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Richmond Triweekly Thread - Next : Pending


Smash Hero
Jan 18, 2007
Throw that P***y at me? B***h I think Im Babe Ruth
what NC! now i really need to get to this bi-weekly. man this sucks the only good thing that came out of this weekend for me was my girlfriend....

im thinking of throwing a hampton tourny or maybe bi-weekly depending on how things work out. but if i do gotta find some place for doing this bi-weekly i have a pretty good amount of space in my living room and room 4 about 5-7 setups in there just gotta see what my dad thinks about it.

if anyone thinks that would be good let me know i got no problems throwing tournys and as for brawl if i do throw tournys ill have to hold off for about a month to unlock everything in brawl.


Smash Master
Aug 10, 2007
Jag förstår inte. Vad sa du?
I'm just curious, is there gonna be a way to record matches, y'know, like a VCR? I wanna know b/c one, I promised my girlfriend (who is a smasher...yay...) I'd get some matches of me and Tope last week (when we were supposed to have some friendlies at the Fear's place), and two, I wanna get some good fights for my upcoming combo vid...


Smash Hero
Nov 3, 2006
Norfolk/Virginia Beach, VA - IT'S SOVA, BABY! <
I'm just curious, is there gonna be a way to record matches, y'know, like a VCR? I wanna know b/c one, I promised my girlfriend (who is a smasher...yay...) I'd get some matches of me and Tope last week (when we were supposed to have some friendlies at the Fear's place), and two, I wanna get some good fights for my upcoming combo vid...
I'm debating bringing my setup, but I'm 2 months behind on posting other matches I've recorded and I have extremely limited harddrive space as it is, which I'm also debating to take care of tonight via DVD-RWs..but that'll take foreeeeva and I gotta get up early in the morning to catch my ride to Richmond [well I gotta get up way early to eat breakfast due to Ramadan issues, though I won't be keeping fast, but my parents don't know that, nor do they know I'm going to Richmond lmao, and then I gotta wake up again to get my cube delivered to me before BLKG goes to Church...and THEN my ride]


By the way, Cyrain/Nelo/etc...I think what I'll do is put the crew matches from my house on DVD and just give them to you. Sorry guys.


Smash Champion
Oct 20, 2005
sorry i couldn't make it but with two of my crew at tech, and 1 sick and 1 with parents down for the day it just didn't seem worth it to go with just one other person..not when i have an exam to study for...sigh..i wish it was easier to get my whole crew to go places..but i made them promise to schedule for the next one

plus we may go down to cnu some to play next weekend


Mar 15, 2005
Norfolk, VA
Results for Biweekly 9/23/07

1: Doll Hates Wisdom Teeth (Doll & Ether)
2: TopeBear U 829 (Savedge & Tope)
3: Master Chief (Lozr & T.C.)
4. Toasticular Cancer (Toasty & Kitsune)

1: Tope ($0.00)
2: Lozr
3: Doll
4: Savage
5: Ether
5: Isra
7: Nelo
7: Kitsune
9: Toasty
9: O-NO
9: Geos
9: Cstick
13: Cups
13: Steve
13: Cinder


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2004
souf part of VA
just got back. Fun **** in Richmond all facking weekend. looks like I'm in need of major practice and fine-tuning before my next tourney

Tope-good **** at C3 beating Chu, then bad **** for losing to Eggm lol. That crap was so lame. thanks for letting us all destroy your house and hopfully cya next time

Kitsune-**** :( I hate your Falco bull**** so much that i had to express my feelings in my sig. you just need to learn how to stop getting beat by peaches. Also, whenever your free, hit me up for practice, since i need it as well

Doll-wisdom teeth suck. just keep rinsing it so you dont get infections

TC/Lozr-thanks for the matches and good seeing you guys

Yeroc-we **** as a team. Fun playing with you in C3

Raftbuilders-lol. Cyrain is too good. Geos is too awesome. Nelo is ****. Isra...kinda surprised you beat me honestly. I thought I had the last match until that triple downsmash bull**** :( Good playing you guys and hopefully cya again soon

Cdot-I'm going to beat you again eventually *shakes fist*

Savedge-so deadly.

Kiwii- ga-dammiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. thanks for toast. Dont get so depressed when you dont do so well. If everyone else did that then everyone but Tope, Lozr, Ether, savedge and Cyrain would have killed themselves by now


SoVA and everyone else-awesome time, etc. and see ya soon


Smash Master
Aug 10, 2007
Jag förstår inte. Vad sa du?
just got back. Fun **** in Richmond all facking weekend. looks like I'm in need of major practice and fine-tuning before my next tourney

Kiwii- ga-dammiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. thanks for toast. Dont get so depressed when you dont do so well. If everyone else did that then everyone but Tope, Lozr, Ether, savedge and Cyrain would have killed themselves by now
*puts dagger down*
Yeah, it was fun...but you think you need practice *cringes in pain from *****? I definately need to get a LOT better...I'm almost ashamed of how badly I got *****...hell, I didn't win a single match...I can understand being eliminated so quickly, but to not win ONE match...:urg:


Smash Journeyman
Jan 28, 2006
Virginia Beach

Raftbuilders- you guys are like.. the chillest dudes to hang out with. all so ****ing amazing

-Cyrain: man your fox = ****... next time i'll take you dowwwwwnnnn
-Isra: FINALLY i take a match off you.. green greens fo lyfe :D
-Geos: epic set, i love you.
-Nelo: didnt get any matches, but you are so awesome

-Doll: lol puffy cheek pikachu, so sexay
-Tope: good **** on winning :) need to play you next time
-Kiwii: dont quit smash, just chill. greatness takes time. sorry about falco/fox. epic toast lol btw sharing is caring
-Savage: sooooooo faast i really need to get some dittos w/ you more.

-Jiggs players?: sorry didnt get your names.. but i hate jiggs more b/c of yall

-LOZR- ****, i love watching your matches and playing against you. so fast... really fast.

-Pac: some day.. i'll take your Falcon you tech chasing ******* master. >.<

rest of NC: good ****



Smash Master
Aug 10, 2007
Jag förstår inte. Vad sa du?
I seem to need a lot more practice, I lost every match but one I think, didn't stay for singles tourney.
Were you one of those younger players? Jus' curious...

Anyway...I feel compelled to do shoutouts, but I gotta leave, so I'll do 'em when I get back...you can look forward to it...not that anyone cares about MY shoutouts:laugh:


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2004
souf part of VA
Velocity never showed for the tourney...or at least not in time to even see the tourney

Cinder and co.: it takes major practice. You know that you live but a mile from amazing players, so just try and play with them whenever you can and go to the biweeklies


Smash Ace
Oct 16, 2005
Tarboro, NC &lt;CREW YGO&gt;
also: GRAND FINAAALSSSSSSS [record time, suckaaaz]
Good **** BOI!!!!!!!!!!

I had alot of fun at this one. Sorry I couldn't enter but after C3 I didnt feel like giving VA anymore of my moneys. Friendlies with Geos, Kitsune, Nelo(I think), Toasty, and of course the catfish him self, Chocolate Thunder were too good. This game is too good. I wish LOZR could've pulled out the win though.

Good **** VA *pound*


Smash Cadet
Aug 21, 2007
Woot, shoutouts:

Tope-Good **** on the tourny, I told you you'd have my money. Haha. Thanks for letting us over. We know you hate SoVa. Next time I'm in Richmond [biweekly or no] you're training my fox. We will spend hours on that ****.

I don't have millions.

Cyrain-I call bull**** on your fox. I do. Really. WHY SO MUCH BETTER THAN ME? :] When Tope is done teaching me how to ****, you're going to teach me how to **** specifically with Fox.

Nelo-I still want to play you. Ugh, I don't even know why I didn't.

Geos-I also want to play you.

Kiwii-GOD DAAAAAAAMNIT. :] Awesome as usual. I'll get you on that money match next time. Don't quit Smash. I'm very impatient, but I'm sticking with it because I love the game. Plus, I stole your cheetos.

Doll-Wisdom teeth do suck. I still want to play your peach, man. You wouldn't let me. Why not? Am I not good enough for you? Hopefully you're feeling better next time. :[ Then I can play your peach.

Toasty-Even though I gave you a ride, thanks for riding with me. :] Awesome, rocking out to Bury Your Dead and whatnot. :p Next time, don't squander on the music. O.o I almost beat your fox, but the unintentional sanbagging was the only reason. Thanks for the gas.

C-Stick-My first match was against you. So much ****. You're awesome, I can't wait till I can at least get 2 stocks off. Maybe even a whole round? Maybe one day. Too much **** man.

O-No-I hate you. :p But seriously, why do you destroy me so? It seems there is a pattern to these shout outs. "Look at this guy"-not ten minutes after I walk in the door. I love you man. I'm coming to your place soon to smash.

Kitsune-SHARING IS CARING. I was more thirsty than drunk. Haha, I was just kidding as well. "Wiggles-no...." I was so weak. Like I was a dog. :p I'll play you soon. I promise.

Scuba Steve-Tope told me you couldn't play. You beat me. Good **** man. I'll get you one day very soon.

Ether-Of course I still haven't played you, but hearing rumours that your Marth is ****. Seriously, let's play at the next one.

As for anyone I may have left out, awesome ****. You guys are all amazing. I love playing with you guys, and just all around hanging out. This is why Smash amazes me. :] Halo 3 is coming out, so I may not make it to the next one. Maybe, but I don't know. I will be in Richmond soon so you guys can help me out though. Just send me a date to go up there, and I'll try to get off work and bring some of SoVa for friendlies.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 16, 2005
Vallejo CA! (for lowlifes that dont know) Teh Bea
Get ***** son! that was me all weekend XD

i had a good time as usual. i cant wait for the next richmond adventure.

NC, you guys are too good. T.C and LOZR, ill catch you in teaxas i hope?

Tope, thanks for hosting and housing us for the weekend. good **** for beating chu.

all i can say is <3 richmond, you guys are too fuxxing awesome.


Smash Master
Aug 10, 2007
Jag förstår inte. Vad sa du?
Velocity never showed for the tourney...or at least not in time to even see the tourney

Cinder and co.: it takes major practice. You know that you live but a mile from amazing players, so just try and play with them whenever you can and go to the biweeklies
Yeah, I know...though I gotta admit, I'm proud of myself...I mean, it was my first tourney, and I didn't get 4-stocked:laugh: still, I need to practice a lot more, but my school's new gamer's club (smash included...I've even been put in charge of organizing tourneys:grin:) should make that a little easier (the CPU's no fun *makes pouty face*...and I live in Goochland=no local smashers...)
And congrats on the C. Falcon **** you dealt to me in the losers' bracket...bravo, dude;)


Smash Master
Aug 10, 2007
Jag förstår inte. Vad sa du?
That the next tourney day? Sweet:cool: count me in! Now that I know we can do friendlies, I may talk my girlfriend into comin'...she doesn't wanna do tourneys, but a few friendlies will help her practice;)

Anyway, count on Cinder and Crazgrl to show...I'm ready to be *****:laugh:


Smash Journeyman
Jan 31, 2006
Alright, I finally have time to do some shout-outs:
Tope: Good **** on winning. I need more shiek practice, or at least a better counterpick that doesn't get me into a peach ditto. >_>
Savedge: Fun set, I hope to take a match on my own without a claptrap having to get it for me lol.
Kitsune: Always good to see you; you're easily one of the funniest people I've met. Good **** on gay counterpick usage, I can't complain about green greens usage if I take everyone to Mute City and Jungle Japes.
Cstick: Yeah, I thought I may have screwed myself for a little while there, but luckily I found a way to combo gdorf mid-match. Pentuple Uair ftw.
Toasty: I love you man. ^_^ I didn't get to play you this time, but your Ness looks awesome and is truly entertaining to see in motion. I love seeing you get better everytime. We must play next time, especially if what I hear about you having to leave smash. ;_; I look forward to the next time we can hang out together again. : D (And thanks for the team richmond present. Although, I can't possibly express enough gratitude for your generosity, I appreciate it.)
Wiggles: You're a mighty cool dude, we must fox ditto next time.
O-NO: I didn't get to play you this time either. We should fox ditto, peach ditto, etc. <3
NC: You guys are incredibly chill, good **** on all the captain falcon action. He's such and awesome character. :D LOZR, your fox is beautifully fast and fun to play against; I hope to play more of it next time.
Ether: You're ****. Good ****. :D Moar friendlies next time!
Kiwi: Gooooooood daaaaaamit. I still need to get your music. You're fun to hang out with, so thanks for coming. Also moar friendlies!
My fellow raftbuilders: I'm thinking about what you're thinking about.

In summation: I need to play everyone, especially fox dittos. We should also do crews next time, regional or otherwise. <3 Richmond, SoVa, and NC. Smash is too good.


Mar 15, 2005
Norfolk, VA
Depends on if you came here or not... :)

Sova 21+ heading to the sportz bar two blocks away?


Smash Journeyman
Jan 28, 2006
Virginia Beach
****, i need to work this entire month, so i can go to Nekocon. =/ need as much money as i can get... so.. you guys probably wont see me until november or something. -.- my job is gonna be very bad coming november so this will be the last month i'll be ballin like a supasta!


Smash Ace
Sep 14, 2005
Virginia Beach, VA
I still haven't done shoutouts (I'm really lazy, sorry), but hey! Remember when I took pictures of everyone sleeping? lolz, that was great.
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