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Nintendo's ace pilots take flight! Pilot Wings for SSB4! Final Flight Call! Get the votes in heroes!


Smash Hero
Feb 15, 2014

From left to right: Goose, Hawk, Kiwi, Lark, Hooter, and Ibis (from Pilot Wings 64)

Nintendo's high-flying heroes join Super Smash Bros.!
What is Pilot Wings, you ask?
Well, Pilot Wings is a series of flight simulation games from Nintendo starting as a launch title on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System in 1990/1991/1992, and as a result, has continued the tradition of being a launch title for the Nintendo 64, (Pilot Wings 64, 1996/1997) and for the Nintendo 3DS. (Pilot Wings Resort, 2011) The games themselves have gotten great reception from many a gamer. Mainly, the games normally involve the player flying a variety of flight vehicles and earning your flight license through these flying lessons which are, but not limited to: Planes, Rocket Belts, (Jet Packs) Hang Gliders, and many more.

I don't know...Honestly, It seems all you do is fly around...
I've always thought the Pilot Wings games had enough personality to garner a character from its series and maybe give the series the recognition it truly deserves. As a matter of fact, the series itself is highly acclaimed, but has the unfortunate issue of being released on small occasions, so the series is not well known. The games themselves have more to do than just "fly around". There are many missions in the series that have somewhat specific objectives within the missions that can give more for the player to do.

But there isn't even a main character for the series! Sakurai would be having a hard time figuring out who can rep the series!
Yes, I am aware that Pilot Wings doesn't exactly have any one person to rep the "ENTIRE" franchise, but don't forget, there are other series who are in a similar situation, such as Rhythm Heaven, and even Nintendo's "Wars" series. Who's to say that Pilot Wings does not have the same issue? I mean Sakurai could probably choose the "Golden Pilot", the main protagonist of the first Pilot Wings game for SNES, or even (and this character is my personal preference) Lark from Pilot Wings 64. Overall, there are many choices Sakurai can choose from who are actually unique for this game, without making them seem generic, and the cast of Pilot Wings has a lot of personality, despite detractors. I've always thought the Pilot Wings games had enough personality to garner a character from its series and maybe give the series the recognition it truly deserves. The series itself also has a large cult following as it is.

Okay, so why does this series deserve a playable character in Smash?
Well, I've always thought that the cast of Pilot Wings is considered to have some unique designs and a bit of personality to them. As I said before, I've always thought the Pilot Wings games had enough personality to garner a character from its series and maybe give the series the recognition it truly deserves. As a matter of fact, the series itself is highly acclaimed, but has the unfortunate issue of being released on small occasions, so the series is not well known.

How would they fight?
Well, while I know Pilot Wings is not a fighting game (and in some cases, not in the fighting sense:ohwell:) Sakurai could probably make a creative moveset out of a Pilot Wings character and really let them shine from other characters. I mean look at what he managed to pull off with characters like the Wii Fit Trainer(s) and the Villager(s). Yes, I know that's a constantly used "excuse" for "off-the-wall" characters like someone from Pilot Wings, but I've always thought this series could garner a character and I've thought they could get the special gimmick of having them excel in the air rather than the ground. They'd basically be the opposite of Little Mac's gimmick. Basically, this is how I envision a Pilot Wings character:

"I personally would think that a Pilot Wings character would be a bit varied, in the sense that in the air, a Pilot Wings character's power and other strong points and talents would truly shine since they would be able to combo/juggle in mid-air like it was nobody's business. At the same, they would be a bit weaker on the ground so their power would be a bit decreased, but their speed would be increased by a decent margin, where they could things like rack up damage with their flight suit's "Birdman" wings, doing things such Falco's side smash attack in Brawl and spin along the ground with their wings. Their Up+B could be using the Rocket Belt that has appear in every installment of the Pilot Wings series so far to burn opponents before take-off and it could act like Firefox from Fox McCloud."

So as you can see, the series would have special gimmicks that allow them to be balanced from other characters.
To get a better idea of how a PW character would fight, here's a moveset I made for my most wanted PW character, Lark! (BTW, I also envision that Kiwi (also from PW 64) will be an alt. skin of Lark, so she will fight identically to Lark, and all of her animations will be the same as well. All differences between the two kids are cosmetic.)
Playstyle and Moveset:
Ground Speed - 5/10: Lark has decent speed on the ground.
Air Speed - 9/10: I'm intending for Lark to have an AMAZING air game, if not the best air game in the Smash series as a whole to reference his being a pilot (or pilot-in-training?) and all.
Size 5(?)-6(?)/10: I've envisioned him to be, say, :4littlemac:'s height? Maybe a bit taller.
Weight 4/10: Lark is a light-ish character that can be launched fairly easily. Not to Glass Cannon proportions obviously, but still somewhat light due to his size and all. Again, the slight lightness referencing his whole pilot persona. Overall, about as light as :4luigi:.
Fall Speed 4/10: Again, referencing his whole pilot persona from the Pilot Wings games, Lark falls at an unusually slow rate.
Jump Height 10/10: Lark's jump height is definitely above average. Because he can fly with the help of his Birdman suit! (For 3 jumps.)
Traction 3/10: Lark has somewhat decent traction, but he does slide just a tad bit when turning.

Lark's playstyle and moveset involves him using various pilot gear to fight as well as utilizng his Birdman suit from Pilot Wings 64, resulting in him using some moves similar to Falco, but different in function. I wanted to make Lark somewhat average on the ground, decent speed, power, and endurance. But in the air, that's where Lark would TRULY shine. Speedy, Durable, and his air game overall would equip him with some of the most deadly combos.

Normal Attacks:
Jab Combo: Lark begins with one large poke from the right wing of his Birdman suit. A swipe from the left wing, and a forced slam from both wings, Very similar to :4palutena:'s side smash. Only difference is that the wind box is not as large, and the knockback is nowhere near as great. This move can be infinitely held, with Lark rapidly "poking" his opponents with the tip of the wings, ending the wing slam.
Side Tilt: A VERY large swipe with the left wing of his Birdman suit. Similar to :4zelda:'s side tilt, but a windbox is produced, destroying weak projectiles, and not as much knockback.
Up Tilt: Performs an upwards triple kick with the Jumble Hopper spring shoes in the style of :4pit: and :4sonic:'s UTilts. The final kick does a lot more knockback, but just enough so that Lark can follow up with a multitude of aerial attacks
Down Tilt: Lark sweeps the floor with the right wing. No knockback or wind box, but can be used rapidly and repeatedly to trip opponents
Dash Attack: Lark rushes in with a big headbutt to his opponents, courtesy of his helmet. Does amazing knockback, and can KO at very high percentages.
Smash Attacks:
Side: Lark performs a grounded dive, sliding into any opponents in his path. Similar to his dash attack, but doesn't travel as far, and does more knockback. Can KO earlier than his dash attack as well.
Up: With the help of his Jumble Hopper spring boots, Lark hops upwards with SO much force, that his helmet sends opponents flying straight upwards, allowing him to follow up with many aerial attacks. KO at...I don't know. 100%? 110%? 120%?
Down: Lark rapidly spins along the ground, similar to :4peach:, but attacking with his right foot and left wing. Does a lot of damage, but the knockback will leave a bit to be desired. The most damaging of all his Smash Attacks, but has the least knockback.

Lark will grab with one hand.
Pummel: Lark head-bangs the opponent with his helmet.
Forward: Lark performs a Judo Throw, sending opponents flying headfirst. Has a VERY small windbox for nearby opponents.
Backward: Lark tosses the opponent over his head and behind him, backhand-punching the opponent away.
Up: Lark tosses the opponent upwards, using his helmet to send them further upward.
Down: Lark tosses his opponent downwards, jumping high into the air, and then landing, performing a big body slam onto them. Supposed to reference the Skydiving mini game from Pilot Wings 64.
This is where I thought Lark would TRULY shine in terms of attacks and combos BTW, with the exception of his DAir, all of his aerial attacks are multi-hitting.

NAir: Lark performs a seriously rapid spin in the air, similar to :4falco:, but more damaging, and the knockback is almost non-existent, meaning he could folow up with some more aerials
FAir: Lark spreads the wings of his Birdman suit extending them forward, rapidly jabbing at his opponents.
BAir: Basically performs a "winged" version of Fox's FAir, but instead the wings are directly behind him, rather than directing them diagonally like Fox's feet when he performs his FAir.
UAir: Lark rapidly flaps the wings of his Birdman suit above him, doing multiple hits. Has a windbox that goes a distance. Think of :4gaw:'s UAir in Smash 4, but the windbox isn't as strong (Don't know if :4gaw:'s UAir in Brawl had the same effect.)
DAir: Lark sends himself downwards, head-first. Can meteor smash at any frame, but only if the opponent is hit by his "actual" head. The opponent will NOT be meteor smashed if they are hit by the side of Lark's head or any other part of his body. (Think of the :4miibrawl:'s Headache Maker DSpecial.)


B: Boost Ring - Although not necessarily used in this manner in the games, this move utilizes the floating rings/orbs that are a staple of the Pilot Wings games. When used, Lark places a floating ring in front of him which can be passed to give him an instant momentum boost to dash into opponents, sending them flying from the collision. However, opponents can also go through this ring as well, which can be used to their advantage as well, rushing into other opponents (including Lark!), and doing damage to them as well. As a matter of fact, if the opponent uses the ring to crash into Lark, he actually takes more knockback, similar to if :4duckhunt:'s Trick Shot is sent flying back at them. BTW, depending on the character's weight, the move could cause less knockback or more. For example: if :4kirby: goes through a ring, his knockback is very small, so you don't need to worry about lightweights. If :4mario: or any middleweights walk through, the knockback is...decent, to say the least. But, if any heavyweights, such as :4bowser: were to go through, watch out! Get out of the way as soon as possible or you'll be sent flying into next week! Don't worry though, because if you happen to place the ring just right, it could be used as a trap to rush an opponent offstage, sending them so far away, so fast, it won't be too likely that they'll be able to make it back to the stage.

Side+B: Penguin Dive - Lark tosses a Penguin in the direction he is facing which opponents can send sliding back at him, if he's not careful. When sliding into opponents, the Penguin will do decent knockback and damage if it hits. If the Penguin does NOT hit, opponents may trip over the VERY small trail of ice it leaves behind. The Penguin can be struck away like the Waddle Dees. Upon landing on the ground, the penguins will just waddle around and do nothing, before disappearing. Sometimes they might steal an item and bring it back to Lark.

Up+B: Rocket Belt - This move works as a recovery (similar to :4rob:'s U-Special), but the thrusters burn opponents behind or below you. Unlike the item, this Rocket Belt cannot be used "infinitely" like the item, and instead bursts upwards with blazing speed and does great knockback at the start of takeoff. Similar to :4palutena:'s Rocket Jump, but travels MUCH higher vertically. Sadly, this move has little to no horizontal recovery.

Down+B: Parachute - This move would work like :gawmelee:'s N-Air in Melee, and would also grant you super slow falling speed like :4peach:'s U-Special. However, the move itself does NOT give Lark extra altitude, but it is great for covering long horizontal distances while falling. (Only damages the second it opens. Afterwards, if you're not careful, Lark can be gimped from recovering if the opponent were to hit him. If they end up hitting the parachute, the opponent takes damage)
Final Smash:
Cannon: The cannon from PW 64 is used by Lark in a manner almost identical to that of the Dragoon item in Brawl and Smash 4. A colossal cannon comes out of nowhere, dropping from the sky. Excitedly, Lark hops inside preparing to fire himself at his opponents from the foreground. Be very careful though, as Lark has quite a small window of time to fire himself at his opponents. He has a span of 15 seconds. If he does not fire himself in that window of time, the FS will abruptly cancel itself, and Lark will return to the stage as if nothing had just happened. If he does fire himself however, Lark will deal MASSIVE damage and knockback to whoever he manages to hit, to the point where it is almost always going to be a OHKO. BTW, it should be noted that the FS one-use only, so Lark must time the attack right, and position himself carefully.
Side: Lark makes a funny face in whatever direction he's facing.
Up: Lark takes off his helmet, blows on it, uses his elbow to wipe it clean, and straps it back on his head. BTW, during the time Lark's helmet is taken off, his messy, unkempt, semi-spiky hair can be seen. Obviously, this will be the only giveaway that Lark and Nester, the mascot of Nintendo Power, ARE in fact, the exact same person.
Down: Lark attempts to rapidly flap the wings of his Birdman suit, actually lifting himself off of the ground for about 3-5 seconds, he then gets tired and falls back down onto the ground, landing on his butt. All with a cheerful little smile.

Lark flies in via his Gyrocopter, and uses a parachute to float safely down to the ground.
Victory Poses:
1. Lark jumps up high into the air happily shouting "Yahoo!!!" Kiwi will yell "I won!"
2. The little penguin from Lark's side special attempts to waddle over to Lark, but instead Lark walks over to it, picks it up and gives it a big hug over their victory.
3. Lark basically performs his entrance animation from the start of a match, but this time, the parachute covers his whole body, and he can't get out from under it..

I would REALLY appreciate it if someone could help me with palette swaps. I'm planning on having it that Kiwi (also from Pilot Wings 64) would be an alt. skin of Lark. I envision the costumes to be like this:

Normal outfit (Red, white, yellow, orange) (Blue jeans) (Red sneakers) (Red and white helmet)
Goose (A character also from Pilot Wings 64) (United States-themed (Red, white, and blue) version of Lark's pilot outfit) (Red jeans) (Blue sneakers) (United States-themed helmet)
Hawk (Pilot Wings 64 character) (Red, Navy blue, and black version of Lark's pilot outfit) (Black jeans) (Black sneakers) (Yellow and green helmet)
Civilian outfit (Red baseball cap turned backwards, Black t-shirt with the #28 written on it) (Blue jeans) (Red sneakers)

Normal outfit (Pink, cyan, purple, and orange pilot suit) (Pink shorts) (Orange shoes) (Pink helmet)
Ibis (PW 64 character) (Green, orange, and black version of Kiwi's pilot outfit) (Green shorts) (Yellow shoes) (Black helmet)
Hooter (PW 64 character) (Blue, white, and yellow version of Kiwi's pilot outfit) (Blue shorts) (Black shoes) (Blue and cyan helmet)
Civilian outfit (Yellow dress) (Cute little brown dress shoes)
Say, you do know that the Rocket Belt is an item already, right? It would be Animal Crossing all over again.....
Well, I know that, but the thing is Sakurai had Villager had a lot of representation in SSBB, and he/she did not show up to be playable in that game himself/herself. Come SSB4, and now he/she is playable with about the same amount of representation the series got in Brawl. My point is, if Sakurai could add the Villager(s) in SSB4, and then have all that showing up in the same game, who's to say Sakurai would pull the same issue he pulled in SSBB, and do the same thing in this game? Don't forget, the Rocket Belt has a different design in each game, and the one in SSB4 does not use any design from the Pilot Wings games, so he must have came up with a new design all by himself.
Wow! They sound pretty cool! So can I support them?
Why of course! Here's the support list right now!

Pilot Wings's high-flying heroes!
Da Black Rabbit
Azure Warrior
Last edited:


Nov 9, 2001
Inbetween Iowa and Indiana
The only character I see as being possible from Pilotwings is Lark . . . but only as his true incarnation: Nester. It's a complete longshot, but if Sakuri decided to give Nintendo Power a nod this time, it could happen.


Smash Hero
Jul 23, 2012
The only character I see as being possible from Pilotwings is Lark . . . but only as his true incarnation: Nester. It's a complete longshot, but if Sakuri decided to give Nintendo Power a nod this time, it could happen.
Um....not really. An obscure character that most people don't remember isn't a good title to have for Nester. It can be said that Lark suffers from this to but at least his game is talked about more then anything Nester was in. (When people talk about Nintendo Power Nester is usually never talked about at all)


Smash Hero
Nov 8, 2007
Ecuador - South America
About time somebody made a PIlotwings thread. :D

I would say the most likely one would be Goose, as he at least was the apparently main character in PW64 (he's the one in the cover art, and the character who is highlighted on the Character Select Screen by default)

Alright, moveset time!

FOR GOOSE mainly (or any other Pilotwings character)

(this is Hooter, btw, it's just that there aren't any proper images about PW characters with wings... so this will do)

Goose would be ALL about recovery over agressiveness.
His playstyle is not a powerhouse-type character. And he's as light as Luigi.
His attack style is about gimping opponents. Getting them off the stage, and destroying them there.
His only fierce attacks are pretty slow.

A: Kick, kick, kick
Atilt: Double jump kick
Adown: Sweep kick
Aup: Flip (flash) kick

Multiple Jump: 3 jumps (flaps bird-like wings)
Glide: Yes, either uses a glider, or the bird wings, and kicks at the end of the glide.

Fsmash: Double winged flap smash (This flap attack is fairlly powerful, and has WIND properties)
Usmash: Uppercut slicers (Wings slash opponents consecutively. Damage racker)
Dsmash: Double winged ground sweep (similar to Peach's Dsmash, except it hits AWAY)

Nair: Bird spin
Dair: Double stomp (spikes with both boots)
Uair: Flap headbutt (with a big flap of wings, Goose hits with the head, gains a little distance upward, but falls twice the distance risen)
Fair: Wing slice (vertical) ((slow, but great hitbox))
Bair: Wing slice (horizontal) ((fast, but slim hitbox))

Dash Attack: Wing dance (Goose spins around with his bird wings slicing as he advances)
Grab: Grabs with hand, knees in the gut to attack
Grab UP: Flies up and slams opponent back down, like Seismic Toss
Grab DOWN: Tosses opponent on floor, and performs a series of multi kicks.
Grab SIDES: Kicks away.

B: Rocket Belt
>This move works as a recovery (similar to ROB's Brawl up+special), but the thrusters burn opponents behind or below you.

Bup: Cannon Shot
>Goose gets inside a big cannon, and as long as you hold UP+B the cannon will increase the angle at where it's aiming. (Starting at 30°, finishing at 90°) Goose ramming into opponents after being fired damages them.

Bdown: Parachute
>This move would work like Game & Watch's Nair in Melee, and would also grant you super slow falling like Peach's Up+B. This move however does NOT give you extra altitude, but is great for covering long horizontal distances while falling. (Only damages the second it opens)

Btilt: Penguin dive
>Goose lets go of a Penguin which the player can control its free fall angle drop, until Btilt is pressed again. The Penguin can be struck away like the Waddle Dees. Upon landing on the ground, the penguins will just walk around and do nothing, before disappearing. Sometimes they might steal an item.

FINAL SMASH: Apache raid (Goose jumps into an Apache helicopter and he can start shooting at characters. It's kind of like an air-only Landmaster that can't squash opponents)

Inspired the moveset mostly on how birds attack... and a bit of


Smash Hero
Nov 8, 2007
Ecuador - South America
So i'm going to assume that Goose is going to be using Birdman as his main equipment right?

Maybe, or the wings could pop out of nowhere when the moves that require this outfit are executed.
Otherwise, he's going to end up being another punch-kick type character. But a Bird-like fighting style for Goose is IMO what best suits him :)

He could also have Rocket Belt incorporated into all of his moveset, but then I'll think he'd be kind of similar to ROB in the things he could do... Or who knows? It could work too!

BTW, Goose could have the ability to HALT all aerial momentum (like crouch cancel, but on air) if the player mashes B repeatedly, and the BLUE thrusters from the Rocket Belt are activated.

... And I just remembered a lot of people think Pilotwings is just about planes. :( Maybe I oughta bump Goose up in my most requested characters.

Deleted member

I don't see Pilotwings getting a character in my opinion. Though, anything COULD happen and it wouldn't be impossible to make a moveset for a Pilotwings character. I just can't wait to see more of that stage however!


Smash Hero
Nov 8, 2007
Ecuador - South America
I would really like to see some reasons why a Pilotwings character couldn't be playable.

All I see around is "I don't see him being likely". I would love to ask for specifics, WHY doesn't one look likely?
They pretty much fulfill almost every requirement to BE one.

Established franchise? Check.
Successful franchise? Check (last entry was kind of weak, but you reap what you sow, at least became a good seller in a week)
Available characters? Check
Creative moveset pontential? Check, characters don't fight with fists or swords or guns. They peacefully fly a variety of flight devices.
Stage represented? Check, this only increases their chances.

Curious Villager

Jun 24, 2012
Well I did play Pilotwings Resort back when the 3DS was launched. The game was fun while it lasted until I got my hands on Ocarina of Time 3D. I enjoyed the very beginning bit more than the main game itself since you had a bit more freedom to do whatever you wanted and explore around.

However, the characters though very basic looking do seem pretty interesting, especially imagining how they would probably look if they were in Smash Bros Wii U as playable characters, will they get an updated look or would they retain their basic designs?

I certainly wouldn't mind a Pilotwings character though.


Ivy WAS Saurly missed
Jun 19, 2013
Pacific Northwest
Switch FC

Meca Hawk confirmed for final boss

And then Goose shoots Mario in the nose and Mario turns into Wario

Pilotwings is awesome

Tetra's Tracker

Smash Journeyman
Aug 26, 2005
I would really like to see some reasons why a Pilotwings character couldn't be playable.

All I see around is "I don't see him being likely". I would love to ask for specifics, WHY doesn't one look likely?
They pretty much fulfill almost every requirement to BE one.

Established franchise? Check.
Successful franchise? Check (last entry was kind of weak, but you reap what you sow, at least became a good seller in a week)
Available characters? Check
Creative moveset pontential? Check, characters don't fight with fists or swords or guns. They peacefully fly a variety of flight devices.
Stage represented? Check, this only increases their chances.
I think how famous and recognisable a character is is more important than what franchise they come from. Pilotwings is a big series, but it unfortunately lacks a big character.

I'd like Miis to be a spiritual representative of the series with the Mii taking some of its moves from Resort.


Smash Hero
Nov 8, 2007
Ecuador - South America
I think how famous and recognisable a character is is more important than what franchise they come from. Pilotwings is a big series, but it unfortunately lacks a big character.

I'd like Miis to be a spiritual representative of the series with the Mii taking some of its moves from Resort.

No offense, but I would really hate that.:c

I hate it when unrelated characters take over other characters' movesets. Which is why Villager's been my least favorite reveal so far.
Stealing Balloon Fighter's thing, and having the gall of trying to steal from Little Mac too?

Either have something to bring to the table, or just keep out. But I really hate when a character has to resort to steal from other characters. -_-

(That aside, I think Miis have a good ammount of games to choose their moves from)

Speaking of famous and recognizeable, Villager to me is like another type of Mii, except exclusive to Animal Crossing world.


Smash Hero
Nov 8, 2007
Ecuador - South America
Mii using stuff from Pilotwings isn't stealing though. Lol

Oh... I guess you're right, lol.

Still... two "customizeable avatar"-like characters is too much for me to handle.

And a hang-glider or rocket belt less still wouldn't kill a PW characters' moveset potential anyway.
Miis just copy what everyone else is doing. :cool:


Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC

Hooter Robin, nuff said. Her heavy hooters figure would make her a unique fighter and one of the few heavyweight females. :troll:


Smash Champion
Apr 9, 2013
Lost Woods
I support Goose as he would probobly make more sense and still have a genuine Moveset which Lark would lack (Compared to Goose that is)
Plus Pilotwings deserves to become part of Smash. It is so UNDER REPRESENTED in Smash... And It's part of Nintendo's History. A freak'n Sticker is NOT enough for Pilotwings. If Goose can't make it, I do hope for a stage.


Smash Hero
Jul 23, 2012
I support Goose as he would probobly make more sense and still have a genuine Moveset which Lark would lack (Compared to Goose that is)
Plus Pilotwings deserves to become part of Smash. It is so UNDER REPRESENTED in Smash... And It's part of Nintendo's History. A freak'n Sticker is NOT enough for Pilotwings. If Goose can't make it, I do hope for a stage.
The stage is already in. :laugh:


Smash Champion
Apr 9, 2013
Lost Woods
What the stage is already in?! Could you link me this, I must have missed it o,o
Well I hope that makes up a better chance that Goose makes it in ^v^, Pilotwings all the way ~


Smash Champion
Apr 9, 2013
Lost Woods
Is that real? I saw the picture up there, but it looked like a Brawl Hack or a "Fake", So I just needed some confirmation lol


Smash Champion
Apr 9, 2013
Lost Woods
Alright, Now that made my day, Glad to see this, more chance for Goose to be playable then.


Smash Champion
Apr 9, 2013
Lost Woods
hehe, Yeah, me and some friends did play it sometimes back in the day on my N64. We were not good at the controllers, but we did enjoy it.
So I still today, want to see more of Pilotwings, and not that much "Mii's" taking over the franchise. Devolope the series more, and it could be a pretty sucessful Nintendo and Simulation series :)


Smash Hero
Nov 8, 2007
Ecuador - South America
hehe, Yeah, me and some friends did play it sometimes back in the day on my N64. We were not good at the controllers, but we did enjoy it.
So I still today, want to see more of Pilotwings, and not that much "Mii's" taking over the franchise. Devolope the series more, and it could be a pretty sucessful Nintendo and Simulation series :)

Hey! I don't come by many serious Pilotwings supporters! :D

I never owned an N64, but 2 out of 5 friends who owned one, had Pilotwings 64, and I loved it. Especially parachuting and the Cannon game.

Perhaps now that there are 3 entries in the franchise, Sakurai could take it a bit more seriously. But hey, if a stage doesn't mean he's taking it seriously, I don't know what is.

I love Lark since I grew up with Howard and Nester on the comics, but.... Goose is the PROPER representative for PW, imo, so HE would be my first choice. :)

Regarding the stage, I'm pretty sure it will work like Venom, where we fight on the biplane.
Wuhu Island is WAY too far for the plane to interact with it, imo, but would be cool (to transition between all 3 PW games' stages).


Smash Champion
Apr 9, 2013
Lost Woods
Hey! I don't come by many serious Pilotwings supporters! :D

You are right about that :) ... I always been a Nintendo geek, loving these "Underdog" series, heck my favorite is F-Zero lol.
But yeah, I wish there were more people that could see the true potential that Pilotwings could offer. I love the moveset you came up with Goose.
And I think having a Stage is a HUGE step for recognition in Smash Bros Universe. So Now I wait for Goose to make the appearence, but either if it's Goose
or Lark, I would be ok. All that matters is that Pilotwings get more known :D


Smash Hero
Feb 15, 2014
Personally, more than anything I've been gunning for Lark to be playable in Sm4sh. Say what you want about the little guy, But I've had a soft spot him ever since I started playing Pilotwings 64 and besides, I've been thinking of an intro trailer for him. When I get the time I'll try to post it here later.


Smash Ace
May 12, 2006
I find it weird the Pilotwings stage only shows the SNES & 3DS games. It needs to have Little States.


Smash Hero
Jul 23, 2012
We need mount Rushmore in that damn stage. President Mario/Wario needs to be taught to the younger generation.

Deleted member

If Big Al really was a pilot and not just an instructor, then let's have him be the Pilotwings character (or Hawk; Hawk is cool too).
He was the only guy from the franchise featured in Brawl as a sticker, and his name is hilarious if you watch South Park. :laugh:


Smash Hero
Feb 15, 2014
Hey there, everyone. So I think I've come up with something, but please keep in mind that this is about Lark, so please don't anyone get annoyed with me or anything I'm just naturally a Lark fan when it comes to Pilot Wings 64, so bear with me here.

The trailer itself would begin with the usual flaming Smash symbol as for any other newcomer, and the camera would begin to show us a sunny, clear blue sky shining over a pristine, shimmering ocean, the camera would then switch to the island of Lesson 3 as seen in Pilot Wings for SNES and the red biplane circling over it. After that the camera would zoom out from the island and then show us Wuhu Island from Pilot Wings Resort/Wii Sports (Resort) with the yellow airplane circling over that island. Then, we would see the camera panning over to a small island far off in the distance with what looks like 3 people flying over and around the island. Zoom in a lot closer, and we see Mario (I haven't decided whether he should use his Wing Cap from Super Mario 64 or one of his other power-ups to help him fly), Kirby (on his Warp Star), and Fox McCloud (in his Arwing), all simply enjoying a flight above Holiday Island from Pilot Wings 64, looking quite relaxed. However, the sky turns somewhat stormy, with the camera showing us something massive which seems to look like it is watching the Smashers from under the sea, and it appears to be none other than Mecha-Hawk (from 64) who later emerges from the sea and begins going on a rampage, attacking our heroes, who decide to fight back, but their attacks (even the Arwing's laser shots) aren't having any effect on him, and Mecha-Hawk begins to head in for the final strike, but something seems to strike the large mechanic monstrosity from the sky, with the camera pointing straight up, we see a silhouette of what appears to be someone in a Gyro-copter shooting at Mecha-Hawk with large missiles, all while yelling, "YAHOO!" (get an idea of who it is yet?) the attack on the cyborg continues with these weapons until he is completely damaged and falls apart, broken down into pieces. The person flying the copter is later seen landing it onto a nearby runway, at Mario, Kirby, and Fox all land on the ground as well and try to meet up with the person who saved them and Holiday Island. The Smashers find the mystery hero who then turns around to face the others and notice the pilot hero to look almost as small as Mario (if not smaller, not looking not be much older than 13-16 years of age.) The young boy then gives a thumbs-up to Mario and the others with the usual "newcomer text" showing up next to the boy, reading something along the lines of, "Lark Flies Into Battle!" (If anyone has anything better, please feel free to comment and tell me.) We then see gameplay of Lark's playstyle, which ends with the "Super Smash Bros for Wii U and Nintendo 3DS" logo and then cuts to him flying alongside the other veterans Smashers with his Gyro-copter and flying off into the distance with them as the trailer ends. (BTW, the music that plays is a medley of various Pilot Wings music from all 3 games in the series, unless if someone has a better idea, then I'm all ears for it.) So that's my take on a Pilot Wings character (specifically Lark) being added to Sm4sh, I know it's a bit lengthy so please bear with me on this, all right? Also, all feedback and opinions will be welcomed, but please, nothing too harsh, okay? This took me almost an hour and 15-20 minutes to type, so I want to be proud of my work, all right? Thank you all very much, and again, any suggestions to my little trailer-story will be accepted. Again, thank you all very much for letting me get this out once and for all out of my system.

BTW, I wanted to also mention that for my trailer-story, I could not decide between Holiday Island or Little States as a Pilot Wings 64 area since Holiday is a more original area and Little States is iconic for 64, So, I could go either way on both Also, remember to read my post for a Pilot Wings trailer and tell me what you all think of it!

Hey guys, I just wanted to post this (me being a Lark fanboy and all.)

(Lark can be seen at the bottom as the 14th person on the roster here.)

I wanted to post some Pilotwings fanart here:

I wonder: does anyone know when the anniversary to Pilotwings on SNES is? (In case Sakurai, on some off chance, does something special for the series.)
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Smash Lord
Nov 4, 2013
I doubt lark and nester are the same, however, lark could also the best chance nester could have.

Even without the miis i doubt we may have a character in this game, maybe the next one and something like villager may happen, but anyways... im all for this series, it will be awesome to see one of those guys in the game, we definitely need more aerial characters.
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