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Inception mafia: Town and Indy Joint Win!


Smash Ace
May 14, 2006
@everyone saying really nice things: thank you :)

@everyone voting for me as MVP: most valuable player. Please vote for someone in game or no MVP.

Are these the 'experiments' you do every night? You're trying to keep her alive, aren't you? You can't just create a prison of memories. Do you really think that could contain her?

Welcome to Inception Mafia. Yes, Inception mafia. Cinemafia is just the dream world. You and your crew of “Eames” (X1-12} and “Arthur” (J) are here to send everyone else to limbo, and thus cripple their sanity. Why? So they can never play mafia well of course!
You play the role of “Ariadne” in the dream, but you know that you are really just dreaming. You are [color = "red"]the leader of the mafia[/color] in this game. This doesn’t come with any powers, but you will have the last say on night kills and who does the night kill.
Active Abilities:
Nightkill: At night, the mafia can send the action Playername will kill: Target. Barring intervention, target will be killed by playername. Again, you have last say on this action, followed by Eames if you are dead.
Passive Abilities:
Safeclaim: Benjamin Gates from National Treasure is not in this game and you are the only one with this knowledge.
Communication: You may communicate with Eames and Arthur using any means you desire. An update every once and a while would be nice. If you abuse this right, I will force you to post in a QT, you have been warned.
Win Condition:
You are mafia aligned and win when your faction outnumbers the other factions.
Other: If a player self-hammers, they won’t go to limbo, but instead up to the real world. While this is still the same as a player dying for your wincon, they will be more powerful then if they go to limbo. I would recommend trying to prevent this and also trying to keep them from realizing the flavor Inception, for similar reasons.

I/PM me that you have received the rules and your role and that you understand the rules and your role. If you have any questions hit me up on aim.

So first lemme tell you my criteria for choosing Roles in this game. Besides the ones that were supposed to be hints, I didn't choose characters unless I would recommend the movie to any of you, and then from that movie picked the character people would dream of being. So for example, people dream of being treasure hunters, hence Ben Gates. I considered making Ariadne Godfather, just to screw with the mafia's heads, but decided against it in the end.


You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling.

Welcome to Inception Mafia. Yes, Inception mafia. Cinemafia is just the dream world. You and your boss “Ariadne” (Tandora} and your fellow crew mate “Arthur” (J) are here to send everyone else to limbo, and thus cripple their sanity. Why? So they can never play mafia well of course!
You play the role of “Eames” in the dream, but you know that you are really just dreaming. You are [color = "red"]the watcher tricker [/color] in this game. You can change your appearance at night to that of another player.

Active Abilities:

Nightkill: At night, the mafia can send the action Playername will kill: Target. Barring intervention, target will be killed by playername. Ariadne has last say on this, but if she dies, your choice will supersede Arthur’s.

Disguise: At night, you may send me the action Disguise: Playername. To a watcher, you will appear as that player, and trackers will have a hard time following you as well.

Passive Abilities:

Safeclaim: Doctor Emmet Brown from Back to the Future is not in this game and you are the only one with this knowledge.

Communication: You may communicate with Ariadne and Arthur using any means you desire. An update every once and a while would be nice. If you abuse this right, I will force you to post in a QT, you have been warned.

Win Condition:
You are mafia aligned and win when your faction outnumbers the other factions.

Other: If a player self-hammers, they won’t go to limbo, but instead up to the real world. While this is still the same as a player dying for your wincon, they will be more powerful then if they go to limbo. I would recommend trying to prevent this and also trying to keep them from realizing the flavor Inception, for similar reasons.

I/PM me that you have received the rules and your role and that you understand the rules and your role. If you have any questions hit me up on aim.[/Collapse]

Doc is the "Inventor" dream. I basically stole this role straight from DBZ, it workds exactly the same. Had Eames chose to disguise himself as, say Rockin, and -Vocal- tried to track him, Vocal would have been told "You can't find Eames, but you did see two Rockins wandering around" Had Vocal tracked Rockin, he would have been succesful and told that he saw two rockins.



Welcome to Inception Mafia. Yes, Inception mafia. Cinemafia is just the dream world. You and your boss “Ariadne” (Tandora} and your fellow crew mate “Eames” (X1-12) are here to send everyone else to limbo, and thus cripple their sanity. Why? So they can never play mafia well of course!
You play the role of “Arthur” in the dream, but you know that you are really just dreaming. You are the Executioner in this game. You can kill one player early during the game.

Active Abilities:

Nightkill: At night, the mafia can send the action Playername will kill: Target. Barring intervention, target will be killed by playername. Ariadne has last say on this, but if she dies, Arthur’s choice will supersede yours.

Execute: During the day, you may post the action Execute: Playername. If this player has accrued half the votes required to be lynched, they will be immediately lynched and the game will move to twilight. The half is rounded up (i.e: 9 votes required means the player must have 5 votes). You may use this ability only once.

Passive Abilities:

Safeclaim: Leonidas from 300 is not in this game and you are the only one with this knowledge.

Communication: You may communicate with Ariadne and Eames using any means you desire. An update every once and a while would be nice. If you abuse this right, I will force you to post in a QT, you have been warned.

Win Condition:

You are mafia aligned and win when your faction outnumbers the other factions.

Other: If a townie self-hammers, they won’t go to limbo, but instead up to the real world. While this is still the same as a player dying for your wincon, they will be more powerful then if they go to limbo. I would recommend trying to prevent this and also trying to keep them from realizing the flavor Inception, for similar reasons. Also, be aware your executioner ability sends the victim to the real world.

I/PM me that you have received the rules and your role and that you understand the rules and your role. If you have any questions hit me up on aim.[/Collapse]

Leonidas is the "General Badassery" dream. Fit really well as a safeclaim as I could have the execution be kicking them off to their death and not screw the safeclaim. For those confused, as Nabe said, Arthur does kill someone by kicking them out the window at one point, and another guy down some stairs, so thats why the execution was flavored the way it was.


You're waiting for a train, a train that will take you far away. You know where you hope this train will take you, but you can't be sure. But it doesn't matter - because we'll be together.

Welcome to Inception Mafia. Yes, Inception. Cinemafia is just a dream.
In the dream, you play the role of Mal from Inception. For some unknown reason, “Cobb” (Dark Horse) has been pulled into a dream and his subconscious brought you in as well. You are a Independent Survivor, with tracker abilities.

Active Abilities:

Tracking: At night you may send me the action Track: Playername. Barring intervention, you will be told which players that player visits that night.

Passive Abilities:

Bulletproof Lynchproof: While Cobb (Dark Horse) is alive, you cannot die through any means besides modkill. If you should be lynched, the game will continue to night with no lynch. You lose this ability when Cobb dies.


You cannot tell people the flavor is Inception, nor can you insinuate it or hint at it in any way. There will be hints this is the flavor. You must ignore them. If directly asked your opinion on any hints, say you don’t think they are important or something of the sort.


Note that you have no way to communicate with Cobb outside of the thread. So don’t.

Win Condition:

You are independently aligned, but win when another faction would win while you are still alive. You do not add to the mafia numbers.

I/PM me that you have received the rules and your role and that you understand the rules and your role. If you have any questions hit me up on aim.
Mal was just brought in by Cobb, she wasn't part of the dream. This is why she couldn't be killed before Cobb, he would just bring her back. She also couldnt be affected by kicked world stuff, but that didn't end up being an issue.


What is the most resilient parasite? Bacteria? A virus? An intestinal worm? An idea. Resilient... highly contagious. Once an idea has taken hold of the brain it's almost impossible to eradicate. An idea that is fully formed - fully understood - that sticks; right in there somewhere.

Welcome to Cinemafia
You are Cobb from Inception. You are a vanilla townie.

Active Abilities:
Passive Abilities:

Win Condition: You are town aligned and win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.
I/PM me that you have received the rules and your role and that you understand the rules and your role. If you have any questions hit me up on aim.[/Collapse]

Cobb and Ariadne were originally swapped, but Mal's BPness being reliant on Mafia and letting her win with them seemed overpowered, so I switched them.


You're not a hero David, you're a jumper. You don't save the girl.

Welcome to Cinemafia
You are Griffin from Jumper. You are the town Doctor.

Active Abilities:
Doc power: At night, you may send me the action Jump: Playername and that player will not be killed that night.

Passive Abilities:

Win Condition: You are town aligned and win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

I/PM me that you have received the rules and your role and that you understand the rules and your role. If you have any questions hit me up on aim.[/Collapse]

The "Teleporter" dream. I personally dreamed about being a jumper after seeing the movie, thats why its here.


People need dramatic examples to shake them out of apathy and I can't do that as Bruce Wayne, as a man I'm flesh and blood I can be ignored I can be destroyed but as a symbol, as a symbol I can be incorruptible, I can be everlasting.

Welcome to Cinemafia
You are Batman from… Batman. You are the town watcher.

Active Abilities:
Watching: At night, you may send me the action Watch: Playername and you will be told what other players visit said player.

Passive Abilities:

Win Condition: You are town aligned and win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

I/PM me that you have received the rules and your role and that you understand the rules and your role. If you have any questions hit me up on aim.[/Collapse]

The "Superhero" dream.


If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine.

Welcome to Cinemafia
You are Obi-Wan Kenobi from Star Wars. You are a suicidal townie.

Active Abilities:

Passive Abilities:
Suicidal: If at any point you are one vote away from being lynched, you must vote for yourself in your next post.
Win Condition: You are town aligned and win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

I/PM me that you have received the rules and your role and that you understand the rules and your role. If you have any questions hit me up on aim.[/Collapse]

The "Jedi" dream. This was the second role put into the game to make sure the kicked world mechanic was used.


The perfect blossom is a rare thing. You could spend your life looking for one, and it would not be a wasted life.

Welcome to Cinemafia
You are Katsumoto from The Last Samurai. You are a vanilla townie.

Active Abilities:

Passive Abilities:

Win Condition: You are town aligned and win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

I/PM me that you have received the rules and your role and that you understand the rules and your role. If you have any questions hit me up on aim.[/Collapse]

The "Samurai/Ninja" Dream. Out of all the movies here, this is probably the one I recommend most highly, besides Inception.

[Collapse="Jack Sparrow"]

This is the day you will always remember as the day you almost caught Captain Jack Sparrow!

Welcome to Cinemafia
You are Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean. You are a vanilla townie.

Active Abilities:

Passive Abilities:

Win Condition: You are town aligned and win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

I/PM me that you have received the rules and your role and that you understand the rules and your role. If you have any questions hit me up on aim.[/Collapse]

The "Pirate" Dream.

[Collapse="Harry Potty"]

No. I'm not letting anyone die for me.

Welcome to Cinemafia
You are Harry Potter from… Harry Potter. You are a vanilla townie.

Active Abilities:

Passive Abilities:

Win Condition: You are town aligned and win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

I/PM me that you have received the rules and your role and that you understand the rules and your role. If you have any questions hit me up on aim.[/Collapse]

The "Wizard" dream.


Voilà! In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a by-gone vexation, stands vivified and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin van-guarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition. The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta, held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous. Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose, so let me simply add that it's my very good honor to meet you and you may call me V.

Welcome to Cinemafia
You are V from V for Vendetta. You are a vanilla townie.

Active Abilities:

Passive Abilities:

Win Condition: You are town aligned and win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

I/PM me that you have received the rules and your role and that you understand the rules and your role. If you have any questions hit me up on aim.[/Collapse]

Originally was Leonidas, but I realized that worked great as a safeclaim and that it fit with the dream thing better to me.


If real is what you can feel, smell, taste and see, then 'real' is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain

Welcome to Cinemafia
You are Morpheus from The Matrix. You are a vanilla townie.

Active Abilities:

Passive Abilities:

Win Condition: You are town aligned and win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

I/PM me that you have received the rules and your role and that you understand the rules and your role. If you have any questions hit me up on aim.[/Collapse]

The "Matrix" Dream. Note the quote and how it applies to the game.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Man I wish I could have been in this. I didn't even realize it was Inception when it was put up. Nice game Ronike.


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
That's the point, you were not supposed to realize it was inception mafia. Even in the game, town was not supposed to figure it out until later.

Too bad J pretty much told us what it was at the start of D2


Smash Ace
May 14, 2006
[collapse="Original Day 3 End"]The third day was quite eventful, with accusations flying every which way.

"You seem guilty, we should kill you!"

"Ugh, whatever, I'll just save you the trouble and kill myself then"

"Uh, well... How 'bout you? You seem bad"

"I actually have to kill myself..."

"Damnit, is there anyone here who won't kill themselves?"

5 of you turn to X1 at the last moment.

"Well yeah, I won't be killing myself, but I don't want to go there... Anyone notice pit on-"WHAM.

J suddenly kicks X1 down said pit. X1 won't be surviving such a fall...


Boba Fett (X1-12) Independent Lyncher has fallen.

Get your night actions


[Collapse="Tom Lynch Flavor before randomized"]The day had been eventful. Many arguments floated around and everyone seemed to have different suspects. But everything changed when one of you was randomly struck down by lightning!

Your whole perception of reality changed. Colors. Gravity. The whole deal. One of you thought everything was just a dream. A dream someone else was using to control you all. To plant an idea. To accomplish Inception. Most agreed. Even the universe seemed to agree, with little clues planted everywhere. But eventually you had to move on.

One of you had said nearly nothing the entire time.

"Hey, you've been quiet. Are you paying attention?"

No response.

"Hello? Can you even hear me?"

No response.

"How can you not tell I'm speaking to you? Are you blind too?"

No response.

The universe dropped some things on his head.

No response.

"Guy who says nothing is scum?"

No response.

"We're not actually gonna kill him for that, are we?"

"Hell yeah we are!" One of you shouts before shooting him in the face.

"Hey, what the **** man?!"[/Collapse]

And yeah, that's everything.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
I mean I thought I played well but if it seems people disagree with me playing well enough then to deserve an MVP, do I really deserve one?

I tried my best but even then it came up short by me losing at the final day of the game. What I don't agree though is someone saying I played not well near the end because people have admitted that the ONLY reason I was lynched was by process of elimination and not for scummy behaviour.

I'll just do better the next time I'm mafia and get that dice some other day.

I could say for a while why I personally think I deserve MVP but if I have to say why then my actions didn't show it well enough to warrant recognition. =P


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Uh, you fooled even me half the time. I protected YOU instead of Kuz xD (I just think he is dangerous)

The Leonidas claim was great. I was having a hard time thinking if it would be right for you to transform into VT.

You won us a game for Rusty, and you still didn't get dice for that. : D

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
You won us a game for Rusty, and you still didn't get dice for that. : D
That is another matter cuz there I didn't play exmplatory either and was out-shined by someone else. It's really fine Ranmaru, I wanna win an MVP but it'll come in due time. :laugh: I've been here 8 months so maybe I'll get one soon.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Whoa, whoa whoa. Who outshined you there? I don't think it was Ryker. I don't think anyone outshined you there.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 1, 2010
Philadelphia, PA
Can I vote for MVP even though I wasn't in the game?

Imma do it anyways since I watched the whole game unfold ;p

Vote: J

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Whoa, whoa whoa. Who outshined you there? I don't think it was Ryker. I don't think anyone outshined you there.
He played really really good and deserved the win more then I did though I don't think they are gonna do an MVP for that game though who knows, the mods haven't posted anything in there.

Can I vote for MVP even though I wasn't in the game?

Imma do it anyways since I watched the whole game unfold ;p

Vote: J
Oh July lol you don't have to =p

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Just read the game. If you give a MVP for that game it should be kuz. Nobody else is a contender, no offense @ J.


#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
I think X1 brings up a very valid point.

Thing is, J's strategy to kill X1 off like that wasn't smart at all. I mean, I know J lost only because of process of elimination, but the thing is, by killing X1 off so early, J put was the one to put himself in the situation where he would lose because of process of elimination. So J doesn't really have anyone to blame but himself.

The play though was really good. Absolutely nothing scummy came out of J at all until the very end. Plus J did a great job setting up WIFOM (wtf scum voting themselves, lol J would never have the guts to do that! :awesome:). Also, although I think it was more me WIFOMing myself that got Rockin lynched, J still definitly did a good job providing the ingredients for that to happen.

Hmm J, what do you honestly think about this? I mean I know that you only lost because of process of elimination, but it could be argued that you put yourself in that situation, no? Thoughts?

Btw, @EVERYONE: Next time you see me WIFOMing myself like that, just say to me these words: "Occam's razor." That generally will probably snap me back to my senses.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Just read the game. If you give a MVP for that game it should be kuz. Nobody else is a contender, no offense @ J.

Saw him make a case, didn't read, thought he was scum, and he died. ;-;


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
J played well towards the end, that is undenyable, but ultimately, J's actions led to him to getting confirmed as scum in LYLO. For MVP we should be looking at the persons play as a whole. Imagine someone wakes up in the morning, shoots themself in the foot then gets out of bed and limps to the bathroom, yeah them getting there is impressive, but in the grand scheme of things all they achieved was walking to the bathroom
I agree completely.

J played well, especially when he was about to be lynched and self voted, but his actions from D1 and the Tan modkill meant he HAD to mechanically clear himself and be completely above suspicion.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Swords, are you wanting my thoughts on how I think I played all game? o.o

Also to those of you saying something incredibly funny, "J played a really good game and didn't get called scummy for any reason whatsoever but it's because HE HAD TO." What does this even mean? I played my hardest and all honest so what I did in this game was "to be expected"?

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
That really doesn't make much sense at all from my perspective considering I am the one who did the move.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Forced isn't the word I'd use, I played the way I did cuz that's the way I wanted to play :laugh:

I guess it's the wording of it is tripping me up is all.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Swords, are you wanting my thoughts on how I think I played all game? o.o

Also to those of you saying something incredibly funny, "J played a really good game and didn't get called scummy for any reason whatsoever but it's because HE HAD TO." What does this even mean? I played my hardest and all honest so what I did in this game was "to be expected"?
You shouldn't have bussed D1 unless you could avoid being mechanically outed as scum. Although you stayed alive you didn't control the game. You were along for the ride. Scum's goal isn't to say alive for as long as possible - it is to make sure at least one of their members can survive or avoid LyLo.

What could you have done after bussing X1 AND Tan getting modkilled?

Gambit. You HAD to gambit. As it was you played a 'townie' game, but it was a game that would never see you win LyLo. In the end what did those town points bussing X1 actually give you? Nothing. Because you had to be scum. So you had to have bussed X1.

I don't know how scummy X1 was, 'nor when Tan got modkilled. But if you bussed him after she died, you played poorly. If you'd started the bus before she died, you were in a tricky position - but you have to be able to get of these situations.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
I talked to you on aim about all this and it was a lovely conversation. It actually made me change my mind on it since I want an MVP where not just a couple of people recognize that I deserve MVP but EVERYONE finally realizes I deserve MVP. Swiss made a good point in saying I played well no question but I had no chance of winning as scum. I was playing too much like a townie.

Therefore: No MVP

To be brutally honest, no one deserves MVP.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
My point was that J played a game looking townie, and kudos for that where 90% of players would have crumbled, but he (imo) didn't play the game as a scum needed to. There was no real chance of winning in LyLo.

He made a GREAT standalone play by self voting when Swords was on him (seriously good play) for the AtEWIFOM save, though.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Great job riding to the last day, J.

Sorry I screwed up the game for our faction.
Girl, I'm against hitting a lady, especially incredibly good looking ones who have BRAINS as well but saying you are the one who screwed up the game for our faction makes me wanna bonk you on the head.

<3 I loved being on your scum-team and honestly I messed up, not you.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
You shouldn't have bussed D1 unless you could avoid being mechanically outed as scum. Although you stayed alive you didn't control the game. You were along for the ride. Scum's goal isn't to say alive for as long as possible - it is to make sure at least one of their members can survive or avoid LyLo.

What could you have done after bussing X1 AND Tan getting modkilled?

Gambit. You HAD to gambit. As it was you played a 'townie' game, but it was a game that would never see you win LyLo. In the end what did those town points bussing X1 actually give you? Nothing. Because you had to be scum. So you had to have bussed X1.

I don't know how scummy X1 was, 'nor when Tan got modkilled. But if you bussed him after she died, you played poorly. If you'd started the bus before she died, you were in a tricky position - but you have to be able to get of these situations.
At least he tried. It's good that people experiment. His tactic worked, on most of the town, and half on me because I was still having a hard time deciding between him and others. This was a challenge to me, read wise.

J did well. He still put the effort in as a townie, he just had that "rain cloud" lingering over him.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
I suppose after I mentioned it you just had to bring up all those votes you got..

The fact is MVP goes to the player who aided their faction most, that was not you. Your play was very good in most parts, but your actions ultimately resulted in scum losing because what you ended up getting yourself caught in a position where you were the only person not confirmed as scum. If anyone who voted you disagrees then feel free to debate it with me here or in Inception thread, but since I basically posted that same thing over there, no-ones been able to disagree or argue with it
I can argue with you till the sun goes down about it however if I do myself it just seems petty, however X1, why are you the only one who thinks this besides Swiss/Gheb? You are a lone man fighting a desperate fight just so I don't win MVP correct? You are actively trying to show I'm not deserving of MVP.

X1-12, TELL me how I could have played better and don't bring up "keeping you alive" as an excuse. The bolded part is a straight up lie because I outplayed everyone, why else did I make it as far as I did?

So X1-12, are you saying it's my fault Vocal tracked everyone but me because he thought I was so town to not be tracked? Are you saying it's my fault town actually lynched the Town Watcher with the circumstance? I can go on for a while and if you wanna continue to shut me down I will fight you on this.
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