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2043 Part I


Smash Ace
May 8, 2007
Swimmin' in a fish bowl, year after year
This is the first part of a story I've been working on recently. I had originally written one a long time ago, and when I found it I decided to rewrite it completely and borrow certain elements. Enjoy, and please leave some feedback. It would be greatly appreciated!

The island of Clearwyn, near the Arctic Circle, was thought by modern civilization to be uninhabited. In fact it was home to two similar but conflicting settlements. The two small civilizations were thought to have been formed by explorers who became stranded on the island around the early 18th century. Relations between the two civilizations became strained because of a major land dispute, which eventually lead to war.

By 2043, climate change had begun to rapidly increase, and the cold arctic region began to melt. To prevent global flooding, a plan was put into action that required a large air base to be built on Clearwyn. This is an account of the events that occurred on the island in the summer of that year.


June 23, 2043
Arune Varrik

The thin ice was pierced by the thunderous boom of rifles. A group of Creos soldiers backed away cautiously as small cracks formed in the fragile surface. The thin floor on which the helpless soldiers stood gave way with a piercing static. Water gushed up as the bodies of a dozen helpless soldiers sank down. They desperately tried to grab on – to each other, to the thin ice, or to a life preserver that wasn’t there.

I felt a large, muscular body bump into my shoulder. He waved his arms in circles, trying to swim up through the helpless, flailing bodies. Dim sunlight shone through the freezing water, inviting him to the surface.

Another large, tough-looking man swam downward, squinting his eyes. He grabbed me roughly by the wrist and hauled me toward the surface. The urge to breath was torture. I felt helpless, and I began to panic; the icy water was like a thousand needles poking at my skin. This was the first time I had been under the water, and it felt like a dream – I had no control over my body. I felt nothing but numbness, nor could I hear the sounds of the battle that raged above my head.

Finally I felt fresh air on my body. I was being dragged onto a chunk of ice that drifted in the bloody water. As I emerged into the cold evening air I could immediately hear booming rifles and battle cries. I coughed out water as I struggled to breath normally. I put a hand to my face and felt nothing – I was still in shock.

I stared at the ice, on my hands and knees, until the man’s touch jolted me into consciousness. I looked up to the familiar face of one of our generals.

“Arune?” asked the man in a tough but shaky voice.

“Ah-are you general Calstien?” I coughed out.

“Yes, yes. Now listen to me. I don’t know how you got out here with us, but you need to go back home.”

I knew I couldn’t go back now. I had made it so far already. I reached for the musket that was mounted on my back, but it was gone. I felt a wave of despair wash over me. Calstien must have sensed this, as he reached into the pocket of his uniform and removed an old pistol that only generals carry.

“Couldn’t have gotten too wet in there. We can’t afford to lose you as well. Now find a way home through the woods!”

I looked up and gave him a nervous look of thanks. Clutching the gun I turned and surveyed the water. Without another word, I pushed myself up and leapt to a neighboring ice chunk without a slip.

I reached more stable ground as a gunshot sliced through the air toward me. Snow splashed up behind me as I limped onward. A bullet whizzed past my head and seemed to make a small explosion in the snowy ground. I remember thinking how close I was to death, but at the time it didn’t really matter to me. I couldn’t feel anything and my mind was as numb as my body.

I could hear bullets whizzing past me as I ran. Up ahead I saw a group of our own men aiming past me. I jerked my neck around to try and see the Astrom soldiers, but I soon found myself slipping and landing on the soft ground. Before I could think my next thought, a sharp pain left me paralyzed, lying in the snow. I glanced down to see blood tricking from the bottom of my leg.

The next thing I remember was some kind of white smoke passing over me. Like being under water, this all felt like a distant dream.


I woke up and felt very dizzy. I looked around and saw that I was in some kind of strange tent. Once my head stopped spinning I sat up and saw that my leg had been bandaged. An awkward smile came across my face when I realized that the wound didn’t hurt at all. Outside I heard two men talking in an odd language that made no sense to me. I rolled toward the tent’s opening and quietly watched. They were both dressed in white coats made of a material I had never seen before.

It was very close to dark and the sun was only a thin red sliver on the horizon. There was another tent next to mine, and a small fire between the two. We were in a woodland area, surrounded by trees. The ground was covered by a soggy blanket of leaves.

One man pulled a small black device from his pocket and spoke into it. He pointed off into the distance, both men nodded, and they turned to the other tent. This finally forced me to realize the situation I was in. All of a sudden I remembered what had happened before I passed out, and I could feel sweat on my forehead and hear birds in the trees. It was like I had come to life again.

I reached into my pocket and grasped for general Calstein’s pistol. I began to panic when I couldn’t feel it anywhere. I reached for my boot then – Father had always kept a hunting knife in his boot, and so I did as well. Luckily they hadn’t taken it from me. As I heard the men approaching, I sprang up and climbed out of the tent. One man carried a very bulky looking weapon and a belt full of little cylinders. I drew my knife, shaking a bit, and tried to look strong.

The man holding the gun laughed menacingly. His laughter triggered a strange feeling inside me – like anger and fright and helplessness all in one. The other man motioned for him to stop and slowly approached me. His face seemed friendly and kind. This is my chance.

He reached for my shoulder but I quickly shoved his arm away. I couldn’t trust any of them. In my eyes they were all evil.

“Arune?” said the man softly.

I did not answer him, but stared up into his eyes.

“Arune Varrik? That is your name?”

How could he speak my language? This must be a trick…

“My name is Jeremy Carter. I-“

Past his shoulder I noticed the other man putting on a very odd black mask. It shocked me to see that mask again. The last time I saw it was when they took my father away. All the men were wearing this mask on that horrible night.

“What is that mask?” I interrupted him.

“That is called a gas mask. It is for…“

I zoned out and started to panic again. Just looking at the mask made my stomach churn. I didn’t feel steady on my feet anymore. I had to give one of them my note and get out.

“You may go when I am finished talking with you. We will hand you over to the group of Creos soldiers that is approaching as we speak. Will you agree to that?”

I shoved my hand into a pocket inside my coat and pulled out a very wet, crinkled note. I pushed it into Jeremy’s hands and turned to run away from the men.

“Wait! We need to speak with you!” He spoke slowly, as if I was stupid or something. I didn’t like the way he talked, it made me even more uncomfortable being there. I was determined to get away. There was no reason for me to talk to them once they had the note.

Up ahead I could faintly hear men running through the forest. They must have been the Creos men he was talking about. I yelled to them as loud as I could

Before I could hear a reply, Jeremy called for me once more. His words stopped me dead in my tracks. “Your father is alive.” I could already see the first of our soldiers approaching, even hear them calling to me. But I had to go back to Jeremy now. He was signaling me to come quickly so I ran back as fast as I could.

“Arune! Listen! Your father is safe with us. You can trust me on that, can’t you?” He did not wait for my reply, but continued. I could see how pale he was getting… maybe he was just as afraid as I was.

“Where is he? Why did you take him away?!”

“We are not far from your village here. You must meet me back in this spot tomorrow, and do not bring anyone with you.” He was avoiding the question that meant so much to me. I don't think he realized how much it was bothering me. I was so angry that I couldn't really say anything back. It was like a snowball was stuck down my throat.

It was then that I thought I had realized what was happening. Below his waste, Jeremy was holding one of those masks. He had seemed trustworthy, but he was still one of them. His partner was preparing the large weapon now, and I felt a wave of fear engulf my entire body.

“You and your men can all go home if you just tell them to call off this attack!” His pleas were worthless to me at that point. How could I let them go? How could Jeremy be on my side?

“Please. Your men will not win this fight-“ I turned away from Jeremy and drew my knife once more. The masked man was clearly ready to fire at our soldiers. I dashed toward him from behind and sank it into his side. Then I jumped onto his back and wrapped my arms around his neck. All of this felt good somehow, as if I was getting revenge. I didn’t let go until he toppled over, ripping his mask off to get air.

At this point Jeremy had run over to try and restrain me. He looked down at his friend and said something in their language. He then looked up at me, looking sort of sad and afraid. He quickly snatched the gun and struggled to his feet. He began to run away from the advancing soldiers.

I ran toward them waving my arms in the air, signaling for them to stop. As I approached them they began to ask if I was all right and where the invaders were. I insisted that I was fine and stalled for as long as I could. He was gone when I finally turned around, just as I had hoped.


I realize now that I had no choice that day. Once I gave him the note I had to let Jeremy go, even though I didn’t want to. A few weeks prior to that day I had written it. It was meant for whoever their leader is, and I knew Jeremy would get it to him. In it I demanded to know what happened to my father, Gerhard Varrik, and asked if they would let him come back. I didn’t know who they were, or why they were here. I was only 15 and I thought that note was my only hope.


Smash Rookie
Jul 27, 2010
Guys we have a problem I just took a massive dump and we're out of toilet paper i need something to.....oh.....I didn't see you there Mr.Lombardi34, mind if I use your piece?........Thank you.


shattering perfection
Jul 30, 2001
secret room of wonder and despair
Guys we have a problem I just took a massive dump and we're out of toilet paper i need something to.....oh.....I didn't see you there Mr.Lombardi34, mind if I use your piece?........Thank you.
Come on dude. This room is full of smash bros fan fiction and smash bros rap songs and you pick on one of the few who try to do something at least a little unique?

unless this is actually fan fiction about some franchise I don't know...


Smash Rookie
Jul 27, 2010
Well for your information Mr. Smarty-Lombardi-pants, I have written an excellent piece called The Da Vinci Code. Maybe you've heard of it?


Smash Lord
Nov 24, 2008
From the looks of things, the Creative Minds forum doesn't seem to get as much activity as other forums. Anyways, this is my first time commenting on a written story, though Im not an expert or anything.

Being part 1, I'd presume that this is only the beginning of this story. From what I see in Part 1, it doesn't seem like the introduction of the era and location seem relevant, for now, that is. From what I grasp, Arune Varrik is the main character of the story, who at first seems like a generic soldier, but is then taken in by whom what I think is the enemy. From here, the story gets exciting in my thoughs, where we actually learn that Arune is looking for his father, AND is 15 years old (though that's only stated in the end of the first part). I'd presume he's only fighting to get his father back, and perhaps there's a twist in the end as to how his father was taken away, which is the only thing we know.

Im no expert at writing or storytelling, though from a reader's point of view, you've done a good job with the storytelling (though the concept put forth at the start about the air base seems to be a bit of a giveaway/a bit meaningless for now). I'd look forward to see what you can do with Arune, and how things play out on his personal(?) quest.
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