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*Achieving Greatness* Current topic: Becoming a leader!


Smash Master
Jan 30, 2007
Rochester, NY
I'll get straight to the point. I've learned/am learning an incredible amount of what people are capable of, and I'm working my hardest to create a huge level of success in all areas of my life, including wealth, relationships, fitness, and pretty much everything I do.

Whether you want to lose weight, make more money, solve issues with your girlfriend/boyfriend, get along better with your parents, get better grades...Anything, I'll definitely try my best to help you out with those problems, as they are all overcomeable. Anyone and everyone can be a better person, and I think we should all strive for greatness. This would be a good place to do it, but ONLY come into this thread and participate if you are serious about changing your life and/or achieving greatness. No arguing.

I don't even know if this thread will be successful or not in terms of people improving themselves and wanting to be able to do that, because you have to want it more for yourself than anyone else wants it for you. If we get good response though, then we'll definitely keep it going.


Leadership is one of, if not the most important skills to have in life. Being a great leader in any situation will get you extremely far in life. I'm going to go back through a book I read called, "How to win friends and influence people," by Dale Carnegie, and discuss his strategies for becoming a leader with you all. There are many principles to know and understand that this book clearly defines. Thousands of leaders everywhere have used this book to achieve greatness, so we can definitely benefit from it.

I can absolutely promise you, GUARANTEE you, that you will see changes in your life if you take this advice that I'm going to share with you and practice it in your everyday life. If you're in high school, you can be that popular person that everyone wants to hang out with. If you have a job, you can get a promotion, or a raise. If you play sports, you can be the captain of the team next year. You can be that person in your college class that everyone comes to for advice at the end of the class. Everything revolves around leadership and having the ability to influence people. Leadership is a skill that anyone and everyone can develop. It does not matter who you are right now or what you think about yourself. If you can speak, you can lead.

I think it would be great if, we can all study these principles, go out and practice them in daily life, come back and report results, share tips, etc. Maybe you guys will want to do that, maybe you won't. Either way, let's get started.

Lesson 1: Do not criticize.

Criticizing someone puts them on the defensive, and makes them strive to justify themselves. Man's greatest motivation, the biggest driving force behind everything we do, is a sense of purpose and importance. Everyone wants to feel recognized or appreciated. Some people will do anything to be noticed. For some people, their sense of purpose is found in donating thousands of dollars to charity. For others, their sense of purpose is found in murder. Now, murdering someone to feel important is obviously wrong, but that brings up this wondering statement: If someone would go as far as to murder someone to feel important, imagine the influence we can have on people if instead of criticizing them, we give genuine, honest appreciation.

Criticizing hurts people's pride and diminishes their sense of importance. Overall, whether they express it or not, it arouses resentment. Criticizing will demoralize employees, family members, friends, peers, teammates etc. Examples of the futility of criticism can be found everywhere, just open your eyes and watch next time someone is criticized. See if they perform better. Chances are, they won't.

Here's a story taken right out of the book. A construction manager reported that his employees seldom wore their hardhats, if they even wore them at all. After noticing this, he approached them, and with a voice of authority and power, told them to wear their hardhats, because those were the rules. You can guess what kind of effect that had. They wore their hats whenever he entered the area they were in, but as soon as he left they took their hats off. This is because criticism does NOT create lasting effects. It does not leave a permanent impact, and if it has any effect at all, it's temporary at best.

Next time he noticed them not wearing hats, he decided to try something different. He walked up to them, and asked them why they weren't wearing their hats. In a pleasant voice, he explained to them that they were designed for their safety in the workplace, and suggested to everyone that they wear them. The workers wore their hats from that day on.

Lesson learned: The results of criticism if there are any, are temporary, and in most cases, the resentment aroused from it lasts a long time. Nothing good can come from criticizing, and for every person you criticize, that is one less person whose respect you have, and in whatever endeavor you are trying to lead in, that is one less person who will follow you. You don't want to make people feel bad, regardless of if they show it or not. Knowing that criticizing makes someone feel bad, it hurts their pride and sense of importance, DON'T DO IT! Even if you're not trying to be a leader, making people feel bad is something we should never do.

How to apply this rule in your life: If you're someone who criticizes a lot, it's going to take a lot of practice and conscious effort to change. Start off by giving everyone advice, instead of criticism. If you want to give someone advice, make sure to do a few things when giving them advice. First, start off by praising their efforts thus far, and making them feel good about whatever it is they have done. Then, offer them genuine advice on what they could have done better. You have to ask yourself, "What's in it for them? What can they get out of my advice that will improve whatever it is they are trying to do?" Here's an example.

You're in English class, and someone has just written a story and it's your turn to critique them, give them suggestions, etc. Here's the wrong way to go about it.

"Well, you left out a ton of detail when talking about the graveyard, to be completely honest I didn't feel scared at all, I just felt like I was walking through another alleyway. Add detail to the graveyard so you can have a stronger effect on people."

Now, notice how you weren't mean at all, and you weren't trying to make them feel bad. However, even if they don't express it to you, on the inside they are feeling a bit stupid since they're in front of a class and they feel they have failed on a part of their essay. They're resenting you, even if it's only small resentment, for pointing out their errors. This would be a better way of going about it.

"Well John, the way you portrayed the main character's emotions was awesome. It added a sense of realism that the reader can really relate to. Nice job on that. The graveyard scene could use a bit more detail. Graveyards hold a lot of potential in a story to make people feel fear, since they are a symbol of fear. Maybe go back and add a few physical details in to capture the reader more and add even more to that sense of realism your character has. Good job overall!"

There are so many differences between the criticism and advice that I can point out, but the main difference is that you have made them feel good about what they have accomplished so far, and given them a way to add to their greatness thus far. As opposed to the first statement, in which you are basically telling them they failed. People RESPECT that. People will like you and listen to what you have to say. Even in other areas of life, your advice to them will be taken much more seriously than advice from someone else.

One last example. You and your girlfriend meet at the mall, and she's wearing a hat you don't like. Here's the wrong way to go about it.

"Sandra, why are you wearing that hat? It makes you look kinda goofy, I'd lose it."

As opposed to:

"Hey babe, I love your shirt, the color really looks good on you. You know how much I love your hair though, I think you'd be better off without the hat. I love seeing your hair."

Again, huge difference. You make her feel stupid on one hand, and she's probably going to be like, "Well I like hat, and my friends think I look good in it!" If you approach her the second way, most likely the answer will be something like, "You really think I look better with all of my hair showing? Well, ok then." Or something like that. Obviously there are going to be girls who just don't care what you have to say, but a large majority of the time this is the best way to do it.

So, just start by every time you are going to criticize someone, think about what you really like about whatever it is you're discussing, and how to help them improve upon it. Of course, if you genuinely don't care about the person than it's going to be difficult, so it's important to have respect for, and care for everyone you come across.

Haruno Kotetsu

Smash Ace
Jun 22, 2006
Princeton, WV
i'm not exactly sure how to ask this, but since you've went straight into your point, i guess i'll ask you this -

how can you overcome chronic anxiety and be better company to people? i get extremely nervous around more than two people, sometimes even just one person; i'm always uncomfortable and i've seen therapists, psychiatrists and even went to meditation classes to relax. panic attacks still manifest in my life, and it's not working. it's bothersome.

so i just want to ask you personally - how do YOU find peace of mind?


Smash Apprentice
Jan 1, 2009
Cigar City
I live in a city with a large drug trade, a port (which is the biggest economic factor in the city) that illegally imports and exports goods, a governemnt that want to legalize the drug trade in a certain area, a school system that teaches test answers to kids, and a media that tells some stories and not others by the command of political or street figures.

How the hell do I get out of this city and become a millionaire?


Smash Cadet
Jul 21, 2008
Rochester, NY
i'm not exactly sure how to ask this, but since you've went straight into your point, i guess i'll ask you this -

how can you overcome chronic anxiety and be better company to people? i get extremely nervous around more than two people, sometimes even just one person; i'm always uncomfortable and i've seen therapists, psychiatrists and even went to meditation classes to relax. panic attacks still manifest in my life, and it's not working. it's bothersome.

so i just want to ask you personally - how do YOU find peace of mind?
Peace of mind comes when u have an understanding for what is causing you stress, much like a match in smash brothers you are going to be afraid or angry of facing an opponent who is beating you with some strategy that you dont understand. Once you figure out what cheese they are using against you and you understand it you then can face it and overcome it or atleast diminish its effect.

first of all you need to realize that anxiety is a form of stress the other form of stress is anger which comes from being hurt but in your case you are talking about a fear. to understand stress better realize that stress can be overcome but also can negatively effect your life. Some stress is out of your control and needs to be recognized because stressing about something not in your control is choosing to suffer. You can only control yourself, your emotions and no one elses but yours. In this case your fear is something inside of you that you can control so realize that you need to learn how to master it.

You are uncomfortable and the only way to overcome it is to face the fear. In facing any fear you need to understand that in that moment you will be completely alone but once you face it it will be the most rewarding feeling ever. This feeling is courage. Courage comes in many forms but in its essence courage is acting inspite of fear or negative emotions and the more you do it the more you will grow. So put yourself outthere and take a risk get out of your comfort zone. Think hey, whats the worst thing that can happen, take it one step at a time, I promise you it will be worth it.

Haruno Kotetsu

Smash Ace
Jun 22, 2006
Princeton, WV
Peace of mind comes when u have an understanding for what is causing you stress, much like a match in smash brothers you are going to be afraid or angry of facing an opponent who is beating you with some strategy that you dont understand. Once you figure out what cheese they are using against you and you understand it you then can face it and overcome it or atleast diminish its effect.

first of all you need to realize that anxiety is a form of stress the other form of stress is anger which comes from being hurt but in your case you are talking about a fear. to understand stress better realize that stress can be overcome but also can negatively effect your life. Some stress is out of your control and needs to be recognized because stressing about something not in your control is choosing to suffer. You can only control yourself, your emotions and no one elses but yours. In this case your fear is something inside of you that you can control so realize that you need to learn how to master it.

You are uncomfortable and the only way to overcome it is to face the fear. In facing any fear you need to understand that in that moment you will be completely alone but once you face it it will be the most rewarding feeling ever. This feeling is courage. Courage comes in many forms but in its essence courage is acting inspite of fear or negative emotions and the more you do it the more you will grow. So put yourself outthere and take a risk get out of your comfort zone. Think hey, whats the worst thing that can happen, take it one step at a time, I promise you it will be worth it.
what if the cause of said anxiety is type 1 diabetes altering your thought process and making you worry about many things at once? i know you can treat it, but you can polish a turd all you want to, and it'll still be a piece of **** (said turd is pancreas). you can't completely get rid of diabetes, and i think that's my cause of stress. i don't know how to antagonize the stress that originates from an incurable disease.


Smash Master
Jan 30, 2007
Rochester, NY
i'm not exactly sure how to ask this, but since you've went straight into your point, i guess i'll ask you this -

how can you overcome chronic anxiety and be better company to people? i get extremely nervous around more than two people, sometimes even just one person; i'm always uncomfortable and i've seen therapists, psychiatrists and even went to meditation classes to relax. panic attacks still manifest in my life, and it's not working. it's bothersome.

so i just want to ask you personally - how do YOU find peace of mind?
Well, I'll answer your question that was directed towards me: How do I find peace of mind. The first thing to understand is, what exactly is peace of mind? It is the freedom from fear, guilt and anger. Waking up and having none of those feelings as you go throughout your day. That is peace of mind.

So the next step comes from figuring out how to get rid of it. In order to do this though, we have to figure out where it came from. Almost every subconscious negative feeling we have comes from our childhood, via our parents. For me, subconsciously I feel angry for being robbed of a childhood, since my mother was completely broke and irresponsible all the time. This holds me back in so many aspects of my life, because I'm always looking for ways to either relive that childhood I never had, or make up for it by getting attention from other people.

What I do is first forgave her. After you define the origins of your problem, you have to forgive whoever it was that caused them. You must also forgive yourself for every cruel, tasteless, stupid and irresponsible thing you've ever done. Be completely ok with everything that has happened so far.

After that, you need to work on yourself. You'll feel better after forgiving everyone and yourself, but in order for someone to truly feel comfortable with themselves and confident, it all comes down to understanding our brain.

There is the conscious and the subconscious. The conscious part of our brain is the part that is always making decisions. It takes in all of the information around us, positive or negative, and makes a decision. The cool thing is that the conscious part of the brain can only hold one thought at a time, even if it's for just a split second. It's impossible for it to hold more than one thought at a time.

The subconscious part of our brain takes everything the conscious says, and immediately accepts it as fact, and begins to tell our body to respond accordingly. It does not make decisions, but it is what makes us act. An example is, when we see a horror movie, we may be completely ok one minute, but then something scary or shocking will happen. Our conscious mind immediately says "This is scary." Then, our subconscious mind immediately triggers our stomach to get queesy, the hairs on our arm to stand up.

When you understand this concept, it explains a lot. So, how do we use this to our advantage? Going back to the fact that our conscious brain can only hold one thought at a time, we can use that to change ourselves. For me, since you asked me what I do, I use affirmations. For example, when I wake up, go to bed, shower and when I'm alone, I just say "I like myself. I like myself."

When we break down what this is doing, it is my conscious mind making the decision that I like myself. When making this decision, there is no way there can be any negativity, since our conscious mind can only hold one thought at a time. You make that decisions, state it over and over, and it is impossible for me to feel negative about myself at all, since when I say that, my subconscious is immediately processing it and telling my body to act that way. It allows me to speak my mind in public, to feel comfortable in a room with millionaires.

If you want to get into your situation more I'll be glad to, but that's just how I obtain peace of mind for the most part.

I live in a city with a large drug trade, a port (which is the biggest economic factor in the city) that illegally imports and exports goods, a governemnt that want to legalize the drug trade in a certain area, a school system that teaches test answers to kids, and a media that tells some stories and not others by the command of political or street figures.

How the hell do I get out of this city and become a millionaire?
Well, the first thing you need to realize is that it is completely possible. Almost all of the world lives by the "Law of Accident," which is absolutely stupid. The Law of Accident states that things just happen. People get lucky, and that's how they're rich. The reason why so many of us live by this is because growing up, our parents said things that are still affecting us. "That's how the cookie crumbles." "It's not what you know, it's who you know." "You have to be at the right place at the right time."

What is actually true, is the law of cause and effect. For every single effect in life, there is ALWAYS a cause. There is no exceptions. You must understand this and practice this. That's the first thing you need to do. Find out what effect you want to have, and how to cause that.

The next step is to take responsibility for everything. This is the only way to achieve massive success, whether it's in a relationship or financially like you've expressed to me. The world doesn't care about the fact that the odds are against you. The only thing the world cares about is results. That's why it is an absolute necessity to realize that your destiny is in your hands. The odds are against you, but that doesn't mean someone is just going to make you a millionaire. Once you completely accept responsibility for your own actions, realize that even though you are in a huge drug city, you are still responsible for your own success, then you will be on the road to making your first million, if that is your goal.

The medium in which you do that, in which you make your millions, is up to you. There's lots of ways to do it, but one of the most proficient ways is business and/or sales. You will never make millions on your own. It's nearly impossible. You need to leverage yourself. Build a business where you have a lot of employees working for you, contributing to your paycheck. When you work for yourself, you are limited on what you can do. When you have a team of 100 sales people all over the U.S. selling your products and services...That is the key to wealth in business.

Of course, that's just one road.


Smash Cadet
Jul 21, 2008
Rochester, NY
what if the cause of said anxiety is type 1 diabetes altering your thought process and making you worry about many things at once? i know you can treat it, but you can polish a turd all you want to, and it'll still be a piece of **** (said turd is pancreas). you can't completely get rid of diabetes, and i think that's my cause of stress. i don't know how to antagonize the stress that originates from an incurable disease.
Well, do what you can with it but remember that letting your emotions become negative based on something that you can not control is choosing to suffer. Yes, you are making the choice to be miserable, you and only you. Yes diabetes may be making you worry about things but you control your emotions and no one and nothing can MAKE you feel a certain way. You control the way you feel about any given thing. Think about where you will be years from now if you choose to think the same way in which you do now. Is it worth it? Just know that if you feel like you are being held back it is you that makes you feel that way and nothing outside of yourself. Think of your mind as creating a map of the world and that map will change through out your life but this map is not how the world actually is. It is based on your past experiences and makes generalizations about them. The sad or amazing part is that your map whether true or not is your reality. My map is my reality too. Realize that what you think and what you expect is how you will live. Take control and don't let yourself be held back, change your limiting beliefs about the world and live your life the way you want to live it.

Mini Mic

Taller than Mic_128
May 5, 2007
1. I'm starting to think Jesiah is some kind of advanced adbot.

2. There are two obstacles in your way: self determination and money. Without money you can't go anywhere or do anything unless you're naturally gifted as one of the .1% of the population naturally brilliant enough to get a fully paid scholarship to study what you want to at tertiary level. Something like 60-70% of students at my university are from private schools. It may seem harsh but it's a fact that those from wealthier families do better on average.

3. You assume everyone wants to be 'great' when in reality most people are quite content to lead a normal life, raise a family and maintain a steady/ satisfying career.


Smash Champion
Jul 8, 2008
I'm going to be watching this thread pretty closely. It has me interested.

Because I know my biggest problem is a defeatist attitude and procrastination. And possibly a hint of laziness.
I guess it comes down to self-discipline as well when trying to achieve your goals, especially when it comes to procrastination.

Mini Mic

Taller than Mic_128
May 5, 2007
Serious post:

If Jesiah try to recruit you or get you to join anything either here or via PM tell an admin immediately.


Scourge Cheerleader
Dec 8, 2001
Hate Nirvana
Edited out
No, no, no. You do NOT advertise here, whether it is in a thread or PM.

I'm sorry, but we do not need a moderator that repeatedly and deliberately goes against our advertisement policy. I was going to wait for JV on this, but I'm pretty positive this is the same decision he would be making.

Be advised that you may face being banned if you advertise this again.

JV will reopen this when he finishes editing some stuff out.


Smash Ace
Sep 24, 2008
I am gonna keep this open for the sake of hopefully it having some merit to improve some peoples lives.

This really could be a 18 page, cant believe he wrote that much, thing for me. But I am just gonna say a few things. A lot of people do have a lot of self limiting beliefs. It really is the reality and culture. Ultimately though, unless you live in a third world country, everyone really does have a ton of opportunity. Admittedly, there really are varying degrees of that, but everyone has them. Some people are very fortunate and born into or socialize their way into a ton of them. But for generations people have came over on boats not even speaking English and have done great things and became successful on every level. With enough work and persistence people really can achieve a lot.

Success is such encompassing word. People tend to make that just about money too much, and often until they get there. Theres a lot of people making 6-7 figures, but work 80 hours a week with no family, few friends, that just arent happy. For vast majority people having a successful life should be just being happy. And that means a lot of different things for different people. For some that is having a great significant other (Girlfriend, Wife, Boyfriend, whatever) to enjoy times with, family, friends, hobbies, achieving goals, etc etc. Its been a lot of different things for me personally, and I know even looking back at my days of traveling to tournaments, doing weekly smashfests with jokes and having fun, it something that I had a ton of fun with and a lot of good memories.

Really the most important thing is just to be yourself, and be confident being yourself. Do what makes you happy and really take the time to enjoy good moments. You do want to balance that with not living in a box (Actually you just dont want it to be something that takes away from you enjoying life, nothing less, nothing more). But if you could make 35k a year making video games (or whatever you like) and enjoy some free time in the end I feel like you will have made the right decision.

But thats a decision for you to make, its just important that everyone comes to things on their own terms. For anyone looking to improve or learn really the public Library is a great great way. If you are looking towards philosophy id recommend Emerson, Thoreau, Plato, and Aurelius. For making change psychology Nuero-Listic Programming (NLP) is some of the best stuff ive found. Google books is also cool too http://books.google.com/. But ive always dug just the atmosphere of the library.


Smash Cadet
Jul 21, 2008
Rochester, NY
1. I'm starting to think Jesiah is some kind of advanced adbot.

2. There are two obstacles in your way: self determination and money. Without money you can't go anywhere or do anything unless you're naturally gifted as one of the .1% of the population naturally brilliant enough to get a fully paid scholarship to study what you want to at tertiary level. Something like 60-70% of students at my university are from private schools. It may seem harsh but it's a fact that those from wealthier families do better on average.

3. You assume everyone wants to be 'great' when in reality most people are quite content to lead a normal life, raise a family and maintain a steady/ satisfying career.
With self determination money is arbitrary. Anyone can become successful if they put their mind to it. No matter how cheesy that sounds its true, set goals and want them bad enough to not let life's distractions get in your way. i agree that people with wealthier families do better on average. This has less to do with the fact that the family has money and more to do with the fact that the kids are being raised by successful people and they grow up expecting to succeed. Coming from a frame like this from childhood is the key.

Many people seem content to lead a normal life and if they live it then they are content to a point. But many people do want to live a successful life, whatever that means to them, whether its with money, traveling, relationships, health, sports, or whatever it is but they don't go for their dreams. They are an object at rest that stays at rest. They will not be put into motion unless a force acts upon them and whether that is their family and friends or themselves they will not advance in life. If a person wants something they need to push themselves to start moving towards the direction they want to go in. Too many people are not uncomfortable enough with their current situation to become the necessary force that moves them to where they truly want to go even if they are unsatisfied with their lives.

Expectations whether personal, from those that look up to us, or from a person that is a role model, will breed a positive attitude and ultimately lead to results. This attitude is the desire and commitment necessary to meet goals and the control over emotion that allows a person to not give up when an obstacle comes in their way. Coming from a frame of no self confidence, no belief in the ability to accomplish something because it is difficult, or fear of failure is what turn people away from any chance at creating their own success.


Smash Ace
Sep 8, 2008
Anyone can achieve almost anything. You simply must overcome two seemingly simple obstacles.

1. You must take johns out of your vocabulary.

2. You must overcome laziness.

If you can understand that you CAN do anything, you are past the first stage. Get rid of those johns (eg. I'm ugly, I'm stupid, etc.) But then the hardest stage is next: overcoming laziness. If you can obtain the motivation to achieve what you want, you can do it. :D

Hope that helped someone.

Haruno Kotetsu

Smash Ace
Jun 22, 2006
Princeton, WV
I'm going to be watching this thread pretty closely. It has me interested.

Because I know my biggest problem is a defeatist attitude and procrastination. And possibly a hint of laziness.
I guess it comes down to self-discipline as well when trying to achieve your goals, especially when it comes to procrastination.
do you think it's a possibility you just need proper motivation?


Smash Master
Jan 30, 2007
Rochester, NY
1. I'm starting to think Jesiah is some kind of advanced adbot.
To begin with, I asked people who were going to be negative to stay out of this thread. I'm genuinely trying to help people. That is not being an adbot.

Another reason I'm going to politely ask you to stop posting, is because, with all due respect, you're ignorant on this topic. If you're going to give advice, it has to be good advice that people can use, not advice that you THINK is true.

Without money you can't go anywhere or do anything unless you're naturally gifted as one of the .1% of the population naturally brilliant enough to get a fully paid scholarship to study what you want to at tertiary level.
A study at Harvard University a few years ago amongst executive recruiters came to the conclusion that 85% of everything that a person would accomplish or attain in terms of finance, money, prestige, status, recognition after they left Harvard University, would be based on their attitude, and only 15% on their aptitude and ability.

Over the years, they have found that there is absolutely no correlation whatsoever between grade level coming out of a high school or a university, and lifetime earnings. There is NO way they can match the two at all. The only characteristics that determine how well a person does and how far they go are attitude. College is not a necessity at all, almost every extremely successful person would have found another way to live a prosperous and healthy life.

Please don't come in here telling people that they need to be geniuses or have a lot of money to go to college to become successful. It defies everything some researchers have spent their lives studying.

3. You assume everyone wants to be 'great' when in reality most people are quite content to lead a normal life, raise a family and maintain a steady/ satisfying career.
Actually, less than 5% of people in the world achieve the level of financial freedom that they want, according to studies, and for most people, that is not something that they feel good about. Again, it's statistics vs. your word.

If you want to argue with me about whatever you want, PM me or AIM me. Leave it out of this thread please.

Also, Haruno Kotetsu, you've pretty much hit the nail on the head. One of the only true ways to overcome procrastination and laziness is to have a clear vision of where you want to go in life and what you want to become, and you have to think about it constantly. You have to have a white hot, burning desire for where you want to end up and the lifestyle you want to live. Unless you have a powerful reason to succeed, and unless you want it bad enough, then you'll never be willing to put in the time and energy and make the sacrifices necessary to get there.


Marsilea quadrifolia
Jun 6, 2003
Location: Location
A study at Harvard University a few years ago amongst executive recruiters came to the conclusion that 85% of everything that a person would accomplish or attain in terms of finance, money, prestige, status, recognition after they left Harvard University, would be based on their attitude, and only 15% on their aptitude and ability.


Over the years, they have found that there is absolutely no correlation whatsoever between grade level coming out of a high school or a university, and lifetime earnings. There is NO way they can match the two at all. The only characteristics that determine how well a person does and how far they go are attitude. College is not a necessity at all, almost every extremely successful person would have found another way to live a prosperous and healthy life.


Actually, less than 5% of people in the world achieve the level of financial freedom that they want, according to studies, and for most people, that is not something that they feel good about. Again, it's statistics vs. your word.
Jesiah, you've referred to a number of studies and statistics. Do you think you could cite them or provide a few links? I've been doing a little research on the topic to make a post here but I'd like to review what you've said first. I have not been able to find any of the quoted studies you mentioned so I'd appreciate it if you could provide the sources or articles in question.


Used to have a porpoise
Jan 10, 2007
North of South Carol
Haruno, how I've started getting over my social anxiety is to put myself in situations I would normally avoid. It takes a long time, and it's scary, but it's been working. Most advice I can give. It's tough for people to help and give advice, because most people have no clue what it feels like.

Lol sometimes I kinda feel like a dog. After concerts I'm always really open and not very shy. It's like I exercise the anxiety out of me. I'm too worn out to care.

How Diddy Do Dat?

Smash Rookie
Feb 10, 2009
Top of the food chain
ITT: People giving life advice, who's own lives are in the toilet.

But really, attitude is everything. At my university, I listened to this one guy who came in and gave a lecture. He was a self-made millionaire who skipped college to start his own business. His main advice? FINISH COLLEGE! He mentioned his business would have been more successful quicker had he earned a college degree in business. Even though it would have set him back 4 years and lot's of money, he wished he'd gone. A college degree is such a strong stepping stool to reach higher heights. Sure, it's possible to achieve financial success without one, but c'mon, if you have the option of getting one, go for it.

Oh, and I guess I should say this here, I received a PM from JesiahTEG, directing me to some "financial leadership forum" of his. I didn't click on it but I can guess what it was...

Mini Mic

Taller than Mic_128
May 5, 2007
I know you don't want me posting here but frankly what you're saying is frustrating an honestly a bit of a joke. While most of the statistics cited here are in relation to Australia, both Australia and the United States are liberal democracies and as such all results should be similar if not more extreme in relation to the United States. Also I know the way I cite books and web sources jumps a little here but it felt like it would be easier to navitate in this particular instance.

Another reason I'm going to politely ask you to stop posting, is because, with all due respect, you're ignorant on this topic. If you're going to give advice, it has to be good advice that people can use, not advice that you THINK is true.

A study at Harvard University a few years ago amongst executive recruiters came to the conclusion that 85% of everything that a person would accomplish or attain in terms of finance, money, prestige, status, recognition after they left Harvard University, would be based on their attitude, and only 15% on their aptitude and ability.
Firstly, in Australia around 67% of funding to schools by the government was going to private schools in 2006: [FONT=&quot]http://www.aeufederal.org.au/Debates/factsheet3.pdf[/FONT]. Now I don't think anyone will dispute that extra funding to already well funded schools puts the 'haves at a disadvantage over the gave nots.

Secondly, it was reported that 'in 2003 the number of Australian's in part time jobs had doubled from 1980' (Argy 4) This is a reflection of the increasingly competetive nature of global industry. the emergence of globalisation means that nations are no longer protected by the tariffs that used to keep their industries afloat. As such producers are forced to either become more efficicent or move resources to areas where they have a comparative advatage. Part of this increase in efficiency means the reduciton of variable costs i.e. labour (captial is fixed in the short run) and as such there has been a global shift towards more part time oppertunities avaliable. The fact of the matter is, statistically oppertunities to develope a foothold in your desired industriy is simply getting harder and harder with 'one fifth of all part time workers being underemployed (not getting enough work)' (Argy 5). On the subject of globalisation, outsourcing as well as the establishment of export processing zones have meant that many people have been losing work to foreign labour markets who offer lower rates so as to entice foreign investment eg: [FONT=&quot]http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2004/02/16/1046234.htm [/FONT]

Thridly, in the 2007-2008 period the United States had a gini coefficient measuring 40.8. http://hdrstats.undp.org/indicators/147.html For those who don't know, the gini coefficient is an economic measurement of distribution of income or wealth (income in this case). An even distribution in income will yield a coefficicent of 0 while 100 means total inequality i.e. one person in a nation of 300 million has all the income. The fact that there is such a high degree of inequality shows just how great a difference there is in terms of the resources avaliable to people with which they can pursue their goals and ambitions.

Fourthly, you say "85% of everything that a person would accomplish or attain in terms of finance, money, prestige, status, recognition after they left Harvard University, would be based on their attitude, and only 15% on their aptitude and ability." The key word there is after, obviously attitude becomes far more important once you get out into the work force, after all you don't have to take pop quizzes on a weekly basis to maintain your employment. The fact that you say 'after' troubles me though as the problem for most people is the before, that is to say: getting into Harvard. If I understand correctly, the biggest issue for most people in the US is how to pay for tertiary education. After university is irrelevant as people are skilled labourers by that stage and so already have the necessary tools they need to find work. That being said, those who going to places like Harvard and Yale are also presented with oppertunities to network and form relationships with those already in postitions of power within global industry providing them with yet another advantage over the rest of the population and as I have learnt from my dad (senior management at one of the largest companies in the country) connections are so important. Take the Porche club of Victoria: it's no surprise that the Porche club is comprised of very wealthy people and as such this club provides a medium for relationships to form amongst the rich and powerful to assure mutually beneficial arragenments keeping the priviledge within a certain group of society. as McGregor notes 'It is class that crustallizes who has power in our society and who does not, who are the bosses and who are the workers' (155)

College is not a necessity at all, almost every extremely successful person would have found another way to live a prosperous and healthy life.
You're delusional if you don't think colledge is important anymore. Back when my dad started working at the place he still works at over 30 years ago he was hired without any qualifications. Nowadays he does the hiring and they won't even read your resume if you don't have tertiary qualifications. Similarly my mum is a financial manager and once again the policy at her work is no qualifications no hire.

Please don't come in here telling people that they need to be geniuses or have a lot of money to go to college to become successful. It defies everything some researchers have spent their lives studying.
In Austrlaia to get into university you need to attain a certain ENTER score, that is to say a ranked score from 1 to 99.5 which places you relative to all other students (99.95 being best). How it works here is that you might need 95 to get into Commerce at university A but if you pay higher fees you can get in with something like 90. You can't tell me that money doesn't provide an arbitrary advantage for some. Oh and please provide references when you cite statistics or else you can't really provide an arguement at all.

Actually, less than 5% of people in the world achieve the level of financial freedom that they want, according to studies, and for most people, that is not something that they feel good about. Again, it's statistics vs. your word.
You haven't provided a single source and as such you haven't provided a single statistic.

I apologize for my blatant pessimism but realistically the world is no where near as easy as you make it out to be. I do believe in the power of hard work (it's how I got where I am today) but something has to be said for pre-existing factors.

Literature Cited

F. Argy, ‘The changing face of Australian egalitarianism’ in Where to From Here? Australian Egalitarianism under threat, Sydney, Allen & Unwin, 2003, pp. 1-51 (ISBN 1-86508-852-8)

C. McGregor, "Class" in R. Jureidini and M. Poole (eds), Sociology, 2000, p.155



Smash Cadet
Jul 21, 2008
Rochester, NY
I know you don't want me posting here but frankly what you're saying is frustrating an honestly a bit of a joke. While most of the statistics cited here are in relation to Australia, both Australia and the United States are liberal democracies and as such all results should be similar if not more extreme in relation to the United States. Also I know the way I cite books and web sources jumps a little here but it felt like it would be easier to navitate in this particular instance.

Firstly, in Australia around 67% of funding to schools by the government was going to private schools in 2006: [FONT=&quot]http://www.aeufederal.org.au/Debates/factsheet3.pdf[/FONT]. Now I don't think anyone will dispute that extra funding to already well funded schools puts the 'haves at a disadvantage over the gave nots.

Secondly, it was reported that 'in 2003 the number of Australian's in part time jobs had doubled from 1980' (Argy 4) This is a reflection of the increasingly competetive nature of global industry. the emergence of globalisation means that nations are no longer protected by the tariffs that used to keep their industries afloat. As such producers are forced to either become more efficicent or move resources to areas where they have a comparative advatage. Part of this increase in efficiency means the reduciton of variable costs i.e. labour (captial is fixed in the short run) and as such there has been a global shift towards more part time oppertunities avaliable. The fact of the matter is, statistically oppertunities to develope a foothold in your desired industriy is simply getting harder and harder with 'one fifth of all part time workers being underemployed (not getting enough work)' (Argy 5). On the subject of globalisation, outsourcing as well as the establishment of export processing zones have meant that many people have been losing work to foreign labour markets who offer lower rates so as to entice foreign investment eg: [FONT=&quot]http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2004/02/16/1046234.htm [/FONT]

Thridly, in the 2007-2008 period the United States had a gini coefficient measuring 40.8. http://hdrstats.undp.org/indicators/147.html For those who don't know, the gini coefficient is an economic measurement of distribution of income or wealth (income in this case). An even distribution in income will yield a coefficicent of 0 while 100 means total inequality i.e. one person in a nation of 300 million has all the income. The fact that there is such a high degree of inequality shows just how great a difference there is in terms of the resources avaliable to people with which they can pursue their goals and ambitions.

Fourthly, you say "85% of everything that a person would accomplish or attain in terms of finance, money, prestige, status, recognition after they left Harvard University, would be based on their attitude, and only 15% on their aptitude and ability." The key word there is after, obviously attitude becomes far more important once you get out into the work force, after all you don't have to take pop quizzes on a weekly basis to maintain your employment. The fact that you say 'after' troubles me though as the problem for most people is the before, that is to say: getting into Harvard. If I understand correctly, the biggest issue for most people in the US is how to pay for tertiary education. After university is irrelevant as people are skilled labourers by that stage and so already have the necessary tools they need to find work. That being said, those who going to places like Harvard and Yale are also presented with oppertunities to network and form relationships with those already in postitions of power within global industry providing them with yet another advantage over the rest of the population and as I have learnt from my dad (senior management at one of the largest companies in the country) connections are so important. Take the Porche club of Victoria: it's no surprise that the Porche club is comprised of very wealthy people and as such this club provides a medium for relationships to form amongst the rich and powerful to assure mutually beneficial arragenments keeping the priviledge within a certain group of society. as McGregor notes 'It is class that crustallizes who has power in our society and who does not, who are the bosses and who are the workers' (155)

You're delusional if you don't think colledge is important anymore. Back when my dad started working at the place he still works at over 30 years ago he was hired without any qualifications. Nowadays he does the hiring and they won't even read your resume if you don't have tertiary qualifications. Similarly my mum is a financial manager and once again the policy at her work is no qualifications no hire.

In Austrlaia to get into university you need to attain a certain ENTER score, that is to say a ranked score from 1 to 99.5 which places you relative to all other students (99.95 being best). How it works here is that you might need 95 to get into Commerce at university A but if you pay higher fees you can get in with something like 90. You can't tell me that money doesn't provide an arbitrary advantage for some. Oh and please provide references when you cite statistics or else you can't really provide an arguement at all.

You haven't provided a single source and as such you haven't provided a single statistic.

I apologize for my blatant pessimism but realistically the world is no where near as easy as you make it out to be. I do believe in the power of hard work (it's how I got where I am today) but something has to be said for pre-existing factors.

Literature Cited

F. Argy, ‘The changing face of Australian egalitarianism’ in Where to From Here? Australian Egalitarianism under threat, Sydney, Allen & Unwin, 2003, pp. 1-51 (ISBN 1-86508-852-8)

C. McGregor, "Class" in R. Jureidini and M. Poole (eds), Sociology, 2000, p.155

Ok, I agree with JesiahTEG that you probably shouldn't be posting here. Regardless of your cited information being correct it goes against the main ideas of this thread, becoming a better person and achieving greatness. Your post is most likely having a negative effect on those people who are reading it in terms of inspiring them to go after their dreams. You did apologize for your pessimism and did say that you believe in hard work, but a lot of people aren't willing to put the work in because they don't believe that they can succeed. One of the biggest reasons that people don't get to where they want to be is because of their ATTITUTE. The attitude of your post is a negative one toward opportunity and although you have some good points like college is important, it isn't necessary. I myself chose to go down the path of school to get to where I want to be but someone may very well have a different goal that doesn't require school but still leads to success and they should follow it if thats what they want.

All they need is a hunger for it attached to a positive powerful emotion, a plan to get it and the right attitude and expectations. You know these things are true or your dad, yourself, and many of the successful people in the world would not have met their goals. Also a lot of the statistics Jesiah posted do ring a bell for me, if you have read any psychology books in your free time or taken any psychology courses, you would probably have heard of them too. I'm sure he will reference them when he can.

The important thing to realize is people may not believe that they can do something because the path to get there is impossible to accomplish. Its with the expectations that the type of message your post creates, make those expectations lead towards failure. People need to expect that there will be a positive outcome or they will be too afraid to make a decision. Making a decision whether constructive or destructive will have a lesson attached to it and is better than not making a decision at all. The next decision they make will be better and the person will grow. Do not be afraid to act. Life is decisions. Your life is the sum of all the decisions you have make since birth. The more decisions you make the more you are alive.


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
Ok, I agree with JesiahTEG that you probably shouldn't be posting here. Regardless of your cited information being correct it goes against the main ideas of this thread, becoming a better person and achieving greatness. Your post is most likely having a negative effect on those people who are reading it in terms of inspiring them to go after their dreams. You did apologize for your pessimism and did say that you believe in hard work, but a lot of people aren't willing to put the work in because they don't believe that they can succeed. One of the biggest reasons that people don't get to where they want to be is because of their ATTITUTE. The attitude of your post is a negative one toward opportunity and although you have some good points like college is important, it isn't necessary. I myself chose to go down the path of school to get to where I want to be but someone may very well have a different goal that doesn't require school but still leads to success and they should follow it if thats what they want.

All they need is a hunger for it attached to a positive powerful emotion, a plan to get it and the right attitude and expectations. You know these things are true or your dad, yourself, and many of the successful people in the world would not have met their goals. Also a lot of the statistics Jesiah posted do ring a bell for me, if you have read any psychology books in your free time or taken any psychology courses, you would probably have heard of them too. I'm sure he will reference them when he can.

The important thing to realize is people may not believe that they can do something because the path to get there is impossible to accomplish. Its with the expectations that the type of message your post creates, make those expectations lead towards failure. People need to expect that there will be a positive outcome or they will be too afraid to make a decision. Making a decision whether constructive or destructive will have a lesson attached to it and is better than not making a decision at all. The next decision they make will be better and the person will grow. Do not be afraid to act. Life is decisions. Your life is the sum of all the decisions you have make since birth. The more decisions you make the more you are alive.
So if I believe I can be great, I can be great?
I'm sorry, that is absolute bull****. This world was built upon people who took the time and effort to put the effort in to learn how to do something, it wasn't built upon a bunch of hippies who dreamt of better lives and transformed into successful beings.
You are absolutely bat**** crazy if you believe college doesn't matter in life. Individuals with higher levels of educational training and less spiritual nonsense tend to make more money on average than those who have not attended college Source.
I agree wholeheartedly with Mini Mic on this issue. You can't get somewhere in life by believing in yourself. You can get somewhere if you put forth the dedication and effort to get where you want to go.
I'm a Junior Olympic springboard diver. Diving is more of a mental sport than a physical sport, and yes, it is downright scary sometimes. Even when you mess up or hit the board, you have to get back up and do it. I may sound like I'm supporting your theory, but rest assured, I will make my point.
Obviously you can go into a new dive feeling confident in yourself to do it, but if you don't possess the physical capability, you will fail at the dive, and there is nothing you can do about it. Overconfidence leads to arrogance which leads to misconceptions and fantasy worlds.
Wafflekingz and Jesiah, you two are showing the true ignorance by shooing away nay-sayers like a bunch of superior beings. If you truly believed in yourself, wouldn't you confront Mini Mic head on instead of booing him away and insulting his ignorance?

Ok, I agree with JesiahTEG that you probably shouldn't be posting here. Regardless of your cited information being correct it goes against the main ideas of this thread, becoming a better person and achieving greatness.
His idea goes against your fantasy world ideas, do you honestly have such a problem with it? If you truly stood for your cause, you would agree that people like that exist in the world and no internet thread is going to change them. You don't have to be an immature brat and push them away.
Actually, you know what, have fun. Have fun living in your little fantasy world where you can do whatever you want by believing in yourself. Let me tell you, though. In real life? It JUST doesn't work that way. You have to be forth the physical, mental, and emotional effort. Nothing comes as easy as you think.


Smash Cadet
Jul 21, 2008
Rochester, NY
I know you don't want me posting here but frankly what you're saying is frustrating an honestly a bit of a joke. While most of the statistics cited here are in relation to Australia, both Australia and the United States are liberal democracies and as such all results should be similar if not more extreme in relation to the United States. Also I know the way I cite books and web sources jumps a little here but it felt like it would be easier to navitate in this particular instance.

Firstly, in Australia around 67% of funding to schools by the government was going to private schools in 2006: [FONT=&quot]http://www.aeufederal.org.au/Debates/factsheet3.pdf[/FONT]. Now I don't think anyone will dispute that extra funding to already well funded schools puts the 'haves at a disadvantage over the gave nots.

Secondly, it was reported that 'in 2003 the number of Australian's in part time jobs had doubled from 1980' (Argy 4) This is a reflection of the increasingly competetive nature of global industry. the emergence of globalisation means that nations are no longer protected by the tariffs that used to keep their industries afloat. As such producers are forced to either become more efficicent or move resources to areas where they have a comparative advatage. Part of this increase in efficiency means the reduciton of variable costs i.e. labour (captial is fixed in the short run) and as such there has been a global shift towards more part time oppertunities avaliable. The fact of the matter is, statistically oppertunities to develope a foothold in your desired industriy is simply getting harder and harder with 'one fifth of all part time workers being underemployed (not getting enough work)' (Argy 5). On the subject of globalisation, outsourcing as well as the establishment of export processing zones have meant that many people have been losing work to foreign labour markets who offer lower rates so as to entice foreign investment eg: [FONT=&quot]http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2004/02/16/1046234.htm [/FONT]

Thridly, in the 2007-2008 period the United States had a gini coefficient measuring 40.8. http://hdrstats.undp.org/indicators/147.html For those who don't know, the gini coefficient is an economic measurement of distribution of income or wealth (income in this case). An even distribution in income will yield a coefficicent of 0 while 100 means total inequality i.e. one person in a nation of 300 million has all the income. The fact that there is such a high degree of inequality shows just how great a difference there is in terms of the resources avaliable to people with which they can pursue their goals and ambitions.

Fourthly, you say "85% of everything that a person would accomplish or attain in terms of finance, money, prestige, status, recognition after they left Harvard University, would be based on their attitude, and only 15% on their aptitude and ability." The key word there is after, obviously attitude becomes far more important once you get out into the work force, after all you don't have to take pop quizzes on a weekly basis to maintain your employment. The fact that you say 'after' troubles me though as the problem for most people is the before, that is to say: getting into Harvard. If I understand correctly, the biggest issue for most people in the US is how to pay for tertiary education. After university is irrelevant as people are skilled labourers by that stage and so already have the necessary tools they need to find work. That being said, those who going to places like Harvard and Yale are also presented with oppertunities to network and form relationships with those already in postitions of power within global industry providing them with yet another advantage over the rest of the population and as I have learnt from my dad (senior management at one of the largest companies in the country) connections are so important. Take the Porche club of Victoria: it's no surprise that the Porche club is comprised of very wealthy people and as such this club provides a medium for relationships to form amongst the rich and powerful to assure mutually beneficial arragenments keeping the priviledge within a certain group of society. as McGregor notes 'It is class that crustallizes who has power in our society and who does not, who are the bosses and who are the workers' (155)

You're delusional if you don't think colledge is important anymore. Back when my dad started working at the place he still works at over 30 years ago he was hired without any qualifications. Nowadays he does the hiring and they won't even read your resume if you don't have tertiary qualifications. Similarly my mum is a financial manager and once again the policy at her work is no qualifications no hire.

In Austrlaia to get into university you need to attain a certain ENTER score, that is to say a ranked score from 1 to 99.5 which places you relative to all other students (99.95 being best). How it works here is that you might need 95 to get into Commerce at university A but if you pay higher fees you can get in with something like 90. You can't tell me that money doesn't provide an arbitrary advantage for some. Oh and please provide references when you cite statistics or else you can't really provide an arguement at all.

You haven't provided a single source and as such you haven't provided a single statistic.

I apologize for my blatant pessimism but realistically the world is no where near as easy as you make it out to be. I do believe in the power of hard work (it's how I got where I am today) but something has to be said for pre-existing factors.

Literature Cited

F. Argy, ‘The changing face of Australian egalitarianism’ in Where to From Here? Australian Egalitarianism under threat, Sydney, Allen & Unwin, 2003, pp. 1-51 (ISBN 1-86508-852-8)

C. McGregor, "Class" in R. Jureidini and M. Poole (eds), Sociology, 2000, p.155

So if I believe I can be great, I can be great?
I'm sorry, that is absolute bull****. This world was built upon people who took the time and effort to put the effort in to learn how to do something, it wasn't built upon a bunch of hippies who dreamt of better lives and transformed into successful beings.
You are absolutely bat**** crazy if you believe college doesn't matter in life. Individuals with higher levels of educational training and less spiritual nonsense tend to make more money on average than those who have not attended college Source.
I agree wholeheartedly with Mini Mic on this issue. You can't get somewhere in life by believing in yourself. You can get somewhere if you put forth the dedication and effort to get where you want to go.
Wafflekingz and Jesiah, you two are showing the true ignorance by shooing away nay-sayers like a bunch of superior beings. If you truly believed in yourself, wouldn't you confront Mini Mic head on instead of booing him away and insulting his ignorance?
You clearly don't understand what is being said here. How can someone work hard at something if they don't believe in themselves? We are saying the same things here and it was build on a bunch of people who dreamed of better lives... thats how they got a vision to then put the time and effort into learning how to do whatever they needed to do. Doesn't matter and isn't necessary are two completely different things in regards to college. And many people don't even go to college because they don't think they can do it...it has nothing to do with being spiritual it has to do with self validation.

How does me confronting Mini Mic head about a post telling people that life is really hard and there is little opportunity in a thread made to help people achieve greatness have anything to do with me believing in myself? I am one of the people that is achieving greatness and knows why, that isn't showing true ignorance. The ignorant thing is that you don't understand that many people were raised with destructive criticism and no love and they feel guilty and afraid to succeed. So although you may not be one of these people the whole message to the many people that have regrets in life and are carrying around grudges and fear and anger that is holding them back from succeeding is flying right under your radar.


Smash Apprentice
May 29, 2009
You clearly don't understand what is being said here. How can someone work hard at something if they don't believe in themselves? We are saying the same things here and it was build on a bunch of people who dreamed of better lives... thats how they got a vision to then put the time and effort into learning how to do whatever they needed to do. Doesn't matter and isn't necessary are two completely different things in regards to college. And many people don't even go to college because they don't think they can do it...it has nothing to do with being spiritual it has to do with self validation.

How does me confronting Mini Mic head about a post telling people that life is really hard and there is little opportunity in a thread made to help people achieve greatness have anything to do with me believing in myself? I am one of the people that is achieving greatness and knows why, that isn't showing true ignorance. The ignorant thing is that you don't understand that many people were raised with destructive criticism and no love and they feel guilty and afraid to succeed. So although you may not be one of these people the whole message to the many people that have regrets in life and are carrying around grudges and fear and anger that is holding them back from succeeding is flying right under your radar.
You're treating the readers like children if you censor half of the picture.


Smash Ace
Sep 24, 2008
Ok, lets cover the obvious here. Stating "Im a millionaire, I will buy a Yatch, women will fall head over heels for me" over in over in front of the mirror for two weeks without actually showering or leaving the coach is not going to make your a millionaire nor the women swoon. If you know anyone who has done so sitting at home with the best attitude in the world please let me know as I am all for trying it. To achieve those things it takes action, to achieve anything it takes action.

Which is a larger part of the big picture, the thing that will make all the difference in your life, character. Being hard working, persistent, a positive attitude, wise, etc are all character traits. The less opportunities or just straight up luck you have (world is capricious in some sense. People win the lottery, their stupid idea picks up all this press, whatever) the more character you will need to do great things.

Absolutely having money makes things easier. It will open doors for you, and its easier to make money when you have it. And the same can be said about having great personal connections. If you father donates a wing to Harvard you will get in regardless of what ur GPA is.

But hopefully that is not going to dissuade you. Cause the fact of the matter is someone with less education, less ability, less knowledge of the native language or customs, just someone in an all around worse situation than you has done it. Has done great things, and went on to live an amazing life. And these are people that from an outside perspective have looked to have everything working against them.

Anything you want to learn, I promise you there is a book out there that some expert in his/her field has written about it.

And one important thing everyone should realize is to think on your own. One of peoples biggest problems is just accepting what they hear. Be it from their family, friends, media, whatever. Everyone is capable of figuring out, understanding things on their own. Looking back at ancient Greece, it produced more scholars arguably than any other period/place in history. And when you look at the population differences from there to what we have now or from similarly following periods it is pretty unbelievable. Anyway, they taught through persistent questioning, trying to try to really understand the why not just the what. Unlike the hugely flawed learn to retain information/answer question system we have now (once again a rather large thesis).


Smash Master
Jan 30, 2007
Rochester, NY
Way too much to read, and I'm leaving in like 10 minutes. I'm getting those statistics for Goldshadow, I will reply to everything when I get home.

From my brief skim though, good stuff to JV and Wafflekingz.


Pikaville returns 10 years later.
Feb 16, 2006
Kinsale, Ireland
With regards to myself I feel I have a hard time combining my interests with motivation and confidence.

Ive hit alot of brick walls with regards academics and certain other skills I have an interest in and I feel this constant saying "I couldnt do that because a.b.c etc" is holding me back from doing what I want.

I need motivation but I dont know what to draw it from.


Smash Cadet
Jul 21, 2008
Rochester, NY
With regards to myself I feel I have a hard time combining my interests with motivation and confidence.

Ive hit alot of brick walls with regards academics and certain other skills I have an interest in and I feel this constant saying "I couldnt do that because a.b.c etc" is holding me back from doing what I want.

I need motivation but I dont know what to draw it from.
I can definitely relate to the brick walls with regards to motivation for academics. A lot of it I've found is that I'm just not interested enough with the classes or I think its too much work or too hard and I then only put forth the minimal effort to get by. After working with some people I have realized how much more drive these people have for what they are doing. Working with them has inspired me to put more time into my studies and the results are really starting to show. The whole situation of motivation is solving itself now because I have support and I am doing better which is making the journey a lot more enjoyable that it previously was. Surrounding yourself with people who are better then you and successful in whatever it is that you want is a very good idea.

The motivation now comes from the positive emotions that I have towards the lifestyle that I want to live and realizing that this is the path that I am taking to get it. Knowing this helps to push through the hard times. Consciously saying or thinking "I can't" or "I wish" or "I have to" subconsciously sends the message that you are not in control of the aspect in life you are talking about. Not being in control makes everything seem so much more difficult in life and puts yourself in a negative mindset towards the challenge you are trying to overcome. I myself used to say that I can't do what other students did because I wasn't smart enough or something along those lines but that attitude is what held me back from reaching a higher potential for so long and it was only true because I believed it to be.


Smash Ace
Nov 27, 2007
Right, so I guess that the Original Poster is on the Gestalt principals of 'theapy'.
If I may (On his/her permission) join this thread as a mediator?


Smash Lord
Apr 12, 2007
I will never tell. :D
I can tell you how I feel at peace all of the time, but you probably won 't like my answer: the Catholic Church and Christ is the answer (or Buddha if you're Buddhist). So many people say religion is a constricting set of rules, but NAY I say! I have never felt more free in my entire life! I never want to go back to being the rigid moral'd atheist.

My 2 cent's.


Smash Master
Jan 30, 2007
Rochester, NY
No More Off Topicness In This Thread! Pm Me If You Want To Debate!

I know you don't want me posting here but frankly what you're saying is frustrating an honestly a bit of a joke. While most of the statistics cited here are in relation to Australia, both Australia and the United States are liberal democracies and as such all results should be similar if not more extreme in relation to the United States. Also I know the way I cite books and web sources jumps a little here but it felt like it would be easier to navitate in this particular instance.

Firstly, in Australia around 67% of funding to schools by the government was going to private schools in 2006: [FONT=&quot]http://www.aeufederal.org.au/Debates/factsheet3.pdf[/FONT]. Now I don't think anyone will dispute that extra funding to already well funded schools puts the 'haves at a disadvantage over the gave nots.

Secondly, it was reported that 'in 2003 the number of Australian's in part time jobs had doubled from 1980' (Argy 4) This is a reflection of the increasingly competetive nature of global industry. the emergence of globalisation means that nations are no longer protected by the tariffs that used to keep their industries afloat. As such producers are forced to either become more efficicent or move resources to areas where they have a comparative advatage. Part of this increase in efficiency means the reduciton of variable costs i.e. labour (captial is fixed in the short run) and as such there has been a global shift towards more part time oppertunities avaliable. The fact of the matter is, statistically oppertunities to develope a foothold in your desired industriy is simply getting harder and harder with 'one fifth of all part time workers being underemployed (not getting enough work)' (Argy 5). On the subject of globalisation, outsourcing as well as the establishment of export processing zones have meant that many people have been losing work to foreign labour markets who offer lower rates so as to entice foreign investment eg: [FONT=&quot]http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2004/02/16/1046234.htm [/FONT]

Thridly, in the 2007-2008 period the United States had a gini coefficient measuring 40.8. http://hdrstats.undp.org/indicators/147.html For those who don't know, the gini coefficient is an economic measurement of distribution of income or wealth (income in this case). An even distribution in income will yield a coefficicent of 0 while 100 means total inequality i.e. one person in a nation of 300 million has all the income. The fact that there is such a high degree of inequality shows just how great a difference there is in terms of the resources avaliable to people with which they can pursue their goals and ambitions.

Fourthly, you say "85% of everything that a person would accomplish or attain in terms of finance, money, prestige, status, recognition after they left Harvard University, would be based on their attitude, and only 15% on their aptitude and ability." The key word there is after, obviously attitude becomes far more important once you get out into the work force, after all you don't have to take pop quizzes on a weekly basis to maintain your employment. The fact that you say 'after' troubles me though as the problem for most people is the before, that is to say: getting into Harvard. If I understand correctly, the biggest issue for most people in the US is how to pay for tertiary education. After university is irrelevant as people are skilled labourers by that stage and so already have the necessary tools they need to find work. That being said, those who going to places like Harvard and Yale are also presented with oppertunities to network and form relationships with those already in postitions of power within global industry providing them with yet another advantage over the rest of the population and as I have learnt from my dad (senior management at one of the largest companies in the country) connections are so important. Take the Porche club of Victoria: it's no surprise that the Porche club is comprised of very wealthy people and as such this club provides a medium for relationships to form amongst the rich and powerful to assure mutually beneficial arragenments keeping the priviledge within a certain group of society. as McGregor notes 'It is class that crustallizes who has power in our society and who does not, who are the bosses and who are the workers' (155)

You're delusional if you don't think colledge is important anymore. Back when my dad started working at the place he still works at over 30 years ago he was hired without any qualifications. Nowadays he does the hiring and they won't even read your resume if you don't have tertiary qualifications. Similarly my mum is a financial manager and once again the policy at her work is no qualifications no hire.

In Austrlaia to get into university you need to attain a certain ENTER score, that is to say a ranked score from 1 to 99.5 which places you relative to all other students (99.95 being best). How it works here is that you might need 95 to get into Commerce at university A but if you pay higher fees you can get in with something like 90. You can't tell me that money doesn't provide an arbitrary advantage for some. Oh and please provide references when you cite statistics or else you can't really provide an arguement at all.

You haven't provided a single source and as such you haven't provided a single statistic.

I apologize for my blatant pessimism but realistically the world is no where near as easy as you make it out to be. I do believe in the power of hard work (it's how I got where I am today) but something has to be said for pre-existing factors.

Literature Cited

F. Argy, ‘The changing face of Australian egalitarianism’ in Where to From Here? Australian Egalitarianism under threat, Sydney, Allen & Unwin, 2003, pp. 1-51 (ISBN 1-86508-852-8)

C. McGregor, "Class" in R. Jureidini and M. Poole (eds), Sociology, 2000, p.155

I'll definitely address everything that you've said, that's a promise. I'm going to do it via PM though. This thread is already turning into something I really didn't want it to. If you want to share our conversation with other people via PM, that's fine as well. But I can tell there are some people here who are genuinely interested in the topic at hand, and I do not want to deviate from any way.

Also, about the statistics...I WILL FIND THEM! I read a lot, and have been studying this topic for a while now. I have to go to the bookstore, find what book it was from, and check the index/works cited part of the book. I don't feel like rushing out to do that as soon as someone asks me to, but I will do it.

So if I believe I can be great, I can be great?
I'm sorry, that is absolute bull****. This world was built upon people who took the time and effort to put the effort in to learn how to do something, it wasn't built upon a bunch of hippies who dreamt of better lives and transformed into successful beings.
You are absolutely bat**** crazy if you believe college doesn't matter in life. Individuals with higher levels of educational training and less spiritual nonsense tend to make more money on average than those who have not attended college Source.
I agree wholeheartedly with Mini Mic on this issue. You can't get somewhere in life by believing in yourself. You can get somewhere if you put forth the dedication and effort to get where you want to go.
I'm a Junior Olympic springboard diver. Diving is more of a mental sport than a physical sport, and yes, it is downright scary sometimes. Even when you mess up or hit the board, you have to get back up and do it. I may sound like I'm supporting your theory, but rest assured, I will make my point.
Obviously you can go into a new dive feeling confident in yourself to do it, but if you don't possess the physical capability, you will fail at the dive, and there is nothing you can do about it. Overconfidence leads to arrogance which leads to misconceptions and fantasy worlds.
Wafflekingz and Jesiah, you two are showing the true ignorance by shooing away nay-sayers like a bunch of superior beings. If you truly believed in yourself, wouldn't you confront Mini Mic head on instead of booing him away and insulting his ignorance?

His idea goes against your fantasy world ideas, do you honestly have such a problem with it? If you truly stood for your cause, you would agree that people like that exist in the world and no internet thread is going to change them. You don't have to be an immature brat and push them away.
Actually, you know what, have fun. Have fun living in your little fantasy world where you can do whatever you want by believing in yourself. Let me tell you, though. In real life? It JUST doesn't work that way. You have to be forth the physical, mental, and emotional effort. Nothing comes as easy as you think.
Again, I'll address you via PM. There is one thing I can't ignore though, your last statement towards Wafflekingz.

I can't help but to laugh at you telling Wafflekingz to have fun in his little fantasy world where he can just do whatever he wants, and how in real life it JUST doesn't work that way.

Alright, time for some education, you high schooler you. :laugh:

I know the man in real life. He's 22. He's in college already, in his 3rd year in fact, he's been living on his own, paying his bills since he left his house. He pays for a car, he pays for his apartment, food, everything.

My point in that post is to let you know, this "real world" that you speak of, he's been in it. You haven't yet. Right there just completely disqualifies you from anything you have said.

Next, he lives by this information that we are talking about, and guess what? He's one of the happiest, successful people I know and he's going to continue on that path.

Throw him in the middle of a party with anyone else in this thread and he will come out with more friends. Throw him into the same job, at the same time as anyone here, and he'll reach a management position faster. Give him and someone else the same amount of money to live on for a month and I guarantee he'll have more food, more enjoyment, and more efficiency with it. Let him start a competitive game at the same time with someone and watch him excel and become better, faster. Put a girl in front of him and you and watch him go home with her.

He's had more attractive girlfriends than anyone in this thread has had, I'm sure of it, as some of them are models and have competed and ranked in beauty pageants. Any situation that would normally make someone upset, he'll always come out of it with a positive attitude and something learned. You can't break him down under any circumstances, whether it's the stress of school, people, girlfriend, etc.

I'm not trying to argue with you, but I know him. He uses this information in real life, just like top CEO's of Fortune 500 companies do, and he's achieving success.

With regards to myself I feel I have a hard time combining my interests with motivation and confidence.

Ive hit alot of brick walls with regards academics and certain other skills I have an interest in and I feel this constant saying "I couldnt do that because a.b.c etc" is holding me back from doing what I want.

I need motivation but I dont know what to draw it from.
Wafflez is right, surrounding yourself with people who have the same interests as you, and are motivated in the same areas when you are not is definitely a good thing to do. Other than that, one thing you don't want to do is just "wait for it to pass by." You definitely need to make a conscious effort to get over these brick walls.

First off, any form of " I can't," as Wafflez pointed out, is just sealing your own doom, it's a self fulfilling prophecy. You have absolutely no idea how much damage you are doing to yourself by using that language. You're right when you say that you think that is holding you back. Start by using affirmations. Say to yourself when you wake up, "I can do X, I can do X," X being whatever it is you want to do. Whenever you have free time, tell yourself that over and over. Before you go to bed, when you wake up, when you shower, etc. I've explained why this works before, so look back to my post on I think the first page to find out the psychology behind this. Do this for like a week or two while constantly putting forth effort towards whatever it is you're trying to do. You're almost guaranteed results.

Right, so I guess that the Original Poster is on the Gestalt principals of 'theapy'.
If I may (On his/her permission) join this thread as a mediator?
I have no idea what you're classifying me as, and what joining as a mediator means.

I can tell you how I feel at peace all of the time, but you probably won 't like my answer: the Catholic Church and Christ is the answer (or Buddha if you're Buddhist). So many people say religion is a constricting set of rules, but NAY I say! I have never felt more free in my entire life! I never want to go back to being the rigid moral'd atheist.

My 2 cent's.
I DEFINITELY don't want to get into the Christianity debate, however, I will say that Christianity encourages the use of a lot of similar principles that successful people use, however there are definitely differences, but if it's working for you and making your life happy and successful, then by all means keep going. :)

Again, a lot of the statistics I have referenced are in books/papers/interviews that I have read/heard from a while ago. I will cite them all eventually, but it may be a while to dig through that all to find exactly where I got it from. I have things to do in my life, but I will get to it eventually I promise.

Again, any debating please do it via PM. Thanks.


Nov 26, 2004
This is going to come off as a joke but I promise you its not

What I want to succeed at is.

Staying in this culture/country/society(call it what you like) with maximum time energy and effort spent towards 4 things (friends/family, computer games/internet, books, music) with minimum time energy and effort spent towards everything else. This is of course considering all things in the long run. And consider exactly what I mean by this before responding.

I think I'm at a decent level of progress in figuring this out but I'd be interested in seeing what you think.


Smash Master
Jan 30, 2007
Rochester, NY
Well, I can't say I have a complete grasp on what you're goals are, but from what you've said, you want to succeed at putting most of your time towards those 4 things. That's a goal easily achievable Varuna, since all you are doing is managing your time between those things.

What did you mean by in the long run though? You didn't mention work or school at all. Are you doing either of those things?


Smash Cadet
Apr 26, 2009
My Goal - Go to a good college, hopefully find myself a decent job in teaching or coaching, start a family, die in my sleep.

Thats my goal in a nutshell.

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
Oh man, i'm going to have to set like an hour of my day out every day just for this thread

My Goal - Go to a good college, hopefully find myself a decent job in teaching or coaching, start a family, die in my sleep.

Thats my goal in a nutshell.
sorry for the double post, but i have to touch on something that i feel jesiah, wafflz and Jv left out...

The need for goals is of prime importance, but even more important is for those goals to be dicreet and concrete.

your goals are to be a teacher/coach, have a nice family and have a peaceful death. All very good and respectable goals. but you have to define them a little bit further. What exactly do you want to do as a career, ill just use this as an example cus it fits both of your desires. maybe you want to be a high school gym teacher.

you want a happy family right? how many children does that include? feel free to make a range.

die in your sleep? ill assume you meant peacefully. what does that require? for your children to out live you? to not be in debt? to live a normal humna life span?

so just as an example, lets say you want to get a bachlors degree, become a high school gym teacher, with 3 children, having no debt and a decent amount of money to will to the rest of your family.

once you have concrete and discreet life goals. that allows you to do whats most important for achieving your goals, which is plan.

If you want to go to college for 4 years than you need to figure out
1. where you want to go.
2. how much it will cost

once you figure out how much it will cost, you need to set a plan to get the money. Figure out if if you need loans, how much $ in loans you need, how you will pay them back, how long that will take, what you need to do in school to sustain those loans and all the other stuff you need to do that relates to school

if you want to be a gym teacher, and you want 3 kids, you are going to need to know how much it will cost to sustain living arrangements, babysitters, food, shelter and all other provisions for 3 kids for 18+ years, and then you need to find out how much money combined you and your wife will be bringing in on a yearly, then a quarterly, than a monthly, than a (bi)weekly basis so that you can properly allocate your funds to cover all of the expenses children incur, and at the same time you are going to have to manage that money to make sure you can pay for all of the family bills, as well as your possible school loans, while you save money for incidentals (kids break stuff all the time) and build up college funds, a retirement fund and hopefully some money to leave your family with.

and if it happens that as a gym teacher you dont make enough to cover all of those expences, you are going to have to possibly have some thing on the side for some additional income so that you can live comfortably and still take care of all the needs of your family.

The problem with most people and families is that they for get to prepare for all of the potential expences that come with life. and they end up getting hit with expences they werent plannign or prepared for, and than they cant pay for it and go into debt because they dont have the money set aside because of inadaquate planning

All in all, even the smallest and simplest goals in the real world require a mountain load of time and preparation and planning.

the point to all of this is that with the immense amount of work it takes to achieve your goals, most people wont do this unless they have the undying faith and belief that there goals are not only possible but that they individually can achieve them. This is what Wafflz and Jesiah mean. You MUST have that faith and undying and unshakeable belief in your dreams and goals in order to find the motivation to not only plan your entire way from start to end but to actually put your plan into action and do the work necessary to achieve said goals. you may have goals but unless you have that belief, it will be completely fruitless. thats what jesiah is talking about and that is what leadership really means
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