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Dr Peepee
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  • nah we don't deserve **** we barely play the game :( I love brawl and all really but nobody else does XD I play but meh...not as much as we played melee. **** if brawl had wavedashing jim would be all over it XD
    Oh man gas :( Yeah its like 4 bucks up here which is relatively cheap from the stories I've been hearing except...you're only allowed to buy 10 gallons and the line is like 45 **** minutes. streets are backed up like crazy.

    GL pp, I obv. don't mean anything lmao it's all in good fun. though...not sayin I don't wanna come to the next tourney you're hittin up :p
    aww man PP okay fine It's cool :(

    But next time you go anywhere we're coming! anywhere...anywhere.
    weed is a good start but disobeying your parents and driving two "malnourished" kids to a "soup kitchen" is an act of god and you should be proud to do so
    yeah I know i thought it was illegal to gang up on minors :(

    also it means that it's time for you to be a man PP...you have to break away from the tyrannical rule of your parents...and you know what THAT means o_o

    I heard you turn 18 today

    You know what that means right?

    (Also that ness thread is so mine don't be trippin and if you are no SAKURAIIII johns afterwards aight)
    Oh yeah thats what you mean? Yeah ROB can't do that...something he can do is Fair -> RWB Gyro -> Cancel. ROB boards were talking about WB Gyro so I was messing it and yeah...that's good enough for retreating for me XD. Of course it leaves you open since when you RWB you turn around, but you basically land right as you finish moving backwards anyway (and can of course immediately put up your shield). Seems pretty good for mindgames...but overly flashly? probably XD

    I'll watch your Diddy vids for what not to do...or twitches for what TO do. XD nah I'll watch them all :p

    Also checked the thread it's mine again :D
    ROB's floatier in the air then Marth, that certainly has positives and negatives, but ROB is also heavier so he doesn't die as easily as Marth does, and he doesn't get knocked back as far, which lets him get in the air more, which lets him work past his lower speed. Plus, he's not exactly slow in the first place. And any ROB knows how to space Fairs come on PP XD You space your Fairs with Marth too, can I shieldgrab yours? :p I think that was what you were trying to say anyway, correct me if I'm being stupid again :(

    I know I need human practice with Diddy, but whenever Jim comes over he says my Diddy sucks and he's all like "man you need to stop playing diddy" and it's disheartening :( but I'm determined dammit so w/e

    And never seen it, but lemee guess: ftilt/utilt combos, chain glitch combos, and fair gimps?
    ROB has **** other then camping, though. I do great against like...everyone and I don't camp o_o I just play him like...Marth, but with projectiles. I love it. All the range of marth, all the killing potential of Marth, but with barely slower attacks and a better recovery. I can't drop ROB really, I'm revolutionizing him :p

    Diddy is def. pretty **** and I'm workin on him as much as I can but with not having many people to practice with and Diddy online = lol, that gets kinda difficult, but I make do. Snake is an awesome CP, I agree (I hate ROB dittos and Karn and I both play ROB and Snake...that'll be fun <_<)

    Samus is teh sex, I think she should be lower mid, but that's just me. She's certainly better then Shiek, no idea how Shiek is as high as he is! And Kirby is awesome but I need to get a lot better with him before I can play him in a tourney <_<

    Jim came over today. on a SCHOOL DAY. womg.

    we didn't play much smash though sorry :(

    you know what i realized though? I play too many characters...

    ROB, Snake, Marth, Kirby, Samus, Diddy...

    Halp me narrow it down ;_;
    omg I want to start making a combo video too! i'll put you in it okay :p

    and she may be pretty much entirely against us going...but that doesn't mean we can't go!


    i'm 15 lmao, it's cool though I do look really young :(

    Man your mom sounds evil, it's cool though. don't worry about it too much, if we can't go we can't go and at least you can go and kick *** right? :p Just remember...b/c you're one of the kids, voluntarily or not, you owe us 95% of your tournament winnings. it's in the contract.

    also I want to see that 23 second match o_o
    Oh I'm just really really working on getting my brawl falcon good. I still main peach and only peach but I'm BENT on making falcon better.
    Wait how were we last time? Were we bad? ;_; omg

    Also you're good enough to win back gas money + extra to give to me for no reason don't worry :)

    ...I wish. you suck pp :(

    (jk obv you're too **** good)

    and it's algebra 2, not 1. <_<;
    also...i don't recommend goofing off I enjoy srs business stuff more too :p it's just there for the hell of it

    and school is...meh, it's same as always i guess. i completely just screwed up on some algebra project we had because i waited until the last second to start it and I didn't even finish it completely (go me woo) so yeah...prolly like failing that class now x_x but it's all good

    Hey PP, when's that SoVa tourney you were talkin about?
    I just mapped it! I don't know your address though so I just put shelby, nc so the time is off by a little bit...

    Anyway, without picking me up it's 3 hours for you.

    When you go from your house to my house to the thing, it's 3 hours 45 minutes.

    yeah dude I always sleep during school so it's alright...XD

    I know my youtube videos are goofy XD and...the ones that AREN'T goofy don't get any views :( it sucks

    you're goin? it's like...2 hours away from where we are. it's far. i doubt we're on the way, but you can map it and check. I'd do it now but I just came to check something right before bed so I'm goin to bed now XD.
    I guess, but I don't get to play training mode since I can't play in the house... I'll try to negotiate with my dad because not playing Smash is starting to hurt.

    And yea, I give them tips and try to help them. Teach them how to combo, wavedash, shffl, l-cancel, what a mindgame is, all the good stuff, and then some general character tips as well as certain match-ups, recovery tricks, what works and what doesn't. They use it a few times, get cocky, and stop using it the next time I see them. Oh well, I still try to help the Melee community as much as possible.

    I know the VA tourney you're talking about, if you can, you should go, get to see Toasty, WhoDat, 7, Killz, BlackG, Alex might go. It would give NC a got rep in SoVa. :)
    KissyFace when he's not at NCSU. Mostly KSK's friends from his school. They all play with standard tourney rules, but they all pretty much suck. When they meet me, their first reaction to my style is, "You Wave-Dash?!?!" So, it's not real practice, but it's better than nothing.

    And my dad isn't letting up any. I'm working on getting to ECRC C3, but that's the closest I am to a tourney, and it's still an if.
    I've gotten better and I haven't even played!!! Actually, that doesn't work, does it... well... it might, a hiatus might be what I need to keep my head in the game, but the lack of practice... oh well, me and my friends are playing and recording on the 21st, so I'll see if I can get some practice and vids or something to see where I'm at.
    I guess all it takes is some research I found something that works. All I have to do is sit here and watch all those MPJVI videos now and see what's worth using. ;_;
    How do you go about downloading it, though? I can't just right click and download it.
    Well, let me ask you; What program did you intend on using to download the Youtube videos? I'm using a Firefox extension ~ Download helper. I haven't used it in a year, and now that I'm using it again, most files are being corrupted.
    I received Toasty's videos, but I've ran into a new problem; The youtube videos aren't downloading correctly. What's the point of this montage without some hot combos? Also this places a dagger into L0zR's combo video too. I need some help getting these videos to work, since things aren't the same as they were last year for some reason.
    I hardly played Pikachu yesterday [I did use him against G-Reg's Falcon the other day when he came to our tourney with Hova...that was a lot of fun. A lot of instincts kicked in but both of us were off our game...still good match though] and I mainly used Ness against my friend's Young Link [long history with that matchup between us] and it was epic as always. My Fox is not doing so well. I forgot a lot of what he's capable of, but that will come back with time dedicated to remembering just what I can do with that guy...my Marth, however, is looking mad good right now. [and my Dr. Mario ^_^]

    Next time we play, I want Doc vs. Falco and Doc vs. Mario [this one is a particular favorite of mine]
    but mostly I want Marth vs. Falco because that's one of my harder matchups >_>
    You were sandbagging? Aw man PP I told you to try your hardest :( I don't care how I look I just want the experience man...that disappoints me.

    And the new tier list...I've already said a whole bunch of **** on other forums, but I'll shorthand it for you here:

    Lucario should be way lower, he's only so high because of Azen, this is like if Gimpyfish's Bowser was winning tournaments before the first Melee Tier List came out, he's way higher then it should be.

    DK > Diddy? No way. Move Diddy up, DK down. I've played DK a lot more extensively then Diddy and I was honestly pretty good with him...he should be lower.

    And Toon Link needs more tournament representation, I think he's way too low :/

    Also, Samus > Yoshi? It's low tier and all, but wut. I think Samus should be right above Falcon :p
    I'll do it eventually...things are getting chaotic here

    sidenote: I played so much Melee yesterday! [Darksyde was up in SoVa, actually!]
    Has ZIO given you the STYKz tapes back yet? I'm hoping to see more vids of me online at some point, so I was just wondering.
    I wanna be seeing you at some of Alex and Bills bi-weeklies, but not the first one because I won't be there. =P
    **** straight hot sexies

    But I have no work today...well I have work, but it's not big. yesterday i had to finish up a summer project and write an essay so it was a bit harder lolz

    sucks about having 4 AP classes <_< at least you get into a good college right?

    and i'll get back to you later with an answer, my mom's being...gerself
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