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Pichu STINKS!!!

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Smash Apprentice
Sep 25, 2006
I say we turn it into abuse Goateeguy. Who do u main. Just because people main a underdevleoped character does not mean it sucks. Also ur the one to be talking with 13 posts there buddy


Smash Master
Oct 1, 2006
Just out of curiosity, what were the developers thinking when they made Fox and Pichu in the same game? Fox has the advantage in everything except recovery. I don't see the balance. Even taking the unforeseen offensive capabilities of the shine out of the equation, Fox has weight, doesn't damage himself, a better Up Smash, more range, stronger aerials, better tilts, a better grab game, more mobility, and a way to counter that one projectile Pichu can throw at him. I guess the developers overestimated the advantage generated from Pichu's small size and recovery.


Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2006
Fox cannot combo Pichu as easily, so Pichu's combos > Fox's combos a bit I believe. Then again, Fox doesn't need to combo, just laser, shine, repeat, then up smash. XD

Anyway... Pichu abuse thread in a board where we appreciate [worship?...] Pichu isn't such a great idea.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 5, 2006
Anyway... Pichu abuse thread in a board where we appreciate [worship?...] Pichu isn't such a great idea.
Ditto.... however, in the video's i've seen (Rush Hour double pichu attack:laugh: ) the pichus combo pretty well.


Smash Cadet
Dec 5, 2006
Pichu's D-smash also can spike/send offstage so far there's no chance of recovery. Try it on a Space Animal in training mode as they try to recover.


Smash Ace
Sep 18, 2006
La Jolla, San Diego
why make pichu?

because they knew some people would enjoy/appreciate playing him

i personally like playing him for the taunts, shffled nairs, and the fact that you can beat people with him...

of course, i only pull out pichu against pretty crappy players


Smash Ace
Jun 22, 2004
Miami, Florida
I think they thought they balanced Pichu out by giving him his F-Smash and making him so hard to hit in ffa's. (meant to be a party game)


Smash Apprentice
Nov 20, 2006
...........no way............mindgames start when you first pick pichu.....and the wrest is all about skill.......


Smash Master
Oct 1, 2006
I think they thought they balanced Pichu out by giving him his F-Smash and making him so hard to hit in ffa's. (meant to be a party game)
True, I totally forgot about the non-tourney aspects of the game. Thanks for clearing that up for me. By the way, why does the trophy say that Pichu is especially good for handicapped matches? What advantage does Pichu gain from being in a handicapped match?


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2005
Lynchburg, Va
Maybe because they think picking him is a handicap and it gives the advantage to the opponent? I'm just guessing here...

Jul 30, 2004
Woodstock, GA
Just thought I'd translate a post:

Just out of curiosity, what were the developers thinking when they made Fox and Pichu in the same game? Fox has the advantage in everything except recovery. I don't see the balance. Even taking the unforeseen offensive capabilities of the shine out of the equation, Fox has weight, doesn't damage himself, a better Up Smash, more range, stronger aerials, better tilts, a better grab game, more mobility, and a way to counter that one projectile Pichu can throw at him. I guess the developers overestimated the advantage generated from Pichu's small size and recovery.
"I don't play fox or pichu."


Smash Ace
Jan 9, 2006
Montgomery, New York
By the way, why does the trophy say that Pichu is especially good for handicapped matches? What advantage does Pichu gain from being in a handicapped match?
in the rules, there's a handicap option, if you turn it on, you could give pichu a handicap of 9, and your opponent(preferably marth) a handicap of one, then wreak havoc :laugh:


Smash Master
Oct 1, 2006
Okay, less than three, maybe I don't understand your meaning of the "translation" but I do play Fox, and he is cheap is hell, and he pretty much has the advantage in everything over Pichu. And soanevalek, I realize that if you raise one character's handicap and lower another's, the character with the higher handicap will do better. I'm just wondering what makes Pichu so special in a match where one player is given an advantage through handicap. Oh, lastly, I'm not bashing those of you who choose to use Pichu, I'm just stating that the developers made him unbalanced in a bad way when compared to other characters. (Especially Fox)


Smash Master
Sep 20, 2005
Fox cannot combo Pichu as easily, so Pichu's combos > Fox's combos a bit I believe. Then again, Fox doesn't need to combo, just laser, shine, repeat, then up smash. XD

Anyway... Pichu abuse thread in a board where we appreciate [worship?...] Pichu isn't such a great idea.
Fox combos Pichu very easily (as he does with practically every character), not to mention that Pichu gets combo-***** by practically every character. Pichu really has to work hard for a lot less damage in his combos. Fox doesn't need to combo? Well, duh, if all you have to do is press down+B and one-hit kill someone--no, he doesn't, but he can and will.
You failed.
Pichu is a terrible character.
Fox is broken.
Deal with it.

Jul 30, 2004
Woodstock, GA
the trophy is saying pichu is a handicap.

And in my earlier post I was point out that you don't understand the pichu fox match up very well. Yes, fox is a very strong character with tons of pros, but in no way is he unbalanced verus fox Pichu has range and speed on fox not to mention amazing knock back trajectories and edge gaurds. He's easy to combo and juggle, and approaches and very easy to excectue on him as well.
On the other hand pichu is hard to combo with fox and very trick to edge gaurd since fox has no big hit boxes or moves that stay out for a long time.

You should have a deep understanding of characters before you judge any match up. I play an excelent pichu and have come out on top many a time in the match up you are talking about, so believe me when I say it's no where near as bad as it looks on paper.

Tommy, hey, which of foxes moves combo well on pichu, I can DI out of just about everything since Pichu is so light... And for a person with the title of one of the best Pichus in the world I still don't understand how you can call him terrible. Pichu's bad but he's not that bad.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 9, 2006
Thats a bit harsh. Im sure Pichu isnt THAT bad. Im unsure considering ive never used Pichu in my life.

pass the syrup

Smash Journeyman
Dec 13, 2006
i think there is no "bad" character. someone can be bad at using a character when someone else can own with that character. personaly would rather do homework than play with Pichu, but thats just my opinion


Smash Master
Sep 20, 2005
the trophy is saying pichu is a handicap.

Tommy, hey, which of foxes moves combo well on pichu, I can DI out of just about everything since Pichu is so light... And for a person with the title of one of the best Pichus in the world I still don't understand how you can call him terrible. Pichu's bad but he's not that bad.
Pichu is really light, but it seems like every character can combo him very easily because he kind of just flips around in front of their face. When you play against really good players DI isn't going to do much for you, they'll move right along with you and hit you up to about 50% or so and next time they hit you hard you'll be KO'd because of Pichu's low weight.

Likewise, every character can DI out of Pichu's combos, so you have to be that much faster and more accurate (and tricky).

This is one of the reasons I say Pichu is so terrible. He has nothing on Fox, no range, no stength, no speed. The best thing going for him is his low frames on landing lag, and that can only go so far. Oh, and decent edge-guarding. You're right, though, Fox (and most other characters) can't edge-guard Pichu very well... but they don't have to, he dies at very low percent.

I put a lot of time into playing Pichu and can do very well with him (I was doing $10 money matches at the last TANG versus Fox players), but I can choose any other character and do just as good or better than I can with my Pichu.

Jul 30, 2004
Woodstock, GA
Pichu is really light, but it seems like every character can combo him very easily because he kind of just flips around in front of their face. When you play against really good players DI isn't going to do much for you, they'll move right along with you and hit you up to about 50% or so and next time they hit you hard you'll be KO'd because of Pichu's low weight.
Thats silly you act like there is not meduim between bing comboed and being dead. I don't play agianst mediocere players who can't follow a tech or DI often times getting out of a combo are simple as holding away from that character and letting yourself go off the stange where you can recover or DIing a hit far enough so you can sopt tech or just fall and wait for a safe way to stand. I've played very good foxes I've been beaten by a few, but none have been able to effectively combo me.

Likewise, every character can DI out of Pichu's combos, so you have to be that much faster and more accurate (and tricky).
Here you are just wrong... saying pichu can't DI out of a combo but other characters can is hypocrytical in a sence. Pichu's speed and agility make it very easy to follow DI espeacally when so many of his aerials have very little knock back. On that same not Pichus great running speed make it easy to literally follow up techs into grabs or smashes, even from characters like fox.

[/quote]This is one of the reasons I say Pichu is so terrible. He has nothing on Fox, no range, no stength, no speed. The best thing going for him is his low frames on landing lag, and that can only go so far. Oh, and decent edge-guarding. You're right, though, Fox (and most other characters) can't edge-guard Pichu very well... but they don't have to, he dies at very low percent.[/quote]
dtilt beats out so many of foxes attacks in speed and range. You also have ftilt which out prioritizes nearly everything fox can throw and lead to an easy grab. wave dash to fsmash hurts shuffled approaches and makes foxes think twice about an approach that works very well on most other characters. Pichu can combo fox's fast falling build very easily with nair chains and utilt/uair combos. Pichu's also one of the few characters that can shiled grab characters that end up landing behind him thanks to his stange grab hit box again making very hard for even the most acturate foxes to approach..

I put a lot of time into playing Pichu and can do very well with him (I was doing $10 money matches at the last TANG versus Fox players), but I can choose any other character and do just as good or better than I can with my Pichu.
I too have put tons of time and effort into make pichu an effective character. He has his flaws but what character doesn't? Smash isn't about playing with your weakness but playing around them thats why other characters can do so well. If people dwelled on foxes weight or Samus' speed those characters would as be ranked very low.
I mean don't get me wrong pichu isn't a great character but every time I see him mentioned I can help but think the only reason he's put down is because people don't know how to play him at all, its similar to how you'll hear ICs are horrible or jigglypuff is weak, they don't play them os they couldn't know.

Okay, I'll stop it here these last to pharagraphs have just been idealistic rambling. But if anyone should understand the pros of pichu it should definitely be you, a person concidered by most as one of, if not the best pichu players out there. With this pichu can't win mindset you won't go much further than you've already gone.


Smash Lord
May 23, 2006
Richmond, BritishColumbia, Canada (williams+railw
most people here take too much influence from the tier list and hardly move out of their house to play. they post on forums, learn a few terms and start talking shux.

like a kid that lies to an adult
"yesterday, my friend from school, like baught twilight princess and beat it in like.. 2 weeks."
it is very obvious that you guys really have no idea what you are talking about.

some of you just phail to see that there is complicity and a higher level of metagame for every character


Smash Apprentice
May 29, 2006
whoa man i main wit pichu and pikachu and he doesnt suck, you just dont know how to play wit him.


Smash Master
Feb 20, 2006
Coquitlam (Vancouver), BC
most people here take too much influence from the tier list and hardly move out of their house to play. they post on forums, learn a few terms and start talking shux.

like a kid that lies to an adult
"yesterday, my friend from school, like baught twilight princess and beat it in like.. 2 weeks."
it is very obvious that you guys really have no idea what you are talking about.

some of you just phail to see that there is complicity and a higher level of metagame for every character
The best argument on this thread. <3, Airo, and T0mmy know what they are talking about, everyone else does not. I suggest the mods close this thread.

Jul 30, 2004
Woodstock, GA
A fox just comboed the stuffing out of my pichu today. uair to uair to uair to uair, that crap racks up some good damage... So even though it's a little stage dependant (He only got me with it on yoshi's story) I was wrong on that one.... It is a little combo that works freakin' wonders, it can almost kill from zero. You can DI away from the stage to avoid a thrid (or fourth)uair, but that will normally lead to a bair or nair to be prepared to switch up your DI for that hit if you don't see fox coming at you upside down...

My pichu is getting pretty lame <.< Lost a bunch of matches tonight that I normally do well in. Hopefully that was just an off night. Since I'm already pretty off topic: I might be getting some pichu videos up it depends on how the tourney goes tomarrow and whether the people bringing recording equipment want to waste fotage on pichus. We'll see.


Smash Master
Oct 1, 2006
I too have put tons of time and effort into make pichu an effective character. He has his flaws but what character doesn't? Smash isn't about playing with your weakness but playing around them thats why other characters can do so well. If people dwelled on foxes weight or Samus' speed those characters would as be ranked very low.
I mean don't get me wrong pichu isn't a great character but every time I see him mentioned I can help but think the only reason he's put down is because people don't know how to play him at all, its similar to how you'll hear ICs are horrible or jigglypuff is weak, they don't play them os they couldn't know.

Okay, I'll stop it here these last to pharagraphs have just been idealistic rambling. But if anyone should understand the pros of pichu it should definitely be you, a person concidered by most as one of, if not the best pichu players out there. With this pichu can't win mindset you won't go much further than you've already gone.
It's funny that you cited Fox's weakness as his weight when...yeah. Anyway, of course Pichu can win, nobody's saying he can't. It's just that Pichu has so many weaknesses to overcome compared to many other characters that in order to play around those weaknesses, you have to be at an extremely high echelon of skill compared to the other player. That's why Pichu isn't a good character.


Smash Master
Sep 20, 2005
That's funny, Fox's U-air is one of the only attacks I can DI out of well. Smash DI out of the first hit and the second one will miss you.
What I'm saying is pretty much what 1048576 said. Pichu has so many disadvantages you have to be that much better in every situation. This is why "Pichu stinks".
If having that attitude isn't going to get me very far with Pichu, I don't mind, I have better characters to practice with, haha. But knowing the weaknesses of a character isn't going to set me back, it just gives me something to focus on in training.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 9, 2006
that . . . hurts


but seriously, Pichu is really underestemated . . . he has good attacks, and sure he hurts himself
but who cares, HES SO COOL !


Smash Ace
Oct 1, 2005
Maple Ridge B.C
Yes the lightweight issue is a big factor, he has a great recovery making him almost never die unless he goes over the wall, it's unpredictable to unlike fox/falco.

Lightweight isn't always a bad thing though, you can get out of Peach's D-smash pretty quick because he doesn't get sucked into it like big characters. His agile, moves quick, hurts himself isn't a big thing either, many of his attacks are good.

Neutral air will knock the oponnent far, f-smash hurts yourself but for a good reason, it sends them flying and not all to hard to sweet spot.

Anyway just check NGCXX's pichu guide it explains everything.


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2005
Lynchburg, Va
I agree. This has turned into pretty much all opinons, mainly from <3's corner. Sorry dude, but you're pretty much wrong on every point. No1 says IC's and Jiggz are bad anymore, wtf? But Pichu is a horrible char, get over it. His ftilt and dtilt most definitely do not out prioritize any of Fox's moves. His ftilt has about 1/2 the range of Fox's jab. You also mentioned flaws. Sure, every char has flaws, but Pichu just simply has many more. This has nothing to do with how much we like him or how good someone is with him, it's just these the facts stand...

Jul 30, 2004
Woodstock, GA
@ N1c2k3: hahaha, ftilt out priorities (or rather it cancels with) everything XD even fox's smashes, and DTilt does have crazy range for pichu, more than any of fox's ground attacks. I'm not saying pichu is great, but he definitely isn't "horrible"...

T0mmy said:
That's funny, Fox's U-air is one of the only attacks I can DI out of well. Smash DI out of the first hit and the second one will miss you.
What I'm saying is pretty much what 1048576 said. Pichu has so many disadvantages you have to be that much better in every situation. This is why "Pichu stinks".
He hit me while rising in his jumps so I couldn't smash DI to avoid the second hit, it was also from zero so I didn't have that extra knock back to really help out.

What I'm saying is every character has "so many" disadvantages, like falco's weight, recovery and falling speed are huge disadvantages, you have to work around them to do well. People dwell on lower teired charcters flaws and flat out ignore thier strengths. Read every post that isn't mind in here =/ Again, I'm not saying pichu is some amazingly under estimated character that deserves to be top teir, I'd place him right around where he is on the teir list, I'd probablly even put Mewtwo above him. But I do think pichu is much much better than he is given credit for.


Smash Master
Oct 1, 2006
I don't see fastfalling as a disadvantage. It lets you get comboed more, but it also protects from vertical KO's, speeds up aerials, and makes juggling easier.


Smash Master
Sep 20, 2005
I think almost everything about Pichu stinks. I do better with every other character, even the ones I don't practice a lot with. That's all I need to know.
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