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MBR Application Process is Closed


Smash Journeyman
Dec 13, 2007

Smashboards Username: StriCNYN3
Region: Tri-State
Primary Character(s): Falco
Secondary Character(s): Fox


  1. Q. How long have you been playing competitive melee?

    A. Since 2006. My first tournament was a Tunes biweekly hosted by Cheezit, 4/20/08.

  2. Q. How often do you attend tournaments? How familiar are you with your local scene? Your regional scene? The national/international scene?

    A. 1 or 2 tournaments each month. Very familiar with all melee in the US. I know a good amount internationally.

  3. Q. How would you classify yourself as a player relative to the current metagame? (beginner, average, high level, pro, etc.)

    A. About semi-pro (between high level and pro)

  4. Q. Do you think the other individuals in your region would support you being a member of the MBR? Why?

    A. Yes. I’m well known in my region and people generally are enthusiastic about me.

  5. Q. Do you consider yourself a discussion leader? Why?

    A. No. Right now I only post on this forum when I see something relevant to what I was looking for at the time. I will make it a point to post in important discussions when the time comes.

  6. Q. Are you an active Tournament Organizer? If Yes, what are some recent tournaments you have hosted? If No, what are some ways you feel you contribute to your local scene despite not being a TO?

    A. I am not a current TO.

  7. Q. Do you feel that the current tier list is accurate? Why?

    A. No. I believe falco is too high on the tier list. That in itself may effect the order of several other characters.

  8. Q. Do you feel that the current MBR recommended stage list is fair? Why?

    A. The stage list fair.

  9. Q. Do you feel that the current MBR recommended rule set is fair? Why?

    A. Yes it is fair.

  10. Q. What is more important to you: Tech Skill or Strategy? Why?

    A. Strategy, because it will develop your mind and make you a better player overall. Becoming flashy and technical can’t do that for you.

  11. Q. What is more important to you: Maximizing Punishments (Combos) or Initiating Punishments (First Hits)? Why?

    A. Maximizing Punishments. Efficient combos lead right to kill setups, which is the point of the game.

  12. Q. Does SSBM have a limited lifespan as a competitive community due to its age or any other factor? Why or why not?

    A. Yes. SSBM is almost 10 years old. The older a game gets, the less enthusiasm people are going to have for it. That doesn’t mean that we still can’t make it last for a long time.

  13. Q. What do you think could be done to expand our community?

    A. We need to concentrate more on having people un-related to the smash community show up, marketing ourselves better and making the community look attractive.

  14. Q. What do you think the MBR could do to stimulate the community?

    A. MBR should periodically blog activity to the public, not just when there is a new tier list, ruleset change or just for admissions.

  15. Q. How do you think the MBR would benefit from your input?

    A. Since I haven’t posted often in the past, my posts will be non-biased and focused on the discussion at hand, based on what I know about the game.

  1. Magus

    As far as I know, Magus has contributed the largest amount of general physics, statistics, etc, information on the forums, definitely one of the most influential posters.

  2. HomeMadeWaffles

    Waffles is a highly dedicated recorder and seems to do well in supporting and being proactive for this game.

  3. Alex Strife

    One of the most dedicated TOs. Goes the extra mile in making sure his events are of quality.



El Fuego
Mar 10, 2006
Philadephia, PA
lol, i don't think you read my additional comments or you wouldn't be saying that.
I did read it, but realistically, I wanted to go Falcon for that whole MM, but after I roflstomped you, you asked me to switch to Marth despite me saying that I don't like that matchup. And then I switched to Fox and roflstomped you again to win the MM. Or am I remembering that incorrectly?



Never Knows Best
Nov 8, 2006
Milpitas, CA
Just gonna point out real quick that Strong_Bad's link goes to Mokumo's app, not Strong_Bad's.


Smash Champion
Apr 19, 2010
Blacksburg, VA
I did read it, but realistically, I wanted to go Falcon for that whole MM, but after I roflstomped you, you asked me to switch to Marth despite me saying that I don't like that matchup. And then I switched to Fox and roflstomped you again to win the MM. Or am I remembering that incorrectly?

lol i took a game off your falcon and then you switched.... :)

but the part about fox is pretty true... :(


Smash Hero
Mar 16, 2008
Captain Falcon
Cactuar, when I see your avatar. I think you really do look like that in person :( Scary.

Though, unmasked, I'm sure you look like :troll:
Cactus looks like Keanu Reeves. He the first person I playedd at my secnd tourny. Didn't know it was him, I thought I was getting 4 stocked repeatedly by a scrub. And then he told me he was Cactus, yay.

DtJ Jungle

Check out my character in #GranblueFantasy
Jul 29, 2008
Smashboards Username: Jungle
Region: Midwest
Primary Character(s): Fox
Secondary Character(s): Sheik


1. Q. How long have you been playing competitive melee?
A. I've been playing melee since the beginning of 2008. Attended my first tournament in October of 2008.

2. Q. How often do you attend tournaments? How familiar are you with your local scene? Your regional scene? The national/international scene?
A. I usually attend once a month, usually local tournaments. I am very familiar with the local scene, and fairly familiar with the regional and national scene.

3. Q. How would you classify yourself as a player relative to the current metagame? (beginner, average, high level, pro, etc.)
A. Average at best.

4. Q. Do you think the other individuals in your region would support you being a member of the MBR? Why?
A. Honestly don't know. I like to believe that I am well respected in my community for my knowledge and insight but I can't really say. I rarely discuss smash with those people.

5. Q. Do you consider yourself a discussion leader? Why?
A. I lead discussion when it's something I find interesting. I'm more of a contributor to discussion, rather than one who leads and directs the flow of it. I guess that by contributing, it's possible to naturally lead and direct the conversation, but I rarely initiate conversation.

6. Q. Are you an active Tournament Organizer? If Yes, what are some recent tournaments you have hosted? If No, what are some ways you feel you contribute to your local scene despite not being a TO?
A. I have hosted a few tournaments, in conjunction with Juggleguy. We took turns being the primary TO in a tournament series that we hosted in the fall. I have also helped co-TO all the ones he's run as the primary TO.

7. Q. Do you feel that the current tier list is accurate? Why?
A. I don't have any objections. Maybe that Jiggypuff is too high. I don't really grasp the low tier's game well enough to comment how they should be placed.

8. Q. Do you feel that the current MBR recommended stage list is fair? Why?
A. I think so. The current stagelist allows for dynamic gameplay without adding too many random aspects that some stages bring. There are some stages that I feel are debatable as counterpicks, but I'm perfectly fine with the list we have now.

9. Q. Do you feel that the current MBR recommended rule set is fair? Why?
A. No current issues with it. The current discussion on Wobbling in Melee Discussion is interesting and is perhaps an idea to explore agan. Other than that, no issues.

10. Q. What is more important to you: Tech Skill or Strategy? Why?
A. If I were talking to a newer player, I would tell them figure out the strategy then mould their tech skill to fit it. I don't really play that way though. I enjoy pushing technical skill to its limits and creating a strategy around what I can do. Is it efficient? Not really, but it keeps the game exciting for me.

11. Q. What is more important to you: Maximizing Punishments (Combos) or Initiating Punishments (First Hits)? Why?
A. Initiating Punishments, even though I am horrendous at it. Getting the first hit consistently does alot more to the opponent then just give them damage. It keeps them under pressure and can force mistakes they normally might not make. Also you can't maximize a punishment if you never get a hit in the first place ;)

12. Q. Does SSBM have a limited lifespan as a competitive community due to its age or any other factor? Why or why not?
A. In theory, no. It can last as long as the community wants it to. However, as the supply of melee discs and gamecube controllers wane, and as this community as a collective grows older and moves onto bigger things in life, I can see the game slowly dying and remaining a small niche in the gaming community, a kin to Guilty Gear or something.

13. Q. What do you think could be done to expand our community?
A. Reach out to interested players and help them learn, especially members of the brawl community. There are many members of that community that really enjoy watching melee and playing it. However, the learning curve is daunting, even more so when Melee players put on their elitist hats and parade that "melee is a better game" and what not. Regardless of our opinion of a better game, we should be open to the brawl community, as there is really no better place to get newer members; people who already play smash already have an idea of how the game works, all we, as veteran melee players, have to do is teach them the differences (tech skill and strategy wise) and help them utilize the skills they gained in brawl to help them in melee. There are other things we can do, like advertise our community's tournaments through fliers or video game clubs at colleges.

14. Q. What do you think the MBR could do to stimulate the community?
A. Either make the MBR public or make the MBR feel like it's apart of this community. If you have no plans to make this public, then the MBR should help stimulate discussion in Melee Discussion/Character boards by sponsoring threads or sharing with the Melee community what they are discussing. Many people who aren't MBR members can still contribute to discussions intelligently, and valuable opinions can be gathered if the MBR reaches out to the community.

15. Q. How do you think the MBR would benefit from your input?
A. To be honest, I am not a high level player, nor am I the most knowledgeable person about melee. I am very good at leading projects and keeping organization within a group. I help move discussion forward and believe that I am an above average debater. I am also active as ****, I can keep the place moving and projects off the ground and moving.


1. Please provide up to 5 examples of contributions you have made to the melee community. Links to exceptional, informative posts are highly valued here.

I honestly don't remember the last time I posted in the melee boards. I have headed a few projects elsewhere though, like two different mentoring programs that are still running today, among other things that have happened because of my initiation and input.

2. List up to three players you feel demonstrate good discussion ability or have outstanding contributions to the community and explain why you think they are a good example.
1. Player: Dr. Peepee
i. Reason: Literally a library of knowledge.
2. Player: Teczero
i. Reason: Teczero has been a mentor to me throughout the last two years. He has taught me so much about the game. The MBR would really benefit from his addition.
3. Player: Cactuar
i. Reason: Because Cactus.

3. Have you read Sirlin's theories regarding "Play to Win"? Do you agree or disagree? Why? How do you think these theories affect and apply to the Melee community?
1. Answer: I have not.

Man I had no intention of filling one of these out. Oh well.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 16, 2010
Man these application questions are boring. They should incorporate gossip or political opinions in some way


Smash Hero
Feb 23, 2006
San Francisco
Smashboards Username: Nintendude1189
Region: Tristate / Upstate NY
Primary Character(s): Ice Climbers
Secondary Character(s): Peach, Luigi, Sheik, but I don't really consider them secondaries since I don't use them in tournaments.


1. Q. How long have you been playing competitive melee?
A. Started learning advanced techniques in 2003, and attended my first tournament in 2006.

2. Q. How often do you attend tournaments? How familiar are you with your local scene? Your regional scene? The national/international scene?
A. My tournament attendance has dropped off during my college years but I go to at least one local tournament during each summer / winter break. I'm fairly familiar with the upstate NY scene and very familiar with the tristate scene. I have knowledge of top players in the West, Southwest, Midwest, and Florida. I don't know much about international players besides powerhouses like Armada and Amsah.

3. Q. How would you classify yourself as a player relative to the current metagame? (beginner, average, high level, pro, etc.)
A. High Level

4. Q. Do you think the other individuals in your region would support you being a member of the MBR? Why?
A. I believe so. To quote prog from apex commentary, "[Nintendude] is like an encyclopedia of Smash." Cort, while no longer active, would definitely vouch for me since he knows I am a Stadium player, and Stadium gives you a vast knowledge of the game's mechanics and how they apply to the entire cast in a variety of situations. I've also been playing in the Tristate region longer than most of the currently active players and people see me as extremely knowledgeable and experienced. Before Apex 2010, Alex Strife consulted me privately about Wobbling. Yes, I'm aware that it's because his decision regarding Wobbling would affect me directly, but it also shows that he values my opinion and regards me as a valuable part of the local scene.

5. Q. Do you consider yourself a discussion leader? Why?
A. Not typically. I prefer to read what other people have to say and not reply unless I have a very strong opinion or I find the topic extremely interesting. I have attempted to start some discussions on data analysis in Melee but they didn't catch peoples' interest and died fairly quickly. I do, however, occasionally make posts that provoke a lot of discussion. An example would be a thread I made calling for improved commentary in Smash matches. While I didn't participate much in the actual discussion (mainly because I laid out all my thoughts in the opening post), that thread stayed afloat for a long time and caught the attention of many big names in the community.

6. Q. Are you an active Tournament Organizer? If Yes, what are some recent tournaments you have hosted? If No, what are some ways you feel you contribute to your local scene despite not being a TO?
A. I organize Melee and Brawl tournaments as part of the annual CornellCon. However, nobody around here has heard of those since they are only open to Cornell students. When I attend local tournaments, at the very least I contribute by bringing a setup. In upstate NY I help seed players from Cornell. Occasionally a TO will consult with me about rules, particularly for SSB64 side tournaments. I ended up co-TOing the Apex SSB64 side tournament.

7. Q. Do you feel that the current tier list is accurate? Why?
A. Approximately. The statistical approach helped to remove any bias in the voting. However, looking at the individual votes, you can see that there is very little consensus besides Fox being #1. This indicates to me that we are having difficulty definitively ranking the characters at this time. The categories of S through G represent a rankings system that is less resolute. Naturally, this is more accurate, but still can be improved, particularly with D tier and below since, to be honest, most people are just taking educated guesses that aren't based on much real experience. Some voters recognized that they did not have an educated opinion and abstained from voting below somewhere around C or D tier, and I bet there are some people that should have abstained but did not. If we are going to definitively rank each character accurately, we need to actually analyze data from tournaments rather than simply take a vote.

8. Q. Do you feel that the current MBR recommended stage list is fair? Why?
A. The starter stage list is fair, particularly in conjunction with the stage strike system. This helps to remove bias of the neutral stages towards certain characters since you are given enough strikes to remove all of the particularly advantageous stages. The counterpick list is a little questionable, primarily because it has stages that can, themselves, dictate the flow of the match. Particularly, on Rainbow Cruise, players will have to alter their playstyle significantly depending on what part of the stage you are on. Pokemon Stadium also has features that can dictate the flow of the match but this is typically limited to stalling until the neutral stage returns, and thus can be neglected.

9. Q. Do you feel that the current MBR recommended rule set is fair? Why?
A. Yes. These rules, for the most part, have been employed in Melee tournaments for over half a decade. History has shown these rules to be overwhelmingly agreed upon as fair and thus have gone mostly unquestioned to this day. The rule set does not ban Wobbling, and I agree with this. All bias towards my main aside, I think Wobbling is fair, but I won't go into that right now.

10. Q. What is more important to you: Tech Skill or Strategy? Why?
A. Both are very important. Most strategies cannot be executed effectively without the tech skill to back them up, but blind tech skill won't get you very far vs. experienced players. Strategy is more important overall though, since it encompasses things like stage control, adaptation, positioning, and move choice. Mastery of these fundamentals separates the high level players from the pros.

11. Q. What is more important to you: Maximizing Punishments (Combos) or Initiating Punishments (First Hits)? Why?
A. Initiating Punishments. If you are getting more first hits, you are the one in control of the match. Technically you don't even need combos to win a match if you are able to maintain control the entire time. First hits are the realization of outplaying your opponent.

12. Q. Does SSBM have a limited lifespan as a competitive community due to its age or any other factor? Why or why not?
A. Unless something big changes, yes. An easy way to see this is to just think about 50 years from now. Many, if not all, of the current players will have moved on, but who will replace them? Will gamers 50 years from now decide to start playing a game that is many generations outdated? Melee will always have a cult following, but it is unlikely that a large-scale competitive community can be sustained for an extended period of time under current circumstances.

13. Q. What do you think could be done to expand our community?
A. Outreach and "conversion" of Brawl players. Nearly every community, school, or university has at least one group of friends that plays Smash at least somewhat seriously yet is oblivious to the competitive community. The community needs to become more publicized via flyers and mainstream media, particularly on the internet, to assimilate these players. As for Brawl players, a lot of them are intimidated by the steep learning curve of the game. The Melee community has to be more inviting to those with any interest in learning. Speaking of being more inviting, we have to embrace our lower level players and make sure they keep persisting. A good way to do this would be to make pools more ubiquitous in local tournaments. This alleviates the fear of throwing away $10 just to get 2-0'd twice and go home, and it also removes local bias in seeding. Pools are very doable provided TOs adhere to a strict schedule and stop starting an hour or two late. An idea I once had was to do 3-stock pools at local tournaments but this never ended up happening.

Another really important way to expand the community is to increase our professionalism. More structured ratings and rankings, leagues (like athletic conferences, perhaps), improved commentary, etc. Increased professionalism can lead to more sponsors, which can have a positive feedback effect due to increased resources.

14. Q. What do you think the MBR could do to stimulate the community?
A. I think the MBR should publish exemplary posts in public parts of the forum. For example, let's say someone makes an excellent post on how Fox can't be #1 because of such and such strategies that counter him, and it is very well-written and informative (even if its conclusion is questionable). Well, it could be much more beneficial if everyone, not just MBR members, could read it and reply. While I'm unfamiliar with the nature of MBR discussions because I haven't been a member, I'm sure there are plenty of posts made that could be standalone discussion starters in the public forum.

Another HUGE thing the MBR can do to progress the community is to develop and institute some kind of ratings system (like in chess) and rankings based purely on data, math, and statistics. See my sample contributions for some of my own thoughts on the role of math and statistics in competitive Melee. I think that the community needs this kind of structure to keep players interested in this game, and possibly to attract the attention of non-Smash players to this spectator's sport. Competitors often need some kind of overarching goal to maintain interest. Like in college sports, you always have something concrete to work towards, from winning your conference, to winning the national championship. Followers of sports feel the same way ("Can so-and-so team repeat as regular season champions this year?"), and a more structured competitive atmosphere can go a long way towards maintaining interest. Obviously the MBR members can't be the ones who control such a system, but they can be instrumental in laying down the foundation.

Going back to tasks that the MBR is currently pursuing, match-casting is of utmost importance in influencing this community positively. I've been trying to get into Starcraft 2 and this has been invaluable in helping me improve, holding my interest, and inspiring me to keep playing the game despite getting owned repeatedly in silver league. Match casting will make our community that much more accessible to aspiring players who are overwhelmed with the learning curve of this game.

15. Q. How do you think the MBR would benefit from your input?
A. I think that I have a lot of unique ideas about the MBR's potential role in the structure of the competitive Melee community. I can also offer years of experience playing this game both competitively and in single player modes. I played Stadium for several years before going to tournaments and accumulated a lot of knowledge, both obscure and practical, about all characters in the game. I also use Ice Climbers, one of the least used high tier characters. I think that the MBR can benefit greatly from my presence because very few people can offer opinions about stuff relating to ICs that are backed up by years of experience playing them in tournaments.


1. Please provide up to 5 examples of contributions you have made to the melee community. Links to exceptional, informative posts are highly valued here.

1. Link: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=250970
i. Description: An attempt to redefine "matchup ratios." I think this is something that the MBR can examine more closely and even though this topic died long ago, I'd love to see the idea revised and implemented. I think it has a lot of potential and is a step towards basing a tier list on raw data in order to create absolute rankings.

2. Link: http://allisbrawl.com/forum/topic.aspx?id=29078
i. Description: Culmination of several years of playing 10-Man Melee competitively. I know that's not a smashboards post but it is because I wrote it for the Stadium community, which resides on AiB currently.

3. Link: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=276267
i. Description: My take on Smash commentary and why we should strive to make it more professional.

4. Link: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=266809
i. Description: Preliminary thoughts on the application of pairwise comparisons for power rankings. The idea was a flop but I still believe that such a system would be a step towards professionalism for this community. The MBR can help spearhead that.

2. List up to three players you feel demonstrate good discussion ability or have outstanding contributions to the community and explain why you think they are a good example.
1. Player: Wobbles
i. Reason: He's very articulate, clear, and elaborate with his posts. He can back up his statements with a considerable amount of experience.
2. Player: Cactuar
i. Reason: I've read some really insightful stuff from this guy concerning the more "hidden" aspects of the game that separate the good from the great. Like Wobbles, he speaks from experience and offers incredibly sound advice.
3. Player: Plank
i. Reason: Plank has really poured his heart into this community. While I have not attended a Pound tournament personally, I have only heard fantastic things (ok let's forget about the Pound V finances here). I saw him in action at Apex and was really impressed with how he selflessly devoted much of his time into ensuring that the event ran smoothly, even though the event wasn't even his. It's such a shame that Pound V turned out as it did but that doesn't change the fact that he has done so much for the livelihood of this community.
4. Player: nealdt
i. Reason: So yeah I'm adding this one after writing my original application but he randomly came to mind, and after realizing how much he's done I felt like writing about him. Between developing TIO/TIA, running quality tournaments (Champ Combo series), and founding / running AIB, nealdt has done a lot to advance the quality of the competitive infrastructure of Smash. The tournament organization / results system in place on AIB is a step towards creating the organized leagues and rankings that I am an advocate of. While it is unfortunate that AIB turned into a Smashboards rival, it has brought in a lot of new players to the Smash scene as a whole. It also goes without saying that TIO was a wonderful contribution to the Smash community.

3. Have you read Sirlin's theories regarding "Play to Win"? Do you agree or disagree? Why? How do you think these theories affect and apply to the Melee community?
1. Answer: I have not read this, but I'll get around to it someday.


I can offer years of experience playing an obscure character and a wealth of knowledge concerning mechanics of this game. I think that my engineering background has inspired me to think about Melee, and the competitive community, from a different perspective - one that is heavily influenced by statistics and mathematics. This is reflected in my ideas of reformulating the tier list and matchup analysis.

I'll admit I haven't been the most active poster here recently, but that would change if I were admitted to the MBR. I still lurk the boards regularly (once a day at least) but the reason I typically don't post is that there isn't much discussion that has piqued my interest enough for me to want to reply. I care a lot about this game and if given the opportunity to share my thoughts in a more professional setting you'll definitely see me contributing a lot more than I have been. Thank you for your consideration.


Smash Champion
Jul 24, 2007
vegas baby
2. Player: Cactuar
i. Reason: I've read some really insightful stuff from this guy concerning the more "hidden" aspects of the game that separate the good from the great. Like Wobbles, he speaks from experience and offers incredibly sound advice.

good choice breh


El Fuego
Mar 10, 2006
Philadephia, PA
lol i took a game off your falcon and then you switched.... :)

but the part about fox is pretty true... :(
Ohhh cool! I didn't remember that... When I play Falcon, everything is a blur.

You did pretty well vs Eggm's Fox that day though!


Smash Champion
Jun 25, 2006
Sierra Vista AZ
^Cactuar, just letting you know I edited/finished my App...

I filled out the optional areas I wanted to fill out.

might have post a bit too much.... sorry if I did... :(

K just informin ya. :p


Banned ( ∫x, δx Points)
Jul 19, 2006
Boston, MA
Smashboards Username: ArcNatural
Region: Boston, MA: New England
Primary Character(s): Fox
Secondary Character(s): Marth/Falcon/Sheik/Falco


1. Q. How long have you been playing competitive melee?

A. Since 2004 I believe

2. Q. How often do you attend tournaments? How familiar are you with your local scene? Your regional scene? The national/international scene?

A. I attend weekly smashfests. I've attended one Major per year since 2006 and usually go to 1 to 2 tournaments per month.

3. Q. How would you classify yourself as a player relative to the current metagame? (beginner, average, high level, pro, etc.)

A. High Level Almost made bracket at ROM2, ROM3, P5 (I blame Everlasting Yayhuzz, yes he took the last spot in every single last round pool at each event).

4. Q. Do you think the other individuals in your region would support you being a member of the MBR? Why?

A. Yes, I have helped teach and improve many players in my region, Zoso, Yedi, Irish Mafia, list goes on.

5. Q. Do you consider yourself a discussion leader? Why?

A. I could be, When I first mained Marth I was heavy into asking questions and video critique and just overall keeping up discussion. This has branched out into multiple characters nowadays.

6. Q. Are you an active Tournament Organizer? If Yes, what are some recent tournaments you have hosted? If No, what are some ways you feel you contribute to your local scene despite not being a TO?

A. I am not a TO, but as I stated previously, I have basically brought lower level players to their next level and brought more people into play melee.

7. Q. Do you feel that the current tier list is accurate? Why?

A. Yes, I feel that any fluctuations at this point would be due to the players rather than the characters.

8. Q. Do you feel that the current MBR recommended stage list is fair? Why?

A. It's tough for me to decide. I feel the main reason the CPs we have are active (PS, RC, Brinstar) are simply to enable the bans to not remove the main CP stages (Peach/Ganon/Jiggs: Dreamland for example.

9. Q. Do you feel that the current MBR recommended rule set is fair? Why?

A. I feel that it is fair, however, the importance that TOs can still make their own rules should still take precedent.

10. Q. What is more important to you: Tech Skill or Strategy? Why?

A. Strategy, I enjoy tech skill but nothing compares to teaching newer players a greater understanding of the game. Learning about spacing, "dont get hit", multiple scenarios and cause and effect. Seeing the look in players eyes when it dawns on them what they just learned is what I strive for.

11. Q. What is more important to you: Combos or First Hits? Why?

A. Lately I've been stressing consistency and comboing. But I was ALWAYS more focused on getting that first hit forever. I am much more of a player who tries to play random and punish other players for predictability. KDJ was my idol (Still is) and his randomness was always something I aspired to be able to do.

12. Q. Does SSBM have a limited lifespan as a competitive community due to its age or any other factor? Why or why not?

A. Melee has gone on too long to consider that it will have a limited lifespan. Many of the top players are very young is only a sign that Melee still attracts the younger community.

13. Q. What do you think could be done to expand our community?

A. Playing in more public areas. Going to other video game fests and playing with your friends. Spread combo videos on Facebook/blogs/etc.

14. Q. What do you think the MBR could do to stimulate the community?

A. Hold monthly tournaments for Title or Name color privileges for attending the monthlies in your area. (IE Mass Madness is a recognized monthly, smashboards giving additional bonus's could make more players interested in being active).

15. Q. How do you think the MBR would benefit from your input?

A. I've always added my beliefs to almost every topic brought up in the current MBR. I explain my reasons and respond accordingly.


1. Please provide up to 5 examples of contributions you have made to the melee community. Links to exceptional, informative posts are highly valued here.
1. I moderated Melee Discussion and all melee character boards for approximately 3 years. I didn't leave moderation because I was bored of it, I felt it was important to get fresh faces and more singular mods to each room. I felt it was a good change leaving me more time to get back to posting and playing again.

If I can find links later I will post them. But I have contributed to the Marth Matchups Thread, many threads in Marth and Fox in general and melee discussion.

2. List up to three players you feel demonstrate good discussion ability or have outstanding contributions to the community and explain why you think they are a good example.

1. Player: Mogwai
i. Reason: A good player, created very organized threads in the Falco Board, extremely knowledgeable and willing to debate and reason any points you may have.

2. Player: KirbyKaze
i. Reason: Also a very knowledgeable and likable poster. Is a very high level player as well.

3. Player: KishPrime
i. Reason: One of the older respected member of melee's lifespan, period. I don't think it even needs to be discussed. Always has and always will be an intelligent poster.

3. Have you read Sirlin's theories regarding "Play to Win"? Do you agree or disagree? Why? How do you think these theories affect and apply to the Melee community?

1. Answer: I agree and believe they are a part of the Melee community. If we didn't we wouldn't be wavedashing! Higher Level play has been increased and nothing appears to have become undeniably broken as of yet. If anything it brings more to the discussion of melee and people learning ways around new tactics.



Smash Champion
Apr 19, 2010
Blacksburg, VA
Ohhh cool! I didn't remember that... When I play Falcon, everything is a blur.

You did pretty well vs Eggm's Fox that day though!
lol thanks... and I'm just joking about the mm anyway, it was only for a dollar and i'm pretty sure you were sandbagging... but that was like the highlight of my smash career... its just downhill from here :(


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
Smashboards Username: SleepyK
Region: Atlanta, GA, ATL South
Primary Character(s): Falco
Secondary Character(s): Fox, Captain Falcon, Marth, Game and Watch, Ganondorf

1. Q. How long have you been playing competitive melee?

A. 4 Years, since 2007

2. Q. How often do you attend tournaments? How familiar are you with your local scene? Your regional scene? The national/international scene?

A. I generally attend one or two nationals a year. i attend at least one tournament (maybe not entering, at the very least recording and uploading matches) a month. i am a cornerstone in my local scene and i guess a lot of dudes like me in the regional scene.

3. Q. How would you classify yourself as a player relative to the current metagame? (beginner, average, high level, pro, etc.)

A. i will argue that i suck and i hate video games
but i'm high level i guess. I feel as if my mental understanding of the game is currently stronger than my ability to play it.

4. Q. Do you think the other individuals in your region would support you being a member of the MBR? Why?

A. i think so. i talk to a lot of people in depth about smash bros a lot. I extend my help beyond my region and I consider myself a pretty good teacher.

5. Q. Do you consider yourself a discussion leader? Why?

A. not particularly in the backroom; i tend to ramble until i find a way to put my thoughts into words...
and by then, someone has said what i wanted to say better. However, I feel I usually have good contributions when I haven't been beaten to the punch.

6. Q. Are you an active Tournament Organizer? If Yes, what are some recent tournaments you have hosted? If No, what are some ways you feel you contribute to your local scene despite not being a TO?

A. i have helped record at every tournament i have attended and i generally am called to help seed the bracket, including at nationals. My youtube channel is one of the larger ones and the only Smash game I upload is melee. Beyond that, I try to teach players in my local (and outside my local) region.
For the people who want my help, I also do something akin to what day[9] does. I take a video and livestream me watching it while I dissect and analyze what happened and how it could have been done better. I have one or two on youtube, but they're set to private. I can provide links if asked for them.

7. Q. Do you feel that the current tier list is accurate? Why?

A. for the most part, although i still believe falco is tied at third with marth and sheik is second. If the tier list were to lean more towards representing the current metagame as opposed to player lists, it's pretty accurate for NTSC.

8. Q. Do you feel that the current stage list is fair? Why?

A. I do not think brinstar, KJ64, or Rainbow Cruise should be legal stages for reasons we have discussed to death in that stage thread. if i need to elaborate, let me know.

9. Q. Do you feel that the current rule set is fair? Why?

A. I think it's a pretty solid ruleset at the moment. stage striking allows players to avoid their least favored stages at the beginning.

10. Q. What is more important to you: Tech Skill or Strategy? Why?

A. uh.. you need tech skill to provide options to generate more strategies, but you should not rely on pure tech skill in the absence of strategy.

11. Q. What is more important to you: Combos or First Hits? Why?

A. first hits, because at high level, first hits should lead into combos anyway. First hits end up being about spacing and whatnot.

Although personally, I'd rather just combo you :dazwa:

12. Q. Does SSBM have a limited lifespan as a competitive community due to its age or any other factor? Why or why not?

A. age is certainly a hindrance because the flow of new players has slowed to a trickle, but the game is vastly deep and allows for tons of development in the metagame. Future projects may extend the life of the game as long as people are willing to put forth the effort. I know I've been putting forth the effort.

13. Q. What do you think could be done to expand our community?

A. a lot. i had an idea regarding traveling to players who don't get to travel that worked pretty well until i hit broke. if i get this job i'm applying for then i can do it more often.
i also think we need to branch out to machinima and other major game video hosts to spread awareness of our competitive scene and the devotion we have as players.

14. Q. What do you think the MBR could do to stimulate the community?

i think at the moment we're doing alright with our general releases. I think there needs to be a larger awareness of things. A lot of players are still given the "find out the pro secrets yourself" bit and i feel as if the game is beyond that nowadays.

15. Q. How do you think the MBR would benefit from your input?

A. i feel that i'm fairly knowledgeable. i enjoy discussion about the game and i've been devoted to it for a while now.
also, i like dudes and butts and dude's butts.
no homo.


1. Please provide up to 5 examples of contributions you have made to the melee community. Links to exceptional, informative posts are highly valued here.

1. Link: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=282292
i. Description: In this thread I detail a short term plan to rekindle interest in players that have never or no longer go to tournaments.

2. Link: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=247119
i. Description: the thread on melee hacks where i figured stuff out. I'm not sure where the posts are anymore, but I was doing thangs.

3. Link: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?p=12245208&highlight=#post12245208
i. Description: my how2melee guide for completely new players

4. Link: Can't find it, but I have the ideas saved in a document.
i. Description: my ideas with rockcrock on an instructional DI video that I never got finished.

5. Link:http://www.smashboards.com/search.php?searchid=4372335
i. Description: Not sure if this will work, but it's a list of threads I have made in the Tournament Videos of the melee section.

2. List up to three players you feel demonstrate good discussion ability or have outstanding contributions to the community and explain why you think they are a good example.

1. Player: GAWes
i. Reason: GAWes is a legend in my book. Outside of being a good friend and a generally cool guy, he's the one who put Georgia on the map as a Smash community. He was hosting nationals that also donated huge amounts to the Red Cross while he was in High school. He is also excellent at discussing the game (when he's not trolling) and his old-school concepts have changed my opinion on things many times. He's a big part of why I play the game today.

2. Player: dashdancedan
i. Reason: I feel as if Dan is incredibly knowledgeable in the game. Whenever I'm thinking about something related to smash (be it technical or conceptual), Dan is the first person I go to. He is insightful and makes excellent observations.

3. Player: HyugaRicdeau
i. Reason: I love sheridan. There's a list of real reasons, but they're hard for me to word at the moment. Sheridan has been an excellent discussion leader and contributor since forever.

3. Have you read Sirlin's theories regarding "Play to Win"? Do you agree or disagree? Why? How do you think these theories affect and apply to the Melee community?
1. Answer: i actually borrowed the book from reflex but i've yet to read it. i think the general concepts that have been discussed with me are interesting and i agree with a lot of them, but they apply differently to smash.

i like video games.

no i hate video games

Metal Reeper

Smash Champion
Oct 20, 2006
Abington PA
What SleepyK said about going to Machinima for advertising is the best thing I've ever heard.

I think machinima would def upload a combo video or a techskill video. I could see them uploading something along the lines of crazy lil jungle bird :D


King of the Ship of Fools
Jun 22, 2003

1. Q. How long have you been playing competitive melee?
A. Since before you were born.

2. Q. How often do you attend tournaments? How familiar are you with your local scene? Your regional scene? The national/international scene?
A. Once a year. I’m pretty familiar with the local scene, seeing that it is myself and my brother and occasionally Nick Deranek. I also read results...usually.

3. Q. How would you classify yourself as a player relative to the current metagame? (beginner, average, high level, pro, etc.)
A. Super Pro – Retired Edition

4. Q. Do you think the other individuals in your region would support you being a member of the MBR? Why?
A. I’m freaking KishPrime.

5. Q. Do you consider yourself a discussion leader? Why?
A. Used to be. Now I’m just a good contributor. I'm an excellent moderator, when needed.

6. Q. Are you an active Tournament Organizer? If Yes, what are some recent tournaments you have hosted? If No, what are some ways you feel you contribute to your local scene despite not being a TO?
A. No, but my local scene (mentioned previously) is rocking 33% because of me. I have written many a PM to people who need advice on TOing. Alternatively, replace “active” with “awesome” in the question and then you have me.

7. Q. Do you feel that the current tier list is accurate? Why?
A. Seeing as how there is no “right” definition for a tier list, it’s as close as it’ll ever be!

8. Q. Do you feel that the current stage list is fair? Why?
A. Fair in this context is a relative term. Any stage list is fair, given that it is enforced equally. Because of this, I do believe in the diversification of the game (playing under different stagesets occasionally). I think Advanced Slobs neutralizes most of the advantages present in the stage system no matter what you use. That said, the standard system is good enough for majors.

9. Q. Do you feel that the current rule set is fair? Why?
A. Same at the above. Would be interesting to run some variations in tournament format every now and again, but it’s fine.

10. Q. What is more important to you: Tech Skill or Strategy? Why?
A. Impossible to rank. Both can lead to victory, but a lack of balance will eventually undo you. Skillwise, I am much better at the strategy end than the tech skill end, given my propensity to screw up anything with a requirement for consistency.

11. Q. What is more important to you: Combos or First Hits? Why?
A. First hits for the reason outlined above. Much better at reacting than following preprogrammed sequences.

12. Q. Does SSBM have a limited lifespan as a competitive community due to its age or any other factor? Why or why not?
A. Yes. The EMP will eventually end electronics as we know them, and then we will revert to board games or be too busy fighting wars and surviving the Apocalypse. Sorry, Melee.

13. Q. What do you think could be done to expand our community?
A. MBR-Oriented Regional/National Circuits

14. Q. What do you think the MBR could do to stimulate the community?
A. See above.

15. Q. How do you think the MBR would benefit from your input?
A. Old men are smart. They’ve done and seen a lot, and things change less than you think they do.


1. Please provide up to 5 examples of contributions you have made to the melee community. Links to exceptional, informative posts are highly valued here.
1. Link: Dead
i. Description: MELEE-FC1
2. Link: Dead
i. Description: MELEE-FC3
3. Link: Dead
i. Description: MELEE-FC6
4. Link: Dead
i. Description: MELEE-FCD
5. Link: Not enough room for it
i. Description: Everything I’ve ever said in a Back Room.

2. List up to three players you feel demonstrate good discussion ability or have outstanding contributions to the community and explain why you think they are a good example.
1. Player: KishPrime
i. Reason: Amazing Jigglypuff. Related to the guy who started the term "JV-stocking."

3. Have you read Sirlin's theories regarding "Play to Win"? Do you agree or disagree? Why? How do you think these theories affect and apply to the Melee community?
1. Answer: I was doing Sirlin before Sirlin. If it’s in the game, it’s in the game. The Melee community was mostly good about it due to good leadership – for example, the Wobbles was never banned. It would take way more than I’ve ever seen in the game for me to want to ban something. It’s a bigger issue for Brawl, because the mechanics are much less balanced and harder to work within.


Smash Champion
Jul 24, 2007
vegas baby
I'm gonna mention something to machinima if no1 else cares/wants to.

If anyone wants to link me some really hype match[commentary preferred], or combo video
post it here, this needs to be a really good first impression choice.

i was thinking perfect dark for the techskill, im sure that catches alot of eyes.

also PP vs Armada at p5 was pretty hype.

actually i don't see machinima doing anything besides a combo video or a compilation of some sort.


Jun 3, 2003
The land of wind and ghosts
Smashboards Username: Eternal President King Joshu
Region: I mostly work on the upper region, generally my pecs
Primary Character(s): Static Protagonist
Secondary Character(s): Flat Protagonist


1. Q. How long have you been playing competitive melee?
A. If I could go back in time,
I would give the wide world just to change your mind
To open up your eyes
If I could go back in time
So I think like 10 years?

2. Q. How often do you attend tournaments? How familiar are you with your local scene? Your regional scene? The national/international scene?
A. When I was wingin' it there was a tournament once every 5 months and the only regions were your parent's basements. I was top tier at Kish Basement 0X

3. Q. How would you classify yourself as a player relative to the current metagame? (beginner, average, high level, pro, etc.)
A. Metaknight isn't in Melee?

4. Q. Do you think the other individuals in your region would support you being a member of the MBR? Why?
A. I think they would be offended that the only reason I'm there is because I was there 10 years ago.

5. Q. Do you consider yourself a discussion leader? Why?
A. Yes. This discussion is over. Next question.

6. Q. Are you an active Tournament Organizer? If Yes, what are some recent tournaments you have hosted? If No, what are some ways you feel you contribute to your local scene despite not being a TO?
A. I am a successful tournament host with many surviving attendees.

7. Q. Do you feel that the current tier list is accurate? Why?
A. I liked the old one. I believe that everything was better back in the day like Stretch Armstrong and Moon Shoes and Sock em Boppers because they were more fun than a pillow fight.

8. Q. Do you feel that the current MBR recommended stage list is fair? Why?

9. Q. Do you feel that the current MBR recommended rule set is fair? Why?

10. Q. What is more important to you: Tech Skill or Strategy? Why?
A. Tech skill since I work in a tech support place. If I didn't have tech support skill I wouldn't have gotten promoted last year.

11. Q. What is more important to you: Maximizing Punishments (Combos) or Initiating Punishments (First Hits)? Why?
A. FIRST STRIKE Kill em all and let god sort em out that's what i say

12. Q. Does SSBM have a limited lifespan as a competitive community due to its age or any other factor? Why or why not?
A. Yes because eventually time makes fools of us all.

13. Q. What do you think could be done to expand our community?
A. Hand out more McDonalds at each event. The community would get fat and expand more in no time. Though honestly this makes no sense a lot of the time tournaments don't have much space to begin with I don't know why you want everyone to weigh 300 pounds but hey whatever!

14. Q. What do you think the MBR could do to stimulate the community?
A. Free Aderall with purchase of Joshu Autographs.

15. Q. How do you think the MBR would benefit from your input?
A. How wouldn't it?


1. Please provide up to 5 examples of contributions you have made to the melee community. Links to exceptional, informative posts are highly valued here.
I lost all mine when the jerks in the BBR kept deleting my posts and then banned me. I'm sure like two of you remember Twice Jumping and the extremely legit and brilliant discussion on banning Sailor Saturn, to name a couple.

2. List up to three players you feel demonstrate good discussion ability or have outstanding contributions to the community and explain why you think they are a good example.
1. Player: Me
i. Reason: Twice Jumping
2. Player: KishQuad
i. Reason: Almost beat Ken
3. Player: KishPrime
i. Reason: A living example of how old people can think they're still useful but actually are just kind of cranky.

3. Have you read Sirlin's theories regarding "Play to Win"? Do you agree or disagree? Why? How do you think these theories affect and apply to the Melee community?
1. Answer: I think in 5000 years it will be the new bible and Sirlinism will be the new religion of choice.


Juno McGrath

Smash Hero
Mar 28, 2009
Raleigh, NC.
yeah..you're probably right.

i was thinking a space animal video of some sort though, i feel they catch the eye atleast.
When I was getting XS to sponsor me I showed them no ceilings by IB and Afro Chris.

It was hype enough for them.

I also showed them the reaction to HERB 3 Doubles grandfinals.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
probably would have to be a really hype set with informative commentary (such as wife + somebody) with a lot of dollars on the line.

Metal Reeper

Smash Champion
Oct 20, 2006
Abington PA
Smashboards Username: Metal Reeper
Region: Pennsylvania
Primary Character(s): Marth/Falco
Secondary Character(s):Fox/Ylink


1. Q. How long have you been playing competitive melee?
A.Since 2006. My first tournament was Apex 2010. I would of loved to go to tournament before then but my I lived in the middle of Maryland where i was stranded from the smash community. I lurked on the boards for years until actually posting.

2. Q. How often do you attend tournaments? How familiar are you with your local scene? Your regional scene? The national/international scene?
A. PA doesn't have much tournaments but I make it to every one that we have if I can. I am pretty familliar with the local scene. I know everyone around and they know me. I'm ok with the regional scene. I talk to MD/VA regularly about smash.

3. Q. How would you classify yourself as a player relative to the current metagame? (beginner, average, high level, pro, etc.)
A. I feel that I am somewhere between average and high level. Every time I play I learn more and more and more and can't wait to pick up my controller again.

4. Q. Do you think the other individuals in your region would support you being a member of the MBR? Why?
A. Yes, I talk to many people around the area in detail about smash. I show that I have a very good game knowledge of game mechanics/strategies/MU's/ and stage discussion. I am sure my area would vouch for me.

5. Q. Do you consider yourself a discussion leader? Why?
A. Yes, I feel that I can carry an interesting topic far. Discussing every aspect of the topic and approaching each topic from different perspectives.

6. Q. Are you an active Tournament Organizer? If Yes, what are some recent tournaments you have hosted? If No, what are some ways you feel you contribute to your local scene despite not being a TO?
A. No I am not. I plan to find a venue soon and start holding local tournaments for the smash scene and the locals around here. I'd like to try comic book stores, wreck centers or maybe a college nearby.

7. Q. Do you feel that the current tier list is accurate? Why?
A. I agree with this tier list more than the others we've had. I feel that puff shouldn't be as high, at least not S tier. I believe Falco should be #1 though. He just has so much priority and can cover so much space and options at once. I feel the rest of the tier list is very accurate. I'd say some characters should be moved up though, considering the amazing advancement of Arizona's players.

8. Q. Do you feel that the current MBR recommended stage list is fair? Why?
A. I feel that the stages are good. A lot of people complain about KD64, Brinstar, rainbow cruise. They are supposed to be counterpicks for a reason, however many feel that these stages are a landslide counterpick and change the entire set drastically. I don't agree with that. I suppose it is much harder stage-wise if you only have one main.

9. Q. Do you feel that the current MBR recommended rule set is fair? Why?
A. Yes. 4 stocks have always been good. 8 minutes is enough time. Some argue that there shouldn't be any clock to stop people from camping. I think most of the clock situations has more to deal with tournament time than anything else. If there was no time limit I could potentially see matches lasting longer.

10. Q. What is more important to you: Tech Skill or Strategy? Why?
A. I would say strategy. M2K claims to have "no" tech skill. He isn't a very technical considering players we've all been amazed with such as Lovage, SW,Eggz and Dark. M2K is more strategy. Very smart player. He can force positons and manipulate the stage surrounding him anyway he chooses. Even the technical players that I've mentioned have fallen to such smart players such as M2K, Armada. This list goes on.

11. Q. What is more important to you: Maximizing Punishments (Combos) or Initiating Punishments (First Hits)? Why?
A. Initiating Punishments are more important to me. It is the first method of attack. Both players start off in a neutral position, the only way to start a combo is with Inital Punishments. Although, these punishments can be physical and psychological. Many good players such as Cactuar I would say would agree with me. There are many players that are high level such as Cactuar that are not really known to pull off amazing combos but they're neutral game and punishment game is amazing. It just goes to show you that you don't need to combo to win. I'm not saying Cactuar and other players at his level can't combo, it's just I think they fall more to the initiating punishment psychology more.

12. Q. Does SSBM have a limited lifespan as a competitive community due to its age or any other factor? Why or why not?
A. You can't help but address the issue of gamecubes,controllers, other hardware, etc that we need to play. This community can survive as long as people are willing to fight for it. Willing enough to help each other out, post good threads, and want to get better. Another thing is the whole dolphin emulation and online play melee may have one day. I think this would be great, but it would change our community negatively in some aspects. I can see this game going on for years to come. I think we are all still surprised that ten years after its released date we're still going strong. Good job SWF :D

13. Q. What do you think could be done to expand our community?
A. I think this entirely depends on how kind the community is. I know the smash community is very nice towards everyone. But I'd like to ask the community to be especially nice to newer players. If they don't like the community the game is associated with, they will not want to play for much longer. I would also say to post around fliers around the venue. Facebook has also been a big help in organizing events (Non-Melee) that I have been to. Using facebook groups can greatly help the smash community. the facebook group shows people that you know that are going to the event. If your friends are going, then you will be obligated to go :D

14. Q. What do you think the MBR could do to stimulate the community?
A. Open the MBR for all players eyes. This will of course bring up conversation and debates among the community. Maybe the MBR could do something more with videos instead of text, maybe an informing video. Or a video to showcase the new tier list, the changes of the tier from that year and previous year and specifically why they're tier ranking has changed (Personally I have always wanted to know that)
That is just afew examples I have in mind at the top of my head.

15. Q. How do you think the MBR would benefit from your input?
A. I love to debate. I love to discuss new options and opinions of everyone involved to make something new. Whether it be a new tier list, stage bans, neutral stage changes, etc. I will always say my opinion and what I believe to be the best course of action. I hope only to propel us forward into the future.

1. Please provide up to 5 examples of contributions you have made to the melee community. Links to exceptional, informative posts are highly valued here.
1. Link:http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=233340&page=101
i. Description: I love critiquing people in depth. It helps others get better, help them notice what someone else sees but most of all it shows myself what I know and what I believe. The best way to understand something is to teach it.

2. Link:http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=281291&page=2
i. Description: I tested some CC % to create a database of CC %. Nobody really helped so the thread died months ago.

2. List up to three players you feel demonstrate good discussion ability or have outstanding contributions to the community and explain why you think they are a good example.
1. Player: Axe
i. Reason: He is just such a big inspiration to me. He mains a mid-tier character and can still make top 5 in 2 nationals against the best players in the world. I believe he is the only person to truly master his character. Axe is also such a nice guy. I was nervous to ask him to playin me in friendlies at apex. When I asked him his face lit up as if he was more excited than I was. Axe is an amazing player and person. His posts/threads are informative and nothing goes to waste.

2. Player: Magus420
i. Reason: Without Magus I feel that many of us wouldn't know as much about melee. He has dug deeper into melee's mechanics more than anyone. I find his posts very imformative and helpful. Although many of his posts are too complicated for even me to understand concerning the complexity of many situations in melee.

3. Player: Ken/M2K/Mango
i. Reason: These 3 players have pushed the game to heights we never thought possible. All of them were ahead of the metagame at the time. Everyone knew and understood this. If your not the best, you want to be. That mentality is what all of us have. We always want to beat the best. I think these 3 were untouchable in a sense during their smash careers. I think this really kept the community going and showed that many things were possible that many thought of as impossible or unnecessary at the time.

3. Have you read Sirlin's theories regarding "Play to Win"? Do you agree or disagree? Why? How do you think these theories affect and apply to the Melee community?
1. Answer: I believe that one must play to win to get better. However, I believe that "Playing to learn" also has a very big importance. If you just solely try to win you may not have learned as much as if you were playing to win. You need to lose, to get better.Like a saiyan :) If, not lose, punished so you can learn from your mistakes.


I'd love to be a member of the MBR. I know I am not the most well-known player, but I hope to change that very soon. I feel that I am a very knowledgeable well respected player amongst our community. I have also been posting a lot more lately which has really helped me get better.
I loved filling out this application. I felt that I filled this out very well and it just shows how this game has helped me grow over the years.
Thank you for this opportunity <3


Smash Master
Jun 4, 2003
Osceola, IN
Get these children off my lawn!

Smashboards Username: Kish "The Man" Squared
Region: Osceola
Primary Character(s): Fox
Secondary Character(s): ...Fox

1. Q. How long have you been playing competitive melee?
A. Every since the epic Trinity tournament of '99. I beat Joshu in an epic match of epicness, and it WASN'T EVEN the FINALS. That's how epic the tournament was, so EPIC in fact, that it might as well have been Melee.

2. Q. How often do you attend tournaments? How familiar are you with your local scene? Your regional scene? The national/international scene?
A. I'm present in spirit at every tournament ever held. In the same way that God molded man from the dust of the earth, I too molded the tournament scene out of a mucky, sticky substance. It was also kind of lumpy, and some of those lumps (Joshu, for example) have been hard to iron out completely.

3. Q. How would you classify yourself as a player relative to the current metagame? (beginner, average, high level, pro, etc.)
A. As pro as can be without making money. Which technically isn't pro, so that should show you just how pro I am.

4. Q. Do you think the other individuals in your region would support you being a member of the MBR? Why?
A. Yes, Tim and Joshu would support me. And also those kids down the street. You don't need signatures though, right?

5. Q. Do you consider yourself a discussion leader? Why?
A. Yes, in the sense of not at all. KishPrime tends to lead by proxy. I more offer little tidbits of silliness for KishPrime to respond with smartness, thus improving his standing amongst the community. Joshu has a similar role.

6. Q. Are you an active Tournament Organizer? If Yes, what are some recent tournaments you have hosted? If No, what are some ways you feel you contribute to your local scene despite not being a TO?
A. Active is a subjective term, so I'ma go with yes. I have recently (also a subjective term) hosted a tournament series known as FC. A more prominent (notice the trend?) tournament series I helped host was the Flame of Bowser series.

7. Q. Do you feel that the current tier list is accurate? Why?
A. Tires don exits? Just the fact that I know what that means should make me more than qualified. But yes, the tier list is accurate, in that it allocates characters into 'tiers', and these 'tiers' represent something (as opposed to nothing).

8. Q. Do you feel that the current MBR recommended stage list is fair? Why?
A. Fair? Life's not fair, son. If I were that idealistic, I'd be voting Democrat.

9. Q. Do you feel that the current MBR recommended rule set is fair? Why?
A. See answer above. By the way, fair to who? Everyone? All characters? All TOs? All crews? All regions? All stars?

10. Q. What is more important to you: Tech Skill or Strategy? Why?
A. Tech skill is more important because strategizing does nothing if you cannot execute. Kind of like how you can't win on tech skill alone; you need to know when and how to use it. That's why Strategy is more important than tech skill.

11. Q. What is more important to you: Combos or First Hits? Why?
A. First hits, there tends to be a bonus for that. I think it's like 200 points.

12. Q. Does SSBM have a limited lifespan as a competitive community due to its age or any other factor? Why or why not?
A. Yes, it is limited because there are people going nuts trying to devolve Brawl into Melee. In other words, Brawl is such a terrible game that Melee will one day die because people will have hacked Brawl to be Melee 2. Is that irony?

13. Q. What do you think could be done to expand our community?
A. Hack Melee to include online play. And better graphics. And more characters. Actually, maybe just wait for those h4x0rs to finish with the Brawl h4xing.

14. Q. What do you think the MBR could do to stimulate the community?
A. Include the Ship of Fools and give them lots of compliments everyday in hopes that they will host another FC. Sing their praises regularly. In fact, write a song that immortalizes them in time. Also send them money. And let them win arguments. But mostly the money thing.

15. Q. How do you think the MBR would benefit from your input?
A. If I were honest, I'd probably say that it won't. But since this is an application, I'll say YES - 20.


1. Please provide up to 5 examples of contributions you have made to the melee community. Links to exceptional, informative posts are highly valued here.
1. Link: :link2:
i. Description: Hosted pre-FC tournaments
2. Link: :link2:
i. Description: Hosted FC tournaments
3. Link: :link2:
i. Description: Wrote the rules for MLG tournaments
4. Link: :link2:
i. Description: Wrote the rules for national tournaments
5. Link: N/A
i. Description: Invented Melee (citation needed)

2. List up to three players you feel demonstrate good discussion ability or have outstanding contributions to the community and explain why you think they are a good example.
1. Player: KishPrime
i. Reason: He's so old, he's a hero to the children.
2. Player: AOB
i. Reason: He's so old, he's a hero to the masses.
3. Player: KishSquared
i. Reason: He's so old, he's a hero to... wait... dang.

3. Have you read Sirlin's theories regarding "Play to Win"? Do you agree or disagree? Why? How do you think these theories affect and apply to the Melee community?
1. Answer: I have not read it. I agree with it in its entirety. I would write more, but I am short on time, as are we all.

...as are we all.

Don't rob an old man of his only joy. KishPrime needs me!!
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