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“Straight Male Gamer” told to ‘get over it’ by BioWare

Claire Diviner

Oct 16, 2010
Indian Orchard, MA

The gaming company BioWare gives a complaining gamer a lesson on male privilege!

I can’t say it better than the Blog No More Lost so this is a repost of that entry:

BioWare adopted a (sadly) very special and very principled stance in designing one of their recent games, Dragon Age 2. Their stance was simple: relationships are for everybody, whether gay, straight, or anything else in between. You can also have have more than one romance at a time with the game’s characters. In this game, everybody is equal. Too equal, it seems, for one particular straight male gamer who was upset to be on the receiving end of a little flirting from another male character in the game. The reaction of this Straight Male Gamer? – To post a new thread on Bioware’s forums to complain…

To quote the complainant;

To summarize, in the case of Dragon Age 2, BioWare neglected their main demographic: The Straight Male Gamer.

I don’t think many would argue with the fact that the overwhelming majority of RPG gamers are indeed straight and male. Sure, there are a substantial amount of women who play video games, but they’re usually gamers who play games like The Sims, rather than games like Dragon Age. That’s not to say there isn’t a significant number of women who play Dragon Age and that BioWare should forgo the option of playing as a women altogether, but there should have been much more focus in on making sure us male gamers were happy.

Now immediately I’m sure that some male gamers are going to be like “YOU DON’T SPEAK FOR ME! I LOVE DRAGON AGE 2!”, but you have to understand, the Straight Male Gamer, cannot be just lumped into a single category.

Its ridiculous that I even have to use a term like Straight Male Gamer, when in the past I would only have to say fans, …”

The irony of the complaint is clearly astounding. For those that do not play Dragon Age 2, there is yet a further irony in that the Straight Male Gamer clearly has a huge problem with LGBT people being catered to as well rather than a focus based entirely in Straight Male Gamers (and a little on women too, of course, just as an afterthought). but clearly has no problem with the game allowing inter-species romances between the human player controlled character and an Elf! You couldn’t make it up!

The response from BioWare’s David Gaider was exactly fit for purpose. In fact, BioWare delivered a sharp lesson to this gamer on the subject of Straight Male privilege! Kudos to BioWare for that! In fact, BioWare’s response is quoted here precisely because of how word perfect it truly is! Elements have been emboldened for emphasis.

The romances in the game are not for “the straight male gamer”. They’re for everyone. We have a lot of fans, many of whom are neither straight nor male, and they deserve no less attention. We have good numbers, after all, on the number of people who actually used similar sorts of content in DAO and thus don’t need to resort to anecdotal evidence to support our idea that their numbers are not insignificant… and that’s ignoring the idea that they don’t have just as much right to play the kind of game they wish as anyone else. The “rights” of anyone with regards to a game are murky at best, but anyone who takes that stance must apply it equally to both the minority as well as the majority. The majority has no inherent “right” to get more options than anyone else.

More than that, I would question anyone deciding they speak for “the straight male gamer” just as much as someone claiming they speak for “all RPG fans”, “all female fans” or even “all gay fans”. You don’t. If you wish to express your personal desires, then do so. I have no doubt that any opinion expressed on these forums is shared by many others, but since none of them have elected a spokesperson you’re better off not trying to be one. If your attempt is to convince BioWare developers, I can tell you that you do in fact make your opinion less convincing by doing so.

And if there is any doubt why such an opinion might be met with hostility, it has to do with privilege. You can write it off as “political correctness” if you wish, but the truth is that privilege always lies with the majority. They’re so used to being catered to that they see the lack of catering as an imbalance. They don’t see anything wrong with having things set up to suit them, what’s everyone’s fuss all about? That’s the way it should be, any everyone else should be used to not getting what they want.

The truth is that making a romance available for both genders is far less costly than creating an entirely new one. Does it create some issues of implementation? Sure– but anything you try on this front is going to have its issues, and inevitably you’ll always leave someone out in the cold. In this case, are all straight males left out in the cold? Not at all. There are romances available for them just the same as anyone else. Not all straight males require that their content be exclusive, after all, and you can see that even on this thread.

Would I do it again? I don’t know. I doubt I would have Anders make the first move again– at the time, I thought that requiring all romances to have Hawke initiate everything was the unrealistic part. Even if someone decides that this makes everyone “unrealistically” bisexual, however, or they can’t handle the idea that the character might be bisexual if they were another PC… I don’t see that as a big concern, to be honest. Romances are never one-size-fits-all, and even for those who don’t mind the sexuality issue there’s no guarantee they’ll find a character they even want to romance. That’s why romances are optional content. It’s such a personal issue that we’ll never be able to please everyone. The very best we can do is give everyone a little bit of choice, and that’s what we tried here.

And the person who says that the only way to please them is to restrict options for others is, if you ask me, the one who deserves it least. And that’s my opinion, expressed as politely as possible.

BioWare, David Gaider,… That, was AWESOME.

It is true that the gaming world is sadly dominated by Straight Male Gamers. Why? Well, perhaps it’s precisely because the industry has failed to cater to the rest of society so often. So many of us are geeks, and so many of us are gamers, including women and/or LGBT people… and there is absolutely no reason to exclude them. BioWare, it seems, has realised this, and the least the LGBTQIA community can do in return is to acknowledge this fact – and preferably in a way that makes BioWare aware of how welcome and refreshing this attitude is, and how likely it is to pay dividends for them – literally and metaphorically. With that done, hopefully the other big games developers will do likewise.

Thank you, BioWare, for not giving in to the majority. Thank you for letting us in and recognising our equal ‘right’ to play games that we can engage and relate with too!

Do you agree? I hope you do… and if you do, please consider sharing this article to spread the word and give BioWare their reward in reputation and kudos for this, frankly, astoundingly awesome move on their part.
Interesting article, if you ask me. Personally, I give BioWare lots of respect for this, and I already like the company to begin with. Any thoughts, opinions, concerns, rebuttals, etc.?



Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
I really never saw what the issue was with gaymance possibilities in Dragon Age or Mass Effect. Like, I'm not gay and it never bothered me. Whether you're attracted to your own gender, the opposite gender, both, or just happen to be attracted to people purely based on their personality and nothing else, that's your prerogative. I don't really think who people choose to sleep with, be it straight, gay, lesbian, or bisexual really has that much of an impact on defining who someone is as a human being.


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
I really never saw what the issue was with gaymance possibilities in Dragon Age or Mass Effect. Like, I'm not gay and it never bothered me. Whether you're attracted to your own gender, the opposite gender, both, or just happen to be attracted to people purely based on their personality and nothing else, that's your prerogative. I don't really think who people choose to sleep with, be it straight, gay, lesbian, or bisexual really has that much of an impact on defining who someone is as a human being.
Well, Livewire said everything I would have said.


Smash Legend
Mar 9, 2008
New Jersey (South T_T)
I don't like gaymance but not like i'd be mad its in a game i was playing as long as I wasn't forced into it... At worst i'd just not play the game, not complain that the game needs to be my way.


Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2006
Skokie, IL
The only problem I've really see with this is how forced a lot of the romances feel because they need to fill certain quotas.

Gay? check
lesbian? check
bi? check
alien thing? check
rock? check


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
The only problem I've really see with this is how forced a lot of the romances feel because they need to fill certain quotas.

Gay? check
lesbian? check
bi? check
alien thing? check
rock? check
You're missing goat.


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
So long as the game doesn't push a gay relationship, when you have made your character to be completely straight, I'm fine with that. Worked out pretty well for me in ME3 when you are helping a character get over his ex-gay lover, without having him make a move on you. Like in real life, I'm sure the majority of times, a gay person is not going to make a move on someone, when he knows the dude is straight.


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Good guy Bioware.

I was about as uncomfortable as Shepard was when whatshisname first started making advances. That is to say, not very.

Just kinda "oh, dude, sorry, I don't swing that way, no worries, no harm no foul."

Props to them for kicking that guy's **** in.



The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
I don't know what other straight guys do, but in games where you can have same sex relationships I just make a female character and make them lesbians
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