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Spring Man: Springs Into Action - Spring Fans, Let's Fill the Spring Stands


Smash Champion
Jun 4, 2008
I'm gonna wreck it! (Fort Myers)

(image created by Danimon of the Smash amino)


Spring Man is the main character of ARMS, one of Nintendo's newest franchises! Maybe THE newest Nintendo franchise. It definitely made a splash with it's debut. Spring Man aka "The Bouncer" is the all-around character of the game. He's a goofy gym rat who loves his famous spring-shaped pompadour and competition! His signature abilities are his shockwave that allows him knock away any incoming attacks and his ability to permanently power up in a pinch, allowing him to throw charged punches to his hearts desire. Spring Man excels on the ground where he can dash around and counter attacks, then launch high-powered fists right back at the enemy.


Spring Man is a human! Like many other members of his species, he woke up one day with extendable arms. No one knows why, but they are intensely studied by ARMS Lab. He decided to use his gift to participate in competitions with other people that have the same quirk. Don't ask why some of them can create shockwaves, slow down time, turn their arm into a dragon, ect. Apparently that's not important enough to be questioned.


Currently in ARMS, the game that should be in your Switch, and who will hopefully be in Smash. Canonically they live on Earth.


Hopefully on Smash Ultimate's release. If not then, as the first DLC character!


To find out why Spring Man stands a good chance of making it into the game as DLC (or maybe even in the normal roster) let's check out Sakurai's checklist!

Sakurai's Checklist

1.) Visually much different than any other character. :)
2.) Would play much differently than any other character. :)
3.) Well known in North America, Japan, and Europe. :)
4.) Relevant. :)
5.) 1st Party Nintendo Character. :)
6.) From a game that has sold very well, beating out the most recent games of some characters already in Smash and being the 6th best selling game on their most recent console. :)
7.) Could be used easily for marketing purposes, as ARMS is from a recent Nintendo franchise not yet represented in Smash. Similar to how Fire Emblem and Xenoblades have been advertised through Smash. :)
8.) Has a lot of personality to show off. SPRING-A-LING! :)
9.) Moveset could be modified to easily add another character to the game. Ribbon Girl! :)
10.) Maybe a little too recent. :sadeyes:


Glad I asked! Here's what Spring Man could be like in Smash:


Spring Man excels at long range due to his attacks being able to reach from one side of Smashville to the other. However, he is not necessarily a camping character because his greatest strength is in capitalizing on the opponent being in a disadvantaged state, in which it benefits him to continuously press an advantage after the opponent is knocked down, stunned, or launched into the air. By moving toward the opponent after a successful charged punch attack, Spring Man is able to use his character-specific tools like his shockwave to cover multiple get-up options or trap landings to put the opponent right back at another disadvantage. The charge effects on all three of his equippable arms give him different opportunities to give himself the advantage. However, if Spring Man isn’t able to control the match the way he wants to, he will have a hard time taking back control of the game. In the neutral, it is all about predicting your opponent’s attacks or defensive options and then using an option that covers it from a distance. Spring Man’s greatest assets are his incredible stretching arms! Rather than Spring Man having a variety of different attacks with similar characteristics like most other characters, he has similar attacks that can be manipulated in a variety of ways! With distance, damage, knockback, direction, power, curvature, speed, lag, wind, stun, knockdown, straight, multi-shot, and lingering effects able to be modified, Spring Man's punches pack plenty of potential. Spring Man has two unique abilities that encourage him to throw as many attacks as possible!

+Great range
+Great at edgeguarding
+Great when he has the advantage
+Can cover many of the opponent’s defensive and offensive options
+Some of his cons are less apparent when his Guts ability is active
+Rush Attack is a great way to build damage
+If Spring Man’s extending attacks hit a shield, they will stop and return to him faster than if they completely whiff.

-Poor recovery
-Horrible disadvantage state
-Attacks have decent startup, but horrible lag
-No options to kill early outside of Fire Bomb or edgeguarding



Weight: Medium. Same as Corrin.
Fall Speed: Medium. Same as Ryu.
Air Speed: Medium-Slow. Same as Fox.
Jump Height: Medium-Low. Same as Zelda.
Dash Speed: Medium-Fast. Same as Wii Fit Trainer.
Walk Speed: Fast. Same as Wolf.


Rush Attack


-By throwing punches, Spring Man can build his rush meter.
-When it’s completely full, he can launch a flurry of punches. If the opponent gets hit by every punch it can do 30%, but the last hit only does as much knockback as a regular charged punch. This means that it can kill, but only at about 120%.
-Rush only comes out as fast as Spring Man’s other attacks, so it is not difficult to block or jump over.



-When Spring Man gets to 100% damage he glows red and his punches become permanently charged until he is KO’d.


Neutral Special: ARMS Switch


-Opens a menu like the one at the start of the match in ARMS in which the left control stick can be used to select between the Toaster, Boomerang, and Tribolt for the left or right arm.

-Does 9% when uncharged and kills at around 150%.
-Does 12% when charged and kills around 115%.
-Fully extending and retracting takes 1.3 seconds.
-When charged it has a fire effect and sends the opponent at a steep angle, similar to Fox’s reflector.
-Incredible for edgeguarding

-Does 8% when uncharged and kills around 160%.
-Does 9% when charged and kills around 150%.
-Takes 1.8 seconds to fully extend and retract.
-Much of the move’s active time is spent spinning at the target distance, which is useful for catching spot dodges and air dodges.
-When charged, catches the opponent in a tornado that launches them outward and upward if it hits (think Mega Man’s up air).

-Does 7% uncharged and kills around 170%.
-Does 11% charged and kills around 130%.
-Takes 1.3 seconds to fully extend and retract
-When uncharged, shoots multiple shots in short succession, which makes it cover more space with active hitboxes and is especially useful for catching roll dodges.
-When charged, all shots fire simultaneously which makes a singular hitbox and stuns the opponent for 1 second.

Side Special: Charge Dash


-Dashes a set distance in the direction pressed without changing direction, even in the air to perform an air dash.
-Can interrupt the dash with any attack or a jump.
-If the special button his held past the point the dash is completed, Spring Man enters a charged stance that he can also cancel out of with any action.
-The longer Spring Man charges by holding the special button after this move, the longer he will be able to throw charged punches (up to 2.6 seconds after a max charge).
-Cancelling the charge stance makes Spring Man create a shockwave that clanks with every physical move in the game and destroys all projectiles.
-He can also activate the same charge and shockwave mechanic by holding the jump button the entire way through a full hop.
-He can charge whis punches with no shockwave by blocking.

Up Special: Special Throw


-Spring Man extends both of his arms at the same time to grab the opponent.
-This move is beaten by any hitbox.
-If Spring Man is on the ground he pulls the opponent toward him, but if used in the air he pulls himself to the opponent.
-Spring Man does his throw animation from the game (an uppercut) doing 15%.
-This move can be used to grab edges and also the drone Spring Man can call with his down special.

Down Special: Fire Bomb

fire bomb.gif

-A drone carrying a large bomb will hover toward the center of the stage from whatever side Spring Man is closest to.
-Hitting the bomb it is carrying will cause the bomb to be knocked in whatever direction it is hit in.
-The bomb will explode after a few seconds, doing 20% and killing at around 90%.
-The bomb can also hit Spring Man.
-Calling the drone has a 10 second cooldown time.
-Spring Man can grab the drone and pull himself toward it with his Up Special.



Jab: Spring Man rapidly punches without extending his arms like he can do at the start of a match in ARMS, doing 3% for each hit. This move functions similarly to Villager’s jab. (Note: I tried making a gif of him mashing as fast as possible but it was so fast it couldn't be seen in a gif. Not even kidding.)

Dash Attack: Spring Man performs an overarching punch similar to Little Mac’s dash attack, but with less power and speed and more range.


Smash Attacks.gif

Using Smash attacks, Spring Man can activate the charged status on his ARMS without committing to a Charge Dash, but loses the other benefits of charging using the Charge Dash. Smash attacks use Spring Man’s right arm first. All of Spring Man’s smash attacks can be extended into a second attack, much like Link’s forward smash. Holding a Smash attack longer can make the attack do up to 5% more than each arm’s respective charged state damage.

Forward Smash: Throws his right arm forward, then pressing the attack button again causes him to throw his left arm forward while his other arm is still active. This can be angled upward to hit aerial opponents or downward to shorten the length Spring Man’s arm extends (therefore decreasing the lag).

Up Smash: Throws his right arm upward, then pressing the attack button again causes him to throw his left arm upward while his other arm is still active. Spring Man can curve the punch

Down Smash: Throws his right arm a short distance in front of him, then pressing the attack button again causes him to throw his left arm a short distance in front of him while his other arm is still active in order to decrease lag if a long range punch is not necessary.



Tilt Attacks have a faster startup than Smash attacks and can still be charged, but only through using Spring Man’s Charge Dash first. Tilt attacks use Spring Man’s left arm first. All of Spring Man’s tilt attacks can also be extended into two parts. Although tilts and smashes have identical animations, because of their characteristics they are used for different purposes.



Neutral Air: Spring Man spins his arms around him like a clock, functioning similarly to Corrin’s neutral air. However, Spring Man’s would have even more range and would only do 5%.

Forward Air: Functions like an aerial version of his forward tilt, being able to extend forward a long distance and be angled up or down like Simon Belmont’s forward aerial.

Back Air: Looks similar to Spring Man’s back aerial from the faked leak footage that starred Spring Man and Decidueye in which Spring Man threw his arm backward a set distance. This move still has a lot of range and lag, but not nearly as much as most of his other attacks.

Up Aerial: Functions like an aerial version of his up tilt.

Down Aerial: Punches directly downward. This move is very similar to Mega Man’s down air.


Spring Man’s regular grab has much less range but is also much less of a commitment. It’s range and speed is similar to Zelda’s, so it’s not very good.

Grab Attack: Shakes the opponent. Average speed and does 2% per shake.

Forward Throw: Spring Man punches the opponent up into the air and then spikes them down like he’s playing V-Ball, doing 10% damage.


Back Throw: Tosses the opponent to the side like in Skill Shot.


Down Throw: Jumps up and slams the opponent on the ground like he’s performing a slam dunk in Hoops, doing 12%.


Up Throw: Does the same attack as in his Up Special. Spring Man uppercuts the opponent, launching them into the sky and doing 15% damage.




final smash.gif

Hedlok attaches to Spring Man’s head, giving him six arms. He then uses those arms to launch three different special throws. If the opponent is grabbed they are rapidly punched ora-ora style and launched into the air where Hedlok shoots a large ball of energy at them that hits multiple times and then explodes.


Up Taunt: Punches the ground, which causes him to bounce extremely high in the air.

Down Taunt: Has absolutely no animation, but will just play a random Spring Man voice clip. Can be used in the air and during any animation.

Up Taunt: Wipes off chin like in the first ARMS trailer.


Idle, Walk, and Jump: Literally the same as in ARMS lol.

Double Jump: Does a forward or backward flip.

Spot Dodge: Similar to his charge dash animation, but moving left or right instead of forward or backward.

Roll Dodge: Performs a back handspring similar to the one he does in his victory animation, only faster obv.

Get-Up Attacks: Honestly I'm just imagining DK's animations for all of them.

Shield Break: Looks like he does when he gets his shield broken in ARMS, complete with exclamation points over his shoulders!

Unique Shield: Spring Man's shield from ARMS with his logo on it. Cannot be shield poked!

I would put more images or gifs but I hit my limit for attachments. Oops.







Read about the items an ARMS character could bring to the game here: (I hit the max for attachments I can post lol)


-Rush Juice could be switched to temporarily removing the end lag on all attacks due to other characters not having a rush gauge.

-The shock bomb could have the same effect as Mewtwo's disable.


If this thread doesn't immediately get ignored or hated, I'll post costumes/colors, misc animations, win poses, taunts, his shield, stages, items, and eventually a Ribbon Girl Moveset.


Spring Fans.jpg

1. Veggi Veggi
2. Yomi's Biggest Fan Yomi's Biggest Fan
3. Ramen Tengoku Ramen Tengoku
4. Penroze Penroze
5. GoodGrief741 GoodGrief741
6. NintenRob NintenRob
7. Cosmic77 Cosmic77
8. osby osby
9. VexTheHex VexTheHex
10. C chocolatejr9
11. Simplythe1 Simplythe1
12. Super Bario Super Bario
13. THE TemporaryFool THE TemporaryFool

Put these in your signature if you want!

(by @sam☆ jam)

(this is from Cosmic77 Cosmic77 's signature)


Min Min Support Thread


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Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
Now this is a thread I can get behind.

He is one of my most wanted DLC chaacters and the character I played as the most.

Michael the Spikester

Smash Obsessed
Aug 31, 2018
Switch FC
More likely to be DLC then Base considering the game he originated from was during Ultimate's development.


Rising YouTuber
Writing Team
Feb 8, 2014
I'm glad he has his own thread, I thought it was wrong to only have one support topic for all the ARMS characters, I hope this doesn't get closed.


Smash Champion
Jun 4, 2008
I'm gonna wreck it! (Fort Myers)
More likely to be DLC then Base considering the game he originated from was during Ultimate's development.
I agree, but we need to get support started for him early. By the time DLC discussion comes up I want Spring Man to be on people's radar. Plus, it's still possible Sakurai knew about ARMS while it was in development similar to the situation with Greninja. Not likely, but it could have happened.

I'm glad he has his own thread, I thought it was wrong to only have one support topic for all the ARMS characters, I hope this doesn't get closed.
Yeah, there's basically no chance any other ARMS character will get in before him so I feel like it's appropriate to have his own thread. I think it's also beneficial to focus on one rep from ARMS. If we spread out, then I think it's very unlikely any ARMS character will start showing up as popular on polls.

Think about it this way, I guess. Imagine if Golden Sun fans voted for a bunch of characters from Golden Sun who weren't Isaac. That would mean no Golden Sun characters would appear on "most requested character" lists and polls because the votes would be too spread out and they would get beaten easily by other games with more focus. Showing up on those lists and polls creates visibility and visibility creates support.

oh spring man? wow i wonder who that is haha
I need to get myself a Spring Man avatar.

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
I agree, but we need to get support started for him early. By the time DLC discussion comes up I want Spring Man to be on people's radar. Plus, it's still possible Sakurai knew about ARMS while it was in development similar to the situation with Greninja. Not likely, but it could have happened.
This is a good mindset and I share tea same view as well.

I will be happy with him in some form, even as DLC.


Smash Hero
Aug 26, 2010
Dayton, OH
GREAT thread. I'm someone who knows very little about Arms other than the character designs and this gave me a great baseline as to what to possibly expect if he becomes DLC. Count me in as a supporter - he seems like he'd be really fun!

I know everyone is saying Ribbon Girl is the most viable echo and I'm cool with that too, but for the ARMS fans in the thread, what other characters would you want to see and why? With my limited knowledge I'm gunning for Dr. Coyle because she looks cool.


Smash Champion
Jun 4, 2008
I'm gonna wreck it! (Fort Myers)
Added a supporters list! Hope some more Spring Fans show up.


GREAT thread. I'm someone who knows very little about Arms other than the character designs and this gave me a great baseline as to what to possibly expect if he becomes DLC. Count me in as a supporter - he seems like he'd be really fun!

I know everyone is saying Ribbon Girl is the most viable echo and I'm cool with that too, but for the ARMS fans in the thread, what other characters would you want to see and why? With my limited knowledge I'm gunning for Dr. Coyle because she looks cool.
The character designs got me immediately. They're right up my alley. I was confident I was going to buy the game as soon as I saw the announcement trailer. Especially as a fan of completely unique games and the fighting game genre.

Oh yeah, Ribbon Girl is definitely the most likely Echo. She's the second most prominent character in advertising for the game and she is simple to program using Spring Man's assets. She has the same structure as him and most of her differences are very easy to program. Just give her multiple jumps and the fastest fast-fall in the game. Then as far as her arms, she has a glove-type weapon (Sparky) that could operate the same as the toaster but with a paralyze effect (maybe acting like Corrin's neutral special or Ryu's focus attack?). Her other two arms are pretty different though, so I think they could be replaced by Kid Cobra's Coolerang (to replace Boomerang) and Ninjara's Triblast (to replace tribolt). You could also switch out Spring Man's back throw for Mario's back throw to give Ribbon Girl another ability she has.

I love every character in the game, but I would most want to see Lola Pop, Twintelle, and Max Brass. Twintelle would be hard though because she can slow down time and wouldn't be able to reuse a lot of assets from Spring Man because she attacks with her hair. Seems tough to program but it would be cool to have an awesome woman of color in the game.



Smash Lord
Oct 1, 2016
When they first announced Smash, I expected Spring Man to be a shoo-in. This isn't a character I ever felt was in doubt of making the game, but now I'm starting to wonder.


Smash Hero
Dec 17, 2017
On a planet far far away...
Switch FC
Count me in. ARMS is an underrated game that doesn't always get the support it deserves. Spring Man and the rest of the cast have extremely creative designs that just scream potential, and I'd love to see a character from the franchise get in Smash.

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
Count me in. ARMS is an underrated game that doesn't always get the support it deserves. Spring Man and the rest of the cast have extremely creative designs that just scream potential, and I'd love to see a character from the franchise get in Smash.

After those sales, I would say Arms damn well deserves a least one character. And that being Spring Man.


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
Spring Man is by far my favourite character in ARMS and it would be great if the game gets a character in Smash via DLC.

Isaac for Smash Pls

Smash Journeyman
Sep 5, 2018
I haven't played ARMS yet but if you'd asked me a year ago, I would have said an ARMS rep is the second biggest no-brainer after a Splatoon rep and I stand by that. At this point it's looking like DLC but there's no doubt in my mind it's coming and probably in the first batch.

That just leaves the question of which character is likeliest. Again, I haven't played the games, so what is the reasoning for wanting Spring Man specifically? Is it just that he's marketed as the primary character? Because just looking at the character designs I think others (Twintelle especially) seem more interesting and appealing. Given Sakurai's penchant for sticking with the most vanilla/well-known option for first appearances, though, I have to agree that Spring Man is by far the likeliest, probably with a Ribbon Girl echo.

As to the moveset, correct me if I'm wrong but can't the characters equip different arms? It would be a pretty big disservice to the core mechanic of that game if they couldn't do so in Smash as well, which is why I believe that regardless of who gets in, arm swapping will be involved in some way. Maybe their neutral B can swap out different kinds of arms kind of like Shulk's Monado stances, and each arm gives their jabs and such different properties. That might make them complicated to program but no moreso than some other characters we've seen before imo.


Smash Ace
Mar 30, 2018
I support the idea of Springman for Smash! He also should be the one to represent the series as he seems to be the general face of the series and he even has his own Metal Sonic clone from an evil scientist going on. He's the main hero.
Spring Man Ice.jpg

I was shocked at the level of detail and love that was put into him from the tip of his hair down to the sole of his shoes. I mean legit, look at the treads of his shoes... actual artwork and design even went into that!
Spring Man Punch.jpg

He's very appealing to the idea with the coloration and expressive of what I have seen of him as well.
Spring Man Pizza.jpg

Sadly I think his best shot is DLC. And even that might be iffy as even Inklings didn't make it into DLc last time. But maybe! Spring Man Sweat.jpg
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Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
I support the idea of Springman for Smash! He also should be the one to represent the series as he seems to be the general face of the series and he even has his own Metal Sonic clone from an evil scientist going on. He's the main hero.
View attachment 169450

I was shocked at the level of detail and love that was put into him from the tip of his hair down to the sole of his shoes. I mean legit, look at the treads of his shoes... actual artwork and design even went into that!
View attachment 169448

He's very appealing to the idea with the coloration and expressive of what I have seen of him as well.
View attachment 169449

Sadly I think his best shot is DLC. And even that might be iffy as even Inklings didn't make it into DLc last time. But maybe!View attachment 169451
This is correct. Call him generic all you want, but it's quite clear that he IS the face of Arms and the metal clone is a good point.

Besides, not like Arms will get just one rep, a sequel could happen in the future and the next Smash can easily add more than one Arms character after Springman.


Smash Champion
Jun 4, 2008
I'm gonna wreck it! (Fort Myers)
When they first announced Smash, I expected Spring Man to be a shoo-in. This isn't a character I ever felt was in doubt of making the game, but now I'm starting to wonder.
Yeah, it makes me wonder what happened. He was on everyone's radar when the game was announced and then was extremely quickly forgotten. Maybe it was because people found out Smash Ultimate started development too early for ARMS to be considered? Hopefully if that's the case, his support will blow up once DLC comes into the picture. But I worry Sakurai may be looking at current support to judge DLC characters and even if he's not, I believe character support feeds into itself. When a character has a lot of support more people look into them and might support them themselves.


After those sales, I would say Arms damn well deserves a least one character. And that being Spring Man.
True. I think a good comparison is to Xenoblades in the last game. If Shulk got in, I can't understand why Spring Man wouldn't. I feel like Spring Man has everything Shulk has and more.

I haven't played ARMS yet but if you'd asked me a year ago, I would have said an ARMS rep is the second biggest no-brainer after a Splatoon rep and I stand by that. At this point it's looking like DLC but there's no doubt in my mind it's coming and probably in the first batch.

That just leaves the question of which character is likeliest. Again, I haven't played the games, so what is the reasoning for wanting Spring Man specifically? Is it just that he's marketed as the primary character? Because just looking at the character designs I think others (Twintelle especially) seem more interesting and appealing. Given Sakurai's penchant for sticking with the most vanilla/well-known option for first appearances, though, I have to agree that Spring Man is by far the likeliest, probably with a Ribbon Girl echo.

As to the moveset, correct me if I'm wrong but can't the characters equip different arms? It would be a pretty big disservice to the core mechanic of that game if they couldn't do so in Smash as well, which is why I believe that regardless of who gets in, arm swapping will be involved in some way. Maybe their neutral B can swap out different kinds of arms kind of like Shulk's Monado stances, and each arm gives their jabs and such different properties. That might make them complicated to program but no moreso than some other characters we've seen before imo.
I agree. I feel like he's such an obvious choice and I feel like people are underestimating the possibility that Sakurai was given the design for Spring Man early, especially considering it's happened before with Greninja.

I chose Spring Man because he's the main character. He is interesting though! His parry and charge-punch heavy playstle is a blast. Plus he's a goofy dude with a pompadour shaped like a spring and giant springs for arms. Although you may be right that the characters in ARMS are all so cool that it makes it harder for Spring Man to stand out. Next to someone like Ryu though, there's no competition. :p Also, keep in mind that out of every possibility of fun interesting characters from Animal Crossing, he chose Villager. Seriously the most boring choice ever just because he was the main character.

Regarding the moveset, I agree! That's why the moveset in the OP has switching arms as his neutral special. Check it out!

I support the idea of Springman for Smash! He also should be the one to represent the series as he seems to be the general face of the series and he even has his own Metal Sonic clone from an evil scientist going on. He's the main hero.
View attachment 169450

I was shocked at the level of detail and love that was put into him from the tip of his hair down to the sole of his shoes. I mean legit, look at the treads of his shoes... actual artwork and design even went into that!
View attachment 169448

He's very appealing to the idea with the coloration and expressive of what I have seen of him as well.
View attachment 169449

Sadly I think his best shot is DLC. And even that might be iffy as even Inklings didn't make it into DLc last time. But maybe!View attachment 169451
Exactly! Spring Man is amazing. He's not boring at all. Oh yeah, Spring Man is totally the main character. The Springtron thing is good though. That's also pretty good evidence that he's the main character.

This is correct. Call him generic all you want, but it's quite clear that he IS the face of Arms and the metal clone is a good point.

Besides, not like Arms will get just one rep, a sequel could happen in the future and the next Smash can easily add more than one Arms character after Springman.
Agreed. We have to start somewhere and if we don't get Spring Man, how can we can expect the other characters to invade as well? We get Spring Man, everyone loves him and his franchise blows up like Fire Emblem, then we get 6 ARMS characters in Smash 6 like Fire Emblem did in Smash 4. Flawless plan!
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Smash Hero
Sep 30, 2018
Agreed. We have to start somewhere and if we don't get Spring Man, how can we can expect the other characters to invade as well? We get Spring Man, everyone loves him and his franchise blows up like Fire Emblem, then we get 6 ARMS characters in Smash 6 like Fire Emblem did in Smash 4. Flawless plan!
Oh my gosh! You're a genius!

Anyway, while I haven't actually played ARMS past the demo at my local Gamestop, I honestly wouldn't mind seeing Spring Man become playable, especially if it means we can get other characters like Helix and Twintelle down the line. Care to add me?

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
Agreed. We have to start somewhere and if we don't get Spring Man, how can we can expect the other characters to invade as well? We get Spring Man, everyone loves him and his franchise blows up like Fire Emblem, then we get 6 ARMS characters in Smash 6 like Fire Emblem did in Smash 4. Flawless plan!
I would glady welcome 5 Arms characters in Smash.

And I am sure others would feel the same.
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Smash Ace
Mar 30, 2018
To be honest I get bothered when MinMin fans try to use her kicking in the game making her the superior option to him. I mean... Springman has legs and feet. He can kick and stomp just as easily if needed to for some moves!

Also his hair beats her's. That toothpaste aqua pompadour swirl deserves it. Her, Dr. Coyle, or Twintelle would be good picks after he gets in though.
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Smash Master
Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
To be honest I get bothered when MinMin fans try to use her kicking in the game making her the superior option to him. I mean... Springman has legs and feet. He can kick and stomp just as easily if needed to for some moves!

Also his hair beats her's. That toothpaste aqua pompadour swirl deserves it. Her, Dr. Coyle, or Twintelle would be good picks after he gets in though.
Plus, ya know, the game is called "ARMS". Not "LEGS".


Smash Apprentice
May 7, 2015
I haven't logged in here since forever, but heck I'll do it to support my favorite ARMS character


Smash Champion
Jun 4, 2008
I'm gonna wreck it! (Fort Myers)
Count me in. ARMS is an underrated game that doesn't always get the support it deserves. Spring Man and the rest of the cast have extremely creative designs that just scream potential, and I'd love to see a character from the franchise get in Smash.
I put the Spring Man thing from your signature in the OP, is that okay with you?

Oh my gosh! You're a genius!

Anyway, while I haven't actually played ARMS past the demo at my local Gamestop, I honestly wouldn't mind seeing Spring Man become playable, especially if it means we can get other characters like Helix and Twintelle down the line. Care to add me?
Spring Yeah - I'll add you!

I would glady welcome 5 Arms characters in Smash.

And I am sure others would feel the same.
I feel like ARMS characters have a lot of bang for their buck when it comes to reusing assets. If you add another ARMS character to Smash and then just change a few things about them, they end up playing completely differently.

Like add multiple jumps and the ability to fast fall extremely quickly. Boom you have Ribbon Girl.

Up the speed, change his charge dash in the air to Shiek's Up Special and remove the free-fall and hitbox, then make him up special when he blocks as well. Boom you have Ninjara.

Add witch time that can be activated whenever you want, but immobilizes the user while witch time is active, then make witch time also allows you to stall in the air. Boom you have Twintelle.

Add the ability to heal while blocking and put heavy armor on everything. Boom you have Master Mummy.


Change some throw animations around and you're good. Where it seems like it would be very difficult is giving every character their signature ARMS and trying to figure out how some ARM types would work in a 2D game. That...seems like it would be difficult. It was hard enough for me to figure out how Tribolt and boomerang could work. I thought about giving them the ability to ignore spotdodges, but that seemed like it would be a little bit....much.

To be honest I get bothered when MinMin fans try to use her kicking in the game making her the superior option to him. I mean... Springman has legs and feet. He can kick and stomp just as easily if needed to for some moves!

Also his hair beats her's. That toothpaste aqua pompadour swirl deserves it. Her, Dr. Coyle, or Twintelle would be good picks after he gets in though.
Well, it's not like Sakurai has a problem with characters who only punch. He chose Little Mac after all, lol. There are some characters that almost exclusively kick people as well. No hate to Min Min though. Both her and Spring Man are perfect in their own special way. What's it called when Spring Man and Min Min fans insult each other's characters? Minfighting? Mud-Springing? I mean, really the most popular character is Ninjara and I haven't seen much Ninjarguing about how he should get in over Spring Man.

Plus, ya know, the game is called "ARMS". Not "LEGS".
True. I don't think that argument has any legs to stand on.

I haven't logged in here since forever, but heck I'll do it to support my favorite ARMS character
Much appreciated. That's why I started posting again as well. I want Spring Man to be in the game and strangely enough, I feel like character support threads on Smashboards actually do have some role to play in getting characters in Smash. Not that Sakurai looks at Smashboards in particular, but it gets people talking and then that seeps into other media platforms and eventually to the polls.

Super Bario

Smash Cadet
Oct 25, 2018
You can call me a supporter as well. ARMS is a great game with some of the most unique characters I’ve seen in a long time. Even if it’s DLC, I’d love to see him in.

THE TemporaryFool

Smash Apprentice
Aug 20, 2018
Perhaps you shoud add “how” so it would be “who, what, where, why, when, HOW”
Regardless, add me to the list.
Edit: wait, I see “how”
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Smash Champion
Jun 4, 2008
I'm gonna wreck it! (Fort Myers)
Added a bunch of stuff to the OP and fixed up some of the things I overlooked with the moveset!

You can call me a supporter as well. ARMS is a great game with some of the most unique characters I’ve seen in a long time. Even if it’s DLC, I’d love to see him in.
Agreed. It would be a shame if they had to wait years for the next smash game when now seems like such a good time to add him in. If he's not DLC I think I'm gonna cry. It makes me wonder why he's not talked about much anymore. Back in May I've seen him polled above Geno, Dixie Kong, and almost above Isaac in a huge poll even when the results show his votes split between himself and "ARMS character".


Perhaps you shoud add “how” so it would be “who, what, where, why, when, HOW”
Regardless, add me to the list.
Edit: wait, I see “how”
The "How" section was the hardest part. I don't want people to miss it. :p
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Smash Journeyman
Jan 19, 2014
Mexico City
I'm sorry guys, Spring Man would have been such a nice addition.
If the "he's too recent" argument was not valid anyway, why not leaving him as a potential DLC character?


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
I'm sorry guys, Spring Man would have been such a nice addition.
If the "he's too recent" argument was not valid anyway, why not leaving him as a potential DLC character?
Because DLC is already decided, I though they were clear on that part.


Smash Ace
Mar 30, 2018
Was very shocked to see Spring Man fall. I figured he either get in as DLC or wouldn't have a shot to the next game way off in the future. I'll take AT over not being present for sure, but I really felt he was DLC material.

Michael the Spikester

Smash Obsessed
Aug 31, 2018
Switch FC
Bring it to Spring Man fans attention that its implied that Spring Man was briefly considered.

ARMS - In an interview with Nintendo Dream, Sakurai confirms that Arms could not be added in along with Xenoblade Chronicles 2 due to bad timing.

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
Bring it to Spring Man fans attention that its implied that Spring Man was briefly considered.

ARMS - In an interview with Nintendo Dream, Sakurai confirms that Arms could not be added in along with Xenoblade Chronicles 2 due to bad timing.
Yeah, he was so close too. If only Ultimate was a 2019 game instead, he would had had a better chance.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 19, 2007
Yup, Arms should have a representative. Whether it’s Springman, Ribbon Girl, or Min Min they should be in Smash.
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