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Hey look! I have a blog!


Smash Journeyman
Jun 2, 2008
Link to original post: Hey look! I have a blog!

Isn't that awesome? I didn't know I had one of these, but I DO!!!

*ahem* Anyway, in the near(ish) future, this spot will be the source for my forthcoming MyM4 SSE, tentativelt titled "TIME CRASH".

Until then, enjoy the rest of Smashboards. :-)

Updatelicious Update!

Who wants a shiny new character list for TIME CRASH? You do, don't you? Yes you do! Here you go, then:

Ashencroft--Chris Lionheart
Shoop Da Woop--Xace K
Metal Sonic--Evilgidgit
Electrode--King K. Rool
Raptors--Hyper Ridley
General Grievous-- Hyper_Ridley
The Penguin--Commander Blitzkrieg
SA-X--Power Bomb
Klump and Krusha--BKupa666 and MasterWarlord
Hoss Delgado--IvoryFlame
Megaman--Chief Mendez
Nack the Weasel--Hyper_Ridley
Mach Rider--Chief Mendez
Maria Renard --Tanookie
Jonathan and Charlotte- - Spadefox
Spawn-- Chris Lionheart
Chef Kawasaki--King K.Rool
Jack Skellington--Evilgidgit
Charley’s ghost--Cheap Josh
MM9 Megaman--Junahu
Bill Grey--Spadefox
The King--Spadefox
Youtube Toilet--Sonic the Baron
Salsa and Fassad--Weldar
pollo Justice--Kitsuneko
Raphael--Lenus Altair

I am still open to submissions, so feel free to submit!

Also, if you want a character of yours in the SSE, just comment and tell me so. But be warned, there are only 14 spots open!

And I am hereby ripping off Sonic the Baron and asking for Boss requests. So far I have (in no order):

General Grievous
Clown Man
Shoop Da Mentio
Mister Freeze

Well, I guess we may as well get started...


Opening Cinematic: Mere Anarchy

We begin with a screen of black, slowly fading to an image of outer space, as a mighty spaceship soars across the screen. A very deep, very charismatic voice begins to read the poem “The Second Coming” by W.B. Yeats. As the reading goes on, various scenes of various characters are shown.

(A shot of General Grievous, skulking about his ship, the Invisible Hand, the one just mentioned. )
“Turning and Turning, in the Widening Gyre, The Falcon cannot hear the falconer.

(Cut to a shot of Dimentio, coldly detonating boom boxes for no reason in Dimension D)
“Things fall apart, the center cannot hold, mere anarchy is loosed upon the world

(Show Jonathan and Charlotte battling the forces of the undead, as Brauner watches from some sort of magic painting)
“The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere, The ceremony of innocence is drowned

(Show Puppetmon playing with marionettes in the woods, enjoying himself with a malicious grin on his face)
“The best lack all conviction, while the worst Are full of passionate intensity.

(Show some shots of Trunks training in a densely wooded area.)
“Surely some revelation is at hand; Surely the Second Coming is at hand.

(Show a shot of Lyon studying a dark tome, and practicing some dangerous looking spells)
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out, When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi, Troubles my sight: a waste of desert sand; A shape with lion body and the head of a man,

(Show a shot of Arkham Asylum, where the Joker is making silly faces at the window of his cell, taunting the security guard in front of him and licking the small windowpane)
“A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun, Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it, Wind shadows of the indignant desert birds. The darkness drops again but now I know,

(show a shot of Ashencroft torturing some poor souls in hell, laughing evilly)
“That twenty centuries of stony sleep, Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle, And what rough beast, its hour come round at last, Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?”

Ashencroft laughs an extremely evil laugh and the camera fades to black. The title of the story, Time Crash, flashes over the screen in big, fancy, calligraphy-esque letters.


We open with a scene of Trunks fighting through a hoarde of robotic dinosaurs, aka Mecharaptors, with great furor. He is apparently is some sort of high-tech facility, and is chasing someone with extreme desparation.

Stage 1: The Facility
Play As: Trunks
Objective: Defeat 20 Mecharaptors!
Music: Insert DBZ music
Here, you get to play a brief tutorial as Trunks, where you learn the basic controls and fight off mecharaptors, whose attacks are mostly clawing at you, biting you, and breathing fire and shooting lazers from their mouths.

After you mow through 20 mecharaptors,a cinematic will play as lights in the hallway start flashing red.

"no..." trunks gasps in horror. Quickly, he begins sprinting down the opposite direction of the hallway, and for good reason, as the facility begins to explode into flames! Trunks makes a hail mary and hops out the window jsut before he is burned alive, only the flame doesn't stop with the buidling--it's an expanding sphere of flame that will nuke the planet! Trunks, using his super-saiyan powers, flies away, cosntantly just barely staying ahead of the ever expanding fireball, until he reaches his time machine.

"Have to stop it...have to stop it..." Trunks mutters to himself as he activates the time machine just in time to keep from getting deep-fried. The camera zooms out to show the entire world getting scorched.


Chapter 1: Rallying the Troops

Cinematic: Crash-Landing:

Trunks is seen inside his small time machine, hurriedly messing with the controls. Unfortunately, the machine seems to be malfunctioning after getting some heat from the fiery explosion in the prologue.

“Come on, come ON… get away get away get FAR, FAR away…” Trunks mutters as he tries to maintain control. The time machine is shown flitting through timespace, which resembles a Technicolor tube filled with bright lights. The time machine hums softly and comes to a stop, and Trunks opens the door…only to see tons of Battle Droids pointing their blasters at him. Uh-oh…

Stage 2: The Battleship
Play as: Trunks
Objective: Go through the battleship and find out who sicked all these droids on you!
Music: Star Wars- Darth Vader’s theme

This is a fairly easy level, you just fight your way through several corridors and passages of droids (who only have one attack: firing blasters at you), Super Droids (who fire stronger blasters and can punch you at long range), and Druidical (who fire even stronger blasters, can roll over you, and have a force field around them, so you have to deal 50% damage to them before you can even begin damaging them). At the end, you’ll enter the control of the ship to find… General Grievous.

“What is the meaning of the energy fluctuations in the ship’s hull?” Grievous demands some droids.
“We don’t know yet, sir! We’ve sent a search team, but they haven’t reported back yet!”
Grievous rips the droid’s head off. “I do not want excuses! I want answers!”
“Sir? SIR!!!” One droid pipes up.
“This had better be worth my time…” Grievous prepares his lightsaber to cut the droid down.
The droid points to Trunks, who immediately draws his sword in surprise. “Intruder!”
Grievous activates all 4 lightsabers and charges forward, screaming madly.

BOSS: General Grievous :
Get ready for your first boss fight! Yes, It’s against Grievous, who is a playable character and has his own moveset, but here…he’s a boss character. He only has about 125%, so nothing too difficult. However, he is the size of a normal fighter, and moves around a lot, so this fight may be kind of difficult. The fight is in a straight corridor with a floor and ceiling, so your only KO’s will be on the sides.

Saber Swipe: Grievous performs three slashes with his lightsabers, each doing 7%. The final does knockback that kills at 70%.

Saber Rush: GG will stamp his foot twice like a bull, then charge forward as fast and far as an uncharged Ike’s side B, doing 11% if he makes contact.

Saber Spin: Grievous spins his two sabers around himself and runs forward at a Luigi-run-speed for 5 seconds. If you get hit, you’ll be dealt 4% hits per second, and get knocked back a fair amount. At 50% health, Grievous uses all 4 lightsabers, doubling the attack strength.

Blaster Bolt: Grievous fires a single blaster shot that goes as far as Fox’s, does 6%, but no knockback.

50% Health Attacks:
Android Leap: GG leaps to the ceiling, clinging to it with his clawed hands and feet. He also unleashes his other 2 lightsabers, bringing the total to 4.

Jump & Slash: GG scuttles across the ceiling and jumps down to slash at you, doing 19% if he connects. After this attack, he’ll jump back on the ceiling.

Saber Drill: With all 4 lightsabers spinning, GG jumps down and spins through the air like a giant green-&-blue drill that moves as fast as Sonic running. Luckily it has to charge up before being used, but if you don’t dodge it, the move does 23%. The drill travels in a straight line, so just find a spot above or below it and stay there.

Blaster Barrage: GG uses his blaster and fires 5 bolts at varying angles from his perch on the ceiling.

25% Health Attacks:
Ground and Ceiling Switcheroo: During this last phase of the fight, GG will alternate between the ground and ceiling.

Blindside: GG will run off screen, then, following a loud whooshing sound, will come charging across the stage in his Saber Drill, now doing 26%. To dodge this, just jump up right after the whooshing to avoid the drill.

After you defeat Grievous, he will be hacking and wheezing, and the droids will flock to him to see what’s wrong. GG swats a few away, by which I mean he swings his arms and knocks the top half off a few.
“GET *cough**cough* HIM!!!” Grievous shouts. Trunks then begins fighting off the droids (this is still a cinematic, mind you) as we see Grievous slink away to lick his wounds. He hops into an escape pod, which we can see firing from his ship. End of stage.

Cinematic: First Stop:
We begin with a shot of a rolling desert, as far as the eye can see…when suddenly, out of the desert ground….THERE BURSTS A HOARDE OF MOLE-MEN!!!! And who is fighting these mole men? Why none other than…… Hoss Delgado! Hoss is busily busting up the mole-men, yelling smack talk like “Take this, you furry little balls of furry hate!” when one sneaks up on him, and is about to dispatch him from behind, when the sneaky mole man falls over and a loud shot rings out…
The camera zooms out to reveal Nack the Weasel, perched on a mountain top, sniper rifle in hand! Nack looks at a wanted poster in another hand, promising a hefty reward for a captured mole-man. He bounces down the mountain, hoping to collect his prize. When he gets down there, he is ambushed by another squad of Mole-men. Luckily, Hoss fries them with a laser blast and helps Nack up.
“Little wolf man, you’ve got some chutzpa goin’ toe-to-claw with these mole-punks!” Hoss says, admiring Nack’s courage.
“Thanks. It’s nothing, really. Just doin’ a job for some extra cash. Nothin’ big.” Nack replies. The two are now back-to-back, still fighting Mole men.

Stage 3: The Generic Desert
Play As: Nack and Hoss
Objective: Get through the desert and don’t die from Mole men!
Music: Gritzy Desert
Here we have another straightforward level of running through desert plains fighting mole men of various shapes and sizes. Some mole men will pop out of the ground for a surprise attack. Each mole man is fairly large, about as big as a Ticken with twice as much health. This level is a bit shorter to make up for the more vicious enemies.
After fighting the mole men, Hoss and Nack stand atop a large pile of Ko’ed enemies. They high five each other. “Not bad, wolf-weasel. Say, which are you, exactly? You could be either way…” Hoss says.
“Oh, I’m half-and-half.” Nack confesses.
Suddenly, there is a bright flash and Trunks emerges from his time machine, which is floating above Hoss and Nack.
“Please get in.” Trunks says. “The world is counting on you.” End of Stage.

Cinematic: The Future is Now:
Trunks’ time machine appears, floating above what looks like a shiny pretty futurescape. Hoss and Nack are still inside. They stare at the shiny spires in awe.

“Welcome to the future.” Trunks says.

“Wait a minute, compadre,” Hoss says. “I thought you said the future was time-toast if we didn’t help!”

“It will be,” Trunks continues. “If we don’t stop it. But the future I’m talking about is further down the line. This is the past, to me.”

“Oh, okay…” Nack says sarcastically. “I’m just going to give up understanding and do whatever you say.”

“We’re here to find someone called Megaman. He’s supposed to be a powerful warrior, and we’re going to need him.”

“How we gonna go about doing that?” Nack asks.

“Here.” Trunks hands Hoss and Nack each a bracelet. “These are time beacons. Just press the button on this bracelet and you’ll get pulled back to my time machine.”

“Wowza!” Hoss exclaims.

“We’ll split up, and look for Megaman, or anyone else, who can help us.”

The trio teleports down onto the ground of the future city and split up.

Stage 4: The Future:
Play as: Trunks, eventually Mach Rider.
Play against: Angry robots
Music: Mach Rider theme
For the first part of this stage, you’ll play as Trunks, looking for Megaman. You spend the first part walking through the streets, and getting attacked by Megaman-style villains. They aren’t too difficult, they just attack by punching and shooting lasers from their eyes. After a while, Trunks will come to find a familiar-looking facility. He breaks in, to find a man on a motorcycle battling some strange looking extraterrestrials called Quadrunners. Mach Rider has joined the fray!

“Get on.” Mach Rider tells Trunks, in a gruff voice. You’ll play the second part of part 1 as Mach Rider, with Trunks riding on your motorcycle behind you. He’ll help by slashing at Quadrunners that get too close. Blast through the level on Mach’s bike as quick as possible. The facility is a lot of straight-aways and ramps, to capitalize on Mach Rider’s abilities. After finishing the level, there will be another cut scene. Mach stops his bike, and turns to Trunks.

“Thanks, stranger. That’s all the Quadrunners here.”

“You’re dangerous with this bike aren’t you?” Trunks asks. Mach nods silently.

“I’m needing some help handling a big problem. Can you help me save the world?”

Mach Rider says nothing, but motions for Trunks to resume his seat on the bike.

“Let’s ride.” End of Stage.

Stage 5: The Future (2)
Play as: Nack, eventually Rundas.
Objective: Numerous, as detailed below.
Music: Metroid Main Theme
You’ll have another cutscene, this time of Nack bouncing through the futurescape. You’ll play as him for a bit, fighting the same Megaman baddies as last stage. Suddenly, a cut scene will play in which Metal Sonic crashes through the window of a building, followed by a blast of ice. Rundas exit’s the building, weapon pointed at Nack.

“Freeze! You are in a contained crime scene! Exit immediately!” Rundas shouts at Nack. Nack draws his guns out of habit.

“You dare raise your weapons at me?” Rundas yells. The two warriors fire at each other, and you get to choose either Rundas or Nack to fight the other. Regardless, the outcome is the same; Rundas and Nack will both look extremely weary after the battle.

“Curses…” Rundas grumbles. “I’ve lost the target, thanks to you!”

Suddenly, Metal Sonic will fly in and swipe Rundas in the chest, knocking the wind out of him.

“Returning to the scene of the crime, eh?” Rundas will shakily jump towards Metal Sonic, the “target” in question. Nack, realizing things could get hairy, draws his guns again. You choose either Nack or Rundas, and fight against Metal Sonic. Whichever one you didn’t choose will help you as a CPU.

After the battle, Rundas will offer his hand to Nack.

“It appears…you misjudged me. We are actually on the same side.” Rundas says, saving face. Nack looks at him in disbelief, then shakes his head. “Uh, okay. Sure.” Nack notices he has lost his time bracelet.

“Uh-oh. Looks like I’ll have to find a friend before I can get outta here.”

“I suppose I can assist you…” Rundas says, seeming very self-important. The two walk off, not noticing Metal Sonic get up, holding Nack’s time bracelet. He presses the button and disappears in a flash of light. End of Stage.

Stage 6 : The Future Circus
Play as: Hoss, Megaman
Objective: Find Megaman! Oh, and don’t get killed by robots!
Music: Carnival Music
You begin by seeing a cinematic of Hoss Delgado limping through the city, until he sees a floating carnival tent. Hoss uses his robo-hand as a grappling hook and busts in, discovering a hoarde of carnival-style robots attack none other than Megaman. You’ll play as Hoss and Megaman, battling the clown robots as you work your way through the circus of nightmares, until you get to the Big Top. A cutscene will play, as Hoss and MM walk cautiously into the darkened area, until all the lights come on at once, and you hear a loud, shrill…
“WAHAHA!” You’ll then be confronted by Clown Man, who swings down in front of you using a trapeze bar to swing with his stretchy arms.

“Who is this clowny creep?” Hoss demands.

“His name’s Clown Man. He was built by Doctor Wily, an evil would-be dictator, but I beat him before. Some crazy scientists have rebuilt him.” Megaman answers.

“Well, they’ll have to rebuild him AGAIN if they wanna use him!” Hoss says, revving his chainsaw. You will now fight Clown Man as either Hoss or Megaman.

The Clown Man fight is in a Circus Big Top, which is basically just a flat stage that can be walked off. There is no ceiling, unlike the Grievous fight. There is, however, a trapeze beam in the dead center of the stage that Clown Man will use for some attacks. Clown Man is only about Mario’s height, but his arms are often extended, and those things are very long. Hitting his arms does damage too, so don’t be afraid to smack his arms!

Thunder Claw:
Clown Man will shoot one arm forward about 2 stage builder blocks. Touching his arm will do 11% damage to your character.

Thunder Hug:
Clown Man swings both arms out behind him, then swings them around for a massive double-arm swipe that covers the length of the stage. You can easily jump over this attack, but getting hit does 13% with considerable knockback.

Clown Man claps his hands and giggles, sending out an electric ring, like an Off Wave, only weaker, doing 8% and stunning you for a second if you get hit. Like Off Waves, it can be easily dodged.

50% health attacks
Electric Trapeze:
Clown Man grabs hold of his trapeze bar and swings forward, doing 14% if he hits you. He will land on the other side of the room and continue fighting, but if he is under 25%, then he will double back and swing again, returning to wherever he was at the beginning of the move.

Thunder Grab:
Clown Man shoots his elastic arms straight up, and they will then return to earth wherever your character is ½ a second later, grabbing the character, picking them and slamming them on the ground, doing 21% if they fail to dodge the move.

Big Top Charge:
Clown Man slams his arms on the ground, charging the ground for 1 second. He will have a half-second of prep time, giving you time to time your jump right. This move does 7% damage ands stuns you for 1 second if you get hit.

25% health attacks
Electric Carnival
Clown Man curls up and turns into a giant orange ball! He shoots forward like Sonic’s side B, and can be jumped over. Note that Clown Man is invulnerable in this attack. Getting hit does 26% with high knockback.

Electric 360:
Clown Man grapples onto the trapeze bar and swings around and around in a complete circle. His path is a smaller circle now, meaning you can stand in the far corners of the stage and not get hit. Otherwise, this is exactly like Electric Trapeze.

After you defeat Clown Man, Hoss and Megaman will high-five each other in victory. Suddenly, the floating circus will shake and fall out of the sky. Hoss and MM survive when Hoss scoops up MM and they fly out on Hoss’ arm-o-copter. They land on the streets to see Rundas, Trunks, Nack, and Mach Rider who have conveniently met up while Hoss and MM were dealing with the rebuilt Clown Man.

Mach Rider eyes the remains of the wrecked Clown Man’s body.


Trunks takes a look. “That’s awfully similar to the robots the Quadrunners and scientists were working on in that lab…”

Rundas scans the scrap with his helmet. “The design is also similar to the robot I was pursuing. Perhaps they are connected?”

“Jeezy-beezy, people…” Hoss says. “What kind of place were you at?”

“It’s called the Arkham Institute of Scientific Research. It’s been around for a few years before now. It’s also where we’re going in the future. Something bad will happen there that we have to stop. The less time we waste, the better.” Trunks then presses his time-bracelet while everyone is near and they teleport back to his time machine…to find it ransacked and in shambles!!! END OF STAGE!
The camera fades to black, and then the same smooth voice from the opening cinematic says:
"They believed they held in their steady hands the candle that would light the world." Arthur Miller--The Crucible.

Chapter 2: The Drums of War

Cinematic: Menace of Metal Sonic:
We begin the second chapter where the first left off; Hoss, Rundas, Trunks, Nack, Megaman, and Mach Rider are in Trunks’ time machine, which has been ransacked.

“What on earth…?” Trunks mutters in bewilderment.

“Good golly Time-boy, your time-pad is a pig sty!” Hoss exclaims. Suddenly, there is a loud rustling. Megaman, Rundas, Nack, and Mach Rider all point their firearms in different directions out of precaution. Metal Sonic is suddenly hurtled into the heroes, knocking Mach Rider off his bike.

“What the--?” Mach Rider is extremely disoriented.

“Oh, no…” Trunks loses all color in his face. “The robot’s been attacking the time vortex container.”

“The what now?” Nack asks.

“It’s the ship’s power source. It lets us travel through time.” Trunks explains. “It’s also raw power on an incalculable scale. A regular human would age hundreds of years in seconds just by looking at it.”

“And that robot was attacking it?” Megaman asks. The group gets their answer when Metal Sonic appears, hovering and glowing with the energies of the time vortex.

STAGE 7: The Study
Play as: Nack, Mach Rider, Megaman, Trunks, Rundas, or Hoss. (You pick 4 in order, and another random character will assist you as a CPU)
Objective: Defeat Metal Sonic
Music: Sonic Boom
Basically, this is a two-on-one fight against Metal Sonic. Why do you get a CPU helper? Simple: Metal Sonic has absorbed energy from the time vortex, and is therefore much three-fifths faster and 9% stronger for each attack, so you’ll need the helper to defeat him.
After you KO Metal Sonic, a cinematic plays which depicts Metal Sonic twitching, and his eyes flickering on and off. He then erupts into a bright flash of light and disappears.

“He’s gone.” Trunks surmises. “He’s jumped into the time stream. He could be any when by now.”

“Shouldn’t we pursue him?” Rundas asks.

“We need to get this place up and running first.” Trunks says. “Until then, we’re not going anywhere.”
The camera fades out and shows Trunks and co. working on repairing the time machine.
We then switch gears to a shot of a small European town, where a man with a sword is tearing his way through knights on horseback. This man’s name: Raphael Sorel.

Stage 7-part 2! The Study
Play as: Raphael
Play against: Knights and Mages
Music: Soul Calibur 2 Title Theme
You play the second part of this stage as Raphael, battling against medieval knights and magic-wielding mages. After a while, you’ll bust into a building that appears to be a very ornate library. In the center of the library is Lyon, studying a spell book.

“Found you!” Raphael yells, announces his presence.

“Ah, Raphael…” Lyon rises from his seat. “I was hoping you would confront me…”

“After what you did in town--”

“The stones were needed, and the people got in the way. I don’t see why you’re so shaken, Raphael. They were just people. There’s plenty more left in the world.

"Normally, you're right." Raphael growls. "But I'm only concerned with what you did to one person in particular..." Raphael charges angrily at Lyon. "For AMY!!!" He yells. You then fight Raphael as Lyon. That’s right, you play the bad guy. After defeating Raphael, Lyon laughs a cold, evil laugh.

“And now…I will use you as a trial for my latest incantation.” Lyon re-opens one of his books and mutters some magical gibberish. A pentagram appears below Raphael, and there is a bright flash of light. Raphael and the pentagram both disappear. Lyon chuckles.

“Now then, where--” Before Lyon can finish his thought, there is another bright flash of light, and Metal Sonic, still glowing from the time vortex, appears in Lyon’s study. The robot collapses, drained from the time jump.

“--was I…” Lyon is speechless. He seems extremely intrigued by the machine. “Hello there…”

We begin the next level with a shot of Gotham City, in all its horrid, gothic splendor. It is a bustling hive of activity, with citizens hurriedly minding their own business and constantly looking over their own shoulders in paranoia. We see some street performers heckling passerby for spare change: A man and his monkey, Fassad and Salsa, respectively. They have fallen on hard times since the events of Mother 3, and they came to Gotham in an attempt to start fresh, but that isn’t working. Fassad is fervently venting his frustrations on Salsa. Suddenly, a man clad in all green appears in front of Fassad.

“Hold it, Mister! You’ll pay for torturing that monkey!” Dragonfly has come to save the day!

Stage 8: Gotham City
Play as: Dragonfly
Play against: Salsa and Fassad, later street punks of Gotham.
You begin this level as Dragonfly in a one-on-one brawl against Salsa and Fassad. KO the duo, and Dragonfly will pick up Salsa lovingly, only for some thugs to appear behind Dragonfly with a gun pointed to his head. Other thugs are looting Fassad at the same time.

“We don’t want any trouble…” Dragonfly says.

“Neither do we. Just give us what money you have.” The thug says.

Dragonfly responds by punching the thug in the face. You play through the rest of this level as Dragonfly and Salsa/Fassad, battling street thugs as you go. Once you finish cleaning the streets of Gotham, another cutscene will play.

Dragonfly and Salsa/Fassad find themselves in front of a very foreboding and Gothic Building…the front gate has Arkham Asylum written in large ornate letters. Suddenly, there is a bright flash of light on the other side of the gates, and a pentagram appears on the ground magically. Suddenly, Raphael appears, looking extremely bewildered.

“Where…where am I…?” Raphael mutters in confusion. Dragonfly, Salsa and Fassad just stare in confusion. Suddenly, a large bus appears, and men in white coats come out.

“Come with us, sir.” They say.

“What? But--” Raphael is still confused.

“Resistance noted.” One man pulls out a spray can and sprays Raphael in the face. He falls over unconscious, and the men take him aboard the bus and drive away, towards the ominous building of Arkham Asylum. END OF STAGE

Stage 9: The Psych Ward
Play as: Raphael, Apollo Justice
Play against: Psychos

You begin this level inside Arkham Asylum, in a cutscene. Raphael is sitting at a table inside a brightly lit room. On the other side of the table is the ace lawyer on retainer for the asylum, Apollo Justice, trying to explain Raphael his rights.

“This is private property, Mr. …”


“Yes. Sorel. Mr. Sorel, this is private property that you…appeared on. Pair that with your…outlandish attire, and this city’s track record with unstable personalities, you can understand why the workers reacted how they did.”

Raphael opens his mouth to speak, when suddenly the lights shut out. They then flicker back on, and a cold, sinister voice, the voice of The Joker, comes over the intercom.

“Hello, Arkham Residents…” Joker purrs. “This is your old pal Joker, speaking. You know what I realized the other day? It’s been a long time since I got any visitors. So, I’ve decided that we oughta have a little…OPEN HOUSE!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!” Joker laughs hysterically before the intercom shuts off. The sound of opening doors fills the air as all the inmates’ doors fling open.

“My sword.” Raphael says calmly.

“Wh…what?” Apollo asks, beginning to grasp the grimness of the situation.

“My sword was taken after I was kidnapped. Where is it?”

“Th-the guard has it…” Apollo says. “Hey! Hey, guard! Can you--”

The guard turns, holding Raphael’s sword (which is covered in plastic wrap for safety purposes) but suddenly an inmate, wearing the standard white smock of an Arkham Inmate, appears, takes the sword, and gores the guard on it.

“Oh, dear.” Raphael grumbles. Still in a cutscene, Raphael goes out, punches the inmate square in the face, and takes his sword. Raphael walks off by himself. Apollo looks nervously from side to side.

"Hey-- WAIT UP!!!"

You play the remainder of the level as either Raphael or Apollo, fighting off crazy inmates who attack mostly with punches and kicks and bites. Nothing too hard. After some touring of the long, dark, dank halls of Arkham, Raphael and Apollo will see a door that is fully lit on the other side. Raphael kicks the door down…to discover two odd creations chained side-by-side to wall. King Harkinian and Youtube Toilet. King yawns and stretches, jingling his chains.

“I wonder what’s for dinner…” he says, unaware of his condition.

“Banana Cream Pie?” YTT says, turning to the King. He too doesn’t seem to grasp that he’s chained to a wall.

“What on earth…” Apollo mutters as he and Raphael just stare in confusion.

We then show a cutscene that features a squat man in a suit and tophat sitting in front of a computer screen.

“Everything is going exactly as you planned…” says the man, obviously The Penguin. “The two test dummies you suggested were seamlessly downloaded into their respective robot bodies. I’m sure your transition will be just as smooth.”


STAGE 10: Another World
Play as: Protoman.EXE, later Lyon and Metal Sonic
Play against: Digital Enemies, Puppetmon’s puppets.

We begin the next stage in a thickly wooded forest, where all manner of digital creatures that appeared on the old Digimon TV show are attacking a man clad in red with a sword for a hand. This man is none other than… Protoman.EXE.. He slices through his enemies, causing them to burst into data that disappears in a flash! This is how combat is in the digital world!

You play this level as Protoman, slicing your way through a forest until you find what appears to be a large factory on the edge of the forest. Oddly, it is daytime in the sky in front of the factory, but the sky over the factory is that of a night sky, filled with stars. Protoman busts in the factory and works his way in to the main chamber, where we see Puppetmon talking to a video image of th Penguin.

“…sure your transition will be just as smooth.” Penguin says.

“You said before that your night club didn’t have enough resources.” Says Puppetmon, continuing the conversation from last stage. “Even WITH the money I’ve been adding to your bank account.”

“And I certainly appreciate the donations…” Penguin says in gratitude.

“They weren’t donations, fool. The bank’s online accounts were easy to alter where I am. Which is ironic, since I want to get out of here as soon as possible.”

“We’re working on it. I’ve found the perfect place to continue our little project. It’s the same place I sent the two test subjects. An associate of mine is currently opening it for sale on the free market.”

“I thought you sent the toilet and the ‘king’ to an asylum.”

“I did. But you’d be hard-pressed to find a place that stays open after a massacre like the one that’s to come…”

“Good.” Puppetmon says. “I can’t wait to be a REAL boy…” Puppetmon presses a button, and turns the TV screen off.

“Puppetmon.” Protoman says calmly. “I finally found you. So what’s your game this time?”

“Oh, would it kill you to leave me be?” Puppetmon asks in annoyance. “If this plan works, I’ll leave this stupid world BEHIND once and for all! This…place…is some weird halfway point between our digital world and another! This Cobblepot guy’s agreed to give me a new body in that new world in exchange for raising his bank account! This is my chance to leave this world alone! You won’t have to worry about me anymore!”

“Sorry Puppetmon,” Protoman says, activating his sword. “But I can’t let you pester a whole other world.” You then fight Puppetmon one-on-one.
After you defeat him, Protoman will stand over Puppetmon, who looks extremely winded.

“Ooh…don’t hurt me…” Puppetmon seems to fall unconscious. Protoman picks up his unconscious body and slings him over one shoulder…only for Puppetmon to swiftly elbow Protoman in the back of the head, sucker punching and KOing him.

“Ha!” Puppetmon crows. “Guess we got another test dummy…” END OF STAGE--Just KIDDING!!!

We then cut back to olden times, with Lyon standing over an unconscious--and glowing--Metal Sonic.

“Hmph. Whatever being you are, you still refuse to rise.” Lyon grumbles. “But causing the rise of those who refuse to rise is the business of a necromancer.” Lyon opens a hefty and dark tome and begins reciting incantations. A pentagram appears below Metal Sonic, and suddenly MS’s eyes flit open in confusion! But then, Metal Sonic’s chest erupts into a bright flash of light! The screen fades to white, but then fades back to reveal Lyon and Metal Sonic in a different place altogether.

“What a strange book…” Says a voice from out of nowhere. An odd box appears around Lyon’ tome. The book promptly disappears from Lyon’s hand, confusing him.

“A strange book for a strange stranger.” Continues the voice. We then see the source of the voice, Dimentio, flipping through Lyon’s tome lazily, before tossing it on the ground. “Feh. So boring. Anyway, you fellows are trespassing. Can’t have that, can we? No, no we can’t.”

You then play as either Lyon or Metal Sonic and you have to battle against 10 Dimentio clones. This is basically like a 10-man brawl, only instead of Alloy Team you fight CPU Dimentio’s. Whoever you don’t choose will assist you as a CPU, so this isn’t too difficult.

After the battle, Lyon and Dimentio will both be very winded, staring at each other angrily.

“Not…bad…” Lyon pants.

“Same to…you…” Dimentio grunts back.

“I have no personal quarrel with you, stranger.” Lyon says. “I ended up here accidentally. I fully wish to leave this place.”

“Funny.” Dimentio says. “So do I.”

Note: This is not the end of Chapter 2. Stay tuned for the end of Chapter 2.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 2, 2008
Oh, and that title probably won't be my final one, but if I can't think of anything else, I guess I could do worse than "Punchadelic Awesomatron 5000: Return of the Badness"

Only problem, I want it more serious...anyway, I'll work on it!

Oh, and I guess if anyone wants their character in my SSE, just drop me a line here.


Smash Lord
Aug 19, 2007
Nice prolouge Ivoryflame! Woot for Trunks being the first character introduced!!!


Smash Ace
Nov 27, 2008
In a timeless world
Thanks for adding KOS-MOS to your story. I am surprised everyone is using her. Since my story is of mystery, I cant make a roster listing characters that havent been revealed yet, but not knowing is half the fun. ;)

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007

Good Lord. A message board about videogames is the last place I figured I'd see Bill Yeats crop up. You get bonus points just for that (and for that snazzy pseudo-gradient).

Also I really like how this prologue is actually prologue-length. Something that's always turned me off of SSEs in general is how awfully long and similar they are. Very nice start to a promising future. :bee:


Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008
Not wasting countless hours on a 10 man community
I like those little scenes you have of the characters in the opening, and obviously that my two characters were in it. If you want to use any of my other characters, feel free to do so. Pretty much goes for just about anyone.

Looking forward to how this turns out.

My SSE's main goal is basically just trying to give all the characters ample screen time and justice. Due to having so many characters, it's hard to make everybody coome together without forcing it a bit, which is the main thing I'm worried about. And there isn't much of an over arching plot. . .

I'm beginning to wish I could just write a story and have dialougue, or to go with a more unique approach like Hyper Ridley's. I'll do the MYM 4 SSE in the same format as always, but if I do a MYM 5 SSE. . .It's gonna be far from the normal (For me anyway). What I'll do I'm not sure, but it won't be trying to be a (much) better version of Brawl's, but more something all it's own. . .

The problem with that approach though is the amount of characters in it will be minimal and I'll probably be a lot more pick and choosy with who gets in so I can give them really good roles.

But this might not even happen. I'm just liking the more creative approaches you guys all seem to have on making SSEs as a whole. On the whole, I just want to tell a tale that's more of an actual story, rather then a simple SSE that's just trying to do the characters justice and being rather random in how it leaps around.

Deleted member


Is there really anything I need to say that someone else hasn't?

As for my post count...


Collective of Bears

King of Hug Style
Nov 10, 2007
North Carolina
Small request: I know he hasn't been posted yet, but could you please add The Penguin to the character roster? kthxbi

Red Arremer

Smash Legend
Nov 27, 2005
I love how you put all of my characters except for Guntz on your roster. :laugh:

I like it so far, and I hope it will be just as awesome as I'd expect it!


Smash Champion
Dec 21, 2007
Hippo Island
Chapter 1 was awesome! I loved how you gave a nod to Nack's hybrid status, and the dialouge felt in character and was quite funny at times. I was surprised to see Greivous be a boss fight, but it worked out okay. Can't wait till chapter 2.


Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008
Not wasting countless hours on a 10 man community
The new chapter was excellent. Your SSE is looking to have a lot more continuity then mine, and I'm liking that. Metal Sonic destroys their time travel device, and while I thought the Joker might've appeared in the circus area, he's getting his own section, all the better!

You don't go into such large detail as the others such as myself, which is a nice break for once to more casually read an SSE. The only thing I really found random about the chapter is that you made Grevious a boss, but at least it was a quality boss fight.

Seeing you're taking requests right now, perhaps you can add Klump and Krusha? All my other characters are healthily represented in various SSEs, but K&K are only in Hyper Ridley's. Besides, it's a joint production with BKupa, so you can represent two authors in one moveset!


Smash Lord
Aug 19, 2007
Really awesome SSE Ivoryflame. You really did Trunks some justice here.

And seriously? You're going to use the Dragonfly too? Awesome.



Smash Journeyman
Jun 2, 2008
Thanks for all the praise, guys. I'm an egotistical guy, so it's nice to hear I'm not wrong! :)

@People Concerned about Grievous: Don't worry. You haven't seen the last of the good General. Next he appears, he will indeed by playable.

@MasterWarlord: sure I'll add Klump and Krusha. *adds K&K* And don't worry about Joker, he will have a HUGE role in the events to come...

and Twilt, yeah, Trunks gets some major face time in this SSE...

As long as he's alive...>:-) BWAHAHAHA!!!

Lenus Altair

Smash Ace
Mar 7, 2008
Just read the latest chapter and it was pretty nice except you confused me with your interpretation of Raphael. He is a Villian and one that only cares about the safety of one person, that is, his adopted daughter Amy...


Smash Journeyman
Jun 2, 2008
Ah. Thank you for pointing that out, Altair. I've edited some dialogue to hopefully satisfy your Raphael requests. :)

Lenus Altair

Smash Ace
Mar 7, 2008
Ah. Thank you for pointing that out, Altair. I've edited some dialogue to hopefully satisfy your Raphael requests. :)
Thank you for making his motavation make sense. Just keep in mind in the future he is a pompous and otherwise arragont villian who was looking to take over the world by spreading his affliction (at least he was before Amy was killed or whatnot. Motivations can change.) :)

Oh and don't forget he has magic (namly short distance teleporting).


Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008
Not wasting countless hours on a 10 man community
Even with the Joker's brief speaking role, you captured his eccentric and creepy crazed yet likable (To viewers) personality pretty well. Dimentio also seemed pretty good. . .But that's the thing. It's Dimentio, not Dimensio. This is turning into one of my more closely watched SSEs with your (Thank god) in character depictions despite having dialogue.

Very good stuff.

Deleted member

The dialogue between the King and YTT was epic, however short it was. :)


Smash Lord
Nov 24, 2008
I have a suggestion. People like me don't know some of these characters well. So you could put a picture of each character? Makes it easier for future references. Don't wanna search em on google.
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