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Smash means Wars: Meet the Grunt

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Smash Lord
Oct 28, 2006
The Netherlands
Let me start by stating this is not a joke thread. This is a legitimate idea for a new character in Smash, as I personally think that the Grunt is a character that hardly anyone has thought of, but still has a fair shot of making the cut. His situation might be comparable to the one Pokémon Trainer had before Brawl, in that he's an absolute staple of his own series, but hardly recognized as a possible newcomer. Much like Pokémon Trainer, the Grunt grew to be the unofficial face of his games.


Grunt as he appears in Battalion Wars II.

A lot of people might be wondering who Grunt actually is. In all honesty, Grunt is not an actual character, but part of a 'species', like Toad or Yoshi. He is a single Rifle Grunt, which is the most basic unit in the Battalion Wars series. As a result, the Grunt is generally weak, being countered by most other units. Equipped with a fairly simple weapon, they deal relatively low damage, but have a longer reach than the other units. He is typically created before people have access to any of the five other Infantry units.

In other games from the Famicom Wars series, there were two kinds of non-vehicle units: 'Infantry' and 'Mech'. The Infantry unit was the weak, early unit of the two, and a simple comparison makes it seem that the 'Infantry' unit was the base of the Grunt. Though obviously distinct by name, I consider them pretty much the same characters, having so much in common, and as such I will refer to the earlier 'Infantry' unit as Grunt, too. In these earlier games, the Grunt had a longer reach than the 'Mech' unit, which was the only other non-vehicle unit in these games, possibly indicating the speed and nimbleness of the Grunt.

The Grunt is a quirky, little character. This not only shows in their design, but also in their action. A quote on it from the Battalion Wars wiki:
When not in combat, Grunts tend to take part in idle chit chatter about their respective nations or conditions they're in. Tundran Grunts tend to complain about how cold it is, how they miss farming turnips, or stating the obvious when under fire, or simply yelling "Do your worst!" to enemy forces.

Some of the quirkier quotes from the Western Frontier Grunt include:
- Why aren't there any girl soldiers?
- How about a card game while we wait?
- What are we doing here anyway? I missed the briefing.
- Do I have time to write a letter to my mom?
- How about we settle this whole thing with a game of dodgeball?
- Those guys need to see a dental hygenist.

Grunt and Sakurai's four criteria
1: A character must make people want to play the game.
I copied the idea of including this list from Super Smash Bros. Fan's Mach Rider thread, and I think the sentence his used for this criteria fits for Grunt, too: "95% of people will say he obviously fails this criteria due to not being a popular request, but if Captain Falcon, Ice Climbers, Mr. Game & Watch and R.O.B. taught us anything, it's that a character can meet this criteria and not be a popular request."
I personally would be psyched to see Grunt and I reckon I wouldn't be the only one.

2: A character must be unique.
Grunt is not unique in the most literal sense of the word, as there are lots of other Grunts in the series. He is, however, very unique compared to other characters from the Nintendo universe, and especially from those who are currently playable in Smash. Due to Grunt relying on his arsenal, Snake would be the character closest to Grunt. Even between them there are vast differences, as Snake is a technical shooter, choosing the right time to attack, where Grunt is more of an in-your-face assault character. The cartoon-like and quirky style of the Battalion series could be reflected in his fighting style, creating a hectic and fun to play newcomer.

3: A character must fit into the game.
I'd say Grunt fills this criteria perfectly. His character design is done in such a way that he fits in the Nintendo universe flawlessly, but is still different enough to retain his own flavor.

4: A character must contribute to the game balance.
Grunt has enough options to make him stand out from other characters, battling style wise.

Proposed alternative colors. From left to right: Iron Legion, Tundran Territories, Xylvania, Solar Empire, Anglo Isles references.

Standard attacks:
Jab (first hit): Shoots his rifle at a slight upward angle.
Jab (second hit): Shoots his rifle at a slight downward angle.
Jab (third hit): Shoots his rifle straight forward.
Multi-hit: Yes, repeats the third hit quite quickly.
- note: shoots out 'blasts' instead of actual bullets.
- note: consider this a reference to the need to 'aim' or locking on to the target.

Dash attack: Combat Roll. A forward roll that has both little start-up and ending lag.

Assault Set: the Assault Set Grunt is the most tactical of the three.
Standard: Assault Rifle. Grunt fires off blasts until the special buttons is released. It is reminiscent of his 'jab' attack, except that these blasts fire a bit more rapidly, have less range and zero knockback or hitstun, and that this move can be aimed freely upwards and downwards.
Up: Rope Ladder. Grunt finds a rope ladder in his backpack and flings it upwards, acting as a tether recovery. The rope swinging upwards deals ever so slight damage to any character positioned directly above Grunt. This move finds no roots in Battalion Wars as far as I'm aware, but is often used in scenario's where a soldier has to leave a battlefield quickly (as seen in Snake's final smash).
Side: Sandbags. Grunt stacks some sandbags, stacking them high enough for him to hide behind if he crouches. The sandbag wall acts as a tiny wall, has a set amount of health. If enough damage is dealt to it, it falls apart. Damage dealt from either side will cause the wall's health to decrease. The Grunt can only put down one sandbag wall at a time.
Upon collapsing, the wall leaves behind two tiny sandbags which can be tossed around.

Down: Swap weapon. Grunt switches his secondary weapon to change into his Rocket Set. This is a reference to the player being able to switch freely between units in Battalion Wars, and as such, this move is accompanied by the sounds you hear upon switching units.

Rocket Set: The Rocket Set Grunt is the camper of the three, using projectiles to keep the opponent at bay.
Standard: Launch Rocket. Comparable to Samus' side special, Grunt shoots out a rocket that flies at a straight angle. Opposed to Samus' move, this one comes in only one variation.
Up: Rocket Jump. A technique used by players in various FPS games, Grunt aims his Rocket Launcher downwards and shoots. The explosion deals damage to himself, but also shoots him up for quite a bit. It can be angled slightly.
Side: Mortar. Grunt launches a shell that follows a trajectory similar to Diddy Kong's neutral special. This move can be charged. Charged shells shoot out with greater power, increasing the distance they cover. These shells explodes on contact, splitting into three smaller pieces that also explode on contact.
Down: Swap weapon. Grunt switches his secondary weapon to change into his Flame Set. This is a reference to the player being able to switch freely between units in Battalion Wars, and as such, this move is accompanied by the sounds you hear upon switching units.

Flame Set: The Flame Set Grunt loves to jump straight in the action. His specials consist of moves that are help him control the battle.
Standard: Flamethrower. It is comparable to Bowser's and Charizard's neutral special, but Grunt's flames grows in size rather than shrinking before coming to an abrupt halt. Using this attack for too long will cause the flamethrower to overheat, disallowing Grunt to use this move or his up special again. This references the Flame Vet's weapon overheating.
Up: Flame Boost. Smash cares little for realism, so I reckon this could work, too. Grunt aims his weapon downward and fires it, making him able to move around freely much like Pit's and ROB's up special. Grunt's, however, has a shorter duration as a trade-off for the flames he's leaving behind. Anyone touching said flames is dealt a very little amount of damage. This move cannot be used if Grunt's weapon is overheated, and can be cancelled out of by pressing the up special move a second time.
Side: Fuel Spray. Grunt splashes out a tiny, well, splash of fuel in front of him. Characters that will walk over the splash will slip and fall over. Lasts a couple of second or until two people have tripped over it. Grunt can only have three splashes of fuel on the field at any time.
Down: Swap weapon. Grunt switches his secondary weapon to change into his Assault Set. This is a reference to the player being able to switch freely between units in Battalion Wars, and as such, this move is accompanied by the sounds you hear upon switching units.
- note: overheating will appear as a slight cloud above Grunt's head, much like Donkey Kong has when his neutral special is charged.

Home Stage
I'm still working on this part. I hope to update this part soon.

I'm still working on this part. I hope to update this part soon.

Q: Do we really need to have a character that represents the Wars series?
A: We don't need it, no, but what do we really need anyway? I think the series is due for a playable character. There have been twelve games in the series; two for the Famicom, four for the Game Boy, four for the DS and two for the Wii. Considering Mother has had two characters from three games, I'd say we could do with a Wars representative.

Q: Isn't Andy a better pick?
A: Maybe he is, because he's an actual defined character. Andy is also known to be the no strengths/weaknesses character, much like Mario and could be considered the main character for those reason. However, he appeared in only three of the games, while the common Grunt appeared in all. Not to mention Andy's dead.

Q: Grunt isn't a single defined character, but part of a species, that's not right! (Not much of a question, but still. Image a question mark or something)
A: ROB disagrees with your statement.

Q: Didn't Sakurai state he did not want to use realistic weapons?
A: This is my main issue when creating Grunt's moveset. I recall a statement like this, but if you look at Snake and Samus you can tell that Sakurai tried not to use common guns, but cartoonesque weapons are fine. In theory, Grunt could be given a moveset that uses weaponry supplied by other Infantry units from Battalion Wars, such as rocket launchers, flamethrowers and mortars. It's just a tad tricky when you realize the Grunt weapon of choice is an assault rifle..

Q: Where did you base the series logo on?
A: You can see the logo from the top of this thread here as well. It finds it base on the Western box-art for the games. Famicom Wars associates itself with stars, as well, but as that is taken by the Kirby series, this one needed something more. The wheel from said box-art was a nice fit to me.

Q: How can I show Grunt my support?
A: Simple, put any of these images in your signature or roster:

Note: I lack the font that is used in most of these images. If anyone could tell me which font it is or redo the image, I'd be very grateful.

Any more questions? I'll answer them and put them up here.

The Barracks: supporters of Grunt

Master Knight DH

Smash Journeyman
Apr 1, 2008

Balancing the different weapons could be a pain though. As a blatant example, Flame Vets can have their flamethrowers overheat and they'll be unable to attack for a full 4 seconds.

Oh yeah, if you want to geek out about BW, I have some damage values set up here:

Keep in mind that those damage values do not take army damage multipliers into account.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
I think Andy is a more likely candidate (and my preference), but I agree Grunt would represent the series the best. Plus being dead doesn't really matter for Smash.

Deleted member

I support this idea.

As for the "realistic weapons" deal, I don't quite remember "real" firearms in the game; IIRC, shots were blasts instead of bullets.


Smash Lord
Oct 28, 2006
The Netherlands
Balancing the different weapons could be a pain though. As a blatant example, Flame Vets can have their flamethrowers overheat and they'll be unable to attack for a full 4 seconds.
Keep in mind that Sakurai is able to take his 'artistic freedom' when it comes to designing moves. A lot of moves don't work like they do in their original games - for example, Lucario's Double Team and Charizard's Rock Smash.

The Flame Vet's Flamethrower could be simplified to work like Bowser's or Charizard's.

Plus being dead doesn't really matter for Smash.
While having no intentions to start an argument, which characters in Smash are dead? I know that characters like Bowser and Ganondorf get 'killed' quite a lot, but they always seem to return.

As for the "realistic weapons" deal, I don't quite remember "real" firearms in the game; IIRC, shots were blasts instead of bullets.
I wonder how Sakurai would feel about that - realistic looking guns which fire blasts. Eh, I guess I could incorporate it in Grunt's moveset anyway :)


Smash Lord
Jun 7, 2012
Riding a Wailord
Hell, I'm in. I've heard of this series twice, but if a game comes out on the wii u then I'll probably get it. Something you should mention in the OP is that they were in captain rainbow training to be the world volleyball champions. I've also not played captain rainbow, since I only play games in English and it's japan only, but I'll see if I can find the video talking about them...

Here it is, famicon soldier (as he calls them) is quite a way in, but it's actually quite interesting so you may as well watch the whole thing through. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=So44IySYPws

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
While I like theideaof a Grunt appearing, I support Andy. I thinkhe could have a unique moveset using his wrenches and controlling the stage by placing infantry, tanks, and planes.

But Grunt would be interesting; especially if he could switch between weapons such as rifles, rocket launchers, and pistols.



Smash Lord
Aug 13, 2012
East Coast, USA
I support this. I've never played the game, but the OP sold me, and I like the look of the character. Plus, having a cartoonish character wielding as close to real weapons as you can get would be a nice counter to the more-realistic Snake, and could even technically take his place if Snake, for some reason, didn't come back for SM4SH.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
While having no intentions to start an argument, which characters in Smash are dead? I know that characters like Bowser and Ganondorf get 'killed' quite a lot, but they always seem to return.
Of the playable characters (that don't get revived from game to game) none. I suppose one could make an argument for Marth (as he's long dead by Awakening, but he's also DLC - though I suspect the DLC part is non-canon), but that's a fairly paltry argument. Of the ATs though, off the top of my head I can think of Andross and Gray Fox. However, if Ridley is included, he will be a canonically dead character.

However, the main point is that Smash is clearly non-canon, and takes what will work best in Smash from the respective series, with little bearing on current status in the series, just overall importance and impact. Ironic, considering grunts are more important to the Wars series, but Andy is the face (at least in the west) and had a seemingly larger impact with his three appearances.

Deleted member

The DLC characters in Awakening are because they travel through the Other World Gate.
Essentially, it's time travel.
And technically, Ganondorf/Ganon is dead currently in all 3 branched timelines of the Zelda series. (Brawl makes note of this, calling him the "ressurected King of Evil" when you unlock him)


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
Is the Other World Gate and the DLC characters from it canon though? I don't know, and usually I wouldn't really care, but now that we're talking about canon it would be interesting.

And I didn't include Ganondorf because he's sure be resurrected again eventually in one of the timelines, (although Ridley will probably find a way to come back too -- without being a clone) but yeah, you're right, right now he's canonically dead in his series as well.

Deleted member

Never said it was canon. But even if it was, it wouldn't matter, since these are characters from previous times, which means they are long dead within Awakening's timeline.

Master Knight DH

Smash Journeyman
Apr 1, 2008
Keep in mind that Sakurai is able to take his 'artistic freedom' when it comes to designing moves. A lot of moves don't work like they do in their original games - for example, Lucario's Double Team and Charizard's Rock Smash.

The Flame Vet's Flamethrower could be simplified to work like Bowser's or Charizard's.
Well, keep in mind that Flame Vets have low attack range compared to other units. It's to prevent them from turning 70% of the typical unit makeup in BW into a pathetic joke.

Hey, that's an idea: the Flamethrower could rack up percentage quickly without generating ANY KB.


Smash Cadet
Jul 17, 2012
If Toad gets in, I certainly would think this guy should get a shot. Hell with your arguement he's risen to one of my most wanted. Plus he could represent a new series, possibly be an easy moveset, and get the Wars series more well known with audiences instead of Andy(if from what you said being true, he probably won't be appearing in anymore games) or any of the other playable characters by exposing them to a character that will continue to appear in the future games. I'll support this guy to the bitter end thanks for bringing this guy up who would've gone unnoticed.

If you support Toad, I don't think you can really argue this guys exclusion


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
If you support Toad, I don't think you can really argue this guys exclusion
Except there is "Toad" and there are "Toads". Toad (the main non-generic Toad) would be the character included in Smash Bros, while the Toads (the generic species), who would be comparable in a way to the grunt here, would only get representation through color swaps. If the main Toad didn't exist, Toads would have no chance at playability the same way Goombas and Koopas have no chance.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 16, 2007
I've long supported the character to rep Nintendo Wars, though I have always called him "Infantry"

Except there is "Toad" and there are "Toads". Toad (the main non-generic Toad) would be the character included in Smash Bros, while the Toads (the generic species), who would be comparable in a way to the grunt here, would only get representation through color swaps. If the main Toad didn't exist, Toads would have no chance at playability the same way Goombas and Koopas have no chance.


Smash Cadet
Jul 17, 2012
Except there is "Toad" and there are "Toads". Toad (the main non-generic Toad) would be the character included in Smash Bros, while the Toads (the generic species), who would be comparable in a way to the grunt here, would only get representation through color swaps. If the main Toad didn't exist, Toads would have no chance at playability the same way Goombas and Koopas have no chance.
Though yes there is that one distinguishable Toad, but he's still one of many. What I mean by this is that the only way you can tell him apart is due to his representation(and his color scheme) much like Yoshi who shares its name with it's species name(With it's only difference being green and i'm pretty sure there's more than one green yoshi). The Grunt could very well have a much similar representation despite being one of many. Smash could have a Grunt named Grunt, since it's not entirely impossible to create a character, entitle him Grunt and allow him to be different from rest of the grunts, while still sharing many of the phyiscal characteristics of a grunt. Much similar to how the series handled R.O.B. with making one unique ROB despite there being several ROBs.

Honestly the more I think about it, the higher Grunt's possibility goes up. Since characters like Yoshi, and R.O.B. are represented despite being named after a generic species, why can't Grunt get one. Though I do acknowledge that he does have differences from Yoshi(and Toad) being that he hasn't had a game that differs him from any normal Grunt yet, but neither did R.O.B. so just because he's not a distinguished one YET, does not mean he's out of the realm of possibility.( I know you didn't say that, but for future arguements sake)

Deleted member

Toad actually is named. In Japan.
He's "Kinopio" of the "Kino" race.
Kinopio = Toad (character)
Kino = Toad (species)

As for R.O.B., you have to bring in the SSE into this, as he is the "Master Robot" among the race of Robots.


Smash Lord
Oct 28, 2006
The Netherlands
As for R.O.B., you have to bring in the SSE into this, as he is the "Master Robot" among the race of Robots.
In theory, the SSE could do the same for Grunt.
However, do we really need to? The Pokémon are just that, really. You could argue that Pikachu, Lucario and Jigglypuff are the ones seen in the anime, but I don't think those 'exist' in the official games' canon.

On a different note, I updated the first post with an early version of Grunt's specials. I included them in this post as well. Some feedback or different ideas for a move set would be nice :)

Standard attacks:
Jab (first hit): Shoots his rifle at a slight upward angle.
Jab (second hit): Shoots his rifle at a slight downward angle.
Jab (third hit): Shoots his rifle straight forward.
Multi-hit: Yes, repeats the third hit quite quickly.
- note: shoots out 'blasts' instead of actual bullets.
- note: consider this a reference to the need to 'aim' or locking on to the target.

Dash attack: Combat Roll. A forward roll that has both little start-up and ending lag.

Assault Set: the Assault Set Grunt is the most tactical of the three.
Standard: Assault Rifle. Grunt fires off blasts until the special buttons is released. It is reminiscent of his 'jab' attack, except that these blasts fire a bit more rapidly, have less range and zero knockback or hitstun, and that this move can be aimed freely upwards and downwards.
Up: Rope Ladder. Grunt finds a rope ladder in his backpack and flings it upwards, acting as a tether recovery. The rope swinging upwards deals ever so slight damage to any character positioned directly above Grunt. This move finds no roots in Battalion Wars as far as I'm aware, but is often used in scenario's where a soldier has to leave a battlefield quickly (as seen in Snake's final smash).
Side: Sandbags. Grunt stacks some sandbags, stacking them high enough for him to hide behind if he crouches. The sandbag wall acts as a tiny wall, has a set amount of health. If enough damage is dealt to it, it falls apart. Damage dealt from either side will cause the wall's health to decrease. The Grunt can only put down one sandbag wall at a time.
Upon collapsing, the wall leaves behind two tiny sandbags which can be tossed around.

Down: Swap weapon. Grunt switches his secondary weapon to change into his Rocket Set. This is a reference to the player being able to switch freely between units in Battalion Wars, and as such, this move is accompanied by the sounds you hear upon switching units.

Rocket Set: The Rocket Set Grunt is the camper of the three, using projectiles to keep the opponent at bay.
Standard: Launch Rocket. Comparable to Samus' side special, Grunt shoots out a rocket that flies at a straight angle. Opposed to Samus' move, this one comes in only one variation.
Up: Rocket Jump. A technique used by players in various FPS games, Grunt aims his Rocket Launcher downwards and shoots. The explosion deals damage to himself, but also shoots him up for quite a bit. It can be angled slightly.
Side: Mortar. Grunt launches a shell that follows a trajectory similar to Diddy Kong's neutral special. This move can be charged. Charged shells shoot out with greater power, increasing the distance they cover. These shells explodes on contact, splitting into three smaller pieces that also explode on contact.
Down: Swap weapon. Grunt switches his secondary weapon to change into his Flame Set. This is a reference to the player being able to switch freely between units in Battalion Wars, and as such, this move is accompanied by the sounds you hear upon switching units.

Flame Set: The Flame Set Grunt loves to jump straight in the action. His specials consist of moves that are help him control the battle.
Standard: Flamethrower. It is comparable to Bowser's and Charizard's neutral special, but Grunt's flames grows in size rather than shrinking before coming to an abrupt halt. Using this attack for too long will cause the flamethrower to overheat, disallowing Grunt to use this move or his up special again. This references the Flame Vet's weapon overheating.
Up: Flame Boost. Smash cares little for realism, so I reckon this could work, too. Grunt aims his weapon downward and fires it, making him able to move around freely much like Pit's and ROB's up special. Grunt's, however, has a shorter duration as a trade-off for the flames he's leaving behind. Anyone touching said flames is dealt a very little amount of damage. This move cannot be used if Grunt's weapon is overheated, and can be cancelled out of by pressing the up special move a second time.
Side: Fuel Spray. Grunt splashes out a tiny, well, splash of fuel in front of him. Characters that will walk over the splash will slip and fall over. Lasts a couple of second or until two people have tripped over it. Grunt can only have three splashes of fuel on the field at any time.
Down: Swap weapon. Grunt switches his secondary weapon to change into his Assault Set. This is a reference to the player being able to switch freely between units in Battalion Wars, and as such, this move is accompanied by the sounds you hear upon switching units.
- note: overheating will appear as a slight cloud above Grunt's head, much like Donkey Kong has when his neutral special is charged.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
Personally, I was never arguing that the grunt couldn't be made playable because he was generic, just that he was incomparable to Toad.

I don't even think being generic is grunt's main point against him (though I'd wager a non-generic Wars character had much better chances), it's his severe lack of popularity and demand, even compared to characters in his own series.

Deleted member

As much as I would like to see Grunt, N3ON hit it dead on. Lack of popularity and demand.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 15, 2013
I am 110% pro-Grunt, with multiple kinds of abilities (parachute, flamethrower, mortar, etc.), but he should be Orange if he gets in, not green.


Smash Champion
Feb 18, 2002
If Snake gets removed due to third-party renewal complications, the Grunt should take his moveset, modify it, and enter the fray! :bee:
That being said- I like the moveset in the OP quite a bit. I really like weapon-switching movesets.

I don't think Sakurai would want him to be given realistic guns that traditionally fire bullets, and I'm not sure giving him an assault rifle that fires energy pellets instead of bullets is quite enough.
(But that's up to Sakurai, of course. Doesn't bother me none.)

I don't know much about the Grunt or Battalion wars, but I like the OP.


Smash Rookie
Jul 3, 2008
Baie-comeau (Quebec)
Happy to see this thread, I've seen not enough support for him on the web. I really think that the Grunt is a perfect choice to make his way to the roster.

I just throw an idea in the air and tell me what's your though. I think that there is more chance that the characters gonna be only the Rifle Grunt, the other member of the battalion can be only the smash attack
( up smash: anti-air grunt appear quickly and shoot in the air,
down smash: the flame grunt appear quickly and shoot flames on the floor in front of the character,
side smash: the assault grunt appear quickly and and shoot a huge storm of bullets.)

and for the special I imagined:

B= surely gun blasts

side B: Jump on a Jeep and roll where you want left and right ( like de yoshi,s egg or the wario bike)

Up B (i likes this one): The Rocket Ride: He turns on a rocket and fly a little bit where you want sitting on this rocket, he can drop down when he want and the rocket is slowing down and fall, if he don't drop, the rocket will slow down and fall to but with the grunt on it, so he must jumps. And when he drops from the rocket, a parachute is opening, so he falls slowly, but you can cancel his parachute like peach's umbrella!

Down B (I REALLY THINK IT'S A GOOD IDEA): The Health Pack: In the style of Diddy with his bananas, The Grunt can drop 2 health pack at time in the map, a pack must be taken or disappeared to drop another. The health pack recover the character from 1% if he takes it, so the Grunt can take it, or your Partner if you play in team battle, but be careful cause your opponent can take it too. So you do that when your enemy is far away! I know 1% is not a lot, but a skilled player can find a way and a technique to use it and finally win his match cause The 20 to 40% that he had recovered in the match with the health pack saved his life

For the Finale smash, all is possible, but surely an attack of all Battallion wars vehicule, and a giant carnage.

That's, in my opinion, what i think interesting, but I find Splat's ideas very interesting too, specially the weapons swap thing!

What do you think?, except the fact that i'm really not perfect in English :)


Smash Cadet
Jun 28, 2014
British Columbia

Advance Fighter

Advance Fighter would be a character technically unique to smash. He would represent the Advance\Famicom wars. series by using weapons and tanks from said game.

Advance Wars (Famicom Wars in Japan) is a turn-base strategy series. There are 4 teams: Orange Star, Blue Moon, Yellow Comet and Green Earth. There is also another "evil" team called Black Hole. The series debuted on the Famicom as Famicom Wars. It later had a new game called Famicom Wars: Advance aka Advance Wars. There were 2 games for the DS

Advance Fighter would use the moves from his game, not just of a simple infantry unit.

A: He hits someone with his gun, he doesn't shoot it, though. Just like a punch 5-7%

Side A: He does a jab with his gun.

Down A: He swings his gun down-wards

Up A: He swings his gun all around in front of him

B: He shoots his gun

Side B: His gun becomes that of a Mech unit, and he shoots the bazooka. You can hold this one for more power.

Up B: Advance Fighter turns into a Transport Helicopter and can fly around.

Down B: Advance Fighter places a Neo-Tank. It walks around the screen shooting for 5 seconds. Must recharge.

Well you see, a common complaint with Andy or Sami is that it would be like sending the Pokemon Trainer out to fight. This fixes that common problem.

TORNADO BUS DRIVER, NekuShikazu, Geo1088
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Smash Journeyman
May 28, 2014
I never, and I mean it, never support a character, But this one I will support. There are lots of swordsmen and I wouldn't mind having a gunner (sorry Mii Gunner, you aren't as cool as the Fighter and Swordsman). Plus since this character's name is Advanced Fighter. It could be male or female.

Also, add me to dat list.


Smash Lord
Jul 3, 2013
Wouldn't the name Infantry fit better? It's not like the unit is specific to GBA games.


Smash Cadet
Jun 28, 2014
British Columbia
Glad too see some support :D!
Wouldn't the name Infantry fit better? It's not like the unit is specific to GBA games.
I was thinking about that, but hen I realized he does more then your average infantry. As for the whole grunt thing, I have never actually played Battalion Wars. I can see the similarities between them, but based on what i've seen, there different.
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Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
The "Advance Fighter" thread has been merged with the Grunt's thread.


Smash Ace
Mar 20, 2014
All your base
Can someone explain the differences between Famicon wars, Advance wars, and battalion wars? I'm having trouble knowing which is which.
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