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Club Penguin General Thread - Waddling On to meet new foes

smash puffle

Smash Ace
Feb 13, 2010

This is a general/social thread for the Club Penguin series (and the Penguin support thread) for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.
The purpose of this thread is to discuss anything Club Penguin related and how the series as a whole could be represented in Smash.

What is Club Penguin?
Club Penguin was an MMORPG made in 2005 on Flash. You would create a penguin avatar and interact with other users online, play minigames, customize your penguin and igloo, take care of your own pets, among other things. It was a huge success and it would be later be purchased by Disney in 2007.
The series recieved 3 games released exclusively on Nintendo platforms; 2 on the Nintendo DS and 1 on the Wii.
After more than a decade of support, the original Flash game was shut down in 2017. The series would continue with the release of Club Penguin Island the same year. Unfortunately, it didn't last long. CPI was shut down a year later, ending the entire franchise for the time being. Hopefully one day the series will return officially better than ever.

Many people (myself included) have a lot of fond memories with this game. From the social experiences, the minigames, the music, the puffles, the Nintendo games, etc.
Fans have gone so far as to continue the legacy of the game through new private servers such as Club Penguin Rewritten, Club Penguin 3D, and various other pieces of fanwork.
Despite Disney not even aknowledging the series' existence anymore, fans still keep the spirit alive and well, despite some rocky obstacles in the way sometimes.

Why Club Penguin? Why should it be in Smash?
Club Penguin was very succesful and influential when it was active, specially in it's prime years. It was an accessible MMORPG that anybody could get into and enjoy.
It was incredibly unique and charming, and had a lot of memorable features and characters as well.
The game even received a Japanese beta back in 2009, but it didn't end up very popular, unfortunately. Not to mention the so far Nintendo exclusive games.

With the reveal of Steve from Minecraft, it made people more and more hopeful that Club Penguin could happen one day, despite how unlikely it is in reality.
Steve was often considered a huge "meme" pick for Smash, coming from a game where most people who play it are children... yet :ultsteve: got in Smash. If Minecraft could make it in, then Club Penguin has a chance, right. I know Minecraft is the best selling game in the world and all, and CP is a technically "dead" game from Disney of all companies (which could be a massive hurdle), but as many other characters proved so far, you can't never say never, even though its a long road to get there.

I've made (a poorly voiced) video discussing all about Club Penguin in Smash, which you can check out below (if you dare):

Fans have done a better job than me discussing why and how CP could get in Smash. You can google various posts and images online and find many examples for movesets and other miscellaneous stuff on the matter. I could link and post a bunch of these movesets and ideas in this thread, but I'm going to link the Club Penguin for Smash Twitter Campaign instead. They actually made the Penguin render seen at the start of the OP, go check it out!

Why the Penguin of all CP characters?
I have to admit, the Penguin Avatar is my least favorite pick out of all of the CP characters. It's more of the moveset being overwhelming for me more than anything. I want to main a CP character, but I don't want the moveset to be too complicated.
If you want me to detail other CP reps, you can check out my Puffle, Sensei, and EPF Agent support threads.
Putting my thoughts aside, the Penguin is the most logical choice for a Club Penguin rep. They're the player avatar, they have the most potential for a creative and unique moveset and they're simple to understand character design wise but also iconic in their own right.
They could represent almost every single aspect of Club Penguin, plus the amount of great music that it could include.

Penguin Supporters:
If you want to join the Club of Supporting Penguins and want to waddle on with all of us, please let me know.
smash puffle (me, obviously, i mean why did you think this was my smashboards username???)
Geno Boost

Thank you for reading. Stay safe out there, everyone. 🐧
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Geno Boost

Smash Master
Jul 25, 2014
Star Hill. Why do you ask?
I fully support this
If Club Penguin is dead and has no future then I want it to live on through smash just like how :ultbanjokazooie: situation was and if people ask for Sora from Disney then why not bring Club Penguin alongside him to this as well plus we dont have MMORPG rep yet.
the game was also massive and had over 330 million users and has so much merchandise!
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Geno Boost

Smash Master
Jul 25, 2014
Star Hill. Why do you ask?
Ok now they made an Ultimate version of this mod. Quite a bit rough around the edges, but still amusing.
strangely Penguin and Puffle model from Club penguin island hasnt been ripped yet to the public so they had to stick to the wii model https://www.models-resource.com/pc_computer/clubpenguinisland/
unless if i am wrong?
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Geno Boost

Smash Master
Jul 25, 2014
Star Hill. Why do you ask?
now that i feel more confidient to support him than before with Disney being involved in smash here is what i have made to show my support

but here is the question what would you like his 8 skins to look like? we all have seen how both Sora and Steve were given many cool outfit and i think Club Penguin deserve that treatment as well because there is a lot to represent in each memorable part of Club penguin games
my ideas for his 8 skins are:
1. Default Dark Blue Penguin
2. EPF agent from the DS boxart

3. Jeff the ref from the wii game

4. Pizza chef

5. Rory

6. Gamma Gal

7. The first item in Club penguin the party hat with some early game free outfits

8. Ninja
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Geno Boost

Smash Master
Jul 25, 2014
Star Hill. Why do you ask?
This took me so long to make but i had so much ideas in mind i should share regarding Penguin in smash
alright i know this is a double post but i am gonna post my idea regarding Penguin stage and moveset:
lets start with stage Club penguin had many memorable location so i think a shape shifting 3 stages would make so much sense
first off it would start with Town Center and Aunt Arctic will be in the background

after 1 minute it will shift to the Dojo and Sensei will be in the background

after 1 more minute it will shift to the Box Dimension and Rookie and Orange puffle will be in the background

and this order depends on which music plays first when you choose the stage so the order can different each time.

Now lets move on to the moveset the Penguin can do alot of things and bring so many references this doesnt depends on specific clothing lets just say you have done everything in Club Penguin that he could do or reference just like how :ultvillager::ultsteve::ultisabelle: plays out
So lets start!
will be coming out of the Box Dimension its like this but the opposite

Side Taunt will be waving hand with Random emote appearing on top

Up Taunt will be using the Camera to take a Snap however if someone gets too close to the camera it will cause confusion for a little bit

Down Taunt will be the Club Penguin Dance we all know about and it will be with a Puffle jumping

Clapping Animation when losing

lets move on to the Smash Attacks
Side Smash
will be using Hot Sauce but like :ultsimon: with fire effect
Up Smash will throw Snow Shuriken upward and there is a chance it could freeze someone and you could aim the angle of it
Down Smash will use Water Hammer but like :ultkingdedede:
This video will display how it looks when Penguin use all of them
now for the special attacks
Neutral Special will be throwing snowball and you could aim the angle but like :ultsimon: not strong as Simon's Axe though however if the Snowball did hit the platform it will be stuck there for a bit and if someone walks on it he will trip on it just like the banana item however the snowball cant be grabbed as it would be like half melted or deformed.

Side Special will be carrying Bean Bags and you will be able to move around then throw them, you can carry up to 5 Bean Bags if you keep holding Side Special it function a bit similar to :ultkirby: but its a projectile.

Up Special will be flying with Jetpack but like :ultrob:

Down Special will be digging with Jackhammer but like :ultdk: as it causes an earthquake

now for the rest of the moveset
Jab Attack will use Maracas to hit

Dash Attack will be Tripping similar to :ultkingdedede: but it will slide to further distance https://i.gifer.com/2aKB.gif
Side Tilt will be Mopping and it has a chance of making someone trip

Up Tilt will be throwing a Pizza upward and have it back

Down Tilt will use Shovel and it has a chance of making someone stuck on the platform https://i.gifer.com/4t70.gif
Air Attacks will be Surfing in the air with style

This video will display how it looks when Penguin use all of them
Grab will be used with Fishing Rod

Grab Attack will use Fish to hit someone
Front Throw will use Fishing Rod with Boot on it and swing it at someone in front

Back Throw will use Fishing Rod with Jellyfish on it and swing it backwards to hit someone and also deals small damage to Penguin and big damage to the one being thrown and touched the Jellyfish directly

Up Throw will use Shovel to send someone upward

Down throw will dance on someone and it has a chance of making someone stuck on the platform

Get Up Attack and Ledge Attack will be using Hot Sauce

Final Smash will be Puffle Launcher and it would be cinematic

thats all i have to show tell me what do you think?
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smash puffle

Smash Ace
Feb 13, 2010
This is a very interesting moveset. I wonder if the Smash team could even pull it off!

Anyways, I had fun making these threads. And the Club Penguin threads in particular were the most fun to make for me. Club Penguin has a special place in my heart, and I will never give up my biggest dream for Smash Bros, no matter how long it takes.

But until next time... Keep Waddling On, Everyone.
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