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  • easier done than said about the man stuff, I`ve already seem to grow up, well I`m interested in skateboarding, playing the guitar, well alot of things, gaming not so much lol. I seem to love playing soccer and other sports excluding football and wrestling. I love to sometimes write poems and sing whenever I`m in a mood. That`s alot huh? XD
    That's the best Ike I've ever fought I swear. He actually was fast. Your Ganon suicided me and Samus...gah I can never find a way to beat her.
    well, all of the above generally, well that my life isn`t so bad I guess haha, lastly congrats, I kno ur not the smootheist talker but hey, I still find u a interesting person haha. I guess we should find new hobbies, problem is I can`t rly do any new hobbies when my family doesn't even support me and well, I tend to sandbag alot irl too, sometimes I just rly need to try to kno my irl friends, but noone tells me anything u kno?
    been doing well, I feel very distant among my friends, it`s been a while isn`t it? btw I just finished Twin Snakes today, may me realized to live my life even tho it can be rly a bore at times, I`m just rly glad to hve u as a friend/brother
    Awesome @ weight loss. Hope it helps!

    I've been doing fine. It's my birthday today, so that's always fun. BlazBlue also comes out today, should be epic. Over the past few days I've gone to a couple of graduation parties which were incredibly fun. =D!
    Feels bittersweet. It's sad to be leaving the people and places I've grown to know for 12+ years. But at the same time I have a lot of regrets about how I lived those years, so I'm glad to be getting a new start. I'm going to spend this summer having fun and spending some time with friends. Close out this saga of my life with a bang and live it the way I wished I did. Along with keeping my gaming skills fresh of course! lol But Cornell University is going to be great, I know that. So while I look back on the Class of '09 with affection and mixed feelings, I moreso look forward to the Class of '13. I'll meet new people who I'll hopefully become good friends with, some maybe for many many years to come. I'll meet great minds, and those that share similar interests to my own. I'll be independent, which has pluses and minuses, but I look forward to it. Hoping to enjoy life more than I ever have.
    Nah, I haven't had a gf up until now, and starting a relationship when I'm going to start living 4 hours north is kinda risky. That's one of my regrets though through my high school career. Which ended today with my graduation!

    As for the social situation, just work on it! But always be yourself, regardless of how corny and cliche that statement is.

    For the adrenaline, I think I've said all I can possibly say lol. The rest is in your hands!
    Haha, when I was reading I thought the plaque would say: "There are other things in life besides Money--Happiness... Love... Hope" But what it really says works too. =P Don't worry about feeling down, it happens to everyone sometimes!

    As for competitive sword fighting, that sounds really interesting. Let me know how that goes!

    Super lame @ the dad not liking videogames. While it's unfortunate to start that way, I doubt that alone will make-or-break everything. If it was me though, I'd just say flat-out that videogames are just a part of my life. Something like, "It's what I enjoy to do. If you don't like it, that's fine, but don't think poorly of me because of it."

    Oh, and I HATE mosquitoes with a passion.
    Well, the way I see it, you have a few options. 1) Call the place up early tomorrow and ask them to put it in a safe place or 2) Go there yourself and pick it up.

    Now then, no being depressed! Always believe in yourself, my friend. Things in life are bound to go wrong, but you have to keep your head high, learn from mistakes, and move on towards a brighter future. Believe me, my life has been far from perfect, so I'm not just saying it.

    Best of luck with the girl! If things are meant to be then I'm sure it'll go well. Wish I could get a gf but I'm gonna have to wait 'till college.
    Haha, thanks! I do what I can. I'm going into biology to start off with. This field is REALLY general though, and that's why I chose it: to keep my options open. Eventually I may specialize more by going into a more specific field such as biomedical engineering, animal science, or biochemistry (just examples, my choices aren't limited to these). Of course, all these focus around biology. What I've always wanted to be since I was a little kid is a veterinarian. That's still a very real possibility as a career path, but it's far from definite. I may rather go into [biological] research; although you can earn a vet degree and still do research, you don't have to go into practice. Vet school is a loooong road though. After the initial 4 years of college for a baccalaureate degree, you have to apply and be accepted to veterinary graduate school. These are harder to get into than med (i.e. human doctor) school, mainly because there are so few across the country and each enrolls so few students. Then there's a good 8 more years of schooling I believe.
    Hm... beats me. I'm also not sure how much weight corresponds to stamina, especially if it's breathing-related. Cardio exercise could always help, but it seems that you get plenty of that. It's always good to make sure you breath clean air, too. I'm sure physical tendencies change from person to person. It may just be your body is stronger than your lungs.

    LOL @ blacked-out text
    But you're on the right track. It must have taken a lot of will power to get down this far, and that deserves to be applauded.
    Okay, here's what I feel. Think of the concept of "going all out" as the difference between running a marathon or a sprint. By just trying with your average effort, you're running a marathon, you can go for longer with that. If you go all out, you sprint. You get to your destined point much faster, but it lasts shorter before you're exhausted. Both have their pluses and minuses, it just depends on what situation you're and whether or not you need immediate extreme action or if it's a long-term thing. Now, the emotional side of things changes from person to person. As in what state of mind and body constitutes going all out. I'm a rather calm and collected person myself most of the time, so I think I can give my point of view here too. When you go all out, you stress your muscles more than usual, but the problem is for people like us is that we tend to lose our mental edge and make mistakes we wouldn't normally make if we kept cool. Now if you can keep your thoughts keen and muscles to their limit, that would be ideal of course. But you also tend to lose control if your movements get too extreme. Usually you can brush back any pain for a bit while you're in this mode, but eventually that energy will wear off and you'll be in a very tired state, and pay for pushing yourself so hard. Reminds me when I was playing some sport with good friends. I REALLY wanted to do well, so I pushed myself harder than I should have. I was fine during the game, but afterward my legs had cramps for days.

    Now adrenaline, that's something different and the same (PARADOX!). I'm majoring in biology in college, so I could try to explain the science behind adrenaline and similar hormones, but you'd probably get a better explanation from another source. Feel free to come to me with any questions though! This is off the top of my head. Adrenaline pumps through whenever you're serious about something, stressed, excited, or are straining yourself. Adrenaline is released in any extreme circumstance. Like when running a marathon or a sprint, you may get adrenaline either way. However, in practice I personally believe there to be such things as adrenaline SURGES. These come in times where something truly precious is on the line. Someone you love would be in peril and depend on you to save them. You're body and/or mind can become super-human. However, in my opinion, you can't trigger this conscientiously. It just comes naturally when it's supposed to happen, you don't even think about it. I suppose you could try by "fooling" your brain into thinking that such a situation is present, but I can't foresee that having the same effect. You may be able to get a diluted version, however.

    Biologically, adrenaline gives you the option to "fight or flight." This term is widely used to describe how it gives you the boost to either face or run away from the threatening situation you are confronted with.

    Maybe think of it this way. If you're in a track competition, you really want to win of course. It's the competitive nature. You run as hard as you can. Now if your life or someone else's who you care about dearly was on the line, I would expect you to run even faster than before.

    In summary, I feel that the difference between "going all out" and "adrenaline rush" is a blurry one. I believe in your case the former is more conscience and the latter is more naturally stimulated by the situation at hand. But it also depends on how you want to define the words and the circumstances we are concerned with. You can get a technical adrenaline rush while going all out, but I don't believe it would be the same as if something important was at stake (whatever you would call that situation; an adrenaline surge or something else). It's open to debate. Regardless, the integration of body and mind here is pretty interesting.

    DISCLAIMER: I'm not a doctor, these are just my theories from experience. I've taken a college-level biology course, but that was a year+ ago. There's a heck of a lot about biology that I don't know, and this whole system itself gets very complicated. If I knew more about it then I could probably give you more scientific answers.

    Virtual training update:
    I'm still really into SCIV. It just seems to be a game that comes naturally to me. It all flows and makes sense (it's much more realistic than other games). So far my personal best looks like this (NOT real tiers of course):
    1) Xianghua - Really, for me, in a class of her own. I finally memorized all of her natural techniques. Now I'm putting it into practice and it's coming along really well. With experience I'll learn the best strategies and strings of attacks and what works when.
    2) Cassandra - Very well balanced.
    3) Cervantes - Just an insanely good character and I love the dual swords.
    4) Amy (who I picked up since I learned that bonus characters, who Scheherazade was one of, aren't allowed in some tournaments for whatever reason. Amy shares the same style) - Also a very good character

    Strangely enough, my top two seem to me to be the weaker characters. I just like them though!

    BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger comes out in two weeks!!! I can't wait for that! Happens to be released on my birthday too lol.
    I have some ideas, but I have to get off this computer now! I should be on later though. How later, I don't know. Though I can try to use my touch screen device to type, but it'll take awhile.
    Interesting. Kinda sounds like an "overdrive" mode. You want to give yourself an adrenaline rush on a moments notice, without provocation. You want to be able to call upon the inner drive of yourself to protect something precious to you. I could see how that could be very difficult without actually being in such a situation. Though, it should end up coming out naturally when there is truly a need for it, if you get my point there. I could see why you would want to have the ability to use it any time though. Think of what you fight for, why you want strength. Raise up a desire to crush your enemy within your heart and mind. There's a difference between just going all out and a genuine adrenaline rush, however, keep that in mind.
    LOL, very cool. Good to hear you're enjoying the game.

    Haha, ironically Saturday is the one day I do work/volunteer at my vet's office.

    How'd the training turn out?
    No work? Best of luck! Yeah, be sure to fill me in. Meanwhile, I'll be practicing my virtual swordfighting!
    Whoa, that has me dizzy just reading it. Sounds amazing! Plus, flashy stuff has it's benefits. Gotta please the ladies!
    Hey! How're things?

    I'm still really stuck between a 360 and a PS3. And the decision has to be made soon.
    I just found out today that my parents are having our internet shut off, I wont be on near as often, I'll pop in every once in awhile, like when I'm at my gf's house, but other than that, I wont be around....
    Yeah man, been forever and a day, you getting the new monster hunter coming out for psp? I'm getting it the day it comes out.
    Yeah, I never heard of Starfy either until he made that cameo. But that's one of the things I love about Smash. Like Fire Emblem was released in the U.S. because of Roy and Marth in Melee. It's fun, kinda like Kirby. So far it's not too challenging, but I didn't expect it to be. It's also really funny, but then again I always found Stafy funny since I saw him in Brawl, I have no idea why. He's just... Stafy! A crazy starfish who lives in the sky, has an enormous mouth, and talks in squeals. (He's called Stafy in Japan, that's what I first saw him as, so it's what I call him usually).

    I'll be sure to come on in college, no worries about that! Even now, I haven't played Smash in forever, but I still come here just to talk with friends.
    lol Reminds me of the place I work, the old vet (he retired and now another one works there) had TERRIBLE handwriting. It was like translating a foreign language.

    I KNEW IT! @ the catch with the guy. Glad to hear the rest is going well though.

    Things are fine with me. I had my last day of high school yesterday, and the graduation is coming up. Then in late August I head off to Cornell University for college.
    LOL! Did you check to see if his gamer tag was "Santa"? Careful though, people usually aren't that nice, especially to people they don't know, without a catch. That text-interaction reminds me of Mario Kart Wii, which uses the same thing, except it's limited whether or not you're playing with a friend. Lag worse than Brawl's is hard to comprehend haha. What kind of game is it exactly anyway? I pictured a turn-by-turn RPG, but it sounds like an live-action style RPG or something.

    Special LOL @ cheap spammers, crybabies, etc. If it's one thing I hate more than online Brawl, it's 80% of the people who play it.
    Haha, awesome. It's neat how things build off each other like that.

    The name not fitting reminds me of the Madden (professional football simulation) games I used to play. One of my favorite players is Ben Roethlisberger of the Pittsburgh Steelers. His name was longer than what the designer's allowed for so they changed it to Ben Roethlisbergr. And then TJ Houshmandzadeh, well they simply killed that.
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