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Work In Progress Fire Emblem Heroes: Finally found Forrest, MIA since 2017

Best hair colour for Forrest?

  • Total voters


Smash Journeyman
Feb 20, 2020
Hype Train to Splatsville
Switch FC
Quick update on my summoning experiences: I got a +Atk -Spd HS!Micaiah after around 55 Orbs. While I'm not really proud of spending that much since I only have around 125 Orbs left, I do now have all the Micaiahs released so far and may showcase my builds for them later, though this will likely be weeks away as I need to get the right fodder. Now, back to grinding Orbs for the Double Special banner in two days. I'll probably post an update on that banner when it's finished.

Edit: The Double Special banner is out, featuring NY!Anna, S!Idunn, V!Rudolf, S!Est, V!Alm, S!Fir, S!Bruno and V!Faye. Seems their solution to the lack of colourless units was to put a 2019 seasonal on the focus. Certainly interesting. This banner also gave me the most nightmarish summoning experience I've ever had in this game: I spent 130 Orbs summoning on red, green and colourless and didn't get a single 5*. Safe to say I'm not spending any more Orbs on this, and consequently I might skip the upcoming Legendary banner because I'm down to 0 Orbs now. I'm hoping the next Double Special banner in October will be better, as it should have units from the 30th Anniversary banner, meaning I should be able to go for Y!Marth merges. At the end of the day, that banner was bait, and every banner can be bait if you consider it as such.

Edit 2: the Squeakuel: Added the sentence about my hopes for the October banner, and corrected V!Bruno to S!Bruno.
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Holder of the Heel

Fiat justitia, pereat mundus
Dec 3, 2011
Switch FC
IMG_6024.PNG IMG_6025.PNG IMG_6019.PNG IMG_6020.PNG

So before when I listed off a bunch of fodder potentially for Dimitri... That was before I saw his basekit which pretty much works just perfect.

Which left all of my combat manuals collecting dust... and I thought, welp, these skills aren't going to get any younger with each banner threatening to powercreep. May as well stick them on even if they never get used! Legendary Dimitri probably won't have any need for them.

If anyone has any advice on how to make these actually work, I'm all ears given I'm a hardcore casual.

Now if only IS would give us more skill set slots so I could have an excuse to give him more fodder... :laugh:


Smash Hero
May 27, 2019
Waiting for Latias and Latios to get a theme
Switch FC
View attachment 283596View attachment 283597View attachment 283598View attachment 283599

So before when I listed off a bunch of fodder potentially for Dimitri... That was before I saw his basekit which pretty much works just perfect.

Which left all of my combat manuals collecting dust... and I thought, welp, these skills aren't going to get any younger with each banner threatening to powercreep. May as well stick them on even if they never get used! Legendary Dimitri probably won't have any need for them.

If anyone has any advice on how to make these actually work, I'm all ears given I'm a hardcore casual.

Now if only IS would give us more skill set slots so I could have an excuse to give him more fodder... :laugh:
If that happened the Meta would break again.

Holder of the Heel

Fiat justitia, pereat mundus
Dec 3, 2011
Switch FC
If that happened the Meta would break again.
Oh no, what I meant was the saved skill sets that you can make and swap out on the fly. I've got them all filled and I'm using that as an excuse to stop feeding him combat manuals lol.


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
Next Legendary Hero banner begins in a few day, and so the trailer for it has dropped today, revealing Female Corrin is the next Legendary Hero!

She dons her promoted outfit from Conquest, and her skill set is Distant Counter, Shield Pulse, and Joint Hone Attack. She also comes with Primordial Breath as her weapon and a unique special called Negating Breath, which lets her reduce the damage by a foe's attack by 30% and then converts that 30% to a damage boost for her next attack.

The other characters to pull in this banner are Hrid, Legendary Eirika, Fallen Ike, Legendary Julia, Naga, Nils, Legendary Hector, Gunthra, Rinka, Bramimond, and Mila.


I realize I have a few updates about FEH that I want to share myself since quite a lot has happened to me with the game over the last month, but I'll probably share it a short later when I have more time.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 20, 2020
Hype Train to Splatsville
Switch FC
Next Legendary Hero banner begins in a few day, and so the trailer for it has dropped today, revealing Female Corrin is the next Legendary Hero!

She dons her promoted outfit from Conquest, and her skill set is Distant Counter, Shield Pulse, and Joint Hone Attack. She also comes with Primordial Breath as her weapon and a unique special called Negating Breath, which lets her reduce the damage by a foe's attack by 30% and then converts that 30% to a damage boost for her next attack.

The other characters to pull in this banner are Hrid, Legendary Eirika, Fallen Ike, Legendary Julia, Naga, Nils, Legendary Hector, Gunthra, Rinka, Bramimond, and Mila.


I realize I have a few updates about FEH that I want to share myself since quite a lot has happened to me with the game over the last month, but I'll probably share it a short later when I have more time.
Despite all the sword Legendaries in this game, they had one job to give L!Corrin Omega Yato. Instead she's another dragon, when there are already 5 dragon Corrins. Aside from this, L!Corrin was overdue when we already had L!Ryoma and L!Azura.

Onto her skills, her weapon - a colourless dragon breath - is a powercrept Rinkah's Club in that it gives her +5 to all stats instead of just Atk and Def (and comes with adaptive damage, as all dragon breaths do), but its Special acceleration is given when she attacks rather than when her foe does. Similarly, her special is a powercrept Ice Mirror in that it works at any range and boosts her next attack by 30% of her Atk instead of the damage taken prior. She even comes with Shield Pulse, meaning she's really purposed as a powercrept Fjorm. Additionally, she comes with Distant Counter and Joint Drive Atk, so her fodder is quite great - though I doubt many units can take advantage of Shield Pulse.

Her stats aren't out yet, but based on the other Corrins, she'll probably have above-average HP, average Atk, high Spd, above-average Def and average Res. She also might be a trainee, since the Adrift and Fallen Corrins were for the sole purpose of powercreep, Legendaries usually introduce powercreep (especially L!Tiki, another trainee dragon) and Gen 5 has just arrived so IS will probably want to scare everyone into spending for her by giving her Gen 5 trainee stats. If so, she could reach the 180 BST bin, which is pretty insane for an infantry. This is still just a prediction, though.

Regarding the other units on the banner, colourless is the clear winner with the newfangled L!Corrin as well as Bramimond and Mila. Red is also pretty good with the underrated L!Eirika and Hrid as well as the not underrated F!Ike. Green similarly has three rather niche units in Gunnthra, L!Hector and Rinkah, but blue's only standout is L!Julia - unless you urgently need another Astra mythic and are OK with the possibility of pulling a mediocre dancer. Either way, I may spend on this, but I only have 40 Orbs.

Now for a random fact involving L!Corrin: her Special, Negating Fang, is called Counter Dragon Fang in Japanese, which is the same name as Counter Surge, her down special in Smash Bros. This is another Alert Stance/Guard Bearing situation where the reference was completely lost in English, presumably because the translator never got it.

Edit: Her Special is actually called Negating Fang, not Negating Breath. I've changed it now.
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Smash Hero
May 27, 2019
Waiting for Latias and Latios to get a theme
Switch FC
Next Legendary Hero banner begins in a few day, and so the trailer for it has dropped today, revealing Female Corrin is the next Legendary Hero!

She dons her promoted outfit from Conquest, and her skill set is Distant Counter, Shield Pulse, and Joint Hone Attack. She also comes with Primordial Breath as her weapon and a unique special called Negating Breath, which lets her reduce the damage by a foe's attack by 30% and then converts that 30% to a damage boost for her next attack.

The other characters to pull in this banner are Hrid, Legendary Eirika, Fallen Ike, Legendary Julia, Naga, Nils, Legendary Hector, Gunthra, Rinka, Bramimond, and Mila.


I realize I have a few updates about FEH that I want to share myself since quite a lot has happened to me with the game over the last month, but I'll probably share it a short later when I have more time.
Welp, there goes my orb stash.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 20, 2020
Hype Train to Splatsville
Switch FC
The Legendary banner is out now. I spent 8 Orbs on it and that's all I'll be spending. L!Corrin is being rerun in November's Mythic banner, which isn't too far away, so I'll try to get her there instead.

This also means L!Corrin's stats are out, and like the Adrift and Fallen Corrins, she has average HP, high Atk, high Spd, above-average Def and average Res, and has the trainee boost. She totals out to 182 BST, but her passive Duel skill that Pair Up Legendaries get is still at 180, making this the first time a Legendary's Duel skill is completely useless. These stats are insane right now, powercreeping even F!F!Corrin (-2/+3/+3/+3/+2), but as time goes on, other units will join her and later beat her. Such is the nature of powercreep.

Edit: Added 'completely' to the part about the Duel skill. L!Edelgard can reach 180 BST with a superboon or merge, making her Duel skill useless as well for the most part. Even with a superbane, however, L!Corrin will still have at least 181 BST.
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Smash Hero
May 27, 2019
Waiting for Latias and Latios to get a theme
Switch FC
The Legendary banner is out now. I spent 8 Orbs on it and that's all I'll be spending. L!Corrin is being rerun in November's Mythic banner, which isn't too far away, so I'll try to get her there instead.

This also means L!Corrin's stats are out, and like the Adrift and Fallen Corrins, she has average HP, high Atk, high Spd, above-average Def and average Res, and has the trainee boost. She totals out to 182 BST, but her passive Duel skill that Pair Up Legendaries get is still at 180, making this the first time a Legendary's Duel skill is completely useless. These stats are insane right now, powercreeping even F!F!Corrin (-2/+3/+3/+3/+2), but as time goes on, other units will join her and later beat her. Such is the nature of powercreep.

Edit: Added 'completely' to the part about the Duel skill. L!Edelgard can reach 180 BST with a superboon or merge, making her Duel skill useless as well for the most part. Even with a superbane, however, L!Corrin will still have at least 181 BST.
I spent 40+ and got nothing. Not a single 5 star.

My luck is just terrible sometimes.


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
You've all been asking for it, and it finally happened: FE4 getting its seasonal banner entirely for itself! It's back to the ballroom with more dancers featuring the gen 1 cast of characters from Genealogy of the Holy War.

The banner features Lachesis (the demote of this banner), Ethlyn, Quan, and Sigurd & Deirdre as the duo unit, with Eldigan as the free TT unit. Lachesis and Ethlyn are both flying dagger dancers, Quan is a flying archer dancer, and Eldigan is a flying lance dancer. Sigurd & Deirdre are the only non flier dancers in the banner as a red tome cavalier, but want to know some fun trivia? Duo Sigurd & Deirdre is our first cavalier dancer!

I'm sure many of y'all are going to be quite happy to see Sigurd & Deirdre finally getting the duo unit that has been demanded for so long, especially with the promising skill set they come with!
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Smash Journeyman
Feb 20, 2020
Hype Train to Splatsville
Switch FC
You've all been asking for it, and it finally happened: FE4 getting its seasonal banner entirely for itself! It's back to the ballroom with more dancers featuring the gen 1 cast of characters from Genealogy of the Holy War.

The banner features Lachesis (the demote of this banner), Ethlyn, Quan, and Sigurd & Deirdre as the duo unit, with Eldigan as the free TT unit. Lachesis and Ethlyn are both flying dagger dancers, Quan is a flying archer dancer, and Eldigan is a flying lance dancer. Sigurd & Deirdre are the only non flier dancers in the banner as a red tome cavalier, but want to know some fun trivia? Duo Sigurd & Deirdre is our first cavalier dancer!

I'm sure many of y'all are going to be quite happy to see Sigurd & Deirdre finally getting the duo unit that has been demanded for so long, especially with the promising skill set they come with!
It's so great to finally get a dedicated Genealogy of the Holy War Special banner after so long without any seasonals (S!Reinhardt and S!Ishtar technically don't count since they're treated as Thracia 776 characters). With this, L!Leif and L!Seliph, it seems IS have really listened to fan demand and given more love to Genealogy and Thracia.

Now for the units:
  • Lachesis has Courtly Mask+, a new dagger that, if she is above 50% HP in combat, gives her Atk/Res +5 and 50% damage reduction on the first hit if her foe can follow up. This looks very situational and will likely only work well on a few units - mainly slow tanks like W!Cecilia. She comes with Dance (duh, all of these units do), Def Cantrip and Air Orders. She is this banner's 4* focus, and as funny as it is that Cantrip skills are already appearing on 4*s, Air Orders on a 4* is great for flier fans.
  • Ethlyn comes with Courtly Fan+, another new dagger that gives her Atk/Spd +5 and semi-NFU (neutralises effects that prevent her follow-up attack) on player phase. For an inheritable weapon, this looks very good since now any fast dagger unit can use Windsweep without their follow-up being taken away - previously, this was only possible with Pegasus Carrot+, which required the user to have weapon-triangle advantage. To play into this, she comes with Windsweep, as well as AR-D Atk/Spd and Joint Drive Spd. I'm thinking AR-D Atk/Spd could be slapped on F!Ike to make him even better, but I hardly see these skills used, and I think everyone's waiting for Atk/Spd Unity.
  • Quan has Courtly Bow+, a bow version of Courtly Mask+ that gives him Atk/Def +5 instead of Atk/Res +5, as well as Atk/Def Bond 4, Flier Formation and Joint Hone Def. Not much to say about him.
  • Sigurd, as said before, is our first cavalry dancer. Now all we need is an armoured dancer to complete the set, even if it would be ridiculous. He is a Duo Hero with Deirdre, and they are a dancer that doubles as a magic tank. Their PRF, Gilt Goblet, gives them Atk +3, and when defending against a magic foe gives them Atk/Res +6 and 50% damage reduction on all hits. They come with Atk/Res Bond 4, Lull Atk/Res and Joint Hone Res. Their Duo skill is a bizarre area-of-effect Reposition, which moves adjacent allies to the opposite side of them and becomes usable again on odd-numbered turns. Their stats have been released: like regular Deirdre, they have average HP, high Atk and Res and low Spd and Def, but since they're a Duo unit their BST is treated as 185 in Arena, so get ready for the whales to ruin Arena yet again with a top-scoring dancer. I love how unique they are, being our first cavalry dancer but also having Sigurd's 50% magic damage reduction with Deirdre's statline and having an AoE movement skill. However, they look easily beatable: they're destroyed by any physical unit, and even with 50% damage reduction they struggle against enemy follow-ups and Specials, thus requiring them to use Mirror Stance 3.
  • Eldigan is our Tempest Trials unit. We don't know anything about him other than being a lance flier. Even though the GHB/TT Wyvern Knight curse was broken by Ashnard, it's possible Eldigan will go back to having a crappy statline due to being a dancer, unless Gen 5 is so big of a boost that he'll be able to catch up easily.
I won't be spending on this banner, and I've decided I won't spend on Heir of Light's rerun either since my Orb stash is currently too small to yield great results (keep in mind that whenever I say that, I usually spend anyway). Besides, it's usually better to wait for seasonals to appear on a Double Special banner so you can summon for them without getting off-focus 5*s. Instead, I think I'll save up for either Glorious Gifts's rerun, Book 4 Begins's rerun if it wins the next vote or this year's Halloween or Winter banners if they introduce a ridiculous Gen 4 armoured trainee (my bets are still on W!Surtr).


Smash Hero
May 27, 2019
Waiting for Latias and Latios to get a theme
Switch FC
You've all been asking for it, and it finally happened: FE4 getting its seasonal banner entirely for itself! It's back to the ballroom with more dancers featuring the gen 1 cast of characters from Genealogy of the Holy War.

The banner features Lachesis (the demote of this banner), Ethlyn, Quan, and Sigurd & Deirdre as the duo unit, with Eldigan as the free TT unit. Lachesis and Ethlyn are both flying dagger dancers, Quan is a flying archer dancer, and Eldigan is a flying lance dancer. Sigurd & Deirdre are the only non flier dancers in the banner as a red tome cavalier, but want to know some fun trivia? Duo Sigurd & Deirdre is our first cavalier dancer!

I'm sure many of y'all are going to be quite happy to see Sigurd & Deirdre finally getting the duo unit that has been demanded for so long, especially with the promising skill set they come with!
Think I'll go with Lachesis since she actually looks pretty cool for once.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 20, 2020
Hype Train to Splatsville
Switch FC
Update I should probably have just edited in to my previous post but I need to make this thread seem more active: Eldigan's skills have been released. He has Courtly Candle+, a lance version of Courtly Bow+, as well as Caldera Dance and Def Opening. In addition, the Tempest Trials reward Seals are Res Feint and Armor March. Res Feint completes the Feint Seal squad, and Armor March is pretty massive since it is 5* exclusive fodder.

Update I am editing in to this post this time because it's against the rules to double post: The stats for the new banner's units have been released:
  • Lachesis has average HP, 'average' Atk because 36 to 38 might be the norm now, below-average Spd, very low Def and pretty high Res, making her another good Temari+ user. She and Quan have 157 BST.
  • Ethlyn has average HP, aforementioned 'average' Atk, very high Spd, very low Def and average Res. She totals out to 158 BST, which isn't any different from Lachesis and Quan's 157 BST.
  • Quan has average HP, high Atk, low Spd, high Def and low Res.
  • I already went over Sigurd in the last post, but I didn't mention that they have 147 true BST. Since they are the first of their kind (dancer tome cavalry), we don't really have any benchmarks for them. The closest ones are S!Reinhardt, S!Ishtar and Peony, Gen 4 dancer tome fliers with 145, 144 and 145 BST respectively, and since cavalries are usually 5 BST behind fliers, this seems somewhat accurate given the jump between generations. In the end, though, this doesn't matter for the time being since their Duel skill boosts them to 185 BST in Arena regardless.
  • Eldigan has above-average HP, average Atk, below-average Spd, high Def and very low Res. He has 162 BST, which puts him on par with Gen 4 dancer melee infantries. His high Def and cheap affordability as a TT unit makes him a great budget Mila counter, and with Hel releasing about a month ago and being able to boost Def, I think IS might already be fed up with Mila.
Update none of us should care about at this point: Corrected GHB to TT, and removed a gap between sentences at the start, even though that was done in the last edit but I forgot to mention it.

I should stop with these updates now: The CYL2 Refines are out:
  • Celica's refine doesn't give her any additional base effects, but her special refine gives her +5 to all stats in combat, and heals her 7 HP and gives her -1 Special cooldown after combat, if she is above 25% HP. Not only does this give her more in-combat stats to let her compete with modern infantry swords, this now reliably lets her trigger Galeforce at 100% HP and heals her back up so she can use Double Lion again. While she'll still require a little bit of babysitting to make sure Double Lion works, this makes her one of the most reliable Galeforcers in the game and gives her a very solid niche.
  • Hector's refine neutralises armour effectiveness, increases his guaranteed follow-up threshold to above 25% HP instead of above 50% and neutralises penalties on him if he meets the requirements for his guaranteed follow-up. In addition, his special refine inflicts Atk/Def -6 on his foe and prevents them from making a follow-up attack on enemy phase or if they are at 100% HP. The base effect comes with some massive improvements, and while the special effect is less powerful, that follow-up denial will still be important. As with before, he is still weak to Null Follow-Up users. Overall, this might be the best refine of the bunch.
  • Ephraim's refine gives him semi-NFU (neutralises effects that prevent his follow-up) if he meets the requirements for his guaranteed follow-up. His special refine gives him +5 to all stats in combat and heals him 7 HP after combat if he is above 25% HP. The Mystic Boost effect is a bit useless in my opinion, but his semi-NFU and combat boosts are quite good.
  • Veronica's refine doesn't give her any extra base effects either, but her special refine gives allies within 3 spaces Atk/Spd +3 and foes within 3 spaces Def/Res -3 in combat. The stat boosts aren't that big, but it's a little less awkward to position her in such a way that the boosts actually work. Still, probably the worst of the bunch, but when the base weapon is so good it doesn't really matter.
If I has to rank them, it would be B!Hector > B!Celica > B!Ephraim > B!Veronica.
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Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
The long awaited new Tellius banner is finally here as the next New Heroes banner! This one features some fan favorites from the Tellius games.

  • Normal Ilyana is finally here, and she is the 4-star demote.
  • The foul-mouthed Shinon has arrived, coupled with a bow that boosts all his stats by 5 and gives him Close Counter if he is alone AND a new special called Deadeye that can double damage and disable non-damage skills that "reduce damage by X%."
  • Gatrie is an armored lancer packed with a spear that functions a lot like the special weapons to come from this year's wedding banner, along with a new skill for armored units called Crafty Fighter where the unit can automatically double and inflict a special cool down charge of -1 per attack if the unit has 25% HP or more and the foe initiates combat.
  • Jill is finally here. Yes, you heard that right. Jill is finally in Fire Emblem Heroes! She comes with an axe that accelerates special trigger, can grant her +6 boost in Atk & Spd during combat if it's the player phase or if an ally is 2 spaces away, and can make a follow-up before a foe's counterattack if it's the player phase. She also comes with a new skill: Spd/Def Rein, which is similar to a skill that Brave Claude introduced but focuses on the named stats this time.
  • Petrine is the GHB.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 20, 2020
Hype Train to Splatsville
Switch FC
The long awaited new Tellius banner is finally here as the next New Heroes banner! This one features some fan favorites from the Tellius games.

  • Normal Ilyana is finally here, and she is the 4-star demote.
  • The foul-mouthed Shinon has arrived, coupled with a bow that boosts all his stats by 5 and gives him Close Counter if he is alone AND a new special called Deadeye that can double damage and disable non-damage skills that "reduce damage by X%."
  • Gatrie is an armored lancer packed with a spear that functions a lot like the special weapons to come from this year's wedding banner, along with a new skill for armored units called Crafty Fighter where the unit can automatically double and inflict a special cool down charge of -1 per attack if the unit has 25% HP or more and the foe initiates combat.
  • Jill is finally here. Yes, you heard that right. Jill is finally in Fire Emblem Heroes! She comes with an axe that accelerates special trigger, can grant her +6 boost in Atk & Spd during combat if it's the player phase or if an ally is 2 spaces away, and can make a follow-up before a foe's counterattack if it's the player phase. She also comes with a new skill: Spd/Def Rein, which is similar to a skill that Brave Claude introduced but focuses on the named stats this time.
  • Petrine is the GHB.
As much as I'd joke about Tellius almost being milked earlier this year, this new banner was needed since there have been so many glaring omissions from Heroes's roster for years, and New banners like these help alleviate them. Besides, they seem to be milking Jugdral more now.

You know the drill by now:
  • Ilyana is the obvious demote, with Blárfox+, Iceberg, Mirror Strike and Res Ploy. However, it's nice that regular Ilyana is now in the game after being stuck in Seasonal hell. If only they'd do the same to the others in there. For some surprising trivia, this is the first unit to have Blárfox; before this, there was only Rauðrfox, and Gronnfox still isn't a thing yet.
  • Shinon looks very powerful. It's great that his bow has built-in Close Counter since that skill is rare, and Deadeye is obviously meant to destroy dodgetanks, B!Ike and possibly B!Edelgard. I fear it may be a bit overpowered with its 3 cooldown, but we currently don't know if it can be inherited. He also comes with Atk/Def Solo 4, Lull Atk/Spd and Time's Pulse. He's definitely meant to be an enemy-phase baiter, given that his weapon and Time's Pulse drop his Special down to 1 CD.
  • Gatrie is another Gen 4 melee armour, so his stats will be high. He interestingly doesn't come with a PRF weapon, instead having an inheritable lance version of Pledged Blade and Huge Fan. Crafty Fighter essentially invalidates Vengeful Fighter since preventing enemy Specials is more important for a tank than charging one's own Special, and it has a larger HP threshold, but I still believe Special Fighter will be preferred. He also comes with Moonbow and Fortress Def/Res 3, which is very useful fodder.
  • Jill (can you believe how many memes IS have been ending recently by doing exactly what we want them to?) looks to be a fantastic Galeforcer, with her weapon's Slaying effect and HP threshold-less Desperation. Being an axe flier, she should have great synergy with the many infantry sword Galeforcers like Navarre. Her default kit is more focused on nuking, with Moonbow, Atk/Spd Push 4, Chill Atk/Spd and Spd/Def Rein, which is also fine. If you're going for the Galeforce build, it's probably best to replace Chill Atk/Spd with Wings of Mercy, and give her Heavy Blade either in the A or S slots.
  • We don't know anything about Petrine yet. Or maybe we do, but I just won't look since I need to be preparing to go to school now.
As tempted as I am by Jill, I'll skip this banner and save my Orbs.

...I did say you knew the drill, did I not?


Smash Hero
May 27, 2019
Waiting for Latias and Latios to get a theme
Switch FC
The long awaited new Tellius banner is finally here as the next New Heroes banner! This one features some fan favorites from the Tellius games.

  • Normal Ilyana is finally here, and she is the 4-star demote.
  • The foul-mouthed Shinon has arrived, coupled with a bow that boosts all his stats by 5 and gives him Close Counter if he is alone AND a new special called Deadeye that can double damage and disable non-damage skills that "reduce damage by X%."
  • Gatrie is an armored lancer packed with a spear that functions a lot like the special weapons to come from this year's wedding banner, along with a new skill for armored units called Crafty Fighter where the unit can automatically double and inflict a special cool down charge of -1 per attack if the unit has 25% HP or more and the foe initiates combat.
  • Jill is finally here. Yes, you heard that right. Jill is finally in Fire Emblem Heroes! She comes with an axe that accelerates special trigger, can grant her +6 boost in Atk & Spd during combat if it's the player phase or if an ally is 2 spaces away, and can make a follow-up before a foe's counterattack if it's the player phase. She also comes with a new skill: Spd/Def Rein, which is similar to a skill that Brave Claude introduced but focuses on the named stats this time.
  • Petrine is the GHB.
Welp, Shinon is my new want. He'll be perfect with my already busted Midori.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 20, 2020
Hype Train to Splatsville
Switch FC
New units' stats are out now. Again, you know the drill:
  • Ilyana has average HP, 'average' Atk because with this banner I can conclude that 38 Atk is in fact the new standard, ok Spd, very low Def and high Res. She totals out to 166 BST, tying Ewan for highest BST on an infantry mage.
  • Shinon has average HP, aforementioned average Atk, very high Spd (42 exactly, tying 5 other units for highest in the game), pretty low Def and low Res. His low Def and Res ironically make his enemy phase potential worse since he'll likely only be able to survive 1 hit. He'll probably need Null Follow-Up as a result, though that means sacrificing Lull Atk/Spd. He totals out to 171 BST, 1 point below Jorge. Apparently Deadeye is inheritable, but restricted to bow units.
  • Gatrie has a similar statline to B!Edelgard: high HP, high Atk, very low Spd, very high Def and high Res. In fact, his Def of 44 beats B!Edelgard's by 1, meaning she only held the record for highest Def for a month. She still has all her 2 movement, Aerobatics, guaranteed follow-up and damage reduction shenanigans, though. He totals out to 185 BST, the new average for Gen 4 melee armours. You had a good run, W!Sothis.
  • Jill has average HP, 'average' (ok I'll stop with this now) Atk, high Spd, high Def and very low Res, a pretty standard Wyvern Rider statline. She has 172 BST, the highest of any melee flier, as to be expected with the jump in generations.
  • Petrine has average HP, below-average Atk, pretty high Spd, pretty high Def and pretty low Res. She has 168 BST, the highest of any melee cavalier. She has a PRF, Flame Lance, that is effective against beast units (probably to reflect racism), gives her +3 Spd, and if she is above 50% HP, calculates damage using her foe's Res and inflicts a -5 Spd/Res combat penalty on her foe. This, I feel, could be very interesting, adding a dynamic where you may not want to heal her if a foe has high Res. She also has either Bonfire or Ignis (I can't tell which), Atk/Spd Push and Threaten Atk/Def.


Smash Legend
Dec 1, 2014
It's that time again. We have another mainline Radiance Banner and if anyone knows my history with Free Summons and mainline Radiance Banners....nah, who am I kidding? There's no way it will happen 5 times in a row.
I got Jill for my Free Summon. It's happened for the 5th time in a row. Started with Nephenee, than Micaiah, than Nailah, than Lethe, now Jill. I have to have some cursed luck to get a 5-star female on a Radiance Banner 5 times in a row. Like I thought myself lucky, but now I'm wondering what sort of curse I have to have this kind of luck.


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
Say hello to our next Mythic Hero set to become summonable in the upcoming Mythic Hero banner: it's Plumeria from Book IV!

Not much to say about her since we already knew most of her skills from the times we fought her as an enemy. She comes with Atk/Res Rein as a new skill, which continues the trend of the new Rein skills to be introduced into the game.

The other characters that are summonable in this banner are Líf, Legendary Seliph, Legendary Ephraim, Legendary Lucina, Lilith, Yune, Legendary Celica, Brave Micaiah, Duma, Legendary Leif, and Julian.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 20, 2020
Hype Train to Splatsville
Switch FC
Say hello to our next Mythic Hero set to become summonable in the upcoming Mythic Hero banner: it's Plumeria from Book IV!

Not much to say about her since we already knew most of her skills from the times we fought her as an enemy. She comes with Atk/Res Rein as a new skill, which continues the trend of the new Rein skills to be introduced into the game.

The other characters that are summonable in this banner are Líf, Legendary Seliph, Legendary Ephraim, Legendary Lucina, Lilith, Yune, Legendary Celica, Brave Micaiah, Duma, Legendary Leif, and Julian.
Easy skip. This is now the 3rd OC Mythic in a row, and I'd really like some variety in what characters they pick. I remember back when Shinon's banner was revealed, someone on Reddit posted the story chapter title 'Plumeria's Dream' with the caption 'Let me guess, Plumeria will die in this chapter and she'll become this month's Mythic' and that's exactly what happened. Is Heroes's story just too predictable?

Her skills aren't really that special either. Her weapon, Flower of Plenty, is terrible like the other fairy OCs. Her PRF assist, Sweet Dreams, is the highlight: it's a refresh that gives the unit being refreshed +3 to all stats and gives the nearest foes to that unit -4 to all stats. She also has Atk/Res Push 4, Sabotage Spd and Atk/Res Rein. In the main story, she has average HP, high Atk, very low Spd and Def, and high Res. She's also a speed boosting Astra Mythic, giving her a very solid niche and a chance of being mediocre again like the other two Astra Mythics. She seems to have a dual purpose of refreshing units and tanking magic, being a possible counter to Thrasir (do you think Naga will be viable in AR-O now?), but some blue mage nukes like Ophelia might still be able to one-round her.

The rest of the banner isn't looking too hot either. Red is the winner with the new Plumeria, Líf and L!Seliph, though Líf's viability is up for debate. Blue has L!Lucina who is still powerful and has a niche two years after her release, and Lilith if you like trainee dragons that will probably be outclassed in a year, but also has L!Ephraim who is just bad and outdated. Green is all tomes, featuring L!Celica with her really high nuking potential, B!Micaiah with her dual-type effectiveness (though she's been rerun quite a lot) and Yune with her debuffs and Dark Mythic status (though, like Líf, her power is debatable). Colourless has L!Leif who is really good and essentially the only Galeforce bow user in the game, and Julian if you're looking for a premium alternative to Matthew or Sothe, but Duma is pretty terrible.

As said before, easy skip for me. I'm not happy with all these OCs, and none of the other units on the banner entice me. I'm willing to bet the next Mythic will be Freyja, simply because the next Mythic banner lines up with the end of Book 4.


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
We've got a new Halloween banner coming up: Female Fallen Robin, Xane, and Dheginsea are among the featured units, with Tiki+Ninian being the new Duo Hero (their harmonized skill can refresh dancers!). Ena is the TT unit.



Smash Journeyman
Feb 20, 2020
Hype Train to Splatsville
Switch FC
We've got a new Halloween banner coming up: Female Fallen Robin, Xane, and Dheginsea are among the featured units, with Tiki+Ninian being the new Duo Hero (their harmonized skill can refresh dancers!). Ena is the TT unit.

I'm liking this banner. It has a nice mix of games, and some of its new skills and PRFs are big and creative. Without further ado:
  • Congratulations L!Robin fans, your favourite unit just powercrept herself by becoming a furry. Her weapon Expiration got upgraded to Moonless Breath, which adds a B!Claude style heal of 30% of her max HP if she is within 2 spaces of an ally and attacks with a Special. Her A skill Dragonskin got upgraded to Dragonscale, which trades the enemy phase Def/Res +4 for a much better Atk/Res -6 on her foe and Special acceleration from her foe's attacks if her foe initiates or is at 100% HP. She has a new inheritable B skill, Dragon's Ire, an improved Quick Riposte with a greater 50% HP threshold and an added neutralisation of follow-up blockers. Based on its name, it will likely be dragon-exclusive, which is great given that dragons can't run many of the great B skills of today. She also comes with Noontime and Goad Dragons.
  • Xane is a really unique and probably broken unit that is also this banner's 4* focus. His weapon, Jokers Wild (they may have missed an apostrophe there), is our third colourless tome and the first one on a 4* unit. The noteworthy part is that it takes the highest of each stat from allies within 2 spaces and copies them onto Xane's respective stats (if Xane himself has the highest stat, it is downgraded instead). This is a super interesting idea that has never been done before, and will lead to tons of stat-stacking shenanigans: plopping an unmerged Leila and Gatrie near him will already give him 57 Atk, 51 Spd, 50 Def and 41 Res on top of his high HP. The best part? For as long as powercreep continues, he'll be able to just take those new stats for himself, making him the first truly futureproof unit in the game. He also has Reposition, Atk/Res Form and Infantry Hexblade.
  • Many were expecting Dheginsea to debut as a Mythic given that Altina did so, but here he is as a seasonal. He is an armoured red dragon with an inheritable weapon, Blackfire Breath+, our first inheritable breath since Glittering Breath+ in December 2018, which gives Lull Atk/Res -5 if he is not adjacent to an ally. He has a new inheritable B skill too, Slick Fighter, which is Crafty Fighter but with penalty neutralisation instead of Special blocking; this can let almost any armour become B!Hector if they have a DC weapon so they can use Svalinn Shield (until the latter becomes available as a Seal, which at this rate may be soon). He also has Draconic Aura and Sturdy Stance 3.
  • Tiki and Ninian are our new Harmonized Hero, not referencing Heroes's story this time (it may instead be referencing a conversation between Lyn and Tiki in Warriors, in which Lyn told Tiki about Nils and Ninian). They are a blue dragon flier likely to be a trainee that focuses on stacking Atk and Spd - I told you Lilith would get powercrept! Their weapon, Frostfire Breath, has dragon effectiveness, gives Atk +3, gives Atk/Spd +6 in combat if they have a bonus on them and gives a combat buff to their Atk based on the bonuses on their Def and Res multiplied by 1.5. They also have Rally Up Spd+, Atk/Spd Push 4, Aerobatics and With Everyone!, L!Tiki's PRF C skill. All of this means that if they start next to an ally and are above 25% HP, they will get +28 Atk and +13 Spd in combat, and they are likely to have already high Atk and Spd as well as pretty high Def and Res due to their inevitable trainee boost. Then there's their Harmonized skill, which is S!Mia's Harmonized skill but it also refreshes the unit with the highest HP within 2 spaces, including other refreshers. Let's be thankful the AI can't use Duo or Harmonized skills. However, their weaknesses are clear: they will obviously be weak to the many dragon effective weapons, and like the aforementioned Lilith, many of their ideal skills like Galeforce, Null Follow-Up and Guard Bearing will be unavailable to them due to weapon and movement type restrictions. All in all, they're the usual Halloween/Winter banner powercreep dragon bait, so just prepare your Naga tome users (convenient that Julia just got a Resplendent) and you'll be fine.
  • Ena is the Tempest Trials unit, and she is another red dragon. She comes with Pale Breath+, a breath version of Carrot Cudgel+ and Gilt Fork+, Swap, Def/Res Link and Ward Dragons.
This banner is really tempting me to unleash the Orb hoard I had been saving for whoever I felt like, especially H!Tiki since I'm a fan of trainee dragons that will not be outclassed in a year (trying not to jinx it like I did with Lilith). I feel the need to stay strong for Christmas, though; after all, they may release an even better armoured trainee dragon on the next Winter banner.


Smash Legend
Dec 1, 2014
New characters' Stats are here:
And the new Refines also.

-Divine Tyrfing for Sigurd and Seliph gives +3 RES, +5 ATK & DEF above 50% HP and have the 50% damage reduction from magic foe's first attack. The refine is another +5 ATK/DEF when above 50% as well as a guaranteed follow-up. Very powerful refines, especially with one of them being a 3/4-Star common unit.
-Arvis and Saias got the same weapon and Refine, despite being different colors. They both now give -5 ATK/RES to all enemies in 3 rows and 3 columns centred on unit. Think something like a 9x9, but the rows and columns go all the way sideways and up. Their refine is a Broadleaf Fan effect, where they get bonus ATK in combat equal to the total penalties on the foe. Very great refines for GHB Units. Saias might be the preferable option due to being blue, but Arvis still has it good too.
-Rhajat's new weapon gives cavalry effectiveness and SPD/RES Rein. Her refine is Kempf's Venin Edge, just on a ranged weapon. So she'll be pretty interesting.
-Effie's new weapon is very straightforward, even if it's probably the weakest. Her new weapon gives +6 ATK when above 50% HP. Her refine is on her first combat of player or enemy phase, the foe she faces gets -5 ATK/DEF and neutralises the foe's bonuses to ATK & DEF. It's not a bad refine, as just her with her weapon, her refine and her default Death Blow 3 practically gives her +17 ATK. But it's still pretty weak on the effect side compared to the other refines and it mostly limits her to player phase. Like, I guess it's not surprising they weren't going to give her a very powerful refine since Effie is one of the most common +10s and they certainly weren't going to go Brave Hector on her.

I guess in how strong and useful the refines are, it'd be Seliph/Sigurd > Arvis/Saias > Rhajat > Effie.
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Smash Journeyman
Feb 20, 2020
Hype Train to Splatsville
Switch FC
New characters' Stats are here:

And the new Refines also.

-Divine Tyrfing for Sigurd and Seliph gives +3 RES, +5 ATK & DEF above 50% HP and have the 50% damage reduction from magic foe's first attack. The refine is another +5 ATK/DEF when above 50% as well as a guaranteed follow-up. Very powerful refines, especially with one of them being a 3/4-Star common unit.
-Arvis and Saias got the same weapon and Refine, despite being different colors. They both now give -5 ATK/RES to all enemies in 3 rows and 3 columns centred on unit. Think something like a 9x9, but the rows and columns go all the way sideways and up. Their refine is a Broadleaf Fan effect, where they get bonus ATK in combat equal to the total penalties on the foe. Very great refines for GHB Units. Saias might be the preferable option due to being blue, but Arvis still has it good too.
-Rhajat's new weapon gives cavalry effectiveness and SPD/RES Rein. Her refine is Kempf's Venin Edge, just on a ranged weapon. So she'll be pretty interesting.
-Effie's new weapon is very straightforward, even if it's probably the weakest. Her new weapon gives +6 ATK when above 50% HP. Her refine is on her first combat of player or enemy phase, the foe she faces gets -5 ATK/DEF and neutralises the foe's bonuses to ATK & DEF. It's not a bad refine, as just her with her weapon, her refine and her default Death Blow 3 practically gives her +17 ATK. But it's still pretty weak on the effect side compared to the other refines and it mostly limits her to player phase. Like, I guess it's not surprising they weren't going to give her a very powerful refine since Effie is one of the most common +10s and they certainly weren't going to go Brave Hector on her.

I guess in how strong and useful the refines are, it'd be Seliph/Sigurd > Arvis/Saias > Rhajat > Effie.
Thank you for posting this info for us. Sorry if it feels like I'm hijacking this thread, but here's some extra comments and random info I would normally put in my usual stat analysis:
  • H!Grima is more of a powercrept M!Grima than a powercrept F!Grima, in that she's a green dragon with a min-maxed defensive statline, only now she has a good Res stat in exchange for an even lower Spd stat. She totals out to 172 BST, 2 points away from M!Grima's 174. At least she isn't suddenly a trainee like Corrin is.
  • I was kind of expecting H!Xane to have Arden levels of HP, but maybe IS were concerned about balance for once... nah, why would anyone care in this glorious mess of a game? He has 162 BST. Speaking of concern over Xane's balance, don't worry: plop any unit in his range and the AI should send him to hopelessly initiate without caring that he won't be in range of any allies. Am I the only one who thinks the AI is too dumb and predictable in this game? When it's so easy to know and abuse the AI that it's a trivial part of being good in Aether Raids, whoever designed it might have failed in doing so very well.
  • H!Dheginsea is our most min-maxed unit yet: he ties B!Edelgard's record for highest Atk in the game, sets the record for lowest Spd in the game, and breaks the record for highest combined Def/Res in the game, taking the latter from... Gatrie, who took it from... B!Edelgard. IS really love seeing how high they can raise this bar. He has 184 BST.
  • H!Tiki ties 6 other units for highest Spd in the game (IS at this point are just waiting to release a 43 Spd unit), and takes the record for highest combined Atk/Spd in the game from... Shinon, who took it from... Hel. That's 2 records IS have been pumping steroids into recently. She has 177 BST, unsurprisingly with a trainee boost, making her the highest BST flier thus far.
  • H!Ena has 176 BST, the second best so far on a F2P-available unit (first is the Flame Emperor). This means that with a superboon she can reach the 180 BST bin, but her only superboon is unfortunately her dump stat, Spd. Personally, I'll wait in case we get a better F2P melee infantry down the line.
  • As always, there's at least one translation error with this update: Divine Tyrfing's refine should give the +5 Atk/Def and guaranteed follow-up when the user's foe is above 50% HP, but the mistranslated description says to give this when the user themselves is above 50% HP. Can Nintendo of America not hire any proofreaders?
  • rip Effie lol


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
I'm not one to normally subscribe for the FEH pass, but this right here is why I will subscribe to the FEH pass for just this period:

Takumi was the one character who I wanted to see get a Resplendent Hero alt ever since they first announced the Resplendent Heroes. He is my favorite Fire Emblem character after all, and I think he would benefit from those increased stats. His Hel design also looks sick as hell!

Thanks for giving me another copy of OG Takumi, game!

I only need one more Takumi until he is fully merged.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 20, 2020
Hype Train to Splatsville
Switch FC
October's Double Special banner is upon us, this time featuring Y!Marth, B!Oboro, S!Narcian, B!Rafiel, Y!Merric, B!Nailah, B!Micaiah and S!Mia. In true JustNo., formerly known as LAA9000 with no Premium status to allow for a name change, fashion, here are some random notes on this:
  • This banner has a record high 3 4* Focus units (Y!Marth, S!Narcian, B!Rafiel). Since the chances of getting a 4* Focus are 3% as opposed to 6% for a 5* Focus, this makes it statistically less likely to get a specific 4* Focus than a specific 5* Focus (1% chance for each 4* as opposed to 1.2% chance for each 5*). So much for 4*s' ease of access.
  • I was expecting B!Fjorm to be the second colourless Focus unit instead of S!Mia, given that S!Bruno was on August's Double Special banner and that December's Double Special banner should have the Summer units. Not really complaining, though, since S!Mia is also a good unit.
  • Here are my garbage attempts at reviewing these units in 5 words or less:
    • Y!Marth: Vantage with infinite PRF Special
    • B!Oboro: Stuck in no PRF hell
    • S!Narcian: Lance Exp. is best fodder
    • B!Rafiel: Holy Res stat Batman
    • Y!Merric: Haha Righteous Wind go swoosh
    • B!Nailah: Some bizarre support nuke, probably
    • B!Micaiah: 'Dominance is broken' 'We know'
    • S!Mia: B!Lyn dead in Miami
  • Now for their useful, noteworthy or premium fodder:
    • Y!Marth: Spd/Def Oath
    • B!Oboro: Pledged Blade+, Rally Atk/Res+, Atk/Def Form, Odd Pulse Tie
    • S!Narcian: Gilt Fork+, Lance Exp. (yes, this is the only unit with that skill)
    • B!Rafiel: Firestorm Dance, Ward Beasts
    • Y!Merric: Swift Sparrow 3
    • B!Nailah: Swift Sparrow 3 again, Chill Spd/Def
    • B!Micaiah: Atk/Res Push 4, Mystic Boost, Atk/Res Oath
    • S!Mia: Swift Sparrow 3 yet again, Spd/Def Snag, Atk/Spd Gap
I've spent about 19 Orbs on this banner and I think that's all I'll be spending. Not many of the units appeal to me currently, and I still have a bit of trauma from August's Double Special banner. I do see this banner's appeal, though.


Smash Legend
Dec 1, 2014
Dun dun dun....

Look who we're fighting against soon.
Although if it's true that Kiran is dreaming he's Alfonse, it's possible that this is Alfonse dreaming he's Kiran, considering this Kiran is wielding Alfonse's weapon.
-Seteth looks like he did not get the short end of the stick. His build and weapon is based around ATK and SPD, so he appears to be different from other Flying Lance Wyverns.
-Nemesis is the GHB.
-And Flayn definitely seems to be the big unit. Not just with her weapon that reduces damage by 30% in combat to allies near her, but also Rescue, the new Draw Back Heal assist. Thankfully, percentages add multiplicative, not additive. So Brave Ike won't have 80% reduction on the first attack.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 20, 2020
Hype Train to Splatsville
Switch FC
Dun dun dun....

Look who we're fighting against soon.
Although if it's true that Kiran is dreaming he's Alfonse, it's possible that this is Alfonse dreaming he's Kiran, considering this Kiran is wielding Alfonse's weapon.
-Seteth looks like he did not get the short end of the stick. His build and weapon is based around ATK and SPD, so he appears to be different from other Flying Lance Wyverns.
-Nemesis is the GHB.
-And Flayn definitely seems to be the big unit. Not just with her weapon that reduces damage by 30% in combat to allies near her, but also Rescue, the new Draw Back Heal assist. Thankfully, percentages add multiplicative, not additive. So Brave Ike won't have 80% reduction on the first attack.
New Three Houses banner!
...I still haven't bought the game yet. At this rate, I don't know how long it'll be until I do so, since currently Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity is higher on my Switch game wish list. This is why I don't make promises.

  • Catherine might be our first Gen 5 'godsword'. Her weapon, Thunderbrand, grants Spd +3 and, if she is above 50% HP, grants Atk/Spd +6, semi-NFU (neutralises follow-up blockers) and Desperation. Given that this would be the perfect Galeforce sword, I'm surprised it doesn't have a Slaying effect, but it'll still be a very powerful nuking weapon regardless. She also has Draconic Aura, Swift Sparrow 3 (can't get enough of Swift Sparrow 3, huh?) and Lull Spd/Def.
  • Flayn looks extremely useful and even meta-changing. Her staff, Caduceus Staff, has built-in Wrathful Staff and, as mentioned prior, gives 30% damage reduction to allies within 2 spaces. This alone makes Flayn a necessity for many omnitank teams, and could be what finally dethrones B!Ike since any unit can now do what he does. Rescue+, her new inheritable Draw Back/heal hybrid, is probably not as effective at healing than Recover+ or Martyr+ but does have a dual use as a positional Assist. She also has Deluge Balm+ (Spd/Res +6), Dazzling Staff and Ground Orders. This is the support unit you'll want to get one copy of and dip out, unless you like her fodder... or she could be this banner's traditional overhyped unit.
  • Seteth is the obvious 4* Focus, but he does have a PRF, Spear of Assal. It gives him Spd +3 and, if he is within 2 spaces of an ally, gives him and the ally Atk/Spd +4 and inflicts Lull Atk/Spd on his foe (without any off-the-bat debuffs, though). He has Swap, Brazen Atk/Spd and Drive Atk.
  • Shamir is a fully player-phase green bow nuke. Her weapon, Survivalist Bow, has a Slaying effect, gives Atk/Spd +6 if she is not adjacent to an ally in combat and gives a further counterattack prevention if her foe is above 80% HP at the start of combat. She also has Moonbow, Atk/Spd Solo 4, Null Follow-Up and Rouse Atk/Spd, really purposing her as a nuke. If her visible Atk is high enough, she might also be good as an AoE spammer, but her default kit will still do.
  • Nemesis is the GHB we don't currently know much about, though he does wield the Dark Creator Sword in his artwork (in case you were wondering, I had to search that up on Fire Emblem Wiki). Ironically, it'll probably be nerfed a ton compared to the Byleths' Creator Sword.
I'll probably summon for one copy of Flayn then drop out, since I've now learned the art of not getting baited.

Holder of the Heel

Fiat justitia, pereat mundus
Dec 3, 2011
Switch FC
This banner saddens me, because we haven't had a Legendary/Mythic banner correspond to a new Hero banner since Sothis with the FIRST Three Houses banner.

The wait for Legendary Dimitri continues for at least another two months... :cry:


Smash Hero
May 27, 2019
Waiting for Latias and Latios to get a theme
Switch FC
So major plot twists in the story.
Triandra is Peony's Sister
Triandra dies, surprise surprise. Expect her sometime soon.
It turns out Alfonse was actually Kiran in his sleep, and that Kiran was Alfonse in the dream as well.
Freyja states Alfonse was killed/captured by Alfaoor for defying death in the previous chapter (finally, references to previous chapters)
Expect the plot to go many ways.​
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Smash Legend
Dec 1, 2014
So major plot twists in the story.
Triandra is Peony's Sister
Triandra dies, surprise surprise. Expect her sometime soon.​
It turns out Alfonse was actually Kiran in his sleep, and that Kiran was Alfonse in the dream as well.​
Freyja states Alfonse was killed/captured by Alfaoor for defying death in the previous chapter (finally, references to previous chapters)​
Expect the plot to go many ways.​
You can put those in spoilers you know. Just for the ones who haven't done the story yet.
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Smash Journeyman
Feb 20, 2020
Hype Train to Splatsville
Switch FC
With the new update out today, we have three things to discuss. First, the units' stats:
  • Catherine has the typical Swordmaster statline of 'average' HP since 43 might be the new norm oh no I'm gonna start with this again aren't I, high Atk, very high Spd, average Def and low Res. She has 176 BST and superboons in Atk and Spd.
  • Flayn has below-average HP, very high Atk for a healer (39 exactly, beating the previous record of 36), below-average Spd, low Def and high Res. She has 162 BST, matching the infantry healers of yesteryear and setting the bar for new staff fliers in case any more arrive this generation.
  • Seteth has average HP, below-average Atk, above-average Spd, average Def and low Res. He has 172 BST and no superboons or superbanes.
  • Shamir has average HP, high Atk and Spd and low Def and Res. She has 170 BST and superboons in every stat other than HP. Pretty ridiculous if you ask me, though at least she can't use them for Arena scoring purposes.
  • Nemesis is very similar to the recently released H!Ena: both are red melee infantries with average HP, pretty high Atk (Nemesis hilariously tying Flayn's Atk), low Spd, high Def and Res and 176 BST. Like Seteth, the other male unit on this banner, he has no superboons or superbanes, making it impossible for him to ever reach the 180 BST bin. His sword, Dark Creator S, grants Def +3 and, based on the number of allies with above 90% HP (no positional requirements), gives him up to +6 Atk/Def in combat as well as up to 45% damage reduction in combat and against AoE Specials. He also has Dragon Fang, Chill Atk and Savage Blow. His weapon gives him a small but pretty solid niche as a F2P Aether Raids defense frontliner, though his low Spd is a death sentence for melee infantries, and he clearly suffers from being a GHB unit as opposed to a Mythic. I might build him using the free copies from his GHB.
Second, the banner itself. I've done 20 summons for Flayn and haven't received a single 5* yet. I fear this may be a repeat of the August Double Special banner.

Third, and most importantly, the story chapter and its slew of plot twist shenanigans. In the order that Pokelego999 Pokelego999 listed them:
  • Triandra being Peony's sister is something that's been hinted at for a while, and it doesn't change much.
  • I had no idea Triandra even died until reading Pokelego999 Pokelego999 's post. I could find no indication of this in-game other than the chapter title Triandra's Dream referencing the previous chapter Plumeria's Dream, in which Plumeria died... also with hardly any indication. Not like their deaths change anything anyway - in fact, you could probably cut all the álfar other than Peony entirely from the plot and nothing would change.
  • Now for the real Kingdom Hearts-level madness of this chapter, and the first time Heroes's story has captivated me: the Alfonse and Kiran... thing. Yep, the male Lord is here yet again to take the spotlight away from the female Lord. From what I can gather, the Alfonse throughout most of Book 4 was actually Kiran dreaming he was Alfonse, and the real Alfonse was directly killed by Alfaðör, the creator of the universe, after cheating death (i.e. killing Hel) made him too powerful. 'Alfonse' also dreams of the World of Steel, which is likely the real world Kiran comes from. If the writers don't chicken out and bring the real Alfonse back next chapter, then Book 5 would be unbelievably interesting and high-stakes for Heroes standards, with Sharena and Anna having to cope with the loss of both their dear friend Alfonse and logic itself, while potentially going up against the creator of the universe. It could get so crazy that I predict it'll end with the writers essentially saying 'f*** it, we've gone too far to reasonably fix all of this' and that'll be how Nintendo and IS announce the end of support for this game. In short, well done IS, you actually got me interested in the main story.


Smash Legend
Dec 1, 2014
You know, now thinking about it...
Remember how we were earlier focused on Sharena possibly not being Alfonse's sibling. In a rather odd twist, that is technically true now. Only instead of Sharena not being Alfonse's sibling, it's actually Alfonse, who is actually Kiran, who is not the sibling.

That aside, I wonder how Chapter 5 will be like. I mean, think about it. Kiran now has full sprites with attacking animations and whatnot. What does this say about a possible playable Summoner in a future update? And what if they do keep Alfonse from coming back for Chapter 5? Will Kiran suddenly become the new wielder of Alfonse's weapon for Chapter 5? Like, it's legitimately curious on where things will go after this plot twist.


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
And our next Legendary Hero has been revealed: it's Dimitri!

The other characters you can pull in this banner are Legendary Ryoma, Legendary Marth, Mirabilis, Legendary Chrom, Fallen Corrin, Legendary Edelgard, Thrasir, Fallen Lyon, Legendary Robin, Legendary Alm, and Eir.

Blue is definitely going to be the color choice for this banner. Another chance for me to pull Legendary Chrom (hopefully I'll finally pull him!) and also the chance to get Legendary Dimitri.

Pretty stoked about Dimitri getting a Legendary alt at long last since he is one of my favorite lords!

Holder of the Heel

Fiat justitia, pereat mundus
Dec 3, 2011
Switch FC
Well hell, my fear was misplaced! I am very happy!

Now I must hope that I get lucky. 1800 orbs for 11 copies does not seem likely. In any case, I’ll post here what I can manage to snag from sniping.
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