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Official "Who is going to return?" topic


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2006
Virginia Beach, VA
I resign from the above topics, mainly because I can't read what the hell MasterGray is trying to say.

(Or I'm not bothering to interpret because I'm lazy and an elitist ;p )
Master Gary believes that either Falco's blaster should be replaced either with another weapon from Assualt or with his vehicle, the Arwing. Then he contradicted what he said in the post after saying that Falco's blaster would be cool if it had the capability to charge or something other than the effect of Fox's gun. Interpretation Complete.

My own personal opinion is that if Falco's blaster stays, 1. He should be able to charge it like on Assualt & 2. Along with Fox, Falco should be able to fire it in the air without having to grab someone.

Also, I believe his Super Move should be to jump in his Arwing & let his opponents have it with a bombardment of Twin Lasers and Bombs.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 27, 2006
Lol marth is gone, IMO, and all I said in my last post stands XD...
Actually, I don't think there is any reason for Marth to leave, because not only is he the first Lord, but also the only one who has been the main character in two games. That makes Marth the most deserving FE character.
Why exactly do you think he should leave? I'm sort of curious.


Smash Rookie
Jan 25, 2007
hi this is my first and i think that they should have daisy who should be completely different from peach, star wolf and his buddies to rival fox and his team; leon, and panther. also i think having pac man on there would be kinda cool if you just let him be like the one from the first pac man world game with thr rev roll, butt stomp, and let him shoot pac dots. also i think paper mario should be there and the shadow queen from the thousand year door should be there too that would be cool! and king dedede vs bowser? awesome!

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Nope dont agree with this one, yes marth is popular and is top tier, but not only is he broken, but will probably be replaced by Ike, seeing how Ike is freakin popular both here and japan, and seeing how the new FE game for the wii is coming put, they will probably add one character for the game, marth will PROBABLY leave, same with roy, so I wouldnt get ur hopes up...
Marth, leaving?? HELL NO! Actually I think he's pretty much a shoe in, seeing as the castle stage from the trailers is MARTH's stage! Unless they suprise me somehow. It atleast is not a stage from Path of Radiance, nor it is from any Zelda game.

The red flags have a black dragon on it, and seeing as in FE1/3 it's all about a black dragon being the villian, I think it's very likely Marth will return. Marth is the first hero of Fire Emblem, and he's the most populair between him and Roy... Also, Marth counts as a retro character, Roy doesn't.

I agree though that Roy should be replaced by Ike, seeing as Roy was only added for advertising FE6, which never saw the light outside Japan... Ike however was the main hero from the first 3D Fire Emblem, which was very populair over the whole world. Ike will be in FE10: Goddess of Dawn to, check this scan out: http://www.fe-online.co.uk/fe10/images/scans/fe10_2007_6.jpg.


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2006
Virginia Beach, VA
I'm willing to bet that Marth will be the last, but certainly not least, character that gets unlocked in Brawl. I can't wait to see what he's gonna look like revamped! Ever since Melee, Marth has added on more & more fans to Fire Emblem & to Marth himself (I didn't even know what Fire Emblem was until Marth & Roy appeared as secret characters). Nope, I don't think there going to throw him to the waste side because Ike's meaningful appearance in Path of Radiance.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 6, 2006
East Lansing, MI
Master Gary believes that either Falco's blaster should be replaced either with another weapon from Assualt or with his vehicle, the Arwing. Then he contradicted what he said in the post after saying that Falco's blaster would be cool if it had the capability to charge or something other than the effect of Fox's gun. Interpretation Complete.

My own personal opinion is that if Falco's blaster stays, 1. He should be able to charge it like on Assualt & 2. Along with Fox, Falco should be able to fire it in the air without having to grab someone.

Also, I believe his Super Move should be to jump in his Arwing & let his opponents have it with a bombardment of Twin Lasers and Bombs.

*sigh* I was just going to stay out of it, but after you went through all that painstaking translation, I guess I'll humour you with a bit of my opinion ;p

Now I remember when Master Gary said something about Falco and a rocket launcher, at which point I made a wise-crack about Falco being a clone of Snake. So now he wants the blaster gun to charge? I'm sort of confused as to why the any Falco fan would want the blaster to change. Last I checked, the blaster's current capabilities (minor damage, low firing rate, but actual knockback and stopping power) was the base to start most of his combos. Remember, short-hop laser spam is winning technique. Though I do agree that being able to have directional control with the laser wouldn't be bad for Falco, though would probably be pointless for Fox; unless you're the type to give that annoying 1% whenever you get the chance ;p

Actually, I don't think there is any reason for Marth to leave, because not only is he the first Lord, but also the only one who has been the main character in two games. That makes Marth the most deserving FE character.
Why exactly do you think he should leave? I'm sort of curious.

Komayto states a good point (which has probably been said before). No matter though, I've still been looking for someone to point out a good reason for Marth not to return. So far there hasn't been any good argument for it other than, "OMG TIP!"

I'm willing to bet that Marth will be the last, but certainly not least, character that gets unlocked in Brawl. I can't wait to see what he's gonna look like revamped! Ever since Melee, Marth has added on more & more fans to Fire Emblem & to Marth himself (I didn't even know what Fire Emblem was until Marth & Roy appeared as secret characters). Nope, I don't think there going to throw him to the waste side because Ike's meaningful appearance in Path of Radiance.
Come to think of it, Ike's fanbase in FE has already proven to be large and stable, I wouldn't be surprised if he replaced Roy. However, I agree that there's really no reason for them to kick Marth after all he's done for SSB and the popularity of FE in general. Most people in the states had no idea what game Marth was from. I know plenty of people who recognized the Ice Climbers or even Mr. Game&Watch before they had a clue who Marth or Roy were.

hi this is my first and i think that they should have daisy who should be completely different from peach, star wolf and his buddies to rival fox and his team; leon, and panther. also i think having pac man on there would be kinda cool if you just let him be like the one from the first pac man world game with thr rev roll, butt stomp, and let him shoot pac dots. also i think paper mario should be there and the shadow queen from the thousand year door should be there too that would be cool! and king dedede vs bowser? awesome!

I'm happy to see someone with a compitent first post for once ^_^;; heh, I should probably not be so harsh to new people in the first place. Beh, they'll live.

This is the first I've heard someone who wanted Daisy as a seperate character. I'm sure someone's thought of it... but it's new to me. Anyone want to compile a moveset for a possible Daisy? Of course my biggest worry here is that if this ever happened, they'd pull a Zelda/Shiek on us.

Having more of the cast from StarFox isn't really a bad idea, though once again you have to note that StarFox isn't quite a large enough franchise to warrant more than a couple characters. If you look at Zelda or Pokemon, they're extensive popularity and game library does completely overshadow many other succesful games.

Pac Man is a cool idea. At first when I read your proposal I thought to myself, "Since when has Namco ever done a Pac Man game for Nintendo?" I was mainly thinking of Pac Man World, which was only released on the PSX systems. Then I did my research and found this:

"Pac-Man Vs. would never have graced the Nintendo GameCube if Nintendo's own Shigeru Miyamoto, driven by his desire to create an updated version of his favorite game, Pac-Man, hadn't contacted the game's original creator, Mr. Iwatani of Namco. Pac-Man, which debuted in 1980, is one of the definitive arcade games of all time. It has generated many hit sequels, though nothing like the project Miyamoto and Iwatani dreamed up! In Pac-Man Vs., Pac-Man must navigate mazes, eating Pac-dots, Fruit, and Power Pellets as he dodges hungry ghosts, just like the original--but this time, human players control the ghosts!"
~~This site.

This being a device of Myamoto's ambition, it's a distinct possibility that Pac Man would appear in Brawl. Nice suggestion btw! I'm not very good at deriving movesets, but if someone would kindly give it a shot so I can either shoot you down or praise you for all your glory, please feel free n_n; (And if I had to give my 2-cents right off the bat, I'm pretty sure he'd be given the Kriby/Jiggs/Pit/MK multi-jump...)

Having not played Paper Mario yet (I know I'm a blasphemer) I wouldn't really know much about the Shadow Queen or her mechanics. Would anyone who's played the game like to elaborate on the idea to give me a good picture?

And I hope we can all agree that Kirby is a large enough franchise to deserve another character in Brawl... like King Dedede? OH WAIT that's right. They chose Meta Knight. I'm afraid that greatly reduces the chances for KDDD. Poor guy...


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2001
Rodeo, California.
(And if I had to give my 2-cents right off the bat, I'm pretty sure he'd be given the Kriby/Jiggs/Pit/MK multi-jump...)
Why do you say that? Pac-Man never floated like Kirby, Pit, or Meta Knight (I thought I heard somewhere that Jigglypuff had multiple jumps because she was picked over Pit...or something like that...don't quote me on that). Unless...he did float along eating pellets when they trailed off somewhere in Pac-Man World, so maybe, as a recovery move, he could vomit yellow balls and then lunge forward chomping them and if you got bitten 'ch'all would take damage.

And I hope we can all agree that Kirby is a large enough franchise to deserve another character in Brawl... like King Dedede? OH WAIT that's right. They chose Meta Knight. I'm afraid that greatly reduces the chances for KDDD. Poor guy...
Well, for a series that's almost as big as Zelda (bigger if you count spin-offs), is gaining much popularity in Japan nowadays, and was created by SSB's director not to mention that King Dedede was one of the top requested characters for SSBM and had the most request letters posted on the main site of any of the characters posted (these were done after Meta Knight was shown). So, yeah, one more wouldn't hurt. ;P

And...um...I want Mario to return. :/


Smash Journeyman
Nov 6, 2006
East Lansing, MI
Why do you say that? Pac-Man never floated like Kirby, Pit, or Meta Knight (I thought I heard somewhere that Jigglypuff had multiple jumps because she was picked over Pit...or something like that...don't quote me on that). Unless...he did float along eating pellets when they trailed off somewhere in Pac-Man World, so maybe, as a recovery move, he could vomit yellow balls and then lunge forward chomping them and if you got bitten 'ch'all would take damage.

Lol, only because of his shape. Otherwise I really have no basis for this argument. See? This is why I'm not too good at predetermining movesets and character mechanics before I actually get an example of what the character may do. That recovery move sounds a bit too conveluted for even Nintendo... though it was a nice idea.
Well, for a series that's almost as big as Zelda (bigger if you count spin-offs), is gaining much popularity in Japan nowadays, and was created by SSB's director not to mention that King Dedede was one of the top requested characters for SSBM and had the most request letters posted on the main site of any of the characters posted (these were done after Meta Knight was shown). So, yeah, one more wouldn't hurt. ;P

And...um...I want Mario to return. :/
Hm, it's true Kriby is big... but not so much recently. At least not in the states. Though Nintendo's proven before that featuring a character new to most of the US in SSBM greatly increased awareness and popularity of those characters. If they continue along that line of thinking, yes it would be logical to include KDDD. We'd just have to wait and see I suppose.

No, Mario should leave. He is such a minor character that no one would notice it if he left.
My new favorite poster.
Nah, Mario should return as the final unlockable character.
This would actually be rather amusing, despite how unrealistic... ;p
D..D...Did you just say mario should leave. You must be high:psycho: :rotfl: :laugh: .
Seriously, don't be stingy. Share the love!
I dont CARE if u were joking, ur gonna freakin GET IT! *loads shotgun and hunts a GotACoolName*...
Hey man, I like this guy :(

I think I succeeded in quoting the **** out of this
(and the last) page.


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
I like to think of it as knowing when someone is sarcastic on the internet, or at the very least trying to troll... poorly.
Yeah, GotACoolName has been taking hits ever since I called him out to ask him his opinion on Sonic characters. I like him/her too, I don't see why everyone is so hostile. And Stryks, I thought you were still hunting Sly Fox? :p

No matter what (s)he meant it was still funny. As for Pacman,

NeutralB: Spits colored ghosts at the opponent. Works like Shiek where the longer you hold B you increase the number(Max 4) but you can aim them like Yoshi's eggs.

OverB: A thick pixilated wall appears and Pacman goes into the wall, then immediately shoots rapidly out from the opposite side of him the wall was on and travels fowards a good distance(picture raptor boost) but he keeps going after hitting the person.

DownB: Pacman gets into a position where his back is to the ground(mouth perpendicular) then does a 'split' of sorts. This attack is a bit quicker than a meteor smash and bounces foes into the ground(if you do it in midair it's a spike.

UpB: Pacmam changes to look more 2 dimensional. He gets a little blurr of energy around him and travels at about his running attack speed(slightly faster than a run) for a few seconds. You can control the direction you travel while doing this move and if you hit(bite) an opponent, they go at an angle about 30 degrees above your mouth.

I had actually come up with a complete moveset at one time, those are just the basics. Just for the record, it's like Fox who has a multihit for his Dair and a downB for a spike, but I added some lag to make it more fair. I never played Pacman World but from what I understand it wasn't all that involved anyway, so most of his moves involved him spinning and hitting you with his jaw or spitting pellets for multihit tilts, big pellets for smash attacks and the like. Just to give you some sort of idea.

As for the shadow queen, don't worry about her. I played that game several times and could never imagine her being a character...ever. I did however make a Paper Mario moveset complete with everything down to the last detail except for the edge attack which I forgot.:embarrass You can go to the 'brawl character moveset' thread by annoyinh1357 or some numbers like that and look at it. Or search for posts by me.:)


Smash Journeyman
Jun 3, 2006
Chicago Illinois. but I like mexico better :P
so just because hes a flame swordsman, he deserves to stay? dude we dont NEED a flameswordsmen, the game can continue without him, believe me, roy was an advertisament for FE7, so with that game already released, whats the point of him staying if he was only a advertisament??...
actually, it was FE6.

anyway, yeah, i dont think roy is staying. much better lords to take his spot if any more fire emblem characters are added.

Hm, it's true Kriby is big... but not so much recently. At least not in the states. Though Nintendo's proven before that featuring a character new to most of the US in SSBM greatly increased awareness and popularity of those characters. If they continue along that line of thinking, yes it would be logical to include KDDD. We'd just have to wait and see I suppose.
i think his popularity decreased after the transition from SSB64 to melee where he, as shadenexus likes to refer to as, "lost his mojo."


Smash Ace
Nov 30, 2006
The Negative Zone
Yoshi will probably have a Mario Galaxyish look, even though he probably won't be in that. They may take his new look from his DS games, it hasn't stopped them with Fox.


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2006
Virginia Beach, VA
Hey I can hunt 2 guys at once! XD...
Stryks, Stryks, Stryks, I don't care what anyone says, your okay in my book. That's why I voted for you for the Smash awards on this forum for something......I just can't recall what, but it's good nonetheless.

The Hunt is On!


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
Yoshi will probably have a Mario Galaxyish look, even though he probably won't be in that. They may take his new look from his DS games, it hasn't stopped them with Fox.
True, it hasn't. But also keep in mind that Yoshi doesn't exactly have the greatest look on the DS. I'm much more strongly leaning towards a complete polygon model makeover.

Hey I can hunt 2 guys at once! XD...
Aah...the wonders of multitasking.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Stryks, Stryks, Stryks, I don't care what anyone says, your okay in my book. That's why I voted for you for the Smash awards on this forum for something......I just can't recall what, but it's good nonetheless.

The Hunt is On!
Wow, im surprised even tough Ive bash ur idea of having X in brawl instead of classic, thanx XD...


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2006
Virginia Beach, VA
I dont CARE if u were joking, ur gonna freakin GET IT! *loads shotgun and hunts a GotACoolName*...
Hello, earth to GotACoolName! This is Mario were talkin about. "The Italian Stallion," a guy that has more occupations than I can count (racer, villain, hero, referee, doctor, plummer, martial artist, etc.). The mascot & the heart of Nintendo. PLENTY OF PEOPLE LOVE MARIO INCLUDING MYSELF!


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
Hello, earth to GotACoolName! This is Mario were talkin about. "The Italian Stallion," a guy that has more occupations than I can count (racer, villain, hero, referee, doctor, plummer, martial artist, etc.). The mascot & the heart of Nintendo. PLENTY OF PEOPLE LOVE MARIO INCLUDING MYSELF!
But the user was joking! Wow, some people are either overly thick or touchy, and neither is good. I found humor in it, so did Ipslne, and probably a few other silent observers. Everyone knows you can't hate Mario, so isn't it acceptable to make a funny at his expense every now and then?

Wow, im surprised even tough Ive bash ur idea of having X in brawl instead of classic, thanx XD...
Which speaks strongly for his character. By your surprise, I would conclude that you(and I include myself in this analysis) would have neglected to vote for him because of a grudge. Good job, Shadenexus.:bigthumbu

EDIT: I'm sorry surrogate brotha', but I just can't take your back on this one.:urg: Does that make me a failure?


Smash Journeyman
Feb 5, 2002
I hope Peach will be back, and that NOA get their dirty, censoring hands off her this time! :mad:

That should totally be an alternate outfit!


Smash Rookie
Jan 7, 2007
Amusing, since being away seeing horrible spelling has really ground down my nerves... HI PURPLE ROBOT FONT GUY!!! You know what the coolest would be? If Pac-man's special wpuld be to turn everyone into ghosts and eating them! Yeah its probably been said before, but it just popped into my mind as i was reading..... also....FE6......or how bout......Fe6......like Iron(VI)......any one out there get it? O SWEET!!! My elipsis reminded me of something here it is

< . . . . .

comon, its pacman...


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2006
Virginia Beach, VA
But the user was joking! Wow, some people are either overly thick or touchy, and neither is good. I found humor in it, so did Ipslne, and probably a few other silent observers. Everyone knows you can't hate Mario, so isn't it acceptable to make a funny at his expense every now and then?

Which speaks strongly for his character. By your surprise, I would conclude that you(and I include myself in this analysis) would have neglected to vote for him because of a grudge. Good job, Shadenexus.:bigthumbu

EDIT: I'm sorry surrogate brotha', but I just can't take your back on this one.:urg: Does that make me a failure?
Well, just in case Gotta Cool Name wasn't kidding about that, I had to give him a wake up call.

Yeah, I know consider Stryks to be a "rival" so to speak. In addition, I didn't have a grudge with Stryks just because that I like X & he like the Blue Bomber. It was more like a heated debate. Other than that, we tend to agree on other topics (Dark Samus in Brawl, Mario is tight, etc.) So yeah, me and him are tight.

What do you mean you can't have my back? Pertaining to what exactly? Please elaborate on this.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 3, 2006
Chicago Illinois. but I like mexico better :P
Well, just in case Gotta Cool Name wasn't kidding about that, I had to give him a wake up call.

Yeah, I know consider Stryks to be a "rival" so to speak. In addition, I didn't have a grudge with Stryks just because that I like X & he like the Blue Bomber. It was more like a heated debate. Other than that, we tend to agree on other topics (Dark Samus in Brawl, Mario is tight, etc.) So yeah, me and him are tight.

What do you mean you can't have my back? Pertaining to what exactly? Please elaborate on this.
why am i always left out? the 3 of us argue about the exact same things all the time.

i think she is refering to you being mistaken about the incident with gottacoolname. i could be wrong though

and for the record, Zero's better than X.


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2006
Virginia Beach, VA
My bad 06 Falcon. I forgot to include that I bear no grudge towards you or towards Dynamic Duo.

I'm sure you'll come around eventually.....Zero<X


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
Amusing, since being away seeing horrible spelling has really ground down my nerves... HI PURPLE ROBOT FONT GUY!!! You know what the coolest would be? If Pac-man's special wpuld be to turn everyone into ghosts and eating them! Yeah its probably been said before, but it just popped into my mind as i was reading..... also....FE6......or how bout......Fe6......like Iron(VI)......any one out there get it? O SWEET!!! My elipsis reminded me of something here it is

< . . . . .

comon, its pacman...
Are you yelling at me? It's not so obvious from where I'm reading.

In other news, I meant that I would not support you in yelling at that particular user. Certain people deserve to be yelled at; arrogant n00bs, one-stop posters, negative nancies, but not people using sarcasm to liven up the boards. I won't stand in your way if you yell at other people, but that guy with a CoolName is alright and I don't think he's deserving of being yelled at. That's all.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 7, 2007
Milwaukee, WI
Hello, earth to GotACoolName! This is Mario were talkin about. "The Italian Stallion," a guy that has more occupations than I can count (racer, villain, hero, referee, doctor, plummer, martial artist, etc.). The mascot & the heart of Nintendo. PLENTY OF PEOPLE LOVE MARIO INCLUDING MYSELF!
You are lying.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 6, 2006
East Lansing, MI
Twok, start giving something a little more extensive than one-liners and we may consider your opinions more. It's alot easier to contemplate someone else's thoughts when they're put in more words. Even if you're trying to say the same thing.

(I'm really, really, reeeaaally trying to be nice here...)

Yeah, GotACoolName has been taking hits ever since I called him out to ask him his opinion on Sonic characters. I like him/her too, I don't see why everyone is so hostile. And Stryks, I thought you were still hunting Sly Fox? :p

No matter what (s)he meant it was still funny. As for Pacman,

NeutralB: Spits colored ghosts at the opponent. Works like Shiek where the longer you hold B you increase the number(Max 4) but you can aim them like Yoshi's eggs.

OverB: A thick pixilated wall appears and Pacman goes into the wall, then immediately shoots rapidly out from the opposite side of him the wall was on and travels fowards a good distance(picture raptor boost) but he keeps going after hitting the person.

DownB: Pacman gets into a position where his back is to the ground(mouth perpendicular) then does a 'split' of sorts. This attack is a bit quicker than a meteor smash and bounces foes into the ground(if you do it in midair it's a spike.

UpB: Pacmam changes to look more 2 dimensional. He gets a little blurr of energy around him and travels at about his running attack speed(slightly faster than a run) for a few seconds. You can control the direction you travel while doing this move and if you hit(bite) an opponent, they go at an angle about 30 degrees above your mouth.

I had actually come up with a complete moveset at one time, those are just the basics. Just for the record, it's like Fox who has a multihit for his Dair and a downB for a spike, but I added some lag to make it more fair. I never played Pacman World but from what I understand it wasn't all that involved anyway, so most of his moves involved him spinning and hitting you with his jaw or spitting pellets for multihit tilts, big pellets for smash attacks and the like. Just to give you some sort of idea.

As for the shadow queen, don't worry about her. I played that game several times and could never imagine her being a character...ever. I did however make a Paper Mario moveset complete with everything down to the last detail except for the edge attack which I forgot.:embarrass You can go to the 'brawl character moveset' thread by annoyinh1357 or some numbers like that and look at it. Or search for posts by me.:)
Wow. My mind just turned off. I'm having trouble relating anything you said to SSB. Not your fault, I just can't think right now. They essentially sound good, however I don't quite understand the up-B. I may have to check out your other proposed movesets. But do you really want me to fill another topic with page-long posts? I'm sure the people viewing this and a couple other threads are annoyed enough as it is.

As for Paper Mario, I wouldn't be surprised if people got just as annoyed with him as they have been with Doc. Though considering this may be the last Smash game ever, why don't they just throw in as many as they can?

Yeah, I'm totally awesome.

EDIT: Smash Child get!
You're also either an Unmod.org, Hell, or 4chan fan. I'd put my money on 4chan u_u;


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2006
Virginia Beach, VA
actually, it was FE6.

anyway, yeah, i dont think roy is staying. much better lords to take his spot if any more fire emblem characters are added.

i think his popularity decreased after the transition from SSB64 to melee where he, as shadenexus likes to refer to as, "lost his mojo."
(Sigh) If only they didn't change him around so much. This is what I'm getting at, "If it ain't broken, don't fix it! Leave it alone!" I'm, of course, refering to Kirby. In Smash 64, he was in my opinion a god tier or he was in his prime. A game designer probably new what he was doing when he designed Kirby's moveset "effects." Now on Melee, he has the same moveset; however, the "effects" of the moves were completely changed around, thus making his moves expentually toned down especially his chain combos. He fought as if he was extremely "seasoned" or something.

I said it before & I'll say it again (seriously I don't mind at all) now that Sakurai & Sakurai's son (the creator of Kirby & the director of SSBB) is in the driver's seat one can assume that Kirby will play like a winner again. Heck, he might perform way better than he performed on Smash 64. This also goes for Meta-Knight & ,if he makes an appearance, King Dedede. Yep, Kirby will have a better "mojo" in Brawl.


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
it aint that hard to read what im saying. and its MasterGary not MasterGray. im not a color :s
I'm a color, and might I just say, "I take offense to people who insult colords!" *As my mom asks why I just yelled at a computer screen*

I am not joking.
Um...why do you feel it necessary to keep explaining yourself? At this point, we can think what we want. Especially with vague 4 word posts like that.:p

(I'm really, really, reeeaaally trying to be nice here...)

Wow. My mind just turned off. I'm having trouble relating anything you said to SSB. Not your fault, I just can't think right now. They essentially sound good, however I don't quite understand the up-B. I may have to check out your other proposed movesets. But do you really want me to fill another topic with page-long posts? I'm sure the people viewing this and a couple other threads are annoyed enough as it is.

As for Paper Mario, I wouldn't be surprised if people got just as annoyed with him as they have been with Doc. Though considering this may be the last Smash game ever, why don't they just throw in as many as they can?
What are you being so nice about? And go for it, if you think your up to filling half a page again, I would like to see you try.:p

No, you don't need to read anything else to get the pacman thing. He stops moving long enough to flash, then he moves foward at his max ground speed(the speed of a characters running attack is usually near their fastest for slower characters). You can control him by moving him either Up, Down, Left, or Right for about 2 seconds, then the upB is over. Nothing too overly complex.

And I don't get why people can't just not use doc if they don't like him. Stop complaining, he was put in last minute because they didn't have the time for anyone else. It's not like he would have taken someone else's spot they might have deserved, because it was either clones or no clones. As for Paper Mario, he's not technically Mario, is he? I also modled the PM moveset so it's a lot of his partners attacking, because in PMtTYD(his GCN game) all Mario really did was star power attacks and then let your partner with an enemy specific advantage waste the baddies.

You are lying.
About what?
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