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DFW Brawl Thread: Batou Monthly, Feb 18th - Revolution 10, Mar 3rd

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Smash Journeyman
Mar 15, 2008
danggg I was reedin tjs post and I was all LOL GOT EM
but then I scroll down and the jokes on me...:(

if it makes you feel anybetter I'll put the same exact post again the day it does happen :)

of course as long as you put the post...

"Really? Khaoz? First? Sonic? Beat Damien?? Thats awesome!"

...the day it happens too


@infinity: HA!lol at sig.thats awesome


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
ok guys I am back to Echo status... all thanks to Ruddy calling my parents and telling them that he didn't drive me to pbt... If it weren't for him I would be fine and nothing would have changed, but of course he has to do everything in his power to ruin my life thanks Ruddy you ****ing dumb***
From what I've read...and assuming this is the complete truth. Not cool Ruddy, not cool...


Smash Cadet
Jan 21, 2009
location and sig change.

You gota let me know about that location. Hopefully it's nearby that italian restaurant which may owe a "certain someone" a meal.

Btw, I'm glad to hear that at least one of us isn't suffering from autophobia.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 22, 2008
Ruddy and I already have the weeklies covered for the entire summer...Ill be making a detailed post in a week or so...


Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2008
Ok, wow so I've been hearing Slappy's been saying a lotta stuff. No one bothered to get my side of the story?

Alright, IDK what slappy's been saying, but this is what happened. So I get in the car, my moms like, so how did Slappy get here. I'm like, oh one of the smashers took him. She asks me, oh, do his parents know that. I told her the truth. Since when was lieing a good thing? Especially to their mother? What kind of a person lies to their mother? Oh of course, the Slappy type. If you think I should've "stuck up" for my friend, where have you been? Slappy and I are not friends. Hes just some annoying little kid who invites himself over to my house every chance he gets, and then screams when he loses to me for over an hour. I'm not even joking, none of you have heard what Slappy is like when its just me and him. All he does is complain about how things don't happen the way they should, and that things always work for me, and that every time I try to explain something I'm really just tricking him. Thats why I stopped letting him come over. Maybe he wouldn't be in this situation if he wasn't such a whiny jerk. You know why I don't give him rides to PBT? Its not even me, my mom thinks Slappy is such a bad kid she doesn't want to do anything for him.

Slappy ruined his chance with me, and then decides to go around his parents backs and lie to them telling them hes always hanging out with me. I haven't driven slappy anywhere in months. I'm not friends with Slappy. No freakin duh I'm going to tell my mom the truth that he said hes been driving with me. If slappy never came home, or got into some kind've trouble, you know who his parents would start getting angry at? My mom, cuz they think shes been taking him places. Why should my mom be responsible for someone whos not even riding with her.

From what my mom said, apparently Slappy kept lieing and then told his parents that my dad drove him after my mom said she didn't take him. What the heck? Slappy you're such an idiot. Find someone else's dad to vouch for you. I'm not going to lie for you just so you can go to tournaments with someone else. I'm not your friend, I don't even like you. I've told you that, why would you lie and tell your parents otherwise? I'm not gonna go around telling my parents that I'm hanging out with some guy that I'm not even friends with just so you can sneak around them and do whatever you want to do. You could've been doing drugs or something. Slappy you were deceitful and disrespectful, and its especially worse to your parents. Have you no character? No honor? I'm not going to lie for you, I don't know why you'd expect me to lie for you. You're just angry at me, but its your fault for lieing to your parents. I never blatantly told your parents that you were lieing either. I didn't even speak with them but for like 2 seconds when your dad called ME to get my dad's Cell phone number to see if he took you. Now Slappy's going behind my back telling people lies? I don't even know what he said. I'm assuming he said something like "Ruddy called my parents and told them that I lied to them". I did no such thing. Anything of that sort was between my mother and his parents. My mom didn't even call to get Slappy in trouble. No one was out to get Slappy. My mom just called because she didn't want to be held responsible for someone she wasn't even taking care of.

Teh Brettster

Smash Master
Nov 30, 2008
Denton, Texas (Dallas)
Agreed, well said.
Slaps, dude, I'm really sorry to say it, but it -was- your fault. I didn't even know I wasn't supposed to drive you. I mean, I'll do it again, but ONLY if I (..or rather, you, (or just for the sake of certainty, WE,)) have explicit permission from your parents.
Otherwise. No. Because I'd rather not be caught again trying to hold onto a tiny thread of tolerance and trust for the Smash community from an angry dad, who can't listen because he's busy keeping the conversation on one side by indirectly yelling at you through Melee1 and me.


Smash Lord
Oct 20, 2008
Wifi training room waiting...
if you never invited me to anything i woulda never shown up... and don't give me lecture on disrespectful you are in no way better! You have disrespected me and my family way more times then i have ever disrespected anyone! You invite me over than change your mind the last possible moment leaving me stranded! You try and convince your dad to ditch me at pbt! You call my house at 11 at night and wake up my parents! You diss my playing abilities and tell me i should just quit when you are no better yourself! Then at pbt you start discouraging people to team with me! You tell other people I am a ****ty player and to never team with me or you will lose! You have no sense of sportsmanship whatsoever! So you have no right to tell me I am disrespectful... Furthermore anytime i came over I was always invited I never came over when i was not invited I always double checked with you first. Then anytime you invited me over and changed your mind while I was already there you decide to say "hey i never said you could come! didn't you get it earlier? that was a joke!" don't pull that **** with me you have done it for far too long...

Yes I understand I lied, I do not deny that, although that was not my intention at first it ended up happening and there is no stopping that... You have no idea what I go through on a daily bases and you do not understand why this **** has to stop! I don't care what it takes to end this fighting but it has to stop, for me, for the community, and for you if you are willing to help me... I am tired of these disputes in the smash community involving me... its just... too much for me to handle...

Big Bob

Smash Apprentice
Jan 31, 2008


So...school's out. Need stuff to do. What's the recommended get-together these days for someone wanting to get back in the scene?


Smash Ace
Dec 14, 2005
Dallas, TX (Land of the Killers)
Big Bob, as it stands, I think Melee1 and Ruddy are holding weekly smashfests so that would be a good start.

As for all this childish drama about who likes who and who kissed who after PE, it doesn't belong in here. Slaps set the record and Ruddy set the record straight (whether either be truthful or not). Any other commentary from either of you shall be put into PM's. So, in other words, shaddap! lol roflcopter kthxbai

In other news, I have just 5 more days down in Bay City before I'll be back. WOOOOO!!!!
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