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Grand Old Thread: League of Legends!


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Charleston, West Virginia
I'm not planning on doing ranked unless it's with a team of 5. I don't tend to deal well with how toxic the community is, and I'm pretty sure ranked would be a lot worse. With that said, two of the people I usually play with are silver, and since we're all about the same skill level, I already know that's where I'd be too.


Sinister Slush

❄ I miss my kind ❄
Sep 1, 2009
The land that never Snows
tfw right clicking his avi and search google for image made me find it easily.
thx 4chanz

I wonder how kind ranked will be for me. I'm most likely gonna attempt it next week and think I've spent a good amount of weeks getting rune/mastery pages up to date and played some champs I feel comfortable with in this meta enough. Only problem still of course is top laners and supports.


Smash Cadet
Feb 9, 2015
Cataexas, United Lordan of Drangleic
I guess I'll play the game running on that Soloqueue joke I always hear, but as obvious as it is;the way the community is spurred of toxicity, It seems very tough to do that.
Time to play support, I suppose.


Smash Otter
Mar 12, 2008
Paris, France
I strongly advise against playing support before you hit level 30.
Unless you don't want to learn to farm lanes which is a pretty important skill. In fact I'd go as far as say that farming a lane safely without getting killed (by your laning opponent or by ganks) is the first thing you should learn to do.


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Charleston, West Virginia
Support isn't the role you want to play if your goal is to avoid people being toxic. Jungle and Support have a reputation for being the two roles that get blamed the most when something goes wrong. With that said, I suggest staying away from jungle for a while, though you don't really have a choice in that since I think you can't get smite until level 10 now, which is required for that role.

My main advice for whenever you start PvP is ward. Ward a lot. It's hard to get into the habit of at first, but it will SAVE your life so many times.

Edit: The main reason support is blamed for things often is because support has to keep track of a lot, usually is the one doing most of the warding (though everyone should be warding), and the support usually has a bigger impact in the bottom lane than the adc does. Bottom lane is often won by whichever team has the better support, unless you're playing someone like Soraka. At least from my experiences, that's how it tends to be. Some adcs can carry their lane, but usually they'll be focused on farming while it's the support's job to keep them safe to farm while making it hard for the opponent to farm.

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Smash Cadet
Feb 9, 2015
Cataexas, United Lordan of Drangleic
Ah, alright. I'll take that advice in great consideration. I assume I should just pick a character that isn't a Support or Jungler, as you guys stated it's not wise for a noob, and a person who doesn't want Toxicity to touch them. Thanks for the info.
I'll probably start my League Journey tonight, or presumably this weekend.


Smash Otter
Mar 12, 2008
Paris, France
In general even support/jungle characters can be played in lane (solo and duo) and still do good.
The only things I don't recommend playing when you begin are the champs with high utility and low damage like Thresh, Janna or Bard because they rely on your mates understanding what your champion does.

Usual supports like Blitz, Annie, and Leona can do ok on their own in lane, and so can most of the junglers.

Sinister Slush

❄ I miss my kind ❄
Sep 1, 2009
The land that never Snows
nautilaus morgana annie > blitz leona
Especially with the blitz nerf where he can't just turn W on freely and zone them away. Janna and thresh is more of the "need team not to be brainless for decent follow ups"


Has never eaten a plum.
Jun 28, 2008
Rochester, NY
People ban Zed when I say I want to play him

It's like they know I can't play him

But seriously why do people ban mechanical champions in Bronze lol
Even an idiot can carry on mechanical champs if they get paired up against an even bigger idiot on the other side of their lane.
But really, because they see it getting banned/carrying games in pro play, or just see it banned in streamers' high level games and imitate.


Hero of Neverwinter
Jul 30, 2014
I was Silver 3 last season, got put into Bronze 2, and now I keep on getting to game three with two wins for the Bronze->Silver series and get feeders or AFKs for the last two games. That's happened to me three times now...

I swear the promos are rigged.


Smash Ace
May 24, 2013
I'm not planning on doing ranked unless it's with a team of 5. I don't tend to deal well with how toxic the community is, and I'm pretty sure ranked would be a lot worse.
I don't have issues with toxicity. I understand that it is there and a factor in the game, however I attribute most of it to miscommunication, insufficient game knowledge, or someone taking a game too personally. I think that the game gives you enough features to play the game sufficiently without needing to really use the chat feature in most cases. I personally feel that only doing ranked 5's is a hassle because it's hard to get four other people to come on at the same time. Also figuring how to play optimally as a team seems far more complex than figuring out how to play optimally as an individual.

I would like to think that normals are there for you to refine certain things that you want to work out on your own. For me personally, I've been attempting to figure out my health, clear times, and other costs as Maokai in bot games to figure out how I can optimally abuse his low CD kit. When I play in normals it's not much different, just a sort of semi-rehearsal when I feel confident that I've gotten him down to the extent where I know what I can do, how I can do it, where I can go, and how much I spend by doing different things. If someone feeds it doesn't really throw off my simulation since you usually have at least one lane get fed and are responsible for figuring out how to counter play if you are someone who wants to win the game.

If you can't solo counter the enemy and he just ends up steam rolling everyone from laning phase, then I don't get mad. I simply consider what I could have done better or what I could have done differently. If I couldn't make a factor in the game then I consider which champions I could have played in jungle to counter the fed laner especially if they were a snowball oriented champion. Then I simply start from square one and try the experimentation process all over again.

When I saw a Nasus and a Vayne running away from three enemy squishies because the Vayne was at low health after getting hit by a skill shot, I told the Nasus that he should tank for the Vayne and he should be fine. Nasus was able to protect the carry and Vayne was able to easily gain back the missing health with the IE + BT in her five/six item list. Now if they both died because they chose to ran away with the tank ahead of the carry, then I understand that. Much like how you come to understand a Talon telling you that he's tankier than you when you're playing a Leona with FH and BV. Sometimes you get your team to listen to you, sometimes you don't, and sometimes you realize there's no point in pressing that enter key.

At the end of every game if you got some more information or learned a different application for a different set of skills, then you gained something which is more important than actually winning or losing the game. You're right that ranked can be a lot worse, especially because most players are misplaced at the beginning of the season (my case) and you'll be relegated to a lower division as you play or by the end of next season. But it doesn't really matter what division you're in if your base skills remain static. When you focus on your own play and improving how you approach the game, then toxicity from the other nine players of the game are really miniscule when you understand that you won't ever see them again.

With that said, two of the people I usually play with are silver, and since we're all about the same skill level, I already know that's where I'd be too :059:
My take on silver, especially lower divisions of silver is that the quality of play is incredibly variable because you get two extremes where you have some people who climbed out of Bronze V with several hundreds of games from previous seasons who finally got out and then you match make them with players who just finished their ten game provisional series and just have two rune pages. The match experience between the two types of players can make or break the game. I personally have trouble discerning skill level because my understanding of match ups and how to play out a match advantage is still gradually growing in terms of widening my champion pool and understanding the game as a whole. I wouldn't put a hard label on how good you are until you've actually played ranked to understand why ranked can't be extrapolated from your play in normals.
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Smash Ace
May 24, 2013
Ah, alright. I'll take that advice in great consideration. I assume I should just pick a character that isn't a Support or Jungler, as you guys stated it's not wise for a noob, and a person who doesn't want Toxicity to touch them. Thanks for the info. I'll probably start my League Journey tonight, or presumably this weekend.
If you're Animekey on NA and you're only level four, then you shouldn't experience much toxicity given that you're playing with players around the same introduction levels and if they become toxic it's really unwarranted. The reason why you shouldn't play jungle is because it's inefficient for you to play the jungle without runes and you will sacrifice something for mastery points in Tough Skin and/or Bladed Armor. I don't really understand your aversion to toxicity given the amount of it in League comes out as being more analogous to little children bickering over being unable to have their ice cream this moment because they need to finish their dinner first and you're the parent deciding what's the best way to make the child listen to you. Most of the toxicity really begins around level 15-20 and begins to occur more frequently when you finally hit level 30.

Support is fine for you to play, I think that whoever told you it was a bad role thought you were a higher level. Same with jungling. People shouldn't care, if they do they are smurfing and they should have consideration for the fact that you are actually a new player. I'd play the new champion rotations as much as possible when it gets unlocked for you at level 5 if you want to improve as quickly as possible. Don't buy any runes until you hit level 20 because you will unlock the best tier of runes and those are way better than the lower tier runes. Just have fun for the first twenty levels even if you want to take the game seriously. The competitive aspect of the game is muddled during this stage because Riot is attempting to make some cash off new players to buy into IP/EXP boosts which is the biggest scam since you will still be relatively unskilled when you hit level 30 unless you've extensively played into other games like DOTA.


Smash Ace
May 24, 2013
Support isn't the role you want to play if your goal is to avoid people being toxic. Jungle and Support have a reputation for being the two roles that get blamed the most when something goes wrong. With that said, I suggest staying away from jungle for a while, though you don't really have a choice in that since I think you can't get smite until level 10 now, which is required for that role.
@ Animekey Animekey You can jungle without smite. You will just have to do some trial and error with Warwick (450 IP). Grab Hunter's and 2 Red Pots and put mastery points into Tough Skin just to be safe. Put your first skill into Q and use it to get health back when you're about half dead. Alternate between using Q and red pots to sustain yourself in jungle. Another champion that can work at early levels is Fiddlesticks (1350 IP) but he's a bit pricier and his play style isn't as friendly for beginners as Warwick's. Using smite is optimal when it becomes available, it's just that it's not true that you don't have a choice in not jungling.
KRDsonic said:
My main advice for whenever you start PvP is ward. Ward a lot. It's hard to get into the habit of at first, but it will SAVE your life so many times.
Here is a list of all the dfferent types of wards: vision wards (pinks), stealth wards (greens), warding totem (free trinket ward), sightstone (item that allows you to place multiple wards), ruby sightstone, greater stealth totem (upgrade), greater vision totem (upgrade), scrying orb (trinket ward), farsight orb (upgrade), sweeping lens (trinket ward), and oracle's lense (upgrade).

The key to winning PvP is to have fun. If you're wasting money on buying all different colors of wards then you are wasting money and item slots you could use on doing more damage. You should balance the two accordingly as you gain more experience and decide how important vision is to you and which vision is most important according to your play style. The most common advice people generally give new players is to ward without any caveats. Most new players ignore this advice because they realize it's really crappy advice taken at face value. Here is what you realize and why you will ignore him:

You have a free trinket ward which is categorized as a stealth ward and comes back every two minutes. You're allowed three stealth wards on the map which last around one minute in the beginning of the game and costs 75g each. You can buy a vision ward which will last the entirety of the game and costs 100g each. Vision wards however have a short coming in that although you do get the same vision as a stealth ward permanently, the enemy is able to visibly notice these wards if they are their field of view. If the vision ward is in a bush, then the enemy must cross the ward inside the bush or can expose it with a stealth ward and then eliminate it. You are only allowed one vision ward on the map at any time, however you can store two in your inventory.

There are other rules regarding vision and items that grant vision, however you can look them up on the wikia. If you have any questions you can ask me. "Ward a lot" without having an idea of what you want to ward and what you are protecting will be a waste of gold on your end, however you will figure out what to ward and when to ward when you play often enough to get an idea of when to make the purchase according to your play style.

KRD said:
Edit: The main reason support is blamed for things often is because support has to keep track of a lot, usually is the one doing most of the warding (though everyone should be warding), and the support usually has a bigger impact in the bottom lane than the adc does. Bottom lane is often won by whichever team has the better support, unless you're playing someone like Soraka. At least from my experiences, that's how it tends to be. Some adcs can carry their lane, but usually they'll be focused on farming while it's the support's job to keep them safe to farm while making it hard for the opponent to farm.
A bad ADC will lose the lane harder than a bad support. A good ADC can still function with a bad support. But a good support will **** the bed with a bad ADC. When you control the minion wave you control laning phase.
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Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
Support isn't the role you want to play if your goal is to avoid people being toxic. Jungle and Support have a reputation for being the two roles that get blamed the most when something goes wrong. With that said, I suggest staying away from jungle for a while, though you don't really have a choice in that since I think you can't get smite until level 10 now, which is required for that role.

My main advice for whenever you start PvP is ward. Ward a lot. It's hard to get into the habit of at first, but it will SAVE your life so many times.

Edit: The main reason support is blamed for things often is because support has to keep track of a lot, usually is the one doing most of the warding (though everyone should be warding), and the support usually has a bigger impact in the bottom lane than the adc does. Bottom lane is often won by whichever team has the better support, unless you're playing someone like Soraka. At least from my experiences, that's how it tends to be. Some adcs can carry their lane, but usually they'll be focused on farming while it's the support's job to keep them safe to farm while making it hard for the opponent to farm.

Support usually only gets blamed by the ADC. Jungle gets blamed by everyone. People wonder why the jungler hasn't ganked for them or isn't holding their lane because they didn't look at the map and see they needed to help another lane or secure a buff because they're getting counterjungled.

People new to the game that are playing with friends normally start by playing support because it's the easiest role with the least responsibilities. The problem is if they play support all the way to 30, they won't know how to CS and lane properly so they normally just feed when they get put into solo lanes.


Smash Ace
May 24, 2013
But you can't buy machete without having smite thanks to rito quality meta enforcing manoeuvers.
True, I completely forgot about this.

IP rewards are amazing. Just played some ARAMS with a group of five and we were netting around 150 IP for under/around twenty minute games.


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
Yo how often does Zed get banned at higher elo, he's always banned in low elo so I might buy a fresh 30 and play at a higher elo if he's not banned too often

Also I had the weirdest game last night

It starts off 5v3 for us the first few minutes and we still manage to feed a few kills

Then it comes back to 5v5 and they start stomping us

Then our Azir afks at level 12 and from then on we slwly claw it back and end up winning

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Smash Legend
May 20, 2009
WeJo, Utah
Zed is one of those every so often bans, prob banned like 1/3rd of the time, maybe a bit less.


Smash Ace
May 24, 2013
So many fun picks outside of Zed to try out. Even having Lulu as a flex pick to counter a Zed mid opens up a Juggermaw duo composition. Urgot mid with FH. Not to mention AP Corki with Luden's Echo or AP Kog.

Sinister Slush

❄ I miss my kind ❄
Sep 1, 2009
The land that never Snows
Or you could play wutever you feel like instead of playing as if LCS and trying to make an actual composition to match your teammates.
For me mid it'll be veigar zed and anivia :3


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
So many fun picks outside of Zed to try out. Even having Lulu as a flex pick to counter a Zed mid opens up a Juggermaw duo composition. Urgot mid with FH. Not to mention AP Corki with Luden's Echo or AP Kog.
I like Zed just because he's more complex than most champions. It's not just his outplay potential, he has more techniques or combos than most other champs. He probably has the most variation in terms of which order you use your abilities. Most champs have 1 or 2 standard combos that you need to learn, whereas Zed has at least 5, on top of all the improvised combos that you do when you're outplaying someone.
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Soft Serve

Dec 7, 2011
I don't really play Lol to feel like I'm mechanically gifted and make stellar outplays in 1v1s, thats what I have smash for. I enjoy league for feeling like I made the right decisions in long term situations, positioning, doing number esimates quickly to see if fights are even worth trying. Working towards a long term plan of controling the map and the game is far more enjoyable than focusing on how I'm going to outplay the opposing mid laner and maybe snowball off that risky fight. Thats why I play easier champs and abuse straight numbers as much as I can, no place in my gameplan in ranked for all my DPS to be gone for 5 seconds because I missed one q as cass in a teamfight. Its probably why I climb slowly but solo q sucks and winning in solo q doesn't feel like I'm actually playing.

Tank/utility champs for me.


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
I don't really play Lol to feel like I'm mechanically gifted and make stellar outplays in 1v1s, thats what I have smash for. I enjoy league for feeling like I made the right decisions in long term situations, positioning, doing number esimates quickly to see if fights are even worth trying. Working towards a long term plan of controling the map and the game is far more enjoyable than focusing on how I'm going to outplay the opposing mid laner and maybe snowball off that risky fight. Thats why I play easier champs and abuse straight numbers as much as I can, no place in my gameplan in ranked for all my DPS to be gone for 5 seconds because I missed one q as cass in a teamfight. Its probably why I climb slowly but solo q sucks and winning in solo q doesn't feel like I'm actually playing.

Tank/utility champs for me.
People who play more 'mechanical' champs still have to do everything you said, they just need to be more skilled to optimise their champion's kit.

Key word there is optimise. Most mechanical champs can achieve goals such as kills or other forms of playmaking without any real mechanical proficiency. The main appeal of them is that there is more to learn to them, and maximising their potential allows to achieve feats that simpler champs can't.

A good Zed for example could kill a carry in a situation where many other assassins wouldn't be able to escape afterward. Or duel a champion like a Jax that other assassins simply can't do.

For example, recently I 1v1d a Darius as Zed. I was only able to kill him and live because I used my shadows to juke his Q and E and land a triple Q plus the rest of my combo. That's 300 gold I wouldn't have been able to attain if I was a more binary assassin like Talon.

So it's not just to feel flashy, they can do more things than simpler champions if you maximise their potential.
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Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
Supporting is always manly. Supporting as Volibear is even more manly.

Support is the least manly position because you have no solo playmaking potential and you have the least risk associated with everything you do. Playing aggressive champions like Lee Sin or Renekton who have the potential to snowball if played correctly but don't scale is really the most manly thing you can do. There's a burden on you to actually take risks and get reward off plays early, because you're impact withers later on.

Soft Serve

Dec 7, 2011

Supports have so much risk associated with everything they do

Go out to ward at the wrong time? You/your adc gets all ined, lose lane and a tower/drag

Like one mistake from you in lane has the ability to give up 2 kills to thr enemy carry and 2 objectives.
Just because they don't do damage/operate on less gold doesn't mean they have smaller risks. How many times has your support gotten caught trying to ward and you lost baron for that? If you put map vision vs objectives/kills on a risk reward chart, so much of what supports do to help the team is very risky for what you get, vision in a spot for 3 min
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Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Charleston, West Virginia
I wish you could share accounts between servers. It takes forever getting IP for champions and stuff since half of my friends play on NA and the other half play on EU West, so I have to put in twice the work >.<



Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009

Supports have so much risk associated with everything they do

Go out to ward at the wrong time? You/your adc gets all ined, lose lane and a tower/drag

Like one mistake from you in lane has the ability to give up 2 kills to thr enemy carry and 2 objectives.
Just because they don't do damage/operate on less gold doesn't mean they have smaller risks. How many times has your support gotten caught trying to ward and you lost baron for that? If you put map vision vs objectives/kills on a risk reward chart, so much of what supports do to help the team is very risky for what you get, vision in a spot for 3 min
The only risk that support shares with everyone else is feeding gold to the enemy team. In a sense they have the least risk in that regard because they're the least focused due being the least valuable member in a teamfight and being worth the least gold.

Supports don't have a gold resource that they're responsible for, that's why they're not burdened with having to get combat stats and carry. When another role makes a play like a roam, they have to get something out of it because they lose gold if they do. That's a risk. The support is free to roam much more than any other role because they don't lose gold when they do.

Consequently, teamfighting is easier as support and has less risk because you simply need to land your abilities on the right targets and you've done your job. Other roles have to do that to, but they also need combat stats to either take or put out damage. In the case of the mid or the ADC, they have to do this under way more focus from the enemy team, the support is the lowest priority target.

Even vision control is easier when you're a support. Yes you obviously have to put more wards down and do more sweeping. But at a high level of play, especially 5s, everyone has to invest heavily in vision. Unlike supports, who can afford to buy a sightstone because they don't need stats, other roles constantly have to spend gold on vision when they need to be spending it on stats. Thus it becomes difficult to find the right balance between spending gold on vision and stats. Supports don't have this problem because they just a get a sightstone with no real consequence. The vision game is probably the hardest for the jungler because they have a larger vision burden than the CSers but have a lower gold income. They can get a sighttone but unlike supports they pay a price for by sacrificing combat stats. If anything most of the risky warding is done by other roles, supports rarely ever ward neutral or enemy territory without an escort.
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