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Spider-Man 3


Jun 25, 2002
these fields are optional but will enhance your on
I liked it, but I think it was the weakest of the Spider-Man movies. The acting wasn't good, the plot was way too dictated by the theme (choice! redemption! friendship!), and Sam Raimi seems to have forgotten that he's not making B-movies anymore. I actually enjoyed the campiness, but it didn't have a place in this movie. I can tell that it's going to bug a lot of people. The movie's worth seeing, but I don't think it really stands up to the first two movies. I need to see it again to be sure, but I'm in no hurry to get back to the theater.

This movie convinced me that Topher Grace should have been Peter Parker from the beginning.

People are being way too hard on this movie. blah blah blah
Sorry that some of us are at least a little bit discerning! Maybe you didn't notice, but the first two movies were so good because they were good as films--and yes, that includes plot and character development--in addition to being cool action flicks. If this movie degenerated into a plain action movie, people expecting the characterization of the first two movies have a right to be disappointed.

But hey, if you'd rather live life with your brain turned off, feel free. Some of us would rather not swallow any **** put in front of us just because it's on a nice plate.


Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2006
^ Yes, cry more.

And don't get me started on Spider-man 2. Can someone tell me why I'm the only person who didn't enjoy that film and considered it the worst? =/

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
I'm not putting spoiler tags because this whole post will be nothing but spoilers.

First I will say the good stuff:

As a trilogy closer, it tied up the 4 major story arcs set-up in the first.
  • Peter and Mary Jane started as just friends, then realized they loved each other, then aimed for marriage.
  • Harry and Peter finally resolved all their issues. Though it resulted in Harry's death, it was a good way to close the arc.
  • Peter finally got closure over Uncle Ben's murder,
  • Spider-man went from obscure, unknown hero to city wide acceptance.

Topher Grace
He did an amazing job as the always dejected, power hungry Eddie Brock, Jr. His portrayal at Venom seemed off at first, but then I quickly understood why. Venom became powerful, crazy, and conniving, just like Brock was. Brock's flaws were amplified by the suit.

Thomas Hayden Church
Grace was only out-acted by Church's great performance as Flint Marko. I'm not sure how he could cry being made of sand, but he gave a really powerful speech at the end that really delighted me with his range. I'd love to see him get more roles.

Character Chemistry
Though some poor performances by Dunst and Bryce, I have to say all the characters had excellent on-screen chemistry. Franco and Dunst, Dunst and Maguire, Maguire and Franco, Franco and Church, Church and Maguire, Maguire and Grace, Grace and Church, all of them were amazing on screen and made the slow and poor parts, quite bearable.

JK Simmons and Bruce Cambell
These two had amazing performances and really made the supporting cast great and well rounded. Stan Lee even did a great job.

Sadly, despite the good parts there were some parts I felt that just were helping the movie.

The Symbiote
Honestly, for being the whole part of the movie, the really downplayed it's importance and took all focus off of it in the first half. Why a meteor? This pissed me off right away because it meant that Parker found it by chance instead of doing his life saving thing as when Jameson brought it back on the rocket. Dr. Connors' role with the symbiote seemed quite poor and done from the wrong perspective. Spider-Man, with the black suit, should have brought him the symbiote. Why would Peter have it?

Venom Talked Normal
The lack of tongue didn't bother me, but the fact his mouth was almost the size of a normal humans face, yet he could speak quite articulately pissed me off. I loved Grace's performance as Venom, but that along really took it down.

Emo Parker
Honestly, as soon as he put his hair in front of his eye, I wanted to beat him. I didn't get the point at all for that other than a shot at pop culture. The street scenes were totally unnecessary with the dancing. Have the women follow him and Parker turn on them. I liked the fact that he bought the suit, because Raimi himself always wears suits, so I saw that as a throwback. The bar scene was actually pretty cool, until he started dancing like he had a mental deficiency.

Lack of Sandman
Church managed to make the Sandman a character I could care for. He had purpose, he had reason, and I actually liked how they made him Ben's shooter. However, as someone had said, he was absent from the entire middle part of the movie. Finally, Spider-Man let him go despite the fact he killed people, or at least, tried to kill plenty.

Predictions and Guess:
Thankfully, this movie closed the trilogy really well. It forces the fourth movie to start whole new story lines, else it will be backtracking. While he probably did die, part of me believes Venom/Brock survived. He was trapped in the circle of bars, we see a bright light assumingly incinerating the symbiote (we also saw a quick flash of Brock's ribs) but remember the symbiote came to earth on super hot glowing rock through space. Extreme temperatures wouldn't be a problem. Plus, we watched William Defoe get impaled and he was in every ****ing movie. With stuff like this, unless you see him die explicitly, there is still a chance for his return. With that said, they need to do a Venom movie to really repent for his lackluster role in the climax. Have the origins of the symbiote with a cameo by Spider-man done minimally. Tell the story of Venom.

Like Siskel and Ebert, I hate numerical systems. What's the difference between a 5/10 and a 7/10 and how do you deduct? So I will say this is worth seeing if you saw the first two and enjoyed them. Good movie, but no where near as good.

Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota
I must say, I was thoroughly impressed and entertained by the movie. Is it perfect? No. It's a tad drawn-out, to be frank, and more substantial scenes could have replaced others (developing Eddie and Sandman, maybe?) However, very few of the flaws were bad enough to drag me out of the movie and most were insignificant and goofy.

To the bashers, I say this: in a movie based on a comic where a bite from a radioactive spider grants a highschool nerd superpowers, rather than cancer, is it really all that wrong of me to suspend disbelief?

So, I call this the best Spider-man movie.Spider-man 2 was overrated garbage imo. God forbid I expect more than 8 minutes of fighting in an action flick with a multi-million dollar budget. God forbid I expect the hero to have his powers for at least half of the movie and the villain not to be absent most of it. If I wanted hackneyed drama (I can't be with Mary-Jane, boohoo!) and an overly self-important, poorly-written plot, I'd have bought a ticket for the Notebook, instead.

My score: 9/10
Drama is the heart of Spider-Man. In case you didn't notice, internal conflict is a huge issue for Peter Parker. Are you going to sit there and tell me that, in the comics, Spider-Man never doubted himself or the relationships that he had with others? If you do, then I'm gonna say that you're full of ****. Spider-Man 2 stayed entirely faithful to the precedent that the comics have laid out. Here is a man, primarily motivated by guilt and a sense of duty, to go out of his way and save a world that ultimately rejects him. Then he has to deal with the trappings of his own life, which is quintessentially marred by his superheroics. Kinda frustrating, know? And heart-wrenching, as well. These problems are always there, waiting in the wings so that they can come back at some point and bite him in the ***. Despite his powers and the stuff that he has seen, remember, he is only a human being. We're prone to theatrics, whether they are logical or illogical; sane or insane. Though I haven't seen it, I'll even go out on a limb and say that Spider-Man 3's "Emo Parker" (whoever thought of that was brilliant) probably adheres to that mold as well. If you guys hated Peter in this movie, you oughtta read the comics where he flipped his wig and became known as "The Spider." You wanna took about emo and angry, that incarnation takes the cake.

Fighting is also not everything in a film, either. It's a plot device used to further the story. I admit to being a fan of corny-*** martial arts flicks, but they're not my favorite movies. Far from it. If I want mindless brawling, I'll watch DBZ or one of those aforementioned martial arts flicks. I honestly do not expect that out of most multi-million dollar movies. There's usually a reason why there's such a big budget allotted to them, after all. And I sure as hell don't expect that out of Spider-Man, either.

Didn't Venom and Carnage fuse in the comic books/cartoon?
They fused in the cartoon. I believe it was "Spider-Man: Unlimited."

I figured it out just now. It's really simple, actually: You have bad taste in movies.
I totally agree with you there, Revolutions.


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
I think people are just overanalyzing the movie and believing that it's going up against the "canon" of the series. The movies are in its own canon universe, so nothing should strictly 100% apply to them.
I've never read nor seen a spiderman comic/show in my life, so I have no idea what is chaged/isn't changed. I disliked the movie because I thought it was simply a poor movie.


Smash Champion
Jun 29, 2006
Stuck between a parallel dimension of code and you
Predictions and Guess:
Thankfully, this movie closed the trilogy really well. It forces the fourth movie to start whole new story lines, else it will be backtracking. While he probably did die, part of me believes Venom/Brock survived. He was trapped in the circle of bars, we see a bright light assumingly incinerating the symbiote (we also saw a quick flash of Brock's ribs) but remember the symbiote came to earth on super hot glowing rock through space. Extreme temperatures wouldn't be a problem. Plus, we watched William Defoe get impaled and he was in every ****ing movie. With stuff like this, unless you see him die explicitly, there is still a chance for his return. With that said, they need to do a Venom movie to really repent for his lackluster role in the climax. Have the origins of the symbiote with a cameo by Spider-man done minimally. Tell the story of Venom.

they do need to explain venom more. i mean, he couldn't die that easily, no way!


Spread the Love
Sep 9, 2001
Visiting from above.
I've never read nor seen a spiderman comic/show in my life, so I have no idea what is chaged/isn't changed. I disliked the movie because I thought it was simply a poor movie.
I feel exactly the same. I never read the comics, and I never watched the cartoon, so I don't even know what the hell canon is for Spider Man. I know that I loved the first two Spider Man movies because they were good on their own merits, regardless of canon. 3 was mediocre at best, and this is coming from someone who doesn't know what's supposed to happen with any of the characters. I just watched it as a new experience, and it was pretty disappointing. They really should've taken out one of the villains. Two could have been handled gracefully, but three was just way too convoluted. Either take out Sandman, or take out Venom, and make the whole story about the other, leaving the Harry storyline where it was. That would been a much more focused movie, and there wouldn't be these humongous gaps where we don't even see a character for half an hour at a time.

Not a terrible movie, but terribly disappointing.


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2007
Montreal Canada
Yea, a movie making an estimated $29 million last night at midnight is really going to feel your 8 bucks.
Im not boycotting it to hurt them or anything. Just because I think that the spiderman movies are a horrible horrible rendition of what spiderman actually is, having read hundreds of the original comics and watched the classic cartoon and 90s cartoon.. the spiderman in the future show kind of sucked. Oh well.

And don't get me started on Spider-man 2. Can someone tell me why I'm the only person who didn't enjoy that film and considered it the worst? =/
I hated it too. Specifically when spiderman falls off a building and starts crying like a little girl ''Whats happening to me! ow... my back!'' its really pathetic. Spiderman is a spider MAN, not a spider emo.

also when spidermans mask gets torn and it reveals his identity to a whole trainload of people, ya I'm sure thats something spiderman would let happen...


I just came back from seeing this movie- 9.5/10 It is GREAT AS HELL

they made Venom look so cool!


Smash Champion
Jun 29, 2006
Stuck between a parallel dimension of code and you
also when spidermans mask gets torn and it reveals his identity to a whole trainload of people, ya I'm sure thats something spiderman would let happen...
he was passed out when his identity was revealed to a trainload of people. and if you remember, when he woke up a few minutes later, he felt his face as if he was in shock that his mask wasn't on.


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2007
Montreal Canada
I liked Doc Octopus in the 2nd one, and the Goblin from the first one... they cast good Villans (except Topher Grace as venom. I will never forgive them for that) but I dunno Toby Maguire just isn't peter parker to me. He seems like a trendy emo loser where as the spiderman I know was a nerd, but definatly not a trendy emotional little baby. They put too much teen angst into the character of a spider man

Anyhow these are just personal feelings, I dont wanna force em on anyone so Ill leave it be at that im not trying to start a war or anything, hope those of you who saw spiderman 3 enjoyed it :)


Smash Journeyman
Jul 22, 2003
San Diego, CA
I've never read nor seen a spiderman comic/show in my life, so I have no idea what is chaged/isn't changed. I disliked the movie because I thought it was simply a poor movie.
Well, an opinion is an opinion, and I respect it if you didn't like it.


The True Zaft
Aug 17, 2005
Nope, because I dont agree w/ you is why you say that, you just have too high expectations.
So what you're saying is we should all pretend like watching this movie wasn't an unenjoyable experience because SPIDERMAN DESERVES IT DANGIT. The people complaining about why the third Spiderman is bad aren't pompous connoisseurs that have to find something wrong with every movie. They did not like Spiderman 3. Try to understand this. I myself cringed for about an hour straight at the corniness. I did not like Spiderman 3. Some people posting on the internet forum Smashboards did not like Spiderman 3. They did not enjoy it. They found the movie unenjoyable. They thought it was bad. Bad bad bad.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
I saw the movie, and it felt kinda rushed or something, or maybe to many things in one film, we got the new goblin, eddi brock thing, the love problems with MJ, sandman, the symbiote, the lost/return of harrys memory, black suit, peter showing of his Emo side, enter venom, venom/snadman alliance, final battle...

too many storylines, and too many villains, they should have just done venom/new goblin, and make sand man for the 4th movie, its all mushed together, and the lack of use of the black suit (in fighting scnes) pissed me off, u hardly c eddie brock, would have prefered a more deep character, like the rough childhood, and more u know dark stuff, eddie was just WAY too cocky, seriously if u would have told me topher grace was acting as erick from that 70s show i would have believed u...

still the fighting scenes are way too awesome, yet a lot of stuff like gwen stacy and the whole emo "im super cool using the black suit without anyone noticing" werent necesary, and wish spidey could have used more the black suit in battle, against thugs or something, still u gotta love live actgion venom, he was uber pwnage, yet he couldnt have been a tad more merciless, yet the whole team of new goblin/spiderman was awesome, and u gotta love sandman, doin all of that for his little girl, yet theres one thing I still itching to know:
Did venom really died, or did he escaped? if venom is gone an wont apepar again u can expect a lot of fans pissed... yet i doubt hes dead, i mean if so, wheres eddies body after the explosion, i doubt the bomb completely incinerated every inch of his body, im sure he bonded with the symbiote and quickly escaped, some symbiote was caught in the blast, thus u c a tiny bit squirmming b4 dying...

overall 8.5 the fight scenes were to intense...

And I agree, I too think topher grace would have been a beter peter parker, i mean in the comics hes way cocky, and topher fits the bell perfectly...

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
I was gonna post that. Venom is slated to be in 4. Better make the movie around him and Lizard then. No more.


Faster than most vehicles
Aug 6, 2005
The tall grass
Just saw this. Ugh. UGHUGHUGHUGH. I mean, I have so many problems with this movie, they're impossible to even list. To start, I give the movie a 5/10 for its horrible accuracy. Venom didn't even say "We". I expected a much more hissy and deep voice on him. After all, he's a badass.

Also, to the person who said that they respect how Sam Raimi doesn't like Venom because of his lack of humility, you AND that ****** director have to understand, that's the characteristic that defines Venom. It is Venom. I was so dissapointed, I'm typing in a rage. Not to mention, Venom's face looked like a water melon. Venom is supposed to be chizzeled, and I expected a MEAN chin and wicked face on this guy. I was also extremely sad with the sounds he made. I mean c'mon. You can talk like a normal person yet you insist on sounding like a dinosaur?

As far as Sandman goes, boo hoo. You're daughter's dying, big friggin' deal. That's not good enough for me. You need some real motivation to become a villain of Spider-Man. Not just because you need to steal some money to save your kid's life. He'd have had a better reason if Spider-man fucked the kid and gave it AIDS.

/calms down a bit.

I actually enjoyed the part of the movie where Peter goes all xrebelx on everyone. Especially the part where he told his landlord's daughter to make him cookies with nuts in them XD. I also enjoyed watching him fail miserably when it came to the seduction of women. Those sex-pistols reminded me of Luigi, haha.

But man, Mary-Jane is SO stupid in this movie. I'm telling you, nobody has as bad PMS as she does. Either that or she's bi-polar. One day she's happy, then she's sad, then she's angry, then she's happy again, then she DOESN'T STOP TO TALK TO PETER ABOUT ANYTHING. All she does is cry and walk away from stuff. If I remember correctly, MJ's always been there for Peter, and she wasn't an emo bitch.

Anyways, like I said. 5/10. I wish I could have killed myself in the theatre.


Smash Lord
Jun 18, 2006
Pimpin out chicks with my power rings
Me, I enjoyed it. I knew that in every comic-book as well as every other book turned movie, that they always made some changes that doesn't always make fans happy. So I just tried to enjoy the movie without the differences between the movies and the comics. And in some ways, I consider the movies like an alternate universe like how there is the 616 and Ultimate universe. So I think that's why I was able to enjoy the movie alot more than what you guys did.

But I am not saying that the movie is perfect. I mean, I wished that Venom/Eddie were in the movie alot more and had more of a part. I thought Venom was trying to squak like a parrot everytime he screeched. I laughed my butt off at the scenes with Bruce Campbell and Emo peter when he was dancing and trying to pick up chicks.

Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if Venom isn't in the 4th. movie along with the Lizard and maybe even Carnage.

Man, Fastfox, I never seen anyone go this ballistic over SM3 before.


Sep 21, 2001
Viridian City
Venom ,sans Eddie Brock, could still be in the next movie.

A sample of the symbiote was kept in the proffessors lab.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!

This is interesting...VERY interesting...the last paragraph of this article will catch your eye.
Well its now obviously that Venom will indeed return, unless IDK harry returns from the dead, or sandman comes back to help spidey, which I doubt since I dont recall ever a zombie harry osborne, and sandman didnt really died, he just took off, well thank god Venom is still alive, another good thing is someone else is makin the script, hopin they put stuff they missed in the film, like venom toungue, the fact he says we, the merciless of him, and the entire film concentrated on only venom...

Note that when eddie jumps on the simbiote seconds b4 the grenade explodes (pretty ******** move btw) the simbiote snatches on eddie, im sure he managed to escape during the explosion, thus peter didnt notice him...

Also wish they could somehow mention cassidity or something, u know the carnage guy, hinting maybe carnage will be in a spidey film...


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
I think that if Venom returns in the 4th, that hopefully they will show him as fully developed. the longer brock stays attached to the symbiote, the more he becomes "venom"...meaning in the next movie he could have developed the tongue, which could in turn begin to effect his voice and make it more creepy, this could all be explained and make total sense seeing as Dr. Connors already explained that the symbiote becomes more and more attached to its host.


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
You know, I think it would have been cooler if Harry became Venom.

Course, that probably violates every comic storyline, but since I've only seen the movies, I think it would have been more enjoyable.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
^^^ True, I actually tought harry was gonna get the simbiote in the movie, then spidey, then venom, yet didnt happen...

Im almost CERTAIN whats gonna happen in the next movie:

Hopefully mary jane goes to act to some place VERY far, tired of all the movies just focusing on their love problems, anyway spidey stays so he can save new york in case of trouble, spidey starts losing his abilities just like in SM2, he goes with connors (as spidey not peter), who says his body transforming into something he has never seen b4, then u c venom returning, now with full control of the simbiote, with toungue and all, the fight multiple times, and just when u think spidey is done for, he transforms into the man spider, taking down venom but then wreks havoc in NY, JJ very happy, MJ sees man spider on tv, rapidly goes to NY, connors makes the antidote, gives it to MJ for some reason, MJ goes to c if she can calm him down, venom appears threatens MJ, spidey saves her, venom disappears, mj inyects antidote, and the end...

As soon as I saw his abilities were fading in the 2nd movie, I rapidly tought that sooner or l8r, man spider will be on the big screen...

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
Uh, when Brock jumps into the symbiote and the nade, you can see him vapourize.
Unless you literally see him dying, don't assume he's dead. The symbiote came in on a super hot meteor, as I said before, so the explosion probably didn't affect it and it could have shielded Brock.

I don't see Man-Spider ever making it. As cool of a storyline, it'd look so lame on the screen.


Faster than most vehicles
Aug 6, 2005
The tall grass
But I mean, when the nade explodes you see his skeleton whisp away.

Anyways, I think that they should definately do something with the Rhino. I think it'd be a cool battle to see go down.


Spread the Love
Sep 9, 2001
Visiting from above.
Here's what I don't understand. If Eddie Brock really IS dead, then shouldn't Harry have been dead as well? I mean, Harry had the EXACT same kind of bomb go off three inches from his face, and he's completely healed with just some scarring just the next day (or however long it was, they don't actually say)? And yet Brock jumps into the symbiote, and the same kind of bomb goes off, and it completely obliterates his body? I don't follow the logic on that one.

Emblem Lord

The Legendary Lord
Aug 11, 2005
Scotch Plains, NJ
Switch FC
The ending really hurt the movie and venom didn't say we which sucked ***.

THERE WAS NO REASON FOR HARRY TO DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The fights were kick *** though.

I give it an 8 out of 10.

And yeah, MJ was annoying. Sandman was fine. In the comics he is usually depicted as conflicted. He is a villain with a heart. Eddie was fine. Not great. They made him more like Peter in the movies, just far more arrogant. In the comics he is like Peter, but more of a tough guy. But still very insecure. It was good to see two sides of the same coin though. I wish that they had shown the full abilities of the symbiote. I wish it had transformed peter's clothes and fully merged onto his skin, not just on his suit.

Those are just some gripes I had with the film. Otherwise it was a good, solid movie.

McFox: Harry himself is super human. Eddie himself is a normal human. So unless the symbiote shielded him, he is dead.

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
Harry wasn't super-human. He exposed his self to toxic gas, but well before that, he had stopped since his accident. The gas just added extra muscle mass, agility, and heightened senses, but not immortality. The bombs weren't that powerful is the only explanation for not killing Harry. If Harry lived, I see no reason Brock didn't. And after reading that article earlier, the only two people who died in this movie are Harry and Brock. Norman has been in every movie, and we can just assume Ock is dead. Brock is the only dead character that is able to come back.


Faster than most vehicles
Aug 6, 2005
The tall grass
I doubt Brock will be coming back, and I think that they just dug a bigger pit for themselves by killing him off.

If they do decide to introduce Carnage, I'm curious as to how they'll do it. Kasady is supposed to be Brock's cellmate. Also he's a lunatic.

Emblem Lord

The Legendary Lord
Aug 11, 2005
Scotch Plains, NJ
Switch FC
The gas gave Harry abilities comparable to spider man. Super strengh, Super endurance and endurability, and increased healing ability. That's why he could survive that blast. I doubt Eddie could. Exposure to the gas once is enough to give you powers. You don't need to keep doing it. Harry is super human.



Smash Champion
Jun 29, 2006
Stuck between a parallel dimension of code and you
i personally think venom was supposedly "killed" too easily. i mean, they said that an unnamed star said that "i'm not dead. regardless of what it looked like on screen i'm gonna be back for spiderman 4."

personally i think it's venom. i mean, i don't think harry could have survived that stab. ain't no way! venom on the other hand could have barely escaped the explosion and it just got that little piece of symbiote suit that was left.

so personally i think that venom will be back.

Emblem Lord

The Legendary Lord
Aug 11, 2005
Scotch Plains, NJ
Switch FC
Green goblin has come back to life repeatedly in the comcis. I wouldn't be surprised if Harry or Venom canme back now that I think about it. Hell, even Norman could come back. It's happened countless times in the comics like I said. Death is never the end in the Marvel universe. Hell, Spider-man died and he revived himself. Or I should say that his powers revived him.


Apr 9, 2002
Charleston, SC
This whole bomb scandal? The same thing happened in the first movie. Goblin's bomb atomizes out all of Oscorp's board of directors yet it only grazes Peter's face later on in the movie (and no scars because (1) he's spiderman, (2) he had his mask on... it, um, protected him)! Maybe some bombs give off more than a blast than others (or explosion potency just random or whatever).

"WTF was Sandman's role in the movie?"... more like "WTF was Venom doing in that movoe". Rami wanted the movie to include black suit Spidey, even the character Eddie Brock but including Venom was not in his original plans for the third Spidey movie. He had wanted the creation of Venom only to be hinted at in the movie (and perhaps the 4 - 6 Spidey sequels would include Venom in them somehwere).

Sandman's role in the movie was as a catalyst to introduce the black suit Spiderman (Peter is listening to the police scanner in pent up rage, ready to wail on the Sandman - his uncle's killer... this anger, this range, uleashes his new, more aggressive black suit). Would normal Spiderman have been so brutal when fighting Sandman, or was it all the suit? Maybe Rami could have used Harry as the catalyst to use the suit, but because Sandman was tied to Ben Parker's death (the reason Peter dons his Spiderman suit to protect others in the first place) we come back full circle to the first movie.

Sandman's teamup with Venom? Sandman really had no violent motives for revenge against Spiderman... if Bock/Venom was a little more seductive in his offer to get rid of Spiderman (something like, I'll help your daughter), their partnership would have been more concrete and not so... flimsy.

What what it was it was still pretty cool. IMO the movie didn't suck, it just had some... problems...

DC rates Spiderman 3 4/5 Sega Swirls.


Smash Champion
Feb 25, 2006
Listening to Music (DC)
marthmaster: your thinking too realistically, of course that's true, but this is a movie. They'll use whoever they want to as the villian...

personally, I think it should be the chameleon...
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