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Rillaboom, the Tank of Galar!


Smash Hero
May 27, 2019
Waiting for Latias and Latios to get a theme
Switch FC
SPOILERS AHEAD! Don't read if you don't want to be spoiled!
Also just noting, but due to issues with the spoiler tags, I had to get rid of them completely, as such, the movesets don't have spoiler tags on them, which means a lot of scrolling. Just warning you.

Who is Rillaboom?

Rillaboom is the final evolution of Grookey in Pokémon Sword and Shield. It is a grass type. It has a new signature move, Drum Beating.

Why Rillaboom?
I'll give you a few answers.
Final Starter Grass Evo, something we always wanted. Next, he's easily a tank pokemon, with stats that make for survivability, with a surprisingly high speed stat. We have two options with the speed stat, keep it, and make attack worse, or tone it down, and get better attack. The latter is more likely, stating as if all fighters were based off stats, Mewtwo would be a heavyweight and Ike would be as fast as Fox.
Also he's cool. And the only final starter evo that isn't furry bait.

Why not Rillaboom?


Rillaboom's only major concerns are the following,
1. Sword and Shield may be too recent.
2. How would he carry his drum?
Let me debunk those.
Starting with number one, stating we have Hero and Joker, whose games were released after the roster was decided, they have a good shot, and the rest of the DLC Fighters aren't set to be third party either.
Disproving number two, Rillaboom's arms look big enough to hold the drum under his shoulder alright, which can attribute to his slow running speed.

Anyways, having made my point, here's a moveset:
Neutral Special: Drum Beating, Rillaboom bangs it's drum, sending a shockwave at the opponent.
Side Special: Razor Leaf, Summons multiple leaves and sends them flying at foes.
Up Special: Drum Jump, Jumps off it's drum to gain height.
Down Special: Grassy Terrain, Slams it's foot down and creates a green area around it. It's attack power will be boosted inside the area that the grassy terrain is in, and opponents attack will be reduced. It disappears after a short time and requires a ten second recharge.

Smash Attacks:
Down Smash: Slams it's foot down and sends vines up around it.
Side Smash: Holds it's drum up and slams it into the opponent.
Up Smash: Uses Solar Blade and slashes upwards.

Forward Tilt: Quick use of Knock off, using it's two hands to make opponents flinch.
Down Tilt: Branch Poke, Rillaboom pokes out slightly using it's drumstick.
Up Tilt: A quick usage of U-Turn, giving Rillaboom invincibility for the duration of the move. It spins around in a circle, and delivers decent knockback. As a result, it has a large amount of end lag.

Rest coming soon.

Collater333's Moveset
B-Neutral: Drum Beating: Hits his drum and summons roots in front of them that hit his opponents in multiple successions
B-Side: Boomburst: Hits his drum, causing sound waves to hit the opponents in front of him, single hit
B-Down: Stomping Tantrum: Hits the ground with his feet, hitting those around him. If his previous attack missed, it does more damage and launch.
B-Up: Drum Jump: Jumps on his drum to bounce as a recovery. Drums can drop on anyone underneath him, and does not use up the rest of his jump.

A-Dash: Darkest Lariat: Similar to Incineroar's, with a few key differences. It goes farther, but doesn't last as long (3 spins), and hits 3 times
A-Neutral: Double Hit: A simple one-two punch
F-Tilt: Branch Poke: A simple forward poke/stab with one of his sticks/clubs
U-Tilt: Brick Break: A simple upper cut in front and above him, that sends opponent upwards. This does more damage to shields.
D-Tilt: Lowkick: A simple leg-sweep in front of him that trips the opponent. The heavier the opponent, the higher the damage

F-Smash: Wood Hammer: Grabs his drum with both hands and lifts it above his head and smashes the ground in front of him with it.
D-Smash: Body Press: Does a body slam, similar to Incineroar's D-Smash
U-Smash: Super power uppercut: A much stronger uppercut in front and above him sending opponent flying upwards

N-Air: Acrobat: A simple air-spin hitting all around him
F-Air: Megapunch: A powerful forward punch in front of him, kind of like Ganondorf's and Banjo's
B-Air: Back-Poke: A simple back poke-stab with one of his sticks/clubs, hits behind
D-Air: Megakick: A powerful down kick underneath him, causing a meteor effect

Grab: Generic grab with with both hands
Pummel: pummels with one of his fists
F-Throw: Throws opponent forward and hits opponent with one of his sticks/clubs
B-Throw: Throws opponent backward and hits opponent with one of his sticks/clubs
U-Throw: Simply tosses the opponent up and hits opponent with one of his sticks/clubs
D-Throw: Throws opponent on ground and beats opponent with his sticks/clubs 3 times

Final Smash: Dynamax Max Growth: Upon activation, turns the area into a Dynamax Arena and he grows to titan-like proportions. He hits his drum a few times, summoning seeds that get launched in front of him. Said-seeds grown into giant plants that send any opponents above them flying upwards.

Lightknight's Moveset
* Mechanics

Stump Shield; When holding stump, completely block projectiles when idle or crouching (like Link/Hero)

* Stats With and Without Stump;

Groundspeed; 1.20-1.76 (from nearly as slow as Incineroar to the speed of Mario/Ken/Squirtle)
Airspeed; Overall slow in the air. Fast-fall 1.95-1.6 (from KingDDD to R.O.B./Ken fast-fall)
Weight; 122-106 (Heavier than Ganondorf to weight of Snake/R.O.B.)

* Specials

Down special; Grassy-Terrain/Stance-Change;
Rapidly tapping with a certain rhythm while on the ground makes Rillaboom beat his drum, creating a Grassy Terrain on the ground around him, boosting Rillaboom's stats when on the affected area. If you successfully complete the rhythm after a full second it will grant the most benefit as almost twice the amount of Grassy Terrain will be created around Rillaboom if accomplished. Otherwise, your slowly increasing the amount of Grassy Terrain around you before completing the move. Every time you create Grassy Terrain with the move, any previous grass disappears. Any created grass will otherwise disappear on its own after 7 seconds, or 10 seconds if you got the full length of the move. Noticeable start-up before activating Grassy Terrain. Additionally, if the opponent is on any of the created Grassy Terrain when the move is completed a 'flower' will appear on top of their head, damaging them overtime till it falls. When on Grassy Terrain you'll take less knockback, slightly less damage, do slightly more damage, and do more knockback. In shield stance, if you tap down-special while in the air you'll throw down the stump, working much like when Pac-Man throws down the hydrant. In the same situation, if you hold on to down-special instead you'll throw it slightly ahead and the same is true on the ground. You can re-equip it by standing on either side of it and holding on to down special. Without stump, Rillaboom will do a small two-hit drumstick tap motion, similar to DK aerial down-special but without a spike. When grounded, functions as a weaker version of the Grassy Terrain move, not generating as much grass or as quickly while Rillaboom uses its drumsticks directly on the ground. When aerial version of down-special is used and hits the stump, two short range shockwaves with good knockback emanate out of it. Does 5% per hit. Stump can't be moved and only takes up to 35% damage from opponent before it breaks and then has to be re-spawned by using and completing Grassy Terrain, as its slowly raised from the ground till the full length of the move. Will automatically be equipped. Can also need to be re-spawned if thrown offstage.

Side special; Giga-Drum-Beating/Brutal-Branch-Bashing;
With stump, pressing side special makes Rillaboom play on it, activating a Drum Beating animation that makes roots rapidly burst forward until a set medium distance, when they hit an opponent before then, or when pressed again before either happen. Will also stop just after hitting the ledge. You can also direct where the roots strike straightly, aiming within a vertical forward arc. Most effective for ledge-guarding and pressuring grounded opponents at medium distance but is very punishable if opponent jumps and avoids it as it is a committal move. KOs at very high percents.
Without stump, Rillaboom viciously swings his drumsticks as he inches forward with every well timed button press. Can be pressed a total of 5 times but each hit requires different and progressively harder timing. However, each hit does more knockback than the last when ended with so it can be effective for finishing off opponents if you can master the timing. If you activate the fifth strike you get to choose what it does. The forward option has the most damage, as Rillaboom rapidly whacks with the drumsticks. The low version has the most knockback, as Rillaboom swings both drumsticks down upon the opponent, sending them out forcefully. The high version has the most range and is a decent KO option against high percent opponents, as Rillaboom swings a drumstick upward. Overall, works similarly to Lucina's side-special but has more damage and knockback in exchange for higher difficulty in executing.

Neutral special; Uproar/Round;
Gets worked up and creates powerful sound shockwaves around Rillaboom upon rapidly pressing neutral special. With stump, Rillaboom will quickly set it down and start beating his sticks on it, like he does in the Drum Beating animation, and with each rapid strike will create a consistent sizable circular hitbox emanating from Rillaboom that cam out-prioritize most projectiles and lower range attacks, acting almost as a barrier. Each hit has low knockback so in most cases opponents get get stuck in all the following hits unless they are in the outer hitbox. Can be rapidly tapped as fast as you can for as long as 4 seconds, as each tap creates a shockwave. Final hit on the 4-second mark has decent knockback. Can also be tapped just once for a single shockwave. You can do upwards of 30% damage if all hits land. Some endlag, so enemies just outside the reach of the move can punish you.
Without stump, sways slightly back and forth while roaring upwards, having an originally small shockwave but increasing in size every time. Each shockwave has decent knockback. There is significantly more time between when the next shockwave happens compared to the stump version, making Rillaboom much more vulnerable to attack.
Up special; ; Power-Whip/Endeavor; In shield-stance, tap drumstick on the stump to shortly release a flurry of roots from the stump in an upward diagonal direction. Can also be used to grab the ledge. Basically working like Ivysaur's Vine Whip. Low base knockback but very good knockback-growth. Without stump, extend fist in the same diagonal direction. Has reasonably generous ledge detection for getting back safely but still significantly less range than the Power Whip version of the move. Has very good base knockback and increases significantly with Rillaboom's rage. Neither versions put Rillaboom in free-fall.

Up special; Power-Whip/Endeavor;
In shield-stance, tap drumstick on the stump to shortly release a flurry of roots from the stump in an upward diagonal direction. Can also be used to grab the ledge. Basically working like Ivysaur's Vine Whip. Low base knockback but very good knockback-growth.
Without stump, extend fist in the same diagonal direction. Has reasonably generous ledge detection for getting back safely but still significantly less range than the Power Whip version of the move. Has very good base knockback and increases significantly with Rillaboom's rage. Neither versions put Rillaboom in free-fall.

* Grounded Normal Attacks

Neutral Attack; Drum-Beating;
Whack opponent away with drumstick and can be followed up with a rapid jab to put Rillaboom in an animation where he quickly sets stump down and drums on it, sending out multiple roots to rapidly hit opponent.
Without stump, functions more like Greninja's jab&rapid-jab as both drumsticks are used rapidly, ending in final hit with both drumsticks. Can KO at high percents on the ledge. Noticeable endlag on all versions of the move.

Dash attack; Shield-Bash/Giga-Impact;
With stump, functions like Palutena's dash attack, having some invincibility but doesn't cover much distance.
Without stump, has more knockback and and distance covered, letting it KO at higher percents.

Up tilt; Slam;
Raises drumstick into the air forcefully. Decent enough knockback to send opponent back into the sky but won't KO till very high percents. Noticeable endlag but good range.
Without stump, Has increased knockback and a slightly different hitbox, granting more horizontal range at the bottom because of raising two drumsticks in an 'A' shape.

Side tilt; Brutal-Swing/Double-Hit;
Swings around with slight forward momentum to hit with drumstick. Has good knockback.
Without stump, is a two-hit attack comparable to Piranha-Plant's as you need to forward-tilt a second time to activate the second hit. Second hit has good knockback.

Down tilt; Branch-Poke;
Comparable to swordfighters down-tilts like Lucina but thrusts forward slightly like Banjo-Kazooie's down-tilt when without stump, gaining slight endlag. Acts as Rillaboom's fastest and most reliable move in neutral when in shield stance.

* Aerial Attacks

Up air; Noble Roar;
Roars fearsomely above, with range, knockback, and damage comparable to Banjo-Kazooie up-air but with more endlag and actual KO power at very high percent near upper blastzone.

Dair; Pound/Ba-Dum-Tis;
With shield, a simple non-spiking downward hit with drumstick which sends slightly backward or forward depending on where hit lands. Without shield, a three-hit attack that spikes on third strike.

Fair; Drumstick-Swing;
A basic swing of a drumstick much like most swordfighters Fairs. Without stump, uses two drumsticks, giving it a light spiking but small hitbox at the tip of the move in the later half of its duration.

Bair; Stump-Bash/Brush-Bash;
With stump, swings it behind him, granting Rillaboom invincibility on that side. Works just like Palutena's Bair. Without stump, sharpens the leaves on Rillaboom's back, extending a hitbox to damage anyone behind. Good knockback.

Nair; Acrobatics; Hunches into a ball shape and spins, letting his leaves and impact do the damage. Can KO at high percent offstage.

* Smash Attacks

Side smash; Wood-Hammer/Double-Branch-Bash;
With stump, Rillaboom grasps it with both hands, holding it up, and slams it powerfully downwards to the ground. Comparable to Banjo-Kazooie's forward-smash.
Without stump, Rillaboom forcefully pummels both drumsticks in a row in front of him, making it a powerful two-hit.

Down smash; Frenzy-Plant/Knock-Off;
With stump, Rillaboom plays on drum, sending a flurry of vines on both sides of him through the ground with good horizontal distance but is overall very laggy and has quite low knockback, even for a down-smash.
Without stump, Rillaboom thrusts downward both drumsticks on both sides of him, like DK does with his down-smash. Has decent knockback, sends horizontally, and even spikes on the tips of the drumsticks in ending frames for edge-guarding purposes.

Up smash; Boomburst/Hyper-Voice;
With stump, Rillaboom quickly hits it two times in succession with both drumsticks at the same time, creating very low knockback shockwaves around Rillaboom and then takes a few extra frames to do the same action for a final hit, to which he also adds his own roar, creating a big powerful Boomburst around him with great knockback. While this is easily one of Rillaboom's most powerful ranged moves, unlike other smash attacks you need to press and time additional button presses to activate the shockwaves of this move.
Without stump, Rillaboom simply does the roar above him which has knockback comparable to most up-smashes which KO around the 120%-130% percents but has good range, especially horizontally above. Both versions have overall significant lag but the startup-lag of Hyper Voice isn't that bad.

* Throws

Grabs; Good Range

Pummel; As opponent is held outward by a hand, uses the other to rapidly whack with a drumstick.

Forward throw; Mega-Kick; A sparta-like kick which sends at a good horizontal angle, sending some opponents at high percents at too bad of an angle to recover. Can also set up tech-chases.

Back throw; Assurance; Rillaboom throws opponent backward with his giant fist and the damage and knockback is increased more and more, based off how many times you pummeled the opponent. Making it a potentially very powerful throw for KOs.

Up throw; Mega Punch; Hit the opponent with a powerful uppercut that sends them vertically in a vulnerable spot in the air.

Down throw; Body Press; Sets opponent on the ground then Rillaboom falls on top of them with good knockback that sends them diagonally upward.

* Final Smash; Gigamax Mix;
A white beam (from a pokeball) hits Rillaboom and he disappears until the camera zooms back out and in the distance of the background a big red pokeball of energy can be seen then opening and revealing Rillaboom in a gigamax form with dark red clouds now visibly affecting the map. Rillaboom then plays on his drum with a visible rhythm bar you have to follow as Rillaboom as you press any button. Each successful hit creates a huge shockwave that affects everyone throughout the battlefield. The amount of knockback of every hit is determined by the opponents percent and how consistently you activate the shockwaves but is overall quite powerful. Is like a combination of DK's Brawl Final Smash and Bowser's Ultimate Final Smash.

GolisoPower's Moveset
Jab: Rillaboom swipes twice with two sticks before ‘drum rolling’ on the opponent with both sticks. The attack is then finished with hitting with both sticks simultaneously, launching the opponent.

F-tilt: Branch Poke: Rillaboom jabs in front of himself with a single stick. This is a good tool that can be used to start combos, and it serves as a good poke as well.

U-tilt: Rillaboom whips his leafy hair over himself in an arc, dealing multiple hits of damage.

D-tilt: Rillaboom performs a breakdance-style kick similar to Mario’s D-tilt.

Dash Attack: Rillaboom performs a leaping bite, snagging enemies in front of him.

Grab: Rillaboom grabs the opponent by both sides. He slaps the opponent for his pummel.

F-throw: Rillaboom smacks the opponent twice with his drumsticks with Double Hit.

D-throw: Rillaboom sumo-stomps on the opponent, burying them and spiking any airborne opponents outside the throw.

B-throw: Rillaboom creates a wooden foot pedal for himself to step on, causing a large wooden bass drum stick to smash the opponent from behind.

U-throw: Rillaboom beats on his drum for a bit before roots erupt and strike the opponent from below.

N-air: Rillaboom summons multiple leaves to revolve around himself for a moment.

F-air: Rillaboom slaps downwards with an open hand. This forces the opponent to drop any items they may carry.

D-air: Rillaboom grows his drum stump and moves it downwards, meteor smashing the opponent.

B-air: Rillaboom flips his leaf-based hair over himself, dealing multiple hits.

U-air: Rillaboom swings his arm above himself. Based on his Hammer Arm move.

Side Smash: Rillaboom leans back with both fists before arcing downwards and smashing them in front of him. This smash attack can bury on hit, for a length between Banjo’s and K. Rool’s respective down throws.

Up Smash: Rillaboom curls inwards before letting loose three loud bursts of sound. Based on Uproar, which Rillaboom can learn.

Down Smash: Rillaboom coats his arms in wood, then smashes on both sides of himself. This is arguably the highest-damage Smash attack in his moveset, but deals recoil damage regardless of hitting or missing.

Neutral B: Drum Beating: Rillaboom tosses a tiny wooden drum on the ground that grows in size, then beats on it with two large sticks. By mashing the B button, Drum Beating will cause roots to lash out in front of the opponent, hitting up to 5 times before the roots strike a final time and launch the opponent.

Side B: Boomburst: Rillaboom leans his head back, then lets out a roar in front of himself that deals damage to all opponents in a 1 ½-Zapple range. However, Boomburst leaves Rillaboom extremely open afterward and he can be interrupted when attacked from behind.

Up B: Djembe Boost: Rillaboom grows his drum in front of himself, then beats it like a djembe drum. The resulting hits will create soundwave bursts that propel Rillaboom upwards, and this can hit up to 3 times. The soundwave bursts can also spike if the opponent is hit closest to the drum.

Down B: Grassy Surge: Rillaboom causes a patch of grass to grow in a radius of 1-and-a-half Bowsers. While Rillaboom is inside this patch, his attacks are buffed by 1.5x and he heals over time. However, the healing aspect can also affect opponents, and Grassy Surge only lasts for 8 seconds.

Final Smash: Max Overgrowth: Rillaboom charges with a red aura, then Dynamaxes, appearing in the background like Giga Bowser Punch. Rillaboom will then release multiple giant seeds that burst when making contact with the stage. Each seed covers the entire stage with Grassy Terrain that only Rillaboom can benefit from. The Grassy Terrain of his Final Smash will linger for twice as long as normal.

In short, Rillaboom is a heavy-set stage control character that forces the opponent to play by his rhythm alone. With a deceptively far reach and a move that directly affects the battlefield, Rillaboom can capitalize on his lack of mobility with a territorial playstyle. However, his attacks are punishable and his recovery only slightly has the edge of Incineroar’s. He is also a sitting duck if he is kept outside of his territory, which they can use to his disadvantage.
Jab: Rillaboom swipes twice with two sticks before ‘drum rolling’ on the opponent with both sticks. The attack is then finished with hitting with both sticks simultaneously, launching the opponent.

F-tilt: Branch Poke: Rillaboom jabs in front of himself with a single stick. This is a good tool that can be used to start combos, and it serves as a good poke as well.

U-tilt: Rillaboom whips his leafy hair over himself in an arc, dealing multiple hits of damage.

D-tilt: Rillaboom performs a breakdance-style kick similar to Mario’s D-tilt.

Dash Attack: Rillaboom performs a leaping bite, snagging enemies in front of him.

Grab: Rillaboom grabs the opponent by both sides. He slaps the opponent for his pummel.

F-throw: Rillaboom smacks the opponent twice with his drumsticks with Double Hit.

D-throw: Rillaboom sumo-stomps on the opponent, burying them and spiking any airborne opponents outside the throw.

B-throw: Rillaboom creates a wooden foot pedal for himself to step on, causing a large wooden bass drum stick to smash the opponent from behind.

U-throw: Rillaboom beats on his drum for a bit before roots erupt and strike the opponent from below.

N-air: Rillaboom summons multiple leaves to revolve around himself for a moment.

F-air: Rillaboom slaps downwards with an open hand. This forces the opponent to drop any items they may carry.

D-air: Rillaboom grows his drum stump and moves it downwards, meteor smashing the opponent.

B-air: Rillaboom flips his leaf-based hair over himself, dealing multiple hits.

U-air: Rillaboom swings his arm above himself. Based on his Hammer Arm move.

Side Smash: Rillaboom leans back with both fists before arcing downwards and smashing them in front of him. This smash attack can bury on hit, for a length between Banjo’s and K. Rool’s respective down throws.

Up Smash: Rillaboom curls inwards before letting loose three loud bursts of sound. Based on Uproar, which Rillaboom can learn.

Down Smash: Rillaboom coats his arms in wood, then smashes on both sides of himself. This is arguably the highest-damage Smash attack in his moveset, but deals recoil damage regardless of hitting or missing.

Neutral B: Drum Beating: Rillaboom tosses a tiny wooden drum on the ground that grows in size, then beats on it with two large sticks. By mashing the B button, Drum Beating will cause roots to lash out in front of the opponent, hitting up to 5 times before the roots strike a final time and launch the opponent.

Side B: Boomburst: Rillaboom leans his head back, then lets out a roar in front of himself that deals damage to all opponents in a 1 ½-Zapple range. However, Boomburst leaves Rillaboom extremely open afterward and he can be interrupted when attacked from behind.

Up B: Djembe Boost: Rillaboom grows his drum in front of himself, then beats it like a djembe drum. The resulting hits will create soundwave bursts that propel Rillaboom upwards, and this can hit up to 3 times. The soundwave bursts can also spike if the opponent is hit closest to the drum.

Down B: Grassy Surge: Rillaboom causes a patch of grass to grow in a radius of 1-and-a-half Bowsers. While Rillaboom is inside this patch, his attacks are buffed by 1.5x and he heals over time. However, the healing aspect can also affect opponents, and Grassy Surge only lasts for 8 seconds.

Final Smash: Max Overgrowth: Rillaboom charges with a red aura, then Dynamaxes, appearing in the background like Giga Bowser Punch. Rillaboom will then release multiple giant seeds that burst when making contact with the stage. Each seed covers the entire stage with Grassy Terrain that only Rillaboom can benefit from. The Grassy Terrain of his Final Smash will linger for twice as long as normal.

In short, Rillaboom is a heavy-set stage control character that forces the opponent to play by his rhythm alone. With a deceptively far reach and a move that directly affects the battlefield, Rillaboom can capitalize on his lack of mobility with a territorial playstyle. However, his attacks are punishable and his recovery only slightly has the edge of Incineroar’s. He is also a sitting duck if he is kept outside of his territory, which they can use to his disadvantage.

Utopian Poyzin
ShotoStar: Endgame
smash puffle
Pizza Robo


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Deleted member


Yes I support whole heartedly as Rillaboom was/is an inside joke between a couple of friends of mine and I would love to see him get added just due to the hilarity that would ensue. I would and do whole heartedly support. Rillaboom for Smash!


Smash Journeyman
Oct 17, 2007
San Diego
Switch FC
5599 8083 2114
With decidueye getting canned, I support this!


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2014
Canada, Quebec
Rillaboom apparently has a signature move known as Drum Beating.
80 base power physical grass move that lowers speed. That drum "shield" actually has some hidden roots that Rillaboom can control to attack.

Speaking of hidden, his hidden ability is Grassy Surge, which generates grassy terrain.


Smash Hero
May 27, 2019
Waiting for Latias and Latios to get a theme
Switch FC
Fun fact: Apparently Rillaboom evolves from Thwackey at level 35 instead of the usual 36.
And rillabooom has the same base stat total as decidueye so that's cool.
It also has the same base stat total as greninja too.
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Smash Lord
Aug 16, 2015
Fortree City, Hoenn
Aw. I wanted to be the one to make the Rillaboom Support Thread... I even typed everything out earlier. Oh well. This will work. Even though I'm part of the Sobble Squad, I think Rillaboom would fit the best for Smash, and finally having a fully evolved Grass starter would be icing on the cake. I imagine it could have a very unique moveset with that drum, too. I like both of them a lot. Cinderace is alright, but not as cool as the other two. Can you please add me as a supporter?


Smash Rookie
Nov 22, 2007
Canada, Ottawa
You can add me to the Rillaboom list. He's unique (I mean c'mon, who else uses clubs and a drum as part of their attack. Well I guess DK once used a drum as part of his final Smash, but that's it, and he's since retired his drums anyways)

Anyways, he's recent (thus destroying the "relevance" argument), unique, and of course is a final grass evolution of a starter, something some of us have been asking for for a while now, thus completing the "fire, water, grass final starter evolution triangle."
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Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2014
Canada, Quebec
Fun fact: Apparently Rillaboom evolves from Thwackey at level 35 instead of the usual 36.
And rillabooom has the same base stat total as decidueye so that's cool.
It also has the same base stat total as greninja too.
All the Galar starters evolve at 35.

You can add me to the Rillaboom list. He's unique (I mean c'mon, who else uses clubs and a drum as part of their attack. Well I guess DK once did as part of his final Smash, but that's it, and he's since retired his drums anyways.

Anyways, he's recent (thus destroying the "relevance" argument), unique, and of course is a final grass evolution of a starter, something some of us have been asking for for a while now, thus completing the "fire, water, grass final starter evolution triangle."
Try to avoid mentioning the triangle if you're going to vouch for Rillaboom elsewhere, that gives off the impression you're only picking him to fill a quota instead of any inherent merit to the character.


Smash Rookie
Nov 22, 2007
Canada, Ottawa
Try to avoid mentioning the triangle if you're going to vouch for Rillaboom elsewhere, that gives off the impression you're only picking him to fill a quota instead of any inherent merit to the character.
Yeah I understand what you are saying. I would hope people with honesty and decent reading comprehension would see that was merely one of the reasons, there are multitudes of other reasons, some of which I listed. But yeah, I can see how a hater would cling to that argument, ignoring all others as potential ammunition.

I actually just came up with a moveset, so here it is:

B-Neutral: Drum Beating: Hits his drum and summons roots in front of them that hit his opponents in multiple successions
B-Side: Boomburst: Hits his drum, causing sound waves to hit the opponents in front of him, single hit
B-Down: Stomping Tantrum: Hits the ground with his feet, hitting those around him. If his previous attack missed, it does more damage and launch.
B-Up: Drum Jump: Jumps on his drum to bounce as a recovery. Drums can drop on anyone underneath him, and does not use up the rest of his jumps.

A-Dash: Darkest Lariat: Similar to Incineroar's, with a few key differences. It goes farther, but doesn't last as long (3 spins), and hits 3 times
A-Neutral: Double Hit: A simple one-two punch
F-Tilt: Branch Poke: A simple forward poke/stab with one of his sticks/clubs
U-Tilt: Brick Break: A simple upper cut in front and above him, that sends opponent upwards. This does more damage to shields.
D-Tilt: Lowkick: A simple leg-sweep in front of him that trips the opponent. The heavier the opponent, the higher the damage

F-Smash: Wood Hammer: Grabs his drum with both hands and lifts it above his head and smashes the ground in front of him with it
D-Smash: Body Press: Does a body slam, similar to Incineroar's D-Smash
U-Smash: Super power uppercut: A much stronger uppercut in front and above him sending opponent flying upwards

N-Air: Acrobat: A simple air-spin hitting all around him
F-Air: Megapunch: A powerful forward punch in front of him, kind of like Ganondorf's and Banjo's
B-Air: Back-Poke: A simple back poke-stab with one of his sticks/clubs, hits behind
D-Air: Megakick: A powerful down kick underneath him, causing a meteor effect

Grab: Generic grab with with both hands
Pummel: pummels with one of his fists
F-Throw: Throws opponent forward and hits opponent with one of his sticks/clubs
B-Throw: Throws opponent backward and hits opponent with one of his sticks/clubs
U-Throw: Simply tosses the opponent up and hits opponent with one of his sticks/clubs
D-Throw: Throws opponent on ground and beats opponent with his sticks/clubs 3 times

Final Smash: Dynamax Max Growth: Upon activation, turns the area into a Dynamax Arena and he grows to titan-like proportions. He hits his drum a few times, summoning seeds that get launched in front of him. Said-seeds grown into giant plants that send any opponents above them flying upwards.
Last edited:


Smash Hero
May 27, 2019
Waiting for Latias and Latios to get a theme
Switch FC
So I keep having this error where extra spoiler tags appear and whenever I put something in spoiler tags it just copies down two spoiler tags in the middle of the spoiler, in turn creating to spoiler tags for the same thing twice each. I get rid of it every time, yet when i save it's still there and when i go back in to edit, it has not been deleted despite my doing so. So, it's either i get rid of the spoiler tags or this issue stays, which do you guys prefer?


Smash Lord
Aug 16, 2015
Fortree City, Hoenn

Well this is a huge bummer. With Pokemon SwSh spirits being confirmed, I'd say this significantly reduces the chances of our boi being playable in Ultimate, let alone any Gen 8 Pokemon.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 16, 2014
Yeah I understand what you are saying. I would hope people with honesty and decent reading comprehension would see that was merely one of the reasons, there are multitudes of other reasons, some of which I listed. But yeah, I can see how a hater would cling to that argument, ignoring all others as potential ammunition.

I actually just came up with a moveset, so here it is:

B-Neutral: Drum Beating: Hits his drum and summons roots in front of them that hit his opponents in multiple successions
B-Side: Boomburst: Hits his drum, causing sound waves to hit the opponents in front of him, single hit
B-Down: Stomping Tantrum: Hits the ground with his feet, hitting those around him. If his previous attack missed, it does more damage and launch.
B-Up: Drum Jump: Jumps on his drum to bounce as a recovery. Drums can drop on anyone underneath him, and does not use up the rest of his jumps.

A-Dash: Darkest Lariat: Similar to Incineroar's, with a few key differences. It goes farther, but doesn't last as long (3 spins), and hits 3 times
A-Neutral: Double Hit: A simple one-two punch
F-Tilt: Branch Poke: A simple forward poke/stab with one of his sticks/clubs
U-Tilt: Brick Break: A simple upper cut in front and above him, that sends opponent upwards. This does more damage to shields.
D-Tilt: Lowkick: A simple leg-sweep in front of him that trips the opponent. The heavier the opponent, the higher the damage

F-Smash: Wood Hammer: Smashes opponent in front of him with one of his clubs
D-Smash: Body Press: Does a body slam, similar to Incineroar's D-Smash
U-Smash: Super power uppercut: A much stronger uppercut in front and above him sending opponent flying upwards

N-Air: Acrobat: A simple air-spin hitting all around him
F-Air: Megapunch: A powerful forward punch in front of him, kind of like Ganondorf's and Banjo's
B-Air: Back-Poke: A simple back poke-stab with one of his sticks/clubs, hits behind
D-Air: Megakick: A powerful down kick underneath him, causing a meteor effect

Grab: Generic grab with with both hands
Pummel: pummels with one of his fists
F-Throw: Throws opponent forward and hits opponent with one of his sticks/clubs
B-Throw: Throws opponent backward and hits opponent with one of his sticks/clubs
U-Throw: Simply tosses the opponent up and hits opponent with one of his sticks/clubs
D-Throw: Throws opponent on ground and beats opponent with his sticks/clubs 3 times

Final Smash: Dynamax Max Growth: Upon activation, turns the area into a Dynamax Arena and he grows to titan-like proportions. He hits his drum a few times, summoning seeds that get launched in front of him. Said-seeds grown into giant plants that send any opponents above them flying upwards.
Needs more "smack people with his big a** drum"


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
I started with a grookey but I replaced him with the grass type "Appletun" when I got it. I dunno if he's that "tanky" stat-wise, but I do know in EVERY max raid I go in that someone uses Rillaboom, it gets 1HKO'd. Maybe it's just underleveled people.


Smash Rookie
Nov 22, 2007
Canada, Ottawa
Well this is a huge bummer. With Pokemon SwSh spirits being confirmed, I'd say this significantly reduces the chances of our boi being playable in Ultimate, let alone any Gen 8 Pokemon.
Yeah I don't fully believe that spirits necessarily deconfirm potential future fighters. Gamexplain actually posted a really interesting video on this.

Needs more "smack people with his big a** drum"
Yeah, maybe that could be his F-Smash Wood Hammer actually. I would love to see how it's depicted int eh anime or manga.

I started with a grookey but I replaced him with the grass type "Appletun" when I got it. I dunno if he's that "tanky" stat-wise, but I do know in EVERY max raid I go in that someone uses Rillaboom, it gets 1HKO'd. Maybe it's just underleveled people.
Eh, he's probably slightly above average, but definitely not hard-tank. But yeah, it probably is people being underleveled in Max Raids, I've noticed in max raids a lot of pokemon that don't dynamax get 1-shot.


Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
My take of spirits is this:

Base game spirits seem like a backup plan in case none of those characters get considered later (although some characters are obviously too odd or minor to get promoted anyway, like the Yakuman player and that chef from Personal Trainer: Cooking).

Spirits after base game seem to be in a much clearer intent of not really being for playability later.

So, all in all, while they could bring in the Gen 8 evos, I honestly wouldn't hold my breath on it at this stage, especially if they gotta negotiate for more Sugimori art.


Smash Rookie
Nov 22, 2007
Canada, Ottawa
I edited my post to modify his F-smash (my vision of it anyways).

Also he is more tanky than the other 2 starter evolutions, though not by a whole lot.


Smash Champion
May 10, 2017
Rillaboom is amazing, my favorite Grass type in general but his time to shine will be pass due if comes the next Smash.


Smash Lord
Aug 16, 2015
Fortree City, Hoenn
Rillaboom is amazing, my favorite Grass type in general but his time to shine will be pass due if comes the next Smash.
I fear that by the time the next Smash comes out, Gen 8 will be irrelevant. Gens 3 and 5 already got shafted in Brawl and Smash 4 in favor of a Gen 4 and Gen 6 rep instead.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 18, 2007
The Infinite Beyond
Switch FC
I've carried Rillaboom in my party for the entire game. I loved the cinematic of the Drum Beating move and would think it would translate win to a Final Smash well.

As for SwSh spirits being in the game, Rillaboom's board could have a different slate of spirits.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 21, 2019
I certainly wouldn't mind seeing this pokemon in Smash. Should have enough to set it apart from DK despite the similar size and pose and might be more interesting than the other two Sword/Shield starters as an inclusion. Its fun looking at your moveset and the others people have made.
I'll try my hand at a Rillaboom moveset as well.

Now, I know you already addressed the issue of Rillaboom's stump and how creative liberty needs to be taken but I think that needs to be re-addressed as I'm not really satisfied with Rillaboom simply holding it under one of his arms but I have a couple of my own solutions to add.

The main two thoughts that come to mind is either he can have it strapped with roots/vines to his chest like a band drummer or he can hold on to the stump with one hand like its a shield and a drumstick in the other hand as his 'sword' which technically he could still beat his drum with.

For the sake of simplicity, aesthetic-cohesion, themes, and moveset I'm gonna go with the latter 'sword&shield' set-up. Don't worry though, I have an idea so that in battle with one of his moves he'll be able to set down the stump and dual-wield wooden drumsticks as he's usually seen like in his game. In fact, this will be the main gimmick of the character that falls very much in line with the contrasting themes of Pokemon Sword&Shield :bee:

As a little side note before I get into the moveset I ended up writing a lot so props to anyone who goes through it all and finds it interesting. Would totally understand if a simplified version of it was added to the list of movesets others made :lol:
First, I'll get into Rillaboom's mechanics and specials as thats the most interesting and actually necessary to go over in relation to the rest of its moveset;
* Mechanics

Stump Shield; When holding stump, completely block projectiles when idle or crouching (like Link/Hero)

* Stats With and Without Stump;

Groundspeed; 1.20-1.76 (from nearly as slow as Incineroar to the speed of Mario/Ken/Squirtle)
Airspeed; Overall slow in the air. Fast-fall 1.95-1.6 (from KingDDD to R.O.B./Ken fast-fall)
Weight; 122-106 (Heavier than Ganondorf to weight of Snake/R.O.B.)

* Specials

Down special; Grassy-Terrain/Stance-Change;
Rapidly tapping with a certain rhythm while on the ground makes Rillaboom beat his drum, creating a Grassy Terrain on the ground around him, boosting Rillaboom's stats when on the affected area. If you successfully complete the rhythm after a full second it will grant the most benefit as almost twice the amount of Grassy Terrain will be created around Rillaboom if accomplished. Otherwise, your slowly increasing the amount of Grassy Terrain around you before completing the move. Every time you create Grassy Terrain with the move, any previous grass disappears. Any created grass will otherwise disappear on its own after 7 seconds, or 10 seconds if you got the full length of the move. Noticeable start-up before activating Grassy Terrain. Additionally, if the opponent is on any of the created Grassy Terrain when the move is completed a 'flower' will appear on top of their head, damaging them overtime till it falls. When on Grassy Terrain you'll take less knockback, slightly less damage, do slightly more damage, and do more knockback. In shield stance, if you tap down-special while in the air you'll throw down the stump, working much like when Pac-Man throws down the hydrant. In the same situation, if you hold on to down-special instead you'll throw it slightly ahead and the same is true on the ground. You can re-equip it by standing on either side of it and holding on to down special. Without stump, Rillaboom will do a small two-hit drumstick tap motion, similar to DK aerial down-special but without a spike. When grounded, functions as a weaker version of the Grassy Terrain move, not generating as much grass or as quickly while Rillaboom uses its drumsticks directly on the ground. When aerial version of down-special is used and hits the stump, two short range shockwaves with good knockback emanate out of it. Does 5% per hit. Stump can't be moved and only takes up to 35% damage from opponent before it breaks and then has to be re-spawned by using and completing Grassy Terrain, as its slowly raised from the ground till the full length of the move. Will automatically be equipped. Can also need to be re-spawned if thrown offstage.

Side special; Giga-Drum-Beating/Brutal-Branch-Bashing;
With stump, pressing side special makes Rillaboom play on it, activating a Drum Beating animation that makes roots rapidly burst forward until a set medium distance, when they hit an opponent before then, or when pressed again before either happen. Will also stop just after hitting the ledge. You can also direct where the roots strike straightly, aiming within a vertical forward arc. Most effective for ledge-guarding and pressuring grounded opponents at medium distance but is very punishable if opponent jumps and avoids it as it is a committal move. KOs at very high percents.
Without stump, Rillaboom viciously swings his drumsticks as he inches forward with every well timed button press. Can be pressed a total of 5 times but each hit requires different and progressively harder timing. However, each hit does more knockback than the last when ended with so it can be effective for finishing off opponents if you can master the timing. If you activate the fifth strike you get to choose what it does. The forward option has the most damage, as Rillaboom rapidly whacks with the drumsticks. The low version has the most knockback, as Rillaboom swings both drumsticks down upon the opponent, sending them out forcefully. The high version has the most range and is a decent KO option against high percent opponents, as Rillaboom swings a drumstick upward. Overall, works similarly to Lucina's side-special but has more damage and knockback in exchange for higher difficulty in executing.

Neutral special; Uproar/Round;
Gets worked up and creates powerful sound shockwaves around Rillaboom upon rapidly pressing neutral special. With stump, Rillaboom will quickly set it down and start beating his sticks on it, like he does in the Drum Beating animation, and with each rapid strike will create a consistent sizable circular hitbox emanating from Rillaboom that cam out-prioritize most projectiles and lower range attacks, acting almost as a barrier. Each hit has low knockback so in most cases opponents get get stuck in all the following hits unless they are in the outer hitbox. Can be rapidly tapped as fast as you can for as long as 4 seconds, as each tap creates a shockwave. Final hit on the 4-second mark has decent knockback. Can also be tapped just once for a single shockwave. You can do upwards of 30% damage if all hits land. Some endlag, so enemies just outside the reach of the move can punish you.
Without stump, sways slightly back and forth while roaring upwards, having an originally small shockwave but increasing in size every time. Each shockwave has decent knockback. There is significantly more time between when the next shockwave happens compared to the stump version, making Rillaboom much more vulnerable to attack.
Up special; ; Power-Whip/Endeavor; In shield-stance, tap drumstick on the stump to shortly release a flurry of roots from the stump in an upward diagonal direction. Can also be used to grab the ledge. Basically working like Ivysaur's Vine Whip. Low base knockback but very good knockback-growth. Without stump, extend fist in the same diagonal direction. Has reasonably generous ledge detection for getting back safely but still significantly less range than the Power Whip version of the move. Has very good base knockback and increases significantly with Rillaboom's rage. Neither versions put Rillaboom in free-fall.

Up special; Power-Whip/Endeavor;
In shield-stance, tap drumstick on the stump to shortly release a flurry of roots from the stump in an upward diagonal direction. Can also be used to grab the ledge. Basically working like Ivysaur's Vine Whip. Low base knockback but very good knockback-growth.
Without stump, extend fist in the same diagonal direction. Has reasonably generous ledge detection for getting back safely but still significantly less range than the Power Whip version of the move. Has very good base knockback and increases significantly with Rillaboom's rage. Neither versions put Rillaboom in free-fall.

* Grounded Normal Attacks

Neutral Attack; Drum-Beating;
Whack opponent away with drumstick and can be followed up with a rapid jab to put Rillaboom in an animation where he quickly sets stump down and drums on it, sending out multiple roots to rapidly hit opponent.
Without stump, functions more like Greninja's jab&rapid-jab as both drumsticks are used rapidly, ending in final hit with both drumsticks. Can KO at high percents on the ledge. Noticeable endlag on all versions of the move.

Dash attack; Shield-Bash/Giga-Impact;
With stump, functions like Palutena's dash attack, having some invincibility but doesn't cover much distance.
Without stump, has more knockback and and distance covered, letting it KO at higher percents.

Up tilt; Slam;
Raises drumstick into the air forcefully. Decent enough knockback to send opponent back into the sky but won't KO till very high percents. Noticeable endlag but good range.
Without stump, Has increased knockback and a slightly different hitbox, granting more horizontal range at the bottom because of raising two drumsticks in an 'A' shape.

Side tilt; Brutal-Swing/Double-Hit;
Swings around with slight forward momentum to hit with drumstick. Has good knockback.
Without stump, is a two-hit attack comparable to Piranha-Plant's as you need to forward-tilt a second time to activate the second hit. Second hit has good knockback.

Down tilt; Branch-Poke;
Comparable to swordfighters down-tilts like Lucina but thrusts forward slightly like Banjo-Kazooie's down-tilt when without stump, gaining slight endlag. Acts as Rillaboom's fastest and most reliable move in neutral when in shield stance.

* Aerial Attacks

Up air; Noble Roar;
Roars fearsomely above, with range, knockback, and damage comparable to Banjo-Kazooie up-air but with more endlag and actual KO power at very high percent near upper blastzone.

Dair; Pound/Ba-Dum-Tis;
With shield, a simple non-spiking downward hit with drumstick which sends slightly backward or forward depending on where hit lands. Without shield, a three-hit attack that spikes on third strike.

Fair; Drumstick-Swing;
A basic swing of a drumstick much like most swordfighters Fairs. Without stump, uses two drumsticks, giving it a light spiking but small hitbox at the tip of the move in the later half of its duration.

Bair; Stump-Bash/Brush-Bash;
With stump, swings it behind him, granting Rillaboom invincibility on that side. Works just like Palutena's Bair. Without stump, sharpens the leaves on Rillaboom's back, extending a hitbox to damage anyone behind. Good knockback.

Nair; Acrobatics; Hunches into a ball shape and spins, letting his leaves and impact do the damage. Can KO at high percent offstage.

* Smash Attacks

Side smash; Wood-Hammer/Double-Branch-Bash;
With stump, Rillaboom grasps it with both hands, holding it up, and slams it powerfully downwards to the ground. Comparable to Banjo-Kazooie's forward-smash.
Without stump, Rillaboom forcefully pummels both drumsticks in a row in front of him, making it a powerful two-hit.

Down smash; Frenzy-Plant/Knock-Off;
With stump, Rillaboom plays on drum, sending a flurry of vines on both sides of him through the ground with good horizontal distance but is overall very laggy and has quite low knockback, even for a down-smash.
Without stump, Rillaboom thrusts downward both drumsticks on both sides of him, like DK does with his down-smash. Has decent knockback, sends horizontally, and even spikes on the tips of the drumsticks in ending frames for edge-guarding purposes.

Up smash; Boomburst/Hyper-Voice;
With stump, Rillaboom quickly hits it two times in succession with both drumsticks at the same time, creating very low knockback shockwaves around Rillaboom and then takes a few extra frames to do the same action for a final hit, to which he also adds his own roar, creating a big powerful Boomburst around him with great knockback. While this is easily one of Rillaboom's most powerful ranged moves, unlike other smash attacks you need to press and time additional button presses to activate the shockwaves of this move.
Without stump, Rillaboom simply does the roar above him which has knockback comparable to most up-smashes which KO around the 120%-130% percents but has good range, especially horizontally above. Both versions have overall significant lag but the startup-lag of Hyper Voice isn't that bad.

* Throws

Grabs; Good Range

Pummel; As opponent is held outward by a hand, uses the other to rapidly whack with a drumstick.

Forward throw; Mega-Kick; A sparta-like kick which sends at a good horizontal angle, sending some opponents at high percents at too bad of an angle to recover. Can also set up tech-chases.

Back throw; Assurance; Rillaboom throws opponent backward with his giant fist and the damage and knockback is increased more and more, based off how many times you pummeled the opponent. Making it a potentially very powerful throw for KOs.

Up throw; Mega Punch; Hit the opponent with a powerful uppercut that sends them vertically in a vulnerable spot in the air.

Down throw; Body Press; Sets opponent on the ground then Rillaboom falls on top of them with good knockback that sends them diagonally upward.

* Final Smash; Gigamax Mix;
A white beam (from a pokeball) hits Rillaboom and he disappears until the camera zooms back out and in the distance of the background a big red pokeball of energy can be seen then opening and revealing Rillaboom in a gigamax form with dark red clouds now visibly affecting the map. Rillaboom then plays on his drum with a visible rhythm bar you have to follow as Rillaboom as you press any button. Each successful hit creates a huge shockwave that affects everyone throughout the battlefield. The amount of knockback of every hit is determined by the opponents percent and how consistently you activate the shockwaves but is overall quite powerful. Is like a combination of DK's Brawl Final Smash and Bowser's Ultimate Final Smash.

Its been awhile since we've had 'stance'-shifting characters in Smash, as characters like Shiek/Zelda and Samus/ZSS were separated into individual characters after Brawl. Instead we've gotten lots of hyper-mode/move characters like Little Mac, Cloud, Joker, and Terry Bogard. With this gimmick we'd finally have this kind of gameplay back in Smash with a different spin even! Interestingly, the only two attacks not affected whatsoever were neutral-air and up-air. I'd be curious to get a drummer's take on Rillaboom's moveset.


Smash Rookie
Nov 22, 2007
Canada, Ottawa
I certainly wouldn't mind seeing this pokemon in Smash. Should have enough to set it apart from DK despite the similar size and pose and might be more interesting than the other two Sword/Shield starters as an inclusion. Its fun looking at your moveset and the others people have made.
I'll try my hand at a Rillaboom moveset as well.

Now, I know you already addressed the issue of Rillaboom's stump and how creative liberty needs to be taken but I think that needs to be re-addressed as I'm not really satisfied with Rillaboom simply holding it under one of his arms but I have a couple of my own solutions to add.

The main two thoughts that come to mind is either he can have it strapped with roots/vines to his chest like a band drummer or he can hold on to the stump with one hand like its a shield and a drumstick in the other hand as his 'sword' which technically he could still beat his drum with.

For the sake of simplicity, aesthetic-cohesion, themes, and moveset I'm gonna go with the latter 'sword&shield' set-up. Don't worry though, I have an idea so that in battle with one of his moves he'll be able to set down the stump and dual-wield wooden drumsticks as he's usually seen like in his game. In fact, this will be the main gimmick of the character that falls very much in line with the contrasting themes of Pokemon Sword&Shield :bee:

As a little side note before I get into the moveset I ended up writing a lot so props to anyone who goes through it all and finds it interesting. Would totally understand if a simplified version of it was added to the list of movesets others made :lol:
First, I'll get into Rillaboom's mechanics and specials as thats the most interesting and actually necessary to go over in relation to the rest of its moveset;
...Its been awhile since we've had 'stance'-shifting characters in Smash, as characters like Shiek/Zelda and Samus/ZSS were separated into individual characters after Brawl. Instead we've gotten lots of hyper-mode/move characters like Little Mac, Cloud, Joker, and Terry Bogard. With this gimmick we'd finally have this kind of gameplay back in Smash with a different spin even! Interestingly, the only two attacks not affected whatsoever were neutral-air and up-air. I'd be curious to get a drummer's take on Rillaboom's moveset.
I always love seeing other people's ideas, the idea of a "transforming" kind of character is pretty cool. I've always liked the idea of playing the same character but with a completely different style. One of the reasons why I like Pokemon Trainer so much.


Smash Hero
May 27, 2019
Waiting for Latias and Latios to get a theme
Switch FC
I certainly wouldn't mind seeing this pokemon in Smash. Should have enough to set it apart from DK despite the similar size and pose and might be more interesting than the other two Sword/Shield starters as an inclusion. Its fun looking at your moveset and the others people have made.
I'll try my hand at a Rillaboom moveset as well.

Now, I know you already addressed the issue of Rillaboom's stump and how creative liberty needs to be taken but I think that needs to be re-addressed as I'm not really satisfied with Rillaboom simply holding it under one of his arms but I have a couple of my own solutions to add.

The main two thoughts that come to mind is either he can have it strapped with roots/vines to his chest like a band drummer or he can hold on to the stump with one hand like its a shield and a drumstick in the other hand as his 'sword' which technically he could still beat his drum with.

For the sake of simplicity, aesthetic-cohesion, themes, and moveset I'm gonna go with the latter 'sword&shield' set-up. Don't worry though, I have an idea so that in battle with one of his moves he'll be able to set down the stump and dual-wield wooden drumsticks as he's usually seen like in his game. In fact, this will be the main gimmick of the character that falls very much in line with the contrasting themes of Pokemon Sword&Shield :bee:

As a little side note before I get into the moveset I ended up writing a lot so props to anyone who goes through it all and finds it interesting. Would totally understand if a simplified version of it was added to the list of movesets others made :lol:
First, I'll get into Rillaboom's mechanics and specials as thats the most interesting and actually necessary to go over in relation to the rest of its moveset;
* Mechanics

Stump Shield; When holding stump, completely block projectiles when idle or crouching (like Link/Hero)

* Stats With and Without Stump;

Groundspeed; 1.20-1.76 (from nearly as slow as Incineroar to the speed of Mario/Ken/Squirtle)
Airspeed; Overall slow in the air. Fast-fall 1.95-1.6 (from KingDDD to R.O.B./Ken fast-fall)
Weight; 122-106 (Heavier than Ganondorf to weight of Snake/R.O.B.)

* Specials

Down special; Grassy-Terrain/Stance-Change;
Rapidly tapping with a certain rhythm while on the ground makes Rillaboom beat his drum, creating a Grassy Terrain on the ground around him, boosting Rillaboom's stats when on the affected area. If you successfully complete the rhythm after a full second it will grant the most benefit as almost twice the amount of Grassy Terrain will be created around Rillaboom if accomplished. Otherwise, your slowly increasing the amount of Grassy Terrain around you before completing the move. Every time you create Grassy Terrain with the move, any previous grass disappears. Any created grass will otherwise disappear on its own after 7 seconds, or 10 seconds if you got the full length of the move. Noticeable start-up before activating Grassy Terrain. Additionally, if the opponent is on any of the created Grassy Terrain when the move is completed a 'flower' will appear on top of their head, damaging them overtime till it falls. When on Grassy Terrain you'll take less knockback, slightly less damage, do slightly more damage, and do more knockback. In shield stance, if you tap down-special while in the air you'll throw down the stump, working much like when Pac-Man throws down the hydrant. In the same situation, if you hold on to down-special instead you'll throw it slightly ahead and the same is true on the ground. You can re-equip it by standing on either side of it and holding on to down special. Without stump, Rillaboom will do a small two-hit drumstick tap motion, similar to DK aerial down-special but without a spike. When grounded, functions as a weaker version of the Grassy Terrain move, not generating as much grass or as quickly while Rillaboom uses its drumsticks directly on the ground. When aerial version of down-special is used and hits the stump, two short range shockwaves with good knockback emanate out of it. Does 5% per hit. Stump can't be moved and only takes up to 35% damage from opponent before it breaks and then has to be re-spawned by using and completing Grassy Terrain, as its slowly raised from the ground till the full length of the move. Will automatically be equipped. Can also need to be re-spawned if thrown offstage.

Side special; Giga-Drum-Beating/Brutal-Branch-Bashing;
With stump, pressing side special makes Rillaboom play on it, activating a Drum Beating animation that makes roots rapidly burst forward until a set medium distance, when they hit an opponent before then, or when pressed again before either happen. Will also stop just after hitting the ledge. You can also direct where the roots strike straightly, aiming within a vertical forward arc. Most effective for ledge-guarding and pressuring grounded opponents at medium distance but is very punishable if opponent jumps and avoids it as it is a committal move. KOs at very high percents.
Without stump, Rillaboom viciously swings his drumsticks as he inches forward with every well timed button press. Can be pressed a total of 5 times but each hit requires different and progressively harder timing. However, each hit does more knockback than the last when ended with so it can be effective for finishing off opponents if you can master the timing. If you activate the fifth strike you get to choose what it does. The forward option has the most damage, as Rillaboom rapidly whacks with the drumsticks. The low version has the most knockback, as Rillaboom swings both drumsticks down upon the opponent, sending them out forcefully. The high version has the most range and is a decent KO option against high percent opponents, as Rillaboom swings a drumstick upward. Overall, works similarly to Lucina's side-special but has more damage and knockback in exchange for higher difficulty in executing.

Neutral special; Uproar/Round;
Gets worked up and creates powerful sound shockwaves around Rillaboom upon rapidly pressing neutral special. With stump, Rillaboom will quickly set it down and start beating his sticks on it, like he does in the Drum Beating animation, and with each rapid strike will create a consistent sizable circular hitbox emanating from Rillaboom that cam out-prioritize most projectiles and lower range attacks, acting almost as a barrier. Each hit has low knockback so in most cases opponents get get stuck in all the following hits unless they are in the outer hitbox. Can be rapidly tapped as fast as you can for as long as 4 seconds, as each tap creates a shockwave. Final hit on the 4-second mark has decent knockback. Can also be tapped just once for a single shockwave. You can do upwards of 30% damage if all hits land. Some endlag, so enemies just outside the reach of the move can punish you.
Without stump, sways slightly back and forth while roaring upwards, having an originally small shockwave but increasing in size every time. Each shockwave has decent knockback. There is significantly more time between when the next shockwave happens compared to the stump version, making Rillaboom much more vulnerable to attack.
Up special; ; Power-Whip/Endeavor; In shield-stance, tap drumstick on the stump to shortly release a flurry of roots from the stump in an upward diagonal direction. Can also be used to grab the ledge. Basically working like Ivysaur's Vine Whip. Low base knockback but very good knockback-growth. Without stump, extend fist in the same diagonal direction. Has reasonably generous ledge detection for getting back safely but still significantly less range than the Power Whip version of the move. Has very good base knockback and increases significantly with Rillaboom's rage. Neither versions put Rillaboom in free-fall.

Up special; Power-Whip/Endeavor;
In shield-stance, tap drumstick on the stump to shortly release a flurry of roots from the stump in an upward diagonal direction. Can also be used to grab the ledge. Basically working like Ivysaur's Vine Whip. Low base knockback but very good knockback-growth.
Without stump, extend fist in the same diagonal direction. Has reasonably generous ledge detection for getting back safely but still significantly less range than the Power Whip version of the move. Has very good base knockback and increases significantly with Rillaboom's rage. Neither versions put Rillaboom in free-fall.

* Grounded Normal Attacks

Neutral Attack; Drum-Beating;
Whack opponent away with drumstick and can be followed up with a rapid jab to put Rillaboom in an animation where he quickly sets stump down and drums on it, sending out multiple roots to rapidly hit opponent.
Without stump, functions more like Greninja's jab&rapid-jab as both drumsticks are used rapidly, ending in final hit with both drumsticks. Can KO at high percents on the ledge. Noticeable endlag on all versions of the move.

Dash attack; Shield-Bash/Giga-Impact;
With stump, functions like Palutena's dash attack, having some invincibility but doesn't cover much distance.
Without stump, has more knockback and and distance covered, letting it KO at higher percents.

Up tilt; Slam;
Raises drumstick into the air forcefully. Decent enough knockback to send opponent back into the sky but won't KO till very high percents. Noticeable endlag but good range.
Without stump, Has increased knockback and a slightly different hitbox, granting more horizontal range at the bottom because of raising two drumsticks in an 'A' shape.

Side tilt; Brutal-Swing/Double-Hit;
Swings around with slight forward momentum to hit with drumstick. Has good knockback.
Without stump, is a two-hit attack comparable to Piranha-Plant's as you need to forward-tilt a second time to activate the second hit. Second hit has good knockback.

Down tilt; Branch-Poke;
Comparable to swordfighters down-tilts like Lucina but thrusts forward slightly like Banjo-Kazooie's down-tilt when without stump, gaining slight endlag. Acts as Rillaboom's fastest and most reliable move in neutral when in shield stance.

* Aerial Attacks

Up air; Noble Roar;
Roars fearsomely above, with range, knockback, and damage comparable to Banjo-Kazooie up-air but with more endlag and actual KO power at very high percent near upper blastzone.

Dair; Pound/Ba-Dum-Tis;
With shield, a simple non-spiking downward hit with drumstick which sends slightly backward or forward depending on where hit lands. Without shield, a three-hit attack that spikes on third strike.

Fair; Drumstick-Swing;
A basic swing of a drumstick much like most swordfighters Fairs. Without stump, uses two drumsticks, giving it a light spiking but small hitbox at the tip of the move in the later half of its duration.

Bair; Stump-Bash/Brush-Bash;
With stump, swings it behind him, granting Rillaboom invincibility on that side. Works just like Palutena's Bair. Without stump, sharpens the leaves on Rillaboom's back, extending a hitbox to damage anyone behind. Good knockback.

Nair; Acrobatics; Hunches into a ball shape and spins, letting his leaves and impact do the damage. Can KO at high percent offstage.

* Smash Attacks

Side smash; Wood-Hammer/Double-Branch-Bash;
With stump, Rillaboom grasps it with both hands, holding it up, and slams it powerfully downwards to the ground. Comparable to Banjo-Kazooie's forward-smash.
Without stump, Rillaboom forcefully pummels both drumsticks in a row in front of him, making it a powerful two-hit.

Down smash; Frenzy-Plant/Knock-Off;
With stump, Rillaboom plays on drum, sending a flurry of vines on both sides of him through the ground with good horizontal distance but is overall very laggy and has quite low knockback, even for a down-smash.
Without stump, Rillaboom thrusts downward both drumsticks on both sides of him, like DK does with his down-smash. Has decent knockback, sends horizontally, and even spikes on the tips of the drumsticks in ending frames for edge-guarding purposes.

Up smash; Boomburst/Hyper-Voice;
With stump, Rillaboom quickly hits it two times in succession with both drumsticks at the same time, creating very low knockback shockwaves around Rillaboom and then takes a few extra frames to do the same action for a final hit, to which he also adds his own roar, creating a big powerful Boomburst around him with great knockback. While this is easily one of Rillaboom's most powerful ranged moves, unlike other smash attacks you need to press and time additional button presses to activate the shockwaves of this move.
Without stump, Rillaboom simply does the roar above him which has knockback comparable to most up-smashes which KO around the 120%-130% percents but has good range, especially horizontally above. Both versions have overall significant lag but the startup-lag of Hyper Voice isn't that bad.

* Throws

Grabs; Good Range

Pummel; As opponent is held outward by a hand, uses the other to rapidly whack with a drumstick.

Forward throw; Mega-Kick; A sparta-like kick which sends at a good horizontal angle, sending some opponents at high percents at too bad of an angle to recover. Can also set up tech-chases.

Back throw; Assurance; Rillaboom throws opponent backward with his giant fist and the damage and knockback is increased more and more, based off how many times you pummeled the opponent. Making it a potentially very powerful throw for KOs.

Up throw; Mega Punch; Hit the opponent with a powerful uppercut that sends them vertically in a vulnerable spot in the air.

Down throw; Body Press; Sets opponent on the ground then Rillaboom falls on top of them with good knockback that sends them diagonally upward.

* Final Smash; Gigamax Mix;
A white beam (from a pokeball) hits Rillaboom and he disappears until the camera zooms back out and in the distance of the background a big red pokeball of energy can be seen then opening and revealing Rillaboom in a gigamax form with dark red clouds now visibly affecting the map. Rillaboom then plays on his drum with a visible rhythm bar you have to follow as Rillaboom as you press any button. Each successful hit creates a huge shockwave that affects everyone throughout the battlefield. The amount of knockback of every hit is determined by the opponents percent and how consistently you activate the shockwaves but is overall quite powerful. Is like a combination of DK's Brawl Final Smash and Bowser's Ultimate Final Smash.

Its been awhile since we've had 'stance'-shifting characters in Smash, as characters like Shiek/Zelda and Samus/ZSS were separated into individual characters after Brawl. Instead we've gotten lots of hyper-mode/move characters like Little Mac, Cloud, Joker, and Terry Bogard. With this gimmick we'd finally have this kind of gameplay back in Smash with a different spin even! Interestingly, the only two attacks not affected whatsoever were neutral-air and up-air. I'd be curious to get a drummer's take on Rillaboom's moveset.
Thanks for the Moveset! It's added to the op, but the spoiler tags are glitching out on the op so I just removed them completely.


Smash Master
Sep 17, 2017
Having played a bit of Pokemon Sword, and having chosen Rillaboom as my starter, I'd love to see this tai-Kong drummer being in Smash Bros!

I mean, before, I was all for Decidueye, but now I'm feeling like a taiko drummer fighter seems arguably a lot more unique than the owl archer. Count me in for support, my man! Here's what I think his moveset should be:

Jab: Rillaboom swipes twice with two sticks before ‘drum rolling’ on the opponent with both sticks. The attack is then finished with hitting with both sticks simultaneously, launching the opponent.

F-tilt: Branch Poke: Rillaboom jabs in front of himself with a single stick. This is a good tool that can be used to start combos, and it serves as a good poke as well.

U-tilt: Rillaboom whips his leafy hair over himself in an arc, dealing multiple hits of damage.

D-tilt: Rillaboom performs a breakdance-style kick similar to Mario’s D-tilt.

Dash Attack: Rillaboom performs a leaping bite, snagging enemies in front of him.

Grab: Rillaboom grabs the opponent by both sides. He slaps the opponent for his pummel.

F-throw: Rillaboom smacks the opponent twice with his drumsticks with Double Hit.

D-throw: Rillaboom sumo-stomps on the opponent, burying them and spiking any airborne opponents outside the throw.

B-throw: Rillaboom creates a wooden foot pedal for himself to step on, causing a large wooden bass drum stick to smash the opponent from behind.

U-throw: Rillaboom beats on his drum for a bit before roots erupt and strike the opponent from below.

N-air: Rillaboom summons multiple leaves to revolve around himself for a moment.

F-air: Rillaboom slaps downwards with an open hand. This forces the opponent to drop any items they may carry.

D-air: Rillaboom grows his drum stump and moves it downwards, meteor smashing the opponent.

B-air: Rillaboom flips his leaf-based hair over himself, dealing multiple hits.

U-air: Rillaboom swings his arm above himself. Based on his Hammer Arm move.

Side Smash: Rillaboom leans back with both fists before arcing downwards and smashing them in front of him. This smash attack can bury on hit, for a length between Banjo’s and K. Rool’s respective down throws.

Up Smash: Rillaboom curls inwards before letting loose three loud bursts of sound. Based on Uproar, which Rillaboom can learn.

Down Smash: Rillaboom coats his arms in wood, then smashes on both sides of himself. This is arguably the highest-damage Smash attack in his moveset, but deals recoil damage regardless of hitting or missing.

Neutral B: Drum Beating: Rillaboom tosses a tiny wooden drum on the ground that grows in size, then beats on it with two large sticks. By mashing the B button, Drum Beating will cause roots to lash out in front of the opponent, hitting up to 5 times before the roots strike a final time and launch the opponent.

Side B: Boomburst: Rillaboom leans his head back, then lets out a roar in front of himself that deals damage to all opponents in a 1 ½-Zapple range. However, Boomburst leaves Rillaboom extremely open afterward and he can be interrupted when attacked from behind.

Up B: Djembe Boost: Rillaboom grows his drum in front of himself, then beats it like a djembe drum. The resulting hits will create soundwave bursts that propel Rillaboom upwards, and this can hit up to 3 times. The soundwave bursts can also spike if the opponent is hit closest to the drum.

Down B: Grassy Surge: Rillaboom causes a patch of grass to grow in a radius of 1-and-a-half Bowsers. While Rillaboom is inside this patch, his attacks are buffed by 1.5x and he heals over time. However, the healing aspect can also affect opponents, and Grassy Surge only lasts for 8 seconds.

Final Smash: Max Overgrowth: Rillaboom charges with a red aura, then Dynamaxes, appearing in the background like Giga Bowser Punch. Rillaboom will then release multiple giant seeds that burst when making contact with the stage. Each seed covers the entire stage with Grassy Terrain that only Rillaboom can benefit from. The Grassy Terrain of his Final Smash will linger for twice as long as normal.

In short, Rillaboom is a heavy-set stage control character that forces the opponent to play by his rhythm alone. With a deceptively far reach and a move that directly affects the battlefield, Rillaboom can capitalize on his lack of mobility with a territorial playstyle. However, his attacks are punishable and his recovery only slightly has the edge of Incineroar’s. He is also a sitting duck if he is kept outside of his territory, which they can use to his disadvantage.

What I noticed with Rillaboom whenever he's sent out of his PokeBall was that the drum grows in his hand before he plants it on the ground in front of himself. This gives me the thought that he doesn't have to carry his drum around all the time, he can just grow it at will.


Smash Champion
May 10, 2017
Having played a bit of Pokemon Sword, and having chosen Rillaboom as my starter, I'd love to see this tai-Kong drummer being in Smash Bros!

I mean, before, I was all for Decidueye, but now I'm feeling like a taiko drummer fighter seems arguably a lot more unique than the owl archer. Count me in for support, my man! Here's what I think his moveset should be:

Jab: Rillaboom swipes twice with two sticks before ‘drum rolling’ on the opponent with both sticks. The attack is then finished with hitting with both sticks simultaneously, launching the opponent.

F-tilt: Branch Poke: Rillaboom jabs in front of himself with a single stick. This is a good tool that can be used to start combos, and it serves as a good poke as well.

U-tilt: Rillaboom whips his leafy hair over himself in an arc, dealing multiple hits of damage.

D-tilt: Rillaboom performs a breakdance-style kick similar to Mario’s D-tilt.

Dash Attack: Rillaboom performs a leaping bite, snagging enemies in front of him.

Grab: Rillaboom grabs the opponent by both sides. He slaps the opponent for his pummel.

F-throw: Rillaboom smacks the opponent twice with his drumsticks with Double Hit.

D-throw: Rillaboom sumo-stomps on the opponent, burying them and spiking any airborne opponents outside the throw.

B-throw: Rillaboom creates a wooden foot pedal for himself to step on, causing a large wooden bass drum stick to smash the opponent from behind.

U-throw: Rillaboom beats on his drum for a bit before roots erupt and strike the opponent from below.

N-air: Rillaboom summons multiple leaves to revolve around himself for a moment.

F-air: Rillaboom slaps downwards with an open hand. This forces the opponent to drop any items they may carry.

D-air: Rillaboom grows his drum stump and moves it downwards, meteor smashing the opponent.

B-air: Rillaboom flips his leaf-based hair over himself, dealing multiple hits.

U-air: Rillaboom swings his arm above himself. Based on his Hammer Arm move.

Side Smash: Rillaboom leans back with both fists before arcing downwards and smashing them in front of him. This smash attack can bury on hit, for a length between Banjo’s and K. Rool’s respective down throws.

Up Smash: Rillaboom curls inwards before letting loose three loud bursts of sound. Based on Uproar, which Rillaboom can learn.

Down Smash: Rillaboom coats his arms in wood, then smashes on both sides of himself. This is arguably the highest-damage Smash attack in his moveset, but deals recoil damage regardless of hitting or missing.

Neutral B: Drum Beating: Rillaboom tosses a tiny wooden drum on the ground that grows in size, then beats on it with two large sticks. By mashing the B button, Drum Beating will cause roots to lash out in front of the opponent, hitting up to 5 times before the roots strike a final time and launch the opponent.

Side B: Boomburst: Rillaboom leans his head back, then lets out a roar in front of himself that deals damage to all opponents in a 1 ½-Zapple range. However, Boomburst leaves Rillaboom extremely open afterward and he can be interrupted when attacked from behind.

Up B: Djembe Boost: Rillaboom grows his drum in front of himself, then beats it like a djembe drum. The resulting hits will create soundwave bursts that propel Rillaboom upwards, and this can hit up to 3 times. The soundwave bursts can also spike if the opponent is hit closest to the drum.

Down B: Grassy Surge: Rillaboom causes a patch of grass to grow in a radius of 1-and-a-half Bowsers. While Rillaboom is inside this patch, his attacks are buffed by 1.5x and he heals over time. However, the healing aspect can also affect opponents, and Grassy Surge only lasts for 8 seconds.

Final Smash: Max Overgrowth: Rillaboom charges with a red aura, then Dynamaxes, appearing in the background like Giga Bowser Punch. Rillaboom will then release multiple giant seeds that burst when making contact with the stage. Each seed covers the entire stage with Grassy Terrain that only Rillaboom can benefit from. The Grassy Terrain of his Final Smash will linger for twice as long as normal.

In short, Rillaboom is a heavy-set stage control character that forces the opponent to play by his rhythm alone. With a deceptively far reach and a move that directly affects the battlefield, Rillaboom can capitalize on his lack of mobility with a territorial playstyle. However, his attacks are punishable and his recovery only slightly has the edge of Incineroar’s. He is also a sitting duck if he is kept outside of his territory, which they can use to his disadvantage.

What I noticed with Rillaboom whenever he's sent out of his PokeBall was that the drum grows in his hand before he plants it on the ground in front of himself. This gives me the thought that he doesn't have to carry his drum around all the time, he can just grow it at will.
No need to put down Decidueye in favor of another Grass starter, dude. I love Rillaboom's technical records tho. It can learn any type coverage it needs. Decidueye also has a wonderful variety of moves in technical records.


Smash Master
Sep 17, 2017
No need to put down Decidueye in favor of another Grass starter, dude. I love Rillaboom's technical records tho. It can learn any type coverage it needs. Decidueye also has a wonderful variety of moves in technical records.
Right, I know. Both Grass starters are very unique in their own rights, and I even advocated for Decidueye when it was announced. As much as I like Incineroar's appearance in Smash, I still kinda feeling a little down that we don't have Decidueye or a standalone, playable Grass Pokemon. But the future's still holding some stuff for us, so either one might make it.
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