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Tasmanian SSBM/Brawl Thread

D.J Cat

Smash Lord
Dec 10, 2005
Brisbane - Australia
Righto, big news.

I have found out that my place can be used downstairs for 48 hours starting Saturday afternoon.

Somthing to think about and consider.

We need to decide pretty soon.

D.J Cat

Smash Lord
Dec 10, 2005
Brisbane - Australia
OK, I have to double post cause no one else is. :embarrass

Right, I think we are having it at Dungy's on this Saturday the 17th and finishing on Monday the 19th. The main event will most likely be Saturday night with friendly matches, a low tier tournament and maybe a 2 vs 2 tournament. Bob is hot for some KI Gold, Goldeneye and Hangtime lovin.
I am hoping for 4 TVs so after the Smash tournament we should have 2 TVs for friendly matches, 1 for N64/other Gamecube multiplayer and 1 for watching DVDs or football.
Or whatever.

Who is going to be there:
As far as I know (and please correct me if I'm wrong) the following people will be there:
N30n (Majestic Horse)

It would be nice if the following people could come, but...
Pie Man
Moogle/Green Eyes

Anyine else is welcome to come (right, Dungy and Chooker...?).

Friday night: Dungy comes and picks up Len + Bob's TV, Gamecube and N64 + and other gear we can ram into his car. Dungy you need to tell us if this doesn't work so we can quickly organize another lift...but you doing that would be dandy. Bring Chooker so you don't get lonely, and you's can have some fun while up here for a while if you want. Len i spaying 10 bucks for the ride, and Me, Dino and Budge will cover a bit of the cost too. Monkey probably will...

Saturday afternoon: Monkey, Dino, Bob and Bowser go to Scottsdale (after dominating against Ringarooma) and the mighty Moe will take them into Launceston. Now cause Dungy (hopefully) took in Len + a good amount of gear, there should be enough room in Moe's car cause it doesn't have much storage space.

Sunday: Len is being picked up and going home.

Monday: Dino, Bowser and Monkey are being picked up and going home. So is Bob.

We don't know when Sloth and N30n are arriving, but we anticipate their arrival. :)

You have to pay anyone for petrol money, but we are pretty well sorted there already.
Everyone should bring about 5/10 bucks to cover coke/food and bring your own money for Pizza.
As ar as I can tell, we are not havng prize money but I think we will go 60/30/10 in KFC refresher towels.

Who is bringing what:
The house already has 2 tvs + Gamecube combos. I will be bring my Gamecube, N64 and TV. I'd like to see a 4th TV of 48cm + that can handle 60hz but if thats not possible than maybe a 32ish cm one will have to do as long as it can handle 60hz! As a possiblity I could take out the one in the downstairs loungeroom here, but that would mean 2 TVs in Dungy's car on Friday night. It's not impossible...
How about I list what everyone should bring:
Dino: DVD player.
Len: 2x controllers, SSBM, memory card/s.
Bowser: a good mood.
Monkey: nice stuff
Sloth: Some controllers. DS maybe. SSBM
N30n: Anything. :)

We need to decide who is bringing the 4th Gamecube, Len or Sloth.

Things to think about:
Dungy you need to confirm your availability/non availability for Friday night as soon as possible, mofo.
Having it up here in Bridport. If our transport options fall through and Sloth/N30n has a car then I think having it here (we have the room and facilites) is a fine possibility.

If anyone as any suggestions/ideas/questions/more things to think about post them now, we need to be fully organized in time!


Smash Journeyman
Apr 25, 2006
i will bring my game cube and we need sloth/horse to get to dungs as soon as possible because my parents will probably be zack smythe and pick me up early sunday

i would rather mk trilogy over KI gold and if i could find our psone copy we could edit the controls to mimic the n64 because the psone version has more charachters

D.J Cat

Smash Lord
Dec 10, 2005
Brisbane - Australia
Well, it looks like we are all set to go.

Dungy is coming to pick up Len tommorow (hope you've gotten permission) and all the stuff and from there we are good.
Chooker we have to watch some of the Lions v Bulldogs match on the Saturday night. Maybe just the last quarter.

Again, anyone can come just ask Marche first (Obviously this is nessasery cause you need the address as well...)

You Melbourne blokes, come on over. :p


Smash Journeyman
Apr 25, 2006
dungy is picking me up today at roughly 4pm but he will stay to do stuff and will bring chicken... according to him :dizzy:

cronos. how much would it cost to get you over? :confused:


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2005
I am guessing about $120 for tickets.
Then he stays somewhere.

And then you can tickle him or whateva.

Everyone pitch in? won't be much. I wouldn't mind to personally **** Shaz for a few hours straight. Thats for sure.

I'll edit about this weekend later. kk. Out and back to WoW.

D.J Cat

Smash Lord
Dec 10, 2005
Brisbane - Australia
Bloody Warcraft it eats all the good people. :(

As for getting Shaz over, its a little short notice, maybe next time.

With 10 of use, it wouldn't be that much each to get people over.
Plus they can just stay at Dungy's/wherever we have it anyway.

"I wouldn't mind to personally **** Shaz for a few hours straight. Thats for sure."
My dear boy, those that will be there tommorow and don't understand that in the concept of SSBM may let you know about that.... :laugh:


Smash Journeyman
Apr 25, 2006
i am here now and lucy is playing FFX and there is some more people i don't know and its boring...god i cant wait for tommorow


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2005
Well, Nathan doesn't want to go, as he can't be bothered driving all the way up there. You know. WoW.

I'm gonna see and maybe go back North today. And to go visit my friends 19th birthday tonight possibly.
I don't know if I have a ride into to see you guys yet. Depends on how my dad is organised with the car. As he sold one, and I don't think our new one is regoed.
I may be able to convice him to drive me, but can't ever be positive.

It's annoying.

My phone is having major charging problems, I'll work on it when I get home later, probably around mid-day and see if I can charge it for a few hours. And send chooker a msg or something, with an update.

kk. SlothT out. I want to try my best to show up, also due to the fact you guys put in so much planning. But there is a lot higher % (Cause of nathan) that I won't be able to. Sorry. :(
Don't give up all hope yet.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 25, 2006
The tournament is over with a no-show by Bryce and Nathan the results were as follows

1st: Chooker
2nd: Dino
3rd: D.J. Cat
4th: Len
5th: Monkey
6th: Bowser
Last: Marche (dungy)

Matt got the prize which was a can of Boags, some BMW stickers, and a bunch of those KFC refresher towels.

and Dungy got a busted CV unit :laugh:


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2005
Yeah, never could make it down, which was a dissapointment and a situation I didn't foresee. But I guess WoW does have a grip over some.

I am sorry. I'll probably be in North West after my sydney trip, maybe then I'll drive up to chookers/dungies place and say Hi2U.

I don't want to confirm anything viable tho, after what happened with this weekend.

D.J Cat

Smash Lord
Dec 10, 2005
Brisbane - Australia
Fair enough, it would have cost at least 50 bucks when you consider petrol and food, as well as 2 hours+ each way.
Stupid transport issues, and all of us scattered randomly over the place.

Its quite gay not having a job, I'm working on fixing that, if that fails I guess its scallops ( :urg: remember how FUN that was, Chooker...).
But it doesn't matter, M-Doc Raps!
And also, I'll try and take up Monkey's lead and do boundry umpiring.
Getting paid to chase a ball around and blow a whistle every now and then works.

We should do more 2 vs 2 stuff, cause its fun and a nice change, and might be our best chance of actually having any succsess should we manage to get our Thomas's over to Melbourne/Brisbane for a largish Smash Tournament (hint, hint have a large "last one before Brawl comes out" tournament)
We don't have any stand out players (Bryce doesn't counte hes ga... :laugh: ).
We need to step up and take it to the next level now, everyone has the resources (broadband computers, accsess to Smashboards and youtube, that advanced tactics video i showed you people) so NO Johns!

Monkey, I will try and get into the land of the dead (where you live) next week for some Smash.


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2005
Hey. I dont love me>_<
Cause thats gay. Way to much gay talk.

But yesm no excuse. You guys can improve, do it and beat me ,easy as that, I had only 1 person to verse to improve, you guys can do it too.. Gogogog
NG7 and me <3
We are now married. No backing out now, sorry.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 25, 2006
Sloth said:
NG7 and me <3
We are now married. No backing out now, sorry.

NO JOHNS :mad:

and dungy came by yesterday to return things and told me and ben that he had totaled the integra

:cry: :cry: :cry: is probbably what he was thinking after realising the extent of the damage

D.J Cat

Smash Lord
Dec 10, 2005
Brisbane - Australia
**** Dungy, that was quite Borange, were you going too fast or something?

Now how are we meant to listen to M-Doc in your car!? :ohwell:

Tell Chooker to start posting in here already. :053:


Smash Apprentice
Feb 9, 2006
Strange thing is, it wasnt my fault. I know I know, no Johns on my behalf. But there was a peice of wood in the middle of the road. Which in turn locked my steering up.

But besides from that I should hopefully get the money from insurance in a week or two, so for the time being it's lookout for a new car time. Dont worry Bob, I will be putting my Stereo and Subwoofer, Which was thankfully undamaged, put back into my car as soon as I get it.

I will start posting more from now on. Although Chooker said he probbably wont caus he hardly ever visits the site. We are also looking for a new place to live. We are looking at asking the landlord if one of her flats in Kinds Meadows is coming up soon. And that is a lot smaller then the one we are currently living in. Although it could still fit all of us in... Maybe. If not then we will have no choice but to completly find somewhere else to live. So I am unsure about the future of us having it at Mine and Chookers place will be.

Apart from that, Hope to face you all soon. :)

D.J Cat

Smash Lord
Dec 10, 2005
Brisbane - Australia
Are you wid it?
Can i dig it?

Next tournament should be in Bridport.
The last one should have been up here as well, for many many reasons but no point worrying about the past.

"Dont worry Bob, I will be putting my Stereo and Subwoofer, Which was thankfully undamaged, put back into my car as soon as I get it."

I wasn't worried.

WE (as in me and Dino) have a bye from football next weekend.
Just thought I'd let you know, so we can maybe have some casual/friendly matches or whatnot.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 9, 2006
I dont rekon I have anyway of getting out there now. I might still be in Launceston. I will hopefully get a new baby, and by baby I mean car, Sometime in the near future.

And Bob, You should be worried. Just because.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 25, 2006
freindly matches are good and i want 1 final match with ben wherein i go all out just to show him how much we have evolved since the last tourney but he just never wants to play anymore :( lousy ben. next tournament we should put more effort to get bryce to attend oh and nathan as well. i reckon one of the next steps we take is trying to make melee vids. what does everyone else think :confused: i am currently unsure whether my mums video camera can upload to the computer :psycho:

D.J Cat

Smash Lord
Dec 10, 2005
Brisbane - Australia
Well me and Monkey had a number of good matches last night.
We played some matches had a break by playing Hangtime for an hour and then went back to Smash and Monkey won 7 out of 8 matches.
The interceptions are happening, and shining that bird is becoming increasingly difficult.
Need to get that Short Hop Laser happening though.

And I say Evolution should be compulsary viewing for all.
Dungy show it to that lazy bird.

Pie Man may become a decent opponent if he gets the N64 version of Smash.
We will see.

Those 2 vs 2s we had this afternoon were hot.
If we can't beat em at 1 on 1s at a big tournament we may just have a decent team.
Dino goes well because Yoshi is effective and the way hes used is effective.

Dungy, do what you can to get up next weekend.
I wanna stick M-Doc in your baby. And handball footballs towards it.
Also the Chicken is requested.
I'm sure we can negotiate with Bowser to give you coke like last time. :)

And now I will end the post with an in-joke only we will get...


Good luck at OHN5 Brycypoo! ;)

Mr. Phantasmo

Smash Journeyman
Apr 2, 2006
In the Aussie land.
Hello beautiful peoples of Tassie, I'm planning a smashtastic voyage of epic proportion to your fair state as now I have a small trickle of income (he he he I'm a baker at Bakers Delight and I get $6.80 an hour, w00t for me). I will be wanting to fairy my car down as well so transport wont be a problem, the only problem I see now is comming over when all you guys have some time off from school/work.
I'm not fussed over accommodation as I can pay for that, again the only problem I see is the timing of it all, let me know what works for you so I can plan around it.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 25, 2006
just plan it on the weekend. plain and simple

now if we have a tourney Bryce will have to come :laugh:

Mr Phantasmo who do actually use? my first guess (judging by your avatar) is falco.

i cant beleive ben beat me 2-1 in melee :urg:

D.J Cat

Smash Lord
Dec 10, 2005
Brisbane - Australia
Yes, flippin awesome!

....This weekend.

Me and Dino have no football, Len and Monkey are in the area...and Chooker and Dungy can be picked up or something.

I will find out from the 2 lazy people in Launceston what the hell they are doing.
Maybe if they cared they would be posting on here...unless there is exams, work or some other important issue, then fair enough.
But anyway.

I am asumming this weekend is way to soon.

Anyway I am available practicly every weekend except most Saturdays 10:00am - 4-:00pm I am playing football/watching Jamie swear at the umpires with Dino.
Len is available all weekend.
Bowser is available all week...
Dino is the same as me.

Everyone else will have to tell you their conditions, and I may or may not be wrong about the people that I have listed.

So in conclsuion, I think just about any weekend would be good. But of course we still would have to organize it and what not.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 25, 2006
i will post or at least tell someone if i will be unavailable :ohwell:

Mr. Phantasmo

Smash Journeyman
Apr 2, 2006
In the Aussie land.
Yay, this weekend will be to soon as I have to tell work that I will be taking a few days off and my boss is tight about that. Plus I'll have to find someone to cover for my shifts.

My mains are Falco and Link also just a heads up im like the worst smasher in Victoria so if I end up beating any of you, you should hang your heads in shame :chuckle:
Also I'll try and convince other Victorians to come. Shaz will want to come but he wont be able to (hes all set for OC2 and dosnt have a penny to spare), but I cant speak for anyone else.

In terms of when I can come, it might be a month as it takes me forever to plan anything, I dont even know where to book a car fairy.

Sloth I will bring my beanie.

My MSN is adam_hocking@msn.com, the first thing I'll look for is accommodation, then we can get sorted from there.


Magical Love Gentleman
Aug 21, 2005
Sex Cauldron
Oh, don't you know Adam? For a car fairy, you just go to the enchanted woods and look for the butch looking ones named Steve or Frank, preferrably. When my mum went to Tassie she had to do that, but hers was named Gus.

I'd come, but I'm a jobless 17 year old VCE student. I suck.

D.J Cat

Smash Lord
Dec 10, 2005
Brisbane - Australia
Mr. Phantasmo said:
In terms of when I can come, it might be a month as it takes me forever to plan anything, I dont even know where to book a car fairy.

I will do a bit more figuring out/oragnizing after the footy show.
Might get into some hardcore organizing tommorow after school.


Sloth your opinions/comments are required/requested. :)

Now we can try and organize a tournament/meet for when Phantasmo comes along. The only problem being (and I will provide a little example map tommorow) that not everyone is located in one place.
Hopefully we can get Bryce and onyone else who wants to come from the icy depths of...i mean Hobart up here at the same time as Phantasmo.
So yeah, everyone state their availability.

My best 2 ideas are to either have it on a weekend when either Bridport or Scottsdale have the bye, or to hold out until our school holidays, which is...early September.
Anyways, ideas/comments/whatever time now.
(and look at that Sloth has just replied ;) )


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2005
I finally check this thread..

What is this? Melbourne invading Tasmania?
I guess if you come down, I'm pretty much forced to go up north (Where tassie smashers live). In hope of course my parents pay the god-awful $90 dollars return bus tickets.

Sucks to be in hobart. But yeah, I never stop wearing my beanie. ^_^

D.J Cat

Smash Lord
Dec 10, 2005
Brisbane - Australia
>insert lame comment about it not being cold cause we are hot. Or something crap like that<

Hey Phantasmo, we had a think about this today, and because of your new job does that mean you are possibly in line to do one of those gay Bakers Delight ads? :laugh:

So ideas for Location/Time.

Location: Bridport
Time: Early September

How well does this sit with everyone?

And...more organizing/Smash discusion on Channel 64. (http://channel64.proboards107.com/index.cgi?action=display&board=ssbm&thread=1152280174)

EDIT: And here is that crappy map I promised:
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v245/djcat64/Silly paint drawings and Smash/Crapmap.jpg

Mr. Phantasmo

Smash Journeyman
Apr 2, 2006
In the Aussie land.
Hmmm, my birthday is the 6th and I was hoping I could celebrate my 21st in Tassie, but then again, when in Tassie you dont really need an excuse to get drunk :chuckle:
I'll see what I can do about work as they have given me the thumbs up for early September but not anything after that (school holidays start and they need all the bakers they can get).
I'm really sorry to say this but its a slim chance that I will be get anything after the 10th off.

D.J Cat

Smash Lord
Dec 10, 2005
Brisbane - Australia
Well, we came up with something magic today (something I've considered befor ebut not really taken seriosly).

About 800 metres from this place is a nice camp/centre.
Or to put it simply an EXCELENT venue for Smash.
We checked it out, HEAPS of room, Tables, chairs, a fire, fridge, cooking facilities, all sorts of magic.
We are still figuring out costs and and so on, it will probably need many people to come down in order for us to have it there but yeah, there is a very TASTY ;) option.
How much would people be willing to pay? Me, I think 25 is reasonable (More people, less pay).
Cause the accomodation ain't really requied (cause we will be up there) and people can just buy their own food.

If anyone has porblems with early September, do say.

And the matches we had today were quite good.
We have definetly leveled up since we last saw Sloth.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 25, 2006
God it was funny when i Kirbycided chooker to win 2 lives none

In-joke noted
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