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Ben Holt
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  • Official prediction roundup!
    Fighter's Pass Volume 2 will include Spring Man, Doom Slayer, Rex & Pyra, Shovel Knight, Crash Bandicoot, and Heihachi.
    Individual DLC characters like Piranha Plant will be sold between Fighter's Pass characters.
    Rayman and Shantae are Deluxe Mii Brawler costumes.
    Minecraft Steve and Hollow Knight are Deluxe Mii Swordfighter costumes.
    DLC Echo Fighters are free for Nintendo Switch Online subscribers. They will include Ms. Pac-Man, Proto Man, Dry Bowser, Funky Kong, and Shadow the Hedgehog.

    If at any point I am proven wrong, it's a glitch in the space-time continuum, as I am a metaversal being. So if this doesn't come to pass for our current universe, it is due to a timeline split. Since I exist unbound by time, I cannot commit to individual timelines. But rest assured that a part of me remains in all tangents of time, so I will still be here.
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    Ben Holt
    Ben Holt
    I think the most likely female candidate at the moment is Dixie Kong, but I have a speech for her coming later.
    Hum, excuse me Mr. Holt. You might be of the metaversal variety but i am a level 59 nintendo priest which makes me directly in touch with the video gods. I don't even know where to begin with your list, i mean seriously, you didn't even put Poochy the dog on it ! I beginning to think you're not all that metaversal after all...
    Ben Holt
    Ben Holt
    OnyanRings OnyanRings I have amassed my particles of divine essence into an electrical signal of consciousness to emulate the human emotions that you have just hurt.
    COVID-19 has exposed the fundamental difference between the left and right.
    Left: "WE" should protect "EACH OTHER".
    Right: "I" want a haircut.
    Ugh. I really shouldn't let a bad performance from an online game affect my self esteem so much, but it's not exactly voluntary.
    ****! ****! ****!
    Bad Elite Smash day. I hate lag. One lag match loss takes all the wind out of my sails.
    Random OCD accomplishment:
    I have successfully trained all spirits in all dojos.
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    Deleted member
    Wait, you can train a spirit in more than one style?
    Ben Holt
    Ben Holt
    Ben Holt
    Ben Holt
    Not at once, but they can remember styles so that if you take a Spirit to the dojo of a style they already know, they'll get the style immediately.
    You know a cool idea for an item?
    Ring Box from Sonic. When you break the box, you get to tank your next hit. The hit would have set knockback, and your character would lose their rings while taking no damage.
    Just so the bet doesn't get lost in the Speculation Thread, if our ARMS Fighter is not Spring Man, I will record myself eating a grilled cheese while wearing a jester's hat.
    And with "No Dogs, No Masters" by Caninus playing in the background, apparently.
    Friend: "I have an Audi."
    Me: "I've seen your belly button plenty of times, and it's clearly an innie."
    Note to self: Never mention Fire Emblem in the Speculation Thread. I got dogpiled for DARING to explain why Byleth was the obvious Three Houses pick.
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    Ben Holt
    Ben Holt
    No... I don't comment on her **** any more than she comments on mine, and my comments are usually far more polite.
    But if you don't stop with the personal attacks, I'm going to just straight up contact an admin.
    Fire Emblem is not worth getting pissed over.
    You were called out because the reasons you made for their inclusion were false (not to mention the whole debate we had over the public perception of how characters are viewed in terms of basic story/conflict rather than in terms of theater).
    May I see this argument?
    People complain about Terry's Jab-Jab-Power Dunk combo, but Ryu and Ken literally have the exact same combo.
    Yeah but i feel like Terry's combos and damage output is easier to pull off, which makes him annoying to a lot more people.
    I never really could figure any of them out, and neither could my friends, so I've never had that problem.
    We're close, yet so far. I can feel you falling for me.
    I just want to tell you how much I love you.
    I'm so sick of the ****ing "Blue Haired Feminist" stereotype.
    I understand unflattering caricatures, but every time I see this trope used, it's always been an implicit way of saying, "Women I find unattractive are always wrong."
    Pardon the cliché, but that's ****ing sexist.
    Chances are, if you get called sexist often enough to ***** about it, you're probably a sexist, and the auspices is on you to self reflect. And if the woman in question DARES be overweight, God knows she must be dumb. At least that's the stereotype.
    Just venting out my feelings here where no one I know irl will see them.
    ...I think I may love her.
    I've fallen in love before, and she's making me feel all those feelings I felt shortly before falling head over heels for my past girlfriends.
    Imagine a playable Cappy whose moveset is based on captures from Mario Odyssey.
    Reminder: It's Spring Man.
    Ben Holt
    Ben Holt
    My less confident guess is that Spring Man is the default skin, and Ribbon Girl, Ninjara, and Min Min are alts.
    But the chance of it NOT being Spring Man seems infinitesimal to me.
    Imagine for a moment if Sakurai had announced a Street Fighter character before confirming Ryu. Sure, people would speculate Chun-Li, M. Bison, Akuma, etc, but deep down we would have all known that it was bound to be Ryu.
    That's why I'm so confident that our ARMS rep is Spring Man.
    Champion of Hyrule
    Champion of Hyrule
    Reminder: You've already said this. Multiple times. It's probably true, but c'mon
    Ben Holt
    Ben Holt
    Hot take: All characters that are alternate costumes of other characters should be their own fighter. Yes, even the Koopalings. Give Lemmy his bouncy ball, give Roy his Bullet Bill Launcher, etc.
    Separate Hero into Erdrick, Solo, Eight, and Eleven.
    Make Alph a Kenified Echo Fighter with Rock Pikmin.
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    I think the Koopaling would work better as stage hazards for a potential "Bowser's Castle" stage.
    I do agree with a Kenified Alph though and a different take on DQ's menu system with perhaps more focus on the weaponry used in the games would be interesting.
    Alph, yes. Hero, maybe seperate into two Heros. Koopalings, it's just too many, worse than four Marths.
    It'd be a real Alpha move to make all the Koopalings their own characters in Smash 7.
    Oz o:
    Oz o:
    That's dumb. They're literally the same game.
    Ben Holt
    Ben Holt
    Really? Play Smash Run on Wii U.
    Or Pac-Maze.
    Try Target Blast in 3DS or collecting easy coins with Crazy Orders. Better yet, get 8 3DS's together for an 8-Player Smash.
    Same roster ≠ same game.
    Venus of the Desert Bloom
    Venus of the Desert Bloom
    Oz o: Oz o: It’s not dumb. Just a different perspective. Personally, I recognize them as the same game but I understand why people consider them different. Especially when Sakurai alluded to the fact they are both separate games.
    Official Prediction:
    Rex & Pyra will be a playable character, Spring Man is upgraded from an Assist Trophy to playable, one other Assist Trophy will be upgraded in this Fighter's Pass (my personal hope is Shovel Knight), and Rayman will be a Deluxe Sans/Cuphead style Mii Costume.
    The current Republican Party in the United States is a stone's toss away from outright Nazism. Donald Trump praised open Neo-Nazi Richard Spencer, had white nationalist Steve Bannon in his administration before replacing him with Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Trump also endorsed an open Neo-Nazi and Neo-Confederate, Corey Steward, over an extremely Conservative Democrat, Tim Kaine. The Republican Party is not Conservative; they are Fascist. When you have a weak opposition party that appoints Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden who already concede 80% to Republicans, you can see parallels to Pre-Nazi Germany where Hitler's main opposition was weak and gave into the demands of the far right.
    Right now, the government OPENLY locks immigrant kids in cages without proper sanitation and legally discriminates against trans people by denying them access to the bathrooms of their choice. It is not a far cry from legal government persecution to government approved genocide.
    The only cure for Fascism is a strong, militant, unabashed, armed Leftist resistance. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.
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    Dutch Raikuna
    Dutch Raikuna
    Dude I might be pointing out the obvious and this is from someone who loves talking politics but you know this is a gaming forum right?
    Keep stuff like this to PMs. It can drive people away and give some a bad first impression.
    Ben Holt
    Ben Holt
    Dutch Raikuna Dutch Raikuna Sorry for the late reply, but here I am now.
    It is largely the apolitical crowd that is most susceptible to far-right radicalization. Just look at Gamergate a few years back and how quickly the alt-right was able to convince "gamers" to become white nationalists. Fascism is on the rise in America and the UK. When Donald Trump won, Richard Spencer, an open Neo-Nazi, said to party like it was 1933 (the year Hitler was elected head of Germany). The far-right movement has infiltrated into mainstream politics, and we are not far away from Nazism right at this very moment. Fox News brings on Neo-Nazis every day like Candace Owens who said that if Hitler "just wanted to make Germany great again", that it would have been fine. Her only critique of Hitler was invading other nations, so by her own words, Hitler's ethnic cleansing was A-OK in Germany.
    I don't know about you, but I hate Nazis with every fiber of my being. I would describe my hatred of them in detail, but I will bite my tongue only out of fear of receiving another warning point.
    Awareness is the best tool to combat extreme ideologies, and I dedicate huge chunks of my social life to spreading awareness of far-right ideologies to protect the apolitical mind from falling down the alt-right pipeline.
    It doesn't start out as, "Hey, wanna cleanse the West of non-whites and non-traditionalists?" It starts out as, "Hey. Did you know that a bunch of Libcuck SJWs are forcing diversity into your video games and trying to ban big boobs?"
    You are free to be annoyed, but it is activists and activism that keeps people out of concentration camps.
    I just had the most surreal realization; Mr. Potato Head is trans.
    Potatoes reproduce asexually, which biologically classifies them as female.
    Mr. Potato Head clearly identifies as male, which is a gender contrary to his biologically assigned sex, making Mr. Potato Head transgender.
    ^Potato plants can also reproduce sexually as well though. They're both male AND female at once, rather then just one of the two. Any given potato plant can reproduce with any other one picked at random.

    As for the monkey thing you're not wrong, although there's some controversy over using "monkey" as a cladistic term and think the group should only be referred to as simians/simiforms. That's just semantics though.
    Ben Holt
    Ben Holt
    Simiiforms are universally considered monkeys, as the next major clades are new world monkeys and old world monkeys. Since we fall under the clade of old world monkeys, we are undeniably monkeys.
    The ever-changing world of cladistics aside, let's just compromise and say that since Mr.Potato Head is both sexes, then he must be both trans and cis.

    Schrodinger's trans.
    I know I wanna eat something from a restaurant tomorrow, but I don't know what.
    I kinda want a pizza pie.
    I kinda want spaghetti.
    I kinda want tacos.
    I kinda want a burger.
    This is why I need to open up my own vegetarian restaurant chain. It'd have all of these, plus waffles, salads, sandwiches, and baked potatoes.
    Within one week my Uncle Mike dies from Kidney Failure and a person with whom I went to High School dies from Pancreatic Cancer.
    The Switch Pro, or at least Nintendo's next gen console, should include a powerful FPGA to allow perfect backwards compatibility through emulation.
    I was within 6 feet of a baby with a fever. Help.
    Oz o:
    Oz o:
    You'll be fine, dude.
    You'll get a fever at worse. Like, literally, just a fever.
    Ben Holt
    Ben Holt
    My parents live in my house. My father is 80.
    Sonic Forces really offends me.
    It's not bad; it's ok. But that's the problem. Ok is not good enough for a Sonic game. Sonic games need to be EXCELLENT!
    The $40 price tag shows that it wasn't a game they put their heart and soul into; it was a game on a budget meant to cash in on the Sonic cash cow.
    STOP IT, SEGA! When I was a kid, Sonic was a Triple A killer app that people bought a Genesis just to play. Now Sonic pumps out Ok games every two years, and Sonic games deserve better. Sega, make blockbuster Triple A Sonic games like you're still trying to sell consoles! Pretend that you own the Switch, PS5, XBSX and that Sonic is your killer app to sell that console! With all the good Sonic fan games, you think you'd have an idea of what fans want. I have my own ideas on how a perfect Sonic game would be, but as long as you treat it like a Triple A console seller, you cannot go wrong!
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