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Red, White and BOOM! - Henry Fleming for DLC! * Democracy calls! Will you answer? *

Roaring Salsa

A dragon never yields
Mar 7, 2015
Courtroom No. 4

Citizens of Earth!

Though the skies may be blackened and the world under siege from extraterrestrial invaders, do not be afraid! A brand new, state-of-the-art task force has been assembled to save our fair world from the alien hordes, and ensure a bright future for every woman, child and man of the United States - nay, the world!

And just who are these brave, star-spangled heroes and heroines?

The Strike Team Eliminating the Alien Menace!

Better known as...


Fire the megaboilers to maximum pressure and buckle in for a wild ride, folks - it's time to fight for truth, justice and Smash glory!


Who is Henry Fleming?

Captain Henry Fleming is the main protagonist of Intelligent System's upcoming game, Codename: S.T.E.A.M. He is a veteran of the American Civil War and a decorated - not to mention wonderfully patriotic - soldier, personally hired by Abraham Lincoln to defend Earth against alien invaders. He is the the leader of the elite paramilitary guard team, Unit S.T.E.A.M. (Strike Team Eliminating the Alien Menace), and fights for justice, freedom and the American Earth way!

It's interesting to note that all of the major characters in Codename: S.T.E.A.M. are, in fact, based on characters from 19th and 20th Century popular culture. Henry Fleming himself is brought out of the pages of Stephen Crane's turn-of-the-century war novel, The Red Badge of Courage. In the novel, Fleming is depicted as a young soldier who dreams of fame and glory, yet finds that he is little more than a self-conscious coward. His struggle to make peace with himself and do his country proud in spite of overwhelming odds forms the core of the narrative, with Fleming ultimately proving to be a capable soldier and an earnest leader in times of crisis.

Much like Fleming himself, the rest of the cast in Codename: S.T.E.A.M. are based on popular characters in literature and lore. Fleming's stalwart allies in Unit S.T.E.A.M. include Tiger Lily from Peter Pan, the Lion and Scarecrow from The Wizard of Oz, colloquial legend John Henry, H.P. Lovecraft's recurring anti-hero Randolph Carter and the enigmatic vixen known only as The Fox.

Fleming's main weapon is the Eagle Rifle, a steam-powered gun designed for frontline combat. He can also use his signature move, Eagle Strike, to throw an explosive device shaped like a golden eagle.

What game does he appear in?

Fleming will appear in Codename: S.T.E.AM., a strategy role-playing game developed by Intelligent Systems (best known as the creators of the Fire Emblem and Advance Wars series). Players will get to take command of a team of secret agents tasked with fighting marauding aliens, with Fleming numbering amongst their elite ranks. The game is heavily inspired by American comic books and vintage novels, featuring a quirky and colourful steampunk setting that blends a whole host of familiar faces in new and exciting ways. From what we've seen thus far, the game is very much in the vein of Fire Emblem and Advance Wars, featuring turn-based action and a particular emphasis on strategy and tactics to seize victory.

More information will be added when the game is released!

Fleming is a consummate soldier and a proud defender of good old-fashioned Earth liberty!


So why does he deserve to be in Smash 4?

Fleming represents a brand new game in Nintendo's library, and one that they seem to be taking pretty seriously thus far. Right now, at the time of writing, this game is set to be released next month in North America, and in the rest of the world in the following months. As with other recent heroes in the Nintendo canon - Wonder Red in The Wonderful 101, the Inklings in Splatoon, etc. - Fleming has the potential to be a new all-star in his own right. His gun-based fighting style would be a new feature in Smash, too, which is always welcome when considering the potential viability of a newcomer to the roster.

Wait, guns? Doesn't Sakurai prefer to not use realistic firearms?

Indeed and he does, though that was something he last mentioned when developing Brawl. We all know how Sakurai is prone to changing his mind on such matters, and he seems to be more lenient with regards to how guns are portrayed in Smash nowadays: just check out Duck Hunt's Final Smash! Those are some pretty brutal gunmen right there!

And anyway, Fleming's gun is hardly realistic. It's powered by steam, for goodness's sake!


How would he play in Smash?

It's difficult to say right now, since the game has yet to be released, but even just from what we've seen already, Fleming seems to have some interesting tricks up his sleeve. His trusty Eagle Rifle would no doubt form the backbone of his moveset, possibly being used in standard attacks as a long-range weapon, akin to Mega Man or Mii Gunner. His signature move, Eagle Strike, would see him throwing an explosive eagle from a distance, and he could wield other steam-powered weaponry to bolster his already impressive military arsenal. As a soldier, he could even fight with his fists and feet when up close and personal, and he could use military-style strikes and throws for standard attacks.

It's also interesting to consider a "steam power" mechanic, as featured in Codename: S.T.E.A.M. Every action in the game, from moving to attacking, requires steam, which gradually replenishes over time. It can be stored to unleash more powerful moves, or used right away for rapid-fire damage. This "steam power" mechanic could be interesting if Fleming was playable in Smash: do you keep firing for minor, yet consistent, damage, or do you save it all up and use it for maximum power? He could even use the Overwatch Attack from his native game, automatically releasing a powerful blast when opponents come nearby, but at the cost of a massive amount of steam power.

Do we know anything else about him?

We know that Fleming, as the leader of Unit S.T.E.A.M. and a professional soldier, is a consummate combatant with a wide arsenal of tools and gadgets at his disposal. Based on screenshots released by Nintendo, we can infer that other steam-powered gadgets - including a jetpack and turret guns - will play a role in the game's combat system, which could be very interesting if utilised in a Smash moveset. There's also the collectible medals and gears to consider, as it's been revealed that these will allow players to repair and improve their weaponry and equipment throughout the game - might we see even more weapons and tools at our patriotic hero's disposal when the game is released?

Fleming is always ready to save the day, no matter the odds!


Fire Emblem Intelligent Systems has enough reps already!

Without reiterating how "reps" don't really exist, this is a silly argument, and I trust people are more sensible than this. Whatever about Fire Emblem having several characters, Codename: S.T.E.A.M. is a totally new series that just happens to be developed by the same studio. If we were to limit characters based on developers, it would be a very, very small roster indeed. We wouldn't even have any Yoshi or Kid Icarus characters if that was the case!

His game isn't even out yet!

Of course, which is why there's no Codename: S.T.E.A.M. content in Smash - yet. DLC is a wonderful thing in that respect: even characters that couldn't have been in the base roster can be introduced in future downloadable packs.

He's just a dull soldier!

Correction: he's just a dull soldier who fights aliens with a steam-powered rifle and eagle grenades. With the aid of a mystical Native American healer, a lion-man, an occult researcher and a sentient scarecrow, no less. Besides that, Smash is well-known for taking seemingly dull or unlikely characters and turning them into exciting and diverse characters in their own right - just look at Wii Fit Trainer and Duck Hunt!

What are his chances?

Fleming's potential playability is all dependent on whether character DLC continues into the foreseeable future and how well Codename: S.T.E.A.M. is received by fans and critics. Should DLC continue into the future and the game make a name for itself critically and commercially, I'd say his chances are pretty decent.

Of course, it's all up in the air right now: until the game is released and its reception is gauged, it's difficult to say how things will go. Still, if Sakurai's criteria for newcomers does indeed take into account originality and current importance to their respective series, Fleming still has a good shot at making it big!

Fleming with his fellow agents of S.T.E.A.M. From left to right: Tiger Lily, Randolph Carter, Henry Fleming, Tom Sawyer, John Henry


* Coming soon! *


Lady Liberty


Support icon by @ A Distant Demon A Distant Demon

Support icon by @ Frostwraith Frostwraith

Specials: 3232

- Grenade Launch
- Stealth Burst
- Arm Rocket
- Bomb Drop

Outfit: Steampunk

Headgear: None

Henry Fleming

John Henry


Tiger Lily

Abraham Lincoln

* UPDATE~! *
In a Nintendo Direct on 1 / 4 / 2015, Satoru Iwata announced that the Smash Bros Fighter Ballot has been opened to the public! This will allow fans to vote for the character they would most like to see as a playable fighter in Smash, and represents a great opportunity for fans to let their voices be heard by Sakurai himself!

As far as we know right now, you can only vote for one character per person. It's not quite clear how this will be moderated, so if you want to vote for submit multiple votes on multiple devices, please do so. Be sure to use different personal details if you do so! As well as that, rather than consistently spamming votes for one character (in this case, Henry), spread 'em all out and vote for different characters. Remember to vote for your favourite character and don't feel pressured to vote for anybody else if you don't feel comfortable with it - but if you have another device and want to send in a vote on behalf of Henry, then please do! Your support means a lot!
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Falling into Infinity
Oct 21, 2014
Pretty interesting character, I can definitely see potential in Fleming~ :3

Sign me up, let's fight for truth and justice~ >w<


Too Majestic for Gender
Aug 21, 2014
Switch FC
Agents of S.T.E.A.M huh?
I'll take the Phil Coulson role then.
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Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
Steam would probably give Henry some very good stage control, being a pretty heavy but slow character.
Once he runs out of steam, he would become very slow and have very low jump height, unable to recover properly.
IMO, he would probably be a riskier Robin with better damaging projectiles.
Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
Abraham Lincoln tho

oops wait

in all seriousness the guy has a cool design and has great move potential, especially if he steals moves from allies like ness does. you know moves like aether. oh I mean the boxing glove gun.

+1 support

seriously Lincoln would be amazing even as an alt


Supersonic Warrior
Nov 4, 2013
Henry Fleming, huh? Why don't you do me a little something, and by something, I mean add me to the list, please?


Smash Champion
Jul 23, 2014
Switch FC
Sign me up as a member of S.T.E.A.M. too! :) I'm looking forward to seeing him in action!


Smash Hero
Oct 17, 2007
I could have sworn there was a character thread for a steam character already. I definitely remember posting in it about Henrys chances.

Personally I'd rather we got an Advance Wars character first but I do find Henry to be quite interesting. I wonder if he'll gain enough popularity to nab a dlc spot, it seems to me the Inklings are more likely.


Smash Champion
Feb 7, 2015
If Henry gets a Smash amiibo, will it be usable in FE14? :awesome:
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Peace and love and all that jazzmatazz~! <3
Aug 28, 2014
Here, there, who knows?
I could have sworn there was a character thread for a steam character already. I definitely remember posting in it about Henrys chances.

Personally I'd rather we got an Advance Wars character first but I do find Henry to be quite interesting. I wonder if he'll gain enough popularity to nab a dlc spot, it seems to me the Inklings are more likely.
There was, but it's been inactive for half a year now. I'll stick your name on the supporters' list anyway, we could do with more numbers~

If Henry gets a Smash amiibo, will it be usable in FE14? :awesome:
Abe Lincoln as Lord or riot.


Smash Champion
Feb 7, 2015
There was, but it's been inactive for half a year now. I'll stick your name on the supporters' list anyway, we could do with more numbers~

Abe Lincoln as Lord or riot.
Abe Lincoln will be the Lord for FE16 :troll:

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
In the name of God Usopp, I will join your "army" and support Mr. Fleming's DLC movement. I've been interested in the game for a while since I need a another handheld RPG to hold me over for this year.


Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
Personally I'd rather we got an Advance Wars character first but I do find Henry to be quite interesting. I wonder if he'll gain enough popularity to nab a dlc spot, it seems to me the Inklings are more likely.
Henry and Inkling are pretty incomparable, as the latter is actually being having one of the biggest fan base jumps for an upcoming Nintendo IP in a long time. Splatoon is also being pushed by Nintendo to make it a big IP, unlike Codename STEAM. Henry is more of an uncertainty than the Inklings IMO, but I still would like to see Henry happen.


Smash Hero
Oct 17, 2007
Henry and Inkling are pretty incomparable, as the latter is actually being having one of the biggest fan base jumps for an upcoming Nintendo IP in a long time. Splatoon is also being pushed by Nintendo to make it a big IP, unlike Codename STEAM. Henry is more of an uncertainty than the Inklings IMO, but I still would like to see Henry happen.
The main reason I was comparing them was because they were both from new IPs debuting this year. I don't think it's that unusual to compare them.

Flaxr XIII

Smash Lord
Jun 27, 2013
Yes! I support! I was gonna make a support thread myself but I got nervous cuz I've never made one before...


Smash Master
Writing Team
Dec 10, 2013
Imagine this. DLC Pack with the following
>Wonder Red, who uses the other Wonderfuls to attack within his moveset
>Inkling, based on area control through weapons
>Henry, who uses weaponry on a charge meter, and must save it up to kill
>Wonderful 101 stage, in which you see the first boss
>STEAM stage
>Splatoon hub stage
>trophies unlocked from get go besides fighter trophies
>new music added to game
New Franchises DLC Pack, would you buy or would you buy?


Smash Apprentice
Jul 11, 2014
Imagine this. DLC Pack with the following
>Wonder Red, who uses the other Wonderfuls to attack within his moveset
>Inkling, based on area control through weapons
>Henry, who uses weaponry on a charge meter, and must save it up to kill
>Wonderful 101 stage, in which you see the first boss
>STEAM stage
>Splatoon hub stage
>trophies unlocked from get go besides fighter trophies
>new music added to game
New Franchises DLC Pack, would you buy or would you buy?
Not sure if I would prefer the hub as a stage. Other than that all my yes.

Also, count me in as a supporter.

Flaxr XIII

Smash Lord
Jun 27, 2013
How did you guys like the CodeName S.T.E.A.M. Demo?
As someone who loved XCOM, I really enjoyed this one. People say Valkyria Chronicles is a similar type of game so I'll definitely look into getting that too at some point.

I'll probably preorder STEAM but hold off on playing it until I get a New 3DS XL because HOLY CRAP I forgot how small the regular 3DS screen is. Maybe its good that NA is only getting the XL...

The Novice Sword

Smash Apprentice
Feb 8, 2015
I support this in theory though I think it's an unlikely DLC for the foreseeable future considering the work that would have to go into making him entirely from scratch. Then again maybe not. Plus we have to wait for the game to come out and then see if it does well financially or is even any good.

At this point I think trophies are the most likely content and perhaps a stage? Maybe for Smash 5 S.T.E.A.M. would get in to the roster.

Also, a Lincoln assist trophy would make me very happy.


Too Majestic for Gender
Aug 21, 2014
Switch FC
I support this in theory though I think it's an unlikely DLC for the foreseeable future considering the work that would have to go into making him entirely from scratch. Then again maybe not. Plus we have to wait for the game to come out and then see if it does well financially or is even any good.

At this point I think trophies are the most likely content and perhaps a stage? Maybe for Smash 5 S.T.E.A.M. would get in to the roster.

Also, a Lincoln assist trophy would make me very happy.
Well character support is basically for DLC/Smash 5 at this point. Do we even know if we'll get further DLC beyond Mewtwo? We'll have to wait and see.

The Novice Sword

Smash Apprentice
Feb 8, 2015
Well character support is basically for DLC/Smash 5 at this point. Do we even know if we'll get further DLC beyond Mewtwo? We'll have to wait and see.
Oh for sure. I was just voicing that I think if there were DLC characters beyond Mewtwo then I think Henry Fleming would be a less likely candidate. However, I would be pretty excited about it at this point.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 20, 2014
Final Smash: "I NEED MORE STEAM!"

A SteamMaster then appears from the sky because everyone has a Landmaster.
Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
Just played the Codename STEAM demo

"barely a scratch" should be a victory quote
"nice and easy" could also work

"spotted one" or "i've got eyes on one" could make intro quotes

I am 100% in favor of Henry stealing moves from allies like the bear grenade
in a word. fun

overwatch feels weird and i don't like being "punished" for acting. I guess valkyria had a similar idea but enemies had less accuracy

the game looks a whole lot better on the 3ds than on a PC

it takes ages for an enemy turn to end. What makes it worse is every character makes an animation even if they take no action. Easily the "worst" thing in an otherwise good game.

too bad i'm not buying FE amiibos. . .
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Smash Master
Writing Team
Dec 10, 2013
So how about a stage for STEAM? I think London seems like a good stage. It would work like Delphino, taking you to different parts of the game. What parts? I dunno, games not out.
Plan on making a moveset for Henry when the game is out...
Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
So how about a stage for STEAM? I think London seems like a good stage. It would work like Delphino, taking you to different parts of the game. What parts? I dunno, games not out.
Plan on making a moveset for Henry when the game is out...
I would love to fight on/in "The Lady Liberty" (I think that's the airship's name). It has potential to be touring or be a victim of an attack from aliens. Just my preference.

lion launcher would make a great recovery move btw
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Smash Modder
Jun 26, 2014
South Florida
I would play the hell out of this character, been playing the S.T.E.A.M demo a lot.

Sign me up.
Apr 12, 2014
I'd prefer Lincoln just to see how people would react to the news that Abe Lincoln is playable in Smash Bros. But if anyone, it should be Henry Fleming. He would be quite unique with a STEAM based mechanic. I support.
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