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Smash Civil War


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
lol @ your list
lol @ your post
please don't take that offensively

Now that I think about it though, when was the last time that Teran did anything to really push the direction of the story? For the most part, the story's been...

- Teran goes somewhere

- Someone introduces a new character/subplot (although this has pretty much gone away now)

- Frown gets beat up

- The villains do something

Wash, rinse, repeat.

It's pretty much what Jam put in the OP.

You might wanna add a brief summary of what's happening to each character.
That's the plan.


Smash Champion
Jun 4, 2008
Getting drilled by AWPers
How long is this story expected to last?

There is still a lot undeveloped plot left to be uncovered, and I'm not a big fan of "killing" characters right away.


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
How long is this story expected to last?

There is still a lot undeveloped plot left to be uncovered, and I'm not a big fan of "killing" characters right away.
I'm guessing it's going to go on until people lose interest.

So yeah, because I had a lapse of good story telling, and I've gotten a fairly negetive reaction...

Chapter 33: Puppet of a mad god. (EXTENDED VERSION!)

There's just something about going through Hell with someone that guarantees near-instant friendship. This is what can clearly be seen with Cutter and Frown, and was the only reason why the metal man was risking the wrath of a god to save the man named after an expression. The sewers could have gone anywhere, but it must have been the hand of something otherworldly that led him to a room in which he overheard everything. Cutter was ready to strike with his sword, to slay this monster who claims to be a god. But something told him to hold back, Tyciol began laughing madly after his speech and said, "Now, do you want to see a parlor trick that your dear Miss Yuna could never even dream of!?" He charged at Frown at what appeared to be inhuman speed, and embedded the crystal into his chest.


Cutter knew that he need to act now, otherwise Yuna only knows what would happen to his friend. Cutter raised his blade and charged at Tyciol, who's back was turned. But he did not succeed at slaying his enemy. At inhuman speed, Tyciol grabbed Cutter's face and slammed all of the once-proud warrior's body into the side of the machine using only one arm. "Excellent!" Exclaimed Tyciol, "Now I don't need to use the energy of my host to bring the glory of Masamune!" Cutter felt Tyciols grip increase in strength, it steadily became stronger and stronger until he was crushing Cutter's skull. But that was the least of the poor man's worries. Cutter didn't even feel his skull getting crushed, he was to busy screaming from the pain of having his very soul torn asunder, being used to power some sort of machine. He could have sworn he heard Frown screaming with more pain than he was, and could have sworn that he hear Tyciol laughing even loader.

Demonic power swirled around the room, destroying all that it touched. Those who were unfortunate enough to simply be in the room witnessed demons and monstrosities the likes of which man was never meant to see. Then, all went dark, as if all of reality simply stopped. Then all became light once more, the guard that was Tyciol's host and Cutter both lied in a pool of blood and what appeared to be some sort of celestial equivalent. Frown opened his eyes, where were now pools of murky lifelessness causally and constantly shifting color.

"Now," said Frown in a voice that sounded like Cutter's, Tyciol's, his own and a fourth entity. "If you'll excuse me, I have to make myself presentable before the Queen." He walked out of the room as if they had had a simple conversation, nothing more. There was silence, for no one had anything to say. Until Lythium sincerely said, "Miss Yuna, help us all..."

Cutter began coughing, man inhaling sewer air does weird stuff to your head....
There, it was all an elaberate hollusination caused by sewer air.


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
... um. Well, last time I got into a situation like this was when I acidently jumped the shark in a long running DnD campaign because my players keep on begging me to keep it going.

So... um... er... you know what? If you liked it, then continue on with it. If not, then just don't. Next writer decides.


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Chicago, IL
All this stuff with Frown is complicated as ****.

If someone could sum up all the crazy stuff that's happened since cutter and Frown were first in their cell, it would really help me. Even though I've been writing about Teran and the Disco Room, I want to make sure it makes sense with the rest of what's going on.


Smash Legend
May 18, 2008
All this stuff with Frown is complicated as ****.

If someone could sum up all the crazy stuff that's happened since cutter and Frown were first in their cell, it would really help me. Even though I've been writing about Teran and the Disco Room, I want to make sure it makes sense with the rest of what's going on.
♥Project Masamune is a project that Queen Killjoy ordered to be worked on by Dr. Lythium, Caotic, and Chaco. It is an experiment that was meant to gather the power of the gods, and a vessel was needed, and the queen decided to use Frown as the guinea pig to see if it would work. She wanted it as a weapon of mass destruction. Masamune's technology was produced by Lythium, and the magical aspect by the queen herself. Caotic and Chaco were to be the ones to call upon the divine powers of Miss Yuna, the goddess.

The prison guard turned out to be Tyciol, the God of Guile, or deception. When he had witnessed the queen's idea, he decided to take the opportune moment by taking over the project so that he can use it as a host to exist in the real world without a time limit. The prison guard was just a disguise until the time was right.

Cutter and Frown had planned to escape before Frown was taken into the research lab of the prison. Cutter had escaped from the cell, and apparently ended up in the research room, where he had witnessed Tyciol's revelation. The rest should be pretty obvious.


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
All this stuff with Frown is complicated as ****.

If someone could sum up all the crazy stuff that's happened since cutter and Frown were first in their cell, it would really help me. Even though I've been writing about Teran and the Disco Room, I want to make sure it makes sense with the rest of what's going on.
Okay, I might get a few things wrong, but here's basically what happened (in the Cutter/Frown sub plot)

Frown is a scout of Teran's who got cought by the Queen and was thrown in the dungeon. Cutter, on the other hand, first came into the story when Teran went to Disco Room. Cutter got taken away by the local enfrocers because he wasn't permitted to be in there. But it turns out that the seemingly neutral Disco Room has spies of the Queen. Namely, the enforcers. These enforcers take him to the Queen's dungeon so that she can interigate him (or just tourture him for fun). Cutter ends up in the same cell as Frown, and the two form a friendship of sorts. Frown is taken away by a guard, because the Queen intends to use him a test subject for the Masamune projecet. Cutter excapes into the sewers and starts looking for a way out. He ends up near a room in which the Masamune project is near compleation, and overhears everything that goes on. Dr. Lythium is questioning the project while two priests get unhappy at how she doesn't believe in the goddess Miss Yuna. And then it turns out that the strange guard who excorted Frown out of his prision is actually the host of the insane god Tyciol, who explains that Queen Killjoy is just a puppet in his plans. He uses the machine for the project that Dr. Lythium created to initiate the Masamune processes, he destorys Cutter's body and ends up sealing his soul along with Cutter's and a fouth being into the body of Frown. Frown now has his own skills in adition to Cutter's swordsmanship and the powers of Tyciol and the fourth being. Tyciol has full control over Frown's body, and Frown is running around with a dark crysal embeded into his chest (no, not the movie).

And that's pretty much the Frown/Cutter subplot. In a bit I'll go back and get all of the chapters about it together so you can experiance the story by actually reading it.


EDITEDIT: Wait a second, wasn't Teran supposed to be the main character in this story? What happened to him?


Smash Legend
May 18, 2008
♥In other words, the project was a success, but not how the queen intended. She only caused a bigger threat.♥


Smash Legend
May 18, 2008
♥Yea, this is why I put something more dynamic, so that Teran can actually be impacted by what is to come. I don't like to see Teran just walking around doing fetch quests like a grindy free-to-play MMO, so we need him to be smacked in the face with peril and confusion. We have yet to see this guy's wit.♥


Smash Champion
Jun 4, 2008
Getting drilled by AWPers
I thought I had hallucinated what was happening in Project Masamune from breathing the noxious vapors of the sewers? (from finalark's edit from his previous chapter)

Now I'm really confused on where we're actually going :dizzy:


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
I thought I had hallucinated what was happening in Project Masamune from breathing the noxious vapors of the sewers? (from finalark's edit from his previous chapter)

Now I'm really confused on where we're actually going :dizzy:
I retcon'd the reton. Basically, it happened. The whole crazy "OMG SUPER DBZ FUSION MAN!" happened. Now let's try to do something interesting with it.

I'm never going to do that ever again in my life.


Smash Champion
Jun 4, 2008
Getting drilled by AWPers
I retcon'd the reton. Basically, it happened. The whole crazy "OMG SUPER DBZ FUSION MAN!" happened. Now let's try to do something interesting with it.

I'm never going to do that ever again in my life.
Ah, fair enough.

I have an ace in the hole now that we're going along with this for later on.


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Chicago, IL
Back to the Disco Room!

Chapter 34: The Twilit Army

The horns signaled the time that every Disco Roomanian had been dreading for the past few days. The time was coming to fight.

BBQTV came rushing through the city, shouting "Prepare yourselves, zam!" and prepare they did. The army was only about half day's march away, so the whole city was busier than it had ever been. Armor was donned, and soldiers ran up to the battlements to see the army they would be fighting later that day.

The army was large, but not as large as Vacaville and all the other residents had feared. Many men would lose their lives today, Heartz thought as she looked down from her tower. If she had any say in it, it would be mainly the Queen's men who's blood would soak the battlefield.

She heard the door behind her open, and Elder Sister entered. Elder walked up to the window with her sister and looked down at the chaos below them.

"What do you plan to do?" she asked.

"I have an idea, but you'll just have to wait and see," replied Heartz.

This aggravated Elder a bit. "Aww sister, you always do this! At least give me a hint or something!"

"I suppose that wouldn't hurt anything," Heartz said. "As you probably know, the Queen rules by fear. She was not elected, in fact, she is disliked by many who serve her."

"I believe I see where you're going with this. I must be going. My skill with a longbow will be needed on the wall." Elder Sister walked towards the door.

"Be careful sister," said Heartz, as her sister departed.

Down below, Scumfever was preparing his troops for the difficult task of defending the gate. The gates were barred and fortified with timber, and his hand-selected battalion stood behind the fortifications, awaiting whatever the Queen's men would throw at them. They carried an assortment of weapons, from scimitars to lances to battle axes to katanas.

All of these men carried the same stone cold look on their faces, like they were prepared for anything, and would never back down. Deep down, some of these men feared losing their lives, or letting their city fall to the Queen's wrath.

But Scum was a good leader. Under him they had a chance to prevail, and they knew it.

They waited for hours, until the sun began to set. Then the horns blew again, and they knew it was time to kill or be killed.

The Twilit Army was just a few hundreds yards from the gate, and their was bloodlust in their eyes. The archers on the battlements took aim, and released the first volley.

Death would soon haunt the once jolly city of Disco Room.


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
Rockin' job, Vreal!

Anyone know what happened last in Teran's story? I remember he went somewhere (well, he always just goes somewhere) and then got betrayed. Any more details to that?

EDIT: Actually, can anyone give me a decent summary of all of Teran's story? I've kind of been focusing on the whole Cutter/Frown thing for a while, so... yeah.


Smash Legend
May 18, 2008
Rockin' job, Vreal!

Anyone know what happened last in Teran's story? I remember he went somewhere (well, he always just goes somewhere) and then got betrayed. Any more details to that?

EDIT: Actually, can anyone give me a decent summary of all of Teran's story? I've kind of been focusing on the whole Cutter/Frown thing for a while, so... yeah.
♥Read the ****ing story, lazy person! :mad:

lol anyway, great one, Vrael. Time to get serious. I can now see the two sides of the story being put together.


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Chicago, IL
K so at first Teran was plotting with Firus about rebellion then he went to see Youko and Youko said he wouldn't help him out. He suggested he go to see Jam. Then on his way to the Creative Minds to see Jam, he stops in the Light House. He stays with SkylerOcon and then Ocon has a portal in his bathroom which leads to Disco Room. Teran goes there. The Queen knows about his rebellion attempts by then, so she decides to send emissaries around to warn of Teran. The one sent to Disco Room is killed. The Queen sends her forces, and Teran flees the city with Sasuke and Bionic Sonic and the go to Computer Café. The Black Guard has razed the city and then they see Teran, SauceKay, and Bionic and try to kill/capture them. Bionic uses magic to stop them, and now they're on their way to A&E.

EDIT: Oh and thanks finalark and Heartz, glad you guys liked it :)

EDIT2: It was A&E they were headed to, not Poke Center. My bad. But yeah, I think I got most of it.


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
♥Read the ****ing story, lazy person! :mad:

lol anyway, great one, Vrael. Time to get serious. I can now see the two sides of the story being put together.
Yeah? Well you explained the whole Cutter/Frown thing to Vreal! Now we have double standards or something, huh, HUH!?:mad:


You know, for so little happening over all (we pretty much summed up both sides of the plot in two paragraphs), we sure do have a lot of chapters. Then again, a lot of those chapters are the beginnings of subplots and side-stories that have yet to be resolved. For instance, that nameless guy I created.

Who is the nameless man? Why does he want to find Straked? Why is he working with Firus? Is there more to Firus then meets the eye? Find out next time on Dragonball Z!

EDIT: Thanks for getting me caught up with Teran, Vreal.


Smash Legend
May 18, 2008
♥The nameless man is Ansem the Wise.

On a serious note, let's continue putting the story back together and focus on developing the plot around Teran.


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
Alright, next chapter time!

Chapter 35: The Streets of Rage

Teran, Bionic Sonic and Sasuke were cautious as they entered the massive city of Media Metropolis. They had bypassed the guards, as they were fortunate that there was a problem outside the games involving a clam, an old woman and a small dog that the guards were more concerned about than whoever may be passing into the city. Media Metropolis was a city that deserved its name. Not only was the place huge, but it was also the center for every form of media you could ever possible think of. The city was large, and although the guards were on every street, it would be easy to stay hidden in a place such as this.

The group said nothing, for there was nothing to say. The streets were bustling with all sorts of life, but none of it was the concern out the three who simple needed to reach the Pokemon Center. After much searching, the group had found an inn to stay at. Exhausted from all that had happened, they dropped onto their beds. There was silence, but then Bionic opened his moth to speak, but was cut short by blasting alarms. Teran looked out the window of their second-story room. It had seemed if every guard in the city had suddenly came out of hiding and were now marching en mass, in search of something. And then the alarm ceased, and a voice rang out, "We are performing a sweep for the criminal known as Teran and his accomplices, we have been informed that he is in the city. The three looked at each other uncomfortable, and then Teran spoke, "We should stay here. If we were to suddenly leave in a hurry, it would be obvious who we are."

Down in the streets, the guards began their search. Or rather, their ransacking. They stormed into homes, destroying everything, integrating and slaying those who knew nothing. The had done this in the past, and time and time against the citizens had taken such violence. They were used to it, but the time had come for it to stop. A large panda, who was simply drinking tea at the time this had happened, left the money for the tea on the table for the waiter to collect and walked out. He was a simple traveler from the east, but he knew when it was time to intervene. A group of guards stood outside the tea shop and were beating civilians in hope of obtaining information. The panda said nothing, and reached for his katana. In a flash, the heads of the guards rolled off their bodies, which collapsed to the ground. One of the civilians gazed in awe and asked but one question, "Who are you?" To which the Panda replied,

"I am known by many names, but you may call me Samurai Panda."

Samurai Panda proceeded to wonder through the city, fighting the guards and saving lives. And from this, he sparked a revolution. Suddenly, the once oppressed civilians rose up and began to fight against their oppressors. They were ready to send to end their oppression, and they were ready to take back their city. As Samurai Panda fought, he couldn't help but wonder who Teran was. He made a mental note, the next thing on his agenda was to pay a visit to whoever was so important that it could lead to such a crackdown by the guards...


If specified, this will repl[0x00000000]ce the
Dec 18, 2008
San Francisco, CA
hmm...this may inspire me to write stuff to contribute to this story...fiction-writing genes activate!

I like the story so far though lol (edit: triangular powers are too good)


Smash Champion
Jun 4, 2008
Getting drilled by AWPers
Keeping teh ball rolling before I hit mai pillowz.

Chapter 36: Regrouping

Scav took his foot off the body, which lay there, completely motionless. The onlooking GwJumpman couldn't help but shudder at what he had just seen Scav do to that man.

"What are you looking at?" demanded Scav.

"Oh... nothing," remarked GwJumpman solemnly.

"You were looking at that piece of garbage weren't you. Don't mind him. His body is better off as compost." The road was inundated in blood which had cascaded from the head where Scav curbstomped him.

Scav pocketed the silver amulet he recovered from the man. Just as he was doing this, a small figure flew right of the sky unexpectedly, flinging a scroll at top speed. The scroll zoomed right at Scav as he snatched it with his left hand almost instinctively with his reflexes.

"Peregrine falcon messenger," mentioned Scav, "this has to be urgent."

Scav briskly unfolded the scroll and concentrated his eyes on the message scribbled hastily in ink:

Teran is here at M.M. City fighting back against us. Need reinforcements for suppression.

- Amorasaki

"**** it," uttered Scav softly.

"What is it sir?" asked an eager GwJumpman.

Scav put his hand up to GwJumpman as he raised his voice as loud as possible.

"ATTENTION ALL UNITS! We are changing course!" Black Guard soliders almost instantly began to convene together and form one small, but giant army. GwJumpman immediately ran to where he was supposed to be in the formation. It was a bit of a sight to see the sheer density of troops that were patroling UB during its sacking. Everyone in horseback got into position, along with the rest of Scav's army.

"We're heading southwest to Media Metropolis! I just got word that Teran has been sighted there and the city is going nuts now that General Amorasaki's army guarding the city is in a bind. Since we are only a few hours away from Media Metropolis, we will be immediately regrouping with General Amorasaki."

He could see the Black Guard soldiers silently, but obediently agree with him.

"Now move out. That's an order!"

And with that, Scav's Black Guard unit charged ferociously and confidently to M.M. Teran couldn't slip from the Queen's fingertips any longer, and the city would be no match for the combined force of two small armies.


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Chicago, IL
Ooh, Teran better get his *** to Jam.

Wait, why was he in Media Metro in the first place? I thought they were going to A&E? :confused:

Btw, it's Amorasaki not Amoraski. Just a little thing.


Smash Legend
May 18, 2008
♥Ok, to clarify on what is currently going on in the story:

1. The Twilit Army of Disco Room is on their way to Pool Room (or where ever Queen Killjoy is residing) for a preemptive strike against her army.

2. Teran's presence has been picked up in Media Metroplois, and the guards there are searching for him and his associates. In doing so, they interrogate and beat the civilians, and Samurai Panda rises to alleviate the chaos and defend the innocent. Scav gains word of the resistance and orders his Black Guard unit to trek to Media Metropolis to reinforce the guards there.

3. Tyciol and those who were involved with him are on standby, but no doubt The Twilit Army will have to deal with him when they reach Pool Room. This brings forth a potential chapter.

In other words, there are two upcoming major battles, so we need to make sure we balance the two.


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2008
Wherever you want me to be... If you're female.
Remember the major characters on Teran's side that reside in the Pool Room and the Media Metropolis.

Chaco and Caotic reside in the Pool Room! Technically... Lythium is supposed to be there too. Also... tiger lives there(i'm not really important) :mad: and zero(who is important) has ties to tiger and teran from earlier(HE IS STILL ANONYMOUS! and teran recognizes him but doesn't know from where)


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Chicago, IL
♥Ok, to clarify on what is currently going on in the story:

1. The Twilit Army of Disco Room is on their way to Pool Room (or where ever Queen Killjoy is residing) for a preemptive strike against her army.

The Queen's Twilit Army is attacking Disco Room because the Disco Roomanians killed off the emissary sent to warn them of Teran.

There are two major battles coming up, but one is in the Disco Room, and one is in Media Metro.

So, to clarify, the Twilit Army is the Queen's men.
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