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Smash Ace
Nov 25, 2008
Holy keys locked in the jet, Batman!
Link to original post: [drupal=1101]THE ECLIPSE, THE SLAUGHTER, AND THE MADMEN WHO MADE THEM HAPPEN: MYM5 SM (started in MYM4)[/drupal]

okay this is my new SM and it will be a lot better than the last one so here it is:

The Eclipse,the Slaughter, and the Madmen Who Made them Happen:
A GoldWyvern Production


MYM5 roster:
all 35 from brawl
zasalamel (masterwarlord)
beast boy (masterwarlord)
gluttony (masterwarlord)
non-partner kirby enemies (me) (starman)
smash announcer (me)
octillery (me)
SMBZ mecha sonic (me)
dr. mario (the trophy master)
virus trio (spadefox)
4 colour team rocket (junahu)

MYM4 guests:
hyper ridley (hyper ridley)
general grevious (hyper ridley)

darkrai (baloo)
rosallina (baloo)
toad brigade (baloo)

kawasaki (king k rool)
scourge (me)
james hetfield (me)
overdrive ostrich (me)
cortez (me and hyper ridley)
N (agidius)
breloom (iron thorn)
hades (BKupa666)
rundas (cjrocker)

superstar helpers (sirkibble)
dynablade (sirkibble)


A tri-cut split-screen is shown with GANONDORF/BOWSER/DEDEDE having LINK/MARIO/KIRBY on the ropes. The heroes are all distressed, but come up with a battle plan and begin to counter-attack

level 1: objective:win three brawls
play as: link, then mario, then kirby
play against: ganondorf, then bowser, then dedede
stock: 1 each

These are three basic 1v1 brawls you fight in succsession on a flat walk-off stage based off each villain's castle. Both characters will have 0% at the start of each match, making this a cake walk given the fact the villains are level 3 computers.

The view returns to the tri-screen as the villains are all defeated one by one. Kirby knocks dedede through a wall with his hammer, mario throws bowser away by his tail, and link infuses a bomb with enough triforce energy to blow ganondorf out a window. Ironically, the trio of villain's trajectories intersect, causing them to slam into eachother. Upon landing, ganondorf brushes himself off and walks in the direction of his castle, carrying an angry sneer. dedede grabs his shoulder and a thought appears above his head showing the triforce, his mecha hammer, and bowser's seemingly endless stampede of minions hitting the heroes in the face and making them cry. Dorf facepalms and points to his own thought, being drawn better than D3's, showing the master sword, a fire flower and a hammer KOing the three of them a number of times in different backgrounds. bowser waddles over with a thought of his own, showing the trio traveling to other lands, finding others who could help them. Ganondorf seems to like them idea, so he chuckles and walks into a forest near-by.

We cut to a dark room that features the sillhouettes of a spiky-haired man, a humanoid with a weapon that cannot be made out, and a large dragon can be seen. They seem to be watching the heroes, the villains, and a third screen with spear pillar and LUCARIO is visible. The shady figures laugh as lucario gets zoomed into.

Lucario is patroling the area when suddenly he hears a large explosion. It's 4 COLOUR TEAM ROCKET and team galactic! Team rocket goes to attack while the galactic member sends out a BRELOOM, who doesn't seem to be too happy.

level 2: objective: defeat opponents
play as: lucario
play against: 4 colour team rocket, breloom
stock: 2

Lucario defeats his enemies and ironically, the galactic member is the one who blasts off! Team rocket sucks up to lucario and breloom shakes his hand. The group hears a growl from the cave team rocket had made a mile down the mountain and lucario, followed by the others, starts to scale down.

level 3: objective: reach the cave
play as: lucario, breloom, 4 colour team rocket
stock: 4

This level is the first, so it's simple. just go down the mountain. the only enemies are the occasional snover or graveler. all in all, it's a good transition to the side scrolling.

After this quick trek down, the team searches the cave to find the disturbance. The trouble seems to be coming from the back. It seems to be... a rampardos! an extinct pokemon? well it was awakened, and it's angry as it can be. get ready!

play as: lucario, 4 colour team rocket, breloom

rampardos is about twice bowser's height and 1.5 times his width.

HP: 150


Headbutt: rampardos runs at you at a fast speed with his head down. if you are touched by a part of his body, you take 5% and low knockback. if you touch is head, though, you take 12% and a sideways spike with high knockback.

Roar: rampardos lets out a powerful sound and you become immobile for 2 seconds and then do 2% less damage for 5 seconds. also, as you are paralyzed, you are pushed back two stage builder blocks, making it lethal near the side of the screen.


Zen headbutt: rampardos bends over as if he was going to headbutt, but only makes his stone plate glow pinkish-white. He will then release a projectile the same size as the plate that does 7% and above-average knockback and moves at a fast speed.


Double headbutt: rampardos will perform his headbutt attack as usual, but this time, he then raises his head quickly before slamming it down in front of him with the impact zone of a 3/4 charged wario waft. this does a powerful 20% and high knockback. what's worse is that you're more likely to be hit if you get hit by the first headbutt's sweetspot.

Lucario and company are congradulating themselves upon thier victory, but then we zoom out to the dark room. the spiky haired man steps into the light with the dragon. It's Cyrus and HYPER RIDLEY. Cyrus says "Your rampardos you had me revive and place has been defeated, you useless undead mockery. It took many resources to create the beast, and now it is useless". another sillhouette is seen who has fluxuating hair speaks, "hey, it's alright bub. It's soul will add to my 'pool' of sorts and help pay for my services. besides, we can easily salvage the sucker for a few bones and some fuel, eh?" he reaches over a large sectioned map of the smash world made of marble on the table and grabs a rampardos figure before crushing it in his hand. HADES.



We see a city's view of the ocean at noon. Oh, here comes the monthly alien threat. You know the drill, hide, wait for the heroes, scream needlessly, soil yourself, then repeat steps 3 and 4 until it's safe. Well, this time it's a classy warship by the name of the invisible hand, piloted by the well known and well feared GENERAL GREVIOUS. Not so fast, general! Here comes BEAST BOY! BB is flying at the ship as a hawk and then turns into a squid to entangle the ship with tentacles and weigh it down to the ground. Grevious escapes in a pod, and three more, which probably have backup troops and a communication device, follow him. Just as BB is about to give chase, he sees another hero in the distance, STARMAN. BB is happy to see a new hero on the block and greets the small being with a "solid" and the two chase after grevious.

level 4: objective: get to the other end of the city
play as: beast boy, NPKE (starman only)
stock: 3

this is a harder level than the previous, as it has large waves of droids coming at you at once. there is one instance midway through the level where you must travel inside a building via a door, travel up, and save a baby on the roof of the building, which is aflame. the baby is picked up like an item. after that, you jump down and give the baby to the mother, who drops 3 stickers and a trophy for a reward before you continue the level.

the heroes reach grevious's pods and start to open them, but find only offline droids in three of them and the last one opened and evacuated already. they then hear a noise from behind them. They turn to see grevious with all four arms crossed standing behind red X. Grevious beckons X to attack, but X makes a mocking gesture and cracks his knuckles. The general is angered and yells at X in gibberish. X teleports to grevious and pushes him over to the heroes before readying his weapons. Red X works alone.

play as: beast boy, NPKE (starman only), general grevious
stock: 3

X is ganondorf's height, but with a smaller physique. he doesn't have any character abilities except for air dodging, which his AI is trained to spam adeptly enough so 75% of attacks to him while he's in the air miss. Needless to say, he jumps relatively often.



Starfish X: X will throw out a projectile X that aims for your legs. If they connect, you take 3% and trip with the inability to get up for 2 seconds. He uses this every third move, so it can get annoying.

X marks the bomb: a line of shuriken-X's will be thrown that is 2 battlefield platforms long. they explode a second later in order down the line. each bomb of the chain does 7% and average knockback.

Stretch the X: X stretches an X over the screen in the background that does nothing for 3 seconds, but then retracts in four pieces of debre to the middle of the screen. each hit causes 12% and high knockback.

Crossed wires: X only will use this when you use a projectile. he will throw out a small X that will absorb your projectile and then shoots red lightning at you that does the same damage as the projectile. in co-op mode, the damage is split in two and the X fires two dfferent lightning bolts for each of you.


magnitude X: X places an X on the ground that splits open the ground 3 stage builder blocks in front of him and one behind him for 4 seconds. This chasm is able to fallen into and KO'd from as well.

X-rays: X goes to the top-middle of the screen and fires two lazers kirby's width large at the top corners, which reflect to the opposite bottom corner to make a large X. Contact with a beam causes 15% and very high knockback. this lasts for 6 seconds.

BB leaves X to the authorities before turning round, only to find grevious running away! He grabs starman by the cape and puts him on his back before turning into a cheetah and pursuing the not-so-good general. Unfortunately, grevious makes it back to his pod and zooms away. BB doesn't give up, though, and summons his part of the titans' ship before he and starman jump in and chase after the pod. As they leave the solar system (fast, ain't they?), you can easily see Popstar and Norfair, both which have small moving twinkle coming from them. BB rather enthusiastically presses a button, and two torpedos fly out and nail grevious's pod. This in turn scrambles the navigation as they leave the galaxy, having the autopilot go to the nearest galaxy. We can see the two ships fly towards a small galaxy with few planatoids and hexagonal terrain in places...

We join the duo of heroes as they land on a circular patch of land on the largest planatoid. Starman seems dazed from the hyperspace travel and bumps into a native by accident. They turn around to be revealed as a large bee about starman's size. The bee is distressed and fidgety, so BB beckons it to tell of his problem, increasing the size of his ear slightly in a comedic fashion. The bee then points to a thought bubble showing a shady bee-like being taking over the galaxy by stealing the real queen's crown. Upon seeing this, starman becomes furious, the evil-hater he is, and tries to fly straight to the problem, but BB turns into a dog and holds star's cape in his teeth. BB is deciding on a battle strategy, so starman running off would be bad. They then see something in the distance, apparently a twinkle from the previous scene. This is not a mere small twinkle though, as the intergalactic ambasador from Popstar is DYNABLADE (kirby probably pulled some strings), who lands and flashes a badge. A crash is heard, and the group looks in the direction of the queen's planatoid, which has two columns of smoke rising from it. The bee flashes and official-looking badge to dynablde and points to a treetop a distance away. Dynablade gets the message and flies off. BB and starman instinctantly follow.

level 5: objective: reach the top of the tree
play as: beast boy, NPKE (starman only), dynablade
stock: 4

The level has a few enemies from the honeyhive galaxy, where you are in case you didn't play SMG, but not as many enemies as the last level. you traverse a small section and then travel to a higher level with a launch star. You then simply use pull stars and and tricky platforming to get to the top of the tree.

As our group reaches the top, they get a much better view of the scene. Grevious's pod, as well as another ship, had been shot down and crashed into the ground. The group also releizes that there is not a launch star on the platform, which discourages BB. But, suddenly, we hear a familiar tune played on distorted flutes and trumpets. Here comes the TOAD BRIGADE! The leader toad pokes his head out a porthole and speaks in gibberish. Dynablade flashes her badge and the toad shows one of his own before motioning the characters to hop in. BB and starman get in but dynablade decides to ride the ship's tailwind to glide.

level 6: objective: stay afloat
play as: dynablade
stock: 1

The gimmick of the level is that you are in an endless glide with slightly smoother controls following the ship. you must stay in the purpeish wind behind it, or else you'll start to sink and eventually be KO'd. The ship will constantly shift up and down for the minute and a half you traverse the level, so your work's cut out for you.

The toad brigade's ship lands on the opening area to the queen's planatoid. BB tries to climb the walls of honey, but fails. He tries turning into an earth bee, but fails. The bee who stands there in SMG facepalms and points to a crystal container holding a group of bee mushrooms. Dynablade breaks it open with her beak, and the party has their own bee costume before you know it. The toad brigade seems to enjoy it, and dynablade looks releived that there is a backup floating system. The team know starts to climb the wall of honey.

level 7: objective: get to the main platform
play as: beast boy, NPKE (starman only), dynablade, toad brigade
stock: 4

this level is like climbing the honey in SMG. you climb upwards, and when a platforming part comes, you jump off with A and go until you get to another honey wall. To help, you have a bee suit that allows you to hover for three seconds after you do your last jump. Every character gets a suit if you replay the level :bee:. There are no enemies as the platforming is challenging enough.

As the group reaches the top, they see grevious fighting off currently unidentifiable bee creatures. There are some with scorch marks from lightsabers, and, oddly, a group of bee beings who were frozen in place.

We cut to a compound of unknown origin for an unknown reason. We hear explosions, and then see a figure enter the room with piles of wreckage behind them, N. As N brushes himself off, another figure slides down a shaft, SNAKE. The two see each other and tense, but recognize each other and shake hands, knowing of each other's stealth work. They get ready and head out.

level 8: objective: get to the end
play as: N, snake
stock: 3

this is a basic level, with a few metal gear and N+ enemies scattered throughout. Not too hard or different to be honest.

We see the two walking down a hall, with bodies and scraps behind them. They enter a door, and we can hear a woman's distorted laugh.

Now we return to the group with the bee problem. The whole group is easily taking out the waves of the beings, which we see to be combee. We go to the background and see RUNDAS, who was the freezer of some combee. Suddenly, a combee with a crest on it's middle head, indicating that it's a female, rushes in to rundas with an angry expression. Rundas beleives she is the cause of all this and engages her.

play as: rundas
stock: 2

HP: 100 combee just floats 2 stage builder blocks high and flies back and forth relatively slowly.


Gust: combee will flap her wings and the wind will go across the screen, doing multiple 2% hits and average knockback at the end.

sweet scent: a pink haze will distort your view for 6 seconds. If combee uses gust it will end pre-maturely.

honey gather: combee will throw a glob of honey at the ground. If you come into contact with this glob, you will have your speed halved for 5 seconds. The glob disappears if left alone for 6 seconds


Bug bite: combee will try to touch you, and if she does, she'll grab you, deal 15% and throw you away. This also heals combee 15HP.

Rundas beleives he's taken out the leader, but really, that combee was the "princess" of the new bee adminastration! Arising from a dark hive area recently made, a vespiquen, wearing the true queen bee's crown, flies out. She doesn't know who hurt her daughter, but she does know that everyone there has been attacking her subjects. BB, starman, and half the toad brigade are shaking in fear. She releases her cry from D/P/Pt, and the battle begins!

play as: beast boy, NPKE (starman only), dynablade, toad brigade, general grevious, rundas
stock: 5

HP: 350 Vespiquen is 1.5 times ganondorf's height and bowser's width, and floats 3 stage builder blocks above the ground. She is wearing the queen bee's crown from SMG.


Attack order: vespiquen will send a cloud of bees wario's size at you. The cloud will follow you, and touching it causes rapid 1% hits. If you can deal 15% to it or wait 10 seconds, it will leave.

Defend order: A wall of bees will stay in front of vespiquen indefinately, stopping all attacks from said angle. This will only go away if you deal 20% to the wall. If you wait too long, though, vespiquen may replenish her shield.

Power gem: 3 large rubies the size of mario will appear at the top of the screen, evenly spaced out. They will then, one by one in a random order, fall to the ground vertically at high speeds. each one does 15% and high knockback.

Gust: Vespiquen will do the same thing as the female combee, but with much more vertical range and with 4% hits instead of 2%.


captivate: Vespiquen will make a small heart float above her. Your character will then be smitten by her. For the next 6 seconds, you will deal 4% less damage than normal. This attack will not have any effect on dynablade or toadette.

Slash: vespiquen will swoop down with a claw outstretched. if you are touched by the claw, you are given 9% and above-average knockback.


Heal order: Vespiquen will surround herself with bees and they start to heal her for 5HP per second. If they last for 10 seconds, they will leave. They can only take 10% before being destroyed. Don't let her heal too much health!


destiny bond: Vespiquen will be covered by a dark purple aura for two full minutes. If you wait, it'll go away for good, but if you defeat her with it up, you are thrown straight into the blast zone, giving you a GAME OVER if you were on your last stock.

The group seems tired and wants to rest. As the vespiquen is removed from the planatoid, the real queen bee is brought back to the throne area. She makes motions and sounds representing thanks and then has some bees bring in a power star. Most of the characters look confused, but the toad brigade knows about the power stars and graciously receive it. The bees repair grevious's pod and rundas's ship as a thank you as well. The toad brigade's leader beckons the others to follow them. We can see the mushroom ship, the pod, the bounty ship, BB's titan cruiser, and dynablade fly off.

We see them as they land in the comet observatory. Many lumas greet the toad brigade joyfully, but try to avoid grevious and rundas. We now see ROSALINA, who waves hello. The leader of the brigade hands over the power star, to the glee of the space princess. she then allows it to flow into the core, again to the confusion of most of the group. Rosalina points down to a large counter. The counter then counts down from 11 to 10. She has a thought bubble showing a power star and the number 10. She then points to all of the observatories and then waves her hand over the sky, explaining that they must gather 10 more power stars in order to fully automate the engines. BB and dynablade seem to like the idea of traveling while helping people out across space. We then zoom out of the area until we see the whole comet observatory before the screen fades.



Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008
Not wasting countless hours on a 10 man community
It's better then what you had before, but the grammar still irks me. You at least have capitilization, but your grammar still manages to sift through. Also, in the first part you have Ganon, Dedede, and Bowser use thought bubbles, but then in the later part you have Cyrus and Hades speak. Do you want dialogue or don't you? Unless those characters are really important, I'd suggest removing their dialogue. Another option would be to make everyone speak. . .But that's never been done well yet.


Smash Ace
Nov 25, 2008
Holy keys locked in the jet, Batman!
It's better then what you had before, but the grammar still irks me. You at least have capitilization, but your grammar still manages to sift through. Also, in the first part you have Ganon, Dedede, and Bowser use thought bubbles, but then in the later part you have Cyrus and Hades speak. Do you want dialogue or don't you? Unless those characters are really important, I'd suggest removing their dialogue. Another option would be to make everyone speak. . .But that's never been done well yet.
I did what HR does. all the main villains speak in his I beleive. Only the four in the dark room, as well as one or two more powerful characters. Guess what makes the eclipse based off the fact Cyrus is the main villain!


Smash Champion
Dec 21, 2007
Hippo Island
I did what HR does. all the main villains speak in his I beleive. Only the four in the dark room, as well as one or two more powerful characters. Guess what makes the eclipse based off the fact Cyrus is the main villain!
It's not so much main villiians as it is that really important characters have most of the dialog. Which would be (in my SM) Master Hand, Black Doom, and Colonel. And occasionally some other characters have had snippets of dailouge to show ther character, like Dr. Willy and the Joker.

But still, I'm glad to see that I've inspired someone else in their SM, and I must say that this I'm liking how this one is coming along. Good job wyvern:)


Smash Champion
Dec 21, 2007
Hippo Island
Twas a fun read.

I liked the gliding level with Dyna Blade and how the combees had taken over the Honeyhive galaxy, lu;z were had.

Vespiquen was an interesting boss. I liked the Defend Order and Destiny Bond attacks. :bee:


Smash Ace
Nov 14, 2008
Oh, the Toad Brigade is in it. You even remembered that Toadette is in it. Looks good so far, lol at the combee invasion.


Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008
Not wasting countless hours on a 10 man community
Surprised to see so many of my characters in this thing when the roster's so small - Guess I have the biggest plans for MYM 5. Considering how long I've been promising Zass and BB in particular. . .

I liked Red X being a boss even if he wasn't your best, and as far as actual gameplay Vespiqueen was interesting. I also liked the Dynablade level where you were following the ship as well as your general attempts to make the levels unique. You're clearly setting yourself apart from some of the other SM makers.

I think it'd be better if you explained what was going on through the camera rather than having to tell us in the text (As in, you have to explain things without giving that many hints on camera sometime), but that's my only real gripe. I was left wondering as to what exactly Grevious was doing a time or two, but actually looking back it makes sense.
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