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LGBT Smashers

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Smash Apprentice
Oct 25, 2007
Oh geez... There's another guy I kinda like now. <3 His name is Jeff. He's so cute. Lately, I've been wanting to be able to hug guys more and more... Although I've always really wanted to. I just really wish there was someone I could hug and cuddle with... It's so nice. :3


Smash Cadet
Dec 27, 2007
inside a bubble (UK)
hey yukichu you do that same thing i do after a post :3
and ye i was gonna get round to posting in this thread, im bisexual and i haven't told anyone. ive been on these boards for about 4 years now but only recently made an account but still dont post much coz anything you say gets flamed. not sure what else to say. :3


Smash Journeyman
Oct 30, 2007
Long Beach, California
Oh cool. KingReMo and all you others. Long time no see. Hope you remember me. How's everyone been? I know this is called the "Gay Smashers" forum, but I feel that bisexual people come here also since we can connect easier with people who know what its like to not be exactly heterosexual in this planet we live on. Live on proud people!! And yeah, I really do need to find a love interest one of these days. Anyone got dating advice for me? My friends say I don't pursue hard enough, but I'm still shy when it comes to dating, whether its a girl or a guy. I have the "straightdar" and "gaydar" thing down I think, so yeah, how do I go up to someone and say the right things that lead up to a date? As a mature teenager, but nonetheless, a teenager, it be nice to hear from others. I'll check up on this thread later on. Thanks for the replies, if you people put some up. As long as I do fall in love with someone, I'm content with existing. So yeah, continue on people. No shame of being who you are. :D

Also, anyone want to brawl with me? Send a private message to me here or on my myspace account. Peace out fellow humans!! 1461-5967-7288

*PS: Congrats. When I got here, this thread was limited to a few selected bold individuals, but now, its packing. Awesome! It's amazing what you find on Smash World Forums after a 4 months hiatus.


Smash Cadet
Mar 16, 2008
Dahlonega, GA
Oh cool. KingReMo and all you others. Long time no see. Hope you remember me. How's everyone been? I know this is called the "Gay Smashers" forum, but I feel that bisexual people come here also since we can connect easier with people who know what its like to not be exactly heterosexual in this planet we live on. Live on proud people!! And yeah, I really do need to find a love interest one of these days. Anyone got dating advice for me? My friends say I don't pursue hard enough, but I'm still shy when it comes to dating, whether its a girl or a guy. I have the "straightdar" and "gaydar" thing down I think, so yeah, how do I go up to someone and say the right things that lead up to a date? As a mature teenager, but nonetheless, a teenager, it be nice to hear from others. I'll check up on this thread later on. Thanks for the replies, if you people put some up. As long as I do fall in love with someone, I'm content with existing. So yeah, continue on people. No shame of being who you are. :D

Also, anyone want to brawl with me? Send a private message to me here or on my myspace account. Peace out fellow humans!! 1461-5967-7288

*PS: Congrats. When I got here, this thread was limited to a few selected bold individuals, but now, its packing. Awesome! It's amazing what you find on Smash World Forums after a 4 months hiatus.
Dating advice eh? Well I am not a bisexual, so I can only give you the gay side of things. There are two things I have in mind you can do. First, if you haven't come out yet, do so to all your friends. I wouldn't go up and announce it, just answer truthfully when asked about your orientation, sense it seems to come up in 99% of conversations anyway. Once they know, word will spread and once the initial news is old it will just be a known fact among most of the people you interact with. If you said that your gaydar isn't well developed, then let them come to you. Secondly, myspace and facebook. You will be surprised how many people you can find there. I met my boyfriend on myspace and we have been happily dating for three months. He lives about an hour away but the drive is soooooo worth it! XD

No matter what you do, I recommend taking things slow. Start with coffee or lunch, get to know the person. There are a lot of psychos out there, believe me I know! Just don't loose faith that someone is out there for you. I wish you the best.


Tiny Dancer
Mar 21, 2008
Myspace is your best bet, but I wouldn't risk it because the website sucks so hard it could give you a seizure.

Other good ideas are MMORPGs like Maple Story and Guild Wars.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 2, 2007
Toronto, ON
I just really wish there was someone I could hug and cuddle with... It's so nice. :3
I hear ya' loud and clear. I've been getting so disgustingly depressed about it lately, I actually started watching Big Brother (terrible, terrible show) because I liked the one (gay) guy on it. Now he got himself voted off... I guess I should be happy though: don't have to sit through the rest of that dang show.

Oh cool. KingReMo and all you others. Long time no see. Hope you remember me. How's everyone been?
Hey hey hey. Nice to see you.

There are two things I have in mind you can do. First, if you haven't come out yet, do so to all your friends. I wouldn't go up and announce it, just answer truthfully when asked about your orientation, sense it seems to come up in 99% of conversations anyway.
Gah... I wish someone would bring it up... I've been waiting months. I'm on the verge of sticking a rainbow pin in my pocket or something, and then being all coy about pulling it out when I grab my wallet. Knowing my luck, everyone would just ignore it <.<;.

Secondly, myspace and facebook.
*shudders* Really, do I have to?

Other good ideas are MMORPGs like Maple Story and Guild Wars.
Really, Guild Wars? How does one go about finding gay guys in there? Look for the closest Mesmer wearing purple (yeah... that's me)?

Also, got a new hair cut (no more stupid emo hair) so I took a photo. Trying to look smexy and failing miserably: clicky.


Smash Ace
Dec 15, 2007
I too wish to hug and cuddle somebody... ;_;

Hey welcome back lumberheartwood! =3

I too wish somebody would ask... I used to get that question ALL THE TIME... now I never seem to get that question anymore, not even from strangers. >.<

Myspace? Really? Are you sure you're not just lucky? ^^; All the gays I see on there are... freaky... as in the pictures they put up and the info they share and the stuff they say... not to be mean but I didn't know being gay meant you had to be 100% open about your sexuality 24/7 without having any barriers about what you're talking about while being like 30 years old posting only pictures of your bare chest or underwear! >.< ... Oh wait... that's most of the myspace community anyway... gay or not. O.o;
( I'm not saying myspace sucks completely though... I mean I do have one afterall. =P )

And blink777 that picture is VERY nice... though for some reason your hair reminds me of Lucas. X3 Not at all an insult though... I like Lucas' hair... and it may just be the camera angle or my eyes. O.o;


Smash Journeyman
Oct 2, 2007
Toronto, ON
And blink777 that picture is VERY nice... though for some reason your hair reminds me of Lucas. X3 Not at all an insult though... I like Lucas' hair... and it may just be the camera angle or my eyes. O.o;
lmao, I just noticed that. Sadly though, that's just the camera angle and the bad lighting that isn't hitting the top of my head. I guess you could say it's actually closer to a faux-hawk as opposed to Lucas's hair (though I'm mildly tempted to try his hair style for fun, now that you've brought it up).

EDIT: Hahahaha! I have one more post than you, Momo :p.


Smash Ace
Dec 15, 2007
lmao, I just noticed that. Sadly though, that's just the camera angle and the bad lighting that isn't hitting the top of my head. I guess you could say it's actually closer to a faux-hawk as opposed to Lucas's hair (though I'm mildly tempted to try his hair style for fun, now that you've brought it up).

EDIT: Hahahaha! I have one more post than you, Momo :p.
Ohhhhhh... well... would it be too much to ask for another picture then? =P

Heeheehee!! >=3 Looks like we're neck and neck with our post counts... I think most of my posts are in this topic though... well either that or the Peach section.


Smash Cadet
Mar 16, 2008
Dahlonega, GA
Actually when people DONT ask you about your orientation, it means they already know or think they know. I used to get asked all the time, but once I told a few the rest stopped asking. Also I updated my facebook and myspace, so it became kinda obvious.


Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2007
LOL to those on myspace/facebook haven't decided yet.

Yes I did that (show my sexuality in public view) before I told people I was gay.
I dunno if it did much TBH but i gotta say I'm not into the net scene as much as I used to 3 years ago.
I still meet people in various ways but mostly not by sitting on a computer all night trying to flirt up a random who happens to be a friend of a friend of a friend. And so on.

I'm all for a chat on msn and IRL (even if it comes to a date or not, depends how hot you trot in my books!)
Most people prefer facebook option but the weird thing is - the 'openess' of it all. Don't you feel a bit intimidated in getting to know someone in full view of your friends/family on facebook? LOL. Dates should be a private thing unless you wish to let your sister/brother/most of your friends, know you have a bf or a potential partner.

I keep wondering if it's okay to make a separate facebook account as a 'date link' site but what if your friends/family find out about it?
It's a small world y'know?

Sydney is one of the world biggest gay-centric cities. Ironically, as of late, its not very friendly towards gays in general. (gotta give thanks to Fred Nile and John Howard for shoving the city up their *****)


Smash Ace
Dec 15, 2007
Welcome to the thread! =3

Maybe I should put it up on myspace before I tell people... UGH! Whatever, I won't waste time thinking about it! >.< I'll just decide whenever I edit my profile...

When I do start dating ( Yes! I said "when" and not "if" for once! X3 ) I don't want to keep it a secret... privacy is one thing but to keep a boyfriend or potential partner a secret is pretty rude to that person, and I'd hate to upset him like that if I care for him. D=

And it IS a small world... I wouldn't risk it if I wanted to keep it a secret... but then again somebody I know could just come to this board and see this topic and find me out since I used the same username I use elsewhere even though there's more than one "Momo" on the web. ^^; (keep in mind I wasn't really planning on 'coming out' when I joined... as you can probably see from my first posts in this topic. =P )

That IS pretty ironic. ^^; So I'm guessing you live in or visited Sydney? =. Meh if you don't wanna tell I don't mind. ^^;


Smash Apprentice
Mar 15, 2008
Well I guess I should post here too. Haven't really had a problem with being gay or anything, people really can't tell, or when I do them they just don't care. Meh, I'd rather not be defined by a single feature anyway. I just find it funny that I have never gotten one of these --> @_@ yet. I kinda want to, though.


Smash Lord
Sep 5, 2007
New England
*sighs* well, my parents finally kno that im bi...

also WTH was wrong with this site? the web page didnt show at my school for two days...and it had always worked before!!! O_________________________o


Smash Ace
Dec 15, 2007
Welcome diabetic_yoshi! ^^ I too would rather not be defined by a single trait. =.

Welcome to you too PrettyGoodYear! ^.^ If you don't mind me asking, what do you mean by "kinda"? =3

And your parents finally know MKS? =O So you told them or they found out some other way? O.o


Abbey Recorder
Nov 22, 2001
sneaking low to the ground, ready to pounce
Ugh. I'm so nervous right now that I feel unwell. I'll be fine though.

You see, My mother and two other members of my family are visiting town this week since my graduation ceremony is Friday. So, the day after tommorow They will coming to meet my roommates. I'm still in the closet to two of those family members so I'll pretty much be introducing my boyfriend to them as just a roommate. I'm very nervous that something will slip or something... I don't know, I just know that right now my nerves are acting up. Hopefully I can chill out and play it cool over the next week. They'll be leaving town Monday.

Anyways. things have been bleh for me lately... I found myself falling into a rut. Being a bit antisocial and such. I apologize to everyone for my absence of onlineyness... I just haven't felt up to it...

I think it may be because at the end of this month I have to go back to GA... where my online access will be limited. I don't know, but I guess I'm just being weird.... Being online with a good connection only serves to reminde me that I'll only be able to get on sometimes at home... and with dial up. X_X

I will be forced to stay in GA until August at the earliest, but I'll be gettin an MRI done and if I need back surgery I'll be staying for a year... I'm really not looking forward to being sepperated from my boyfriend for so long should it come to that... But lately he and I have been having some problems...

Well, without going into details and at the same time, to be more precise... I've been having some problems... I just get the feeling he isn't sexually attracted to me at all... Bleh... I know that sexual attraction isnt' the most important part of a relationship, but it does feel nice sometimes to be... desired... It's complicated and depressing. I don't really know how I'm supposed to deal with it as whenever I bring it up his response is "Of course I am". And, honestly, who would tell there boyfriend anything different? I guess it may be some self esteem issues too, but lately I've had a much harder time trusting in his words when he assures me otherwise.



Smash Journeyman
Feb 18, 2005
Bourbonnais IL||I consider myself competent. AIM:
I started coming out to close friends in person without updating facebook or myspace until recently. Because really, it's not a big part of me. I only come out to people if it becomes relevant in any communication. I am out on faceboook, but not myspace since it's a terrible site, though facebook is getting as bad.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 15, 2007
Well newsflash,

My mother(who is homophobic) is like suspicious about me being gay cause I hang out with most of them. Just the other day my friend(who knows my mom like the back of her hand) dropped me off and had her boyfriend(who is trans:Female2Male) in the front seat. He met my mom. Later when they left she said to me "Was that a girl?" and like freaked out. She didn't know my friend was Bi. and now she's suspecting me for being gay sort of. She said "I hope you're not like that" -_- This is why I'm never telling my parents I'm gay.

Oh thanks to my other gay friend, who is a guy, he pretty much outed me even more at this party we were at. He told everybody that I looked at dirty stuff on Liz's computer. Boy dirty stuff XD. And everyone was like O_O! Roberto! Yeah it was embarrassing.


Smash Lord
Jul 1, 2007
Panama, Panama, Central America...
Welcome diabetic_yoshi! ^^ I too would rather not be defined by a single trait. =.

Welcome to you too PrettyGoodYear! ^.^ If you don't mind me asking, what do you mean by "kinda"? =3

And your parents finally know MKS? =O So you told them or they found out some other way? O.o
I've been here before :D

The thing with kinda is that... it's not really a proper relationship. We like each other, but he's so afraid of being outed that he doesn't want me to be his boyfriend or anything.

I like him enough to stick around for a while, but I'll eventually end it, unless he changes his mind... cause I want it all.

Is it wrong to want it all?


Smash Ace
Dec 15, 2007
I've been here before :D

The thing with kinda is that... it's not really a proper relationship. We like each other, but he's so afraid of being outed that he doesn't want me to be his boyfriend or anything.

I like him enough to stick around for a while, but I'll eventually end it, unless he changes his mind... cause I want it all.

Is it wrong to want it all?
Oh... O.o; well... welcome... back! =D *shot*

Heck no! And nobody should expect you to wait god know how long for him to change his mind either. >=O Though I do hope things work out for the two of you... at least there's somebody who likes you. ^^;


Smash Lord
Jul 1, 2007
Panama, Panama, Central America...
Oh... O.o; well... welcome... back! =D *shot*

Heck no! And nobody should expect you to wait god know how long for him to change his mind either. >=O Though I do hope things work out for the two of you... at least there's somebody who likes you. ^^;
Yeah. I'm very "Well, we'll see how we go, but I don't think we'll last long" right now. He's still awesome though. *sigh*


Smash Ace
Dec 15, 2007
I wish I could give you some advice but... unfortunately for me you're way ahead of me on this whole relationship thing. ^^;

Ugh. I'm so nervous right now that I feel unwell. I'll be fine though.

You see, My mother and two other members of my family are visiting town this week since my graduation ceremony is Friday. So, the day after tommorow They will coming to meet my roommates. I'm still in the closet to two of those family members so I'll pretty much be introducing my boyfriend to them as just a roommate. I'm very nervous that something will slip or something... I don't know, I just know that right now my nerves are acting up. Hopefully I can chill out and play it cool over the next week. They'll be leaving town Monday.

Anyways. things have been bleh for me lately... I found myself falling into a rut. Being a bit antisocial and such. I apologize to everyone for my absence of onlineyness... I just haven't felt up to it...

I think it may be because at the end of this month I have to go back to GA... where my online access will be limited. I don't know, but I guess I'm just being weird.... Being online with a good connection only serves to reminde me that I'll only be able to get on sometimes at home... and with dial up. X_X

I will be forced to stay in GA until August at the earliest, but I'll be gettin an MRI done and if I need back surgery I'll be staying for a year... I'm really not looking forward to being sepperated from my boyfriend for so long should it come to that... But lately he and I have been having some problems...

Well, without going into details and at the same time, to be more precise... I've been having some problems... I just get the feeling he isn't sexually attracted to me at all... Bleh... I know that sexual attraction isnt' the most important part of a relationship, but it does feel nice sometimes to be... desired... It's complicated and depressing. I don't really know how I'm supposed to deal with it as whenever I bring it up his response is "Of course I am". And, honestly, who would tell there boyfriend anything different? I guess it may be some self esteem issues too, but lately I've had a much harder time trusting in his words when he assures me otherwise.

Bleh indeed... it doesn't sound like things are going too peachy for you at the moment... though I guess you didn't really need me to confirm it. ^^; I hope things get better for you and that you don't slip up when your folks come to visit you and that it's just all in your mind and your bf DOES find you attractive... I mean I imagine that would hurt. <=.

Well newsflash,

My mother(who is homophobic) is like suspicious about me being gay cause I hang out with most of them. Just the other day my friend(who knows my mom like the back of her hand) dropped me off and had her boyfriend(who is trans:Female2Male) in the front seat. He met my mom. Later when they left she said to me "Was that a girl?" and like freaked out. She didn't know my friend was Bi. and now she's suspecting me for being gay sort of. She said "I hope you're not like that" -_- This is why I'm never telling my parents I'm gay.

Oh thanks to my other gay friend, who is a guy, he pretty much outed me even more at this party we were at. He told everybody that I looked at dirty stuff on Liz's computer. Boy dirty stuff XD. And everyone was like O_O! Roberto! Yeah it was embarrassing.
Parents are a pain sometimes... I mean I'm glad that my mom doesn't hate me or beat me for it... but when I tried talking to her about it the whole conversation was a bit off and not as nice as the conversations I had with my sis about it (btw I forgot to mention my sister is Bi. O.o; )... I guess that should have been expected but I can't help but feel just a TAD bit disappointed by it. ^^; My mom never said anything really offensive but... the conversation was... just off, and not just because it was about being gay either because I've had deep converstations with her before. @_@;

Also... that's kinda funny... in a sad way... well... do you really care? ^^; I mean I certainly wouldn't have even thought of lookin at dirty boy stuff at a party where others can see unless I was out of the closet, didn't care if others knew, or ... well actually those are the only two times I'd do that. =P But then again I don't even look at dirty boy stuff now in the privacy of my own home *angel halo*... but that's probably because stuff like porn and hentai make me sick. ^^; Errr... well ummm... at least you don't have to worry about having to tell everybody! ^^; Hehehehe...


Smash Apprentice
Mar 15, 2008
I actually took the time to read everybody's posts the past couple of days and am quite surprised. I didn't expect a forum like this to be the first place for people to come out in. Kudos to those of you who did. I will tell you that it gets easier on down the line. I'm 19 and have been officially out for two years now. I had a few friends that knew before then but they kept my secret. It wasn't until college that I spread my wings and basically let anybody who knew me well enough know. As I said before it gets easier, especially when you surround yourself with good people. Basically, everybody but my parents know, and I'm just waiting for a steady enough boyfriend to do this with. They won't freak out, I bet.

So if I had to give any advice it would be to be less afraid. It got to the point for me once where I almost didn't go to school because I thought I heard them talk about me. Then one day it dawned on me that I didn't really give a rat's *** about them, and probably the same from them about me. Once you gain enough confidence (and this comes easier for some, I know) no one's opinions will matter to you.

Coming out is a slow process but it'll almost become habit. In fact, I was talking to an old high school acquaintance I ran into at the mall when I visited home last week. Now this was one of the popular guys in high school that I was afraid of. At one point I made a comment about a boyfriend I had and then immediately remembered he didn't know I was gay. All he did was smirk. I asked if he knew in high school (he didn't) and he said it was cool. This kind of thing happens to me regularly.

After being out for a couple years I realized that I made a mountain out of a molehill of my personality. And I realize some of you guys might be younger or in a less tolerable area than me. Even in these cases there are still people in your lives that'll like you for who you are. If you're afraid that your friends won't like you after you come out, then you need to get better friends. :)

Again, kudos to all those who posted.

Aeronite's Kiseki

Smash Journeyman
Sep 8, 2007
Portage, Indiana
Oh yea, so true....I just came out on my birthday, because i just had enough about lying to myself that I was driving myself crazy...Turns out everyone supported me, and everyone come to me with love issues, I'm like uhhh....i dont understand why...but i guess i I can help it's a good thing...BTW I'm so totally Bi, but i might as well go gay....It's so weird that our lead quarterback on our football team is bi too, but i've so nervous since he's so popular and i'm a quiet kid usually, but eh...My parents know and they were like if your happy, we're happy...I'm like ok...everyone says that gosh...


Smash Apprentice
Jun 14, 2007
Under the Bed.
Very inspirational....Personally I dont have any witty joke to say because this is a good revelation for you. Well, good luck with that, and maybe I will play Brawl with you one day.

(For the record, Im straight but accept people for who they are.....except Emos....,I STRONGLY dislike Emos...lol)


Smash Apprentice
Mar 15, 2008
(For the record, Im straight but accept people for who they are.....except Emos....,I STRONGLY dislike Emos...lol)
Aww. You're so nice to accept of us, and not them. Makes me feel special. :)

I've noticed the the "emos" around my area just do it as a fashion choice. But I'm sorry, there IS such a thing as unsexy tight pants on a guy. And the music....... yeah.

Since I've been at college there have been no emo kids. Maybe they all realized nobody cared. In all seriousness, it's just a phase many go through, like wearing Birkenstock sandals and pretending you listened to The Cure.

Aeronite's Kiseki

Smash Journeyman
Sep 8, 2007
Portage, Indiana
Aww. You're so nice to accept of us, and not them. Makes me feel special. :)

I've noticed the the "emos" around my area just do it as a fashion choice. But I'm sorry, there IS such a thing as unsexy tight pants on a guy. And the music....... yeah.

Since I've been at college there have been no emo kids. Maybe they all realized nobody cared. In all seriousness, it's just a phase many go through, like wearing Birkenstock sandals and pretending you listened to The Cure.

That's so true, Emos/Goths confuse me so much, and i dont find em attractive at all especially if u knew them before they turned into em.....ugh.....even though some of the ones that clean up after that phase actually look pretty fine by me


Smash Master
Jun 18, 2003
Since I've been at college there have been no emo kids. Maybe they all realized nobody cared.
Yeah.. I've realized the stereotypes and such just kind of vanished on the transition from high school to college. I'm glad - I'm sick of seeing people being something they're not.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 15, 2008
I would laugh if someone decided to make a thread about emo/goth kids and NOT have it turn into a whole hatefest. Remember, most of us had the same sorts of feelings that they did, we just listened to better music. :)

Enough about emos, I don't why this page turned into a topic about them...... Oh yeah. Sorry 'bout that guys.


Abbey Recorder
Nov 22, 2001
sneaking low to the ground, ready to pounce
Hey everyone! I'm sitting her nervous as my Grad ceremony is today. I am feeling a tiny bit better than last time however. ^_^

I used to have a friend in HS who was really cool. He started acting quite Emo around the 10th grade though. =/ Very sterotypical too. Music, Razor blades, trench coats. Unfortunately, I spoke to his brother a couple of years ago and apparently he did something that landed him in Prsion. =/ So I can't really say my friend matured out of the emo stage... I haven't heard from him since I graduated High School...

I amStill nervous. My family has been here a while and so far so good. What happened though is recently something happened that really broke me down and made me spill everything that I was building up to my bf. Of course, I don't think it's going to help, but I still feel better having told him about it.... again. [This isn't the first time I've felt like this.]

It was really something little that made me crack though... He'd promised to buy me this neat shirt online that was only 5 dollars as he was getting himself some shirts at the time. And well... he changed his mind and didn't both telling me... =/ It hurt my feelings but frankly... I have a hard time trusting him to keep his word. It's like on V-day he promised to cook dinner... and didn't... He's also promised to make me something special to eat before I leave to go to GA... But he hasn't even called his mother to ask her for the recipe yet...

Bleh... I don't understand why he can't keep his promises to me... I just feel... like I'm not important enough to him that a promise means anything.


Aeronite's Kiseki

Smash Journeyman
Sep 8, 2007
Portage, Indiana
Hey everyone! I'm sitting her nervous as my Grad ceremony is today. I am feeling a tiny bit better than last time however. ^_^

I used to have a friend in HS who was really cool. He started acting quite Emo around the 10th grade though. =/ Very sterotypical too. Music, Razor blades, trench coats. Unfortunately, I spoke to his brother a couple of years ago and apparently he did something that landed him in Prsion. =/ So I can't really say my friend matured out of the emo stage... I haven't heard from him since I graduated High School...

I amStill nervous. My family has been here a while and so far so good. What happened though is recently something happened that really broke me down and made me spill everything that I was building up to my bf. Of course, I don't think it's going to help, but I still feel better having told him about it.... again. [This isn't the first time I've felt like this.]

It was really something little that made me crack though... He'd promised to buy me this neat shirt online that was only 5 dollars as he was getting himself some shirts at the time. And well... he changed his mind and didn't both telling me... =/ It hurt my feelings but frankly... I have a hard time trusting him to keep his word. It's like on V-day he promised to cook dinner... and didn't... He's also promised to make me something special to eat before I leave to go to GA... But he hasn't even called his mother to ask her for the recipe yet...

Bleh... I don't understand why he can't keep his promises to me... I just feel... like I'm not important enough to him that a promise means anything.


That does sound neglectful DF.....I mean i like attention, and since the girl i dated always thought I was made of money....That's why girls to me are sometimes bad for you. But, a guy saying that he'll do things but never do em'?...I dont wanna say it but thats kinda mean, if you catch my drift
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