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FUND: Help MANG0 get to EUROPE! $496.0 Goal: $1000! (BEAST 3!!!)


Smash Ace
Jan 20, 2012
Athens, GA
I think everyone should just wisen up and ignore list froggy if he frustrates them

Like, I enjoy the ******** **** he says, it's almost hilarious. But I can see why he would piss you off



Smash Journeyman
Jul 21, 2012
I was just trying to understand everyone's posts and where they're coming from.

edit: And respond to a factual error or two. And something else I guess maybe.


Smash Lord
Oct 9, 2007
San Diego, CA

He has forgotten his:

-SWF password

-Email password

-Email address
An admin can easily pull up the email address he used to sign up and an admin can also easily manually set his password to something else.

No johns. :awesome:


Jan 10, 2007
An admin can easily pull up the email address he used to sign up and an admin can also easily manually set his password to something else.

No johns. :awesome:
I also figured this should be technically possible. I hope the mods can do this :-)


Smash Apprentice
Nov 16, 2011
Silly Froggy, of course we want to ****ride top players; PP and Armada are nice guys.


Smash Master
Jan 8, 2010
Uppsala, Sweden
I spilled coffee all over my mouse pad. Now it smells weird and I can't slide my mouse on it as smoothly as before.


Smash Champion
Apr 25, 2012
The first part was just my interpretation of Warhawk's post, as in I think what was meant had you not posted in the thread at all, it wouldn't have gotten locked, and that you shouldn't post so that it doesn't happen again. You said his posts suck, which is in itself likely a blanket statement (unless you actually think all of his posts suck) after telling him to state why he has a problem with your posts instead of using baseless blanket statements (implying he shouldn't at all). Neither of you explicitly pointed to what was "wrong" with each other's posts as such, but he did say you talking about a "hierarchy [working] against [you]" was "pathetic", and you said he'd have to be a "moron" to think that no one who disagreed with you did it to "cater to top players" (Yes, him stating all of your posts are bad is also likely a blanket statement). I just found that response odd is all.

Anyway, for some other things you've been saying: Do you really mean to say the community categorizes people into those that matter and those that don't? Or do you really mean certain posters? Regardless, some will impact the individual members of the community more than others (including things like say, their growth as smashers and competitors; I'm pretty sure this site of the community is supposed to help people with that, and organize events among other things), and I guess some might call that "mattering more" to the community. If there is a hierarchy on this site (which I'm sure there is), do you think it may relate to users serving this site's purposes (either through posting or inspiration)?

Trying to keep my opinions out of here. Also I'm really tired and it wouldn't surprise me if the post that came out wasn't in English or otherwise unreadable.
Yeah your post is kind of convoluted.

I think I understood your interpretation of warhawk's post just fine, I'm just confused since you explain his post as if it is logically sound. If Warkwawk was saying that if I hadn't post the thread wouldn't have gotten locked, then my response is if any of those 15 users who went off on their rants hadn't posted either then the thread also wouldn't have been locked(this is all counter factual by the way, we don't know that if we hadn't done something then something else would not have happened)

A correction here is that I said his post sucks, not posts, that' singular and plural. He was the one making blanket statements about my posts, moreover as I stated before unlike him, the point of my post wasn't that his posts suck therefore I didn't state any premisses that I needed to expound upon. I stated all this in my last post to you, I just thought it was simple enough that I didn't need to spell it out.

As for how the community categorizes users. It's a bit of both really, but it's not all clearly difined. It's a lot more similar to racism in southern America than it is to the Cast system India. If you're a top player then you'll have more influence and respect than if you're a newer/weak player. Moreover though is that the community frequently refers to the top players as ''the people who matter''. The terminology is all over smashboards and I kinda difficult to avoid.

@Pinkreaper: I wasn't upset, more annoyed at how I felt compelled to response to your long idiotic post.

Strong Badam

Super Elite
Feb 27, 2008
Oh man do i get to do this again? I DO get to do this again dont I. Awesome. So as someone who was there when it happened, and also a moderator for a while, I know why Mango was banned and why he is still banned. He didnt want to come back so he just hasnt. He was given the chance and he refused, which is his right. He will more than likely never come back. This post will have nothing to do with that. This post will once again be me insulting you for being a complete ****ing *******. Again, there will be no trolling. Again I am not attempting to troll you or anyone in this thread. This is just me insulting you for being a terrible person. Again. Because you're an *******. A complete ****ing one.

You equate liking good posts and disliking bad posts to hating black people. Literally you see someone disagree with your standpoint and somehow just go straight to racism. I dont even have a witty response to that, that's so insane I honestly think it's some kind of like, higher level super trolling. There's no possible way you could be that much of an *******. I mean you're definitely an *******(a complete ****ing one I remind you) but to somehow just go straight from a forum disagreement to racism is an incredible feat of *******ry, to a degree im still not certain exists.

Beyond that though, you seem to somehow believe that the entire forum is against you because you're new. This is incorrect. As someone who's been here a while(and that fact only dawned on me a few weeks back, I've been here for half a DECADE) let me correct you by saying no one dislikes you because you're new, because you're opinionated. Everyone dislikes you because you're a complete ****ing *******. And a terrible person. This is why im insulting you. Because of how much of an ******* you are. New posters are generally not expected to make great posts, but they are also given quite a bit of leeway. They may not have as much insight as other posters and as such bring up old information or ask questions that often seem obvious. But no one holds that against them as they are new posters. On the other hand sometimes new posters go above and beyond. I happened to be lucky enough to post in the very first thread Dr. PeePee made for instance. It was a dumb thread. But that's ok, because he was new. And yet now when people talk of Dr. PeePee they regard him as one of the best posters on this site. Because he took the time to learn, to become better, to make himself not a complete ****ing *******. Which is the opposite of what you did. You came in a complete ******* and you've just become more and more of a ****ing ******* with every post you make.

But let's skip Dr. PeePee shall we? Because he's a top player and clearly bringing him up when he was a nobody with a hilariously awful tag is still **** riding. So let's talk about t3h Icy. He's extremely well known on the melee forums. No, not because he's a top player like Dr. PeePee and no, not because he's a complete ****ing ******* like Froggy(that's you by the way, you're the complete ****ing *******) No, he's known because of the major projects he's taken on, working on a match up chart and his great live streams for major tournaments. He was a player who didnt really stand out who just went above and beyond just for the sake of the community. Literally the exact opposite of you. He's awesome, you're an *******. Him great, you *******. Are all his posts perfect? No. Obviously no one's posts are always perfect(except Magus, but Magus isnt a person. In the same way you are the Colon incarnate, Magus is a living Action Replay, brought forth by dark sorcery and hex codes) but he still makes an effort to be useful to the community. You on the other hand would equate that to hating black people. Which is ********.

I could list other players of course. DruggedFox a fox player who works hard on becoming a better player and sharing information on his character, or Witchking_of_Angmar who was way before your time who collected various frame information for shiek and other characters(usually from magus) and helped spread that information to other players. Shai Hulud who spent large amounts of time testing shield dropping and trying to help the melee scene properly take advantage of it. It was definitely not discovered by him as some people will claim but he did a lot of work with it and he should definitely be credited for it. But then there's you. Who claims to be "Opinionated" and "Doesnt bend to the beliefs of others" and "Is a complete ****ing *******." Somehow you've never made a post that the community has taken the time to recognized as great or useful, or as you'd call it: racist. Instead you just randomly show up and spew **** everywhere. Because you are an *******. A complete one as well. And still ****ing. A complete ****ing *******.
Quoting one of the best posts on Smashboards.
Petition to ban Froggy from Smash World Forums indefinitely:

Sign here please.
Strong Bad

Signing the best petition ever made.

(Until the Overswarm petition is made)


Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2006
Skokie, IL
Wow this guy wins majors all the time and he can't even afford to pay for his own ticket? Keep getting scammed by all these "donation" drives and here I thought the FGC was bad with their "raffles".


Smash Lord
Nov 11, 2011
Mt. Pleasant/Highland, MI
Such idiocy. Nothing I've posted has been ******** and you declaring them ******** doesn't make them ******** either. Moreover I've never claimed that everyone who disagrees with me is ****riding top players but you are complete and total moron if you think that none of those who disagree with me are simply catering to top players, or as this community puts it, the people who ''matter''.
Pink Reaper already did the kind favor of putting up for display one of your shining star moments so I really have no reason to argue on how you make posts that are lacking in quality so I'll skip that. Although you never claim that everyone disagreeing with you is a ****rider pretty much every other thread you post in where people disagree with you about something you start going off about the hierarchical structure of the boards and how people are ****riding and that's why so many perceive what you said as wrong, even when its a bunch of "nobodies" that are disagreeing with you and no one is following as top level player's opinion against you. Because of how often you seem to gripe about the structure of the boards it makes it seem like you think everyone who disagrees with you is just blindly following the opinion of top players and not that what they're saying might legitimately challenge what you're saying. You're either very blind/stupid or a troll, which I'm open to believing too.

I haven't gotten any thread closed, had you been smart enough to actually check instead of drawing incorrect assumptions you'd see it was closed because of everyone's posts, the mod who closed it even said so.
Yup, you didn't start that thread's downhill at all. Look, its true it took many people to close that thread down, but you were certainly the instigator and a lot of threads seem to get derailed because you irritate half the people in them.

And fyi your posts suck, if you have a problem with the posts I make then state why instead of these baseless blanket statements.
Are you trying to make a point, ignorant, trying to troll me or all of the above, because I really can't tell here.

I am the only LITERALLY THE ONLY ONE willing to call the top players out on there bull****. You seem to forget that everyone else bends over for them, I am contradiction to the rule and anomaly and I get a lot of heat for it. Even if you are correct and people dislike me for reasons other than my views against the power structure on the boards, it doesn't change the fact they will also dislike me for my views and willingness to speak out against the power structure on these boards.
No, you quite literally are not, you are just the one who complains about it all of the time, even when it is not what is going on. We don't dislike you for your views on whatever power structure you perceive. OTG complains of smashboards being "fake" all of the time and people aren't lining up to take shots at him. I've seen JPOBS make statements about how people were discarding what others were saying in a thread because they weren't a top player and people agreed and commended him. The fact of the matter is that people don't dislike you because you have a problem with a hierarchical structure of the boards or whatever, people on here dislike you because of the way you post. It literally comes off like you are complaining or coming down on something all of the time or like you're demanding respect and then when disagreed with it seems like there's often some post about the boards' power structure. You just come off as one of those people who blame everyone else for all of the arguments they get into and never think that maybe what was said wasn't really very tactful or even correct.

You also make the top smashers out to all be these horrible elitist ***** that assert their power over the people on this board which is kind of ridiculous. A poster on here with way more to complain about than you (I think it was Pengi, but not sure) once made a thread about considering changes to the timer and stock count. The thread was largely overlooked and vanished from view after a short time. Cactuar came and had the same idea without knowing and posted about it in the melee discussion and people flocked to the thread to debate about his proposal. Cactuar wasn't evil because he was recognized and the other guy wasn't, he later found out and made a sort of apology to him and that he didn't mean to steal his thunder. People just want somebody with some credibility behind their name and what they're talking about so that what's being discussed is more likely to be significant or true. New posters aren't always ignored or shunned (unless they post really abrasively) and notable players don't always just argue with "and who the hell are you again?" There's more to it than that.

Now about Mango again, I don't fully agree with the permaneant ban and I think it would be cool to have him back on the boards considering he's the number two player in the world, but in all honesty it'd probably be a waste. He's likely just going to get banned within a few days and even if they're just temporary bans he'll probably be getting them frequently. I can just see him trolling up Dr. PeePee's thread with stupid ****, which as hilarious as it would be would defeat the purpose of letting a top player back on here. So I think even if he's allowed back on here it won't do much and he's not going to apologize anyways I bet.


Smash Master
Jul 14, 2006
Los Angeles (818 Panorama City!)
Wow this guy wins majors all the time and he can't even afford to pay for his own ticket? Keep getting scammed by all these "donation" drives and here I thought the FGC was bad with their "raffles".
I still don't know what is bad about the raffles from the FGC, but I won a ASUS monitor from one of Spooky's donation drives last year! So, yeah!


Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2006
Skokie, IL
I still don't know what is bad about the raffles from the FGC, but I won a ASUS monitor from one of Spooky's donation drives last year! So, yeah!
It is illegal plain and simple. Honestly I don't really care that they are taking advantage of dumb people (case in point this thread) but it created a huge ruckus considering it could create some bad press apparently.

The Star King

Smash Hero
Nov 6, 2007
Froggy I have also called out the Melee community for ****riding their top players, because they are pretty bad about it (anyone remember Pengie's thread vs Cactuar's?). I just don't do it in an *******ish way like you. And I don't want to agree with you here because siding with a c**t like you makes me look bad (guess this post will make me look bad, oh well).

Yung Mei

Where all da hot anime moms at
Jul 20, 2009
All i got out of this thread is that froggy thinks he's cool and edgy and everyone is angry

I'd donate to this, but giving my money to javi instead, at least as soon as i can l0l


Deleted member

I'm not sure what you're getting at with this. I never said that peopled don't contribute to the boards. My point here is that lower players bend over for the top players and the top players are all in league with one another, state there superiority over lower players and are quite blatant about it. I should also note that top players bring there friends who are not top players into the fold via the backroom, druggedfox for example isn't really a top player(well maybe how he is) but he's friends with Drpeepee and Drpeepee wanted him afforded a certain degree of respect on the boards and therefore he was invited into the backroom. Perhaps you're a *******, or perhaps you're just ignorant forgetting that you're on the inside and you're incapable from looking on the outside anymore. Or perhaps you're a lowlife piece of **** who is attacking me because I am the only LITERALLY THE ONLY ONE willing to call the top players out on there bull****. You seem to forget that everyone else bends over for them, I am contradiction to the rule and anomaly and I get a lot of heat for it. Even if you are correct and people dislike me for reasons other than my views against the power structure on the boards, it doesn't change the fact they will also dislike me for my views and willingness to speak out against the power structure on these boards.
Both Pink Reaper and Druggedfox were added to the MBR by me.

I'm much more critical of the top players than you are, but I have the background and experience with the game to be that way. I also have the reputation for the better players to listen to me, which is an unfortunate byproduct of reputation. That said, you could easily overcome this barrier in less than two weeks if you had the appropriate game knowledge and perspective. I also don't call them out in public because it's essential to confide with those strategies in private for a competitive edge. Nor do I call them out as a personal attack, as I don't like to (totally) alienate my friends.

I am heavily disliked overall because of my views, but I am also respected for them because they have merit. Your views tend to focus on personal attacks rather than whatever topic is actually at hand. Not to say that you haven't also been attacked and your responses reflect that, but it's on you to overcome the discrepancy.


El Fuego
Mar 10, 2006
Philadephia, PA
From deep down in my stomach, with every inch of me, I pure, straight hate you. But goddammit, do I respect you!

Deleted member

From deep down in my stomach, with every inch of me, I pure, straight hate you. But goddammit, do I respect you!
/only half trolling lol

you my homie though, i just wish that you lived closer to me.


Smash Cadet
May 4, 2011
Ban dat stupid frog

I added Froggy to my ignorelist after having my good time reading threads ruined by this individual's disruptive posting, and degenerative effect on any thread posted in.

Despite the fact that I actually don't see his posts, my good time reading popular threads is being defiled by replies to his bull!#%&.

This great thread for mangos fund was really interesting, and now I have read 10 pages of frog****.

Ppl seem to be so weak-minded they forego ignorelisting him or just ignoring his posts. This is really affecting me as a frequent lurker and occasional poster here on smashboards melee discussion.

This poster is not a Troll, a Troll makes people confused or makes fun of something, while this individual only makes threads stray from their intended purpose more or less permanently...

Are there really no mods picking up on this pattern of threads getting ruined by this plague? I support the petition for getting Froggy banned and this was my contribution.

Not sure if this was the right place for this post, but this seems like a popular thread and it's the most recent crime scene of Froggy (that I have seen)


Smash Journeyman
Aug 10, 2007
froggy has been way more detrimental to my smashboards experience than mango ever was. Just saying.


Smash Ace
Jan 20, 2012
Athens, GA
The post isn't inherently all that bad, it's the attitude that he backs them up with.


Whereas most lowish level players who are new to the boards would just take their wrongness and learn from it, Froggy just gets all ignorant and self-righteous for some mind-numbing reason.

But this is literally the last thing I will ever post about him and he is already on my ignore list.


Play to Win
May 19, 2009
^This. Thisthisthis.

but if I do it *****es will start donating .01 and I'll have to bribe novi into always making it round numbers >_____>
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