Dodge: Arthur yells out, "Yaahooo!", as he gets into a cannonball position for a brief period. He releases the position after dodging.

Shield: Arthur covers his magnified eyes with both hands behind his shield, squinting through his fingers.

Tripped: Arthur simply stumbles and falls with a groan, landing on his behind and rubbing it.

Dizzy: Arthur puts a hand to his forehead ands falls to his knees, losing his glasses in the process, which he puts back on after recovering.

Sleeping: Arthur lays his oversized head down on a pillow and falls asleep, snoring lightly. As he awakens, Arthur yawns and stretches by doing odd push-ups on the floor, making awkward noises.



Neutral Special: Sex Season: A multi-purpose move if there ever was one. A small wooden desk with a bulky computer and a keyboard and mouse appears in front of Arthur, who sits down in place in a wooden chair. The whole set-up here is about the size of one and a half stage-builder blocks, length and height wise. Arthur puts a hand over his crotch area and begins rocking the chair back and forth in place rapidly, tipping it slightly. This move can't be performed in midair. As he sits down and rocks, Arthur yells out to his foes, "Go away!"

Pressing B again after bringing out this move cancels it, with one second of ending lag. Starting the move takes about .5 second for the computer desk and chair to appear and allow Arthur to sit down and get to work. Generic girls in bikinis (just pictures, nothing too naughty) are seen onscreen if you rotate the camera. If you touch Arthur anytime he is watching his porn, you receive 7% fire damage and average horizontal knockback, although it is somewhat punishable for Arthur, as he can be hit out of this move at any time, although he can stand up to a few projectiles, like Wario on his bike. The computer desk and chair vanish when Arthur stops or is attacked.

If Arthur is allowed to rock in his chair for three seconds, he yells out, "I can't stop now!", and an odd squirting noise is heard. Once Arthur releases this move, he now can use two grabs and hold the foe for double his normal period before the foe can escape, due to the stickiness now on Arthur's hands. Arthur also needs to take double the damage before he drops items in this state. This lasts until Arthur uses the two grabs, or is KOed.

If Arthur is allowed to rock for five seconds, he jerks his other hand onto the mouse and screams, "I GOTTA OPEN IT!" and jiggles it around madly for a second, stopping his rocking temporarily, dealing 20% and good knockback to anyone who touches the computer (not Arthur or the chair) during that second. Although it is rare that you will be allowed to charge for this long, it is a prime KO move of Arthur's, having the ability to KO most foes with more than 75%.

Finally, if Arthur is allowed to charge for seven seconds, he yells out, "Rotting sh*t!" and finally jerks his hand up, halting his rocking and getting back up, the move ending and the computer vanishing. Arthur heals 10% if allowed to completely use the move. If you are on a huge stage against a slow opponent that you just KOed, you may have a slight chance to pull this off, but otherwise, it is not a great option, as you will often be punished somewhere throughout the seven seconds, as Arthur's body and the computer have rather low priority and hit at close range. This is a fairly high risk, high reward move that can be used in various situations to change Arthur's battle for him. Arthur get the effects for his time rocking and below; for example, if he rocks for five seconds, he gives a powerful hit by jiggling the mouse AND two sticky grabs. If he rocks for seven seconds, he gets those two effects plus 10% healed. This adds to the usefulness of the time spent watching porn, but doesn't make it any easier to do.

However, it cannot be spammed, for if it is used more than three times in a period of twenty-five seconds, Arthur knocks the keyboard off the desk in his excitement, immediately stopping his rocking and cancelling all possible damage that he could've done, and yelling, "Oh no!", because his mom told him not to use the computer during sex season. Arthur lags for three seconds mourning the death of the computer before it vanishes, leaving him open for spamming. Use this move in moderation for best effect.

Side Special: Fad Fling: Arthur refuses to jump on the bandwagon when his friends all get Poops, the latest craze. Here, he uses Poops, which are stretchy, bouncy, laughing, colorful blobs with smiley faces, and several other of his self-coined fads, as cannon fodder. This move functions similarly to Waddle Dee Toss in terms of how often each projectile appears.

The first, and most basic fad projectile (appearing as often as Waddle Dees) are Poops, mentioned above. This is a chargeable projectile, powered in a similar manner to Link's Arrows. As the input is pressed, Arthur stretches the Poop back in his hands, then slingshots it forward as he releases the input. The poops have above half the range of Link's Arrows at maximum charge, but can bounce to match the range, still dealing the same effects. Charging only increases the range, not the damage or knockback. Poops can be attacked (they generally have low priority) to destroy them, but they generally fly at speedy paces, making them slightly difficult to attack correctly. Using Poops to build damage from afar is a useful tool for Arthur.

There are three kinds of Poops, with varying effects, appearing randomly as one of the three possible Poops:

Mario Poop: A purple Poop, these Poops say their name (Mario) in a SMW Cartoon Luigi voice when they hit foes. Mario Poops deal low knockback and 5% to foes. They have slightly lower priority than the below two Poops, but travel at a moderate speed, in between that of the other two.

Mama Luigi Poop: A light green Poop with a long nose, these Poops laugh uncontrollably when they are stretched back, saying their name (Mama Luigi) in SMW Cartoon Luigi's voice when they hit foes. Mama Luigi Poops deal 8% and average knockback, but travel at a lower speed than the other Poops when launched. However, these Poops have the best priority of the three.

Dr. Rabbit Poop: A red Poop, these Poops proclaim, "Hello, there!" in Dr. Rabbit's voice as they are stretched back. Dr. Rabbit Poops travel at high speeds, but only deal 3% and trip foes, saying, "I'm Dr. Rabbit!" as they do so. The priority of Dr. Rabbit Poops are in between that of the other two.

The second kind of fad is a green bottle cap, which appear as often as Waddle Doos. Arthur simply flicks these onto the ground directly in front of him, dealing no damage and knockback to foes who hit the cap as it is flicked. The cap stays on the ground after it is released. Foes who walk over it on the ground are launched vertically with slightly below average power and receive 10% as the cap pops up in the air and makes a clicking noise. The cap vanishes once walked over, and pops up automatically after 20 seconds. Unlike Poops, only one cap can be out at once, and foes can make caps pop like Snake's D-Smash if they are attacked with a long-ranged ground attack. Caps can be tricky to avoid if Arthur knocks foes into them, so use them skillfully.

The final fad that can be used (appearing as often as a Gordo) is Arthur's father's Pet Toast from when he was a boy, which oddly takes the appearance of a simple rock. Arthur says, in a laughing voice, "It rocks! Get it?" as he throws the rock, about the distance of Luigi's Fireball in front of him. Being a rare attack, the Toast deals 20% and great horizontal knockback to foes it hits, vanishing upon hitting the ground. Although you can hardly use it knowingly due to its rare appearance, it can deal unexpected damage to foes in dire circumstances.

Videos of the fads can be seen here:

Down Special: Caramelldansen Craze: Once the input for this move is pressed, Arthur takes out a yellow boom box (the size of Squirtle) and sets it at his feet, which does nothing for three seconds. Dropping it in midair has no effect on players at all. The boom box has 20 HP until it is destroyed, and can be attacked by any player, including Arthur, to get rid of it. After three seconds, Caramelldansen starts playing on the boom box, dealing 5-8% electric damage and low knockback to anyone within the range of DK's Hand Slap of the boom box. This damage and knockback are only dealt once every second during the song, in a timed beat manner similar to DK's Final Smash. Because of this, foes can DI out easily, but if Arthur uses weak attacks to hold them in the range of the shockwaves emitted by the boom box, this can be an easy damage builder.

After about 15 seconds, the boom box vanishes automatically. Arthur can only have one boom box out at a time, so be sure to place the box in an advantageous place, to build damage or gimp foes, perhaps. After a boom box is destroyed or used up after 15 seconds, Arthur must wait 5 seconds before deploying another one. As an added negative effect for Arthur, if he is in the range of the shockwaves, he yells out, "Make it stop!" and takes a pillow, using it to cover his ears. He can't attack in this form, keeping the pillow over his ears until he exits the range, and for one more second from there on out. Because of this, Arthur cannot approach trapped foes, although he still has weak attacks that can keep foes trapped. The priority of the shockwaves is slightly above average, so foes can use projectiles, or strong Tilts or Smashes to destroy the boom box while it's playing. Be careful, though, as you don't want to use attacks that move you forward and into the range of the shockwaves, like Meta Knight's D-Tilt. If Arthur can think ahead and use this move trickily, it can set up foes for all sorts of combos. Just don't fall into your own trap.

Seen here:


Up Special: Pen of the Future: Arthur loves to watch movies with lots of action and suspense, and really cool gadgets. Speaking of really cool gadgets, Arthur uses one here for his recovery. He takes out a simple desktop pen out of his pocket upon the move being used, and yells outs, "Wahoo!" as the top of the pen opens up, revealing an inflatable jetpack. As Arthur holds the pen above his head, a thin flame shoots out of the ink end of the pen, while the upper pack part stays behind Arthur, slowly deflating. The flame deals a light 4-5% to foes it hits, but only hitstun, no knockback. Arthur has half as long as R.O.B.'s Up Special of controllable recovery with his pen. The inflatable pack deflates as Arthur's recovery time runs out. After the fuel, and therefore recovery, is all out, the pack is pulled back into the pen, which closes and leaves Arthur in helpless state. Be sure to recover before your fuel is gone. If Arthur is hit out of this move while recovering, he can use it again, but only for the amount of fuel he has left, decreasing his recovery significantly in most cases. Unlike R.O.B., however, Arthur doesn't have to recharge fuel due to having much less recovery distance. Arthur can press the the shield or attack buttons to cancel the move early, being able to use any remaining jumps, or use aerials to gimp foes. Only one Up Special can be used in midair at a time, so take care not to get hit out of your flight. A good recovery if you can handle it.

Seen here:



Basic Combo, Hit #1: Nightime Reading: Arthur takes out a blue striped book, entitled GAY KARMA SUTRA, out of midair and begins reading it eagerly in place. The hitbox occurs as he takes the book out at close range, doing no knockback and 3%. This has below average priority, and comes out quickly, with little lag ending. Arthur can hold this hit out as long as he wants, but the hit only occurs as he takes the book out. Every 5 seconds, Arthur heals 3% if he holds the book out. However, after he starts healing, he lags 1 second when he puts the book away, so this is only really useful on larger stages.

Basic Combo, Hit #2: Cover-Up Story: Arthur looks up from his reading, gasps in shock, and takes a copy of Playboy Magazine out of midair, and covers the front of his above book with it. As with the previous hit, the hitbox here is as the magazine comes out, at close range to Arthur. This hit deals 2%, 5% with the above hit, and deals below average knockback to foes. This is a good move to get foes away from Arthur by jabbing them with this. Although this hit has a tiny bit of startup lag, it is ended quite rapidly. This cannot be held to heal damage like with the previous hit. The priority increases slightly from the above hit.

Dash Attack: Family Recipe: Arthur suddenly dons a chef's apron and toque as he carries a souffle on a tray in front of him. This recipe is the Super Duper David L. Read Special Souffle. However, Arthur trips as he's carrying it, and yells, "NOOOO!" as the souffle splatters to the floor, after which the chef's garb and tray vanish. Hitting the souffle as it falls deals 9% of fire damage and average knockback to foes. The souffle stays onstage for 5 seconds before vanishing, and can trip foes in place if they walk on it, dealing 3% in this case. Dropping the souffle takes about as long as Dedede's Dash Attack, but has good knockback to make up for it, although not as much as D3's. Arthur has less ending lag than the penguin king, though. The priority is above average, and the range is fairly close, as the souffle is dropping a tiny bit in front of Arthur. If Arthur uses this move next to an edge, the souffle can fall off the edge, spiking any foe it hits powerfully along the way as it splatters onto them. A useful Dash Attack if used unexpectedly, although foes can read Arthur if he's not careful.


Forward Tilt: Returning the Favor: Arthur takes out Binky's PINGAS, which is a small red desktop pen, and waves it in front of him tauntingly, declaring, "It's HUGE!", before stowing it. Arthur starts this move fairly quickly, and puts it away with a fair bit of ending lag. The range is a small distance in front of Arthur as he holds the pen out. The pen has average priority for a Tilt. This Tilt deals 6-7% to foes, and odd knockback. There is a 50% chance that it will trip foes, or send them upwards with below average knockback. Arthur can combo the foe from either situation, but the foe can retaliate as well if they are quick enough. Building damage is the best use for this move. It can also break shields fairly well at closer range.

Down Tilt: Sloppy Squirt: Arthur takes a chef's squirter (the kind used to store frosting for cakes), and aims it downwards, squirting an unpleasant-looking brown substance onto the ground below him with an audible squishing noise. Arthur takes the squirter out quickly, and stows it after a short period of squirting. This move deals no damage to foes that hit the initial squirt, instead covering them in the disgusting frosting and slowing them down for five seconds. A foe cannot be slow from two squirts at the same time. The range is fairly close, and the priority is surprisingly below average, due to the thick frosting.

If Arthur doesn't hit a foe with this, the frosting stays on the ground in a Hershey Kiss shape. Foes who walk over this trip and take 1%. These blobs can be attacked to disperse them, but used in the midst of other weak attacks, this can be used to trick your foe rather easily. These blobs are the size of a Smart Bomb before it is thrown. Blobs stay out for 15 seconds each. Arthur can have up to three blobs out at a time. While this is not a damaging Tilt, it can be used to build even more damage if you can use it to manipulate your foes accordingly.

Up Tilt: Scary Catch: Arthur takes out a wooden fishing pole and holds it above his head. On the hook back of the line is...a picture of Ganon! Arthur chuckles to himself as he uses this move, having used it to scare D.W. in the bath before. Foes who hit this in midair enter a footstool jumped effect and take 5%. Foes on the ground take 3% and are stunned in fear. Foes are stunned longer if they have higher damage. The pole extends above one Ganondorf into the air from Arthur's hands, which are fairly low to the ground, as Arthur crouches during this move to avoid detection. He has more startup and ending lag with this move than he does with other Tilts, having moderate amounts of each. The only hitbox to this move is the picture of Ganon, which hits at close range and has average priority. Use this move to set foes up to be vulnerable to a shorthopped aerial, or a Smash attack if they are stunned long enough. Even if you don't hit foes, it's always great for a laugh, although foes can punish Arthur while he's vulnerable.


Forward Smash: Amputation Antics: As he's charging, Arthur takes out a chainsaw and starts it (although it doesn't hit foes yet) and says, "We better get started!" Upon release, Arthur takes a step forward with the buzzing chainsaw, hitting foes in front of him with multiple hits. The chainsaw can deal up to five hits to foes; four to trap them and one to give them average horizontal knockback. The range of this Smash extends forward a below average distance, pulling in foes with a tiny vacuum effect. The chainsaw has high priority and quick startup time, but an above average amount of lag as Arthur turns off the chainsaw and stows it into thin air behind his back. This move can eat through shields fairly well, and serves as one of Arthur's main KO moves. Used in opportune circumstances or over a ledge at a recovering foe, this can be a great tool to use. This Smash can deal from 3-22% to foes.

Down Smash: Frozen Goods: For this Smash, Arthur puts to use some of the ice cream and frozen goodies he gleaped (stole) from the school cafeteria. Like Peach's F-Smash, there are three different types of items that can appear here. Arthur holds the items up, one in each hand, and brings them down to the ground, like in Game & Watch's D-Smash. While charging, Arthur says, "You're going on a diet!" He has the same fairly quick startup and moderate ending lag with each of the three items. Here are the items and their effects:

Cookies: Arthur uses two moist giant chocolate chip cookies here. The cookies are easily breakable and therefore have low priority, and below average range. Cookies are the most common item for this Smash. They can deal from 3-15% and average knockback.

Ice Cream: Arthur uses two ice cream cones here; one rocky road cone and one pistachio cone. The ice cream cones have better priority than the cookies, but still not that great. Their range is slightly greater than cookies as well, but they appear slightly less often. This Smash can deal 5-17% and average knockback to foes. If foes hit the rocky road cone, they have a one in four chance of being frozen (longer with more damage) for a short period of time. If the foe hits the pistachio cone on the very tip of the cone (where the ice cream is), they take slightly more damage and knockback, cause no ones likes pistachio ice cream except Arthur.

Cake: Arthur uses two colorful birthday cakes here. Cakes appear the most rarely of the three random items. Cakes have the best priority and range of the three, having average amounts of each. Cakes deal the most damage, having the ability to deal 8-24% to foes, but dealing only below average knockback to foes. Cakes have a one in three chance of tripping foes as well. Easily the most damaging, but the most punishable as well.

Up Smash: Crunchatized: Arthur points to the ground at his feet while charging. Upon release, a small mountain of blue boxes of Crunch cereal (Crunch, not Captain Crunch) that D.W. won in a contest rises into the air, going about a Ganondorf and a half high, then vanishing in a period of 1.25 seconds. The boxes appear quickly, but don't hit foes until they are over Arthur's head, upon which he declares, "It's OVER 9000 boxes of Crunch!" Arthur can't move for a brief period after the boxes vanish, being shocked at the sheer amount of cereal boxes. The boxes have average priority. The mountain of boxes appears to be huge behind Arthur, but only has a relatively small hitbox on top for a short time. This is a good Smash to use before an U-Tilt for a safe, two hit combo. The boxes vanish if Arthur is attacked while they rise. This Smash deals average vertical knockback, having the potential to kill foes with high damage levels off the top. It can deal 6-18% to foes.


Neutral Air: Anniversary Surprise: Arthur turns to face the screen, holding a standard toaster. It suddenly becomes apparent that all toasters DON'T toast toast, as two waffles pop out of this one, after which the toaster and the waffles become a hitbox, until Arthur stows them a bit later. These waffles were part of the failed attempt at a surprise breakfast Arthur tried to make for his parents on their anniversary. The waffles take a while to pop, having the starting lag of R.O.B.'s B-Air. This move has a bit of ending lag, and average priority. Foes who hit the toaster take below average knockback, while foes who hit the waffles take fire damage and average knockback. This move is good from a shorthop, as long as you don't get punished because of the startup lag. Try to stay airborne until the move finishes; otherwise, you suffer from landing lag. It can deal 7-8% to foes.

Forward Air: Shocked Spurt: Arthur dons a strap-on elephant trunk mask and a top hat as he uses this move. As he gets these accessories, he gasps in shock, his mouth opening and the trunk bending forward and shooting out a sticky white liquid. The liquid deals no damage, but instead knocks foes backwards like FLUDD. Seeing as how this is an aerial and not a chargeable special, this is a much more versatile move than FLUDD, but it can only be used once every ten seconds to avoid spamming. The liquid has fair priority and comes (lol) out fairly fast, with a small bit of ending lag as the mask and hat vanish (these were a disguise worn by Arthur to avoid recognition at D.W.'s Caramelldansen concert). This move is great for pushing foes off an edge, or the side of the screen if they are off the edge. Make use of it.

Back Air: Rejected Recipe: A bowl of spinach appears in front of Arthur, on top of a china plate. Arthur looks at it and throws a tantrum, yelling, "I...HATE...SPINACH!" and pounding the front of the plate, flipping the bowl of spinach over his head and behind him, as the plate vanishes. The spinach bowl becomes the hitbox after it passes over Arthur's head (not before), after which it falls down about one and a half Stage Builder blocks before vanishing. The bowl has average priority. This move has fair startup lag and a bit of ending lag, but deals above average backwards knockback to foes, due to them being repulsed by the spinach. This can be a killing move against foes with high damage levels. If a foe is in midair and hit the bottom of the spinach bowl, they are spiked with moderate force. This is useful if Arthur uses it from a backwards shorthop, as long as he doesn't hit the ground. If he does, he suffers from a good deal of lag. This move deals 9-10% to foes.

Up Air: False Discovery: Arthur's homemade spaceship appears over his head. The spaceship is made of two pie-pans taped together, with a fork, a pen, and a ruler glued to the top as decorations. The spaceship hovers above Arthur's head for a second, as he points up and proclaims, "Hey, look! A UFO!", while the spaceship beeps oddly, vanishing after a second. The spaceship is the hitbox here, dealing below average vertical knockback to whoever it hits. It has slight ending lag (although little starting), so it isn't that great at juggling. However, it can still be used to end combos rather nicely. Arthur is vulnerable from below, but the spaceship provides good protection from above, having above average priority. Arthur and his friends used this spaceship for a prank on D.W. This move deals 6-8% to foes.

Down Air: As Seen Online: Arthur takes out an old stuffed hippo (filled with assorted drug paraphernelia) and holds it below him, declaring, "It's just like the real thing!" He unsuccessfully tried to sell this hippo online before. Here, it can do one of three effects to foes.

The first effect is that the hippo emits some green gas, being old and disgusting, which knocks foes who hit it in a random direction with below average force. The gassy hippo has low priority, being stuffed. The gas increases the hippo's close range to average. Arthur takes the hippo out and stows it here with the speed of Falco's D-Air, making it fairly effective. However, because the effects are random, it can't be planned into attack combos that well. This effect deals 5-7% to foes.

The second effect is that the hippo is brought out facing downwards, as opposed to horizontally like the above effect. The hippo opens its mouth and tells the foe to, "Do a Barrel Roll!" This effect deals no damage, and has low priority and close range. However, it forces foes to enter a footstool jumped effect, making them do a Barrel Roll. If used to hit foes offstage, this can be quite effective. However, because the effects are random, it may be hard to use effectively. Arthur takes the hippo out and stows it in the time of Bowser's entire D-Air; the hippo's talking holds the move out a while. Although this can be dangerous offstage, foes can be hit whenever the hippo is talking to be rendered footstooled, so use it wisely.

The third effect is that Arthur holds the hippo above his head as he takes it out, and starts dumping some pills out of the hippo's mouth into his own, swallowing them greedily. Arthur does this for three seconds, falling until after those three seconds if he's in the air, and continuing to do this on the ground if he hits it first. Every second Arthur is allowed to eat the pills, he heals 1%, for a maximum of 3%. However, he is entirely vulnerable during this time. Plus, if he is offstage and this effect happens, it is almost certain death for Arthur. This can't be spammed due to there also being two other effects, and its overall lag. Use it on large stages to your advantage. This deals no damage or knockback to foes.


Downed Attack: Card Craze: From his downed position on his stomach, Arthur takes his prized library card and spins around once to get to his feet, slashing foes on either side of him with the sharp card. The card has low priority, and hits at close range. Arthur has little startup or ending lag with this move. The card deals below average horizontal knockback. It deals 5-6% to foes.

Flipped Attack: Carbonated Spray: From his flipped position on his back, Arthur smiles and takes out a shaken up can of Mountain Fizz, opening it to spray the contents out a short distance toward the ground on either side of him. The soda deals only 1-2% to foes, but pushes foes backwards one and a half times the distance FLUDD pushes foes. The soda has low priority. Arthur has a bit of startup and ending lag with this move. Soda disappears once it hits the ground.

Tripped Attack: Grandpa's Game: From his tripped position on his behind, Arthur takes out a checkerboard (which he hates being forced to play with his grandpa), and shakes it, taking his anger on Sakurai out on the poor board and shaking the red and black pieces off at close range on either side of him, as he gets to his feet. The pieces have low priority, and deal multiple light hits to foes, dealing one low knockback hit on the last hit. Arthur has slight startup and ending lag with this move. The pieces vanish if they hit a foe or the ground. This move can deal 1-6% to foes.

Ledge Attack: Epic Daydream: While climbing onto the edge, Arthur takes out his magic pen and rapidly draws a small black and white drawing of his favorite TV superhero, Bionic Dr. Rabbit, a standard rabbit wearing a Superman costume. As Arthur climbs onto the stage, Bionic Dr. Rabbit flies forward the distance of one Stage Builder block, dealing below average horizontal knockback to foes. The drawing has average priority, and hits at close range, although his hitbox is extended from Arthur a slight distance. Arthur has a good deal of startup lag, more than most characters his size, due to him having to draw the superhero. However, he can move as soon as he gets on the edge, not having to wait until his drawing is gone. This is slightly punishable for Arthur, but is still more useful than most ledge attacks. Bionic Dr. Rabbit deals 7% to foes.

Ledge Attack (over 100%): Gamer's Bane: Arthur lags a good deal as he uses his magic pen to draw one of the main enemies from his Bionic Dr. Rabbit video game: the Flying Sh*t, a flying vampiric sheep with coarse fur. Here, Arthur lags on the edge a good deal as he draws one of these sheep, which flies forward half the distance of a Stage Builder block, making a simple sheep noise before vanishing. The drawing has below average priority, hits at close range, although its hitbox is still extended from Arthur a small distance. Arthur still has a good deal of startup lag for a character his size, but the Flying Sh*t makes foes fall to the ground in a 'Downed' state, due to the Sh*t having sucked their blood. Although this foe can hit Arthur quickly with a Downed Attack as he climbs onto the stage, a quick Arthur can hit them first. The Flying Sh*t deals 9% to foes.


Grab: Catcher's Mitt: Arthur yells out, "I got it!", as a baseball catcher's mitt appears on his hand, and he squats down, holding it in front of him to grab a foe. If he grabs a foe, the mitt vanishes and Arthur grabs the foe with one hand. If not, the mitt vanishes and Arthur gets back to his feet. This grab has fairly close range, and has slight ending lag as Arthur gets out of his squat. There is a tiny bit of startup lag as well. However, Arthur can hold the grab button to hold the grabbing pose, being able to grab foes anytime he is squatting, although he has more ending lag the longer he poses. Arthur can catch thrown items in this pose, being able to use them himself, getting up quickly, as well as take no knockback from projectiles, although he lags a lot if he "catches" a projectile, holding his mitt hand in pain as he gets to his feet. This can be used to intercept thrown items, as well as avoid knockback, although unless you can overcome the ending lag, it can be hard to use.

Grab Attack: That's Cold!: Arthur takes a simple brown bag of ice, the kind you put on bruises, and applies it to his grabbed victim. This is a fairly speedy grab attack, but is not spammable, as Arthur holds the bag down for a brief period to make sure the ice works. As a small bonus, there is a one in twenty chance that Arthur will freeze the foe in an ice block. He can't throw them in this state, but can still attack them until they break out by button mashing. This attack deals 2% per use.

Forward Throw: Crazy Camera: Arthur releases the victim and takes out his friend Muffy's new high-tech video camera. As he waves to the victim in front of him and says, "Say spaghetti!", the victim is utterly perplexed by the OVER 9000 buttons and switches on the camera, and proceeds to trip in front of Arthur, getting 3% in the process. There is about two frames where the foe can mash the jump button to escape the camera and punish Arthur, who lags slightly while stowing the camera. However, this is very difficult to pull off, leaving Arthur free to hit the foe while they are tripped, making up for the awful damage. This throw does nothing but drop the foe, dealing no damage, if Arthur is standing over the edge. Use this throw to set foes up for a tilt or aerial.

Back Throw: Sour Note: Arthur releases the foe behind him, then takes Buster's Amish Harmonica, which is uncleaned and filled with cafeteria food. Arthur blows a small music note out of it in a straight line, the note being covered with brown food. Arthur does this move quickly enough starting up that the foe can't dodge it and receives 6%. The knockback is rather mediocre, however, being about on par as a shot from the Ray Gun. This is probably Arthur's most reliable throw, so be sure to use it often. It can kill foes off the side of the screen if they have high enough damage levels. Arthur has a tiny bit of ending lag as he stows the gross harmonica in his pocket.

Down Throw: Vomitrocious Dinner: Arthur takes a big plate of his dad's chunky pudding balls he made for dessert and force feeds a handful of the crusty brown blobs down the victim's protesting throat. This throw is fairly quick starting and ending, and knocks the foe horizontally with below average force. This is Arthur's best throw for building damage, so be sure to use it to your advantage. This throw deals 9% to foes. Foes who are next to Arthur when he uses this throw may occasionally trip due to the disgusting sight of the balls.

Up Throw: Basketball Bonk: Arthur releases the foe, then takes an arcing shot with a standard basketball at the foe. If the basketball connects, the foe takes 7% and slightly below average vertical knockback. Arthur can easily use an aerial or U-Tilt to combo the foe out of this. However, while Arthur is about to shoot the ball, for a very short period of time, a foe can DI or air dodge the basketball. If the ball misses, it defies gravity and goes in reverse in the arc Arthur shot it in, hitting Arthur in the head with a "D'oh!" because of his massive, throbbing bad luck. This deals 5% and trips Arthur, making him vulnerable to the foe he missed. Use with care; this should rarely, if ever, be used against a competent opponent unless you are a risk-taker.


Massive, Throbbing Hit: To hit foes with the brunt of this Final Smash, Arthur must connect with an initial hit. From the air, a Ganondorf and a half off the ground, and one Stage Builder block in front of Arthur, an orange model plane falls from the sky, breaking into a million pieces upon hitting the ground. This is Arthur's prized PINGAS that he's been constructing and painting all week. It is about the size of a Super Scope, and deals 5% to any foes it hits, tripping them in the process. Arthur gasps in horror, a tear forming in his eye, as the screen fades out. These unfortunate foes are about to feel Arthur's wrath, as a cinematic cutscene takes place. The plane drops fairly quickly, so foes should be ready to roll or spot dodge when the plane falls, as they can't escape once they are hit. If the plane misses, it vanishes, and the battle resumes.

The broken plane is seen on the ground in front of Arthur's house, as a storm begins in the sky. Arthur is seen crouching on the ground next to the plane, open-mouthed and shocked at his loss, while the foe(s) he hit are standing in front of the plane, watching Arthur carelessly. The cutscene fades into Arthur's thoughts, as the chorus of 'How Could This Happen to Me?' plays in the background. Various pictures are shown of Arthur lovingly painting the plane, winning an award for the model, and opening the box to see the pieces for the first time. During this time period, a small meter with Arthur's face next to it appears on the side of the screen. The player should button mash the B Button to make the meter fill up. The fuller the meter at the end of the chorus, the more powerful the attack following will be. It is not exceedingly hard to fill the meter, but you must consistently button mash speedily to do this, which is a challenge, not being easy (e.g. Mario Party). Also, because of the slow song, it takes a while to fill the meter, it filling up very slowly, so your mashing will need some endurance. Arthur's face on the meter changes from depressed to pissed as the meter rises. At the end of the chorus, Arthur's thoughts end and the screen fades back to Arthur on the ground.

Arthur rises, his fist shaking. The clouds in the background crackle with lightning. Now, you see a different side of Arthur, as he unleashes all of his massive, throbbing wrath onto your foe, who broke the PINGAS. The attack Arthur uses here is determined by how full his anger meter was. After attacking, Arthur and the foe appear back on the stage, where the foe receives their knockback, although the damage is dealt during the attack. All of the attacks are decent at building damage, but the damage and knockback still vary through the different attacks.

Empty, to Below Average on Meter: Arthur yells, "YOU MUST DIE!", and punches the foe to the ground, dealing 6% to them. However, as a comical jazz piece plays, the foe's fall to the ground is repeated several times over and over again to the beat of the music, dealing 6% for each time the foe falls. The foe will accumulate 36% from the repeated bruising. This deals no knockback to foes.

Seen here:

Below Average to Moderate on Meter: Arthur seems to be struggling and shaking in place, emitting electrical noises. Arthur slowly struggles out, "KA..ME...HA...ME...HAAA!" as he deals a powerful zapping punch to the foe. This deals 41-42% electric damage and great vertical knockback to foes.

Seen here:

Moderate to Above Average on Meter:
As audio and music from the Japanese F-Zero cartoon plays, text appears below the victims. These are the subtitles, translating the speech to English. It reads:



Arthur proceeds to deal a fiery blow to foes, which, like the existing Falcon Punch, is seen in the shape of a fiery falcon. As the audio shifts to Black Shadow's death scream, the foe falls to the ground in super slow motion to sync up to the scream. The foe receives 50% and great horizontal (as opposed to vertical from above) knockback. The above attack and this attack are fairly similar, although they differ in the direction of knockback. This attack also deals more damage, as it is harder to button mash up to on the meter.

Seen here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnW17UO531E

Full on Meter: Arthur steps back, literally being unable to control his anger. As more lightning than normal flashes in the sky above, Arthur screams, "I TOLD YOU...NOT TO TOUCH IT!!" As he screams, the screen gets a red tint, the tint seemingly coming from the cores of Arthur's eyes. He then gives a true massive, throbbing hit to the foe. This deals 50%, same as the above attack, as well as great horizontal knockback. However, there are two differences here that make the move better. First, the victim(s) are handicapped at half their normal attack power for the rest of their current stock. Judging by the heavy damage and knockback they were just dealt, this shouldn't be long, however, limiting the use of this. Second, several body organs appear on the stage, in a similar manner to peaches from Peach's Final Smash. Arthur can eat these to regain 3% each, although foes take 3% of knockbackless damage if they resort to this cannibalism by eating the parts. This is a great effect, although you need to button mash pretty darn fast to get it.

Seen here:


Up Taunt: Arthur punches, then cranks dat left to right three times, as a simple, yet annoying, overrated as hell, and familiar beat plays in the background. He stops after performing these sh*tty moves.

Seen here:

Side Taunt: Arthur takes out a full plate of chocolate chip cookies. He gobbles them all down as fast as possible, yelling out, "Done!" when finished. He then eats them in reverse, taking chocolatey globs out of his mouth and placing them on the plate, where they reform into cookies somehow. The plate vanishes after Arthur reverse-eats all the cookies.

Down Taunt: Arthur takes out an old-fashioned phone with a cord. He begins speaking into the phone, saying, "Hello, Tyrannosaurus Allen! I know where you can get some really cool cocaine. They're selling stuff you can't get anywhere else, and the prices are super cheap!" Saying this takes almost five seconds, but if you complete it, you get a bonus the next time you use the taunt. When you do this, Arthur will laglessly snort a handful of white cocaine, and gain 1.5 times his normal attack power for two attacks. This can be somewhat useful on large stages after you KO a foe, but it is almost impossible to use anywhere else. Powered-up attacks from this taunt cannot be overlapped if you somehow manage to use it twice.

Victory Pose #1: Arthur and his small yellow dog Pal stand proudly in front of a newly-erected tent Arthur set up for his sleepover. Arthur says excitedly, "We did it, boy!" for Pal to smell the year-old hot dogs Arthur left in the tent and go charging after them. Arthur screams out, "NOOOO! NOOOO!" and lunges in after Pal. The two get tangled in the tent's tarp and begin thrashing about wildly, causing the entire tent to collapse. They continue struggling until you leave the results screen.

Victory Pose #2: Arthur is being hoisted up into the air by his crowd of classmates, who all chant, "Arthur! Arthur! Arthur!", as Arthur himself just waves awkwardly and grins. This goes on for a while, then the ever ravenous Buster yells out, "Ice cream sundaes at the Sugar Bowl on me!", for the crowd to scream in excitement, dropping Arthur with a thud and stampeding offscreen. Arthur moans and rubs his arse where he was dropped.

Victory Pose #3: Arthur stands in front of an offscreen crowd (which is supposedly in the foreground) wearing a suit and bowtie and holding his orange model plane (PINGAS). A generic astronaut goes up to him and says, "Arthur Reed, you win the Nobel Prize for this piece of sh*t", placing a gold ribbon on the plane, then walking offscreen. Arthur happily takes the award, then watches as the plane magically grows into the size of a real plane. Arthur steps in and flies offscreen, waving stupidly.

Victory Theme: A clip from the Arthur theme song (not a YTP one).

Loss Pose: Arthur claps normally, but wearing a tan top hat and a strap-on elephant trunk (the same one from his F-Air) to make sure none of his friends see him among the losers. He looks around nervously from time to time to ensure this to himself.


Icon: Since the Arthur series doesn't have a main icon, Arthur's icon is simply his famous pair of glasses. Simple, yet original and fitting.

Wiimote Sound:
Arthur comments, "It's not a game, it's a PINGAS".

Crowd Chant: The crowd, consisting of men and women, yell, "Arthur! Arthur! Arthur!" If Arthur gets KOed in a stamina match, a little girl voice asks, "Dad, why won't Arthur wake up?" for a male voice to answer, 'Umm...I think he's dead, honey".

Kirby Hat: Kirby gets Arthur's round ears and glasses. Because we can't have any porno Kirby, Kirby inherits Arthur's Side Special instead of his Neutral Special, having the ability to use Fad Fling.


Red Sweater (Red Team)
Blue Suit w/ Orange Bowtie (Blue Team)
Green Shirt (Green Team)
Emo Outfit
Space Suit
Bionic Bunny Suit (Superman suit with bunny ears)


Snake: Otacon! There's a deformed aadvark wearing human clothes and glasses out here!

Otacon: You must be facing Arthur, Snake. He's a third grader from Elwood City.

Snake: What the...what is he doing here?

Otacon: I have no clue. However, I would be careful if I were you. Arthur is an average kid, but he suppresses a lot of hidden talent. His massive, throbbing wrath is definitely something you don't want to fall victim to. Just ask his younger sister.

Snake: I never got to taste aadvark during my stay in South Africa...I hear they taste like chicken.

Otacon: Eww, gross!


D.W.: Arthur's younger sister, Dora Winifred (D.W.) comes out and begins twirling around, ballet-style, doing absolutely nothing...yet. She can perform one of three effects on foes. The effect that occurs is random, although some effects are more likely than others. D.W. can't be attacked, and lasts for 20 seconds. She is a fairly common Assist Trophy.

The first possibility that can occur is that D.W. will start wandering around, singing to herself. Getting within two Stage Builder blocks of her on the ground/air in front of her gives foes 1-2% knockbackless damage for second, cause her voice is ear ****. If she touches you on the ground, she'll pop a toy thermometer in the foe(s)' mouth, stunning them in place, being unable to escape. She'll then say, "You sound sick. No school for you today! Now, how about a nice cup of tea?" Upon saying 'tea', she'll take a china teapot and pour burning tea on your foe(s), dealing 10-13% and moderate fiery knockback. This is the most common effect for her to use. Be sure not to touch her, as it is unescapable, although it is easy to dodge her slow wanderings as long as the summoner doesn't grab you.

The second effect is that D.W. will wander around the stage, holding a paper bag in front of herself. She mumbles to herself, pulling out food items from the bag that she deems yucky. For most of the twenty seconds, she'll say, "Tomatoes, yucky...cucumbers, yucky..." over and over, only tossing out tomatoes and cucumbers, which heal 1-2% each. She tosses out one of these food items every second. Randomly in these twenty seconds, she'll cry out, "EWWWW, GROSS! IT'S LOOKING AT ME!" and pull out a raw fish. This heals 25% to whoever is lucky enough to get it. Make use of this effect. It appears less often than the above use, and more often than the below use.

For the final effect, D.W. wanders around, pacing and thinking to herself, while her imaginary friend, Nadine, floats around above her. D.W. says nothing, while Nadine tells D.W., "You can always say it to people and see what happens..." This continues, until a foe is unfortunate enough to get in front of D.W., closer than one Stage Builder block away. D.W. will get a curious expression and say, "Sh*t!", the word being bleeped out like it was in the original episode (this was a real episode where D.W. learns about swearing, not a YTP). This deals 20-25% and good horizontal knockback within that range. The foe will also drop any items they are holding in their shock. This is the rarest effect, but the most useful if you learn to control your opponents during it.

As a small effect during all three uses, if a Bowser (King Koopa) gets within a Stage Builder block in front of D.W., she'll stop her effect temporarily, and not swear for the above effect, and make a funny face at Bowser, her tongue sticking out. This deals no damage, but simply turns Bowser around to face away from D.W., as if hit with a damage/knockbackless Mario Cape. If a Ganondorf (Ganon) gets within the above range, D.W. will stop her effect/not swear and begin screaming at the top of her lungs, halting her effect and holding the scream until her twenty seconds are up, after which she'll vanish. This is annoying, but has no effect on the fight.


Elwood City Public Library:
You fight around and in Arthur's public library. Characters start the battle outside on the sidewalk in front of the library. This is a flat walk-off stage the size of Bridge of Eldin. This is a fairly basic stage, except for a simple hazard. Occasionally, Binky and his gang of bullies will ride past on their bikes, dealing 5% and low knockback per each of the four bikes. They travel at the same speed as Wario's Bike, and are fairly easy to dodge. They can also be attacked to make the bully fall off the bike harmlessly, and be forced to walk it the rest of the way offscreen, dealing no damage. Also out here, After about thirty seconds out here, the librarian will come onto the library's front steps and say, "Come on in!", causing the stage to scroll into the background.

The stage layout (flat, walkoff, and the size of Bridge of Eldin) stays the same as you pass up the steps and through the doors, and even a good ways into the library. However, after about fifteen seconds of transition, a new layout appears.

This layout consists of a flat area as big as Melee Final Destination, with two bookshelves the height of two Ganondorfs on either side. In the background are more bookshelves, some computers, and some desks, where students sit and read. On top of the side bookshelves are walk-off ledges to either side. There is a hazard here as well....

Occasionally, Mr. Ratburn, Arthur's teacher, will wander onstage, and begin asking stupidly, "Oh! Are you having cake?" He will follow around a character at random and continue asking this. If he gets within a Stage Builder block of your character, the character is dealt 3% knockbackless damage per second from sheer annoyance. However, if Ratburn is attacked, he'll say, "How about some homework?" and begin tossing out sheets of homework, which cut characters and deal below average knockback and 7-8% to them. He lasts for 20 seconds at a time before getting bored and going into the background to grade papers. After 45 seconds in the library, the window in the background will get a dark tint, and the librarian's voice will say, "Come again soon!", for the stage to commence scrolling into the foreground and back outside, where it is now nighttime. The layout from the first stage remains the same during transition. The cycle then repeats. This stage can make for fun and hilarious battles.


Arthur Theme
Crank Dat Soulja Boy
Oh, Are You Having Cake?
Library Card
Jekyll Jekyll Hyde
Crazy Bus


Arthur Read (Classic)
Massive, Throbbing Hit (Final Smash)
D.W. Read
Jane 'Mom' Read
Dave 'Dad' Read
Kate Read
Buster Baxter
Francine Frensky
The Brain (Trophy Stand)
Binky Barnes and Bullies
Muffy Crosswire
Mr. Ratburn
Arthur's PINGAS


Event Match 21: Gotta Punch 'Em All!
Play As: Arthur
Enemies: Donkey Kong, Captain Falcon, Ganondorf
Stage: Elwood City Public Library
Description: Uh-oh! Imagination really does bring stories to life! Banish these wannabes with your massive, throbbing wrath before the library closes.
Unlocks: Arthur's PINGAS trophy
Summary: You play as Arthur in a free-for-all against the above three opponents (who all have Punching attacks for their Neutral Special) on the Elwood City Public Library stage. Your opponents are all at double their normal strength, while Arthur is stuck with his normal power. For this battle, you must finish off your foes with Arthur's Final Smash, Massive, Throbbing Hit. If the opponents KO each other in the FFA, or if you KO them without a Final Smash, they'll just respawn and continue fighting. When your Final Smash KOs them, they will not respawn, however. Smash Balls are the only items that spawn here. Arthur must defeat the foes by the time the stage scrolls into the library and back out again at nighttime, a time period of 1:45. Damage your foes before using a Final Smash on multiple opponents for the best results. Although your foes are stronger than you, Arthur can snare Smash Balls more easily because of his projectile Side Special, Fad Fling, while his opponents are projectile-less.


After the first Link/Yoshi level, a new level appears. The screen shows Arthur's house on a cloudy day. A lower window on the house seems to be flickering. The camera zooms into the house to show Arthur watching Robotnik's Sexy Suspender Striptease on Youtube. He soon gets bored and turns to a new window, where he begins selling drugged hippo toys. However, he soon tires of this as well, and goes to his couch to watch the Bionic Dr. Rabbit show. The camera shows the clock on the wall zoom forward a few hours, then back to Arthur to find him asleep on the couch while the TV blares. A dream bubble shows Arthur winning an award for his orange model plane. Arthur awakens with a happy yawn from his dream, and begins running around the room, arms outstretched like plane wings. However, his joy suddenly stops, when behind him, he hears a crash outside the window.

Arthur runs outside to see...his model plane in pieces on the ground outside the window. Arthur begins crying and mourning his loss. All of a sudden, a Primid noise is heard, as Arthur looks up at his bedroom window where the plane fell from. A group of Primids are waving tauntingly and laughing at Arthur, having just knocked the plane out for fun. Arthur's face slowly and over-dramatically turns red with rage, as he gets up and screams, "I TOLD YOU...NOT TO TOUCH IT!!" A whole crowd of new Primids and Subspace Enemies surround Arthur as he puts up his fists. You now play in a multiman battle against the Primids as Arthur.

Arthur pants as the Shadow Bugs fade away, then cries as he starts burying the remenants of his model plane. Suddenly, a thundercrack is heard. Arthur looks up to see a Subspace Bomb having engulfed Elwood City! Arthur yells out in shock, then goes to investigate. You now play a city-styled level through a darkened Elwood City. In here, all of Arthur's friends and neighbors have been corrupted by Shadow Bugs, so they serve as possessed enemies. The citizens do not attack in large groups, but have fairly powerful attacks, including throwing books, cheese, and other humorous objects. Enemies only attack on sidewalk portions of the city level. However, on the streets, if you aren't careful to watch the stop sign, a truck full of Primids will drive past, dealing high damage and knockback, so be on your toes. As you progress further through the level, you enter a more countryside-styled area. Enemies appear less often here, but they can appear anywhere, due to there being no streets.

Arthur reaches a dock to the ocean at the end of town, where the country starts. Arthur lets out a sigh of relief, standing on the dock. However, in his relief, he doesn't see a pirate ship coming up behind him. Toon Link climbs down from the crow's nest, having finally spotted another kid. However, Arthur is unaware that Toon Link is not an enemy, and proceeds to throw a Poop at him. Toon Link slashes the Poop away with his sword and gets in a battle ready stance. You now play against Arthur as Toon Link to knock some sense into him. Because you are fighting on the dock, with water on one side, Toon Link can use his D-Air to spike Arthur into the water for an easy KO.

Toon Link and Arthur are seen battling it out. Arthur keeps trying to get close to Toon Link, his fists raised, but TL keeps his distance with bombs and slashes. Tiring of useless battle, TL uses his Side Taunt to signify that he is not possessed. Arthur does a jawdrop, then goes to shake hands. However, a sinister laughing voice says, "Just doing what we try to do every night, boys...take over the world!", causing the two to turn around to see...

BOSS: The Brain
Play As: Arthur, Toon Link
Music: Pinky and the Brain Theme

Yep, this is the Brain from Arthur with the mind of Brain from Animaniacs. Therefore, he shares attacks from both characters. He is about the size of Luigi, making him a fairly small target, but that doesn't mean he has low range. His basic stance is at the center of the stage, although he moves for several attacks. Due to his small boss size, he has fairly low stamina (although a good deal more than the pathetic Brawl bosses), but that doesn't make him a pushover by any means.

Skipping Stones: Brain takes a handful of skipping rocks and begins turning left to right over and over, skipping one rock in each direction he is facing. The rocks have average priority and are skipped at the speed of Meta Knight's run. This attack is fairly common for Brain to use, it being helpful to keep you away from him. It deals low knockback and 6-7% per rock.

Dreaded Droid: Brain chuckles as he dons an R2-D2 helmet, and gains the droid's taser. With the helmet on, Brain begins to march around at the speed of Ganondorf's run, zapping foes with the taser if they get closer than a Stage Builder block to him. If the taser hits you, you are stunned for 15 seconds, being vulnerable to his other attacks. Brain marches for 10 seconds before stopping and resuming with other attacks. This deals 4-5%. If you can learn to dodge, you can use this period to attack Brain from the air.

Mental Mystery: Brain takes out an odd contraption with a large mechanical arm, and presses a button, causing the arm to shoot forward with the agility of a grab, but the distance of three Stage Builder blocks in front of him. If you are caught, the arm grabs your character by the head and they fall under Brain's control, who makes them run, attack, taunt, and whatnot randomly. You must time a spot dodge to avoid this, making it fairly annoying, although you have fair warning as Brain takes out the contraption. As you are being controlled, Brain comments, "Your mind is a mystery to me...". Brain will control your character for up to 15 seconds (button-mashing lessens the time), but can perform other attacks during that time period, the arm vanishing after grabbing your character, as its purpose has been served. On easier difficulty levels, Brain will sometimes make you attack himself while under his control, but this is not the case on harder levels. This attack deals 1% per second you are possessed.

Flying Monkey Trap: Brain slowly takes out a simple butterfly net, with flying wings attached to the top, and swoops it around and above him rapidly in a frenzy for three seconds. If you are caught, your character is swung around wildly in the trap, then slammed to the ground for 16-17% and high vertical knockback. The attack has a range of about 1.5 Stage Builder blocks on either side of Brain, and has a slight vacuum effect as well. Be sure to dodge this, as it is on of Brain's more damaging moves.

50% health or lower:

Sleepy Speech: Brain takes out a stand-up chart of the Periodic Table and begins droning on about it, spewing out random useless facts that would bore anyone to tears. Anyone in front of Brain on the ground (not behind him or airborne) will fall asleep. After a few seconds of continuing his speech after the character is asleep, Brain will yell, "Pay attention!" and throw a vial of potion at the character, dealing 10-11% and above average horizontal knockback. This attack has slight startup lag as he takes out the table, warning you to get behind or above Brain as soon as possible to avoid the attack. If you successfully do this, you can dish out a good deal of damage to Brain as he prattles on for five or so more seconds.

Frenzied Flight: Brain jumps into a biplane and yells, "Let us make haste! To the White House!", flying offscreen at insane speeds, like Sonic with a Bunny Hood. This deals 25% and huge knockback to you if you are hit, but there is ample warning time, so this is not too difficult to avoid with an air dodge or sidestep. If he has less than 25% health left, Brain will soar over the stage after zooming offscreen, dropping two bombs the size of Squirtle. After three seconds, these bombs detonate, dealing 12-13% and moderate knockback to whoever they hit. Be sure to dodge these, as they will likely KO you, due to being dropped close to the borders of the stage. Brain parachutes down from above to continue fighting after this attack.

Mr. Hyde and Seek: Brain turns into Mr. Hyde, a green monster created by Dr. Jekyll, who proceeds to camouflage himself into the stage background, becoming invisible. He stays this way for nine seconds. However, every three seconds, he'll pop out and yell, "Boo!", having almost no startup or ending lag, him becoming invisible after shouting. This deals 8% and trips you where you are. Air dodging like crazy is the best way to dodge this, as Hyde must stay on the ground while popping out. After nine seconds, Hyde turns back into Brain.

5% health or lower:

Brain Odo: The Brain uses a machine to grow to giant size, now being the size of Galleom. His attacks now deal three times as much damage and knockback. Brain Odo also attacks much more frequently to boost the difficulty level. Sometimes, Brain Odo will also stomp in place, dealing 14% and great knockback, so be careful to dodge and finish off the genius rapidly.

Arthur gives Brain a massive, throbbing hit for Brain to stumble around dizzily, moaning, and eventually falling to the water at the edge of the dock. Arthur lifts his hand for a high-five from Toon Link, but TL just rolls his eyes and grunts, for Arthur to laugh stupidly and put the hand down. TL steps aboard his ship, beckoning for Arthur to come along with him. The two sail out of Elwood City's countryside and out to sea...

Arthur and Toon Link are next seen sailing before the second Fox/Diddy level. A Goomba watches the ship approach shore, and fires away at it with a Bullet Bill Blaster. Arthur screams and runs away comically, while TL holds his shield up, destroying the bullet, but pushing him back a good deal. TL throws a bomb to knock the Goomba away, as the ship comes to shore. TL does his D-Air into the sand, while Arthur jumps down behind him, slightly nervously. You play a beach-themed level as these two, fighting off Bowser's troops along the way. At the end, you make it into the jungle, having to navigate through some tricky Barrel Kannon portions. Wild DKC enemies make appearances here in addition to Koopas and Goombas. A large multiman battles against these enemies is fought at the end of the level.

No cutscene is shown after the level is completed. However, after the second Fox/Diddy level, as the trio approach the waterfall, Arthur and Toon Link approach behind them. As Fox calls up the Great Fox, and Falco takes to his Arwing with Diddy, Arthur takes out his Jetpack Pen, while Toon Link jumps off the waterfall where his ship is waiting below, due to SSE Logic. A few levels later, when Donkey Kong gets freed on the airship, Arthur floats on with his Jetpack Pen alongside Falcon and Olimar, while Toon Link uses his grappling hook to climb on up from his ship. When the Primids invade the ship, a close-up of Arthur's glassed-eyes, and the Primids beady eyes are shown comically, then Arthur lets out a primal roar, causing the multiman battle to start.

After the battle, Arthur cheers and starts doing the Soulja Boy dance in his victory for everyone to facepalm. Toon Link suddenly yells out a grunt, as Arthur gets dangerously close to the edge, then falls, screaming. Toon Link sighs and jumps down after him into the sea. The other characters have no time to worry about this, as they are about to enter the Subspace Bomb Factory. Arthur and Toon Link tread water for a second, Toon Link looking fairly pissed off as they start to swim for shore. You play an island-hopping level of sorts in the ocean. There is little dry land during this level, so your swim time is buffed significantly. However, every now and then, a gigantic wave will rise up and swallow your character. There is fair warning for this, but it is an instant KO if you are hit, so beware. There are several new aquatic and yet completely generic Subspace foes here (e.g. Aqua Primids).

Arthur and Toon Link are not seen again until after the Subspace Bomb Factory explodes. They are seen trying to swim away faster, still being in the water, not being very fast swimmers due to Arthur being overweight and TL having a heavy sword and shield. They flail and scream as the Subspace inhales them into darkness...

Arthur and Toon Link are seen alone in a random location of Subspace, like Wario, having not been turned into a trophy. Arthur takes out some steaming chunky pudding balls and sees which direction the steam coming from them blows, to see which direction to follow in the wind, but there is no wind here, so Arthur gets nervous, while Toon Link flails his arms wildly to get the gross steam away from him. Toon Link motions for Arthur to follow him, while several Primids begin forming, causing Arthur to cower and hide himself stupidly behind his Pet Toast. You now play a Subspace level before that of Dedede's party or Kirby. This level is slightly easier than those two levels, but it focuses more on platforming than combat, due to your characters' good recoveries, so be prepared for some tricky jumps.

No cutscene is shown after this level. However, after the level with Dedede's party, Arthur and Toon Link come up to Falcon and Olimar wandering around Subspace, having been freed from their trophy status by D3's party. Olimar shrugs at the two youngsters, while Falcon runs around kneeing Primids for them to drop like flies. He runs up ahead of the group to see his clone, Ganondorf walking up to the Great Maze. Not knowing that Ganondorf is temporarily fighting for good, Falcon runs up to give him a Falcon Punch, which Ganondorf dodges. Olimar, Arthur, and TL run up to Ganon for him to laugh at Toon Link, surprised that a hero of such stature is so small. Arthur excitedly takes pictures of Ganondorf with his Bionic Dr. Rabbit camera, for Ganon to grab the camera with a Flame Choke and disintegrate it, causing Arthur to cower behind Olimar, who facepalms. You now play as Ganondorf against these four opponents, with two characters being out at a time.

After defeating your opposition, Ganondorf is seen barely able to take on all four characters at once. He sends out a wave of dark energy, for Olimar to dodge and nail him with several Pikmin. Ganon tires of this conflict, wanting only to destroy Tabuu, and beckons to them, motioning to the vastness of Subspace, then up the stairs, to remind them of their real goal. Your opponents look skeptical at first, but after a while, realize that Ganon has good intentions here, and proceed on up the stairs, Ganon bringing up the rear. When suddenly, he is attacked from behind. Bowser has come back for some revenge for being backstabbed. You play as Bowser against Ganondorf in a 1 vs. 1 to help him exact that revenge.

Bowser breathes fire over Ganondorf for him to shadow teleport behind Bowser and punch him. Except the punch lands on his shell, doing no damage to Bowser, who grabs Ganon and throws him down to show him who's boss. Ganon gets ready to give Bowser a Warlock Punch, but then reconsiders, being the smarter of the two villains. Ganon seems to feign defeat, while Bowser forces him up and forward up the stairs, Ganondorf chuckling evilly, having falsely submitted to Bowser's leadership just to get to Tabuu faster. The warlock can get his revenge later. You play as a brief level as the two villains, with no cutscene being shown at the end. Enemies are powerful here, the level focusing more on combat than platforming.


When you first pick up Arthur, he feels like an average character, with decent overall stats, similar to Mario. However, experiment with his attacks and you'll find a very intricate playstyle, almost like a weaker, not overpowered Snake. Arthur has even more strategies than Snake due to his randomness as a character, but unless you can take advantage of them, Arthur loses some of his effectiveness as a character, although he is still a riot to use.

Arthur does not have particular power in any one area of the game. He can KO, gimp, and deal damage, but not excel in any one area. However, Arthur's trickery can bring a lot to his game. Using his Side Special to build damage is a great option. Like Dedede, it can provide for many mindgames and approaches if used correctly. With luck, you may even get a Pet Toast to deal extra damage and knockback. Arthur's Down Special is like an awkward C4; it is predictable and can hinder Arthur, but is better at edgeguarding than the C4. Setting the boom box into a crowd is also a great way to accumulate damage, especially if Arthur stays out of range and uses his Side Special at the trapped opponents.

Arthur has an interesting air game, somewhat comparable to R.O.B. Arthur's recovery is not nearly as godly, but his aerials are a bit more reliable, for the most part. By using a B-Air to spike a foe, an F-Air to push them out of the boundaries, or a D-Air for a less reliable spike, or to heal damage (or screw you over if you're offstage). Arthur's Up Special is fairly gimpable, making it a better decision to stay onstage and attack foes offstage from there, with the above mentioned B-Air, or an F-Smash. Arthur can KO foes with his Smashes fairly well, and has useful Tilts as well, although his F-Tilt is the only one that is really good at building damage, while the others are just helpful setups.

Using throws for Arthur can be advantageous to build up more damage. However, Arthur's laggy grab can turn players off, and can be predictable from a shield grab. Catching projectiles can be a useful technique with the grab, as long as you can overcome the ending lag. The knockback from the throws is generally decent, although some throws can be escaped. If they are abused, your foe may anticipate the dodge time and be able to punish Arthur. Make sure you remain unpredictable in this manner. Once you KO a foe, it may be advantageous to use Arthur's Neutral Special, Sex Season, to try to heal damage, although this may be hard if you are on a small stage.

Overall, Arthur is a randomly unique character with lots of tricks to use, if you can overcome his weaknesses. He may turn off some players, but others will be intrigued with his "style".


Smash Master
Feb 1, 2008
Strangereal Equestria
Darkslash's Mecha Hanger
Link Up Space​

Posted Move Sets

RX-78-2 Gundam
Pilot:Amuro Ray

MSN-00100 Hyaku Shiki
Pilot: Quattro Bajeena

Planned Move Sets

MSN-04-II Nightingale
Pilot: Char
Series-Mobile Suit Gundam:Beltorchika's Children



VF-1 Valkyrie
Series- The Super Dimension Macross

God/Burning Gundam
Pilot: Domon Kasshu
Series-Mobile Fighter G Gundam


Banned via Warnings
Nov 13, 2007
Yep. I had it coming. Stupid apathy.
PPL13's Qualms, Concerns, and Compliments

{Waluigi Preview}

Well, this was expected. I just didn't believe so early into the contest. I enjoyed it, but I have one question. Will ALL of Waluigi's moves involve items from his video game appearances?

{Master "Disaster" Volgermond}

Hrmm...A good set overall, but I have a question about his mechanic. What does the clock have to do with Disaster's history?

Now is an actual concern: You didn't enter the damage percentages.

Well, the moves are very detailed, excluding the missing percentages, and the only things I have already mentioned are the only problems with this set, IMO. I'd like to, and probably will, see this set in the Top 50!

{Arthur: Joke Character}

2 Words: GOOD GOD!

Well, that's the end of this edition of PPL's Qualms, Concerns, and Compliments!


Smash Ace
Feb 24, 2009
Arthur? I loved watching that show when I was a kid!
Granted, the moveset isn't exactly the same thing, but still...


Smash Ace
Jan 3, 2008
United Kingdom, Birmingham
Switch FC
3133 8842 3910
PPL13's Qualms, Concerns, and Compliments

{Master "Disaster" Volgermond}

Hrmm...A good set overall, but I have a question about his mechanic. What does the clock have to do with Disaster's history?

None, but it shows his Magical power, I wanted a mechanic, m'kay?

Now is an actual concern: You didn't enter the damage percentages.

Where? I see percentages with numbers before the %

Well, the moves are very detailed, excluding the missing percentages, and the only things I have already mentioned are the only problems with this set, IMO. I'd like to, and probably will, see this set in the Top 50!

That's what I thought :laugh:

Well, that's the end of this edition of PPL's Qualms, Concerns, and Compliments!

Answers in bold!​
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