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Game Cube Retrospect


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
Link to original post: [drupal=2371]Game Cube Retrospect[/drupal]

There was once a young boy who saved up every last penny he had for months and months on end, just so he could buy Nintendo's little purple box called the Game Cube. One day, this boy got lucky, for a local K Mart that was destined to be turned into a Lowe's in the near future was going out of business, and because of this everything in the store was 60% off. So this boy had not only enough money for a Game Cube (A black one, which is easily twice as cool as a purple one) but also had enough for a memory card, a second controller and two games called Super Mario Sunshine and Mario Party 4.

If it hasn't become obvious, that boy was me. And that's my little story behind the Game Cube, Nintendo's most underrated system. It's a strange thing, the life of the Game Cube, it's pretty much the PS3 of last gen in the sense that people hated on it for ignorant, arrogant, or sometimes even down right stupid reasons. Some of the ones that I remember from those days are "its disks are dumb," "it can't go online (YES IT CAN)", or one that really pissed me off the most, "It can't play DvDs." Basically, it all sums up to "it wasn't the Play Station 2, so it must have sucked." Really, that's just... stupid, putting it bluntly, and this is coming from a guy who had the Game Cube as his first Nintendo system, baring hand-helds. The Game Cube was incredible for several reasons, so let's look over those, or rather, lets take a look at what ultimately makes a system: the games.

No matter which way you look at it, the Game Cube had an awesome library of games. Many of the games were excellent (and often superior) successors to classic Nintendo 64 titles. The console also has some great new(-ish, some of them) series and games that it introduced such as Metroid Prime, Luigi's Mansion, and although I really wasn't a big fan of it, Pikmin, to name a few. Although they did have a few muck-ups that are worth mentioning, like how the Mario Party series started to go down hill on the Game Cube, and the fact that there was a completely missed opportunity for a new series when they decided to turn what was then called Dinosaur Planet into a Star Fox game. But still, there were great games on the system, despite a few mistakes on Nintendo's behalf. One game that really changed the way I looked at gaming was Donkey Kong Jungle Beat, why this game wasn't very successful is beyond me. This was the game that reminded me that games aren't always about having great narrative, sound track, design, ect. This was the game that reminded me why I got into gaming in the first place: to have some fun. The game had no story, no real artistic design, or anything that most people would judge a game by. The game was just pure, classic, fun. Whenever I show people this game they some times ask "why didn't this do better," to which I reply, "Well, did you buy a copy?"

And while I'm on the topic of noteworthy titles, I'm going to make this more readable by writing a few new paragraphs devoted to them. I'm going to give a brief mention of this one, because I've never played it, but there was a game called Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem that, from what I've heard, seriously knew how to mess with your head. Because I've never played it, I can only go off of what I've heard, but from what I know the game uses psychological horror (the scariest kind of horror) to mess with the head of not only your character, but the player too. Apparently, the game would cause your sound to cut out, your controls to sometimes not work right, or wost of all, pretend to corrupt your data. Now that's just evil.

Now one game that a lot of people hated for some really... strange reason was Star Fox Assault. It's probably because most people compare it to its predecessor, Star Fox 64, although I don't see why that would make you hate it, seeing how Star Fox Assault was better than Star Fox 64 in every single way (ducks). But seriously, Star Fox Assault really was a great game, the space battles were awesome, the on-foot parts were pretty interesting, and the Land Master bits... okay, admittedly, I was never a fan of the Land Master parts. But they made up for it with some fun (although often imbalanced) multiplayer, a soundtrack to suit the game's epic theme, and a storyline that ripped of the Borg saga from Star Trek as much as possible. Star Fox Assult is one of those games that people hate, and I always scratch my head and ask "why?"

Another title that's worth mentioning is Kirby Air Ride. This was the ultimate party game, it was easy to pick up and a load of fun to play. The main reason why it was so easy to pick up was because it only used the control stick and "A" button, making it a perfect example of the classic "easy to learn hard to master" thing. The game had three modes, a mode where you just kind of go a few laps around a track, another mode that I rarely played called Top-Ride, which was kind of like those old race track things where you just hold down a button to make it go I guess, but the one that I remember the most was City Trail. For the longest time, I'd just invite three buddies over and that's all we'd do all night is play City Trial. This mode was where they plopped you and your friends into a city and told you to go around looking for power-ups to boost your machine. There were also several events that would happen, like Dynablade showing up and causing some havoc. In the end, you and your friends would be forced to either fight each other or work together in a random challenge. One that really gained infamy among my little gaming group was the DeDeDe battle. Seriously, we could never get this guy down, there's probabbly some trick to it but we never found it out. So Kirby Air Ride, if you own a Game Cube or a Wii and you're going to have a game party soon, go hunt this one down. It's well worth your time and money.

F-Zero GX. HELL YEAH! This game kicked some serious ***, and manged to be better than F-Zero X (ducks) at the same time. I normally do not like racing games at all, but you know a game is good if it can break this rule (should have mentioned that back in Kirby Air Ride). A lot of love was put into this one, each racer has his her own very unique and usually pretty good theme song, all of the tracks are really nice to look at and are a load of fun to race on. Although I will admit that some of the missions in story mode can feel somewhat punishingly hard, the custom car system really isn't anything to write home about, but those few things aside, F-Zero GX really is a great game, why Nintendo doesn't do more with this series is just confusing.

So lets step away from the racing and the sci-fi and embrace swords and sorcery with Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn. Fire Emblem kind of had a brief burst of popularity in the west after they FINALLY localized the series with some game boy titles. But Radiant Dawn deserves being mentioned for being not only a great game in its own right, but also being the first Fire Emblem on a home system in years. The story was your typical Fire Emblem story, some big scary Empire is being a jerk and trying to take over the good guy's kingdom so the good guys have to go beat them all up. And yes it was a load of fun, as usual, although I've actually fond the game funner when you have someone else watching you play it. Giving you tactical advice and such, if you have someone smart you should all go try that sometime.

Well, this pretty much became one big hats-off to some great Game Cube games. I'd write more, but I'm afraid if I did it would scare everyone off with its length. There are a load of great games that I'd love to devote a little paragraph to, but my fingers are getting really tired and may fall off at any second. Some some other honorable mentions include: The Legend of Zelda: The Winder Waker, Mario Kart: Double Dash, Pokemon Colosseum, Final Fantasy: Chrystal Chronicles, Geist (based off of what I've head, I really wish I could find this game), Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door, and probably a billion other games I'll be flamed for for not mentioning. So I'll close by saying this, we may never know why the Game Cube was a hated system, but it was a system that turned me into a Nintendo fan. So to all of you who sat through this, I hope this brought as many memories back to you as it did to me.


Smash Ace
Mar 3, 2009
No mention of Tales of Symphonia?

I had no idea the Gamecube could go online.


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
No mention of Tales of Symphonia?

I had no idea the Gamecube could go online.
I didn't like Tales of Symphonia, for several, extremely valid and overlooked reasons.

Yeah, they had an attachment that you could go online with. The only game they ever made for it though was Phantasy Star Online.

El Nino

Jul 4, 2003
Ground zero, 1945
My first Nintendo console was the 8-bit NES. I still have a soft spot for the big N after all this time. I bought a Game Cube when people were already moving on.

F-Zero GX. HELL YEAH! This game kicked some serious ***, and manged to be better than F-Zero X (ducks) at the same time. I normally do not like racing games at all, but you know a game is good if it can break this rule (should have mentioned that back in Kirby Air Ride). A lot of love was put into this one, each racer has his her own very unique and usually pretty good theme song, all of the tracks are really nice to look at and are a load of fun to race on. Although I will admit that some of the missions in story mode can feel somewhat punishingly hard, the custom car system really isn't anything to write home about, but those few things aside, F-Zero GX really is a great game, why Nintendo doesn't do more with this series is just confusing.
GX was a Sega game; a lot of people thought it was either too hard or too ugly (I kinda see what they meant about the "ugly" part). I couldn't get any of my friends interested in it. But I got to hear Captain Falcon's theme song for the first time. I think they failed on the theme songs, but they failed so hard that they ended up winning ("Forever he will be my hero...."). The track designs were good, and by "good" I mean "capable of inducing controller-throwing rage."

So lets step away from the racing and the sci-fi and embrace swords and sorcery with Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn. Fire Emblem kind of had a brief burst of popularity in the west after they FINALLY localized the series with some game boy titles. But Radiant Dawn deserves being mentioned for being not only a great game in its own right, but also being the first Fire Emblem on a home system in years. The story was your typical Fire Emblem story, some big scary Empire is being a jerk and trying to take over the good guy's kingdom so the good guys have to go beat them all up. And yes it was a load of fun, as usual, although I've actually fond the game funner when you have someone else watching you play it. Giving you tactical advice and such, if you have someone smart you should all go try that sometime.
Radiant Dawn is on the Game Cube? I thought it was only on the Wii. Path of Radiance is on the Game Cube, and I have that console to thank for introducing me to my latent masochism. I've found the game funner to play once you realize that you enjoy pain. I've also never found anyone patient enough to watch me play it.


Smash Ace
Mar 3, 2009
I didn't like Tales of Symphonia, for several, extremely valid and overlooked reasons.

Yeah, they had an attachment that you could go online with. The only game they ever made for it though was Phantasy Star Online.
Eh, it's probably just the fanboy in me talking. It did have some pretty cheesy dialogue from time to time.

You would think more games would have used that attachment.


Smash Rookie
Feb 28, 2009
Yeah, they had an attachment that you could go online with. The only game they ever made for it though was Phantasy Star Online.
Hey! There was that Melee online trick. o;

Which...required Phantasy Star. >_>

smash brawl player 99021



Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
My first Nintendo console was the 8-bit NES. I still have a soft spot for the big N after all this time. I bought a Game Cube when people were already moving on.

GX was a Sega game; a lot of people thought it was either too hard or too ugly (I kinda see what they meant about the "ugly" part). I couldn't get any of my friends interested in it. But I got to hear Captain Falcon's theme song for the first time. I think they failed on the theme songs, but they failed so hard that they ended up winning ("Forever he will be my hero...."). The track designs were good, and by "good" I mean "capable of inducing controller-throwing rage."

Radiant Dawn is on the Game Cube? I thought it was only on the Wii. Path of Radiance is on the Game Cube, and I have that console to thank for introducing me to my latent masochism. I've found the game funner to play once you realize that you enjoy pain. I've also never found anyone patient enough to watch me play it.
Give me a break, I wrote this at 11:30 last night. F-Zero GX was good, and I meant to say Path of Radiance, you nitpicker you. Seriously, the two get them mixed up all the time.

And Tales of Symphonia was really. really cliched. Every last anime cliche in the world was in that game, all the way down to stereotypical character personalities, predictable plot and filler episodes.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 1, 2009
Fredericton, New Brunswick & Freeport, The Bah
And Tales of Symphonia was really. really cliched. Every last anime cliche in the world was in that game, all the way down to stereotypical character personalities, predictable plot and filler episodes.
All I can say is this, this and THIS. It was an entertaining game and all but being able to to predict the plot and basically the conclusion and how the characters will react made it so bad for me.


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
All I can say is this, this and THIS. It was an entertaining game and all but being able to to predict the plot and basically the conclusion and how the characters will react made it so bad for me.
Exactly, if I'm going to invest 60+ hours into an RPG all I ask for is the following:

A plot that has twists I don't see coming.
Characters that weren't just plucked out of the big book of stereotypes

Tales of Symphonia did something so wrong that it actually caused me to name a gaming syndrome after it. In Tales of Symphonia, after one filler episode sub plot was resolved, you were never told where to go next. The sub plot just ended, and that was it, after that they said "Hey, why should we waste the disk space telling you where to go next? After all, you have Game FAQs, right?" If I have to check Game FAQs in order to figure out what to do next, you know you have a problem.

Oh yes, and here's a prime example of when they did this in game: who here actually figured out the whole unicorn thing without ANY outside help? Who here figured out that you're supposed to backtrack way the hell too far in order to proceed onward at that part, anyone?


Smash Ace
Jun 29, 2009
Pit: One of the greatest Heroes of our time
Finilark, I agree with all of the things you have said except for two things: 1:That Tales of Symphonia is a bad game. And 2: That Star Fox Assault was a good game. If anything I would switch your description of Tales of Symphonia into the Star Fox Assault description. Star Fox assault was the one with the predictable plot! Plus Tales of Symphonia had waaaay better dialogue than Star Fox Assault. Everything Fox said was cheesy............... It hurt to listen to him. And you only pointed out the plot of Tales of Symphonia, NOT the awesome battle system it had. The thing that made Tales of Symphonia great was not it's story but it's battle system. And I was a fan of it because it was the first RPG that I had played that didn't feature random battles!! Looking over your blog now, I'd say that you just pointed out the good stuff about the games and left out the bad things. And for the games you criticized you left out all the good things. I beleive the good things about Tales of Symphonia outweight the bad things. But then again. This is just my own personal opinion.

P.S.: Since you actually stated your opinion about these things you will undoubtably get some arguments (Like mine :)) sooner or later. Just be prepared for people who will get angered by your statements and post their complaints. (Like I did:))


Smash Lord
Apr 25, 2008
The Forest Temple
I second the Air Ride love. Such an amazing game, and yes, City Trial is where it's at. They need to make a sequel with remastered versions of all the old tracks plus a load of new ones, and with multiple cities for city trial including the classic one. Top Ride was kind of useless (but you did have to steer, not just hold a button), but it was entertaining for a little while, and as a break.

As for Tales of Symphonia, I don't know. I absolutely love that game. I see everything that everyone criticizes it for, but it doesn't bother me. The stereotypical anime characters and stuff didn't bother me, probably at least partially because I'm not big into anime so they aren't as overused for me. I also never had much of a problem knowing what to do next. If I couldn't remember, I'd read the mission summaries that were unresolved and just go places that seemed likely until something happened. Also, never used a FAQ, though I did watch a friend play it at the same time that I was first playing, and they were generally ahead of me. But what I loved about it was the battle system, which is probably my favorite that I've experienced. I also enjoyed the story. It was predictable, but predictable doesn't necessarily mean bad if it's enjoyable and well done, which ToS was for me. Few things surprised me, but it was epic anyway. Plus, I found it funny.

Also, other Gamecube games that need some love here: Soul Calibur 2 (with Link!), Wind Waker (which you mentioned, but always needs more love), and Rogue Squadron 2. All are great games.

Edit: I agree with everything dualseeker said except concerning Assault, which I have not played. Also, dualseeker's avatar and sig are full of awesome.

Deleted member

Once again proving that the worst selling consoles aren't actually the worst.But then came the PSP...


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
nice story bout ur first system
my first system i ever played on was the dreamcast it was just pure awesome
Thanks, but the Game Cube wasn't my first System. The Sega Genesis was, Game Cube was just my first Nintendo System.

Finilark, I agree with all of the things you have said except for two things: 1:That Tales of Symphonia is a bad game. And 2: That Star Fox Assault was a good game. If anything I would switch your description of Tales of Symphonia into the Star Fox Assault description. Star Fox assault was the one with the predictable plot! Plus Tales of Symphonia had waaaay better dialogue than Star Fox Assault. Everything Fox said was cheesy............... It hurt to listen to him. And you only pointed out the plot of Tales of Symphonia, NOT the awesome battle system it had. The thing that made Tales of Symphonia great was not it's story but it's battle system. And I was a fan of it because it was the first RPG that I had played that didn't feature random battles!! Looking over your blog now, I'd say that you just pointed out the good stuff about the games and left out the bad things. And for the games you criticized you left out all the good things. I beleive the good things about Tales of Symphonia outweight the bad things. But then again. This is just my own personal opinion.

P.S.: Since you actually stated your opinion about these things you will undoubtably get some arguments (Like mine :)) sooner or later. Just be prepared for people who will get angered by your statements and post their complaints. (Like I did:))
Believe me, I've been at this whole debating thing for a long time, this isn't the first time I've had an argument like this.

Also, in my book, Stereotypical characters + overly predictable plot + good battle system does not = a good game. Also, I can see that you're an anime fan, this is probably why you thought that ToS was awesome.


Smash Ace
Jun 16, 2009
"Why isn't Melee in this list?"

IMO: This IS a Smash Forum. And even just being on it says enough.


Bird Law Aficionado
Dec 14, 2008
Hey guys, let's all talk about Melee because it's slightly on topic.

Mario Sunshine, anyone?


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
Hey guys, let's all talk about Melee because it's slightly on topic.

Mario Sunshine, anyone?
One of the first games I ever had for my Game Cube. It was awesome, my favorite parts as when they took away Fluud (spelling?) and left you on those weird floating blocks. I think I actually liked Mario Sunshine more than I liked Mario 64.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 7, 2009
I absolutely loved Super Mario Sunshine. I have no idea why people hated on it so much.


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
I thought the gamecube was useless.
No, you all are saying Kirby air ride is good. Gamecube:0 Dreamcast:3 Xbox:11 PS2: 35
People play brawl nowadays. Of course Melee had ROY.
What in god's name ARE you talking about? Nothing you're saying is productive and half of it is confusing (what the hell is with the random numbers?)...

Anyways, win GameCube is win. I can't completely decide if I like the SNES better than it or not. I have 33 games for GameCube, and I can't think of any that I dislike. There are some ones that I don't like as much, but none that I don't enjoy playing on occasion. I love Sunshine, and I've pretty much come to the conclusion that I like it better than 64. I don't know why it got so much hate, it's like the last generation was full of "Wait, that's DIFFERENT?!?!?! OMGNOEZ LET'S BASH THE CONSOLE INCESSANTLY!!"

I will say for sure that GameCube had some crappy 3rd party support, but people are so freaking close-minded when it comes to some of the franchise games. Many people dislike Luigi's Mansion, probably because it was a Mario-related release title and they decided to just baww because it wasn't a standard Mario game. To this day people still talk about how much Star Fox Adventures sucks...IT'S A SPIN-OFF! OF COURSE IT'S NOT LIKE ANY OTHER STAR FOX GAME! I realize it wasn't originally going to be one, but I enjoy the game nevertheless. Same goes for Assault, really. It's one thing to dislike them, it's another thing to say they suck just because you don't like them.

I swear, it's like the only "different" game that wasn't bashed was Metroid Prime (thank god, because I would just facepalm until I bled if people bashed it).

That's just me, though. The PS2 and Xbox are good consoles, but...I've never found either as amazing as everyone else did, and always found it annoying when people felt the need to point out to me how kiddie the GameCube was and how the PS2 and Xbox were so much better.

El Nino

Jul 4, 2003
Ground zero, 1945
I never played Tales of Symphonia. Did I miss out? I usually ignore the storyline in just about any video game (see: FFX and Xenosaga).

I meant to say Path of Radiance, you nitpicker you. Seriously, the two get them mixed up all the time.
That's what Nintendo gets for giving them similar sounding titles. You could have called it FE9, but then no one except maybe three people would know what you were talking about.

The PS2 and Xbox are good consoles, but...I've never found either as amazing as everyone else did, and always found it annoying when people felt the need to point out to me how kiddie the GameCube was and how the PS2 and Xbox were so much better.
PS2 had some good titles too, but Wind Waker, Soul Calibur II, F-Zero GX, Fire Emblem, and Melee made the Game Cube a worthwhile investment for me.

I love the "Nintendo is for little kids" argument. It implies that the other consoles are somehow more "mature." Because we all know that playing video games is a sign of maturity and manliness.

I don't care if you're shooting aliens, stealing cars, or stomping goombas. It's ALL kid's stuff.


Smash Rookie
Sep 13, 2009
I have to agree with the blog in saying that the Gamecube was rather underlooked. It just kinda bothered me how people would just say, "Oh, that little kid system." I liked the Gamecube because it had the simple lighthearted fun I wanted.

Also, I can see you didn't like Tales of Symphonia but I loved the battle system of that. I just liked having an RPG where you had to actually dodge and such. The plot cliches didn't really bother me, as I come to expect them to show up in RPGs, often. That and I never really had any problems finding where to go, I found the plot at least decently gave a direction of where to go, and even an alternate route in the beginning. Ah well, differing opinions don't really matter, long as you enjoyed the system.

One major thing I have to agree with on your blog was Kirby Air Ride. I've heard so many hate on it but I have to wonder if they even played the game or played the game with friends. It honestly keeps my friends and me still entertained. Somewhat sad that the system undersold, but oh well, that's done and overwith now. All in all good blog, it was a nice read and did bring back some good memories.


Smash Lord
Jan 31, 2009
I loved the gamecube... its just too bad i bought the ps2 lol.

I didn't really get why gaming sites kept on bashing GC games, I especially lost a ton of respect for IGN after it called Kirby air ride a total crapfest.

Frank West

Smash Apprentice
Mar 23, 2007
Public Housing
Great read. I agreed with all of this. Especially the F-Zero GX part.

Who hated Sunshine? Me & All my friends loved it.


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
What in god's name ARE you talking about? Nothing you're saying is productive and half of it is confusing (what the hell is with the random numbers?)...

Anyways, win GameCube is win. I can't completely decide if I like the SNES better than it or not. I have 33 games for GameCube, and I can't think of any that I dislike. There are some ones that I don't like as much, but none that I don't enjoy playing on occasion. I love Sunshine, and I've pretty much come to the conclusion that I like it better than 64. I don't know why it got so much hate, it's like the last generation was full of "Wait, that's DIFFERENT?!?!?! OMGNOEZ LET'S BASH THE CONSOLE INCESSANTLY!!"

I will say for sure that GameCube had some crappy 3rd party support, but people are so freaking close-minded when it comes to some of the franchise games. Many people dislike Luigi's Mansion, probably because it was a Mario-related release title and they decided to just baww because it wasn't a standard Mario game. To this day people still talk about how much Star Fox Adventures sucks...IT'S A SPIN-OFF! OF COURSE IT'S NOT LIKE ANY OTHER STAR FOX GAME! I realize it wasn't originally going to be one, but I enjoy the game nevertheless. Same goes for Assault, really. It's one thing to dislike them, it's another thing to say they suck just because you don't like them.

I swear, it's like the only "different" game that wasn't bashed was Metroid Prime (thank god, because I would just facepalm until I bled if people bashed it).

That's just me, though. The PS2 and Xbox are good consoles, but...I've never found either as amazing as everyone else did, and always found it annoying when people felt the need to point out to me how kiddie the GameCube was and how the PS2 and Xbox were so much better.
Perfect summery of my thoughts. Although I'm not sure about the SNES bit, I had a Genesis back in those days so I really don't know.

I really have to agree with you on the whole "different" think. I think this is the reason why those games got a lot of hate, watch, I bet if you took Luigi's Mansion, changed the main character to someone else, remove all Mario references, and change the boos to something else, then people would have viewed that game a lot differently. Same goes with Star Fox Adventures, THAT WAS A SPIN-OFF PEOPLE. No one hates on Mario Kart just because it's a Mario spin-off and therefor different from the rest of the games, so why is this any different?


Smash Ace
Jun 29, 2009
Pit: One of the greatest Heroes of our time
Thanks, but the Game Cube wasn't my first System. The Sega Genesis was, Game Cube was just my first Nintendo System.

Believe me, I've been at this whole debating thing for a long time, this isn't the first time I've had an argument like this.

Also, in my book, Stereotypical characters + overly predictable plot + good battle system does not = a good game. Also, I can see that you're an anime fan, this is probably why you thought that ToS was awesome.
Well, at least you can disagree with people without putting them down. And I totally agree with the Kirby Air Ride argument.
What in god's name ARE you talking about? Nothing you're saying is productive and half of it is confusing (what the hell is with the random numbers?)...

Anyways, win GameCube is win. I can't completely decide if I like the SNES better than it or not. I have 33 games for GameCube, and I can't think of any that I dislike. There are some ones that I don't like as much, but none that I don't enjoy playing on occasion. I love Sunshine, and I've pretty much come to the conclusion that I like it better than 64. I don't know why it got so much hate, it's like the last generation was full of "Wait, that's DIFFERENT?!?!?! OMGNOEZ LET'S BASH THE CONSOLE INCESSANTLY!!"

I will say for sure that GameCube had some crappy 3rd party support, but people are so freaking close-minded when it comes to some of the franchise games. Many people dislike Luigi's Mansion, probably because it was a Mario-related release title and they decided to just baww because it wasn't a standard Mario game. To this day people still talk about how much Star Fox Adventures sucks...IT'S A SPIN-OFF! OF COURSE IT'S NOT LIKE ANY OTHER STAR FOX GAME! I realize it wasn't originally going to be one, but I enjoy the game nevertheless. Same goes for Assault, really. It's one thing to dislike them, it's another thing to say they suck just because you don't like them.

I swear, it's like the only "different" game that wasn't bashed was Metroid Prime (thank god, because I would just facepalm until I bled if people bashed it).

That's just me, though. The PS2 and Xbox are good consoles, but...I've never found either as amazing as everyone else did, and always found it annoying when people felt the need to point out to me how kiddie the GameCube was and how the PS2 and Xbox were so much better.
I agree with everything you say. I couldn't see the PS2's or the Xbox's greatness for some reason. My gamecube collection outnumbers my PS2's and my Xbox's.

I have to agree with the blog in saying that the Gamecube was rather underlooked. It just kinda bothered me how people would just say, "Oh, that little kid system." I liked the Gamecube because it had the simple lighthearted fun I wanted.

Also, I can see you didn't like Tales of Symphonia but I loved the battle system of that. I just liked having an RPG where you had to actually dodge and such. The plot cliches didn't really bother me, as I come to expect them to show up in RPGs, often. That and I never really had any problems finding where to go, I found the plot at least decently gave a direction of where to go, and even an alternate route in the beginning. Ah well, differing opinions don't really matter, long as you enjoyed the system.

One major thing I have to agree with on your blog was Kirby Air Ride. I've heard so many hate on it but I have to wonder if they even played the game or played the game with friends. It honestly keeps my friends and me still entertained. Somewhat sad that the system undersold, but oh well, that's done and overwith now. All in all good blog, it was a nice read and did bring back some good memories.
I also agree with you on the Kirby Air Ride argument. It's dumb that people didn't see the worth in some of these games and just cast the game cube out.............. Sometimes it suprises me how unnapreciative people are.........

And someone needs to teach me how to multiquote PARTS of the text and not the whole thing!


Smash Ace
Oct 30, 2008
Atlanta, GA
It has been scientifically proven that pop culture was better when you (yes you, reading this now!) were 12.


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
It has been scientifically proven that pop culture was better when you (yes you, reading this now!) were 12.
Or as I'd like to call it, the Nostalgia effect. Most of the time, everything is only half as good as you remember it being. This is why every few years I go back and play my older games to see if they really are as good as I remember them being.
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