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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2014
Uhhh… yeah the only leaks from tehponycorn's list I would probably keep my eye on are 5, 8 and 14. The rest are Garbage with a capital G… simply because they make no sense or have many flaws in the attempt of trying to fake a leak. But yeah 5, 8 and 14 caught my attention and most of what they say seems possible by the info we've gotten so far.
*Checks which ones those were*
*14 has Isaac and Fatal Frame rep*
Yeah, something about this one just seems like its definitely gonna happen and I'm definitely not just latching onto it for Isaac and FF rep. Definitely not.
I actually don't know if I can believe 14 at all. Yuri's Final Smash seems lazy, but Sakurai can be like that sometimes when he's less enthused about a character than fans are. Also I still don't buy Heihachi. Yeah, I'm stubborn on this point. Sue me.

Capybara Gaming

Just Vibing
Feb 5, 2013
Big Talking Volcano
Uhhh… yeah the only leaks from tehponycorn's list I would probably keep my eye on are 5, 8 and 14. The rest are Garbage with a capital G… simply because they make no sense or have many flaws in the attempt of trying to fake a leak. But yeah 5, 8 and 14 caught my attention and most of what they say seems possible by the info we've gotten so far.
Mind posting what those leaks are?


Smash Champion
Aug 10, 2018
*Checks which ones those were*
*14 has Isaac and Fatal Frame rep*
Yeah, something about this one just seems like its definitely gonna happen and I'm definitely not just latching onto it for Isaac and FF rep. Definitely not.
I actually don't know if I can believe 14 at all. Yuri's Final Smash seems lazy, but Sakurai can be like that sometimes when he's less enthused about a character than fans are. Also I still don't buy Heihachi. Yeah, I'm stubborn on this point. Sue me.
Out of the three I mentioned, that's the one I almost threw to the garbage can as well simply because i don't understand the meaning of having a Fatal Frame character in Smash Bros, it's just not something I see Sakurai putting as a playable character at all. But the rest of what I saw in those 3 leaks at least seem more believable than the gargbage the rest of the leaks in that list had to say.


Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2017
I said not a single damn thing about those chairs.

I'm talking about the predicament that Donkey and Diddy find themselves in at the end of K. Rool's trailer and how it could potentially be a direct set up for a Dixie echo/semi-clone/reveal.
You know what.

I’m getting so confused right now, I can’t even text right.

I’ll just edit your post out. :estatic:


Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
Actually does someone have the Smash template to fill out for most wanted? I need to update mine ever since the new Direct. :p


Smash Lord
Jul 5, 2012
Alright I'm a couple days late on responding to the direct been a real busy week is it too late for me to say "I told you so" about echos? That's a rhetorical question of course it isn't.

I think people get too caught up on trying to reverse engineer the limitations of a echo from the current examples of echos and old clones that didn't end up as echos when the devs are probably being really loose with it.

Dark Pit's character concept was literally just a laundry list Sakurai made of reasons he couldn't be an alt costume, including a whole move (I think people saying "well Dark Pit has one unique move but it's a final smash so echos can have a unique move but it has to be the final smash" is waaaay too deep in extrapolating precedent to rule territory). If they think Dixie works as a Diddy echo but she needs a different recovery and change the tail attacks into hair attacks plus some ascetic stuff, they'll do that and keep her an echo, that's still really minor. Or they could do the exact same thing and give her her own fighter number. Whichever they think will scan better for PR.

Hell I wouldn't be surprised if they're sitting on derivative characters right now that they haven't decided on classifying as a echo or not, especially because I bet good money a lot of tweaking those characters is probably happening as they hit the point in development where they don't have time left to start on a new original character.
To extrapolate on my last post, because I think I could've said it better...

The difference between numbered clone character and echo is a PR difference to mitigate fan reaction, I don't think many people disagree with that. With numbered clones you don't want them to be too similar to their base, or it'll come off like you're trying to pass off a few "lazy" tweaks as a new character. With echos you don't want them too different from their base or it'll come off like you spent too much dev time on characters that're advertised as being extras that don't drain resources.

Where those two points meet is a huge grey area where any decision of who fits in what is going to be largely arbitrary and I wouldn't be surprised if we get characters who blur the lines even more than what we've seen so far.


Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2017
And we still got 118 days to go.
December 7th can’t come soon enough. By then we would know the whole roster, not to mention play the damn game.

But I’m going to use this time to save up money.
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Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2014
Out of the three I mentioned, that's the one I almost threw to the garbage can as well simply because i don't understand the meaning of having a Fatal Frame character in Smash Bros, it's just not something I see Sakurai putting as a playable character at all. But the rest of what I saw in those 3 leaks at least seem more believable than the gargbage the rest of the leaks in that list had to say.
Cuz it's an unrepresented Nintendo IP and unrepresented genre. It got two trophies, so Sakurai is at least aware of it. Basically Fatal Frame is an extremely obvious choice for the cross-section of Nintendo Purists and people who care about series/genre representation since the only choices for horror rep are FF and Eternal Darkness and frankly FF is a much more likely choice due to it being a long (and currently) running series.


Worlds Apart, But Still Together.
Jan 31, 2012
Okay hear me out on this because I have another idea with the Mii costume theory.

So we know based on the edited character popularity polls that Dunban did pretty well in Japan. This probably got him the Mii costume.

And I feel like if we're looking at potential echo fighters, this might work in a similar vein to Chrom, or our ideas of Black Knight or Isabelle. Dunban canonically is a Monado wielder, which is something Shulk's echo would need to work. Yes the Monado is canonically killing him by paralyzing one of his arms (but they are willing to do new animations for echoes as Dark Samus and Richter show, so not a big deal) but it could work and get another popular pick in.

Only thing would be a replacement for Vision as Dunban doesn't have that Monado power, but you could do something similar with, for example, Thunder (one of Dunban's arts), which is still a counter but inflicts shield break instead of damage. Back Slash becomes Gale Slash, losing the increased back attack damage for life drain, and Air Slash is Soaring Tempest now (basically Luigi Cyclone, but mapped to Up Special).

Additional property changes could be the usual "faster but weaker", referencing the statistical differences between Dunban (who is more of a swordmaster) and Shulk (a generalist).

Kinda doubtful but it could be neat.


Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
Actually does someone have the Smash template to fill out for most wanted? I need to update mine ever since the new Direct. :p
Smash Top 10.png

This should work.
And since I've already taken 30% of this thread page's real estate, allow me to post mine:
Smash top 10 8-8-18.png



Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
Okay hear me out on this because I have another idea with the Mii costume theory.

So we know based on the edited character popularity polls that Dunban did pretty well in Japan. This probably got him the Mii costume.

And I feel like if we're looking at potential echo fighters, this might work in a similar vein to Chrom, or our ideas of Black Knight or Isabelle. Dunban canonically is a Monado wielder, which is something Shulk's echo would need to work. Yes the Monado is canonically killing him by paralyzing one of his arms (but they are willing to do new animations for echoes as Dark Samus and Richter show, so not a big deal) but it could work and get another popular pick in.

Only thing would be a replacement for Vision as Dunban doesn't have that Monado power, but you could do something similar with, for example, Thunder (one of Dunban's arts), which is still a counter but inflicts shield break instead of damage. Back Slash becomes Gale Slash, losing the increased back attack damage for life drain, and Air Slash is Soaring Tempest now (basically Luigi Cyclone, but mapped to Up Special).

Additional property changes could be the usual "faster but weaker", referencing the statistical differences between Dunban (who is more of a swordmaster) and Shulk (a generalist).

Kinda doubtful but it could be neat.
Dude he's literally in Shulk's final smash


Smash Champion
Aug 10, 2018
Cuz it's an unrepresented Nintendo IP and unrepresented genre. It got two trophies, so Sakurai is at least aware of it. Basically Fatal Frame is an extremely obvious choice for the cross-section of Nintendo Purists and people who care about series/genre representation since the only choices for horror rep are FF and Eternal Darkness and frankly FF is a much more likely choice due to it being a long (and currently) running series.
Yeah even after reading that I don't expect a Fatal frame playable character coming to Ultimate, sorry lol


Smash Champion
Jul 31, 2014
Is it an unpopular opinion to say Fire Emblem doesn't have too many reps? I almost make it a game to see when people are like "ANOTHER Fire Emblem character!?". It actually kinda annoys me at this point. They're all popular, and the least popular in Corrin is the most unique.


Smash Master
Jan 24, 2015
Here's your daily dose of supposed leaks.
Alright, I can't give you anything resembling a release date or a complete roster, nor any concrete info on Echo Fighters, but I have info from an inside source and I need to share it with someone.

>the reason why there's so many fan favorites is because half the roster is based on fan requests, while the other half is based on what the development team wants
>Inkling, K. Rool and Ridley are all supposedly derived from fan feedback received during the ballot
>Simon was chosen primarily by the music team during negotiations with Konami, they cared more about getting the music than the character
>the project plan from December 2015 has 10 unique newcomers on it, nothing about echo fighters, things may have changed during development
>I was given info on Simon, K. Rool and three unrevealed characters
>one is another Ballot result, Professor Layton, chosen based primarily on Japanese results in contrast to K. Rool and Ridley
>the other two are staff choices, and come across as bizarre
>the art design team chose Demitri Maximoff from Vampire Savior simply because they wanted to have fun designing Midnight Bliss designs for the entire cast, they were supposedly debating whether to use 2D illustrations or 3D renders
>Sakurai himself had a very unique request that was only possible thanks to Square Enix's partnership, he chose JC Denton from the Deus Ex series, turns out he's a huge fan of the games
>Adam Jensen was being considered as an alternate costume early on, he may have been turned into an Echo Fighter judging by Richter's inclusion

Demitri Maximoff and JC Denton are literal whos, and the idea of Sakurai and his team doing what they want goes against everything we know about them.
The next character to be revealed will be Doshin from Doshin the Giant.

His final smash will be his transformation into Jashin.

He is the largest character in the game.

Doshin is too big lol /s
Alright, /v/, it's time for the next round of Smash Ultimate Leaks. I'll put the thick of it here but you can ask me anything I might've left out. English isn't my first language so I may make some mistakes.

There are at least 3 newcomers left to be revealed and 3 echoes. I don't know all the characters who will be in final game but I know with confidence that all of these are legitimate newcomers.

-Isabelle will echo Villager, I think she's a little bit faster but overall weaker and has a unique recovery special. She also has a new FS.
-Ken will echo Ryu. Their differences are actually bigger in Smash than SF for some reason, Ken is much much slower and stronger than Ryu.
-Linkle will actually echo Link. I couldn't believe it either, but hey. She has Young Link's bombs but BOTW Link's hitboxes/hurtboxes and can't pick up arrows but has two crossbows and shoots two arrows at all times. FS is a reskin of Link's. She has a new appearance that looks like Link's Wild armor from BOTW.
-Geno is in fact in the game. He is entirely new and based on his appearance in Super Mario RPG. He has Geno Beam as neutral special, Geno Whirl as side special. Down special is variation of Geno Flash kind of like Bastion from Overwatch's turret transformation with 180 degree range. FS is reskinned PK Star storm but with just one star at a time like in Brawl and Smash 4.
-Heihachi is a new full character. he fights similarly to Mario except for his specials. He looks like he does as an older man in the more recent Tekken games. His FS is like a Tekken special attack. I think he is voiced by Sakurai.
-Kamek will be in the game to complete the heroes vs. villains theme of the game with the original 8. Kamek can fight either on the ground or use his recovery special to switch onto his broomstick and fly. Kamek doesn't hit his opponents physically at all, but only uses magic. His FS is to summon an army of Koopas to run across the stage for a few seconds, it is very good and can kill at 0.

Typical stuff. I don't really like the idea of Kamek, especially for the sake of filling a quota. Heihachi voiced by Sakurai would be funny.
September Nintendo Direct
36e Dixie Kong, 38e2 Dillon, 68 Pyra, 68e Mythra

October Nintendo Direct
14e Dry Bowser, 38e Shadow, 45e Isabelle, 69 Skull Kid

September Final Smash Direct
64e Octoling, 41e Zeraora, 60e Ken, 60e2 Akuma, 70 Chun-Li, 70e M. Bison, 71 Monster Hunter

Secret Characters
72 Banjo & Kazooie, 73 Gruntilda, 74 Geno, 75 ???

Echo Fever taken to the nth degree. Sonic having two echo fighters in particular is ridiculous, as are Zeraora being an echo of Lucario and M. Bison being an echo of CHUN-LI. This is ridiculous.
I know everyone hates leaks and doesn't believe them. Thats up to you to decide. In the end you'll know im right in due time. Also I know people will be upset that I don't have evidence. I apologize but I don't have any gameplay footage to share or any real look at the movesets. Enjoy the leak people. (I understand why many will believe it is sketchy)

So far there are 73 characters including all echos as uniques, and that number will go to 80. There are 1 unique third party, 1 third party echo, 1 more echo character, and 4 other characters. The characters are:

Skull Kid
Isabelle (her own character, most likely due to the villager's moves not really fitting with Isabelle's persona, although I'm unsure)
Bandana Dee
Dixie Kong (echo)
Shadow (echo)
Banjo Kazooie

Assist trophies are:
Chorus Kids
Geno (sorry fans)
Shantae (sorry fans)
More will be announced in a smash direct early December, a couple days before the game launches

Story mode is a thing, called Spirits. Although Mario appears dead, he's actually fallen down into a pit and finds the other 7 original smash characters. You work together and go to other characters homelands, like dream land, and defeat the bosses possessing the area. All bosses are being controlled by master hand. Dracula and Dr Eggman are bosses guys.

Hope you are excited. Enjoy yourselves. Enjoy the hype

Oof @ Geno, Elma, and Chorus Kids fans. I'd pour a real strong one out for all ya'll.
Smash bros Ultimate info
Incineroar (personally I wanted zeraora but **** it)
bandana Waddle dee -
skull kid
The new mode is not story mode btw more on that later.

Standard ****.
Alright boys, it's that time of day again. Staying anonymous for obvious reasons.

Characters: (In order) Star Road, Pol7, Lanky, Chaos

Ultimate Spirits: New story mode that acts as a nostalgia trip. all Smash 64 characters get their own levels, designed after one of their original games, the main boss being a corrupted, powered-up version of said game's antagonist. For example, Mario gets his own level, designed after Bob-Omb Battlefield from Super Mario 64. Bowser is the boss of that level, and upon beating him you are rewarded with Mario's Smash 64 skin to play as. About 3-4 hours of gameplay for average players.

Date: This direct is planned to be scheduled on September 17th, and the direct after that is to be scheduled somewhere in the last week of November, just less than 2 weeks before the release of Ultimate.

Star Road is obviously Geno, but who could the rest be? I have no clue.
New Info on Story Mode
The story mode is called Spirits and focuses on collecting the spirits of dead characters from bosses

There are some cutscenes and the whole thing is meant to take 10 hours for the average player to complete.

The dead characters include:
-Diddy Kong
Some of these characters die in future reveal trailers, but some die in cutscenes in the story mode. There are 10 bosses. 9 bosses to get the spirits back and 1 Final Boss.

-Lord Nightmare
-Dark Bowser
-Lord Fredrik
-Parasite Queen
-The Gorgon
The final boss is a completely original smash creation called "The Puppeteer". It is a shadowy figure holding the strings of puppets which are used to fight the player(s).

Subspace Emissary is co-op and you can choose who you want to play as. There is varying dialogue/cutscenes based on who the player(s) choose.

Expect this information to be revealed in a few months.

So, according to this "leak" is Subspace also coming back alongside Spirits?

Because that'd be ****ing hype.
I'm involved in the next direct - airing in Early October.

There will be another one in November but I'm not involved in it.

>Starts off with Professor Layton reveal
>Focuses on Singleplayer (Name isn't finalized, though logo is similar to subspace)
>Briefly touches the story and some cutscenes
>Goes to online modes and goes into detail about those
>Ken and Shadow echo fighters revealed
>Banjo reveal

Believe it, don't believe it. I don't give a **** - but that's whats in the October Smash Direct.

There's still 1 more after that in late November.

Bruh that's one heck of a Direct. And we get another one with the last round of characters after that? This Smash Bros. is already the best, but this would make it better.
No long winded spiel of "Blah blah blah, work for Nintendo" or ****, you already know these are happening. I only know 3 characters


Tapu Koko: It's not Inciniroar. Final Smash is its Z-Move, down B puts electric patches down that work like traps in other games, stepping on one causes daze akin to shield break. VERY fast, about Captain Falcon speed. There are NO alternate costumes of the other Tapus

Isabelle: Not an echo fighter. Works like Phoenix Wright in Marvel where her attacks act like accidents, though she has Villager's dash attack where she trips while carrying something. Final Smash is dropping a leaf which turns into a random village item like a fountain or monkey bars, very short range, akin to Ike's


Medusa: You can ****ing blame Emily Roger for opening her big yap about this. If I'm going down, I'm taking that ***** with me. Echo of Palutena and seriously go **** yourself Emily, god damnit, I told you this **** in confidence and you go yap

Another reference to Emily Roger saying something but there's no source behind it. I'm offering a bounty of fake internet points to whoever can find a source of Emily Roger saying this.
Leakfag here. I almost feel bad spoiling this because im sure it will be hype as ****, but no one will believe me anyway so whatever.

Banjo's in, but he's going to pull a simon and also introduce another character no one saw coming. Gruntilda is in.

She is the first smash character with free flight. It's very risk/reward though, its slowish, and any hit to her at all has her tumble straight down off the broom with no recovery, getting stuck in the ground for a second.

Minecraft is also in, but it's just a stage I think and I know at least the creeper is an assist trophy. Basically works as a homing electrode.

That sounds like an interesting concept to Gruntilda, but I'd need to see it in action to believe it. Free flight sounds OP though.
I have insider information that told me that there's going to be another Smash Bros. Ultimate focused direct on September 12th. I don't know very much but this is what I have.

2 new echo fighters will be revealed:
38' Shadow
45' Isabelle
{Apparently Sakurai acknowledges the recent number of assist trophies upgraded to fighters this iteration of the game.}

2 Newcomers:
69 Monster Hunter
70 Incineroar
{68: Crono, will be revealed in a Nintendo Direct in late August along with a Guardia Castle stage.}

Pac-Maze - Returning
Jungle Hyjnx - Returning
Ancestral Steppe - New
Tapu Ruins - New
{Weird gimmick where all 4 Tapu pokemon are a stage hazard. Players have to summon them somehow when a totem pole appears on the stage. I only know about 2 of them,
Tapu Koko - Electric Surge:
The entire field becomes an electric terrain to where it damages fighters for a period of time.
Tapu Bulu: Grassy Surge
Covers the stage in some kind of green mist and the player who managed to summon get's healed for a duration of time similar to the healing field item.

Smash Run {Supports up to 8 players/CPUs, new final battles been added such as stamina battles, you can interact with each other in Smash Run, you can still gain gold, trophies, mystery/custom bags, etc. Can be played online.}
Smash Tour - Basically like Smash 4.

Standard fare, minus Crono, who could be a pretty fun addition. If I had to rank potential SE Reps though, I'd go Geno = Sora > Terra Branford > Agnes Olbige = Lara Croft > Adam Jensen. Again, Smash Tour coming back would be welcome.
Hello all. I am a current employee at NoA, and over the past six months (since I first heard about it), I’ve been trying to gather as much information as I can regarding this upcoming Smash Bros. game. It’s been hard, as Kyoto and Reggie have been extremely tight-lipped regarding anything having to do with Ultimate, but I think I’ve gathered enough info for you all to be satisfied.

1. Firstly, Geno, Shadow, and Isabelle are indeed playable. There are no new Kirby, Zelda, Street Fighter, Pac-Man, Mega Man, Final Fantasy, Kid Icarus, Punch-Out!, F-Zero, Earthbound, Pikmin, Metal Gear, or Starfox reps. I have no information on Pokémon.
2. Subspace Emissary is NOT back.
3. Another direct is planned for October and maybe November. (there is currently a discussion on when to announce and show off the new mode and some other stuff). None in September or December.
3. The Masterpieces are returning.
4. Target Smash, Board the Platforms, and Smash Tour are not returning.
5. Spring-Man, the Octolings, Rex and Pyra, and any character from BOTW or SMO will NOT be playable in the base roster or DLC as they are too new. This may change further down the line, but as it stands, they aren’t in.
6. Isaac, Saki Amamiya, Skull Kid, and Dillon will all remain as assist trophies.
7. Rhythm Heaven will be represented in some way, but I wasn’t told how.
8. 3rd party characters Spyro, Travis Touchdown, and Rayman/Rabbids were all considered at one point as DLC but have since been rejected. Crash Bandicoot and Banjo and Kazooie are still being considered for DLC.
9. Shovel Knight is the only indie representation. Shantae and Steve were originally intended to also be in the game, but both were cut.
10. Online mode is still being tweaked, but a full reveal is planned.

Regular stuff. Take a video.
>Yes, the new mode is called "Spirits."
>It's basically a shorter and much less exhausting version of the SSE where you take control of certain characters and attempt to free their spirits. Freeing their spirits will unlock said characters.
>Most characters have a random boss attached to it. There are a total of 12 bosses from multiple series like Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, Monster Hunter, etc.
>There are CG cutscenes.
>The remaining newcomers are: Paper Mario, Yuri Kozukata from Fatal Frame, Skull Kid from Zelda, Isaac from Golden Sun, Heihachi from Tekken, Shadow as an echo for Sonic, Ken as an echo for Ryu, and Geno. Yuri, Skull Kid, and Isaac are the last three first-party characters while Heihachi, Shadow, Ken, and Geno will be the last third-party characters.
>Paper Mario's Final Smash is a cinematic that plays out in the style of a Paper Mario battle where he will choose an attack and hit the opponent with a lot of theatrics.
>Yuri's Final Smash involves her using the Camera Obscura and achieving a Fatal Frame against those that were targeted.
>Heihachi's is pretty much like Tekken 7, just altered a little bit.
>There is one more newcomer in the game as well. They are a big request so it's up to you to figure out who it is. They are insanely popular, that's all I'll say.
>New Assist Trophies include Fawful, Stallord, Kamek, Bandana Dee, Aran Ryan, Mad King Gangrel from Fire Emblem, Ouse Kurosawa from Fatal Frame, Rayman, Yoshimitsu and Chun-Li, among others
>Some stages left to be revealed are Busted Bayou from Donkey Kong Country, Gargoyle's Perch from Tekken, Mount Hikami from Fatal Frame, Bowser's Castle and some returning ones are Planet Zebes, Icicle Mountain, Poke Floats (with new Pokemon), Jungle Hijinxs, Paper Mario, Mute City, and Rainbow Road

That's all I have for today. I hope you guys like the game. We are working very hard on it. Goodbye.

This is one solid roster. Very nice. Who would you think the "one more newcomer" is?
Hello there 4chan.
I am a member of the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate animation studio. As you would expect, we work on the cinematic reveal trailers.
I wanted to reveal a bit of information for you Earthbound fans.
We have been working on a trailer after the reveal of King. K Rool, Simon, and Richter.
The trailer features Mega Man after the Ridley reveal trailer. It will involve Mega Man exploring a laboratory, eventually coming across and being attacked by Pokey Minch, being revealed as the next new fighter.
Sadly, I am not sure how he will play.

Porky is unconventional, but a "leak" like this is easily traceable back to the source. RIP OP.
Hello everyone, now I’m sure you’ve seen at least a few Smash Leaks. Now I must say that there is only one leaker so far who was right on everything he leaked, Loz18. Vergeben did however get a few things wrong, for example, he was correct about Decidueye and some other Pokémon not making it into the roster. But Incineroar is NOT the new Pokémon. With that out of the way, I do have information about the game. I did know about Simon, Richter, Chrom, Dark Samus, & King K. Rool. I did not leak them because when I found out they were gonna be revealed along with the other pieces of info in the Direct, there were only about 16 hours until the Direct, no point in it. Now, onto the information.

Story Mode
>The Mystery Mode is indeed titled “Spirits” and is a Story Mode. It was going to be “Subspace Emissary 2” but the title was scrapped due to the Story Mode having nothing to do with Subspace
>Every CGI trailer we’ve seen has teases to the Story. You know, Mario, Mega Man, & Luigi dying. Except for the announcement trailer
>Spirits is, however, a sequel to the Subspace Emissary
>Characters in Brawl do remember the events of Subspace
>The following characters remember the events of Subspace: Villager, Mewtwo, Little Mac, Palutena, Shulk, & Ridley
>The following characters have Voice Actors: Fox, Falco, Marth, Lucina, Roy, Chrom, Pit, Dark Pit, Snake, Ike, Sonic, Wolf, Palutena, Robin, Shulk, Ryu, Cloud, Bayonetta, Simon Belmont, & Richter
>The first unlockable character that joins your party is Meta Knight
>Mario becomes Dr. Mario in some parts of Spirits
>The first cutscene in Spirits starts off with the ending of Subspace, the final battle caused the 1st party universes to merge with the 3rd party universes that aren’t Metal Gear and Sonic the Hedgehog
>all the CGI moments in trailers we see are in fact actual cutscenes in Story Mode
>I do not have information on the big bad
>Spirits & All Star Mode are the last modes to be revealed
>All Star Mode is the same but the background closely resembles Brawl’s than any other
>The 2nd icon on the dashboard, the only blurred out one, is too check your party in Spirits

>Dixie Kong
>Wonder Red
>Leon S. Kennedy
>Crash Bandicoot

>The Monster Hunter Stage is exclusive to Spirits
>If you select Random on Stage Morph, it’ll morph between every Stage
>Stage Builder returns
>Poké Floats
>Minecraft Island
>Bowser’s Castle
>Hano Beach

>Sakurai is only focusing on characters who have been requested for years. Rex & Pyra, Decidueye, Spring Man, ect.
>Paper Mario, Chorus Kids, & Heihachi were scrapped
>Ms. Pac Man is a Pac Man alt
>Echo Fighters
>Black Shadow (Captain Falcon)
>Shadow (Sonic)
>Isabelle (Villager)
>Ken (Ryu)
>Octoling (Inkling)

>Shadow could be considered a Semi-Clone of Sonic as 2 of his moves differ from Sonic’s
>Up B is Teleportation
>Standard B is Chaos Sphere
>Final Smash is Super Shadow but he uses Chaos Control before he goes Super

>Unique Fighters
>Skull Kid
>Bandana Dee
>Banjo Kazooie

>I have no word on when the next Nintendo Direct will be

The characters portion of this leak is really confusing, but it's a solid roster overall.
>Gothitelle (echo of Gardevoir)
>Metal Mario (echo of Mario)
>Fiora (echo of Elma)
>Black Shadow (echo of Captain Falcon, has the specials of Ganondorf though)


I almost didn't count this due to low effort. Do you think I should count this one? I'll leave it up to you.
Also, here's the NeoGAF leak in mention:
It's supposedly an extension to this leak:
Do we know if the first "leak" is actually an extension of the second? Paging @Sykin because he seems to know more about this than I do.
So... a leak talks about a second FE Echo? Well; which would be good options?
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Deleted member

is... this your first Smash hype cycle? This is how this fanbase normally acts.
Dude, I literally made shadow theories, but this is beyond Smash 4 conspiracy theories.
Next game we'll be analyzing Sakurai's blinking to be a message hidden in Morse Code.


Smash Lord
Apr 2, 2018
Sora Ltd.
Switch FC
Okay hear me out on this because I have another idea with the Mii costume theory.

So we know based on the edited character popularity polls that Dunban did pretty well in Japan. This probably got him the Mii costume.

And I feel like if we're looking at potential echo fighters, this might work in a similar vein to Chrom, or our ideas of Black Knight or Isabelle. Dunban canonically is a Monado wielder, which is something Shulk's echo would need to work. Yes the Monado is canonically killing him by paralyzing one of his arms (but they are willing to do new animations for echoes as Dark Samus and Richter show, so not a big deal) but it could work and get another popular pick in.

Only thing would be a replacement for Vision as Dunban doesn't have that Monado power, but you could do something similar with, for example, Thunder (one of Dunban's arts), which is still a counter but inflicts shield break instead of damage. Back Slash becomes Gale Slash, losing the increased back attack damage for life drain, and Air Slash is Soaring Tempest now (basically Luigi Cyclone, but mapped to Up Special).

Additional property changes could be the usual "faster but weaker", referencing the statistical differences between Dunban (who is more of a swordmaster) and Shulk (a generalist).

Kinda doubtful but it could be neat.
He's in Shulk's final smash


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2014
Yeah even after reading that I don't expect a Fatal frame playable character coming to Ultimate, sorry lol
I'm not really expecting one either, but it's definitely more likely than it's ever been (I'm wavering between 5-15% odds on how likely I find it). I do find it significantly more likely than many of the frequently talked about characters, like Goku and Marx, so I figure I might as well show my support. Provide even more opportunities to steer subject away next time people bring up whether or not echo is disrespectful to Shadow.


Smash Legend
Jun 18, 2018
Oh boy, discussions about chairs!
At least it's better than the endless Echo arguments from a week ago. :laugh:

I'm going to bed. :laugh: I expect that by the time I come back the Ultimate Chair Theory will be constructed and everyone will be at Galaxy Mind level.

Spydr Enzo

Smash Ace
Jun 15, 2009
I agree with all of this, but I don't think Shadow is the obvious choice. For an echo, yes. But if we were to get more Sonic characters that aren't echoes, I feel like Tails would get higher priority.

That said, I do think a Sonic echo is more likely than a unique Sonic newcomer.
I’ve always thought Tails was more likely simply because he “deserved” the spot more than any other Sonic character. In fact, I remember having a pretty heated debate on the matter with @GoldenYuiitusin years ago, before SMASH 4 was even announced.

But these days, Shadow seems like the obvious choic for many reasons. First, the current trend for newcomers seems to be highly requested and popular characters. It’s obvious that Shadow is more highly requested than Tails (he got an assist Trophy, after all). Second, Shadow is a perfect candidate for a Sonic Echo. A highly requested character that can also be an echo is a prime candidate, because you can please the fan base with minimal work.

Not to mention, we haven’t seen Shadow’s AT yet. Not saying this means a whole lot since everyone assumed Ashley was in because we didn’t see her AT until she was deconfirmed last direct, but it’s something. Knuckles’s AT is also seen as a replacement for the Sonic AT spot.

Basically, I think Tails is more deserving of a playable slot. But realisticay, with circumstantial evidence to back it up, Shadow seems like the obvious choice.
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Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2014
I wonder if Sonic Mania's influence will affect the entire series moving forward?

I hope Rool's inclusion changes things for DK.

I'm pretty sure it comes from here: https://boards.fireden.net/v/thread/422689663/

Just appeared on this thread a fews days/hundreds of pages ago. Been snowballing around since.
Gardevoir feels random. I know the 'images' are a thing but mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.
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Smash Champion
Jul 31, 2014
Tails was in that famous rumor of being unlockable in Melee with Sonic right? It'd be pretty funny if it came full circle and he made it in Ultimate. Though I grew up with Adventure 2 being one of my favorite games ever so I'd prefer Shadow. Blasphemy I know, but I love Shadow despite all the "lol edgy" memes. He'd be cool to have in the game for me personally.


Worlds Apart, But Still Together.
Jan 31, 2012
So... a leak talks about a second FE Echo? Well; which would be good options?
Black Knight is the popular theory due to Mii costumes and he did pretty well on the ballot.

As we don't know yet if characters can have multiple echoes, our only options are echoes for Ike, Robin and Corrin.

Morgan or Kana could, theoretically, work as echoes of their parents, but they're so similar looking it would probably look weird. I have no idea who else could mimic Corrin though. Tome and Sword weilding characters are a rarity, being only the Tacticians (FE13), Mage Fighters (FE4) and Priestess (FE2/15). So really only Celica could work. If you really want to stretch it, Soren could do it if the justified reason was Ike taught him how to use a sword.

As for Ike, the only option really looks to be Black Knight. Which could honestly work given that Alondite is the twin sword to Ragnell. With a Teleporting Up Special (reference to Warp Powder) it could work.
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