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Important Melee, Hacks, and You -- New Hackers Start Here, in the OP!


Smash Journeyman
Jan 28, 2015
Good stuff tata. You should check out this spreadsheet I started a while back:


The mythical "next version of Crazy Hand" that I've been slowly working on for the past million years is going to read all of its values from this sheet, in this format. Right now it has all of the values that are present in CH v1.31. You've been finding tons of amazing values and if you could put them in here, that would be incredible. Unfortunately I don't know when the next CH build will actually be available... real life is hectic.
Peach Offsets[tatatat0]:
0x3A70: 3DCCCCCD: Unknown(Side-b)
0x3A74: 3CCCCCCD: Unknown(Side-b)
0x3A78: 3F333333: Vertical Momentum?(Side-b)
0x3A7C: 3FA00000: Vertical Velocity?(Side-b)
0x3AD0: 40000000: Unknown(Neutral-b)
0x3AD4: 3B23D70A: Unknown(Neutral-b)
0x3AD8: 3F333333: Vertical Momentum(Neutral-b)
0x3ADC: 3CCCCCCD: Gravity(Neutral-b)
0x3AE0: 3F333333: Unknown(Neutral-b)
0x3AE4: 40A00000: Freeze Frames?(Neutral-b)
0x3AE8: 00000003: Toad hurtbox y offset?(int)(Neutral-b)
0x3AEC: 00000000: Unknown(int)(Neutral-b)
0x3AF0: 3F800000: Toad huox y offset?(Neutral-b)
0x3AF4: 40600000: Toad hurtbox x offset(Neutral-b)
0x3AF8: 40C00000: Toad hurtbox size(Neutral-b)
Okay. Got it.


Smash Rookie
Oct 25, 2016
1) I tried making a custom css, but when I tried to re-add the edited .png files to the MnSlChr.usd, all the images were horribly wrong. The basic image is there, but the colors are all wrong, and it looks like it was ran through seventeen vhs filters. Is there some special .png compression I need to use before re-adding them to the .usd?

2) Is there some source that details what each .dsp file in each .ssm file is in game? For example, ganon00.dsp is ganondorf's jump sound (it probably isn't, that's just an example.)

I'm working on a pretty expansive mod for melee, and these are the last two puzzle pieces I need to complete it.
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Smash Journeyman
Jan 28, 2015
Hey DRGN DRGN You still never ended up giving me a working code to resize files.
Your code was
global datDataHeader, datData, rtData, after
def extendDataSpace( offset, diff):
    """ This function will expand the data area at the given offset, starting at the first argument. The second argument is the amount to increase by.
        All pointers occurring after the sum of the two arguments will be recalculated. """

    def replaceHex(hexData, offset, newHex): # Input takes a string, int, and string, respectively.
            offset *= 2; # Doubled to count by nibbles rather than bytes, since the data is just a string.
            codeEndPoint = offset + len(newHex);
            return hexData[:int(offset)] + newHex + hexData[int(codeEndPoint):]
    if (datDataHeader != '')and (datData != '') and (rtData != '') and (after !=''):
        #After is the data right after the rtData
        # Update the file header with the new file size and start of the relocation table.
        filesize = int(datDataHeader[:8], 16)
        newFilesize = filesize + diff
        rtStart = int(datDataHeader[8:16], 16) # Size of the data block
        newRtStart = rtStart + diff
        datDataHeader = replaceHex(datDataHeader, 0, "{0:0{1}X}".format(newFilesize, 8) + "{0:0{1}X}".format(newRtStart, 8))

        # For each entry in the relocation table, update the address it points to, and the value of the pointer there, if they point to locations beyond the extended space.
        entriesUpdated = 0
        pointersUpdated = 0
        for nib in range(0, len(rtData), 8):
            rtEntryNum = (nib/8)
            rtEntryAddress = rtStart + (rtEntryNum * 4)
            rtEntryString = rtData[nib:nib+8]
            rtEntryValue = int(rtEntryString, 16) # i.e. the pointer address
            pointerString = datData[rtEntryValue * 2:(rtEntryValue + 4) * 2] # Multipled by 2 because this is per character/nibble, not per byte.
            pointerValue = int(pointerString, 16)

            # If the pointer appears after the change, update its address in the relocation table accordingly.
            if rtEntryValue >= offset:
                newRtEntryValue = rtEntryValue + diff
                datData = replaceHex(datData, rtEntryAddress, "{0:0{1}X}".format(newRtEntryValue, 8))
                #print ("rtEntryAddress: " + str(rtEntryAddress))
                #print ("Old data: ", rtEntryValue)
                #print ("New Data: ", "{0:0{1}X}".format(newRtEntryValue, 8))
                entriesUpdated += 1
            else: #doesn't just ignore unused stuff
                datData = replaceHex(datData, rtEntryAddress, "{0:0{1}X}".format(rtEntryValue, 8))

            # If the place that the pointer points to is after the space change, update its value accordingly.
            if pointerValue >= offset:
                newPointerValue = pointerValue + diff
                datData = replaceHex(datData, rtEntryValue, "{0:0{1}X}".format(newPointerValue, 8))
                pointersUpdated += 1

        # Fill the newly extended space with zeros. (Values doubled to count by nibbles rather than bytes, since the data is just a string.)
        datData = datData[0:offset * 2] + '0'.zfill(diff*2) + datData[offset * 2:]
        datfile = open("bowsertestinsert.dat", "w+")
        datfile.write(datDataHeader + datData + after)
define the globals please.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 28, 2015
Kirby Offsets[tatatat0]:
0x4F5C: 41800000: Aerial Side-b Landing Lag(Up-B)
0x4F60: 3F666666: Vertical Velocity(Up-B)
0x4F64: 41F00000: Horizontal Velocity Unless zero(Up-B) (If zero, only left facing up-b's have no horizontal velocity???)
0x4FA0: 00000000: Stone goes to into special fall on exit(Int)(Down-B)
0x4FA4: 00000028: Unknown(Int)(Down-B)
0x5084: 3E000000: angle deadzone?(Neutral-B)(Falcon Hat)
0x5088: 3F200000: Joystick y pos to angle(Neutral-B)(Falcon Hat)
0x508C: 41F00000: Angle Negative H Velocity(Neutral-B)(Falcon Hat)
0x5090: 3FF9999A: Horizontal Velocity(Neutral-B)(Falcon Hat)
0x5094: 3F6B851F: Horizontal Velocity??(Neutral-B)(Falcon Hat)
0x5098: 3E000000: Unknown(Neutral-B)(Falcon Hat)
Some kirby offsets I decided to find.


Aug 20, 2005
Sacramento, CA
Hey DRGN DRGN You still never ended up giving me a working code to resize files.
Your code was
global datDataHeader, datData, rtData, after
def extendDataSpace( offset, diff):
    """ This function will expand the data area at the given offset, starting at the first argument. The second argument is the amount to increase by.
        All pointers occurring after the sum of the two arguments will be recalculated. """

    def replaceHex(hexData, offset, newHex): # Input takes a string, int, and string, respectively.
            offset *= 2; # Doubled to count by nibbles rather than bytes, since the data is just a string.
            codeEndPoint = offset + len(newHex);
            return hexData[:int(offset)] + newHex + hexData[int(codeEndPoint):]
    if (datDataHeader != '')and (datData != '') and (rtData != '') and (after !=''):
        #After is the data right after the rtData
        # Update the file header with the new file size and start of the relocation table.
        filesize = int(datDataHeader[:8], 16)
        newFilesize = filesize + diff
        rtStart = int(datDataHeader[8:16], 16) # Size of the data block
        newRtStart = rtStart + diff
        datDataHeader = replaceHex(datDataHeader, 0, "{0:0{1}X}".format(newFilesize, 8) + "{0:0{1}X}".format(newRtStart, 8))

        # For each entry in the relocation table, update the address it points to, and the value of the pointer there, if they point to locations beyond the extended space.
        entriesUpdated = 0
        pointersUpdated = 0
        for nib in range(0, len(rtData), 8):
            rtEntryNum = (nib/8)
            rtEntryAddress = rtStart + (rtEntryNum * 4)
            rtEntryString = rtData[nib:nib+8]
            rtEntryValue = int(rtEntryString, 16) # i.e. the pointer address
            pointerString = datData[rtEntryValue * 2:(rtEntryValue + 4) * 2] # Multipled by 2 because this is per character/nibble, not per byte.
            pointerValue = int(pointerString, 16)

            # If the pointer appears after the change, update its address in the relocation table accordingly.
            if rtEntryValue >= offset:
                newRtEntryValue = rtEntryValue + diff
                datData = replaceHex(datData, rtEntryAddress, "{0:0{1}X}".format(newRtEntryValue, 8))
                #print ("rtEntryAddress: " + str(rtEntryAddress))
                #print ("Old data: ", rtEntryValue)
                #print ("New Data: ", "{0:0{1}X}".format(newRtEntryValue, 8))
                entriesUpdated += 1
            else: #doesn't just ignore unused stuff
                datData = replaceHex(datData, rtEntryAddress, "{0:0{1}X}".format(rtEntryValue, 8))

            # If the place that the pointer points to is after the space change, update its value accordingly.
            if pointerValue >= offset:
                newPointerValue = pointerValue + diff
                datData = replaceHex(datData, rtEntryValue, "{0:0{1}X}".format(newPointerValue, 8))
                pointersUpdated += 1

        # Fill the newly extended space with zeros. (Values doubled to count by nibbles rather than bytes, since the data is just a string.)
        datData = datData[0:offset * 2] + '0'.zfill(diff*2) + datData[offset * 2:]
        datfile = open("bowsertestinsert.dat", "w+")
        datfile.write(datDataHeader + datData + after)
define the globals please.
Hey. Sorry for the slow reply.

datDataHeader is the dat's header (the first 0x20 bytes)
datData is everything else
rtData is the relocation table (lmk if you need specifics to get this)
I don't know what "after" is; that must be something you added. Looks like there are some other extra bits in there as well.

Depending on what file you're working on, and where, you may also need to iterate over the root table and update the pointers there too. I haven't needed to in the examples I've done, but that might be why this didn't work for you before. Code should be added for that either way to really finish this though. The code here might be able to help with that if you want to add that yourself. Or you could update them manually since sometimes there aren't a whole lot of them. Otherwise, I may look at it tomorrow or Friday.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 28, 2015
Brute forcing notes from PlCo.dat. Found two things of interest. A format, and the IMPORTANT? offset.
0xCEE0-D11F:00010203 04051213 14151617 18191A1B 1C1D1E20 21FF2223 FFFFFFFF FF242526 2728292A 2B2C2D2E 2F303132 33FFFF06 0708090A FF0B0C0D 0E0FFF34 35000000 00010203 04052F30 31323335 36373839 FFFF0607 08090A0B 0C0D0E0F 101112FF 13141617 1D1E1F20 21222324 25262728 292A2B2C 3B3C0000 0000CEC0 0000CF00 0000003D 00010203 04060708 090AFF0B 0C0D0E0F FFFFFFFF FF101112 13141516 1718191A 1B1C1D1E FF2021FF 2223FFFF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FF242526 2728292A 2B2C2D2E 2F30FF31 3233FF34 35000000 00010203 04FF0506 0708090B 0C0D0E0F 15161718 191A1B1C 1D1E1F20 212223FF 25262829 35363738 393A3B3C 3D3E3F40 41434445 47480000 0000CF44 0000CF90 00000049 00010203 04FF0607 08090AFF 0B0C0D0E 0FFF1011 FF121314 15161718 191A1B1C 1D1EFF20 21FF2223 FFFF24FF 25262728 292A2B2C 2D2E2F30 FF313233 FF343500 00010203 04FF0607 08090A0C 0D0E0F10 12131516 1718191A 1B1C1D1E 1F2021FF 23242627 2A2C2D2E 2F303132 33343536 37393A3B 3D3E0000 0000CFD4 0000D014 0000003F 00010203 04060708 090AFFFF FFFFFF0B 0C0D0E0F FFFFFFFF FF101112 13141516 1718191A 1B1C1D1E 2021FF22 23FFFFFF FF242526 2728292A 2B2C2D2E 2F303132 33FFFFFF FFFFFFFF FF343500 00010203 04FF0506 0708090F 10111213 191A1B1C 1D1E1F20 21222324 252627FF 28292B2C 31323334 35363738 393A3B3C 3D3E3F40 494A0000 0000D058 0000D0A4 0000004B 00010203 0405FFFF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF
On start of match crashes: 0xCEE0-D01F: 00010203 04051213 14151617 18191A1B 1C1D1E20 21FF2223 FFFFFFFF FF242526 2728292A 2B2C2D2E 2F303132 33FFFF06 0708090A FF0B0C0D 0E0FFF34 35000000 00010203 04052F30 31323335 36373839 FFFF0607 08090A0B 0C0D0E0F 101112FF 13141617 1D1E1F20 21222324 25262728 292A2B2C 3B3C0000 0000CEC0 0000CF00 0000003D 00010203 04060708 090AFF0B 0C0D0E0F FFFFFFFF FF101112 13141516 1718191A 1B1C1D1E FF2021FF 2223FFFF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FF242526 2728292A 2B2C2D2E 2F30FF31 3233FF34 35000000 00010203 04FF0506 0708090B 0C0D0E0F 15161718 191A1B1C 1D1E1F20 212223FF 25262829 35363738 393A3B3C 3D3E3F40 41434445 47480000 0000CF44 0000CF90 00000049 00010203 04FF0607 08090AFF 0B0C0D0E 0FFF1011 FF121314 15161718 191A1B1C 1D1EFF20 21FF2223 FFFF24FF
0xCEE0-CF7F: 00010203 04051213 14151617 18191A1B 1C1D1E20 21FF2223 FFFFFFFF FF242526 2728292A 2B2C2D2E 2F303132 33FFFF06 0708090A FF0B0C0D 0E0FFF34 35000000 00010203 04052F30 31323335 36373839 FFFF0607 08090A0B 0C0D0E0F 101112FF 13141617 1D1E1F20 21222324 25262728 292A2B2C 3B3C0000 0000CEC0 0000CF00 0000003D 00010203 04060708 090AFF0B 0C0D0E0F FFFFFFFF FF101112 13141516
0xCF80-CFDF: 1718191A 1B1C1D1E FF2021FF 2223FFFF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FF242526 2728292A 2B2C2D2E 2F30FF31 3233FF34 35000000 00010203 04FF0506 0708090B 0C0D0E0F 15161718 191A1B1C 1D1E1F20 212223FF 25262829 35363738 393A3B3C 3D3E3F40
0xCFA0-CFBF: 2B2C2D2E 2F30FF31 3233FF34 35000000 00010203 04FF0506 0708090B 0C0D0E0F
0xCFA0-CFAB: 2B2C2D2E 2F30FF31 3233FF34
0xCFAC-CFB7: 35000000 00010203 04FF0506
0xCFB4-CFFF: 04FF0506 0708090B 0C0D0E0F 15161718 191A1B1C 1D1E1F20 212223FF 25262829 35363738 393A3B3C 3D3E3F40 41434445 47480000 0000CF44 0000CF90 00000049 00010203 04FF0607 08090AFF
0xD000-D07F: 0B0C0D0E 0FFF1011 FF121314 15161718 191A1B1C 1D1EFF20 21FF2223 FFFF24FF 25262728 292A2B2C 2D2E2F30 FF313233 FF343500 00010203 04FF0607 08090A0C 0D0E0F10 12131516 1718191A 1B1C1D1E 1F2021FF 23242627 2A2C2D2E 2F303132 33343536 37393A3B 3D3E0000 0000CFD4 0000D014 0000003F 00010203 04060708
0xDFC0-E15F: Grab stuff: FF101112 13141516 1718191A 1B1C2021 FFFFFF22 23FFFFFF FFFFFFFF FFFF2425 26272829 2A2B2C2D 2E313233 FFFF3435 00010203 04FF0506 0708090E 0F101112 1D1E1F20 21222324 25262728 29FFFFFF 2A2B2F30 3A3B3C3D 3E3F4041 424344FF FF454647 4A4B0000 0000DF84 0000DFD0 0000004C 00010203 04FFFFFF 06070809 0A0B0C0D 0E0F1011 12131415 16171819 1A1B1C1D 1E1F2021 22232425 26272829 2A2B2C2D 2E2F3031 32333400 00010203 04FF0809 0A0B0C0D 0E0F1011 12131415 16171819 1A1B1C1D 1E1F2021 22232425 26272829 2A2B2C2D 2E2F3031 32333435 36FF0000 0000E014 0000E04C 00000037 00010203 04050607 08090A0B 0C0D0E0F 10111213 14151617 18191A1B 1C1D1E1F 20212223 24252627 28292A2B 2C2D2E2F 30313233 34000000 00010203 04050607 08090A0B 0C0D0E0F 10111213 14151617 18191A1B 1C1D1E1F 20212223 24252627 28292A2B 2C2D2E2F 30313233 34FF0000 0000E090 0000E0C8 00000035 920E8000 81008E1E 7F000000 80008100 86018701 7F000000 80008100 86018701 86018701 7F000000 80008100 86018701 86018709
0xDFE0-E03F: 26272829 2A2B2C2D 2E313233 FFFF3435 00010203 04FF0506 0708090E 0F101112 1D1E1F20 21222324 25262728 29FFFFFF 2A2B2F30 3A3B3C3D 3E3F4041 424344FF FF454647 4A4B0000 0000DF84 0000DFD0 0000004C 00010203 04FFFFFF 06070809
0xE070-E09F: 04FF0809 0A0B0C0D 0E0F1011 12131415 16171819 1A1B1C1D 1E1F2021 22232425 26272829 2A2B2C2D 2E2F3031 32333435
0xE0A0-E0FF: SPICY: 36FF0000 0000E014 0000E04C 00000037 00010203 04050607 08090A0B 0C0D0E0F 10111213 14151617 18191A1B 1C1D1E1F 20212223 24252627 28292A2B 2C2D2E2F 30313233 34000000 00010203 04050607 08090A0B 0C0D0E0F 10111213 14151617
0xE0A0-E0BF: 36FF0000 0000E014 0000E04C 00000037 00010203 04050607 08090A0B 0C0D0E0F
0xE0C0-E0DF: 10111213 14151617 18191A1B 1C1D1E1F 20212223 24252627 28292A2B 2C2D2E2F
0xE0E0-E0EF: 30313233 34000000 00010203 04050607
0xE0F0-E0F7: 08090A0B 0C0D0E0F
0xE0F8-E0FF: 10111213 14151617
0xE0A0-E0DF: 36FF0000 0000E014 0000E04C 00000037 00010203 04050607 08090A0B 0C0D0E0F 10111213 14151617 18191A1B 1C1D1E1F 20212223 24252627 28292A2B 2C2D2E2F
0xCFB0: 00010203: IMPORTANT? related to Camera and player update on animation related movement?
0xD034: 00010203: ??
Animation Related Format?:
(PlCo.dat offsets)
Example: 0xE030-E0AB: 0000004C 00010203 04FFFFFF 06070809 0A0B0C0D 0E0F1011 12131415 16171819 1A1B1C1D 1E1F2021 22232425 26272829 2A2B2C2D 2E2F3031 32333400 00010203 04FF0809 0A0B0C0D 0E0F1011 12131415 16171819 1A1B1C1D 1E1F2021 22232425 26272829 2A2B2C2D 2E2F3031 32333435 36FF0000 0000E014 0000E04C
Notable parts:
0x0: (int) before 0010203: Unknown
0x4: 00010203: Unknown. Have seen previous usuage where it controls camera, whether the move is considered grounded, animation based physics. Important.
0x8-38: Bone table? Counts up from zero. FF seems to be thrown in someplaces...
0x38: Not int before 0010203: Unknown
0x3C: 0010203: Unknown
0x40-7C: Bone table?
Have noticed something.
Always occurs in order of int before first 0010203 and then not int before next 0010203.
If there is an int before the 0010203 than the bone table? part is 0x30 in length? and if there isn't an int before the 0010203 than the bone table? part is 0x3C in length?​
0xE030-E067: Unknown
0xE068-E0AB: Unknown
0xE0AC-E0E3: Beginning of thrown animation
0xE0E4-E127: ALSO Beginning of thrown animation.
Maybe both int and non int 0010203 that are one after another are tied together?
I went back to my IMPORTANT? related to Camera and player update on animation related movement? offset. It follows the above format.​
Last edited:


Smash Rookie
Nov 11, 2016
I cant even figure out how to open crazy hand. what do i need to open crazy hand?


Smash Journeyman
Feb 24, 2015
It isnt even showing up i have no idea whats wrong. i go to rightclick, open with, and it doesnt even show up
Shift+Right click the directory, and click "Open command window here." Type "java -jar [nameoffile].jar" without the quotations and the name of your jar file. If it doesn't run, you'll see a Java error.
Last edited:


Smash Journeyman
Jan 28, 2015
young link offsets[tatatat0]:
0x37A8: 00000007: frame grappling hook article appears?(The one link holds)
0x37B0: 00000037: Frame hook is retracted.
0x37B4: 0000004F: Frame grappling hook dissapears
0x37B4: 0000004F: Unknown(Grappling hook)
0x37C4: 00000057: Unknown(Grappling hook)
0x37CB: 00000005: frame aerial grappling hook article appears?(The one link holds)
got bored and someone asked me to.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 28, 2015
link offsets[tatatat0]:
0x3584: 3F800000: Aerial startup speed (Neutral-b)
0x35C0: 40133333: Unknown
0x35C4: 3F000000: Initial negative vertical velocity(Up-b)
0x35CC: 3FAA3D71: Unknown


Smash Rookie
Dec 22, 2014
Which codes in the File System pertain to the single player modes? Like Event Matches or Stadium modes?


Smash Apprentice
Feb 11, 2014
Does GCRebuilder add data if the resulting ISO doesn't match 1.36gb? I had to get the root of an iso to change the ID back to GALE, and when I had done that, the filesize was back to 1.36gb from 900mb even though I had removed the how to video, and the omake thing. Seems kinda weird.


Aug 20, 2005
Sacramento, CA
Does GCRebuilder add data if the resulting ISO doesn't match 1.36gb? I had to get the root of an iso to change the ID back to GALE, and when I had done that, the filesize was back to 1.36gb from 900mb even though I had removed the how to video, and the omake thing. Seems kinda weird.
Yeah, GCR adds extra blank space between files in order to make the finished disc 1.36 GB. You don't need to export the files of an ISO to change the Game ID though. Just open the disc in a hex editor. It's literally the first thing in the disc (even if it wasn't though, you can just go to the offset of any particular value you want to change and edit it directly).

Hey, does anyone know how to make 20XX 4.05 show the intro video instead of going straight to the CSS?
To my knowledge I think the intro was removed for space.
Yeah, all videos besides some of the really small ones for 1-P modes were removed.

Btw, Achilles1515 Achilles1515 , there's still the audio for the intro movie in there though. Is that just a quick way to prevent the game from crashing if users are skimming through the Sound Test?


Smash Master
Jun 18, 2007
Cincinnati / Columbus OH
Btw, Achilles1515 Achilles1515 , there's still the audio for the intro movie in there though. Is that just a quick way to prevent the game from crashing if users are skimming through the Sound Test?
Yes. For 4.06, I am also overwriting MTH/THP assembly functions because I ran out of room (added some code to skip the THP "Congratulations" images after 1P modes and then removed the THP files from the filesystem as well).

MCM Settings.py:
commonCodeRegions = [( 0x32C998, 0x332834 ), ( 0x407540, 0x408F00 ), ( 0x18DCC0, 0x197B2C )]


Aug 20, 2005
Sacramento, CA
Yes. For 4.06, I am also overwriting MTH/THP assembly functions because I ran out of room (added some code to skip the THP "Congratulations" images after 1P modes and then removed the THP files from the filesystem as well).

MCM Settings.py:
commonCodeRegions = [( 0x32C998, 0x332834 ), ( 0x407540, 0x408F00 ), ( 0x18DCC0, 0x197B2C )]
What!? Out of space? That's nuts. That's a lot of assembly.

So why don't we increase the size of the DOL? I've had the thought before, and I can't remember if there was something that made it impossible, but I don't think it is.

DOL section offsets would need to be updated in the header, and file sizes and offsets would need to be updated in the FST, of course, as well as in boot.bin. According to the apploader's source code, there's a limit for individual text/data sections, and also a limit for their total. It looks like the total limit is defined in bi2.bin (a.k.a. DVDBI2, and "the disc header information") at 0x28, and in Melee that's set as 0 (which defaults to unlimited). Definition of the individual text/data section limit is less clear; apparently it checks that the addresses that they would be loaded to are not out of bounds. As a simple shortcut, considering that all sections compared the same way, we might be able to just make some or all of them as large as the current largest, which would give a lot more space. Not really something to play with until v4.07 though, I suppose.

Also, I'm curious why you don't use some of the other defined free space regions. To avoid segmenting your code?

I take it the 0x32C998 region is the MTH/THP region? Do any codes need to be applied to circumvent the game trying to call these functions? I could add this with description to MCM's regions (disabled by default of course).
Last edited:


Smash Apprentice
Feb 11, 2014
Yeah, GCR adds extra blank space between files in order to make the finished disc 1.36 GB. You don't need to export the files of an ISO to change the Game ID though. Just open the disc in a hex editor. It's literally the first thing in the disc (even if it wasn't though, you can just go to the offset of any particular value you want to change and edit it directly).
Ah, all right. I figured that would be the case. But I never bothered to check the ISO in a hex editor because who knows what reason. Is there any way for me to free up the filled space? Or would I have to revert to an older ISO and put everything back in?


Aug 20, 2005
Sacramento, CA
Ah, all right. I figured that would be the case. But I never bothered to check the ISO in a hex editor because who knows what reason. Is there any way for me to free up the filled space? Or would I have to revert to an older ISO and put everything back in?
You'd have to revert to your last back-up. Or, if it's not too important and can wait for the next version of DTW, I've nearly finished the functions to rebuild a disc while being able to specify how much space is added between files. Might be done sometime this month, but I'm not sure since I've also been busy working on other things.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 11, 2014
You'd have to revert to your last back-up. Or, if it's not too important and can wait for the next version of DTW, I've nearly finished the functions to rebuild a disc while being able to specify how much space is added between files. Might be done sometime this month, but I'm not sure since I've also been busy working on other things.
All right, thank you! I'll be able to wait. I've removed some other things to make space in the mean-time. Also how would I go about making a custom stage select screen? Been messing around with adding in the new stage model imports and creating some icons and stage names (like the ones that pop up when you hover over a stage) and figured it could do with a new layout.


Smash Ace
Mar 30, 2005
You'd have to revert to your last back-up. Or, if it's not too important and can wait for the next version of DTW, I've nearly finished the functions to rebuild a disc while being able to specify how much space is added between files. Might be done sometime this month, but I'm not sure since I've also been busy working on other things.
Does it support resizing for added audio tracks? Just a curiosity.
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Jul 21, 2016
I know nothing about hex editing and i cant find the guide for it, but I'm trying to get into melee modding and I don't understand the format people put their gecko codes in.

1234567 3127911
1274291 1249424
1234095 0238475
And so on...

What are the numbers on the left and right supposed to be?
Is the left supposed to be the original hex value thing and the right is what I'm supposed to change it to?
I've tried that before but the values on the left didn't exist (maybe its's more simple than that and I'm just thinking too hard about it).

can someone please explain this to me, or just give me a link to the HxD guide.


Smash Master
Jun 18, 2007
Cincinnati / Columbus OH
I know nothing about hex editing and i cant find the guide for it, but I'm trying to get into melee modding and I don't understand the format people put their gecko codes in.

1234567 3127911
1274291 1249424
1234095 0238475
And so on...

What are the numbers on the left and right supposed to be?
Is the left supposed to be the original hex value thing and the right is what I'm supposed to change it to?
I've tried that before but the values on the left didn't exist (maybe its's more simple than that and I'm just thinking too hard about it).

can someone please explain this to me, or just give me a link to the HxD guide.

Watch the Intro to Wii Hacking series and then go to the Gecko Codetype Documentation link in that post.



Melee throws an assertion if it is trying to load a file whose filename string length (extension not included) is 30 or more characters. Not sure about the specifics of your new disc operations for DTW, but maybe there should be a check for this when adding files.

Also, in the DVDConvertPathToEntrynum function, the filename to be loaded is passed into tolower(), so filenames are not case sensitive.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 24, 2015
Ended up realizing after doing some static analysis that the majority of assertion strings are right next to the declared C file names and a table of function pointers for those files.

It's pretty much, stage specific functions, menu functions, character specials, and item functions. I also discovered from the item function tables the pointers related to item AI for things like Bobombs and Mr. Saturn. I've got a lot to document that may just end up with names like, "Stage_BigBlue_Unknown1" until we nail things down. That way, we can more accurately locate functions, even without understanding what they might do.

I also noticed several incorrectly named functions in our map by forcing assertion failures or looking at how they were associated. An example of this is Absolome's function stage function that's definitely not what it claims to be, or my sins_Spawn_Article which would be more appropriately sins_Spawn_JObj, since it handles things like Tingle and Laser Pistols plus is part of JObj.h.
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Deleted member

I'm using GCRebuilder and I'm trying to import a .hps file, but it tells me "File to import is too large". How can I make sure my files are the right size?
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