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I'm sorry I'm puking feelings all over you


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
Really, I have better manners than this. But I felt like I should write a blog, and this whole "situation" has been on my mind for a while now. So, why not blog about it?

I really need to catch you up to speed on this rant/blog/thingy before diving head first into this puppy. So, I’ve had this “Thing” on and off with an Irish kid I met last summer. His Dad owns a vacationing house (They’re so filthy rich, I HATE IT) around my hometown because it’s supposedly beautiful, and has a **** ton of things to do nature wise. Anyhow, he was in America for a while, and specifically here for two weeks. Long story short, he leaves, we keep in contact, and begin to have a thing. Basically, it ends in heartbreak, and I move on, swearing to never be serious with him again. A year passes, and here we are. He’s a “Senior” in high school (I’m like, six months older than him I think?) and the Universities he’s looking at are not near Seattle. So, not happening. The situation at hand is this: We’re friends, with “benefts” if you catch my drift. No ties, no strings. I’ve been hit on here a lot, and he understands that eventually, someone hot enough is going to come around, and catch my eye for two seconds. HE SAYS HE UNDERSTANDS, but I’m not too sure.

He gets mad when I talk realistic with him. We mess around and humor each other with silly “what ifs” all the time, but I know it’s just lip service. I just like hearing sweet nothings, I mean who doesn’t? I don’t care if what he feeds me holds no nutritional value, I want to eat it up. BUT I KNOW, it means nothing, and he knows it does as well. Why does it bother him when I talk about the reality of the situation? I mean I like him, but I know better than to LIIIIKE him (I don’t even LIIIIIIKE people I date IRL). I just was wondering, what you think is going through his head? Please, be a therapist and give me your theories. I want to hear some input from the outside perspective.

A little bit of background on him: He’s total closet case (Why I find him attractive)who has major identity issues. He’s one of the smartest people I have ever met in my life, and I know fully that in the intellectual aspect, he surpasses me. (At least when it comes to everything not English/Arts ect.) Emotionally, I am definitely his senior. He’s a dork, a very cute, ginger dork, so he’s had few “girlfriends”, so he’s pretty virgin on a lot of the emotions he’s probably feeling now. Unlike me (I’m dead inside).
So basically, the situation is this: FWB, that can(eventually will) end at any time. While I care about him emotionally, and I really do think he’s awesome, I’m been there, done that, and am totally ready to punt him. Evaluate the situation please. Please give me some feedback on any of the topics I’ve laid out. Sorry for the random set up, this sort of became a total diary entry turned therapy session.

So yes, feel free to comment on him/me/the relationship and ask questions. I want an outside opinion on the various situatons at hand. I’m asking you, to look at me, and tell me what you think of this. Advice? Theories? Talk. Is what I want. Talky talky.


Smash Lord
Apr 7, 2008
Ontario, Canada
You're young and only wasting your time with something you know won't happen. It's just comfortable.

Kick his *** to the curb.


Smash Lord
Jul 10, 2005
Sounds like you should've cut things off long ago. It's not that hard to do since you're so far apart anyway.

Or you could marry him and divorce him after the riches from his knowledge/family if you're really *****y.


Through Fire, Justice is Served
Super Moderator
Oct 23, 2008
Beastector HQ
If you were dead inside you'd be a lot more callous about this and just play with his feelings for your own enjoyment.

Well, you don't even have to be dead inside to do that, but if you were you wouldn't have a shred of guilt or even contemplation about this, because you wouldn't care about him, where this was going, or what might come, you'd just do whatever, say whatever, then do something else that's entertaining.

u so craaaazy


El Nino

Jul 4, 2003
Ground zero, 1945
HE SAYS HE UNDERSTANDS, but I’m not too sure.
Well, he may understand it on an intellectual level, but his feelings may go against logic.

Why does it bother him when I talk about the reality of the situation?
Like you said, people like to pretend. And for someone who's in the closet, a big part of his life is already one big charade. I'm going to guess that when he's with you he likes to pretend what it'd be like to not have to hide. Being "with" someone who isn't around, when it isn't "official," it's like having your cake and eat it too. You don't have to face the consequences of a real relationship, and you certainly don't have to deal with coming out. It's a nice comforting illusion, and it serves the purpose of prolonging the inevitable confrontation with reality, your life and your identity.

Generally speaking though, when a FWB situation lasts for a while, then it's eventual that someone is going to ask, "What are we?"

If you're out and he isn't, then I'm guessing you'd be more comfortable talking about the realities than he would be. Unless there's another reason why you keep bringing it up in front of him? Are you trying to get a reaction from him, or are you just that comfortable talking about it?

If he's acting clingy, it may be because he knows you have other options whereas he might not, especially if he's a closet case.


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
How far this world has come... Well for beginners there are no such things as friends with benefits. That is a part of the problem.
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