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Celebrity Rehab Mafia: Day 5 Begins! Deadline is Monday, May 28th at 11:59 PM EST!

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
[glow]Welcome to...




Will they go home sober? Nobody knows...[/glow]



1.) Don't be a **** to others unless the moderator finds such **** being humorous.
2.) Once you have died in the game, you are allowed to make 1 more generic post consisting of “bah go scum/town”.
3.) No communication about this game is allowed with non-players or players who are dead, even if you yourself are dead. (If you are dead, you may not discuss the game with anyone who is currently playing, even if you could while you were alive, unless your role specifically states otherwise).
4.) Unless your role PM specifically allows you the power, you are not to communicate with anyone about this game outside of this game thread. This includes posting content outside of the game thread and linking to it in the game thread. Those of you who are repeat offenders of this (you know who you are) should know that I will not hesitate to modkill upon the discovery of ANY discussion outside of thread if your role PM does not allow it. Just don't do it, it ruins games.
4a.) I'm ****ing serious about rule 4.
4b.) I will be checking the Skype call regularly for instances of cheating. There will be NO warnings. If I catch ANY discussion about this game in illegal areas, I will IMMEDIATELY modkill you and blacklist you from any further games I ever run. Even if you think that what you're posting will not affect the game, just don't do it.

5.) Do not edit your posts. Double posting is fine in its place.
6.) I reserve the right to deny anyone from signing up/replacing.
7.) You are not allowed to quote any mod communication of any kind, real or fake. You must paraphrase all information you wish to claim. This includes any additional PMs I may send to you outside of your role PM. You are not allowed to post or refer to any images in your role PM, nor may you post metadata about mod PMs in an attempt to break the game (e.g., message ID in the URL, time of day the message was sent, etc.).
8.) You may not post screenshots of any kind.
9.) The use of non-English, invisible, hidden, coded, or otherwise intentionally hidden or indecipherable text is strictly prohibited. (Spoiler tags are allowed because they are easily noticeable. This rule is not meant to disallow breadcrumbing within the visible text of a message.)
10.) You may not quote logs of communication with other players. This includes hydras. You are free to paraphrase.
11.) Failure to send in your night action(s) will result in that action being randomized.

12.) Failure to adhere to the rules will result in replacement or modkill based on my discretion.

Voting and Lynching:

1.) Each Day, you may vote for a player to be lynched using a bold vote command. For example, Vote: Tom.
2.) To unvote, use the command unvote. For example, Unvote: Marshy
3.) You do not have to unvote before voting another player.
4.) No lynch is a viable lynch choice and a majority will end the Day without a lynch. For example, Vote: No Lynch.
5.) There will be NO designated Twilight Phase. Twilight will only last until I am able to put up the flip.
6.) The Day will end when a majority lynch is decided or a preset deadline has been reached. If deadline is reached without a majority lynch decided, there will be no lynch.
7.) There is no posting in this thread during the Night phase. The thread should be closed anyway.

Activity and Deadlines:

1.) You will be expected to post every 24 hours but are required to post every 48 hours. If you fail to do so, you will be prodded. An accumulation of too many prods (however much I think that is) will result in your replacement or a modkill depending on the circumstances. When feasible, I will tell you if I'm considering replacing/modkilling you. If you will be inactive for an extended period of time, you must notify me in advance. Unexcused or particularly long absences may result in your replacement or modkill.
2.) I do not expect to grant any deadline extensions. In the event I need to replace a player, I may extend the deadline to accommodate the new player. Certain game events may also result in a change of deadline.
3.) Days will generally last 10 days.
4.) Nights will generally last approximately 48 hours. If you have a Night action and do not wish to use it, please send me a PM to that effect, lest I have to wait until the deadline for naught.


1.) The game mod is the game god. However, if you feel the game god happens to be testing your faith by placing an error in the game, then please feel free to point it out via PM.
2.) All roles are assigned entirely at random.
3.) Modkills only end days if the player being modkilled is town-aligned. Otherwise, day continues. In the event that a player is modkilled during twilight/night, the modkill will affect the next day phase (meaning that day would automatically end if the player is town and that day would continue as normal if otherwise). Exceptions to this rule may be made based on the state of the game and my personal judgment.
4.) I do not confirm the validity of private communication between the moderator or any player.
5.) I do confirm the validity of public communication by the moderator.
6.) All of these rules are written on a dry erase board. In the event of a conflict between these rules and any game-specific rules or mod communication, the game-specific rules/mod communication take precedence.
7.) I confirm the absence of roles such as: Jester, Lyncher, Contract Hitman, Rouge, Governor. I do not confirm or deny the absence of any other indy roles.
8.) Knowing the background flavor will make the mod happy, but it will not particularly give you any special advantages in this game. A fair warning, if you rely too much on flavor, you will get burned.
9.) Do not post in the color Lime.[/COLLAPSE]

[collapse=Sample Town Role PM]

Hello there, [enter player name here]! You are Bob Saget, Vanilla Townie! You may have had your fun being Danny Tanner in Full House, but after the show your life went into shambles and you've turned here to turn your life around!

Win Condition: You are town-aligned and win when all threats to town are eliminated.

[collapse=Player List]


1. Auspher frozenflame751
11. Kafkaesque th3kuzinator JDietz43
12. Axel (J/Zen hydra) J
17. Overswarm


3. inferno3044 X1-12, Mafia Informed Sane Cop, lynched D1
9. Chaco Vinyl., Mafia Godfather, lynched D2
6. Dark Horse, Mafia Goon, poisoned N2
8. marshy, Vanilla Townie, killed N2
14. Orboknown, Vanilla Townie, lynched D3
13. Red Ryu, Town Roleblocker, killed N3
15. Kantrip, Town Doctor, poisoned N3
16. Dooms Vanderzant, Mafia Framer, lynched D4
10. Pink Lemonade (Ranmaru/July hydra), Town Nurse, killed N4
2. KevinM, Town Gunsmith, lynched D5
5. Rockin, Mafia Role Cop, killed N5
4. Rajam, Town Cop, Daykilled D6
7. Macman, Mafia Goon, Lynched D6


1. Frozenflame
2. X1-12
3. Vanderzant
4. Vinyl.
5. Jdietz43[/collapse]

[collapse=Important Events]

D1 Begins!
D1 Ends, N1 Begins!
N1 Ends, D2 Begins!
D2 Ends, N2 Begins!
N2 Ends, D3 Begins!
D3 Ends, N3 Begins!
N3 Ends, D4 Begins!
D4 Ends, N4 Begins!
N4 Ends, D5 Begins!
D5 Ends, N5 Begins!
N5 Ends, D6 Begins![/collapse]
[collapse=Effective Immediately]
Effective Immediately: All hydra's MUST post in their hydra account. If found not posting in their hydra account and not having quoted said out-of-hydra post on the hydra, a mod vote will be implemented. If you have a string of post on non-hydra, however, and don't quote ALL OF THEM, it will be one modvote. For example, Kuz posts 6 posts on Kuz and not their hydra and don't quote any. 1 modvote. They quote 5, still one modvote. I feel this is the fairest way and since my word is god that's the way the cookie crumbles.
Effective Immediately: Zen is your new comod!
Effective Immediately: All posts by the mod will utilize the GLOW EFFECT. And yes, this is awesome enough to receive its own post.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Pink Lemonade = Ran/July Hydra btw.


Smash Champion
Oct 3, 2008
Santiago, Chile
Role PM's going out tonight if I feel like it, probably not but quite possibly so.
Confirming I'll play, and I'd also like to request "OS rule" regarding hydras please: enforce that they can post only in their hydra accounts and failure to do so should be a strong sanction


Jan 26, 2011
Melancholy Hill
Mod votes for not posting in hydra I sei

and by in I mean out no i mean in

i seriously just confused myself -_-

#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
Celeb Activity

1. Auspher
2. KevinM
3. inferno3044
4. Rajam
5. Rockin
6. Dark Horse
7. Macman
8. marshy
9. Chaco
10. Ranmaru/July hydra
11. kuz/sworddancer hydra
12. Axel (J/Zen hydra)
13. Red Ryu
14. Orboknown
i wonder how many replacementsll be needed


#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
I talked with Joey a bit about mafia, told that guy to start trying to voice his opinion more and search for scumminess in a post more carefully.

So dont get@him when he's defending a town read that can't defend himself (a la Utrick'd2), he's just working on his game :mad:


#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Pre-confirming I guess? Also hydra account is in the makes.

Heads up, I'm gonna try to post less walls this game and instead play with a more minimalistic style. Otherwise keeping up with this game will be a drag.


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
I talked with Joey a bit about mafia, told that guy to start trying to voice his opinion more and search for scumminess in a post more carefully.

So dont get@him when he's defending a town read that can't defend himself (a la Utrick'd2), he's just working on his game :mad:


Thanks Xonar xD.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Wow that was cool, I forgot that I changed my ava to Katherine McPhee but that was a pleasant surprise to see.

Kay, I'll stop bugging the thread, I just want a game to start haha.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Damn it all can't start role PM's today, just found out I have a gig and won't be coming home... unless you guys don't give a fuhh about flavour in which case I'll try and get em in like right in this window of opportunity.

Ya know what yea. If you get role PMs now they'll all basically just be role/win con yea yea yea. If you get em later they'll be a bit flavourfull but you'll get the flavour as the game gets going.
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