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Miracle Of Light - Palutena in SSB4 (Featuring Cereza from Bayonetta-series)

~ Valkyrie ~

Holy Maiden Warrior
Jun 18, 2011
Marvel Land ~ Eternally Slumbering
Switch FC
Miracle of Light - Palutena General Discussion Thread!

As of last E3 2014, Palutena was confirmed as a playable character to upcoming Super Smash Bros 4 3DS and Wii U - with more special moves than any ordinary mortal or Smasher can chew on.

Discuss about the Goddess of Light in her current playable outing and gameplay in Super Bash Sisters here.


It's confirmed now that Palutena's default special set is Auto-Reticle (B), Reflect Barrier (Side B), Warp (Up B) and Counter (Down B).
Official Artwork

Pic of The Days
(June 12)
- Palutena sending off a Homerun - Homerun Contest's Return -​
(July 8th)
Up Smash and Heavenly Light Showcase - Palutena's got divine range

- They know... -
The Leaks (Deemed officially fake)

Palutena's Profile Page Screenshots:


Thanks for N30N for providing the banner!

Status: CONFIRMED!!!!!!

We've seen how Sakurai breathed new life on Pit's career and gave him a chance to shine in a game well-received throughout the world. As per se we can expect Pit to return in SSB4.

But there's one major character as well who benefitted hugely from this, getting a very witty, likeable personality and boost of popularity during the release of Uprising and beyond. That is Palutena, Goddess of Light and the ruler of the Angel Land.

Palutena served as a damsel in distress back in the original game, in which she cursed and banished Medusa in the realms of Underworld. Unknowingly Medusa's power increased in those depths of darkness and she would soon wreack havoc and take every resident, including Palutena, as a hostage. The young flightless angel Pit managed to rescue her though with aid of her army of Centurions and Three Sacred Treasures.

In Uprising. Palutena served as a major ally to Pit during his adventures rather than damsel in distress, providing lots of hints and aid to him- along being quite a comic relief for the game with the protagonist itself. What was new is that she got some of her own media or moments showing her skills, like her anime short "Palutena's Revolving Dinner" or her role as a boss in Uprising, although possessed. These showed that she had reasonably great amount of moveset potential and left us a good impression of seeing her as a fighter in Smash Bros. (who wouldn't want to see her with Wolf Claws?)

While many say demanding a female character for the sake of needing more female representations seems not very legit idea to support them, it's quite evident these days that Palutena has becomed one of the most requested female newcomers for Smash after Dixie Kong of Donkey Kong-fame. She's also stated to be the most likeliest Kid Icarus-newcomer due her strong influence to the series overall (One of the major characters in Uprising and the japanese title for Kid Icarus-series bears her name "Palutena's Mirror"), has lots of popularity and fan support/demand and is a character with lots of personality and pretty potent for an fun and unique moveset. Funnily enough this all came around after Medusa was revealed to not be the true villain in Kid Icarus Uprising, instead her boss Hades is taking the place.

So will we see her featured as the fighter alongside with Pit in Smash Bros 4? We'll find out soon enough.

Supporter List

*100 Soldiers and Counting!

Thanks to you all. *

(Army of Light)

- Young Horsetail (*Founder*)
- Admiral Pit (second-in-command)
- Arcadenik
- TriHyphen ("---")
-Malcolm Belmont
-Scoliosis Jones
-God Robert's Cousin
-Louie G.
-False Sense
-Chris Baker
-Minato Arisato
-Zero Suit Wario
-Rock & Roller Wabbit
-8-bit Man
-Hades the Magnificent
-Ryu Myuutsu
-LunaChi KuroShihone
-Really Shy Guy
-8-Bit Man


Size Chart & Misc.

[collapse= Size Comparison by M&S Guy] Palutena, Ganondorf, & Bowser

Mario & Sonic Guy said:
I'm basically envisioning Palutena rivaling Ganondorf's height, but she'll be shorter than Bowser.

[COLLAPSE="Alt Colors by AngelGlory"]

01 - Default
02 - Red (Based on Viridi)
03 - Blue (Based of both forms of Pandora)
04 - Green (Uhhh... Christmas...?)
05 - White/Yellow (Based on Phosphora)
06 - Black (Based on Medusa)[/QUOTE]
Last edited:


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
My #2 most-wanted female character (Dixie is #1)!!!

I envision her to be like a graceful fighter like Zelda is. I think she would make great use of her staff and shield like we saw her
in her boss fight
in Uprising. And of course, she should get Pit's old Final Smash (it's called Palutena's Army for a reason) so Pit can get a new Final Smash (
Great Sacred Treasure


Smash Journeyman
May 13, 2012
You know whenever i try to imagine playing as palutena i always come around to the same thought ... heavier then ganondorf yet more range game then rob.! or pit for that matter :/



Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
Whoop whoop, Palutena! She may not be Medusa, but she's still someone I want to see in smash. Behind Krystal and Dixie in terms of most wanted female.



Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
Damn, you beat me to making a thread. Oh well...

Anyway, I think Palutena is a viable character just for the sole fact that she is basically the secondary character in Kid Icarus: Uprising. She would be kind of a defensive character in my eyes. For example, her standard smash attack would be Palutena's Mirror, which is a projectile of sorts that can block projectiles in a similar vein to the Guardian Orbitars, and her down smash would be a blind flash of light to temporarily stun surrounding opponents.


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
I think you mean that you beat me Horsetail.

Don't forget I was the one who held her up during the goddess wars on the old thread, as well as predicted much of Uprising. Most arguements you guys use were started by me. :smirk:

I'll post my thoughts in a little while.

Holder of the Heel

Fiat justitia, pereat mundus
Dec 3, 2011
Switch FC
Without a doubt the most likely female in my eyes, and the most likely Kid Icarus newcomer.

Everyone knows she is lovable and just kicks ***. I'm just waiting for the dojo to return and officially confirm her in a post.

~ Valkyrie ~

Holy Maiden Warrior
Jun 18, 2011
Marvel Land ~ Eternally Slumbering
Switch FC
TripleHyper: Oh c'mon, I was in the bandwagon too to some extent. (-l3l-); Chronobound as well.

But now it's not time to argue for the credits, we gotta push together to see what she can bring to the game and overally hope she's confirmed.


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
I supported both Palutena and Medusa during the goddess wars on the old thread. My support for Palutena is now stronger than my support for Medusa.


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
@Horsetail: I know, I was only joking. Though, you could have helped me fight off Oasis and Medusa back before Uprising came out. :p

Anyway to keep the thread going, here's a bit from my blog:


Quick KI fact, Pit’s Final Smash was based on how he fought bosses in the original without Palutena making any appearance. Palutena was the only NPC in the entire Subspace Emissary mode. She herself was redesigned just as much as Pit and was added for no real purpose in Brawl (other than eye candy :p). Something is definitely weird about that.

Looking at how Uprising was marketed, she was out there almost as much as Pit. Other than Pit, she’s the character who appears the most in Uprising, including as 2 boss encounters. She even got her own 2 part anime OVA all to herself.

If you’ve played Uprising or watched the OVA, you can tell just how much work Sakurai has put into her character. Being the only other character to appear in all of the KI games, she’s second in importance next to Pit. One could argue that she’s still a part of Pit’s Final Smash (though not necessary), Pit has a really good chance to get a new Final Smash thanks to Uprising anyway. As for a moveset, including her boss attacks, she also has access to Pit’s weapons, the Miracle of Flight, an army of Centurions, and a Mirror Shield that could pull a Captain America. There’s plenty to work with to make her a great Smash character. She also gets points for being requested during Brawl.

Holder of the Heel

Fiat justitia, pereat mundus
Dec 3, 2011
Switch FC
Going to slip in the moveset I posted in the massive behemoth that is the SSB4 Discussion Thread that was locked.

Standard Special: Shining Orb - She raises her hand while B is held, still being allowed to move, creating an orb above her finger tips that every few seconds fires a small dart of light at the nearest enemy (and if no one is near, it merely shoots forward) that does small damage with practically no knockback. When let go, the sphere for a few seconds floats up and continues to fire and hurt anyone who comes into contact with it.

Side Special: Lighting Laser - Palutena can hold down the B button, standing still as she charges her attack. The longer it is charged the farther the laser of light stretches out from her and remains (of course, it only goes so far). However, it does not have any knockback and simply deals light rapid damage to those touching it.

Downward Special: Radiant Shield - Another holding skill that involves her putting a shield of light that she makes in front of her that blocks some damage and reflects projectiles. When let go, the Shield drifts out in front of her slowly for a short distance before dissipating, dealing minor damage and knockback to anyone who is hit by it.

Upward Special: Goddess Levitation - A move that shares likeness to her angel Pit, Palutena acquires a golden glow as she begins to levitate in the directions given to her. The only difference is that it is not a flapping motion and thus easier to control but also doesn't go on as long.

Final Smash: Pillar of Illumination - Palutena pulls out of her energy as she consumes herself in a pillar of light that reaches to the top of the stage and shoots forward some distance, dealing heavy damage to anyone in its destructive path.

~ Valkyrie ~

Holy Maiden Warrior
Jun 18, 2011
Marvel Land ~ Eternally Slumbering
Switch FC
Nice moveset there Holder. Triple Hyper, where's your Palutena-moveset?

I want to provide the banters or other sort of dialogue for her if there's a chance. Maybe if I can post the banters somewhere in SSB4-boards...

Holder of the Heel

Fiat justitia, pereat mundus
Dec 3, 2011
Switch FC
Thankies. Try to collect as much Palutena stuff as you can here. While you're at it, put up a moveset of your own. :D

~ Valkyrie ~

Holy Maiden Warrior
Jun 18, 2011
Marvel Land ~ Eternally Slumbering
Switch FC
Nah, I think many have already done good movesets for her, besides I kinda suck at them. (-=~=-);

But I think I could provide the banters here. Good for your guys?


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
I find it funny looking back at my poll prior to the release of uprising, Medusa was always weeeelllllll above Palutena in the popularity poll. (Both always made top 15 though) and now look at it. Ill be suprised once a make my next poll if Medusa even makes top 20.



Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC


Attributes:Palutena is a lightweight character with a weight similar to Z.S. Samus (32nd, 81). Her size is quite large and is around Ganondorf's size. Being in a dress as well her walking speed is close to Zelda's (36th). While, surprisingly her dash speed is close to Lucario's (22nd). Falling Speed is the same as Samus's (37th). And her air speed is the same as Marth (11th).

Playstyle: Palutena can be played in many different ways. Her great projectiles can allow her to have great spacing potential especially when combined with her amazing but limited D-Special for defense; which can also be used for her offensive and approach. Her throws and aerial game are better than most characters, and she has one of the best recoveries in the game. She, however, is quite floaty and is a lightweight character meaning she is quite easy to kill. She also has slightly less kill moves than most characters as well. There is no real distinct way to play as her.
Entrance - Floats down in a beam of light.

Neutral Special - Light Ball - stops, waves her staff and it launches the ball end at the opponent. When it connects it causes the opponent to fall into a dazed state. It is chargeable and the charge can be held. The longer it's charged the longer the daze state, but the hit box and size are fixed. It does not cause a daze state when the opponent is in the air, but it does cause the opponent to flinch like any other projectile. Does 5%, 13% when fully charged.

Side Special - Centurion - Similar to Pit's FS, it summons just one Centurion that homes in on an opponent. It can be attacked. Only 2 can be summoned at the same time. Is a good follow up to Light ball. Is one of her few killing moves. Does 20% per hit.

Up Special - Miracle of Flight - Gain the ability to fly similar to MvC’s flying moves. It therefore does not have any startup lag and you can attack during it. It lasts for 3.5 seconds, but like R.O.B.’s Up-Special you have a re-charge time of 2.5 seconds. If it expires mid-air it leaves you in a helpless state. Being attacked during the duration of the move does not leave you in a helpless state. It can also be shielded out of.

Down Special - Crystal Rod - Based the Crystal Rod item from the first 2 KI games. Palutena waves her staff and creates 2 clone orbs. Two orbs rotate around her in a 360 motion doing damage with no knockback while also blocking projectiles that make contact with the orbs. Every 2 hits by the orbs causes the opponent to flinch. It can stay out as long as her damage % does not exceed 50%. It is a mix of Vergil’s swords and Stirder’s Ouroboros Hypers from MvC. Does not do extra damage when throwing, nor does it do damage to an opponent's shield. Does 4% per hit.

Final Smash - Burst of Light
- She slams her staff onto the ground, the screen flashes and it puts opponents into a stunned state if they're on the ground while putting air born opponents in a helpless state. Does 30% to all opponents.

AAA - She raises her palm out and releases a burst of light. Think Mewtwo's AAA. It has a slightly disjointed hit box. Does 5% on the first hit, 2% on each hit thereafter.
Forward Tilt - swings her arm and her shield strikes the opponent. It has good knockback. It has the best knockback of her tilts. Does 10%.
Up Tilt - Raises her arm in the air and bonks the opponent with her shield. Good for Juggling. Does 9%
Down Tilt - Kneels down and strikes the opponent with her foot. Think Zelda's D-Tilt but with slightly longer range (she’s taller than her).Does 7-8%.
Dash Attack - does a slide similar to Mario's dash, it has a very laggy end and it slides her forward. Does 8%.

Neutral Air - Spins her staff for a full body attack, similar to Ike's N-Air. It has average knockback. Does 9%.
Forward Air - leans forward and swings her arm to hit the opponent with her shield. One of her few kill moves. Does 11%.
Up Air - looks up and flips herself upside-down to hit the opponent vertically with her shield. Good for Juggling. Does 9%.
Down Air - a standard dive kick. Does 9%.
Back Air - Swings her arm back and hits the opponent with her shield. Average knockback. Does 12%

Forward Smash - Palutena's version of Cap's "Charging Star." It has Super Armor like Wario's Forward Smash and it also goes farther as well. It has poor knockback for a Smash attack. Very little start up lag. Does 17-19%.
Up Smash - Raises her staff up and the ball explodes in a burst of light. Has a slightly disjointed hit box. Is one of her few kill moves. Does 16-20%
Down Smash - Raises her staff and slams it on the ground, creating a small shockwave that hit in front and behind. Causes large horizontal knockback making it one of her few kill moves. Does 15%-18%.

Pummel - Hits the opponent with her knee. Does 3%.
Forward Throw - Throws the opponent up at a 45 degree angle, waves her staff and causes a small explosion of light to send the opponent flying further. Has the best knockback of her throws. Does 5% for the throw, 7% for the explosion.
Up Throw - Throws the opponent up at a 90 degree angle, waves her staff and causes a small explosion of light to send the opponent flying further. Above average knockback. Does 5% for the throw, 7% for the explosion.
Down Throw - Does a short hop, leans down and blasts the opponent with the ball end of her staff into the ground. It launches the opponent vertically. Does 10%.
Back Throw - Throws the opponent up at a 135 degree angle, waves her staff and causes a small explosion of light to send the opponent flying further. Above average knockback. Does 5% for the throw, 7% for the explosion.

Shield - Like Link, in idle animation she can block projectiles with her shield.

1. Winks to the players off screen.
2. Spins her staff playfully.
3. She glows and emits light.

Blue - Original Design
Grey - OM&M Design
Black - Fallen Angel

Kirby Hat:
Gains her hair and head piece

Easy to rack up damage with
Good mix-ups
Amazing Projectiles
Great Recovery
Good Throws
Good Aerials

Few kill moves
Poor ground game

Made it back in November, haven't updated it in a while either. And suddenly my claims about the goddess wars don't see so crazy after all. :awesome:

Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
I pictured Palutena being one of the heavier characters; being around Wolf's weight range. Also, I see her being rather slow on foot, especially if her magic offense is high. In terms of physical offense, however, not so hot.


Smash Ace
Nov 15, 2005
Shropshire Slasher
I think Palutena could fill the much needed niche of a character who uses slow moving projectiles as traps. In her boss fights I always felt she was trying to lock me down through combinations of her summons, homing projectiles, and slow moving discs that act as turrets.

I also get the feeling Palutena's shield would end up functioning like Link/Toon Link's shields, in that it would deflect projectiles while she stands idle. That's just me being pessimistic though...


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
Would anyone here be interested in making a Medusa thread? If not, I'll do it. I just don't know much about her. I could read up though.


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
I would, but Medusa is not nowhere near as interesting as the other characters in the Kid Icarus series. It doesn't help that she dies early in Uprising, comeback to punch Hades in the head, and then dies again within seconds.

But this is a thread about Palutena though, so maybe keeping Medusa out of a conversation might be for the best.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
I consider her up with K. Rool, Ridley, and Little Mac as far as likeliness, actually. In other words, I will be extremely surprised, and disappointed, if she is unplayable.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Here is a Palutena move set I made:

Summon Holy Weapon is Palutena’s Neutral Special attack. Pressing B will cause Palutena to summon a weapon entirely made of light. Palutena will then immediately attack with the weapon; depending on the type. Each weapon does different damage and speed. Pressing B again during the last animation frame will cause Palutena to move slightly forward and attack with an entirely different weapon. When this is initiated, the opponent is hit stunned to allow Palutena to summon her next weapon. She can do this up to four times.

Here is the full list of weapons Palutena can use:

Light Sword – The Light Sword has average speed and cuts horizontally. 8%.
Light Claymore – The Light Claymore has slow speed and does a over-head slash. 12%.
Light Mace – The Light Mace has slow speed and does a diagonal over-head slash. 10%.
Light Axe – The Light Axe has slow speed and does a horizontal cut. 13%
Light Spear – The Light Spear has average speed and does a high horizontal cut. 9%.
Light Lance – The Light Lance has average speed and does a stabbing attack. 11%.
Light Dagger – The Light Dagger has quick speed and does a quick stabbing attack. 4%.
Light Katana – The Light Katana has quick speed and does a quick over-head cut. 7%.

All the weapons do Light based attacks and are randomized. It is impossible to predict which one will come out when you chain them together but two of the same weapons will not appear in the full 5 hit chain. Doing the full 5 hit chain will cause Palutena to move forward slightly on the ground. It has the same effect in the air but it will cause a more downward decent and isn`t a significant help in recovering. However, doing one of the attacks will slightly de-accelerate a fall. On the 5th time while doing it in the air (non combo) will cause Palutena to go into a helpless state. She has brief Super Armor when she summons a weapon but a charged Smash attack or a stronger special can break the Super Armor.

Particles of Light is Palutena’s Special Side attack. She fires of a beam of light that varies in intensity the harder you push the analog stick to the side. The beam is fast and travels the entire screen on a small to medium level and half way in a large or huge level. Once it hits an opponent, it expels itself and explodes in light. It can be fire by pressing Side B continuously. It does a base attack of 15% Light damage with an additional 2% Light damage depending how close the opponent is to the attack launch.

Angel Dust is Palutena`s Up Special move and recovery move. Palutena disappears in a twinkle of light and, by moving where you want to go, she travels to. During this time, Palutena`s body disappears and, instead, an erratic body of light particle takes her place She is immune to attacks and it functions much like an air dodge. However, anyone who gets caught in the attack is carried away with her and receives 1% Light damage for every hit. It does very low knock back but it carries the opponents with her. At the end of the attack, Palutena slowly floats down from the air with her wings. It only lasts 5 seconds and then she enters a free fall.

Celestial Glyph is Palutena`s Down Special. Palutena folds her hands in prayer and a light glyph appears where ever she placed it. If Palutena did on the ground, it appears on the ground and if the air, it appears hanging in air. If a player comes into contact with it, it will explode a flash of light. It does 15% Light damage and decreases by 2% the farther the opponent is from the blast radius. It can hit numerous opponents at once. Palutena can cast two of these at one time. However, if she casts a third, the first on vanishes without light explosion.

Super Goddess Glambuster is Palutena’s Final Smash. Palutena summons a gigantic mega weapon. She begins charging it and fires. It is a lightning fast bright beam attack that travels the length of the stage. The first player to get hit is a OHKO while the others receive 20% Light damage. The attack is fast and lasts all of 5 seconds.

Palutena Move Set

Ground Attacks

Neutral Attack – Swipes once with her staff. 3% Light damage. he then blasts the opponent for average knock back but low damage at 2% Light damage. Does 5% Light damage altogether.
Dash Attack – Thrusts her staff forward. Does 12% Light damage and does below-average knock back. However, very long reach and distancing technique.
Strong Side – Thrusts the staff into the ground and a wave of light erupts diagonally up from the ground and hits the opponent. Does vertical knock back. Little ending lag. Does 15% Light damage.
Strong Up – Slams her shield upwards. Very long ending lag but short cooldown. Kind of an uppercut with the shield. Does 12% damage.
Strong Down – Does a Light Sword summon and along the ground in front of her. Somewhat long start-up but a quick attack. Does 15% Light damage, vertical knock back, and the highest amount of knock back for any attack.


Side Smash – Takes her staff and holds it behind her while charging. She then swings it forward with a stream of light energy that flashes out in front of her. Has a very wide hit box. Does high diagonal knock back. Does between 23-26% Light damage and is one of her stronger smash attacks. The moment she swings the staff she receives Super Armor.
Up Smash – Summons a Light Spear ad thrusts it upwards. It has very a very long reach and can sweetspot at the end of the spear. Sourspotted does 8-12% Light Damage while sweetspotting does 20-23% Light damage. It does high vertical knock back.
Down Smash – Palutena slams the butt of her staff onto the ground and a barrier of light shoots up and knocks the opponent upwards or diagonal; depending on the location of the opponent. It can also counter and dispel weaker projectiles such as a uncharged Charged Shot, Sacred Bow, or a ray gun attack. It has high vertical knock back and can used to keep pressure off Palutena. Does 16-21% Light damage.


Ledge Attack – Pulls herself up quickly and repels the opponent with a blast of light. Does 7% Light damage. Quick but a little ending lag.
100% Ledge Attack – Pulls herself up slowly and kicks the opponent. Does 9% damage.
Floor Attack – Slams the butt if her staff on the ground and light shoots up. Does 6% Light damage.

Aerial Attacks

Neutral Aerial – Spins around while shooting out blasts of light. Hits 5 times with 2% Light damage each hit. Excellent short hop technique. No landing lag.
Forward Aerial – Swipes her staff from up to down. Causes a trail of light that can damage opponents after the staff has passed. Can stop weaker projectiles. Does 18% Light damage.
Back Aerial – Palutena kicks behind her. Little knock back and does weak damage at 10%.
Up Aerial – Thrusts her staff upwards. Much like Link’s Uair but much longer reach. Does 16% Light damage with 2% more when sweetspotted at the end of the staff.
Down Aerial – Slams her staff down and rapidly descends much like Link’s Dair. Does 17% Light damage. Good when coming out of the Up move.
Glide Attack – Thrusts her staff in front of her and blasts with light energy. Does 13% Light damage. Has high knock back.

Grabs and Throws

Pummel – Shocks them with Light damage. Does 3% Light damage.
Forward Throw – Blasts the opponent in a wave of light. Does 12% Light damage. High knock back.
Back Throw – Swings the opponent in a circle and attacks them with Light damage. Does 8% Light damage.
Up Throw – Slams the head of the staff into the opponent. Does 10% damage and high vertical knock back..
Down Throw – Slams opponent on the ground and slams the butt of the staff into the opponent. Does 6% damage and is her weakest throw.

And because I love making color swaps for characters, here is one for Palutena:



Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
Palutena is in Smash4. Plain and simple. She is. The way KIU is being proudly shown off by Sakurai STILL, and the reception of her and the rest of the cast speaks for itself. The REAL question is, who else will be riding on the KIU cotails? Medusa? Magnus?



Smash Ace
Nov 15, 2005
Shropshire Slasher
I too felt the need to theorise about a Palutena moveset. Her regular attack inputs have already been handled well by other people here, so I tried to keep things short and sweet instead, with just the Special attacks;

[COLLAPSE="Moveset"]Down Special:
Palutena summons a Centurion archer to the fray. Palutena is somewhat quick to perform the summoning, but the appearance of the Centurion is slightly delayed, with them beaming down from above. Only one Centurion can be onstage at once, and Palutena begins the match with one already summoned. She can desummon a Centurion by using Down Special again.
The archer hovers near to Palutena, following her about obediently, and firing arrows at the nearest opponent sporadically. These arrows travel slowly, and have a slight honing ability. They deal a low amount of damage and light flinching on contact with an opponent.
The centurion has 30 stamina, after which it is "Finished", and disappears. As the goddess of light, Palutena is entirely incapable of harming her troops via her own attacks. Palutena may revive the Centurion by using Down Special to resummon him, but she will take 30% damage in the process of doing so.
If desummoned, resummoning the centurion will restore its stamina completely, by draining the equivilent amount (divided by 2) from Palutena. Whilst not in the fray, Palutena's centurion restores 1% of its stamina every second, making it a good idea to retire him from the fight every once in a while.
Neutral Special:
Palutena fires a stream of three energy bullets from the tip of her staff. The trio of projectiles flies foward swiftly up to a distance of 3 stagebuilder units, before fizzling out. Each one deals 3% damage and slight repellant knockback to the foe, but they can easily be shielded with little consequence.
If the input is held, Palutena will perform a pattern of three energy bullets, pause, three energy bullets, etc until the input is released. Opponents can easily approach through this by alternating between shielding and walking.
In mid-air this input is angled downwards at a 70 degree angle to the ground. Palutena also slows her descent slightly.
Upward Special:
Enveloping herself in a blue holy light, Palutena rockets upward in the air. This deals a bevvy of hits that drags the foe along with her.
At the peak of the jump, the blue light explodes outward, taking the form of two large wings sprouting from Palutena's back (this motion repels foes away from Palutena). These wings greatly slow Palutena's falling speed, until she either fastfalls, lands, or is struck by an enemy attack.
Forward Special:
Palutena draws a halo glyph in the air ahead of her. The glyph takes on a life of its own, and begins drifting towards the foe for up to 4 seconds. It cannot move vertically (unless summoned in midair, in which case its horizontal movement speed is reduced to compensate). On contact with a foe, the glyph shatters, dealing a decent amount of damage and knockback.
The glyph can be destroyed via enemy attacks and projectiles, though thankfully Palutena's own projectiles can pass through the glyph unhindered.
Final Smash:
In a manner that is reminiscent of the Warioman/gigabowser transformations, Palutena unlocks her true potential as the goddess of light. Her attacks are granted a far greater range, with the extended hitboxes being provided by light magic that appears out of all of her regular moves.
Three centurions also beam down (two if one is already out) to support her with barrages of arrows. The centurions are all invulnerable during the Final Smash, and two of them leave once the Final Smash is over. Her falling speed is also reduced slightly, and Palutena is of course invincible for the Final Smash's duration.

Glam Blaster attack.
I think that, along with demonstrating her aptitude for filling the air with projectiles, Palutena's moveset should also encourage being a benevolent leader. Which would mean being incentivised to protect summons and make choices that minimise the danger they'd be put in.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 14, 2003
Tampa FL
Anyway to keep the thread going, here's a bit from my blog:
Strange. Almost like Sakurai was trying to make her a character.

I wuld like to know what abilities does Palutena have in Uprising. I haven't got a chance to play it yet, but I know she's
a boss.
. Anything interesting.


Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
I hope Sakurai really knows to play up the fact that she's a Goddess. It makes her very interesting. I don't want to see her reaching in her pockets to pull out some crazy weapon from Uprising all the time. Is a goddess so helpless that she needs a bunch of weapons to fight with? She should feel powerful, and her attacks effortless. And don't let her WALK, for the goddess's sake. She should definitely be a heavyweight.

I'm a little sad that Medusa has so little a shot now though. She would be a much more interesting fighter than Palutena. Basically Palutena+. Oh well.


Smash Ace
Nov 15, 2005
Shropshire Slasher
she has like, every ability ever. She's the source of the weapons, power of flight, the useable powers, the health restoring food.

Within her boss fights she;
summons centurions
fires a glyph that homes in toward you whilst acting as a sporadic turret
blinds the screen unless you look away
fires pillars of light toward you
envelops herself in a pillar of light and charges toward you
fires a slow moving projectile that can temporarily halve your health if it hits.
And probably a few other moves that I'm forgetting.

Curious Villager

Jun 24, 2012
Palutena is amazing and I would definitely love to see her playable.
Sadly Medusa had such a little role before she was pushed aside in Uprising. I would have loved to see her playable too.

Palutena's final smash would definitely be the one Pit used in Brawl and he can use the Three Sacred Sreasures or
the Great Sacred Treasure.

Deleted member

She should act bored as though she knows she'd easily win, but is just going easy on the opponents for the sake of fair sport.

Also the Final Smash without a doubt should be the Sacred Goddess Clobberlaser.


Smash Lord
Feb 29, 2012
Baguetteandwine Land
She walks in uprising,maybe make her walk her slowest walking.
She runs in the OVA,and she was pretty fast.


Palutena without makeup:troll:

Classic (with makeup :troll:)[/COLLAPSE]



Smash Hero
Nov 8, 2007
Ecuador - South America
Haven't played Kid Icarus Uprising yet.... but it's fitting that Pit is no longer considered a Retro character after his 3DS game, so Palutena is good to go now.

I really like the character, although I have near to no idea how she's like, as I haven't been exposed to either the anime, or the game.

Unconditional support, I guess. :D

I picture her kind of like Zelda, with a bit better melee attacks.

Deleted member

What in the world is the Sacred Goddess Clobberlaser? I don't recall Palutena ever having something like that or even being referenced anywhere in Uprising.
If you take too long to take out the Hewdraw in the Air battle in Heads of the Hewdraw, Palutena uses the "Sacred Goddess Clobberlaser"/"Palutena Glam Blaster"/whatever (she keeps changing the name) to finish the fight.

It's this giant beam of light that crashes down from the heavens.


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
If you take too long to take out the Hewdraw in the Air battle in Heads of the Hewdraw, Palutena uses the "Sacred Goddess Clobberlaser"/"Palutena Glam Blaster"/whatever (she keeps changing the name) to finish the fight.

It's this giant beam of light that crashes down from the heavens.
I've always beaten Hewdraw before that happens so I've never actually seen it, but that sounds like a pretty viable Final Smash.

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
Palutena is arguably the best choice for a female rep. I can see her playing like a stronger and faster Zelda with a magic staff. It's a hamazing idea.

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