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Elma for Smash Ultimate: Strength comes from experience. That’s true on any planet.

Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
"Strength comes from experience—that's true on any planet."

—BLADE Colonel Elma—


Elma is one of the main protagonists of Xenoblade Chronicles X, the spiritual sequel to the critically acclaimed Wii RPG, Xenoblade Chronicles. With four games already under its belt, the Xenoblade series has quickly grown to become one of Nintendo's premiere RPG series.

Although Xenoblade Chronicles X is divisive among the Xenoblade fanbase, it was unanimously praised for its open world design. It features a unique soundtrack, complex gameplay mechanics, a large cast of playable characters, online functionality, and so on. As two warring alien races initiate an interstellar battle over Earth's atmosphere, it forced humanity to flee in giant ark ships. Only a handful few ships managed to escape—the White Whale was among them. However, shortly after Earth was destroyed, one of the alien factions chased after the White Whale. In an effort to repel the attacks by the chasing alien race, the ark ship sustained heavy damage which caused it to crash-land into a mysterious planet known as Mira. The game begins with Elma discovering an amnesiac survivor inside a stranded lifepod.

Elma made an appearance as a DLC Blade for Xenoblade Chronicles 2. On more than one occasion, the series executive director Tetsuya Takahashi, has expressed an interest in porting Xenoblade Chronicles X for the Nintendo Switch. Several key Monolith Soft members have also expressed an interest in making a sequel to the title as well. It's clear that Elma still has a bright future and will be used again for a future title(s).

Who is Elma?
Elma is effectively the main protagonist of Xenoblade Chronicles X. She is a BLADE colonel who is in charge of the Reclaimers division. While retrieving the scattered remains of the White Whale, she discovers Rook (aka Cross, the main playable avatar character) and brings them back to humanity's last known stronghold, New Los Angeles. Throughout the course of the main story, Elma and her team are tasked to locate and retrieve the Lifehold structure before time runs out.

What would Elma offer to Smash?
Elma wields two weapons: dual swords and dual guns. She can switch between her weapons on the fly. She is also highly acrobatic and is fairly quick in her movements. To get a better idea of how she would fight, please take a look at her fighting style in the video below:

Why Elma and not Rook or Rex & Pyra
Sakurai previously mentioned that in order for a character to be considered for Smash, they must have some sort of personality. Rook, also known as Cross, lacks any sort of personality.

While Rex & Pyra would be a great addition to the roster, they both suffer from the fact that Xenoblade Chronicles 2 came out after the design plan for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate began. The project plan for SSBU began in December 2015, while Rex & Pyra's designs weren't finalized until a year later. Meanwhile, Xenoblade Chronicles X came out in Japan in April and in the west in December 2015, thus making Elma the prime candidate for a Xenoblade newcomer.

Moveset ideas
Passive: Tension Points, doing damage and using specials will give you TP up to 100, slower than Limit but better pay-off, explained on down-b.

Burst fire: Some moves will use her guns, in each move the bullets of the gun are relatively the same, it's a short burst of rapid fire shots that do no knockback, low damage, and high range. It's used to rack up damage safely which aids in TP gain. Similar to Fox laser/Bayo bullet arts, has a projectile speed unlike Bayo but faster than Fox.

Neutral-B: Violent Streak, like a Dancing Blade with guns. Walks forward while going through the motions with each hit doing a burst fire, each gun hit combos in the next with a final hit that does decent knockback.

Side-B Sliding Stinger, a bit like Bayo's side-b without the kick up and faster movement and less end-lag, the burst fire is sustained throughout the move. Doing this in the air will make Elma do the move head-first with guns stretched out passed her head, same speed and still goes straight horizontal.

Up-B: Shadowstrike, like how it is in XCX except the jump is a lot higher and worked in to the first hit. Different from other jump-then-dive recoveries like Cloud/Ike because the dive is diagonal.

Down-B: Blood Sacrifice/Activate Overdrive, damage yourself for 30% to gain 30 TP, 100 TP required to activate overdrive, percentage cost reduced if less than 30 needed e.g. you have 80 TP down-b will damage you for 20%. During Overdrive all specials can be cancelled by another special and have drastically reduced start-up and end-lag for 12 seconds. Using Blood Sacrifice during Overdrive will result in an energy explosion, dealing large damage and shield damage in a relatively small hitbox around Elma and dealing 30% damage to her, strong game finisher where the large percent cost won't matter.

Jab: First hit with hilt, second with blade of other, rapid jab is done with kicks, or gentleman with both blades slashing in an X.

Down-tilt: Slashes both swords across the ground very quickly, combo at low percents. 2 hits.

Forward-tilt: Quickly swings gun forward and burst fires. Auto-combos in to a hit with the other gun with another bullet burst.

Up-tilt: Quick roundhouse kick upward, high vertical hitbox.

Nair: Sex kick with relatively low duration, combos in to down-tilt at low percents

Fair: Slash vertically, starting low and swinging high, great for shortstop attacks, auto-cancelled and low landing lag.

Bair: Stab both blades behind, decent range.

Dair: Spin upside down with both guns out stretched to the side, shoot horizontally forward and backward.

Uair: Swing gun upward and across, burst fires in an arc up, hitting with the gun is a good juggle tool.

Grab: One hand out stretched.

Pummel: Fast but weak, beat with hilt of sword.

Forward throw: Throw forward and shoot the the enemy with both guns. (Mewtwo-ish)

Back throw: Throw back and slash them away.

Down throw: Kick down, can be comboed in to fair at low percents.

Up throw: Throw up and slash 3 times, kill throw at 150% on most stages.

Forward smash: Jump forward with 2 slashes downward, unsafe but large hitboxes.

Down smash: Swing both guns down on either side, hitting with one of the guns is strong with almost entirely horizontal knockback, burst fire does more damage based on smash charge. Guns are angled down so burst fire hits the ground after a few feet.

Up-smash: Cartwheel kick upward followed by two rising sword slashes.

Rolls and air dodges have unique visuals based on Ghost Factory, leaving trails of transparent fake Elmas.

Supporting evidence for Elma
So I finally finished the list with all the possible points towards Elma. Feel free to copy/paste it wherever you like, or tell me if I missed anything!

1) The Robot figure
Near the end of 2016, Sakurai revealed that he bought a mecha action figure because he wanted to use the gun it came attached with as a reference. Here is said figure: http://blogs-images.forbes.com/olliebarder/files/2017/01/robot_damashii_vifam.jpg

Now that we know that the project Sakurai was working in 2016 was Smash Bros Ultimate, there have been some theories about this figure. One is that the rifle was used for a Splat Charger for an initial moveset for Inkling, but it is unlikely due to the fact that the figure’s gun isn’t a sniper rifle, so it wouldn’t be a good reference for animations (especially since there are other figures with actual sniper rifles, like this one: https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/8ZsAAOSwOVpXVQx3/s-l640.jpg)

Another theory is that he used that for the Staff item, but again the figure’s gun is way shorter than it, and Sakurai already had access to whatever reference material he used when designing the Staff in Kid Icarus: Uprising or Dark Pit’s Final Smash.

What that gun resembles, at least closely enough, is Elma’s guns, since they are longer than usual pistols like Fox’s Blaster or Bayonetta’s revolvers, but it is also shorter than a sniper rifle. Also it’s not impossible to say that Sakurai needed to buy a figure it’s because he needed a second gun like this in order to study the animations for a character who whields two longer than usual guns, like Elma.


2) Bill Trinen’s slip up

During an interview with IGN ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thehPvqow1I ), Bill Trinen stated that newer player have more affinity with newer characters, “like Cloud, like Bayonetta, like the Xenoblade characters”. This could be a slip up, but it’s quite interesting since it came from one of the few people who are working in the localization of Smash Ultimate (in fact he was the first one to confirm the Stage Hazard Toggle), so he knows the full roster, and also being a huge Smash/Nintendo fan he wouldn’t simply forget or not know who Shulk is.

3) Hiroyuki Sawano’s secret project

Back in March, Hiroyuki Sawano, the famous musician who composed the soundtrack for many famous anime like Attack of Titan and Gundam, revealed that he did a 1 day session of recording for a secret project. That’s around the same time Yoko Shimomura recorded her songs for Smash Ultimate, which she also presented as a secret project.

Why is this relevant? Sawano has composed the soundtrack for only a couple of games, and the most notable is Xenoblade Chronicles X. And it’s not a secret that Sakurai likes to call the original composers for the games he includes in Smash.

For more details check this tread: https://www.reddit.com/r/Xenoblade_...ikely_is_it_for_xenobladex_representation_in/

4) Caitlin Glass vagueness

Caitlin Glass, Elma’s English VA, has been quite vague about her being in Smash or not, unlike Pyra’s VA who stated that she was not involved with it. Catlin has also said that Elma is her most wanted newcomer for Smash Ultimate, all while also avoiding to answer any question about her involvement with it, usually just saying “it would be rad!”, which wouldn’t break a NDA-

5) Possible tease in XC2?

Elma was announced as a DLC Blade for Xenoblade Chronicles 2 with a special trailer during Gamescom. It is noticeable that they really gave the spotlight to her by letting her having her trailer separated from the rest of the content in update that she came with (something that Nintendo didn’t do with Shulk and Fiora).

Once she is met in the game, during a conversation a Nopon states “It is dream of everyone to see Shulk and Elma in one place together!” (https://i.redd.it/g7vk7vom85i11.jpg )

Notice how he specifically mentions only Shulk and Elma, but not Rex, KOS-MOS or T-elos, the other two Xeno series main characters in the game. Also we have seen a similar tease for Rodin in the re-release of Bayonetta 2 for Switch, and surely at Monolith Soft. they are ware if Elma is in the game or not.

6) No XCX content so far

It is undeniable that Xenoblade Chronicles X is one of the biggest and most important games Nintendo produced during the Wii U life cycle, and we have also seen with the Mario Odyssey and Zelda BotW stages, the Yoshi’s Crafter World skin, the presence of Nikki and the Badge Arcade Bunny as AT and with the inclusions of Isabelle and Inkling that Sakurai isn’t ignoring newer games to go just with the Ballot, so it is extremely unlikely that he is going to ignore XCX, and the fact that not a single thing from that game has been shown is suspicious to say the least.

7) Perfect timing with the project plan

Sakurai has revealed that the first project plan for Smash Bros Ultimate was done in December 2015, which is the same month Xenoblade Chronicles X released in the West (in Japan it was released in April), and it is quite likely that Elma was the second pick for the promotional DLC spot that went to Corrin (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MgpbLeEvIS4), so her being in Sakurai’s head around the same time her game released all while a new Smash game was planned surely helps her chances, especially since XC2 was in too early development in development for being used instead.
The case for Elma in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate by @Calamitas
Supporter List
1. Jason the Yoshi Jason the Yoshi
2. Venus of the Desert Bloom Venus of the Desert Bloom
3. AwesomeAussie27 AwesomeAussie27
4. Yomi's Biggest Fan Yomi's Biggest Fan
5. Bebe Mignon Bebe Mignon
6. Wolfie557 Wolfie557
7. RetroGamersGuru RetroGamersGuru
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9. Megadoomer Megadoomer
10. AdmN30 AdmN30
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12. Pacack Pacack
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15. Rie Sonomura Rie Sonomura
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Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
Irrelevant or not, I don't care.

I still want my Full Metal Jaguar in Smash. She's just that great of a character.

Now tagging Bebe Mignon Bebe Mignon .

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
Even though I'd like Xenoblade 2's Homura, I'm still all for Elma being there.

Because we're stuck on a different plaaaaaaanet ~


Bebe Mignon

Smash Ace
Jun 7, 2014







Count me the f*** in!

Also, here's an obligatory .gif!

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Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
Can we all agree that the Skell is the best Final Smash option for her?

They were easily the best new addition to the series despite the expensive insurance.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
And we can all agree that her special costume will be in, right?!?
What special costume?

Ooooooooh that special costume. I like that one alot.

Bebe Mignon

Smash Ace
Jun 7, 2014
What special costume?

Ooooooooh that special costume. I like that one alot.

And before anyone gets the wrong idea...maj spoilers, obvs.

I don't like her true form BECAUSE of the booty window or some stupid nonsense like that. Okay, I confess. I just like her crystallized hair, gosh darn it!

But in all seriousness, her true form is a great design if you just ignore the booty window. It doesn't bother me, but it's sort of there, if that makes sense...?

Jason the Yoshi

Watching Me, Wanting Me
Feb 26, 2014
Waiting for Jesus
I already been spoiled about "THAT." So long as it's spoiler tabbed, I won't bother anyone about it.

Just try to be considerate of people who haven't beaten the game yet, okay?

(Being the owner of a support thread is hard work)

Bebe Mignon

Smash Ace
Jun 7, 2014
I already been spoiled about "THAT." So long as it's spoiler tabbed, I won't bother anyone about it.

Just try to be considerate of people who haven't beaten the game yet, okay?

(Being the owner of a support thread is hard work)
Of course! I was once in the same boat as you.

Just out of curiosity, how far are you in the game?

Jason the Yoshi

Watching Me, Wanting Me
Feb 26, 2014
Waiting for Jesus
Of course! I was once in the same boat as you.

Just out of curiosity, how far are you in the game?
I had just beaten Zu Pharg last time I was on the game. Then I had to leave for college again.

I was also trying to see if I can defeat Alex and his group of miscreants down in Cauldros, but I didn't have enough time in between then and college to level up enough for that.


Witch-King of the North
Apr 8, 2014
London, United Kingdom
Switch FC
SW 3128 8188 4021
If it was up to me I would add 2 Xenoblade characters, Elma and someone from XC2.



Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
If I'm honest, I think Xenoblade 2 may have hurt her chances, especially is Smash Switch ends up being a brand new game.

That said, it could also help her as it's sign the series was more than a two trick pony. Plus the combat is different between the standard Xenoblade series and X so there's still a lot to work with.

Jason the Yoshi

Watching Me, Wanting Me
Feb 26, 2014
Waiting for Jesus
Sorry for the late response, I was at a Minnesota Wild game with my lovely fiancée this evening. They took a 3-2 loss against the New York Rangers, but enough of that, let's get back on topic.
If I'm honest, I think Xenoblade 2 may have hurt her chances, especially is Smash Switch ends up being a brand new game.

That said, it could also help her as it's sign the series was more than a two trick pony. Plus the combat is different between the standard Xenoblade series and X so there's still a lot to work with.
I'm worried about that too. I'd love all three Xenoblade games to get a character, and I know it's possible, but if I bet on it too much and it doesn't end up being the case, I'll lose myself.
If it was up to me I would add 2 Xenoblade characters, Elma and someone from XC2.

So would I. Xenoblade Chronicles is a great franchise, so I think it's deserves at least three playable characters.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 27, 2015
In another realm to optimize my gameplay
Even though I still prefer the first game to X, I support Elma barely more than Fiora to be included. She has as much potential as a fighter with her multiple weapons. Plus it makes more sense to include her than Cross since he doesn't have a defined face for a customizable character like Robin or Corrin, or a defined personality.


Smash Champion
Aug 9, 2016
Somewhere Else
Switch FC
Still support. If we could get her and an XC2 rep that'd be great. Probably Rex, but I'm not too fond of his design or voice tbh.

Sorry for the late response, I was at a Minnesota Wild game with my lovely fiancée this evening. They took a 3-2 loss against the New York Rangers, but enough of that, let's get back on topic.

I'm worried about that too. I'd love all three Xenoblade games to get a character, and I know it's possible, but if I bet on it too much and it doesn't end up being the case, I'll lose myself.

So would I. Xenoblade Chronicles is a great franchise, so I think it's deserves at least three playable characters.
"When you are losing your way,"?

I agree. Having Shulk, Elma, and an XC2 rep (preferably Homura for me, though it's still too early to judge any of the characters) to represent each title would be great. I feel like the series might be too niche for this to be considered though. But then again you never know. Not gonna get my hopes up, but I'm still going to have some.
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Witch-King of the North
Apr 8, 2014
London, United Kingdom
Switch FC
SW 3128 8188 4021
Still support. If we could get her and an XC2 rep that'd be great. Probably Rex, but I'm not too fond of his design or voice tbh.

"When you are losing your way,"?

I agree. Having Shulk, Elma, and an XC2 rep (preferably Homura for me, though it's still too early to judge any of the characters) to represent each title would be great. I feel like the series might be too niche for this to be considered though. But then again you never know. Not gonna get my hopes up, but I'm still going to have some.
Well FE is still pretty niche. And was niche but got 3 characters by brawl.

With the Directs and stuff these days XC is a lot more well known than it seems.


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
I still haven't finished Xenoblade Chronicles X (I'm not even sure if I've left the first area yet), but I'd definitely be interested in seeing Elma in Smash. Partially because Xenoblade Chronicles X had so much love put into it, partially because Cross seems like too much of a blank slate to work, and partially because I'm not a fan of Xenoblade Chronicles 2's art style.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 28, 2012
Switch FC
I support Elma. I found her to be the more interesting character in XCX.


Smash Champion
Nov 14, 2007
Starbase, where no turtle has gone before.
Still rooting for the self-possessed amazon. We already have Shulk promoting the first Xenoblade game, so in that sense Fiora would be redundant.

Since Xenoblade is establishing itself as a phenomenal RPG series, I could see more characters from the series being added to Smash. I'm really hoping Xenoblade Chronicles X gets ported to the Switch; that would definitely increase Elma's chances. I'm also hoping Xenoblade X gets a sequel; that would be fitting, given the story's countless unanswered questions. If that were to happen, I would like for Elma to be the lead character instead of an avatar--and with new comrades instead of recycled ones.

Jason the Yoshi

Watching Me, Wanting Me
Feb 26, 2014
Waiting for Jesus
I would love to see Elma in, even if Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is stealing her spotlight at the moment.
Good to see you again, Pacack!

I'm a bit worried about Rex stealing Elma's spotlight too, but really I wouldn't mind either one. The least XCX deserves from the next smash is a little bit of representation, right?


Smash Hero
Oct 17, 2007
Good to see you again, Pacack!

I'm a bit worried about Rex stealing Elma's spotlight too, but really I wouldn't mind either one. The least XCX deserves from the next smash is a little bit of representation, right?
Even if Elma doesn't get in....and even if she wouldn't personally be my first choice for another Xenoblade character....I'd really love to see a stage based on Neo Los Angeles. I think X deserves at least that much representation.
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Bebe Mignon

Smash Ace
Jun 7, 2014
At least the executive director says he will go back to the X format at some point in a recent interview. Of course a direct sequel is not 100% guaranteed, but there's still hope especially after that sequel-bait ending.


Super Pac-Fan
Jun 7, 2013
US (Mountain Time, -7 Hours)
At least the executive director says he will go back to the X format at some point in a recent interview. Of course a direct sequel is not 100% guaranteed, but there's still hope especially after that sequel-bait ending.
I honestly think that's the greatest hope that Elma has for inclusion at this point, tbh.

Nonno Umby

Smash Lord
Jun 30, 2014
Switch FC
SW 5218 5477 4500
Count me in as a supporter. I would love to see her joining the game alongside Rex and Pyra! But if I really had to chose...maybe I would go with Elma. I love that girl!

Deleted member

Xenoblade X wasn't as good as 1 or 2, but Elma would be cool. I support.


Smash Ace
Mar 8, 2018
I honestly haven't even played any of the Xenoblade games (I own Chronicles 1) but, I do feel that Elma would be better than Rex with Pyra. From what I understand Rex would require Pyra in order to fight (let me know if I'm wrong). So, I think as a secondary Xenoblade character (after Shulk) Elma would; from what I understand fits best.


Smash Champion
Nov 14, 2007
Starbase, where no turtle has gone before.
I was hoping Xenoblade X would be announced as a Switch port during the Direct. [Shrugs] Oh well--there's still E3. Xenoblade X is a great game, and is mine favourite in the series. That said, since the Switch is doing way better than the Wii U in terms of sales, a port would be a good idea. As of now, I think Elma's best bet is Xenoblade Chronicles X for Switch.

Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
Add me to the support list, too!

One way I can see Elma being added is if they announce a Xenoblade X Switch port around E3, and a Smash trailer for her afterwards. I know at this point Rex/Pyra is the most likely, but I see no reason why Elma shouldn't at least be considered. In fact I think it'd be neat if both X and 2 could be represented.
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