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Elitists >>


Smash Cadet
Mar 17, 2008
Austin TX
Well, I encountered one recently, and it just made me realize how much I hate them. To start of, this person was better than me, no other way around it. Our first few matches all went to him. This doesn't bother me. What bothered me is we were talking on AIM, and they started insulting me, for no good reason. Now, just because you're better than me at a video game, doesnt mean I'm gonna let you talk down to me, especially when its not related to the game in any way.

Now I know all elitists aren't like this, but a large portion of them are, and it just bugs me that people go around thinking their better human beings for being exceptionally good at something.

For those who dont know what an elitist is, or the context in which I'm using it, here:

Elitism is the belief or attitude that those individuals who are considered members of the elite — a select group of people with outstanding personal abilities, intellect, wealth, specialized training or experience, or other distinctive attributes — are those whose views on a matter are to be taken the most seriously or carry the most weight; whose views and/or actions are most likely to be constructive to society as a whole; or whose extraordinary skills, abilities or wisdom render them especially fit to govern. Alternatively, the term elitism may be used to describe a situation in which power is concentrated in the hands of the elite.

Elitism may also refer to situations in which an elite individual assumes special privileges and responsibilities in the hope that this arrangement will benefit humanity.

The term elitism is also sometimes misused to denote situations in which a group of people claiming to possess high abilities or simply an in-group or cadre grant themselves extra privileges at the expense of others. This debased form of elitism may be described as discrimination.

Elitism as a pejorative term
The term "elitism" or the title "elitist" can be used resentfully by a person who is not a member of an elite, or is a member but resents the elite position or uses it in a condescending or cynical manner in order to ridicule or criticize practices which discriminate on the basis of ability or attributes. Often, accusing someone of being an "elitist" is used as a pejorative remark meant to imply that the person in question does not in fact belong to an elite, but is merely a hanger-on. Sometimes, particularly in political circles, it is used simply as a generic insult, with little to no literal basis for the term's use beyond a general animosity towards the target.

>> Now this is just a rant, but everyone deals with Elitists, some good some bad, and if you didn't know what one was, now you do.


Smash Rookie
Mar 20, 2008
West Coast (CO) Let's Throw Down! I got Broadband!
word, i ran into this guy Nexus whose all his taunts were made just to make the opponet feel like crap. and he continues every time I die to crouch down and up as if he was tee bagging an innocent bystander. People like that suck but I just shove it away, I wish people weren't such buttholes.


Smash Master
Aug 8, 2007
Butler PA
I play this kid alot. Hes good, and of course much better then I am. But I often find the pepole only seem good because they know a few tricks. They do what they can with these tricks to not make themselves better but to make others feel worse. You can actually capitilize on this in one or two ways....One if you keep playing the person and learn from your mistakes and understand that they want to be as flashy as possible to beat you. With that In mind simply wait then punish. Once you establish a lead play uber campy. You'll notice their style changes completely because now they want the lead again so they can toy with you some more and they will do anything to get it back.

Dont give it to em. Fight fire with fire, is I guess all im trying to say lol. Dont be overly offended by stupid taunts. They are taunts after all and are meant to provoke you in one form or another. Just dont let it get to you and be the bigger man. Have fun with it ey? ^_^

Kio Iranez

Smash Ace
Dec 12, 2005
Queens, New York
I see it as a problem of people thinking that the results of all the effort put into learning something might not compensate for the time they've put into it, so they try to make others feel as if they have to "waste" their time, too. It's just a form of self-confidence that hurts others in the process.

The other side of the problem is when the opponent frustrates themselves because of this. Really, all they're doing is trying to make you angry. That's not forcing you. You are forcing yourself to be angry.

As long as you don't take the bait and don't let it bother you, it'll be fine.


Smash Hero
Oct 25, 2005
Under a dark swarm
M2k is an elitist, but sometimes hes kinda funny...

I like that you included a definition of what you meant by an elitist. That was a good post, solely for that reason. Actually it was a pretty pointless post, but I still like it.:laugh:


Smash Lord
Sep 5, 2005
Chicago, IL
Well a lot of people just suck at life, there is no other way around it. All you can do is hope you don't meet too many people like that in your life and are lucky enough to find the people who don't suck.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 18, 2008
word, i ran into this guy Nexus whose all his taunts were made just to make the opponet feel like crap. and he continues every time I die to crouch down and up as if he was tee bagging an innocent bystander. People like that suck but I just shove it away, I wish people weren't such buttholes.
thats just how gaming is...especially nowadays...trash talking has almost become a staple when it comes to competitive gaming

and im sorry, but i hafta admit that the tea bagging thing is pretty funny.........as inappropriate as it is of course


Smash Cadet
Oct 18, 2007
Rockville, Maryland
What you don't realize is that it's all a cycle.

1. We all start out as noobs.
2. A pro player beats us, talks **** to us, we get mad, of course.
3. We practice day in and day out to beat that pro player.
4. One day we get good enough to beat someone.
5. We take out our previous anger on this "noob" that we just beat, rinse, repeat.

Of course there are exceptions to this, for some people are nice regardless if they 3 Stock you or not. But that's just how it always has been, and how it always will be.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 14, 2008
Cleveland, Ohio
The fact that people are in an elitist state of mind period rather makes no sense, since those players usually are junk compared to true high and top level players.

I encountered guys like this ALOT. Kinda funny, especially when you're whooping their *** badly after a case of pre-game trashtalking.

Endless Nightmares

Smash Master
Sep 23, 2006
That guy who harassed you on AIM is not an elitist, he's just a big ****ing jerk.

but still...Elitists are a very extreme minority within a very extreme minority of the Smash scene. Negative elitists at least. Also, elitist =/= jerk. Some are, but not all.


Smash Rookie
Mar 15, 2008
Toughen up eh? Best approach? Don't give a sh*t. Honestly, there's thousands of players who are talented at this game but are full of it. Play them and try to learn their moves (Save the replays because I'm sure you got the motivation to learn to beat them) let them taunt all they want. Once they start sandbagging or make the game not worth playing, leave, remove FC, forget em. If they decide to talk trash to you on AIM: who the hell do they think you are, thinking you'd actually respond to crap like that. Ignore user, move on to the other 500,000 people playing Brawl.


Smash Champion
Jun 29, 2006
Stuck between a parallel dimension of code and you
word, i ran into this guy Nexus whose all his taunts were made just to make the opponet feel like crap. and he continues every time I die to crouch down and up as if he was tee bagging an innocent bystander. People like that suck but I just shove it away, I wish people weren't such buttholes.
My older bro does that with kirby. But the thing is, he doesn't do that to act like he's teabagging someone, he does it for that friggin' annoying squeak...

Personally, i'll state one of the rules I live by:

Poor sportsmanship=poor attitude from you, and your opponents.

Poor attitude then leads to flaming, arguments, possibly even fistfights. *Yes, i've seen it happen* The point i'm making? Treat people with dignity and respect, and you'll be treated the same way. Personally I fight honorable in brawl, like online, if someone does their taunt after a ko, i'll let 'em finish it and give them a sec while i'm respawning. I won't hit them while they can't do anything. *I'm talking about some of the longer taunts, or if they decide to do two taunts or whatnot*

Sorry for the rant there. Anyway, you just gotta take it with a grain of salt. Some people will just be idiots and think they're supremists. But remember, there's always a bigger fish. You'll always run into someone better than you, at one time or another.


I believe double posting is against the rules. If you have something to add, use the edit button. Don't wanna see anyone get into trouble. :)


Smash Journeyman
Feb 22, 2008
You know what's the deal though? Going back to the definition of elitism in the first post , when your life is at risk you want the elite doctor to perform surgery on you , not the nice one who smiles after every 10 deaths per week and says "oh well...well save the next one!" but the guy who brags to everyone about how he removed that tennis-ball size tumor from the kid's brain without reducing it's cognitive function, who fires doctors like the one above from his hospital and fills it with other elitists like him...to save the most lives possible and to be branded the best in the world.

Sure , baseless negative talk is futile and in time will be proven wrong but if it is not baseless, then it is wholly worth it.

I usually have cool-sounding taunts, i'll not call someone a n00b or use curse words...cause they don't sound cool enough...but i will taunt if i know i'll get off with it (if i sent the guy flying up...which gives you enough time), if i'm 4 stock ahead of my opponent then i usually use my "omae, yowai" (you're weak) taunt ala Uchiha Itachi though :D.

And sure, if i face someone better than me i won't bother one bit by whatever their taunts are , they earned the privilege to taunt me the moment they KOd me :).


Smash Lord
May 29, 2007
Brooklyn, New York
I never taunt in wifi matches with strangers. It's just so useless.... what's the point seriously...to get some guy across the nation mad at you ? What satisfaction can possibly come out of that?... I for one, only taunt with friends as a joke..as most if not all of my taunts are funny.


Smash Ace
May 31, 2007
word, i ran into this guy Nexus whose all his taunts were made just to make the opponet feel like crap. and he continues every time I die to crouch down and up as if he was tee bagging an innocent bystander. People like that suck but I just shove it away, I wish people weren't such buttholes.
Is there a problem with crouching up and down? My main taunt with Kirby is repeatedly crouching. The noise is too good to pass up, and Kirby looks cute doing it.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 2, 2007
New York
thats just how gaming is...especially nowadays...trash talking has almost become a staple when it comes to competitive gaming

and im sorry, but i hafta admit that the tea bagging thing is pretty funny.........as inappropriate as it is of course
Competitive gaming? Dude. Trash talking has been a staple for competition since literally forever.

At most, I act snide. Or say something like "Thanks for walking into that fsmash :D", but nothing more than that. I wouldn't just start screaming stuff like "YOU SUCK LAWL", or try to get my opponent so pissed to the point they start swinging. Thats just ********.

Come on, don't be so easily offended. Its a game, so its competition, if some prize isn't on the line then the only thing that IS on the line is gloating rights.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 8, 2007
Northern Virginia
lol. I want to meet this teabag kid so we can compare taunts.
usually I just go with a degrading taunt message like "Get *****," but every once in a while I'll teabag.

just fyi, I'm not elitist. I don't associate with elitists, and I have never to date encountered one of these elusive members of our community.


Smash Hater
Mar 22, 2008
Video Games
lol heres my horror story :p

my very first online with friends match was against an elitist. as soon as we started (4 stock btw) his taunt of 'no items f@ggot' came out. he hosted this gam,e, he had choice of items, so i figured that was his fault for leaving them on. as soon as he died first, his next taunt of 'lucky b@stard' comes out... i got my final smash (as lucario) and being bridge of eldin, it completely missed lol. his third taunt of 'lol noob'. down to 1 stock each, me on about 140% him on 5% he gets his final smash (as game and watch) and attempted to jump the gap in the bridge of eldin and fell to his deserved death. immediately after on a forum he complains about lag, item, noob, cheap tactics and all that ****.

/off topic

on topic
I still havent set any preset taunts and dont intend to.

I dont put elitists into the same category as good players. elitits to me have the mindset of a pro but extremely limited skills to show it. I havent lost a single online w/f match so far to anyone who has abusive taunts. everyone whos beaten me has the usual ones like 'lol' and 'rofl'. i dont find that any coincidence.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 26, 2008
Ruto, Pennsylvania
Maybe SOME elitists lack stability in their life. Example: picked on at school, bad home life, poor social skills, issues with inadequacy. This could cause them to be jerks online where they have the control they lack in their lives.


Smash Cadet
Mar 26, 2008
Jerks are jerks..good players are good players..is it just me or does not everyone say good game..[in person] after a match? At least with people i don't particularly know. I always say it regardless of outcome ..if i get 3 stocked or 3 stock him/her.. :| i suppose not everybody is into sportsmanship


Smash Hero
Oct 20, 2006
Tempe, AZ
lol heres my horror story :p

my very first online with friends match was against an elitist. as soon as we started (4 stock btw) his taunt of 'no items f@ggot' came out. he hosted this gam,e, he had choice of items, so i figured that was his fault for leaving them on. as soon as he died first, his next taunt of 'lucky b@stard' comes out... i got my final smash (as lucario) and being bridge of eldin, it completely missed lol. his third taunt of 'lol noob'. down to 1 stock each, me on about 140% him on 5% he gets his final smash (as game and watch) and attempted to jump the gap in the bridge of eldin and fell to his deserved death. immediately after on a forum he complains about lag, item, noob, cheap tactics and all that ****.

/off topic
It's people like you who complain about stuff like this that makes Nintendo have a "kiddy friendly" online system.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 22, 2008
lol heres my horror story :p

my very first online with friends match was against an elitist. as soon as we started (4 stock btw) his taunt of 'no items f@ggot' came out. he hosted this gam,e, he had choice of items, so i figured that was his fault for leaving them on. as soon as he died first, his next taunt of 'lucky b@stard' comes out... i got my final smash (as lucario) and being bridge of eldin, it completely missed lol. his third taunt of 'lol noob'. down to 1 stock each, me on about 140% him on 5% he gets his final smash (as game and watch) and attempted to jump the gap in the bridge of eldin and fell to his deserved death. immediately after on a forum he complains about lag, item, noob, cheap tactics and all that ****.

/off topic

on topic
I still havent set any preset taunts and dont intend to.

I dont put elitists into the same category as good players. elitits to me have the mindset of a pro but extremely limited skills to show it. I havent lost a single online w/f match so far to anyone who has abusive taunts. everyone whos beaten me has the usual ones like 'lol' and 'rofl'. i dont find that any coincidence.

Both your and your opponent's item selections count and one of them is picked randomly , even if he had em off if you didn't turn em off in the character selection screen the game could have chosen your settings as the ones for the battle...so yeah you indeed were a noob for having items when you both agreed ( i assume) not to.


Smash Hater
Mar 22, 2008
Video Games
It's people like you who complain about stuff like this that makes Nintendo have a "kiddy friendly" online system.
lol im not the one complaining. i just sit there laughing as this guy has a massive cry and listing every possible excuse as to why he lost. Maybe if the same person played an ultra-campy wolf or olimar, and also used those excuses i might complain. thats of course provided they win, which they rarely do

Mr Mattastic

Smash Journeyman
Feb 11, 2006
Fayetteville, NC
Some people just take video game playing alittle to far sometimes. If you're a scrub or a pro you should just enjoy the **** game, no sense getting mad over things.


Smash Champion
Oct 1, 2007
dont take the tautns in smash as an insult. just as a way to want to go pwn them even harder because they cant do it in melee or when right next to you ^_*
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