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Community Stage Pack: Starter Pack Beta 2 is out!


Smash Journeyman
May 25, 2009
The issue with that is if we hack the background of a single custom stage, it changes the background of all custom stages that uses that style (Ruins, Nature, Future)


Dreamland uses Nature, so if we changed its background, we'd change the background of Elevate.

That and you can simply use your own textures. xD
I don't have a Wii right now, so can someone show me hacking a custom stage background with SSB64 or Melee in mind?


Smash Ace
Feb 3, 2008
Hong Kong
The ledges are just as glitchy as Battlefield's.
And I think I know how the Ivy glitch works.
The game consider the structures as objects that will stop the tether characters when they are swinging, just like when you tether a block, and swings to an object, you will lose your tether and starts to fall. Same thing here, you touch the structure and the game make you fall. BTW this glitch works on all tether characters other than Olimar, Tlink and Lucas.


Smash Hero
Mar 26, 2007
Nowhere Land
just wondering if it would be possible to make desolate plateau go all the way down through the death boundary (like a walk off, only going down)? probably make it more of a plateau and less of a floating island.

edit: and just to note, ivy's tether still is messing up on battle place, destination zero, and desolate plateau. it DOES however work on elevate and the revamped dream land.


Smash Master
Feb 6, 2009
@ shadic: you mean walkoffs only work on the right side of the stage. i mean, with stagebuilder at least.


Smash Journeyman
May 25, 2009
I don't have a Wii right now, so can someone show me hacking a custom stage background with SSB64 or Melee in mind?


Smash Journeyman
Nov 13, 2005
Yeah, a stage that extends down that far is possible, and will in fact be done for stages in the Old Skool pack.

The wolf glitches should be fixed, as the sides are now sealed up, but I'm experimenting with more potentially glitchy stretched pieces to maintain aesthetics, some something ****y could still happen I suppose.

It disheartens me to hear that the Ivy glitch lives on. This reminds me of the issue Ivy has on Pirate Ship, if you grab the left ledge near the peak of her tether distance she'll swing right into the front of the ship for an instant KO, lol. Once all other bugs have been found and figured out, the next release of the Starter Pack, currently expected to be the final release of Starter Pack, will be sent out. Ivy glitch should be fixed in it as well.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Boston, MA
So has any progress been made to fix tethers? Any ideas how to fix this? Could a code be written to make it so that a character doesn't drop from his tether when hitting a wall?


Smash Journeyman
Nov 13, 2005
A tether fix will be out in the final release. We don't want to bother depending on a code to stages to work, since this pack should be equally accessible to VBrawl users. We'll just have to not have structures used on the sides. Meh

Thanks for the submissions, I'm going to be doing much work on the Old Skool Pack today now that I've tested the actual stages extensively.

I still want to hear opinions on the changes for Dreamland 64.

Dark Sonic

Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2006
Orlando Florida
So I have a stage related question for any coders out there. Is there any way to include additional sections of walk of levels that are located outside of the boundary (using the boundary modifier code)? If so, is there a way to make the camera able to follow past the original boundary? What I mean is can we somehow include the additional sections shown in THIS video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=al2GtqnKyTY&feature=channel_page as playable sections?


Smash Journeyman
Nov 13, 2005
You are asking for the stage boundaries to be extended, which can be done with codes (and have been in Brawl+ with a few stages, I believe). I'm not sure if the camera naturally extends to adapt to this or not.

For custom stages this isn't really an issue, though.


Smash Journeyman
May 25, 2009
I don't have a Wii right now, so can someone show me hacking a custom stage background with SSB64 or Melee in mind?


Smash Cadet
Jan 24, 2009

I uploaded and balanced (somewhat) 13 of my stages just for this. The link is to my profile on all is brawl. I am submitting all 13 stages on that profile. I also have comments regarding possible balance issues and suggestions for solutions.

Thanks for looking at them. :)

Edit: I would like feedback on my maps, either here in comments on the pages.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Boston, MA
Polyopulis, about your maps...


I uploaded and balanced (somewhat) 13 of my stages just for this. The link is to my profile on all is brawl. I am submitting all 13 stages on that profile. I also have comments regarding possible balance issues and suggestions for solutions.

Thanks for looking at them. :)

Edit: I would like feedback on my maps, either here in comments on the pages.
First of all, I can tell just by looking at each stage's thumbnail that many (if not all) of these maps don't qualify for the tournament scene. This is not to say that your maps are bad, but that they don't fit tournament criteria. To be more specific, I'll run down the list.

Edgy: This map is okay, it's definately a different approach (which isn't a bad thing) but I'm not sure what to think of those ledges. I feel like this map would play VERY campy, with people just chilling in the ledge area, forcing their opponent to advance on them. Basically, in my opinion ledges like these may hurt the flow of gameplay. Though again, this is just my opinion.

Plat: I can't see enough of the map to make a judgment call. So I won't even bother to comment.

Skate: Absolutely not. There is no way a map with Ice can be tourney legal--- it *******izes the match. In addition, this gives the ICs home advantage as they, unlike every other character in the game, do not slip on ice.

Azteque: The problem with this map is that it "canopies" the battle. Generally any map that has a "canopy" isn't tournament legal, i.e. Temple (Melee), and Spear Pillar. Said maps promote campy gameplay, and throw off the focus of the map / match.

Fearless: This map caters far more to floaty characters; characters who perform excellently off stage, as they can easily recover. This map would be epic fail for many characters, as the only grabbable ledges are at the center of the map. It's just not balanced.

Slide: See my 'Skate' response.

Halfpipe: This stage looks absolutely massive! Again, no grabbable ledges (unless they are not shown in the pic). People would live forever in this map, especially in a 1vs1 setting. This stage nerfs horizontal KOs (as you hitthe stage instead of being KOed) and Vertial KOs won't be viable until much higher percents because the sky box death boundry is so far above the center of the stage. In addition, not that this is an absolutely terrible thing, but this map would favor Sonic above every other character.

Intrepid: I like the idea here. I think having a bit more room to move would be nice, having longer platforms in the center, and keeping a gap. It's a simple idea, but it could make for interesting gameplay. I still think it'd need it's fair share of tweaks though.

Aztec: Yet another map that nerfs horizontal KOs. The focus of this map is weak, as I believe the stairs would just create campyness.

Icy: Again, no ice maps can make it to the tourney level. Yes, Vertical KOs are inhibited (the canopy affect). Where is this map's focus? What's the core fighting local on this map? There always has to be grabbable ledges-- no matter what. Even Horizontal KOs have been nerfed in portions of this map. Basically, this map would play in a VERY campy fashion.

Layercake: Look, I like the creativity and all, but maps like this just don't translate to the competitive side of things. For one it's way too big. Secondly, the falling blocks will actually act as a "canopy," blocking vertical KOs. Thirdly, this map has NO FOCUS.

House: It's a house alright, but not a balanced tournament entry. It has a canopy.. AGAIN, thus nullifying many vertical KOs. It has poor focus. For example, why would you EVER want to fight on top of the house when it's so much safer inside? That means the focal point of this map, as actual gameplay would determine, is camping inside the house.

Tower: Too many moving platforms, and such a big map, doesn't bode well in the tournament setting. In addition, this map works to protect people til very high percents, as horizontal KOs are near impossible in some portions of the map. This means that vertical KOs are more important, yet thanks to the map's scale, finishing an enemy will be quite a hassle in and of itself.

To make sure I wasn't going crazy, I read the OP of this thread, here's an important quote to consider:

3.) No cage stages, stages built so people can survive to high percents in a box or whatnot.
4.) Keep the balance for all characters in mind for your submissions. Every point on your stage should be reachable by every character. Left and right edges should generally be grabable so as not to put Olimar, Ivysaur, and ZSS at great disadvantage. If you have ideas to have nongrabbing ledges that still cater to these characters' recoveries decently we'd be interested in seeing them.
#3 refers to "cages" which I've pointed out to you, labeling said stages as "Canopies."

The fundamental problem with many of your entries is focus, balance, and ledges.

When making a map you should consider...

1. What's the focal point (focus) of this map? Where will the fighting take place? How can I work to make the map as focused as possible? For example, refrain from going overboard, adding unnecessary platforms all over, ones that won't be used in every match. If there's no reason to use an aspect of a map in the match then there's no reason to have said aspect in the map itself. Keep the map to the point.

2. Is the map balanced? Are you catering to one character, or sets of characters, and leaving the others in the dust? An example of said maps are ones that have poor ledges that aid floaty, multi-jump characters.

3. Do NOT design the map in such away that it nerfs any kind of KO, be it vertical or horizontal. This actually effects character balance in said map in a HUGE way. For example, playing on a map that limits or nerfs horizontal KOs forces characters to rely on vertical KOs instead. For some characters this is fine and dandy, however for those who have weak vertical options and rely on horizontal kills it's a nightmare.

As a conclusion, your maps aren't bad, it's just that they haven't been designed with the right undertone. They're better fit for random carefree matches (party style), as they don't bode well for serious matches.


Smash Ace
Nov 8, 2007
DancingFrogMan's Metal Mario stage is probably the most accurate out of the little to none Metal Mario stages I've seen. I'm very sad to hear that it's having problems, freezing and what not.

That stage should really be looked into. I've always wanted to play a vs battle on it =(


Smash Cadet
Jan 24, 2009
First of all, I can tell just by looking at each stage's thumbnail that many (if not all) of these maps don't qualify for the tournament scene. This is not to say that your maps are bad, but that they don't fit tournament criteria. To be more specific, I'll run down the list.
ok, thanks for the critique but a few notes: halfpipe is very good for horizontal KOs as you can carry the enemy to the edge much easier with the slopes and the edges are near the blast zones. and it does have grab-able edges. agree with icy stages and will look to balance canopy stages. i will make tower smaller (and halfpipe a little) and tower has no moving platforms. fearless i will make a little bit wider.

what do you think of my two recovery option maps like house (minus the canopy)?

a question: do spikes have knockback growth? because if they do then i could put them near the bottom of fearless allowing characters to return but at the cost of severe damage.

also for canopy stages (like my azteque) how about putting a gap in the middle (with no platform unlike azteque) to allow vertical KO moves to bounce people off the ceiling and down into the pit?

for edgy i was thinking a bit more towards a map like hyrule 64 and corneria with the fin and the wall. i will expiriment a little with this.

and what exactly do you mean by focus?


Smash Cadet
Jan 24, 2009
ok, these are the stages i am submitting, some of them suck and are general ideas/concepts and most don't have good boundaries.


aztec redone


(edited picture)
map with edge and wall


trying to use falling blocks, just sort of random


redone fearless, now it isn't that small and the name doesn't exactly fit but the main purpose of this map is the platform near the edges for perhaps edgeguarding


(edited picture)

halfpipe made smaller. it is designed so battles happen up hills. the top platforms don't look that useful though in retrospect (its the general idea that counts)


trying something different here, sort of like intrepid with the hole but the platform is much lower


one of my better maps with a platform high above the hole. easy to spike. edges and edge attacks might be a little bit of a problem though.


messing around with falling blocks. the stage changes as you play and you can strategically cause blocks to fall to alter the stage. (oversite: no grabbable ledges... its the concept that counts...) also trying different platform configurations


(edited picture, upper ledges used to be grabbable)
i specifically designed this map for vertical KOs (doesn't mean you can't KO horizontally), the top boundary is quite low and you can rebound people off the bottom of the main platform for bottom kills (might consider making the bottom two smaller platforms one block under the main rather than beside(horizontally speaking))


made it a little bit smaller vertically and horizontally. not sure about platform placement. could be more focused towards that valley.

well those are my maps that i have balanced a little bit and improved. more critique please.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Boston, MA
More feedback

well those are my maps that i have balanced a little bit and improved. more critique please.
Sure thing. :D

Aztec: Definitely an improvement over the last iteration. I've actually made a map somewhat similar to this, but haven't submitted it. Either way, the focus is good. By focus I'm implying that the map is relatively to the point, and has a notable place for prime combat. Basically, make sure that you cater your maps in such a way that will facilitate fighting the best it can. I'm not sure how I feel about the stairs in the center, but I've never liked fighting on slopes anyway. Perhaps more people can comment on this, so it's no just my opinion. :D

Edge: Not a bad design... I'm not really sure how I feel about this one though. I'd like to see what other people think. For one, I think the map should extend all the way down to the bototm, with blocks filling the void below. This way it will be more like a rooftop battle so-to-speak. In addition, as it is now, I can picture a player getting gimped below the stage accidentally.

Fallin: To be honest, I really don't like the idea of falling blocks as an over used obstacle of any map. I'm not sure what the tournament scene would think of this, perhaps more people could lend some incite. For one, I can picture it being okay if there were fewer falling blocks, and more strategically placed. For example, looking below at your fearless map it could be reasonable to make the two middle blocks of the main platform falling blocks. The problem with this is, in the event that you've fallen down the hole created by the falling block you CAN'T grab the edge of the platform near where the block fell from-- perhaps hacks can fix this? However, it makes falling blocks ridiculously unfair as some characters can easily recover, and some can't.

Fearless: I like this one. The two thin platforms on the edges of the map could make for a very different and interesting edge game. I'd like to see what others feel about this map.

Halfpipe: I generally hate fighting on inclines, so I don't know what to think of this map. I think the platform placement is fine, and the edges aren't bad. I think the sides could be filled in with extra blocks, though cosmetics aside, the map is decent.

Hole: Another nice map. The hole in the center creates for interesting gameplay. I'm not sure, but the center platform may be better off removed-- as this would make the hole more dangerous-- just my opinion.

Interpid: This map doesn't look bad. The gap in the center could make for interesting gameplay.

Layers: Again, I'm not sure that falling blocks are a good idea for a competitive map. We'll need more feedback regarding said blocks.

Rebound: I'm not sure what to think of this map. Simple concept-- which is nice. However, I'm not sure if it would play too campy or not. Yet another map I'd like to see more opinions of.

Towers: You've done a good job tweaking this map, as I recall the towers on the right made for a much steeper 'canyon.' I do have a suggestion for this map. Perhaps removing the three gray blocks from the bottom of the map, creating a dangerous gap between the 4th player spawn and the 2nd player spawn. With that, perhaps the 2 platforms could be tweaked, rearranged. What do you think?

All in all, all of these maps are much better entries than your previous, good job! ;D


Smash Cadet
Jan 24, 2009
Sure thing. :D
Edge: Not a bad design... I'm not really sure how I feel about this one though. I'd like to see what other people think. For one, I think the map should extend all the way down to the bototm, with blocks filling the void below. This way it will be more like a rooftop battle so-to-speak. In addition, as it is now, I can picture a player getting gimped below the stage accidentally.

Hole: Another nice map. The hole in the center creates for interesting gameplay. I'm not sure, but the center platform may be better off removed-- as this would make the hole more dangerous-- just my opinion.

I'm going to try something unique with this one

Layers: Again, I'm not sure that falling blocks are a good idea for a competitive map. We'll need more feedback regarding said blocks.

i think this will be a fun funmap at least ^.^

Rebound: I'm not sure what to think of this map. Simple concept-- which is nice. However, I'm not sure if it would play too campy or not. Yet another map I'd like to see more opinions of.

I'm going to make those edges ungrabbable (i hope my method works, I'm using stage studio right now and can't test)

Towers: You've done a good job tweaking this map, as I recall the towers on the right made for a much steeper 'canyon.' I do have a suggestion for this map. Perhaps removing the three gray blocks from the bottom of the map, creating a dangerous gap between the 4th player spawn and the 2nd player spawn. With that, perhaps the 2 platforms could be tweaked, rearranged. What do you think?

I'm reduced it a little more and made the gap and changed up the platforms

All in all, all of these maps are much better entries than your previous, good job! ;D
some maps improved, some new maps


two ways to return, changes edge game a bit


strategically placed platforms to counter camping

hole 2

trying something different here with the two platforms sticking out of the hole, makes the blast zones uneven though

rebound fixed (?)

unlike block I just (try to) make those edges ungrabbable

towers 2

took your suggestion, notice the small platform where the arrow is pointing, this is to make the hole less gaping


Has never eaten a plum.
Jun 28, 2008
Rochester, NY
This was the first time I actually sat down to make a level outside of those simple couple piece things I did to unlock the stage parts. My first shot at the stage had boundaries extended all the way down to the very bottom of the screen, and many pieces overall to create an appealing look. However, there were too many pieces and Brawl failed to load all of them. That said, I removed the pieces that extended to the bottom which allowed characters to go under the stage, and ignored how it looked overall just as long as it played how I intended. So here is the stage:

Music: Star Fox 64 Theme

DL: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?1uxhkjtnwzm

I wanted something unsymmetrical, and something that would make a great counterpick due to the layout of the stage. (You can't tell from the picture, but the platform doesn't ever rise above or below the stage; it is just there for looks)

I cut off the boundaries in the picture so it would show more of the actual stage, but from each edge it extends 3 blocks out to the boundary. The top boundary is 5 blocks above from the highest point on the main stage, 4 blocks from the platform, 6 blocks from the right edge and a huge 7 blocks from the left edge. This makes where the fighting is happening on stage very important for vertical killers; it is easy for them to kill on the platform but potentially a nightmare at the edges.

I made sure the edges are fine for every character, and the slopes flow smoothly for every character. (An early version had a small lip between two parts that prevented characters from running up the slope, while still allowing them to walk up it) Sadly, tethers do have the problem with walls where they fall when they hit the wall. All I can say is to snap to the ledge right away to avoid it :( The spawn points were set up with teams in mind, going with the standard 1 2 2 1 (ports 1 2 3 4 respectively) controller port layout this has both members of team 1 spawning together and both members of team 2 spawning together.

As far as gameplay goes, I wanted a stage that would be a great counterpick for some, while shutting down others. Characters like Mario and Pikachu can hold the highest peak and hurl projectiles that travel downwards at the opponent below making it very hard to approach. To balance this out, I added the platform on the left side to offer a safe spot from projectile spam. For me, the most obvious character that the layout shuts down is Falco. The opponent always has a spot to hide from his lasers; he can still wall out approaches if you do try to go after him, but he can't force them here. The stage is also large, so combo characters have a playground here, though comboing uphill offers many chances to DI into the stage and tech out, and in the opposite direction the platform can offer a way out of combos.

Edit: I ended up finding a glitch with G&W. While running up a slope, if a special object's border (the area that Brawl says the object needs to fit in standard stage builder) was at the end of the slope he would run into that invisible border like it was a wall. It only happened during his initial dash, but it needed to be fixed. So the DL is the fixed version. Not going to bother with a new screenshot since the actual layout of the stage is the exact same; I just changed decorative things so the "invisible wall" thing wouldn't happen with G&W.


Dec 18, 2003
Olympia, WA
I dunno if this has been reported, but I'm having tether troubles with Link on Battle Place. I can latch on, but I let go automatically when I try and grab the edge from it. (Aka press Y while hanging)


Has never eaten a plum.
Jun 28, 2008
Rochester, NY
Another stage I came up with today that I'm going to post.
Didn't really see anything incorporating springs into gameplay so I felt like I should make a stage that uses springs to give characters more options. At the same time I didn't want them to be a dominant factor in the stage, because too much of a good thing gets old and stale quickly, while also forcing strategy to change too much on a specific stage for my liking. So what I came up with is something that gives the option of using springs to your advantage or just ignoring them altogether. The stage:

"Up" (the name sucks, but it's all I could think of...)
Music: Yell "Dead Cell"

DL: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?4ujm2wmmqim

So basically to turn springs into something usable but not a dominating factor, I put a platform right above them. The platforms along with the rest of the stage create one flat surface to play on, and if you pass through either of the platforms over the springs you will hit the spring and fly upwards. On an interesting side note, the way Brawl loads the stage, you cannot see the springs, but it's still obvious where they are. In the end I decided to keep it that way because it doesn't subtract from the look of the stage with an out of the place, bright colored spring. Instead you see a different piece in the stage builder that appears to be acting like a spring; the spring is just underneath it sharing the same spot. All the stuff below the stage is just for looks, nothing special outside the springs.

It's a medium sized stage, and walls extend downwards, which opens things up to wall jumping and clinging, something I feel needs to be incorporated into more stages in Brawl. Tethers still have the problem with walls, but that's nothing new. If a fix is ever found, then lovely but until then you just have to snap to the ledge immediately.

As far as how the springs change things, it really opens up to edgeguarding opponents who recover up high to avoid standard edgeguarding, like Snake or G&W. They can also offer a new way to get out of sticky situations should the moment ever present itself while you are over a spring. I also tried to use them like Sonic would, and kill opponents off the top by using the spring to get much higher than I could on my own; for me it was hard to set up, but it was very satisfying when it worked. I'm sure there are much more possibilities with springs, but we just don't know them yet because we never really get the chance to play on a level with springs.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 23, 2006
Bonner Springs, KS

http://www.brawlsnapshots.com/stages/6206 (don't mind the name)

"Large" stage. The bottom area's all decorative. Effectively, it's a sheer wall of 4 blocks.

The stage sports 4 grabbable ledges, two normal and two further into the stage below the lip. All else, it's a larger version of Brawl's Battlefield.

I'd been tinkering with it for a while, but I've basically given up with making changes. So go crazy with the edits if you want. :D


Smash Champion
Jan 18, 2009
Montreal, Quebec
These have a nice concept, but some of them have weird bugs. I encountered bizarre stage spikes on the sides of Destination Zero, and on Dreamland 64, I couldn't techroll near the edges because I was on a "platform within a platform".


Smash Apprentice
Feb 28, 2009
Is there any way these are playable online? I'm a little confused about how they work...


Smash Lord
Mar 16, 2008
somewhere cold and dreary
will the melee and 64 stages also have textures so that they look the same as they used to as well? and if they had the same music etc, that would b really cool :) i fully support this :D

plz can i get the information about how exactly to get the stages onto my sd card and where to put them etc. thanks :)


Smash Master
Feb 10, 2009
Grand Rapids, MI
will the melee and 64 stages also have textures so that they look the same as they used to as well? and if they had the same music etc, that would b really cool :) i fully support this :D

plz can i get the information about how exactly to get the stages onto my sd card and where to put them etc. thanks :)
You just put the files into the private\wii\APP\RSBE\st folder.
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