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King Boo for Smash Switch! Does he stand a ghost of a chance?


Ivy WAS Saurly missed
Jun 19, 2013
Pacific Northwest
Switch FC
King Boo
Master of Mischief
Rogue Royal of Rascality
Sultan of Shenanigans
...You get the jist

An odd choice, you might say!

...Well you're not exactly wrong. But when I was putting together what I called my "realistic roster" in the Smash 5 Fan-Made Thread I wasn't exactly sure who to add for the Super Mario series. I lumped Birdo in as a Yoshi character and decided on two characters to join Mario's ranks- Captain Toad and King Boo. As there is already a Captain Toad thread, I figured I'd add the other one myself.

How did I come to this conclusion? It's more a process of elimination kind of deal, actually. Looking through recurring Mario characters, we're getting a little bottom-of-the-barrel. While Paper Mario would be my ideal, I kind of doubt that it happens. Whereas King Boo is popular within Nintendo themselves, having made a few playable appearances in Mario Kart as well as showing up in a few mainline games, but most notably Luigi's Mansion. Luigi encapsulates his own series basically only via his Final Smash and his home stage, his moves otherwise are not indicative of the series in any way shape or form... However, the primary antagonist from that series can assist.

A floaty attacker who likes to take their time, be a little stealthy and even reference other Boos? No issues here for me.

Here's what I'm picturing for special attacks-

Neutral B - Smack (A la Lady Bow of Paper Mario 64 fame). Imagine this attack as working similarly to how Bow's looks in PM64- Hold the B button to charge up the smack for additional hits and damage. If you push back on the control stick several times while holding it, you can get some additional damage out of it! The last hit in the attack is the one that launches (Think ending Roy's Double-Edge Dance with the down command, several hits before launching).

Up B - Rise from the Grave. King Boo spin-rises in the air while briefly disappearing, almost like Wario's Up B. Though he goes a little further up and rather than having a hitbox, he becomes invulnerable for the duration. Beware over utilization of this though- King Boo is a slow faller!

Side B - Spook. King Boo shouts and sticks his tongue out, briefly stunning foes right in front of him, perfect for setting up combos. Think Mewtwo's down B.

Down B - Chandrian Flame. King Boo spits a circle of blue fire around himself that will take a hit for him before disappearing or damage a foe who walks into it. Think Megaman's leaves doing more damage but can't be thrown.

Final Smash - Paranormal Dimension. Foes in King Boo's immediate vicinity are sucked into a Paranormal Portal from Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon. A small cutscene plays out in the dimension, with the foes being attacked and damaged by ghosts, and then launched once the cutscene ends.

Home Stage- The obvious choice is for him to share the Luigi's Mansion stage, but I've had some other ideas on this subject as well...

So what do you think?
Do you support? I think he could be a lot of fun!

Aussie the Shinobi
Jonathan Hooker
Some Beedrill
Just a random scrub
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Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
I support. I've always had a soft spot for that ball of spectral mischief.

But why does that pun in the title seem so familiar?


Smash Lord
Jun 7, 2014
Your guess is as good as mine
Sure, I'll support the spook. We don't have a ghostly character yet, and he'd have a rather ethereal moveset filled with tricks. I'd like to see him use the crown for a few attacks like Peach's Fair, the boo circle could be a good Dsmash, and he could have all sorts of references to the multitude of boos all over the Mario spin-offs.


Smash Champion
Aug 9, 2016
Somewhere Else
Switch FC
Support. He's always been a favorite of mine and if it weren't for Daisy and Waluigi, he'd be be my top choice for another Mario character. And nothing against his more common design, but I wish they'd use his Luigi's Mansion look more often.
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Smash Obsessed
Jun 29, 2012
i dont fancy his chances but i guess hed be pretty fun to play as so i guess i support


Ivy WAS Saurly missed
Jun 19, 2013
Pacific Northwest
Switch FC
Support. He's always been a favorite of mine and if it weren't for Daisy and Waluigi, he'd be be my top choice for another Mario character. And nothing against his more common design, but I wish they'd use his Luigi's Mansion look more often.
His Luigi's Mansion look could be a pretty cool alternate skin. He's looked different in many ways


Smash Lord
Apr 13, 2010
If Pac-Man were to return, in my headcanons King Boo would pose a problem...Pac-Man has an unmitigated fear of ghosts.


Rising YouTuber
Writing Team
Feb 8, 2014
King Boo is a character I think people underestimate in his chance.

Especially as the main antagonist as the most iconic player 2. He probably has more reason to be playable then Waluigi and Daisy

Depressed Gengar

Hana Is Best Girl
Aug 13, 2013
The Johto Region
Even though I'm a phan-tom of the big king, I can't say I support him.

... Sorry, I'll leave now.

(Real talk though, like I said, I don't support him really but I sure as hell am not against the idea, so I think I'll stick around this thread anyways.)



Smash Journeyman
Mar 9, 2018
I think he’s (one of) the dark horse(s) of the competition. Everyone expects Waluigi/Daisy or Captain Toad but you never know.

Sir Ridley XII

Smash Cadet
Aug 3, 2014
Could be an interesting choice if Luigi gets his own sub-franchise in Smash, like how Kamek could be a potential Yoshi newcomer.

I like this King Boo design:

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Rising YouTuber
Writing Team
Feb 8, 2014
Yeah, I hope his Mansion designs are the basis for his design in future games, it makes him stand out more than Boo with crown.

I can still enjoy him though when it is his generic design though

Jonathan Hooker

Smash Rookie
Feb 11, 2018
Perhaps the golden crown would be the default skin for 4 of the colors, and the Mansion Purple crown would be for the other 4 colors.

Sir Ridley XII

Smash Cadet
Aug 3, 2014
Indeed, King Boo has had several design renditions over the years, his Super Mario Sunshine counter-part could also be a skin in the game.



Smash Hero
Mar 24, 2014
Miami, NYC
Switch FC
SW 3124 9647 8311
Since Brawl, I have wanted Boo to replace Jigglypuff.

They would easily function in tandem, moveset wise.

Lick instead of punch, shy intangible hide instead of sing,
and best of all, instead of rollout, a charged Boo attack, where he dances in place and then launches at the opponent.


Smash Cadet
Feb 21, 2018
Perhaps the golden crown would be the default skin for 4 of the colors, and the Mansion Purple crown would be for the other 4 colors.
Ayy. you have the same prof pic as me. I think he is a worthy candidate and you could switch the costumes from his more casual appearance, (our prof pics) his dark moon appearance, and maybe 1 for his sunshine one.


Smash Cadet
Feb 21, 2018
NOTE BEFORE I START: I was inspired by a fan-made moveset I found on YouTube. This is the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWLaVeshxH8&t=608s. Here is my ideal moveset:

NEUTRAL B:Fruit toss. King boo would throw a random fruit in front of him, each doing a varied amount of damage. The hot pepper would do ~30 damage but would very rare. All of these fruits would be from the boss fight with him in Super Mario Sunshine.

SIDE B: Stat squeeze. Yeah, the name sounds weird, but here me out. His side B attack would be a command grab. He sticks out his tongue and wraps it around his opponent. You get 3 "Squeezes" With the tongue, and each takes a certain stat boost from the opposing player. Pressing attack would give you a power/attack stat boost, and the opponent gets a stat downgrade in attack. Same thing with: Special - Speed, and Shield - Defense. Each squeeze does a little bit of damage and gives KB a small heal.

UP B: Balloon Boo. This move is a reference to a (very forgettable) kind of boo in New Super Mario Bros DS, called a balloon boo. These enemies go all Kirby on you and inhale air into their mouths. Then, they use that air to "Deflate" As they move towards you quickly. KB will do the same for a recovery. The inhaling may also catch opponents and he will be able to spit them back out. That would be useful for aggressive edge-guarders.

DOWN B: Crown Charge. King Boo will grow a red gem from his crown and will begin to charge it with lightning. This takes around 5 seconds of charging, but it can be stored for later. Once charged, pressing Down B again will activate it. King boo now has the huge gem on his crown that he had in Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon that he used to destroy the dark moon with for 14 seconds. Any small projectiles of players near him will automatically be zapped and have received a small amount of damage while being stunned. Pressing Down B AGAIN in this form will strike a HUGE bolt of lightning at the opponent. This strikes relatively near the opponent but automatically cuts 3 seconds off of his time with it.

F-tilt: Pulls out a tennis racket and swings it forward. This reflects small projectiles (Such as Mario's fireball, low-charged charge shots, and link's arrow etc.) Does decent damage and knockback, and sweet-spots at the middle, increasing the damage, knockback, and being able to reflect bigger projectiles.

Up tilt: King Boo's crown pops off his head and does a little twirl. It does little knockback and damage, so it is easy to chain (similar to Mario's)

D-tilt: King Boo makes a carpet appear in front of him, and pulls it out from under anyone unlucky enough to be standing on it. This will trip opponents and do a tiny amount of damage. (This is a reference to Dark Moon where one of the bosses are possesed suits of knight armor that you have to lure onto a carpet and pull out from under them.)

Nair: King Boo makes boo buddies in a ring around him for a split second.

U-air: King Boo swings a chain chomp in an arch upwards.

D-air: King Boo forcefully shoves his hand downwards, making a small energy ball below it. If hit with only the energy ball and not the hand, this move spikes.

F-air: Just like peach. KB takes off his crown and swings it in front of him.

B-air: A boo pops out if King Boo's back side, making a scary face. Any player on the ground that it near the boo will be stunned. The effect lasts based on how much % they have, and how close they were to the boo. Any other hit just does good damage and knockback.

F-Smash: King Boo pushes out his hand, spawning a bomb boo. This was an enemy from Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2 that a lot of people seemed to forget about. Except MayroSMM. You will get the joke if you watch his channel.

Up-Smash: King Boo jumps up and does a twirl. This is a reference to a trick he did in Mario Kart Wii when going off of a ramp.

Down-Smash: King Boo summons 2 "Floor Boos" (I can't be bothered to look up what they are actually called) and they slide across the floor on his both sides.

Jab: Punch, punch, 7 hit tongue whip (similar to Bowser jr's d-tilt) and taking off the crown and doing a motion similar to his F-air to finish.

Dash attack: King Boo rolls on the ground. This is a reference to the {SPOILER WARNING AHEAD} final boos of Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon, where in the defense phase, Luigi must run through a hallway full of obstacles while King Boo rolls to the right and chases him.

Shield: King Boo covers his eyes like he does when you look at boos in Mario games.

Spotdodge/Roll: King Boo goes invisible for these.

Crouch: Similar to Kirby's crouch, can dodge tons of moves.

Grabs/Throws: For a grab animation, King Boo pulls out a painting and attempts to trap opponents in it. Once trapped, his pummel is "Haunting" it, (this makes a purple shadow-like particle similar to Ganondorf's hits) Throws will be king boo letting trapped ones fly out of them, and doing great knockback.

Taunts: Backflip, Raspy voice, Scary face, dance, summoning boo... etc. I bet you could combine these to make your own taunts if you wanted to. Now that I say that, feel free to post your taunt ideas by replying to this thread!

King Boo rises up to the stage, summoning boos and having them flying around the stage. Then, the giant ruby grows from his crown, charges, and begins to aid KB in striking the battlefield with red bolts of lighting! Finally, King Boo takes a poultergust, spawns the dark moon, and sucks whatever unlucky players into it, and plop them and trap them in the moon. King Boo then strikes the moon with this lightning crown, sending trapped opponents flying.

Welp, that's my dream. Hopefully he gets added. Sorry if this was long to read.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 8, 2018
Honestly, I think there are quite enough characters from the Mario universe. The only new Mario character I wish to see in Smash is Geno. King Boo is a little too niche, too much a deep cut.


Smash Ace
Oct 3, 2013
Lorraine, France
You can count me as a supporter. I love ghosts to no end and have always had a soft spot for King Boo (I mean just look at my signature). Besides he can get a very interesting moveset, being a ghost.
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Smash Lord
Apr 14, 2018
One word: Yes!
if he makes it in, Nintendo can shut up and take my money.
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Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.
Honestly, I think there are quite enough characters from the Mario universe. The only new Mario character I wish to see in Smash is Geno. King Boo is a little too niche, too much a deep cut.
Calls King Boo, the next biggest Mario villain after Bowser and Jr, a niche Mario character, supports Geno, a one time character from a RPG before half the boards members were born.


I mean support who you want, but that'd be like a Captain Toad supporter discounting Bandana Dee because 'he's just a species with a unique hat'.

Anyway; I think one reason King Boo doesn't get huge attention (aside from being a Mario character) is his properties.

Lots of people are struggling with a concept as simple as Captain Toad being able to jump, so the idea of a character that canonically isn't affected by gravity and is an incorporeal being incapable of being physically injured is probably mind blowing.

In all honesty my main concern is how he'd feel true to his character when knocked off the stage...he's a ghost and weightless so falling shouldn't be an issue at all. Any ideas?
Apr 7, 2017
I wasn't all that crazy about the idea at first, but now, looking at it, I actually started to really like the idea of King Boo. So you can add me to the supporters list, I guess. I mean, I'd still want Waluigi before KB, but he would be cool to see too.


Smash Cadet
Feb 5, 2018
I would really like to see King Boo in Smash Bros and here are a few ways the specter can make it in. Smash needs more villains. King Boo could also have probably the most original move set by creating illusions and having a disjointed tounge attack. If their was any character in the game right now that would fit his play style (of a glass canon with a large hit box) it would be Mewtwo. King Boo could have an amazing recovery game with the ability to fly temporarily (think brawl Pit or Duck Hunt) or even teleport (again like Mewtwo). Also King Boo has been around since the game cube and has been pretty current with the last appearance in 2015 (Mario Party 10) and with the port of Luigi’s mansion coming out later this year. Also the final smash would probably be summoning a giant bowser to fight for him or him breaking the dark moon summoning a hoard of anger ghosts (maybe like Olimar’s final smash). I see him having great specials (like sommoning lightning or for his side special going through the stage for a second) but having a short grab range. Honestly King Boo doesn’t have the greatest odds but I hope he comes in to Smash Bros.


Smash Journeyman
May 2, 2018
I've only played Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon. Never played the original. I'm planning on getting the remake for my 3DS. I definitely support this!


Smash Journeyman
Nov 11, 2016
I would honestly love King Boo in Smash. I think he could be very interesting


Smash Cadet
Feb 5, 2018
Definitely add me to the support list! I'm actually in the middle of making a King Boo moveset as we speak! I'll have it done within the next few days, but it will look something like this.
You thinking of adding the spirit balls from Luigi’s Mansion Dark Moon?
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Smash Journeyman
Dec 18, 2015
Although he is extremely unlikely, I would really want him to be in. He is one of my favourite Mario characters, I always play him in Mario Kart and I think he would be a really cool addition to the Smash Bros Roster. If not as a character, then I would also be happy if they included them as a boss.


Smash Ace
Jun 7, 2017
Oh my gosh I can’t believe I haven’t found this before! King Boo is by far one of my pipe dream characters, so much so I made a move set for him a while ago, hope u guys like it!

King Boo Moveset

The ghastliest ghoul the Mushroom Kingdom has ever seen, King Boo has come to Smash to fright his foes! King Boo harnesses the power of his loyal Boo minions to startle his opponents, as well as temporary invisibility, shape shifting, ghostly magic, and more!

Given that King Boo is a ghost, his weight is INCREDIBLY light. Overall, his weight is one of the lightest in the entire game, being slightly lighter than that of Mewtwo's. To make up for this featherweight status, however, King Boo is very quick on feet (well, at least where his feet would be). King Boo's speed falls within the top ten speeds of the game, having speed comparable to Captain Falcon's. King Boo also hits really hard in all of his attacks, making for an interesting mix of a lightweight fighter with heavy attacks. Surprisingly, King Boo can also perform a sort of crawl. Using the Boo species' ability to sink into solid surfaces, King Boo can sink to the ground and move around, having only his top half exposed. This allows King Boo to literally slide under oncoming attacks that would normally hit him.


Neutral Special: Boo Summon- This attack will have King Boo summon one of three different Boo types to attack the opponent, with each having a different attack pattern and different effects.

-Boo- The most common type to appear, the generic Boo will target the nearest foe and chase after them. The Boo will pursuit the opponent until one of two things happens. If the Boo does make it to the enemy, they will attack them and dea, a decent amount of damage. However, the generic Boo will disappear after 10 seconds have passed. This is made more difficult by the fact that, like in the Mario games, Boos will stop their track of movement if looked at. This makes strategic placement of both the minion Boo and King Boo vital.

-Circle of Boos- Appearing slightly less often than the regular Boo, this variant is, like the name would imply, a large circle consisting of 6 Boos in total. Unlike the normal version, the circle's movement can't be stopped by being looked at, meaning they can't be stopped once summoned. However, they don't track the opponent either, meaning they can be avoided some what easily. Their damage output is higher as well, and if opponents somehow find them self in the middle of their rotation, all the Boos will strike at once, dealing massive damage.

-Big Boo- The rarest type to appear. This Boo, as the name would imply, is a much bigger variant of the first type. It works the same way for the most part, with some minor differences. For one, the Big Boo deals FAR more damage than its smaller counterpart, dealing upwards of 25% if it hits. To counter its enormous damage, though, the Big Boo is by a landslide the slowest Boo variant. This allows opponents to easily avoid it with careful planning or staring it down for its 10 second timer. The Big Boo is also the only type that ignores shields.

King Boo is allowed to have three Boos total on screen at once, and this attack has direct correlation to his down Special. This makes it very important to space yourself properly in order to harness the Boo's special abilities.

Side Special: Ghost Surge- This special functions similarly to Greninja's down Special in that the move is a counter. When using the move, King Boo's color will become incredibly dark and shadowy for a brief moment. If he is hit while in this state, King Boo will counter with a surge of ghostly energy and power drive through the opponent. The move does more damage the stronger the enemy's move is, making it a solid kill move at opportune times.

Up Special: Platform Boo-st- Dozens of the pink Boos from Super Mario Sunshine appear beneath King Boo before launching him upward in the air. Afterward, three of the pink Boos will rise up and form platforms for King Boo to jump off of. The platforms will permanently stay unless King Boo jumps off of them, in which they will automatically disappear and stop others from using them.

Down Special: Permeate- This Special thrives with the use of the neutral Special accurately. Above King Boo's character icon on the HUD is a three-stage gauge known as the Ghost Meter. Essentially, the more Boos the King can hit opponents with, the more the gauge will fill up. Once King Boo has hit at least the first level on the meter, he can use this attack to enter a state of invisibility, the duration of which (as well as the number of Boos needed) are as follows;

-Green- In order to reach the first level on the meter, King Boo has to hit opponents with a total of 3 Boos. Using the attack on this stage will only yield 3 seconds total of invisibility.

-Red- Hitting others with a total of 5 Boos will activate this stage on the meter. Activating the Special while the meter is red will grant King Boo 7 seconds of invisibility.

-Purple- The maximum the Ghost Meter can reach, King Boo must hit foes with a total of 7 Boos. This stage will grant the King a total of a whopping 15 seconds of invisibility.

While invisible, King Boo enters the shadowy state from his side Special. This allows King Boo to still be seen and he can hit the opponent, but the opponent cannot hit him. Using the move will also reset the Ghost Meter, although King Boo can immediately begin refilling it right after using it up. This makes hitting and setting up Boo placements vital in order for King Boo to strike the opponent when they least expect it.


Jab: King Boo rapidly smacks the enemy with his large, bulbous tongue.

F-Tilt: King Boo swipes the foe with an upward swing of his tongue.

U-Tilt: King Boo spins upward in the air a ways. The attack is most powerful at the crown.

D-Tilt: The King spins his tongue on the ground in a circle, dealing damage.

Dash Attack: The King spins directly into the opponent, the sweet spot of the attack being the crown.


F-Smash: King Boo covers his eyes and shakes in place while the attack is charging. Afterward, King Boo releases dark energy in the form of a giant, dark manifestation of a Boo that charges through opponents, dealing major damage. The attack deals even more damage if the opponent is directly facing King Boo while he's charging it.

U-Smash: King Boo covers his eyes and shakes in place while charging, then releases a giant, dark Boo that flies a large distance upwards. The attack is powerful, but will deal even more damage if the opponent happens to be directly above or below King Boo while he is charging the attack.

D-Smash: The King covers his eyes and spins around in place whilst shaking as the move charges. Two enormous shadowy Boos then fly downwards from the sky into the ground, causing some massive damage. The damage will only be amplified if the opponent happens to be facing King Boo as he releases the attack.


N-Air: A large circle of Boos appears to encircle the King, acting as a sort of shield of sorts. The Boos disappear as soon as the move is over and have no bearing on the Ghost Meter in any way.

F-Air: King Boo juts his massive tongue out once again to surprise those in his line of fire.

U-Air: King Boo does a short flip in midair, with the most damage coming from his crown compare to other areas of his being.

D-Air: The King does a quick spin while upside-down. The crown has a meteor Smash effect, making spacing very important.

B-Air: The King quickly wags his 'tail' on his backside. The attack has a minuscule hitbox, but if it lands, it will deal EXTREMELY massive damage. Probably the King's most powerful move overall.

Grab/Pummel: Similar to Pacman's grab, King Boo sends out a large beam from his crown that will pull opponents in. For the Pummel, the King repeatedly bashes the opponent with his crown before releasing them.

Throws: For Forward throw, King Boo sharply bashes into enemy to send them away. Back throw has the King toss foes behind him, begin to act scared, then turns around and scares them away. Up throw sees the King throw opponents upwards with the beam from his crown. Down throw has King Boo briefly swallow the opponent whole, chew them up, and spit them back off the ground, dealing some impressive damage.

Final Smash: Boolossus' Return- King Boo will summon a large, dark painting that will appear in the middle of the stage, sucking fighters in. Any that are trapped by the painting will then be greeted by King Boo who will undergo a borderline demonic sequence in which he turns upside down and everything becomes dark. Behind him appears the otherworldly large Boolossus, who then rushes forward into the trapped opponents. Along with Boolossus are countless other Boos of various shapes and sizes, all of which relentlessly stampede the stuck characters as they are helpless to fight back. All the while, King Boo sits back and watches. He gives a grimace and a devilish laugh until the onslaught is over.

Taunts: Up Taunt consists of King Boo take off his crown for the only time and tip it in a 'Gentleman' gesture. Side Taunt has King Boo burp up a Bonefish enemy with a nauseated expression. Down Taunt has him sink into the ground, like in his crawl, and hop out and back into the ground several times in a row as if jumping between puddles.

Alts: King Boo only has color swaps to choose from. All of his colors are based on different colored Boos from the Mario series, with the iconic white as the default. Some examples include a pink Boo from Super Mario Sunshine, a black Boo from Super Mario Galaxy, a light blue Boo from Super Mario World, and several others.

Stage: Evershade Valley- The main setting from Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon. A transformation stage that periodically shifts between the 5 main mansions from the game. Each mansion has a completely different layout, with different hazards in each as well.

Boxing Ring title: "Ghastliest Ghoul with a Jewel"
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