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All Purpose Donkey Kong Thread

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
I'm expecting an animated series to come out of this movie to be honest. With this trailer and the overabundance of DK related stuff, the rumored DK movie and game seem very likely now. Also why the DK streetnames in Mario Odyssey where there in New Donk City.

Yeah Cranky might not be the front runner yet, but I already felt this way since it was confirmed he made an appearance in this movie. However every Kong being there , it holds less water maybe.


Smash Hero
Nov 23, 2018
Nintendo Land Theme Parks, Incorporated
If we get a DK spin off movie, I'd imagine Diddy and Dixie would have massive roles in that, so if anything Dixie might rise to even greater status then.

I didn't get to watch the trailer until recently so this is late, but seeing Diddy, Dixie, Funky, and Pauline all confirmed for the movie brings me great joy, I'm more excited than ever. In terms of the non DK stuff seeing Yoshi and Mario Kart there as well was great.
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Smash Master
Dec 1, 2019
The big X factor in all this is whether or not we get a DK game before the next Smash. Can the movie have an impact? Most certainly and if is inclusion of the Kongs is to build towards a Donkey Kong oriented spin-off film then that could very well play a factor in the sort of emphasis Nintendo will want to put on them, Smash included. An actual game however could (and given how long we've waited) very well come out before any sort of DK focused movie does, and if that does end up putting a big spotlight on Dixie, Cranky, or any other character, that might be the deciding factor. Doubly so if the mechanic and/or new element that would be in might be the thing that gets Sakurai (or his successor) to effectively see value in them for SSB.

Basically if we get a DKC game that has something like Dixie being able to catch enemy projectiles with her hair followed by that having an effect on her twirl/attacks or a Cranky with a cane that reacts differently depending on the time of terrain/enemy he bounces on, then those might be just enough to sell them as novel in a future Smash.
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Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Personally I expect a huge new Mario title to be announced before the Mario Movie releases, and a DK game short after. With beforehand an annoucement of a Donkey Kong Movie, or something similar. Huge things are coming for both Mario and DK am sure of it. Maybe an actual crossover of the two series even? I don't even see it as unlikely because of this movie and Mario vs DK in the past.

Maybe we don't even need to debate which Kong goes into Smash first between Dixie and Cranky, maybe the main discussion will be if Funky is also noteworthy enough to be included alongside them.

In which case, I say yes.


Smash Master
Dec 1, 2019

Dunkey's doing various Donkey Kong related videos this month; with a DKC1 video in addition to this one. Whatever your thoughts about him, I'm not gonna complain that a popular content creator is highlighting the series, especially given the sheer number of young fans that could exposed to the series this way.


Smash Champion
Apr 20, 2014
Speaking as someone who likes Lord Fredrik, I thought this was a very interesting video on why he kinda floundered in comparison to both K. Rool and the other Tropical Freeze bosses.



Smash Master
Jul 9, 2009
A warrior's grave...
Speaking as someone who likes Lord Fredrik, I thought this was a very interesting video on why he kinda floundered in comparison to both K. Rool and the other Tropical Freeze bosses.

I think they should have made his boss fight more in line with how you fight the other walruses in the game instead of an homage to k. rool


Smash Master
Dec 1, 2019
I'd say there's only three weaknesses to Tropical Freeze; the generic bonus rooms, not being able to control Dixie/Diddy/Cranky by themselves outside Hard Mode, and yeah, some of the bosses, Fredrik included. None of them are badly designed, but they all pretty much overstay their welcome. and the reliance on waiting for an opening to attack means the pacing issue gets compounded. Kaze and Wild Masks actually felt like it got that execution right; with bosses that aren't easy but avoid being tedious.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Some of the Snowmads resembled Kremlings too, so in a way, Frederik being a homage to K.Rool could've been expected. Retrospectively of course.

Shame this thread died down so much after the second Mario movie trailer. I'm still so hyped over it all.

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
I dunno. I really like the Snowmads. Not as much as the Kremlings, but they're fun characters. Certainly better than the Tiki Tak Tribe.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
In a way, it's a shame we never gonna see what type of enemy group Retro Studios would come up next for the Kongs. Or what would happen had they be the ones to revive the Kremlings in a next game.

I still think them going for Metroid Prime 4 whilst there was a golden formula with Tropical Freeze, ported on the Switch and all was a waste.

We might see this new Donkey Kong game sooner than Metroid Prime 4 at this point.


Smash Hero
Sep 17, 2014
In a way, it's a shame we never gonna see what type of enemy group Retro Studios would come up next for the Kongs. Or what would happen had they be the ones to revive the Kremlings in a next game.

I still think them going for Metroid Prime 4 whilst there was a golden formula with Tropical Freeze, ported on the Switch and all was a waste.

We might see this new Donkey Kong game sooner than Metroid Prime 4 at this point.
TBF, Retro wasn't even involved with MP4 initially. They were roped back in because whoever was trying to develop the game failed in some fashion.

Maybe whoever failed to make MP4 can develop the sequel to Tropical Freeze instead.

But I still say let the series properly rest after the third DKCR game. Even if a game series is a once-in-a-generation deal, that won't stop it from getting stale.


Smash Master
Dec 1, 2019
While my personal interest still lies in Western developers like Next Level or Moon Studios doing a Country title, it would be interesting to see a Japanese studio take on DK outside the context of being chained to Bongo controllers. That's probably one of the greatest Donkey Kong what ifs; a studio like Bandai Namco that created Klonoa doing an actual DKC platformer in the early aughts as opposed to Konga.

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
While my personal interest still lies in Western developers like Next Level or Moon Studios doing a Country title, it would be interesting to see a Japanese studio take on DK outside the context of being chained to Bongo controllers. That's probably one of the greatest Donkey Kong what ifs; a studio like Bandai Namco that created Klonoa doing an actual DKC platformer in the early aughts as opposed to Konga.
Jungle Beat was pretty great. I imagine a Japanese developer could do great things.


Smash Master
Dec 1, 2019
Jungle Beat was solid, but it also underperformed in comparison to various other games and the GC version was possibly even outsold by the DKC GBA port that came out around the same time. Moreover while its virtues are gradually being rediscovered now, its left far less of an impact than the SNES trilogy or the Retro Studios duology. In the case of both the assumption that it was another Konga like game or the sense that the drums were a gimmick ended up turning away many fans that might have been tempted to try it otherwise.

A fine game, but in some ways more notable for how it helped Nintendo EAD further develop their skills for stuff like the Mario Galaxy titles than what it did for DK outside giving a power fighter emphasis to the title character. Honestly a Switch release (with optional motion controls) so people can really better appreciate its depth would have some real value.
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Smash Lord
May 2, 2014
If Dixie Kong could use only one animal buddy in Super Smash Bros, who do you think it should be, and what would they do? Vote on the poll on Twitter!

I'm curious what BirthNote BirthNote thinks especially, since he's drawn concepts using all of these except Squitter (from what I recall).


Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
If Dixie Kong could use only one animal buddy in Super Smash Bros, who do you think it should be, and what would they do? Vote on the poll on Twitter!

I'm curious what BirthNote BirthNote thinks especially, since he's drawn concepts using all of these except Squitter (from what I recall).

Squitter is the most centralizing Animal Buddy between DKC 2 and 3 I feel. And he has the most to offer too.


Smash Champion
Apr 20, 2014
If Dixie Kong could use only one animal buddy in Super Smash Bros, who do you think it should be, and what would they do? Vote on the poll on Twitter!

I'm curious what BirthNote BirthNote thinks especially, since he's drawn concepts using all of these except Squitter (from what I recall).

If I had to choose, personally? Squitter or Squawks. Squawks feels obvious as a sentry-type summon, following Dixie around and firing eggs when she attacks, and Squitter is the most clearly unique of the bunch.

Apologies to Rambi and Ellie, but Rambi feels more suited for an Assist Trophy role (or maybe a fighter?) and Ellie... well, Ellie can be an Assist Trophy, too. She deserves it.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Have to go with Rambi; obvious choice but his status as the most famous animal buddy feels like it warrants a strong Smash appearance.
He does. But not as part of Dixie's moves. Rambi has least connection to Dixie of all original DKC heroes barring Kiddy. I always say Rambi should be the Piranha Plant of the DKC franchise. He'd make a terrific fighter on his own.


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2009
A warrior's grave...
If Dixie Kong could use only one animal buddy in Super Smash Bros, who do you think it should be, and what would they do? Vote on the poll on Twitter!

I'm curious what BirthNote BirthNote thinks especially, since he's drawn concepts using all of these except Squitter (from what I recall).

I would go with Squawks. The mining levels are my favorite from DKC2 and that's usually when we use him. I always liked the idea of using him as an Up B which can be a great alternative to the Ponytail Twirl/Spinning Kong.

It's funny cuz I sketched out some Squitter ideas but never got around to it fully. Same with Rattly lol


Smash Master
Sep 22, 2013
Speaking of animal buddies, it looks like Enguarde was actually pretty close into getting into TF:

“We were thinking that bringing back the familiarity that players experienced in Donkey Kong Country Returns would be a good way for us to further strengthen their love for these characters. We felt this was the right choice over adding different buddies in their stead, and we believed the introduction of the other Kongs filled the need for expanding the character lineup and adding new player mechanics. However, we would have loved to have introduced some new animal buddies. Like Enguarde, for instance, who did come close to being added.”


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2009
A warrior's grave...
Speaking of animal buddies, it looks like Enguarde was actually pretty close into getting into TF:

I figured that the Kongs basically replaced the Animal Buddies. A lot of their moves are what the AB's could do, and when underwater it felt like Enguarde's abilities were split between the Kongs. Would've been nice if they brought him in anyway and gave him something the Kongs can't do.


Smash Lord
Oct 14, 2018
No thoughts about the last Mario movie trailer?

Personnally, I can't say that I like DK's voice. I imagined it somehow deeper - probably the influence of DK 64. Let's hope it will grow on me!


Smash Champion
Apr 20, 2014


Smash Master
Dec 1, 2019
If we get something great, but I've been burned too many times to have that much hype. The Direct last September especially was dominated to games so outside my tastes, that I'm finding it hard to get that pumped up about the idea that this one will the be one to really excite me again. I've not given up on getting Donkey Kong titles again, but I've become increasingly skeptical about them showing up on the Switch. The next console is a whole other ballgame, but currently? I'm just not feeling it anymore. Hope to proven wrong.


Smash Champion
Apr 20, 2014
Well, guess we're waiting a little longer.

Maybe in 2024, the 30th anniversary of Donkey Kong Country? Maybe?


Smash Master
Dec 1, 2019
Well, guess we're waiting a little longer.

Maybe in 2024, the 30th anniversary of Donkey Kong Country? Maybe?
An announcement for a new game holiday 2023 I think is a possibility, but if not then, I think nothing's coming till the next system.


Proteus Geoform
Sep 18, 2007
Switch FC
Think it might be a little premature to be saying that.

On the NSO side of things...


While we may not get all these games on the service, the earlier addition of the Game Boy and GBA apps for Switch gives more to hope for with DK content other than the expected DK64 on N64 NSO and maybe Diddy Kong Racing if lucky.

The GBA version of the DKC trilogy is the most doubtful since they're just ports of the original games already on SNES online with a little extra content (and the GBC version of DKC1 that many forget exists), but the DK Land games on Game Boy app would be a nice touch, and especially DK 94 which I haven't had access to in ages. A great DK game on its own that it feels was kinda overshadowed by the success of DKC, basically being a major extension of the DK arcade with far more levels beyond the original four. I didn't get King of Swing on GBA back in the day, so that could be interesting for me to experience too.

As usual though, it's the slow drip feed method; we had to wait a little while before we had the DKC trilogy on SNES online, but just a matter of time until some of the DK Game Boy stuff gets added.

Part of me is tired of being spoiled as a Metroid fan though while waiting longer for DK stuff. Apart from Metroid Prime Remastered which was a pleasant surprise (and now people are more eager to see Prime 2 and 3 get the same treatment before anything MP4 related surfaces, lol), already had Metroid Fusion to replay on Switch GBA recently. I guess the new people at Retro needed some prior Metroid experience before doing MP4, and what better way than to remaster the most successful one the studio had previously done? I hope the wait for any DK stuff (be it old games through NSO or a new title) isn't that much longer though, much as we're used to the wait by now... And yeah, is a shame still that we never got to see Retro's take on a 3rd DKC with the different possibilities there were for it, but again, can thank Kensuke Tanabe for failing to get Prime 4 off the ground on his own and having to go back to Retro for it, which out-prioritized whatever else they may have been doing with the influence Tanabe has.

Copium thought, but they may be waiting for the full effect of DK being re-popularized through Seth Rogan before putting out a bunch of DK stuff. The "fire DK" in the latest movie trailer was pretty hype with that said, apart from all the earlier Kong cameos and stuff. Mario's voice remains the only one that I hadn't come around to, while DK and everyone else's feels mostly right to me.

Life has kept me pretty busy otherwise which is mainly why I hadn't posted here in some months, but hope everyone's doing okay otherwise. On the earlier question about an animal buddy in a potential Dixie moveset, I agree that Squitter has been centralizing one for Dixie between DKC 2 and 3. While I was fine with Squitter in 2D sprite form, it would be something else seeing it in 3D for those that have arachnophobia, but the majority of non-Rambi animal friends not getting some kind of 3D model transition has still been arguably the worst sin in the series.
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Smash Hero
Sep 17, 2014
You know, given that the Mario spin-offs and Pokémon are suffering content issues due to their frequent release schedules, I'm starting to appreciate DK's as-of-now infrequent release schedule a lot more.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
You know, given that the Mario spin-offs and Pokémon are suffering content issues due to their frequent release schedules, I'm starting to appreciate DK's as-of-now infrequent release schedule a lot more.
Maybe. But outside of Mario and Pokemon there is also Zelda. I feel Donkey Kong could and should climb up to Zelda in terms of popularity, relevance, priority and steady releases. And have a dedicated team working on DK titles.

I mean, as great as it is to be having Diddy in Mario Kart soon, it's the only true positive news in ages. Sure the Mario Movie suggests a huge revival soon but... they're taking their time!!


Proteus Geoform
Sep 18, 2007
Switch FC
Diddy might actually get me to redownload Mario Kart at some point. I must admit him still hanging out with the top tiers in the first official Smash Ultimate tier list was a nice surprise too. Shows how underestimated he was in the game earlier, and after fighting him (among others) in Smash again sometime prior, I realized I only had a surface level understanding of the matchup; guess it was just some of the bad online Diddy players I had adapted to earlier on, not so much the character himself.

K Rool’s placement I thought would be somewhere higher, but is what it is I suppose with how underrepresented he is at tournaments, though at least he has more going there than Banjo I guess. Everyone else’s placing I mostly agree or am content enough with.
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