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Battle to End Hunger 2


Player that used to be Lux
Jun 3, 2010
Thanks everyone for coming out. Kinda a hectic day. I wish the turnout had been better AND I knew how to use the a/c at the venue, but regardless I feel like it was a fun tourney. I am grateful to everyone that showed up, and we'll be doing BTEH 3 at some point in January or February if I can secure the venue again :)

Melee Singles:

1: Darkrain ($96.00)
2: Jace ($48.00)
3: JBM ($16.00)
4: dmac
5: Rob
5: Hondafoo
7: Ziv
7: Massive
9: Rezo
9: Spas
9: CBK
9: Zantetsu
13: Terry
13: Bates
13: GameGenie
13: Quote

Melee Doubles:

1: Darkrain + dmac ($84.00)
2: JBM + Rob ($42.00)
3: Jace + Massive ($14.00)
4: Z + Rezo
5: Honda + Terry
5: Spas + Bates
7: Zantetsu + Ziv

Brawl Singles:

1: MJG ($114.00)
2: Nicole ($57.00)
3: Joker ($19.00)
4: DeLux
5: Fino
5: Legan
7: Cook
7: Rob
9: Eggman
9: Gimb
9: Bpow
9: CBK
13: Wang
13: Aura
13: GameGenie
13: Sam
17: Quote
17: Fragger
17: Terry

Brawl Doubles

1: MJG + Fource ($80.00)
2: Fino + Legan ($20.00)
3: Joker + CBK ($0.00)
4: BPow + Nicole
5: Cook + Rob

N64 Singles

1: Potts ($24.00)
2: Zantetsu ($12.00)
3: Jace ($4.00)
4: Fino
5: Quote
5: Ziv
7: Bpow
7: Eggman

I'll put up brackets tomorrow. Maybe even pools


Dec 12, 2001
Fun tourney, glad to see the KS and NE crews again after being MIA for so long. Will definitely go to a BTEH 3!


Smash Master
Jan 24, 2009
New York, NY
Help me out with character usage, please. I'm not a hundred percent sure if what I have listed for MJG is proper, and I don't know about everyone else below Fino.

Brawl Singles:

1: MJG :toonlink: :metaknight: ($114.00)
2: Nicole :peach: ($57.00)
3: Joker :snake: ($19.00)
4: DeLux :popo:
5: Fino :olimar:
5: Legan
7: Cook
7: Rob
9: Eggman
9: Gimb
9: Bpow
9: CBK
13: Wang
13: Aura
13: GameGenie
13: Sam
17: Quote
17: Fragger
17: Terry


Smash Hero
Dec 5, 2009
Omaha, NE
Help me out with character usage, please
I've got you covered, mostly.


1: Darkrain:falconmelee:-Sorry to keep you waiting to play pools, but I'm a busy man, entering 4 events and all. Congrats on winning both events, your falcon is dirty, especially those softknees into FALCON KNEES and your nair spacing. JBM told me before the tournament that you would just wait around until I stopped paying full attention to you and then you would **** me. That's basically what happened.

2: Jace :falconmelee:-You need to step your RPS game up. Losing 4-1 and the color blue is a mindgame I won't forget. To be fair, I did get the
badge from Xenogears, though. Nice job beating Dark Rain in winners, but how did you 3-0 him then lose 6-0? I think with a few more months of hard practice, you could be the NEW falcon everyone wants to be.

3: JBM :marthmelee::foxmelee::falcomelee:-Way to carry me live up to the hype I had going for us in teams. You have developed your Fox and Falco into quality secondaries, almost co-main status. Thanks for driving and helping me get better. Next time you will defeat the gauntlet of Falcons.

4: dmac :foxmelee:-You were inside my head during teams, if I wanted to be somewhere to help JBM you did your best to keep me away. Your support play was better than my support play, GG's. I'm riding pretty high after our set in singles, even though you wasted me those last 2 stocks in game 3.

5: Rob :sheikmelee:-I'm not sure if I feel like I'm a "brawl player" anymore, though I do think telling people I'm a "brawl player" is a good mind game. I need to develop a short hop game.

5: Hondafoo :peachmelee:-Didn't play you at all, but it was nice to see you, I tried to find you for some friendlies after I was eliminated but I couldn't find ya.

7: Ziv :marthmelee::falcomelee:-Nice to meet you, as I said I'm sorry my state has bailed on your tournaments recently, but I intend on coming to one soon. GG's in singles, you are really good at punishing bad landings.

7: Massive :jigglypuffmelee:-realllllly glad you didn't decide to use Kirby. GG's in dubz and singles, I can't believe I pulled out that upset in singles, feel kinda lucky. You gotta get Jace's RPS level up for next time.

9: Rezo :foxmelee:-GG's in pools and teams, I think you did one of the best jobs learning my style of play on the fly (i.e. I have no tech skill, lololol).

9: Spas-Not sure if we played.
9: CBK:falconmelee:-See brawl

9: Zantetsu :sheikmelee:-You really know how to get a grab via the needle, nice sheik.

13: Terry-Not sure if we played
13: Bates-Not sure if we played
13: GameGenie:falcomelee:-See Brawl
13: Quote-See brawl

Z :sheikmelee:-GG's in teams, along with Honda, I wanted to get some friendlies in against you, especially since your sheik is a beast, but maybe next time, GG's in dubz.


1: MJG-:metaknightbrawl::toonlinkbrawl:
Nah, GG's, nice work coming back to win it all, and don't you dare high john. I'm glad I rigged pools (gimme a yellow card) so I could actually get to play against you. I learned a bit from our matches, mostly that MK is gay, and you'd still beat me 7/10 times with TL.

2: Nicole:peachbrawl:-I watched you slam datazz into Legan for an entire match straight, use more lube next time. Nice showing, too bad you let MJG win. Hopefully you and Legan enjoyed the longest goodbye as much as Nebraska did.

3: Joker:snakebrawl:-Next time, wait to ask someone if they are gonna stay before starting to change your character, going Wolf there may have won you the set vs MJG. Excellent job regardless. Hopefully I will see you soon, do a tournament soon. with melee, it's not dead.

4: DeLux :gay: :popo:-"That is not a retreating back air. That is not a retreating back air. If I had known you were gonna do that move, you would have been grabbed. That is not a retreating back air." Remind me to CP PS1 next time we play. Thanks for hosting, fun tournament, other than the fact that everyone felt like they had heat stroke.

5: Fino:olimarbrawl:-First tournament in a while we didn't play even friendlies, and I don't count doubles as playing, lol. sucks but I entered a lot of events.

5: Legan:marthbrawl::zssbrawl::linkbrawl:-I got slapped in the face by that black panther. I hope you come to kahoka so we can have the "Best Link in the universe" match. You should have entered melee, you are pretty damn good at that.

7: Cook :metaknightbrawl::olimarbrawl:???-I'm sorry I had to break up with you as a team mate, but I'm bad at brawl doubles, or maybe I just don't know how to play them. If I learn how to play doubles better, we will team again. Also, thanks for the **** in pools.

7: Rob :wolfbrawl::marthbrawl:-I played Marth in pools only. I neeeeeeeeeed people to play this game with :/

9: Eggman :yoshibrawl:-I can tell the Mega Man is improving your smash, keep it up, you are already the best Yoshi I have played against (sorry Jarell).

9: Gimb :kirbybrawl:-Next time I will give you some real matches, but I wanted to play MJG as reported earlier. Your spacing with Kirby and AD-reading is above where I figured it would be. Just keep it up.

9: Bpow :wariocbrawl::metaknightbrawl::dkbrawl:-I've already said what I needed to in person, but I didn't deserve to win this set, you let me win. Did have a lot of fun hanging out as usual, I think I talked Dustin back into playing last night, but maybe pick up a secondary to play against him for a bit.

9: CBK :pikachubrawl::metaknightbrawl:-Your teamwork with Joker improved a lot over the last 2-3 weeks. We didn't play in singles/melee but I watched you play both, nice work against Bpow, god Pikachu is gay.

13: Wang :luigibrawl:-I heard you made a few people mad after some friendlies, that means you are improving. I saw that you worked on your recovery, that helped a lot, right?

13: Aura :toonlinkbrawl::marthbrawl:-Thanks for riding with us and making sure that we weren't going to drive off into the deep abyss. We will be playing more often, I think I feel comfortable giving people advice for this game now, even though I'm not as good at executing it like I want.

13: GameGenie :falcobrawl::metaknightbrawl:-Nice work, you are improving and you had me worried for a while that 1st match when you started off 90%-7%. Just keep with it and try and get out to games more often. Also, quit freaking the **** out during your nightmares, I'm trying to drive here!

13: Sam:sonic:-we didn't play, but I felt bad that everytime after you would get to a tv to play, someone would have to play a tournament match :/

17: Quote :marthbrawl:-Grabbing is free a lot of times with Marth because he has a lot of good Spot dodge/shield counters. If you learn when to grab and when you Side-B, your marth will get about 20% better.

17: Fragger :toonlinkbrawl:-Played you in pools and singles bracket, which kinda sucks, but I got to play MJG. Thanks for the TL practice, I didn't end up needing it.

17: Terry-Sorry again, I'm not sure if we played.

Fource :diddybrawl:-Thanks for the hug, nice to see ya, don't be a stranger to these tournaments!

Welp, I think that's everyone.

Strong Badam

Super Elite
Feb 27, 2008
i haven't played you in almost 2 yrs david ;_;


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2006
Springfield, MO
9: Zantetsu :sheikmelee:-You really know how to get a grab via the needle, nice sheik.
Lol dude, you must have me mixed up with Terrance or something because I don't think I played Shiek at all except against (I think) JBM in one match of pools for the lulz (Shiek isn't even in my top 5). Also, I don't think we played.

I play Fox, all day erday.

Shoutouts later.


Smash Lord
Jun 18, 2007
Lawrence, KS
fun tourney! First of all thanks for making it happen Lux. Really happy that a smash tourney can raise some money for a good cause like this

my friend was super salty bout no 64 doubles man. He waited there since about 2 o clock.
really sorry about this! was all my fault ><

Yayy great stuff jace
move here so you can play with me all the time and we can both improve at hard matchups :D
thanks. Heh I would maybe move but the kc crew is just too awesome to hang out with. We'll definitely have to play a bunch of friendlies in future tourneys though

will probably do full shoutous tomorrow


Smash Hero
May 19, 2009
In Kokomo Circle Camping with Shadow1pj
Great job Averil and Nicole! <3

@John#s: that info is correct. I was actually wanting to use MK for the entire tourney but I got sent to losers...lol

Sorry if I leave anyone out. Short goodness since I'm on my itouch.

Nicole: Good SHT. On the rise for sure. You and MO continue to prove why y'all are chill people to kick it with outside of smash. Hope you enjoyed your bday.

Legan: panty Droppin. GGs Corey. We will make it happen in Ohio

Cook: cheatin *****. Makin up rules during our drinking games /salt

Joker: good SHT man. You broke my MK streak! Really good games man. That is an underrated snake you got there. **** u and your lylat gimmicks lmao

Lux: thx for hostin

4rce: thx for comin down and teaming with me. Rush hour connection


Smash Journeyman
Mar 18, 2011
Overland Park Kansas
3rd tournament, and 1st one that I got into single digits!!!!!!!!
Anyways, shoutouts....( let the sarcasm begin!)

Brawl Singles:

1: MJG - Wait you won!?!?!? First time for everything I guess
2: Nicole - Nice getting second, makes me feel better I lost against you round 1 ;)
3: Joker - Played once and it was fun, need to play you more though !!!!
4: DeLux- Who are you?
5: Fino - ^ part 2
5: Legan - Don't think I saw you, remind me if I'm wrong
7: Cook - Played once, and t was fun, need more dedede practice
7: Rob- Nice match, we need more hangout/brawl/megaman time
9: Eggman- Best Yoshi in kansas (that I know of....)
9: Gimb- Where's my 10 dollars gas money?
9: Bpow - Nice games, and good job beating ^ again :awesome:
9: CBK- Don't think I saw you, remind me if I'm wrong
13: Wang - Fun as always, stage is the only deciding factor between us.
13: Aura - Don't think I saw you, remind me if I'm wrong
13: GameGenie - Played a few times and was fun, good falco
13: Sam - Don't think I saw you, remind me if I'm wrong
17: Quote - Didn't see you much, so see ya monday
17: Fragger - keep up that toon link action.
17: Terry - Do you actually main a character!?!?!?!?!?

Mr. Doom

Smash Hero
Sep 25, 2008
4rce: thx for comin down and teaming with me. Rush hour connection
On behalf of Clel since he first teamed with 4rice, I just wanted to say... How. DARE. You. You can't use that team-name, "Rush Hour." >( if you did.


Smash Hero
Dec 5, 2009
Omaha, NE
shoutouts to air conditioning
We did miss her so.

Lol dude, you must have me mixed up with Terrance or something because I don't think I played Shiek at all except against (I think) JBM in one match of pools for the lulz (Shiek isn't even in my top 5). Also, I don't think we played.

I play Fox, all day erday.

Shoutouts later.
Hmmmmmm, wellllllllllllllllll. I guess we didn't even play in teams then, because JBM and I only played massive/jace (twice), Z/Rezo and DarkRain/Dmac (twice).

bonus shout out at Terrance for making me think he was Zan

7: Rob- Nice match, we need more hangout/brawl/megaman time
17: Terry - Do you actually main a character!?!?!?!?!?
Yeah I agree, I haven't played a mega man game in like 3 days. Or since Friday when I beat MM1 and MMX in about 70 minutes, most of the time lost on me trying to get the upgrade in Sting Chameleon without the water (Fully charged ice shot to dash jump, it's impossible).

Who did this Terry guy play as?


Smash Champion
May 23, 2008
fun tournament, glad i came out for it since i havent been to a tourney in forever lol

too lazy to do shout outs but ggs to all the ppl i played in bracket, you all had me nervous as hell at some point lol

averil you're impossible to hit ever....god kais!



Smash Master
Sep 1, 2006
Springfield, MO

Darkrain - Even though it seemed like you were forced to show up because you didn't show much interest in Melee at all, I still appreciate you coming. It was good to finally have a set against you for my own records.

Jace - Can't say how awesome Jace is. Thanks so much for housing us for 2 days and for all the friendlies. Your attitude of "I'll play smash until everyone else quits" is great and it allowed us (the Springfield crew) and you play countless hours of friendlies before and after the tournament. I hope to see you in Springfield sometime soon. You're always a blast to play. Also, good **** for taking a set off of Darkrain :)

JBM - I think we only played one set, which was in brackets. You're very precise and accurate with all of your hits and you don't make many mistakes (which reminds me of someone who I won't say). Anyway, good **** at making 3rd. I look forward to playing you more.

dmac - I had fun with our Fox vs Ganon set in pools. Put your pants back on.

Rob - This guy thinks I main Shiek. HA!

Hondafoo - Good Peach. I'm glad we could sneak in some friendlies before I left.

Ziv - **** you.

Massive - Both BTEH tournaments, you've knocked me out. **** jigglypuff. But in all seriousness, thanks for hosting the (somewhat) smashfest after the tournament. I also appreciate how you played Melee with us at your house until you had to sleep, even though the true party was upstairs. Major rep points to you for that.

Quote - Nice seeing you again. Sorry we couldn't play much 64 at the end of the day. Next time!

Potts - I didn't expect to take 2nd at the begining of the day, but as the day went on, it became more and more obvious that 1st just wasn't my spot. I'm glad that people actually play SSB64 outside of online. I'll be training a few members of my crew on SSB64 and maybe, when we meet again, we can do a 64 crew battle or something. Anyway, good **** at taking 1st. Hope to see you around.

Phatgamer - Sucks that you couldn't show up at the tournament, but I appreciate the friendlies at Massive's house. I'm glad I finally got to face you as well. Also, your stories during the smoke break were great too.

If I happen to have forgot anyone, I'll update the post.

JBM falcon08

Smash Master
Jan 24, 2006
glenwood iowa
I didn't get it :(.

Marth vs Falcon is ugh. I guess im gonna have to play really gay vs jace and darkrain or just go with spacies and hope i 0-death them first.

Zivilyn Bane

Smash Master
Nov 18, 2004
Springfield, MO
Rob, Terry mains sheik and had long girly hair. He was in your pool and is probably the dude you're thinking of. I'll do shoutouts in a bit.



Smash Ace
Apr 26, 2011
My spoon was too big.

EDIT: terry/terrence here. I main sheik in melee and I pretty much play whoever I feel like in brawl. Had to leave early so couldn't stick around for brawl though.

Megarobman- good games. I was in your pool and we also played in teams. I feel like my tech skill was better and thought I could beat you but your spacing destroyed me and I don't have much experience against Sheik. Definitely want to play you again sometime.
More shoutouts tonight if I remember since I'm at work and on my phone.



Smash Lord
Jun 18, 2007
Lawrence, KS

Darkrain- it's funny cause you're the reason I can even stand a chance vs you. I got lucky in winner's lol, I think you 6-0ing me in grand finals says it all. Thanks for visiting and being so **** as always

JBM-I'll always be scared to play you ever since you 3 and 4 stocked me with your marth at the first jccc event 52 ><. I feel like if your scene was a little more active and had more players you'd start ****** the whole midwest in no time

dmac- I'd say you're the main reason I could progress as a player, ever since you gave me advice about simple stuff like jc grabbing and things like that. So thanks. Wish I could have seen your higher bracket matches, I must have been playing the 64 tourney

Rob- wow you got way better since I last played you. I'm sure it's nice to know that you're practice in the last few weeks has payed off. And yeah apparently I suck at rock paper scissors lol. Oh and btw I didn't 3-0 dark in winner's, it was 3-2 and they were all really close games

Hondafoo- glad you showed up and that I got to talk to you some! you should play LoL when Raith and Arkive get on if you don't already

Ziv- so glad you decided to come out! I love your fighting spirit before every tourney ><. I really got to get to know you better this tourney too which was awesome. And like I said you've gotten a lot better so keep on climbin

Massive-mah bad about all those sds in teams, I blew it. Enjoy your epic zelda shirt ><

Rezo- pretty glad we didn't have to play in bracket, we've had some matches lately where you've just been reading me super well and I know I can't sleep on your fox

Spas- always great to see a new face in our scene! this game is rough

CBK- don't think we played at all?

Zantetsu- np I love housing you guys, you're always great guests. Your fox is seriously improving; you have a really great flow to your game once you're on the offensive

Terry- was great to talk to you for the first time this last weekend. Your sheik has sooo much potential

Bates- I think you were the one in my pool, ggs dude

GameGenie- enjoyed talking to you after the tourney, you're a really cool dude

Quote- you nearly had me in 64! very nice falcon man

Potts- you finally had a legit 64 tourney to go to and win lol, nice job ****** all of us

oh yeah, how did I forget!?!

z-almost glad you didn't enter cuz then you would've taken me out lol. Stop being so good at the game without trying ><


Smash Champion
Aug 11, 2006
Kansas City, MO
Tourney was alright, Lux needs to FIX THAT AC.
We were in a house of God, but it felt like the lake of fire.

I need to buy Jace some blue tinted glasses so he can be team color agnostic.

I was pretty tired/inebriated towards the end of the night, but it was cool playing the Springfield crew, I hope my half-conscious button pushing helped better your games in some way.

In other news: I think I'm going to promote Kirby to my true secondary. I'm very tired of losing to sheiks and peaches in bracket, lol.


Smash Lord
Oct 14, 2008
On behalf of Clel since he first teamed with 4rice, I just wanted to say... How. DARE. You. You can't use that team-name, "Rush Hour." >( if you did.
Hahahah. It's k. My team name with Averil is "The Real is on the Rise." They just never asked for it. Meh.


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2007
Arkham Asylum
Late post >.<

I think besides the heat the tourney was pretty good had fun in it and was nice seeing everyone there but all I know is that from now on no matter what I'm bringing both copies of MvC3(360&PS3) just in case there's a set up ^.^


Nebraska Crew: Glad you guys could have come down and congrats to JBM/Rob for getting 2nd in doubles.
Dmac: Always a pleasure talking to you SWAG >.<
MJG: Dude that TL does bring you misery T.T lol but yeah man GG and thanks man I think I just need to play some more ^.^
Nicole: OMGz we went to FD and we didn't timed out what's up with that o.0 GG though and I'm looking forward to teaming with you >.0
DeLux: Bring Marvel lol but yeah awesome tourney and we only got to play once but GGs
Fino: GGs man the second match shouldn't have ended the way it did T.T
Legan: I think we are the only ones still keeping the Samus crown around and still having C.Falcon dittos along with Zeton but man pretty intense games both on the Falcon Dittos and Link dittos in Melee I'll take that crown back I'm going to practice my Samus so I can take it back T.T where you at Metal >.>
Cook: We didn't got to play each other but like always nice seeing you.
CBK: We could have done better but being sleep deprive messed us up >.<
Wang: I like that strategy pausing when I recover lol GGs man.
Bpow: I saw some of your matches and I think you gave up to ez in some of them we need to play some more get that out of your system >.0
4rce: Sucks that you had to leave so early but at least you made it and was nice seeing you ^.^

Anyone else I forgot GGs and hope to see you guys on some other tourney v(^.^)v


Player that used to be Lux
Jun 3, 2010
Joker, if you EVER want to have a Marvel tourney, I know a few of us in KC are going to learn to play.

So you could feel more than welcome to TO a side event at my tourney provided we have enough tvs.

Mr. Doom

Smash Hero
Sep 25, 2008
You guys should come down to Wichita for MvC3. I do believe they have one either every Saturday or every other Saturday. I'll have to check.
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