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Project GENO - MarioDK Demo out


Smash Ace
Sep 14, 2007

Found a way around the hair by using different pieces. Now I just need for them to stick to each other.

Still can't figure out the mouth... Maybe someone can find pictures of Kirby's Brawl model to help me understand? Otherwise, I'll just have to come up with several different *flat* mouth pieces to be traded in and out for animations.


Smash Cadet
Dec 19, 2009

*Epic Pic of mallow*

Found a way around the hair by using different pieces. Now I just need for them to stick to each other.

Still can't figure out the mouth... Maybe someone can find pictures of Kirby's Brawl model to help me understand? Otherwise, I'll just have to come up with several different *flat* mouth pieces to be traded in and out for animations.
dude Mallow is looking so nice right now,but can u make his arms look puffy?
oh and nice hair curl ^^


Smash Apprentice
Jan 30, 2010
Don't know if this is a good brawl pictures of kirby i got it from the main brawl website


i wish you could teach me how u made mallow but its probably too hard 0.0

dude shadowbolt you make models pretty fast and amazing you should become a game model designer ^^

amazing progress btw!

ps hope you made backup copies of mallow just in case one or two become corrupted.


Smash Ace
Sep 14, 2007
Yeah, see? Kirby's mouth has several pre-set sizes for his mouth. How on Earth that works in model form, I have no idea.

Actually, Senjen, Blender isn't all that hard if you take your time understanding it. Also, it *was* rather time-consuming (but fun!), so I wouldn't go praising my abilities just yet. xD

So... What ever happened to Uncle0wnage?


Smash Apprentice
Jan 30, 2010
i think UncleOwnage is piled with too much homework so he can't work further on the model :(

shadowbolt i am truly amazed though you got blender only what 4 or 5 days ago? And now you make a whole mallow model i'm truly impressed *bows*.

but seriously u should at least think about becoming a game model designer :) you seem to love using blender and doing 3D modeling so i highly suggest this im not trying to force you its just a suggestion ^^.


Smash Ace
Sep 14, 2007
Game design? Haha - it's not all as simple as you make it sound, Senjen. I was following a set 2D design, after all. xD


Smash Rookie
Jun 30, 2009

It's looking good shadowbolt! The only thing I'd hope for is making the model slightly more puffy.. Not as much as his game pic, just a slight cross between that and his sprite and it'd be perfection. Keep it up!

By the way what are you use for modeling? This seems to be up my ally for what I wanna go into and I'd like to give it a shot.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 30, 2010
masticatedmuffins he is using blender version 2.49 b a free 3d modeling and animation program.

once you learn how to use blender and if you want to make some characters for brawl as well i wouldn't mind seeing them ^^

can't wait to see some more progress of Mallow ^^


Smash Ace
Sep 14, 2007
Got the hair just right and did some editing on the shoes, but after a video card-related crash, methinks texturing isn't going to happen. I can still keep the model going, but there isn't much left for me to do in that area.

All that's really left are the mouth and the bones. After that, I think it'll be up to someone else to do the textures and animating. Until then, keep giving pointers for the model.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 30, 2010
hey shadowbolt once mallow's 100 % done are u going to make any more game models for brawl for other people that want characters in brawl like bomber-man.

so UncleOwnage is restarting Geno? 0.0

or is that a saying meaning that he will start progress again on Geno?

also shadowbolt will blue be put on the pants of mallow? And aww your not doing the texturing :( u would be amazing at it ^^

oh and amazing camera angle i can actually see the belt ^^

can't wait to see more pictures of Geno and Mallow X3

also so far what was the hardest part to make on mallow?


Smash Ace
Sep 14, 2007
It's official: My computer can't handle anything past completing the base model. No texturing, no bone animation, nothing. We'll have to find someone else if this is going to be finished.

- And that's considering whether or not Blender models can even WORK in Brawl. For all I know, I may have been wasting my time. xD


Smash Journeyman
Jul 16, 2009
Alpharetta Georgia
no offense, but don't you think that maybe you should have checked if blender models were compatible with brawl before you started working on it? either way, there will be a converter of some sorts eventually...so it wasn't a complete waste of time (and when did this become the Mallow thread? It's the Geno Thread for a reason!)


Smash Apprentice
Jan 30, 2010
someone could change the format if it doesn't work but i hope that it should work hopefully, lets pray

Geno heal shadowbolts computer with all your mighty powers and magic u can do it!

besides no one here probably no's what programs they used to make brawl, they probably only know the format of brawl's files ... so its not a complete waste plus u learned how to model and u said it was fun too ^^

plus u want someone thats dependable to work on mallow ^^


Smash Ace
Sep 14, 2007
@Giygue - I had my doubts when I started, but I figured I'd do it anyway. No clue about a converter, but I doubt Blender will be a part of it for a while. I wager it'll gather dust for a while. Like Senjen reminded me, though, I *did* have a fun learning experience from it, so even if it ends up never getting used, it won't have been a *total* loss.

You're right, though - this *is* the Geno thread. What started as a side project to fill in the time between Uncle0wnage's posts quickly snowballed into chaos and madness. Haha!

So! If something comes along to help with Mallow, great. If not, oh well. Either way, let's get back to discussing Geno.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 30, 2010
i hope u at least upload mallow ... for someone dependable but anyhoo that Geno voice sounds awesome the mallow voice yikes 0.0


Dec 18, 2003
Olympia, WA
The next version of Brawlbox should have .obj insertion. So anybody who wants to help - Start practicing animations in Brawlbox.

And once I start doing PSA Geno stuff again, I've got quite a few moves that I'm going to mostly rework, although there are certainly moves that I'm going to want to keep.

Also, I'm probably going to weaken a couple of attacks but speed everything up in general. I've learned how dang laggy he really is, and that doesn't seem fitting for Geno.


Smash Ace
Sep 14, 2007
True, Shadic - Geno was naturally the fastest member of the team in SMRPG.

Sadly, though, my compy apparently can't handle 3D animating. I'd love to contribute more if I could, but it seems Blender modeling and creative consulting are all I can offer at the moment.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 18, 2009
Are you going to keep the specials intact? Theyre awsome! I suggest adding finger gun as an A combo, and possibly Cosmic genos utilt, i thought it was a nice mario rpg allusion.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 30, 2010
hmm what would Geno's taunt's be? for his 3D model?

shadowbolt are u going to upload mallow though?

i don't know if shadic's tried 3d studio max but he could check if he has, a comparison between 3D studio max and Blender 2.49 b and see what the similarities are since they both are 3D modeling and animation programs ^^

is it possible to see one last picture :( as well of mallow, Geno and Mallow are both my favorite classic characters from smrpg after all.

also i found a cool remix of geno's woods song i belive this song wood be amazing in the stage made by shadic and sails ^^



Smash Ace
Sep 14, 2007
Looked into it, Senjen, and it turns out Blender can export models in DAE format. Luckily, I hear that someone here is working on a DAE to MDL0 file converter, so hope may not be lost after all!

... My computer still can't handle animation, but still! :D

Anyway, as for Geno's taunts, that's actually a very good question. One of which I'd imagine his star spirit form popping out for a moment, but past that I don't know. Maybe one can be the rapid mid-air spin he does at the end of the game, before he leaves the doll?

... Oh, wait! One of them is so obvious! His battle-end nod! :D


Smash Apprentice
Jan 30, 2010
dude shadowbolt you should listen to my geno remix i posted its amazing X3

i thought of another taunt he takes his hat/cap off and pulls a item out of it ie, mushroom , flower , star (random which item he pulls out)

that file converter sounds like an amazing find great job shadowbolt you should look into that once it is made ^^

i don't know if your getting a new comp anytime soon but if u did it would be neat to see the progress of your animation if u did it ^^

where i live i saw in store a $550 desktop comp with 750 GB of ram in it ^^

yep his battle end nod should be one of the four taunts ^^

think i found a tutorial how to convert it to DAE from here


ignore the section to covert DAE into .O3D

keep one copy in blender format you probably want a copy too, though i would't mind having a copy either XD

here's the website with the plugin from the tutorial that you'll need inorder to convert it into a .DAE, read the whole website.



Smash Cadet
Dec 19, 2009
Hey Senjen, I've heard that song before and actually I do have this as one of the songs that play on Shadic's Forest Maze stage(the other song is the second song that plays when you fight Smithy).
and im sad that Mallow won't anymore updates till someone picks him up(hopes that happens soon).But will someone still try and make a mallow stage?
BTW,Shadic what new moves are you thinking about giving Geno..(can you do a brief break down?).


Smash Apprentice
Jan 30, 2010
if i got taught how to make stages i would help make a mallow stage if i had the programs and the time ... all i have is blender i was the one that suggested it to shadowbolt. and i only know the basics of blender ...


Smash Ace
Sep 14, 2007
I'm officially an idiot. I made the Mallow model too high-quality (too many polygons to make it smoother), and can't make it go back. So now my computer can't handle texturing or animating it. And I can't undo it. And it's too high-poly to put in Brawl.

I. Have. Failed.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 30, 2010
shadowbolt i told u few times to make backup copies XD ... aww now we have no model for mallow :( and i said upload it as well XD oh well whats done is done ...


Smash Ace
Sep 14, 2007
shadowbolt i told u few times to make backup copies XD ... aww now we have no model for mallow :( and i said upload it as well XD oh well whats done is done ...
The damage was already done towards the very beginning of the model's creation. Even if I had made back-ups earlier than I had, it wouldn't have done any good for this.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 30, 2010
hmm i don't know if you really want to restart from scratch again which would suck but u would be faster at it now that you know more about blender plus u said u had fun making him ^^ i try to look on the bright side ^^ of things hence u know more u can make a second one since u have more knowledge

since u have pictures of mallow from the first 3D model u made u could use em as a reference to make a second one ...

or u could work with someone together teach em what u know about blender ... and it would be faster ...


Smash Ace
Sep 14, 2007
I refuse to start from scratch. This model took up enough of my time as it is.

As it turns out, I may have discovered a loophole in reducing the poly count!

Using the "decimate" tool, I was able to lower the poly count to ONE TENTH of what it used to be - though not in the way you'd expect. As you can see, it's all triangles and such now. HOWEVER, this may be precisely what we needed!

(And I saved it as a separate file just in case, don't you worry! xD)


Smash Apprentice
Jan 30, 2010
thank goodness, shadowbolt your a genius ^^ what is the decimate tool in blender dude? amazing you made his staff and other drum clamps are they detachable?

i also notice it looks less smooth but knowing you you'll be sure to fix it XD ...

i love people that find loopholes to fixing things as well ^^

its very amazing by the way the latest picture u showed very detailed ^^

so now you have two copies of mallow?

how do u have so much free time too 0.0

ps on page 50 i put a website how to make 3D models into .DAE format. (you'll probably wan't to do this once the model's 100 % complete including fully animated with attacks, movement and taunts)


Smash Rookie
Jun 30, 2009
This is some good stuff!

So blender huh? Assuming it can eventually be put into brawl box is it within there that the bone-making and animations are made? Or can that be done with different programs?

As for the mallow model.. the less polygon one isn't that bad, in certain areas of the model I'd say it helps; when ya think about it his sprite isn't ALL smooth.

As for Geno.. probably my MOST favorite smrpg character, can't wait to see more of that when the time comes. Still not quite sure about that voice suggested .. don't hate it but not fully in love with it.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 30, 2010
yes musticatedmuffins u can make bones and animations in blender as well as 3D game models i suggest version 2.49 b

shadowbolt i'm truly amazed great job ^^

shadowbolt can you answer my questions on my previous post please ^^

how come there's a white spot on top of the belt as well?

also will u now be doing texturing, and bone animation since u figured out how to lower
the poly count? ^^

did u make mallow on separate layers with those attacks?


Smash Ace
Sep 14, 2007
Blender can already export in DAE form, Senjen.

It's irrelevant anyway, seeing as it turns out my little "decimate" loophole isn't going to help at all. It turns out the way decimate lowers the polygon count is by completely destroying the symmetry of the object (hence the triangles instead of squares). I need squares because I need straight lines along the model - I need straight lines along the model because I need to be able to add straight "seams" to the model - I need straight seams in order to cleanly "unwrap" the UV texture of the model - and unwrapping needs to be clean in order for you to know what on Earth you're looking at.

In short, I was wrong. It turns out I *did* screw up, and the Mallow model is going back down the toilet.

I'm not getting my hopes up, but I'll hold onto the high-res model, just in case a future Blender update let's you *take away* multires levels.

Bleh. I'm a much better writer than I am a 3D designer. I should've been editing my book, not doing this.

Hey, Shadic - mind if I offer my services as a semi-official team creative consultant of sorts? I've already been giving truckloads of pointers for Uncle0wnage's model, after all.


Smash Cadet
Dec 19, 2009
I refuse to start from scratch. This model took up enough of my time as it is.

As it turns out, I may have discovered a loophole in reducing the poly count!

*Pic of the Epic Mallow*

Using the "decimate" tool, I was able to lower the poly count to ONE TENTH of what it used to be - though not in the way you'd expect. As you can see, it's all triangles and such now. HOWEVER, this may be precisely what we needed!

(And I saved it as a separate file just in case, don't you worry! xD)
Dude, that Mallow is so cool and thats great that you added his cymbals (just got some great ideas for his smash attacks). Whoa!! man my head is filled with ideas at the moment.
Edit:**** got Ninja'd by Bolt.


Dec 18, 2003
Olympia, WA
Hey, Shadic - mind if I offer my services as a semi-official team creative consultant of sorts? I've already been giving truckloads of pointers for Uncle0wnage's model, after all.
For the actual PSA character itself, you mean?
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