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Finally! Skell Kirby Videos up!


Smash Journeyman
Apr 12, 2005
These are my first Kirby videos that are up and they are against Caliberchamp. I was a little nervous getting these recorded so I made a couple of strange mistakes here and there (like turning around and attacking out of nowhere or doing a fsmash instead of ftilt against the air) but that's OK.

I am playing at the school so there is alot of background noise, and sometimes the quality gets a little bad, but other that that I think that the videos turned out OK.

Now I hope that you all enjoy the videos.

Kirby (Skell) vs. Lucario (Caliber)

Red Kirby (Skell) vs. Yellow Kirby (Caliber)


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
At least you got to listen to crappy music.

Good job, poor cameragirl D:
The fthrow->uair worked on Lucario, but clearly uptilt didn't. You should have tried something different after the first one failed, you just got punished again the second time you did it. Doesn't help that Cal's a Kirby main XD

lol I like how the second video is even better quality because you didn't use a camera person, lolol

Good job on the ditto...Poor Cal o_O
The only thing I saw is that you can DI out of dthrow->utilt combo ...you can escape the utilt by jumping up and airdodging at the same time. Even at 0%, works for me every time on wifi. And I doubt that's because of wifi.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 12, 2005
To be honest, I don't play Brawl that often considering that I have a very very busy schedule, being a full time student and having a part time job. But when I do play Brawl it is usually always against the CPUs. I was very good at Melee though which makes sense, considering how good I am now. However I just don't know much about many character matchups (Many high tier characters like Marth, and Snake I have played at tournaments though so I do know quite a bit about) since I don't have anyone to play but the CPUs.

Also, I know that I made a bunch of obvious mistakes, but like I said I was pretty nervous, these being my first vids and all. At least people can kind of see how good I am.


Smash Master
Oct 13, 2003
Fort Lauderdale, FL
I suck at Kirby dittos, cause I study all other kinds of match ups besides Kirby dittos. And I dont play this game much at all. Kirby super star ultra, kingdom hearts, and Guild Wars have been keeping me occupied from playing brawl. So please don't say poor Cal. It pisses me off.


Smash Rookie
Jul 31, 2008
In another dimension
They were very good. Now, this is a personal thing for me, so don't take this personally, but I really hate people who jump every waking moment even when they don't have to, and you can literally hear the button mashing. I don't mean I hate fighting them, it's just that looking at it and hearing it really annoys me. Probably wondering why I asked huh? Well.... why do you do it? That's all I really want to know.

Kirby Magatsu

Smash Journeyman
Dec 12, 2006
wow, very good, giving damage with Fairs and Bairs, and finalizing with Smashes, a good defense with an effective attack, nice battles ^^


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
They were very good. Now, this is a personal thing for me, so don't take this personally, but I really hate people who jump every waking moment even when they don't have to, and you can literally hear the button mashing. I don't mean I hate fighting them, it's just that looking at it and hearing it really annoys me. Probably wondering why I asked huh? Well.... why do you do it? That's all I really want to know.
I wonder the same thing...I know it's a "spacing tool" but really I sometimes think that people spam it because the "pros" do it. Maybe it keeps you active and ready for anything? Doubt it. My only theory is that besides spacing...as it is in real fighting, it's hard to detect motion...from motion. A guy that isn't moving his arms suddenly punches at you, it's obvious. A guy that is constantly moving his arms suddenly punches at you, it takes longer to notice.

...But it vaguely reminds me of Warcraft 3, where all the "gosu" players (props if you have any idea what that means) spammed right click at the beginning of their games, when there was little else to do. Doing so would keep their "actions per minute" up. I just thought it was lame.


Smash Ace
Mar 22, 2008
People do it because opponents that don't learn playing patterns or aren't cautious enough walk into their attacks. However even these people can still overcome these strategies just by using a character that can tear through the other characters attacks (like marth or snake) so in this case it actually makes you an easier target.

Its a brick wall strategy. Theres always a way to punish them though, you just have to be able to find it. Its a similar effect to spamming metaknights tornado.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 12, 2005
No. People don't just do that so that the playing pattern is not learned, and it is not at all similar to approaching with Metas tornado. That is a terrible example. Metas tornado is one attack that has no varied attacks, whereas this approach has many fakes or different techniques that can be used out of it. Asdioh was pretty close in description for its uses. Also, if you notice that pros use it, doesn't it make you wonder why they use it? Pros wouldn't waste their time doing ineffective techniques.

Its all about speed, mobility, and pressure. Thats what makes it so effective. It is just a simple technique that is used to outmaneuver opponents and it works very well as you all can see. Notice how difficult it is to hit a moving opponent that is fast and moving in several directions.

Mixing footwork with techniques is an effective approach in fighting so I just use that principle as best as I can. With its motion I can mix other moves in it that look very fast. Airdodging on the ground causes you to have zero lag, so imagine how fast one can react. Also its not like at the beginning of the jump I am defensless and wait till I can airdodge down. I can completely decide to do several attacks while having very good air control, or do an airdodge without a fastfall.

I have to go now so if you have more questions I will answer them later.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 15, 2007
Fort Lauderdale, FL
LMAO. Alex, what happened to your Sheik buddy? Lol. I hope you played at least once with her...

And guy complaining about the jumping, get over yourself. It's nothing to complain about, and it shouldn't bother you... AND it did not sound like button mashing at ALL. Like, in the least...

Uhm, when we talked about this over the phone, Alex(Skel) made a request...

"Alex: Tell them I'm the BEST!

Dial: What if they flame me?


Dial: Ugh, fine..."


And I hate you for surpassing me so hard in this game. =(. I like, let you borrow SSB64 for like a week, and I created a monster. I hated you in that game, hated you in Melee, and I STILL hate you in Brawl. You homo. Stop pwning at all the games you play. It's not fair... =/


Smash Rookie
Oct 17, 2008
Clifton, NJ
Beautiful kirby, great spacing. The spacing can also lead to mindgames as i play in my kirby. As you jump and retreat the fair and bairs just slip in an aerial hammer. They'll be thrown off gaurd. For me it hits majority time. Just watch what the opponent does to catch him with it. But its the best kirby i've seen today. This is just my opinion.. =)


Smash Rookie
Sep 20, 2004
Plantation, Florida
I dont usually reply to threads, but I'll make an exception in Skel's case since I play him all the time. I've never been a very big name player, but I would like to think I have some form of skill to work with and know what I'm talking about when it comes to smash. For Skel's kirby, it's pretty fun to watch and play against, his spacing is good, his timing is good, and as people like to call it, his "mind games" are not bad as well. I often see online matches taughted at the best player of a particular character, but you cant really consider that at all when timing is going to be completely based on latency. What you can do online should be a fraction of what you're capable of when playing "live". In Skel's case, these matches would probably be average for him, in some instances it showcases what he is good at, and in others he makes some mistakes I wish he'd make against me so I could beat him more often ^_^ Is he the best kirby out there? I dont know unless I played them all, but I can say he's good, **** good.


Smash Master
Aug 8, 2007
In Another Dimension...
U play your kirby pretty similar to mine...my only advice watch the fair spam cuz there is a blind spot(right under kirby)...most people wont notice though lol...Also if u know the f-throw combo wont lead into anything dont do it...there are better options...I really like your use of jabs and ff bairs...

Overall excellent fast defensive kirby...just a few problems that u know how to get rid of :)

And just for the lolz...More toadstool combos :D...seriously implement them into your game...ull be feared
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