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  • Hiya agi!

    I was going to spend this time to do some moar Forum Games, but homework = evil.
    I'll be on tonight for more forum games. (for you, that may be this afternoon)

    And custom avatars are back, btw!
    He has neither declined, nor accepted.

    Perhaps it's a busy time where he is.
    *waits and stays hopeful for custom avys to come back*
    Something weird is going on with your avy. I can't see it. :(...


    The format is different, perhaps it's still uploading...
    Keep your avy on for a bit longer, methinks it may work.
    5,000? O_o
    That is some serious dedication for your moveset.

    Was I too subtle on my description? OMG THE PICTURES ARE AWESOME AGI IS A GOD

    There, that's how good the choices are. :D
    Whilst it is funny, it's nicely put together. And for the moves that have pictures assigned to them, the pictures match and describe it nicely. :)
    I already did, Jedi Master Agidius.

    I love the LOLcat one. :D
    I'm not joking, if you think I am.
    I think I'm going to make us all titles on the Vader Army, for those who want them.

    Oh yeah, do you want one, Agi?
    Said by Agi: Banned for being ONLINE as I post this, Mr. So-called ninja!


    OH NOES *explodes*
    Ah, that makes sense.
    And I recall you saying something like that, but my head hurts, so I'll check later.
    You have strange ways of payment, Agi. :p

    (I didn't take it personal, btw, just wondering if I made you upset or something.)

    Anyways, let me rant about Dr. Nickel Q. Pumpkin:
    Here are many problems with Dr. Nickel Q. Pumpkin, Esq.'s perceptions. The one that's the most blatant, and the one that I will limit my discussion to, is related to his overt support of authoritarianism. In the text that follows, I don't intend to recount all of the damage caused by Dr. Pumpkin's unpatriotic pleas but I do want to point out that the best thing about Dr. Pumpkin is the way that he encourages us to put an end to judgmental solecism. No, wait; Dr. Pumpkin doesn't encourage that. On the contrary, he discourages us from admitting that I'm at loggerheads with him on at least one important issue. Namely, Dr. Pumpkin argues that without his superior guidance, we will go nowhere. I take the opposite position, that it is our responsibility to ensure that Dr. Pumpkin doesn't convict me without trial, jury, or reading one complete paragraph of this letter. Get that straight, please. Any other thinking is blame-shoving or responsibility-dodging.

    Thank you for listening.
    Huh? I can't see it, but anyways...

    Thank you for finalizing your deal with Karp's Random Emporium.

    Here is your weegee dolly:

    Thank you for shopping at Karp's Random Emporium, and we hope to see you again soon!
    I am ninja!


    Ah, what the heck *discards invisible status*
    There ya go. Now knoweth when I am onlineth, oh young Agi. (or technically, you're older than me)

    And are you the Vader Army's business man yet? You haven't accepted or declined yet. :]
    You are now my Vader Army business man!
    ...if you want to be...

    Wait, what am I doing?
    *goes to send PandaMod an invite*
    Why, thank you.
    I'm so evil. >:D

    Anyways, do you think it's safe to let Pliskin into the Vader Army, agi?
    I don't think so....been kinda busy. I'll most likely make one tomorrow, then have a short hiatus till MYM 4....

    Yup. :3
    The mods forced me to pick a birthday, so I gave them something I remembered from some show I watched, I think.

    I don't like being forced to do things silly like that, though me doing that is itself quite stupid. XP
    It's ok, Agi. ^.^
    Perhaps, if you want, you could offer an idea next week?

    And I agree, the list is building up very nicely.
    And I forgot to say earlier: Thanks for inviting me, first. :D
    Agi, bring yo rear over to the Vader Army Club, we've got a gigantic new mission for us all. ;)

    The Official Cast of Brawl Ninja/Pirate/Llama Discussion Group has gone public!
    Join today and help us sort out the cast of Brawl into their attack groups!
    Read the group description to learn what we are doing, and how you can help.

    How's that, agidius?
    Now that the Ninja/Pirate/Llama group is open to the public, would you mind if I advertise it in my sig?
    I'd like more people to discuss with us. ^_^
    I doubt you'd mind more people joining, though. XD
    I know how you feel, agi.

    Actually, I used to.
    Go back two days, I take at least a couple minutes to load any new page, not counting pics. D:<
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