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Batman: We Own the Knight (mee-OWWwwwwww - Catwoman Report Card is up!)

Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue

"And that was Rick Astley, and I do declare, he is never gonna give you up, never gonna sell you out."

"I'd have liked to save that crapper for April Fool's."

"Don't mind Cuts the Cheese over here, he looooves to be negative, folks! Of course, you're here with WGNY, the Cool Breeze, Gotham City's premiere squawk talk and muzack station!"

"On everybody's plates today, the Joker killings of last night. Nine in total, two African-American males, a vagrant, a young unidentified man, a pawn shop clerk, two barflies, and a woman and her young son. Who is he? Why so many in the pink district and just two elsewhere?"

"Is he nuts? Bonkers? Why's he doin' it?"

"Who is he? And of course, what's Batman going to do about this murderous rampage?"

"Opening it up to you, Gotham! Let's hear what you have to say, and feel free to toss a COOOOOL TUNE our way!"

Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue
"Wha-hoooo, somebody's got some spunk! Bah you've got no sense of humor missy."

"Don't mind my coworker. He's an idiot people like to listen to. What do you think of the killings, miss...?"


Jan 19, 2009
Robinson Park
"When you live in a dangerous place, you're going to be met with dangerous people. The pink district is seedy, dangerous. I'm not surprised the Joker killings were so close to Amusement Mile, Crime Alley..."

Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue
"Do you think he's a product of his environment, or just a sadist?"



Jan 19, 2009
Robinson Park
"I don't see why he can't be both. Gotham is a breeding ground for creeps and weirdos; Gotham is full of criminals; they're bound to overlap with someone out there. And the Police, they're always chasing, never catching. It's like a giant game of cat and mouse with them... if it weren't for the Batman, I'd guess that this Joker would never get caught."

Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue
"Hold up there dollface, looks like we're getting another caller!"

"Before we disconnect you, ma'am, would you like to request a second song? Taste that good deserves a bulletproof doublevote."

"And to our mystery caller, feel free to pipe in when Miss Sociologist is done pickin' her bad songs!"


Clown Prince
Jan 17, 2009
Hellooooo Gotham listeners

You might of heard of me before. Some people call me the space cowboy, some call me the gangster of love. Some people call me Maurice, cause I speak of the pompousness of love.

I am the Joker, and within the last twelve hours I've killed twenty three people. Just recently I shot six dead in black district, and by the end of the day I'll have killed...oh, I don't know, let's say Zinc people.

You're sick, Gotham. You look at the sky and the clouds and pray for rain to wash the filth from your streets, but IT'S NOT COMING. You need a cure, and I am your cure.

The killings aren't the cure, of course. They're just to show that

I mean business.

Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue
"Hmmm... seems we've lost our... friend here..."

"Well, people of Gotham, now's your chance. We're leaving the line open. Tell this Joker just what you think of him, and remember you heard here first -- WGNY, and let's Shoot the Breeze!(tm)

Killer Croc

Jan 18, 2009
Good day to you, Joker, it's interesting to see you on the line, I wish you the best of luck in taking over this filthy, vile, disgusting city.

While I'm on, could you play Everlong by the Foo Fighters?


Good evening, Gotham.

It saddens me to see such violence manifesting itself in such a fair and formerly illustrious city such as Gotham. However, the one who calls himself Joker is right about one thing, even if it is slightly skewed: the city is diseased. By avarice, violence, corruption and the one thing that ties them all together; greed. In some ways not just among the flotsam and jetsam of criminals that are the poisoned urchins on the streets. But also the brass and politicians, who in some ways see power as not only a tool for control, but a pill that absolves their wrongdoings.

While my interest in Gotham is strictly that of a humanitarian and historian, I must say that to sometimes do nothing is a good remedy. Perchance Gotham will rise up against the toxins flowing through it's streets and be born a new. Our tree of peace must occasionally be refreshed with the blood of good men and miscreants who foment and savor their own brutality. And who better to prune it then us?

And for a song, I believe The Firebird Suite would be most fitting at such a crossroads as now.

Rupert Thorne

Good evening citizens of Gotham. I would just like to say to this Joker fellow that these killings do nothing more than enhance the problems this city is facing. It is true that there are problems in this city, and the violence is one of them. The solution to these problems lies in the sources that allow them to occur, not in the problems themselves. I would hope the GCPD is going to be working on preventing more of these random killings, and if they can not stop this, perhaps a change is necessary to find someone who can.

Also, I would like to request Don't Fear the Reaper to encourage the citizens of Gotham to stand strong against the attempts to spread fear into their hearts.

Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue
GCN Special Bulletin

Hello Gotham City. I'm Mike Engel, reporting to you live.

It's been a trying twenty-four hours for our city, but it seems the maniacal man known only as "The Joker" has already struck again.

Shortly after two this afternoon, eyewitnesses panicked after hearing a gunshot. They then saw a man, dressed in clown makeup... well, we'll let this footage from a perimeter camera at Gotham First National Bank do the talking.

You see this man exit a cab, holding a smoking pistol, as the mob of various people in downtown begin to panick and run. He begins to cackle as he opens fire. One man drops, then two more, then a woman. He then runs away, quickly.

Engel shakes his head.

Horrifying stuff.

Not five blocks away, Sven's Tailored Suits was the next hit. The Joker ran in and shot one employee before demanding all of the money in the register. Upon receiving it, he shot the proprietor, Sven Mierks, in the shin. Mierks is reported to be in stable condition. The employee died of his injuries, as did all four of his shooting victims.

Why he chose to rob a small business nearby but not the bank he exited beside, and why he would choose a random shooting as a precursor to this, is just part of the growing enigma that has become The Joker.

Just recently, a forty-five year-old male was discovered in an alleyway just a jog from the scene of the chaos. He was reported to be stabbed nearly two dozen times in the back. His wallet and cellular phone were missing.

It is unsure whether this was part of the killings, but that is considered likely by those close to GCN. If one is to accept this as a Joker victim, this brings his confirmed kill count to sixteen.

Three other homicides have been reported today. At the Cathedral Square "L" station, a Hispanic man was found lying prone by a young adolescent. The man appeared to have been stabbed once in the heart.

More distressingly -- and bafflingly -- another two homicide victims have been found in Crime Alley of the Pink District. Both men were wearing soiled orange coveralls -- which the city confirms as being the standard uniform for sewer maintenance staff -- and had their faces completely caved in. One of them had a fractured spine in addition to this, while the other body had been removed before GCN personnel could get on site.

This has been a troubling day for all of us, and I ask you citizens who had faith: Where are your heroic policemen now? Where is your Batman now?

Call in and be heard.


Clown Prince
Jan 17, 2009
Hello there

I'd just..just thought I'd like to let you know that I'm running my own show now. Call (this number) for whatever advice you want to give. Whoever calls first, I'll listen to.

Oh, and as a side note, the GCPD might be interested in knowing that I have set a bomb in the back of their building, and I'll set it off in, oh, I dunno, a minute.

Better run

Jim Gordon

Attention, people of Gotham. As you all know, the Joker has been going on a killing spree of sorts, with brutal crime after brutal crime. I want you all to stay calm and live your lives normally. The Joker's exact intention with these murders is to spread fear and chaos, and as your police captain, I will not let that happen!

These murders appear to be completely random, and I don't think the Joker is targeting any one group. I advise you all to simply be more cautious in your daily lives - Do not board up your homes, do not hide in your cellars, do not block off your doors. The Gotham City Police Department and I are doing all that is possible to crack down these crimes and bring the Joker to justice.

On a final note, if you see the Joker or any other criminal, please, contact us immediately. If at any point you feel unsafe or threatened, do not hesitate to call 911 for help - The GCPD's primary concern is your safety.

This is Police Captain Jim Gordon - Stay safe, Gotham.

Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue

Mike Engel adjusts his tie.

Hold on one moment. It appears there has been an... event.

GCN's chopper managed to capture it. I warn you, these images are disturbing, and should not be seen by small children.

You see a view from a chopper, looking below. The reporters chatter in the background. Suddenly...

The chopper is rocked in surprise, and they curse and swear loudly as smoke billows up from below. Screams can be heard.

Engel shakes his head.

So far, ten have been confirmed dead, with many more injured.

As always... call in with your thoughts. It's time to be heard Gotham. By God, is it time.


Clown Prince
Jan 17, 2009
I'm afraid Mr. Gordon thought I was bluffing

That blood is on his hands. And I applaud him for telling Gotham's Citizens to continue to be in the streets. That just makes the killing so much easier. So please follow in his footsteps. Assuming of course that Mr. Gordon still has his feet attached

Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue

I will not be on most of tomorrow, or until later on friday night, so you're smartest to catch up and get to night hours tonight. Day hours will go to 6:30pm, then you have to wait for friday.

If friday comes and you never did anything, you lost that time. Sorry, but that's the only way to keep the game plunging on ahead.

Night 1/Day 2 will be a lot more regulated in terms of how much time you can access at once.


Turning and turning
In a widening gyre;
The falcon cannot hear the falconer.
Things fall apart,
The centre cannot hold.
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world.

Sadly, I feel as if this societal mutineer is slowly building the foundation of a new Pandemonium where our city once stood. But we must not fear, for fear is the mind-killer: a drug of the masses that lulls them into hysteria. And if that is to happen, then so much is lost.

And in the dark, I hear the beating of mighty wings.

Rupert Thorne

I must agree with the last caller that we must not fear. The only thing that accomplishes is disabling the ability to think clearly. However, don't mistake that for not being cautious, as this is most certainly a time to avoid rash decisions and lack of attention. I would also like to add that it seems our police force is failing this city. I applaud the bravery of the men and women who continuously head to the scenes of these gruesome murders, I just hope there is something going on out of sight we don't know about, or the leaders of the police force are truly failing us in our greatest time of need.

Killer Croc

Jan 18, 2009
Bravo, Joker, Bravo.

I was going to show the true repulsiveness of Gotham, but it looks like your are doing all the work for me.

Remember to save me a couple of districts.

Once more, I applaud you.

Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue
OOC: I've got good news and bad news. The good news is my plans for tonight are off and I'll be on after all.

What's the bad news?

*pulls out an uzi*

I'm the bad news.

Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue

Well, folks, it seems we've got one last unusual action before we slip into night.

Around five forty-five this evening, someone reported an explosion to the police. Apparently, the Department of Waste Management's office was detonated. No one could guess why.

The sole survivor of the incident had this to say.

"Some... woman, dressed like a cat... sh was the one who did this. She took us by surprise and tied us up... then she took us one by one to separately question us about something. But no one ever came back with her... I was so scared. She didn't get to me though, because Harold told her exactly what she wanted. But as she was leaving, Harold tried to take her by surprise, then she killed him. After that, she set explosives and told me to run for my life... and to consider this my lucky day."

She fades into sobs.

Heartwrenching stuff. It seems we've got another unusual character on the prowl. But why the Department of Waste Management?

Rest assured, when I interview Mayor Anthony Garcia on Gotham Tonight at eight o'clock, these are the kind of answers I'll be pressing for.

In the mean time, call in, and be heard.


Jan 19, 2009
Robinson Park
This is the Catwoman. I have a rock solid alibi for the time of the explosions, so it wont be long until the authorities realize it wasn't me.

Whoever you are, the one trying to frame me: you fucked with the wrong kitty. You should have picked someone else, because you just signed your own death warrant. If you think this is a game, that's fine by me. The game will end for you so quickly, you'll be hard pressed to think it was even fun.

Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue


ENGEL: Welcome back to Gotham Tonight, and what a day it's been. As always, I'm your host, Mike Engel. Another unusual crime on a day of many, a fire broke out on the lawn of City Hall. Luckily, the eastern wall was merely scortched before Gotham's fire department coudl put it out. Appropriately, tonight, we have with us a very special guest, Mayor Anthony Garcia. Welcome, Mayor Garcia.

GARCIA:Glad to be here

ENGEL:I suppose we'll jump right into it then.

ENGEL:November elections are right around the corner Any plans on your incumbency campaign? I'm sure you see where I'm going with this.

GARCIA:Well I think it'd be...innapropriate of me to discuss my political future at this time. My term isn't over yet, I can't bother with setting up a campaign on the taxpayer's time, especially in a time like this. I was elected to clean up the street, to make Gotham a safer place, and it's not a quick job, but I think when November comes along people will look at Gotham now and Gotham before, and they'll vote for the person that helped change it

ENGEL:I take it you've got a plan.

GARCIA:From the start this crime wave seemed difference. This wasn't a single man who had too much agression built up, this was something else. We've been hitting organized crime hard, and they're starting to hit back. I've been working with Dent and police comissoner Gordon since the start, and I trust them and the people of Gotham in seeing this through

ENGEL:You expect them to persevere. But people are getting impatient.

GARCIA:Yes, and people will try to capitalize on their impatience, crime and politicians. This is the dark before the dawn, criminals will push us but we can't give in. We can't surrender to terror. If we give in now we'll have given up all the progress we have made. We can't have that

ENGEL:Alright, then let's talk proactivity. What has changed, since these crime waves? I assume they've upped the ante.

GARCIA:We're remaining ever vigilant in guarding the citizens of Gotham. The investigation into the bombings of the GCDP and the Sewage plant are going well, very well, and I'm told police are close to discovering the culprits, and I think it's marvelous how quickly and dilligently they've worked on it. These attacks have only showed us that we're winning, that organized crime is scared, and we have to continue to push them. We can't let up.

GARCIA:We're doing everying we can and then some to protect the citizens of Gotham

ENGEL:That's good to hear, Mr. Mayor. As for this ... Joker. What are your thoughts on him?

GARCIA:He's a coward, a physcotic coward who strikes at innocents in the city because he's afraid. His name is fitting, because that's what he is, a Joke. We'll catch him and I promise you this Joker will get the justice he deserves

ENGEL:But surely a man of this constitution is... mentally ill?

GARCIA:Well mental illness is something for the doctors to decide, not me. And that is, of course, assuming he'll be taken alive. Joker doesn't seem like someone who'd surrender peacefully

ENGEL:Speaking of violence, I think we should address this Batman now. A man who breaks all of our vigilante laws and yet is nowhere near being apprehended.

GARCIA:I speak for order and justice, not a masked vigilante. I shouldn't have to make this clear, but the GCPD is not working with the Batman. While I'm honored to see someone try to make this city a better place, dressing up in a costume and beating people to a pulp without jurisdiction is not the way to do it. The real heroes of our streets are not a criminal animal, but the boys in blues and the regular citizens of Gotham that have sacrificed blood and treasure to make this city a model for the rest of America

ENGEL:Is Batman really making this city a better place?

ENGEL:I like to think these recent spikes are an escalation of sorts. You said poking the criminal mass has caused them to run scared, and you're probably right.

ENGEL:If you ask me, arresting the Batman is more crucial now than it ever was.

GARCIA:When we have a choice between chasing terrorists, or a man who spends his night fighting the same criminals we're chasing, I don't think it's too hard of a choice to prioritize the terrorist. The Batman is a fugitive from justice, have that be no mistake, and our investigation is moving forward, and once we have him we will prosecute him to the fullest extent of the law. But I'd say we have much bigger issues on our hand right now then the Batman. Things may change, of course, but if I had to chose between one or the other, I'd rather see the Joker behind bars then the Batman

ENGEL:But in that statement right there, you've admitted him a de facto partner, haven't you?

GARCIA:Well no, I'd dissagree with that statement. My words clearly showed that the Batman is a fugitive, that we will arrest him and that no one can escape justice, just that at this moment I do not believe we should focusing all of our manpower on him when there are much more pressing concerns, such as terrorists. It's a simple choice, would you chose to focus on investigating a murder, or investigating vandelism? Obviously you catch both, but you have to prioritize one first, and the murder would come first. This does not mean we're working with the vandelist. Now if the vandelist shoots the murderer, well ok, but that doesn't clear him. Just adds more charges

ENGEL:Where do organized crime and big money fit into this crime wave? Do you have any reason to believe they are affiliated with the Joker?

GARCIA:I'm sorry, but I can't discuss the specifics of our investigation at this time. But I can say that we're making great progress, and that this dark spell will soon pass

ENGEL:Well, I suppose I'll stop you there, Mr. Mayor, and open up the phonelines to our nightly Q&A. Speak your mind Gotham, what do you want to know from your Mayor?


Mayor Garcia: while I am confident in your zeal to apprehend the criminals and miscreants responsible for these senseless crimes, I must say I am much less so in your ability to thwart them. These villains have all ready marked police headquarters and city hall, the latter of which is obviously more of a statement than an actual act of terrorism. Suffice to say, I do not feel confident in Gotham being protected at the present. This man ignores all of the rules and to fight him you must do the same: "Extreme remedies are very appropriate for extreme diseases", as they say.

I daresay, we need the Batman despite his adherence to his own moral code and not the one you swore to to get in office. Hopefully the city's hubris isn't too big to let us bring oly our knives to a gun fight.

Killer Croc

Jan 18, 2009
Heh heh.

This is to you, Mayor.

I was the one that burned the lawn, consider it as a warning, the next time I won't hold back, in fact, if you give me control of Gotham, I may let you keep that face of yours.

Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue
GARCIA: To the.... apparently out of state caller, I'm afraid I can only disagree with you. With a strong bark comes a sharp tooth, as they say. I agree that things are getting extreme, and that is why I allocated the budget for the Major Crimes Unit, something I met heavy opposition for, I might add.

To the... other fellow. I don't know what i've done to irk you, but I can say that I won't hand over the city I run to some guy that just called on the radio.

Rupert Thorne

Mayor Garcia, I must say, I'm confused how you think that people will think Gotham now is better than before. It seems to me that this is one of, if not the worst crime waves Gotham has ever faced, so I have one question for you.

It appears you are searching for a connection between the Joker and organized crime. I must ask, is this not a part of the problem? We are being presented with a new foe, and it seems instead of accepting it as such, and reacting to this, you are treating it as an old foe, and instead of changing to meet the issues, you are staying steadfast and using old methods that may not have a strong effect on this new threat.

Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue

I'm sorry folks, looks like we've got some breaking news! We'll resume the Q&A in a moment.

Apparently at North Bay Medical Center, in the pink district, there has been a violent battle. Witnesses discussed a raid by none other than the Joker and five other men, all clad in balaclavas at first -- though the Joker shed his soon enough.

The Joker and his men opened fire on a vast number of people, killing over a dozen hostages before offering any chance for redemption. He then reportedly abducted a doctor and demanded to be taken to the drugs. It is here that he and his men filled several duffel bags with all the medical supplies and pharmaceutical narcotics the small facility held.

It is here that witnesses said, and several confirm this, that the Batman himself responded to the incident. He managed to whittle down the Joker's forces, who was forced to flee with only one of his men as MCU's crack SWAT team came down on the building.

Tragedy struck when the Joker managed to down several SWAT team members with a grenade, and then shoot his way through them to the lobby. He was intercepted again by the Batman, who seemed to call a bluff when the Joker alerted him that he had ten seconds before he and his remaining accomplice would execute respective hostages. They made good on their promise.

A herculean struggle ensued, and witnesses said they saw the Joker and Batman trade many punches and knife wounds before the Joker just managed to eke out of the Batman's grasp and escape. The SWAT team had been forced to tend to the wounded, and was as such unable to pursue.

As I've said from the beginning, the Batman cannot be trusted. For all we know, he staged this entire thing for PR reasons. And can you place your faith in that kind of man?

Upwards of two dozen are rumored to be dead, with MCU's Captain Gordon tight-lipped on details. We hope to pursue him for tomorrow night's edition of Gotham Tonight.

Well, Mayor Garcia, I'm sure the people have a question or two about this!


Clown Prince
Jan 17, 2009
Batman was given a chance to back away, and he knew what would happen if he didn't. He didn't disappoint me. He let two people die. Is this who you put your faith in?

No place is safe for you, Gotham. Never. Your Batman is wounded, he's bleeding to death. What can he hope to do tonight? The best he can hope for is to not die. The streets are clean. Go do what you want

Killer Croc

Jan 18, 2009
Joker, where are you?

It would be very enjoyable to see the mighty Batman reduced to a quivering, bleeding, hopeless soul.

Especially after wanting to defend this disgusting city.
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