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Mastering Mewtwo's Movement.

2 C H i L L E D

Eternal Hitstun
Aug 2, 2013
Birmingham, AL
Well since 3.0 has dropped I've been sitting in training mode trying to better and more familiarize myself with Mewtwo's movement options. Mewtwo can play a spacing game with his tail being half the length of FD. But mastering his "different" movement would be critical in producing a offensive Mewtwo meta in addition to his spacing game. The main idea of this post is just to share movement options between each other and provide insight as to which movement options are best in certain MU's or situations. Thus, creating a movement guide for the PM Mewtwo community and ultimately producing a better meta for our Psychic Fiend. If its one thing that any good character has in Project M that would be movement. When viewing this thread remember this is sort of like a rough draft of an essay and my smash peers will help me edit and revise it to perfection. I'll start off by posting what I've been experimenting with and the obvious.

The Old

Dash Dancing:

How's it done? This is easiest movement choice. A dash dance can be done by dashing in one direction and then dashing in the other direction. Repeat the process, you are dash dancing. Simple.

To be honest. Mewtwo's dash dance sucks. Just keepin' it 100. It has its times of usage but honestly you could be using a better movement option than dash dancing pretty much 100% of the time. Which is why instead of just dash dancing you should incorporate your better movement options into your dash dance. When used alongside his greater mobility options the dash dance then becomes more threatening.


How's it done? A wavedash can be performed by pressing the jump button then airdodging into the ground before leaving ground. Creating a sliding effect.

Mewtwo's wavedash is easily one of the best in the game and can cover alot of space quickly. Wavedashing with Mewtwo really benefits his tech chase game and overall play as it does with most characters. When reading an opponent you can easily close the distance between yourself by wavedashing and using Mewtwo's great tilt range to continue to pressure opponents. Wavedashing can easily put you in range for a grab as well, and after a grab Mewtwo can really go to work. Using your wavedash is also essential for Mewtwo's spacing game. Using it positions you nicely where you can abuse the range of your tilts.


How's it done? By inputting a QCB (Quarter Circle Back) Mewtwo will appear to dash forward but his momentum will shift in the other direction, in a sliding manner. This is a moonwalk, it can also be performed by just circling the analog stick, but I don't recommend inputting it that way. QCB is most effective.

Moonwalking with Mewtwo is actually useful. While dashing around moonwalks can help keep your Mewtwo's movement fresh and unpredictable. It's a nice mixup during dash dances and works well in conjunction with Hover/Teleport mindgames. Moonwalks go hand in hand with Shadow Ball canceling. You can shift your momentum so easily with Mewtwo when you have mastery of both SBC's and the moonwalk. And after shifting your momentum you're able to hover out of a SBC (and if that isn't enough teleport is still at your disposal. So...many...options.) which can produce some incredibly sick movement and positioning. You actually don't have to start Mewtwo's moonwalk from a walking animation, he can do it straight out of a dash, which is pretty nice. Practice incorporating moonwalks into your play, it's not mandatory but it's important to make use of all the tools given to your character.

Double Jump Cancelling:

How's it done? The double jump cancel or DJC is done by canceling a double jump with an aerial.

Simple as that, its main use is to increase the effective range of your attacks. I like airdoging out of angled DJ producing like a little 'flipping wavedash' effect. I guess you could call in a DJC'd wavedash. You can use this to retreat and approach works just like a regular wavedash but you can vary the length of it much more than the wavedash.

Teledgehog ( or Super Ultimate Ninja Cookies or something like that...):

How's it done? This is a must learn for any Mewtwo. Mewtwo can grab a ledge instantly from onstage by jumping, teleporting and aiming your teleport at the ledge. Or as an alternative you can run offstage and teleport onto the ledge.

It's really that simple and that effective. Most characters have to reverse wavedash to get a ledgehog but with Mewtwo you should not be using that option. If you are trying to ledgehog someone use teleport. It is your best option when it comes to snatching the edge. Not only is this important in defensive play but it's amazing for carrying offensive momentum against offstage opponents. You can pretty much jump out do whatever you want and be able to teleport back to the ledge and repeat the process. This will be better explained in the actual teleport section. Also you can stall indefinitely on the ledge by DJ'ing in a backward/upward direction and using teleport to snap right back on the ledge. You can not be hit out of this if done correctly.This is probably the most effective ledge stall in the game.

The New


The gift bestowed upon Mewtwo by the based PMBR. Hovering in short is A. Mazing. Hovering is definitely a critical part in Mewtwo's developing meta.

What is hover cancelling and how's it done?

Hover canceling is done by starting the initial hover animation and quickly canceling it with an aerial. You don't have input any DI, just Hover > Aerial and it will cancel itself. Hover canceling is faster than SHFFL'ing overall. Your hover cancelled aerials also have less ending lag than a SHFFL'd aerial (If you read below you'll see Shell listing the frame advantages for HC'd aerials on shields). Allowing you to apply greater shield pressure and maintain offensive momentum. I find the easiest way to perform HC'd aerials is with 'L' set to jump while using 'A' or 'C-stick' to input your aerial. However that is a personal preference and you may like another set up more than that one, so just experiment.

Full list of disadvantages (-) or advantages (+) vs shield for Hover Canceled Aerial Attacks...

Nair -2
Fair +4
Bair +3 inside, +2 outside
Uair +2 inside, +4 outside
Dair +2 inside, +5 outside

Overall they're pretty comparable to Peach's but sweetspot Dair is the best in the game at +5.


EDIT: for comparison, here are Peach's values

Nair +4
Fair +4
Bair +4
Uair +4 to +2
Dair -1
Thank you Shell.

Tricks & Tips

-Hover canceling aerials is much faster than SHFFL'ing with Mewtwo.
-You can Hover Oos > HC aerial
-Using nair while hovering and hover canceling it while the opponent is in histun can net you a free grab.
-You can SH > SBC > Hover (Momentum shifting is flashy and useful)
i. Doing this allows you to play a campy shadow ball game with Mewtwo. You can easily SH away from your opponent SBC > Hover away and upwards a bit > Fall and shadow ball. If the opponent begins to close in don't worry, SH > Teleport ( or > Hover > Fall SB) and reset the situation. Now they have to close in again and worry about you teleporting in and attacking them as they attempt another approach. Works well on opponents without projectiles of their own.​

-You can hover out of teleport
-You can peform and aerial while hovering, hover for a bit more, and still have time to teleport to another location.
-You can wavedash by hovering
-You can cancel your hover with a DJ and DJC an aerial for extended range.

Hovering gives Mewtwo the ability to play campy and aggressive. Although hovering is great you should be smart when using it because your aerials don't have that much priority. Hovering and the wrong time can easily get your floating ass smacked. You should be hovering alot during a match. Because if you aren't you are either playing melee mewtwo (who obviously wasn't that good), or teleporting and throwing out random aerials. Which is going to get you read and punished. Hovering should be used to evade bad positioning and create good positioning just as much (if not more) as it's used for hover canceled aerials.

Acting out of Teleport:

This is probably the most essential part of Mewtwo's developing meta, and the greatest Christmas gift that will be given to a Mewtwo main by the PMBR.

How's it done? Easy. Doing anything after teleporting means you have acted out of teleport. It's how you choose to act out of teleport for the situation at hand that's the hard part. Teleport is a staple in Mewtwo's game plan, you should be finding ways to incorporate teleport mixups into your game constantly.

1.) L Canceled Aerials Out of Teleport

The most basic way to act out of teleport is to do an L canceled aerial. This is effective at times but of course if this is abused too much your Mewtwo will be easily read by an opponent. Out of the many options you have simply doing an L canceled aerial will probably be the option you choose the least because as I've said it's quite punishable when predicted. Even though it's predictable, It has it's uses. You can KO off top pretty early if you can shadow claw someone out of teleport near the upper blast zone. Using SHTeleport > Aerial is a very nice tech chasing tool you close distance between you and the opponent instantaneously. Mix it up, teleport doesn't just work horizontally, vertical uses of teleport are also important. Being unpredictable with teleport is key. And never using a vertical teleport in a match let's the opponent know you will only use it horizontally. A little thing I've been experimenting with is Jump > DJ > Teleport back down with aerial. You can also Jump > DJ > Teleport down, land (no landing lag). > Choose any move you want. I like the second option more, if spaced correctly it's pretty hard to punish. The first option really just serves as a movement mix up. You know what moves you're using when playing, if you feel as if you're being repetitive with your teleport mix ups then you should correct that error quickly. L canceled aerials are a nice tool to have but this isn't where acting out of teleport truly shines.​

2.) Special Moves Out of Teleport

You can also use any special move out of teleport as long as it isn't another teleport. Your B moves don't have as much leisure to be used out of teleport as your aerials do (besides shadow ball). But how you move and position Mewtwo can set up certain situations where one of his B moves can aid you better than your other options could. Your side-b & down-b moves are best used out of teleport when you or your opponent have created one of those 'certain' situations and you can appropriately punish with confusion or disable.​

a.) Shadow Ball
Shadow ball isn't the best projectile, but it's certainly not a bad one either. By optimizing your use of teleport with it you can make this projectile alot more annoying to handle than it has to be.​

If you didn't know, confusion goes through shields. Why is this important? I'll tell you. Let's say you've been shadow ball camping, then teleporting in and using an aerial. Okay, your opponent has started to catch on to this habit and in turn continues to shield even after the shadow ball has been blocked and now he punishes you if you teleport in. This is were teleport > confusion shines if the opponent is expecting an aerial and is shielding after you've teleported in, hit side B on em. Can't block that boy. Very nice mixup option to have at your disposal because it allows you to retain offensive momentum. While giving your opponent more to worry about and yet another problem to solve.

You can hover out of a teleport as long as you haven't wasted your jumps. Hovering out of teleport gives Mewtwo alot more options than simply attacking. PRACTICE HOVERING OUT OF TELEPORT. Continuing you can also perform B moves after teleporting. Teleporting along with hovering shadow ball camp can make Mewtwo pretty hard to safely approach as I explained in the Hover section.

Shadow Ball Canceling:

How's it done? While charging a shadow ball press the shield or grab button to cancel the charge. Obviously SBC'ing cannot be used if you have a fully charged shadow ball. Being a "B" move shadow ball is able to be B reversed. There are two ways to SBC.
  1. Short hop ---> B and then quickly tap the analog stick in the opposite direction that Mewtwo is facing in the air. Mewtwo will maintain whatever horizontal momentum he has, turnaround and have a SB charging. From here you can cancel the charge and have multiple options at your disposal. Wavedashing out of it, Hovering out of it, etc... It has it's uses in mindgames and mixups but I consider the second option to be alot more useful than this one.
  2. Short Hop ----> Opposite direction you are facing with the analog ---> B. This completely reverses your momentum in the opposite direction if you performed it correctly. From here you cancel as I just mentioned and have the same options available the only difference is this can bring some incredibly sick movement out of your Mewtwo. Mixing this technique up with Moonwalking is a great example of it.

I haven't played Smash or visited Smashboards in a couple months (be that as it may my M2's movement is still very fluid) but I'll be trying to update this thread with any new information I find from here on out.
Last edited:


Smash Ace
Sep 28, 2013
Middle TN
Skillful usage of Teleport will separate the masters from the scrubs.


Smash Lord
Mar 3, 2013
The Speed Force
I think to compliment the explanations on how to do these tech's you should include a more so in depth explanation of what to do with them, like what tech works well together, and in what situations will they be more or less relevant.

For instance, WD is an excellent movement tool for Mewtwo, and as such it can be used to alter your distance from an attack and counter, IE, Ganon uses Warlock Kick, you can WD backwards right out of it's range, and use disable.

Or, Teleport is a nice tool, but it can land you in some hairy situations if you don't gauge when it's a good time to use it. If your opponent is catching on, try psyching them out by teleporting straight into the ground.

**** like that.

2 C H i L L E D

Eternal Hitstun
Aug 2, 2013
Birmingham, AL
I think to compliment the explanations on how to do these tech's you should include a more so in depth explanation of what to do with them, like what tech works well together, and in what situations will they be more or less relevant.

For instance, WD is an excellent movement tool for Mewtwo, and as such it can be used to alter your distance from an attack and counter, IE, Ganon uses Warlock Kick, you can WD backwards right out of it's range, and use disable.

Or, Teleport is a nice tool, but it can land you in some hairy situations if you don't gauge when it's a good time to use it. If your opponent is catching on, try psyching them out by teleporting straight into the ground.

**** like that.

Yeah I wasn't completely done with the post. I really didn't feel like writing a huge wall of text alone. I thought I'd just post what I have and allow others to go ahead and comment on what they think should be added and explained more.

Youngster Joey

Smash Journeyman
Jul 22, 2012
so when i play the wifi version and i try to wavedash i find it almost impossible. but then i realized input assist is off. should i be turning that on? because once i turn it on everything is fine again. also in the full set im fine with wavedashing too. is input assist supposed to be on for tournament regulation?


Smash Otter
Mar 12, 2008
Paris, France
Probably not.

It's a pretty good thread idea but I hope you're going to structure it more. Right now a simple "how to perform" section for each tech would be the most interesting.

And of course a complete analysis of each tech's specificities, but we'll complete that as time goes on.


Smash Lord
Mar 3, 2013
The Speed Force
Probably not.

It's a pretty good thread idea but I hope you're going to structure it more. Right now a simple "how to perform" section for each tech would be the most interesting.

And of course a complete analysis of each tech's specificities, but we'll complete that as time goes on.
I'm sorry, what are words?

2 C H i L L E D

Eternal Hitstun
Aug 2, 2013
Birmingham, AL
Probably not.

It's a pretty good thread idea but I hope you're going to structure it more. Right now a simple "how to perform" section for each tech would be the most interesting.

And of course a complete analysis of each tech's specificities, but we'll complete that as time goes on.

Yes, I'm going to structure it more. I thought I'd at least start the thread and get community feedback as I go back and add information to the guide. I mentioned that a few posts up btw...

Shadow Huan

Smash Champion
Oct 31, 2008
Springfield, MA
the teleport ledge hog already has a name lol

SUNC: Super Ultra Ninja Cookies


even though it's project m and not melee I see no reason why such an awesome name should be replaced

interesting that even FCed the Nair is negative on shield, the hitstun on it must be absolute garbage lol

and if nothing else I see attacking out of Teleport to be mainly used for tech chasing, a use that will make it absolutely and utterly fantastic... but people always over estimate the safeness of Teleport; it's not all that great.

oh and the teleport ledgestall is definitly easier to do now


Smash Lord
Mar 3, 2013
The Speed Force
the teleport ledge hog already has a name lol

SUNC: Super Ultra Ninja Cookies


even though it's project m and not melee I see no reason why such an awesome name should be replaced

interesting that even FCed the Nair is negative on shield, the hitstun on it must be absolute garbage lol

and if nothing else I see attacking out of Teleport to be mainly used for tech chasing, a use that will make it absolutely and utterly fantastic... but people always over estimate the safeness of Teleport; it's not all that great.

oh and the teleport ledgestall is definitly easier to do now

Teleport can also be used to extend combos and surprise your opponent, though for the surprise factor, more sparingly. Also I love your signature. Every time you post something I'm like "Oh yeah, that guy!"


Smash Lord
Apr 4, 2006
meridian ID
One very nice thing with Mewtwo I've been working on incorporating is rar-to-hover. You can spit out three bairs in a single hover and they're his longest range aerial, so being able to transition from running at your opponent to immediately facing away and being able to hover in any direction while spamming bairs is awesome (towards if a bair hits to follow up with more, away if they go aggressive to outspace them, up/down in wackier scenarios). Also works really well for setting up quick edgeguards.

ALSO, something I suggest to any budding Mewtwo player if their muscle memory doesn't protest too much, is try adding jump to L (you can leave it on whatever else you used, just have it on Ltoo). This lets you easily hover and position with the control stick while using aerials with the c-stick so you can fair in place/fadeaway bair/etc. It also makes HCing aerials easier, as you can just leave your right hand on the c-stick, hold down, and jump-aerial. This lets you spit out hc fairs super fast and easily.

For me, this setup was an easier thing to learn than switching to claw.

Turning off tap jump is also nice to prevent you accidentally blowing your double jump/hover when you teleport.


Smash Otter
Mar 12, 2008
Paris, France
I'm sorry, what are words?
specificity (plural specificities)
  1. The state of being specific rather than general.

specific (comparative more specific, superlative most specific)
  1. explicit or definite

Do they speak english in the inertial infinity ?

Yes, I'm going to structure it more. I thought I'd at least start the thread and get community feedback as I go back and add information to the guide. I mentioned that a few posts up btw...
I know, I've read your posts, I just wanted to say that imo the most important thing right now is that the guide should be accessible.

And it might not look like it from my previous post but this thread is a very good thing and all props go to you for putting the effort to create it.

Neo Zero

Banned via Administration
Jun 24, 2012
Quick question, having not really been a Melee player myself, I'd like to ask for clarification on two of the techniques listed (just how its performened really). How do I perform moon walking and Shadow Ball Cancel? I thought of looking it up in Melee, but considering this isn't actually Melee I thought it best to ask here first.

Also shout outs to the L jump, its so much easier for me with my weak execution to HC consistently with it.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 1, 2010
Quick question, having not really been a Melee player myself, I'd like to ask for clarification on two of the techniques listed (just how its performened really). How do I perform moon walking and Shadow Ball Cancel? I thought of looking it up in Melee, but considering this isn't actually Melee I thought it best to ask here first.

Also shout outs to the L jump, its so much easier for me with my weak execution to HC consistently with it.
Moonwalking involves dashing one direction then doing a QCF back the other way (basically you go back as fast as you can without your stick going through true neutral which gets you a dash dance). It's easier in PM than melee by like a lot.
Shadow ball cancel is just hitting a shoulder button while you charge it.


Smash Lord
Apr 4, 2006
meridian ID
http://smashboards.com/threads/red-shirt-krts-moonwalk-guide.106704/ That should answer any moonwalking questions and more. It's performed identically in PM as it is in Melee. Although I don't know if this guide mentions it since it's falcon-centric, some characters who can't moonwalk by dashing first can do it if they walk first (fox/falco/etc.). This technique lets you moonwalk with almost anyone. Also, once the moonwalk's started, you can loop it by doing the skipping-center-slide again without having to re-dash/walk.

Shadow Ball Cancel is just tapping shield while charging your shadow ball. Mostly brought up because it lets you change directions in midair by jumping one way, charging the ball the other way, tapping R/L/etc. At least that's all I've ever known it to be.


Smash Ace
Aug 25, 2011
and if nothing else I see attacking out of Teleport to be mainly used for tech chasing, a use that will make it absolutely and utterly fantastic... but people always over estimate the safeness of Teleport; it's not all that great.
oh and the teleport ledgestall is definitly easier to do now
Thank you. Being able to attack out of teleport doesn't really change that much. In melee, you could still use teleport to approach with very little lag if you preformed the tech skill right. The reason people didn't do it was because it gets punished hard if the enemy reads it.


Smash Lord
Mar 3, 2013
The Speed Force
specificity (plural specificities)
  1. The state of being specific rather than general.

specific (comparative more specific, superlative most specific)
  1. explicit or definite

Do they speak english in the inertial infinity ?

I know, I've read your posts, I just wanted to say that imo the most important thing right now is that the guide should be accessible.

And it might not look like it from my previous post but this thread is a very good thing and all props go to you for putting the effort to create it.

Dude, I eat books, and pride myself upon my knowledge of words. That's why I was confused as to how I could have never heard of specificity, in all my years of reading and writing. And, I really can't believe it took me this long to figure it out, it's because it's an awful word. The sentences you could/ would use it in are so uncomfortable that all authors/ teachers/ poets I've encountered or read the work of have kindly omitted it from their vocabulary because of it's gross non functionality.

We prefer clear and functionally floral English in the Speed Force.

I definitely agree that the guides priority should be explaining how to execute the tech for players who may not already know.

2 C H i L L E D

Eternal Hitstun
Aug 2, 2013
Birmingham, AL
Thank you. Being able to attack out of teleport doesn't really change that much. In melee, you could still use teleport to approach with very little lag if you preformed the tech skill right. The reason people didn't do it was because it gets punished hard if the enemy reads it.
Not using it correctly then.


Smash Master
Jan 30, 2006
Savannah, Georgia
I sorta want to be greedy when it comes to keeping techniques to me and pull them out in tournaments come january but meh idgaf.

Something VERY important with mewtwo is that if you teleport in a direction, by holding the opposite direction you can face the opposite coming out of it. So if you teleport up and right and mid teleport(once the direction is decided on) you hold left, you come out of it facing left. This is important because bair is one of your best tools in general, and being able to get it out from a huge distance away is the only reason i haven't converted to using the c-stick for B moves.

2 C H i L L E D

Eternal Hitstun
Aug 2, 2013
Birmingham, AL
I sorta want to be greedy when it comes to keeping techniques to me and pull them out in tournaments come january but meh idgaf.

Something VERY important with mewtwo is that if you teleport in a direction, by holding the opposite direction you can face the opposite coming out of it. So if you teleport up and right and mid teleport(once the direction is decided on) you hold left, you come out of it facing left. This is important because bair is one of your best tools in general, and being able to get it out from a huge distance away is the only reason i haven't converted to using the c-stick for B moves.

I was thinking the same thing but ehh....sharing is caring? You're right, I knew about it but I didn't think it was worth mentioning foreal but then again I wasn't thinking bair. I'll add it in .


Smash Lord
Mar 3, 2013
The Speed Force
Hoarding tech is the dumbest ****. I've heard people talk about it before and it actively hurts the characters developing meta for everyone but yourself. Also turning out of teleport was confirmed before the character was released, so no hidden tech here.


Smash Master
Jan 30, 2006
Savannah, Georgia
it's more of a laziness thing because posting **** takes effort lol

but yeah, what's everyone's opinion on setting the c stick to b moves? Makes teleport movement easier, but moving left while facing right with a bair is too good.


Smash Lord
Jun 8, 2003
Ontario, Canada
I sorta want to be greedy when it comes to keeping techniques to me and pull them out in tournaments come january but meh idgaf.

Something VERY important with mewtwo is that if you teleport in a direction, by holding the opposite direction you can face the opposite coming out of it. So if you teleport up and right and mid teleport(once the direction is decided on) you hold left, you come out of it facing left. This is important because bair is one of your best tools in general, and being able to get it out from a huge distance away is the only reason i haven't converted to using the c-stick for B moves.

people arent gonna scout mewtwo forums for new tech to prep for a pm tournament


Smash Lord
Apr 4, 2006
meridian ID
it's more of a laziness thing because posting **** takes effort lol

but yeah, what's everyone's opinion on setting the c stick to b moves? Makes teleport movement easier, but moving left while facing right with a bair is too good.

For me the only reason to c-stick b-moves is so I don't accidentally jump when teleporting, but losing the ability to freely position during a hover with any aerial is not worth it. I just turn off tap jump and add jump to L.

Neo Zero

Banned via Administration
Jun 24, 2012
I see, thank you for the answers, as well as OP for updating the opening post (with pretty colors).


Smash Lord
Mar 3, 2013
The Speed Force
it's more of a laziness thing because posting **** takes effort lol

but yeah, what's everyone's opinion on setting the c stick to b moves? Makes teleport movement easier, but moving left while facing right with a bair is too good.

Not worth losing the C-stick for aerials/ DACUS/ other tech.


Smash Otter
Mar 12, 2008
Paris, France
Most importantly with Bsticking you lose SDI.

That's too big a sacrifice when you can just get faster fingers to control your tp better.

Shadow Huan

Smash Champion
Oct 31, 2008
Springfield, MA
Thank you. Being able to attack out of teleport doesn't really change that much. In melee, you could still use teleport to approach with very little lag if you preformed the tech skill right. The reason people didn't do it was because it gets punished hard if the enemy reads it.
exactly. plus with 8 damned frames of startup Mewtwo can get hit for having the audacity to even try Teleporting in the first place. =\

Not using it correctly then.
Melee Mewtwo or Mewtwo:M? either way my response to this is to play better people, specifically people who know how to play against Mewtwo. you will be surprised how sparingly you will end up using Teleport.


Smash Rookie
Jan 16, 2013
Does anyone have suggestions on how to consistently do a horizontal grounded teleport off a ledge-> edgeguard bair?

I consistently Fair everytime I try to do it


Smash Lord
Mar 3, 2013
The Speed Force
Does anyone have suggestions on how to consistently do a horizontal grounded teleport off a ledge-> edgeguard bair?

I consistently Fair everytime I try to do it

After you hold the direction of the ledge for the teleport, press the stick in the opposite direction and you'll arrive facing away from them.


Smash Master
Jan 30, 2006
Savannah, Georgia
you will be surprised how sparingly you will end up using Teleport.

Quoted for truth. Teleport is good for hard reads and specific follow ups, but otherwise I find just floating around, dash dancing, wavedashing, and throwing out shadow balls are better off in a neutral situation.


Smash Cadet
Dec 19, 2013
So I'm not sure if this is already known or not, but when I was playing with teleport I found that when you are in the air and teleport so that the animation ends just before you hit the ground the endlag seems to be much less and allows you to input a quick move from the ground. Once again I just wanted to know if it was known already or if I am just over complicating something simple.

2 C H i L L E D

Eternal Hitstun
Aug 2, 2013
Birmingham, AL
So I'm not sure if this is already known or not, but when I was playing with teleport I found that when you are in the air and teleport so that the animation ends just before you hit the ground the endlag seems to be much less and allows you to input a quick move from the ground. Once again I just wanted to know if it was known already or if I am just over complicating something simple.

Yeah. In the opening post I have that somewhere in there already. Well I didn't explain it yet, but I will soon. Jump > DJ > Teleport down > Any move you want. You can also angle the double jump to have the same timing upon lading but different spacing or angle the double jump to have different timing upon landing and different spacing. Even more than that you can alter how soon you jump out of your first jump and change the spacing on it even more by DJ'ing later. It's really versatile. I landed a perfectly spaced Fsmash this way the other day on someone. Felt pretty good. I've been experimenting more with it and I really like its capabilities, when I get better with it I'll add more on it to the guide (or if someone else does).

2 C H i L L E D

Eternal Hitstun
Aug 2, 2013
Birmingham, AL
exactly. plus with 8 damned frames of startup Mewtwo can get hit for having the audacity to even try Teleporting in the first place. =\

Melee Mewtwo or Mewtwo:M? either way my response to this is to play better people, specifically people who know how to play against Mewtwo. you will be surprised how sparingly you will end up using Teleport.

My response to you is to experiment more. If the only way you see teleport being useful is in a tech chase situation you are hindering your play. I play pretty good players on DBDI who attend tourneys regularly. Attacking out of teleport I agree with you on it's not all that useful. It's the supreme positioning that you receive from teleport that makes it such a powerful tool. Positioning is alot more important than tech chasing is, also if I'm using teleport I plan on being lagless afterwards and spacing it well to make it extremely hard for the opponent to punish me and easy as hell for me to punish them.

Oh and where exactly are you using teleport to be getting hit out of 8 frames of startup if it's not a projectile? Sorry, but that's just poor usage of the move. -__-

2 C H i L L E D

Eternal Hitstun
Aug 2, 2013
Birmingham, AL
Have you never punished a fox for shining?

Yes I have, but how can you even remotely compare shine to teleport....that makes no sense. Do you really expect a Mewtwo to teleport as much as a Fox shines? I'm not saying it's nonpunishable, but it's not as punishable as you would think when it's used correctly. Melee Mewtwo's tend to believe it's extremely unsafe when that's not the case, if you're applying some thought while you're using the move. Teleport isn't a straight-forward move, to get the most from it you have to be pretty crafty with it. To each his own, if teleporting doesn't fit your play or you find yourself getting punished too often while using it then hey, don't use it. I'm sure when the meta develops you'll change your mind though.
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