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Read. Naow.


Lacks pick-up lines.
Jun 23, 2006
Granted, you die.

I wish for chocolate rain.

Edit: Man, I literally just got ninja'd.



Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
Did this just turn into an I Wish thread? X_X

Granted. You have a heart attack from all of the chocolate.

I wish I could go to this tournament today


Smash Lord
May 10, 2009
Granted, but a the building that it's held in is a nuclear power plant. Something goes wrong and now you look like a human-shaped Jigglypuff.

I wish that I could have an awesome custom title like Roxy.

EDIT: Ninja'd. >_<

Granted, but it's six months old, there's a hair in it, and it appears that somebody put their hand in it.


Last King of Hollywood
Apr 21, 2009
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Granted, but it's a marquee title that says "I Got Ninja'd By 3 Minutes".

I wish I had a pet grizzly bear.


Golem the Stern Father

Smash Champion
Jan 26, 2008
TyfighterLAND. Location#2: Illinois? Yeah.
Granted, he provides little service to the signed deal he has playing on a basketball team in Memphis, and doesn't unlock his full potential. This leads to public pressure and insecurity, which force the bear to eventually hang himself.

I wish a new user responded to this post.


Through Fire, Justice is Served
Super Moderator
Oct 23, 2008
Beastector HQ
Hey Nysyarc.



Smash Champion
Jun 12, 2006
Crowley/Fort Worth, TX


You should just get it from the User CP.



I wish I wasn't hungry so i could eat again
you only eat when you're full? ... ehh.. granted, but you're so full that if you eat another bite, you'll die from internal bleeding.

I wish the next poster would make a wall of text

Golem the Stern Father

Smash Champion
Jan 26, 2008
TyfighterLAND. Location#2: Illinois? Yeah.

Once upon a time, (1/T) pretty little Polly Nomial was strolling through a field of vectors when she came to the edge of a singularly large matrix. Now Polly was convergent and her mother had made it an absolute condition that she never enter such an array without her brackets on.

Polly, however, who had changed her variables that morning and was feeling particularly badly behaved, ignored this condition on the grounds that it was insufficient and made her way in amongst the complex elements. Rows and columns enveloped her on all sides. Tangents approached her surface. She became tensor and tensor. Quite suddenly, 3 branches of a hyperbola touched het at a single point. She oscillated violently, lost all sense of directrix, and went completely divergent. As she reached a turning point, she tripped over a square root protruding from the erf and plunged headlong down a steep gradient. When she was differentiated once more, she found herself, apparently alone, in a non-Euclidean space.

She was being watched, however. That smooth operator, Curly Pi, was lurking inner product. As his eyes devoured her curvilinear coordinates, a singular expression crossed his face. Was she still convergent, he wondered. He decided to integrate improperly at once. Hearing a vulgar fraction behind her, Polly turned around and saw Curly Pi approaching with his power series extrapolated. She could see at once, by his degenerate conic and his dissipated terms, that he was up to no good.

"Eureka," she gasped. "Ho, ho," he said. "What a symmetric little polynomial you are. I can see you are bubbling over with secs." "Oh, sir," she protested. "Keep away from me. I haven't got my brackets on." "Calm yourself, my dear," said our suave operator. "Your fears are purely imaginary." "I, I," she thought, "perhaps he's homogeneous then." "What order are you?" the brute demanded. "Seventeen," replied Polly. Curly leered. "I suppose you've never been operated on yet?" he asked. "Of course not!" Polly cried indignantly. "I'm absolutelyconvergent." "Come, come," said Curly, "let's off to a decimal place I know and I'll take you to the limit." "Never," gasped Polly. "Exchlf," he swore, using the vilest oath he knew.

His patience was gone. Coshing her over the coefficient with a log until she was powerless, Curly removed her discontinuities. He stared at her significant places and began smoothing her points of inflection. Poor Polly. All was up. She felt his hand tending to her asymptotic limit. Her convergence would soon be gone forever. There was no mercy, for Curly was a heavyside operator. He integrated by parts. He integrated by partial fractions. The complex beast even went all the way around and did a counter integration. What an indignity to be multiply connected on her first integration. Curly went on operating until he was absolutely and completely orthogonal.

When Polly got home that night, her mother became frightened and stated "You're traveling in a forward direction to your auntie + uncle unit in the graph of Bel Air". I whistled for a cab and when it approached, the license plane said "New" and there were dotted cubes in the reflector, if anything I could state that this cab had a lesser chance than the rest but I thought disregard that fact, if you could operator, follow the lines that lead to Bel Air! I approached the compilation of three dimensional objects about 7/12 or 2/3 and I yelled to the operator attention, smell you some other time on this planar area! Looked at my Math house, My graph had finally reached a closed point, to finalize on my algorithmically correct point as the prince of the graph known as Bel Air.

I wish that I never started this.

Edit: Oh ****, ninja master!


Smash Master
Dec 27, 2008
I wish the next poster would make a wall of text
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas eu tellus eget est consequat iaculis. Vivamus porttitor pretium lacinia. Duis et dolor arcu. Aenean sit amet augue a elit venenatis rutrum ut et urna. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Cras placerat nulla eget felis laoreet iaculis. Curabitur id nibh sed velit ornare bibendum vitae ac odio. Donec ut dolor quis elit egestas volutpat sed sit amet diam. Morbi sed diam in dui elementum scelerisque id quis nunc. Ut eleifend purus ut augue volutpat sed placerat elit laoreet. Cras vel lectus quam, ac sollicitudin sapien. Quisque imperdiet, ipsum non imperdiet gravida, mauris magna convallis massa, malesuada laoreet odio neque non tellus. Integer luctus mollis lorem vel imperdiet. Mauris gravida rhoncus dolor sit amet tempus. Aenean in condimentum ligula. Ut dictum lacinia gravida. Maecenas sollicitudin mattis velit, nec auctor arcu ultricies id. Duis non libero nec nunc dignissim consequat. Nullam varius bibendum augue, id semper eros dignissim a. In nec vestibulum ligula. In interdum blandit magna ut mattis. Nam in lorem urna, a sollicitudin dolor. Curabitur gravida accumsan justo sit amet molestie. Vivamus viverra laoreet magna, quis varius nunc auctor nec. Aliquam ac turpis risus, a sollicitudin augue. In dapibus diam eget lectus aliquet rutrum. Cras iaculis, quam id tempor sollicitudin, ligula neque viverra quam, sodales blandit odio ipsum ac mauris. Nam ac leo in augue aliquam ornare. Etiam ut urna id tellus faucibus volutpat id non eros. Ut dignissim euismod condimentum. In mauris magna, congue et egestas non, condimentum vitae justo. In hendrerit orci enim. Integer ante ante, sodales eu rutrum id, egestas non nibh. Aliquam sed nisl nisl. Suspendisse condimentum, risus non tincidunt bibendum, odio ante aliquet nunc, vitae lobortis neque lorem nec ipsum. Duis lacinia aliquet tortor eget cursus. Ut at libero eget sem scelerisque fringilla. Cras tristique ligula nec purus hendrerit vitae condimentum tellus elementum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Mauris orci nulla, vulputate eget tristique id, vulputate et eros. Aliquam sed posuere sapien. Maecenas a venenatis neque. Nulla feugiat ultricies dui vitae tristique. Aenean tincidunt elit magna, quis tristique nisi. Morbi quis augue elit. Nullam sapien nisl, porta ut tempus varius, pulvinar et nibh. Phasellus dictum leo quis ligula hendrerit iaculis vel at purus. Nulla posuere accumsan tortor vel accumsan. Curabitur sed sapien nec tellus tempor eleifend. Maecenas dictum quam id mauris tincidunt et sodales tortor congue. Vivamus nulla neque, feugiat quis volutpat vel, bibendum ac mi. Vestibulum laoreet ultricies eleifend. Suspendisse diam augue, pellentesque non feugiat rhoncus, convallis id massa. Donec metus enim, molestie eget feugiat fermentum, varius et eros. Morbi ante lacus, aliquet at porttitor sit amet, aliquet at risus. Fusce egestas congue metus et feugiat. Nulla facilisi. Phasellus quis lectus at lorem consequat consectetur in nec eros. Pellentesque mauris neque, feugiat vel pharetra at, vulputate vitae odio. Sed fringilla tincidunt ante at pharetra. Proin at nisl eget elit auctor viverra. Nulla sit amet magna justo, quis sollicitudin nisl. Aenean imperdiet mauris nec magna ultrices sit amet sagittis elit varius. Nullam laoreet semper mauris eget elementum. Vestibulum a risus id turpis scelerisque eleifend. Etiam porta consectetur pulvinar. Donec commodo, eros at consectetur pulvinar, turpis est cursus massa, ut volutpat orci ante nec sapien. Curabitur et interdum felis. Fusce quis neque eros, sed suscipit ligula. Mauris suscipit tellus congue metus fringilla fermentum. Suspendisse potenti. Donec sit amet felis est. Nam feugiat eros a eros condimentum id imperdiet nunc mattis. Etiam pellentesque, tellus id pharetra aliquet, mauris eros auctor neque, sit amet congue massa urna ac velit. Etiam commodo consectetur enim condimentum hendrerit. Donec et commodo magna. Donec eget ornare lacus. Suspendisse orci metus, sollicitudin a bibendum et, ullamcorper vel ipsum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec vestibulum sollicitudin quam, ac vehicula lacus vestibulum nec.


Smash Champion
Feb 21, 2010
Las vegas
^ person above likes beef jerky

V Person below doesn't like beef jerky


Smash Master
Dec 27, 2008
^ Person above is awfully naive.

v Person below had an embarrassing encounter with a dolphin at Sea World and refuses to talk about it.
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