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Starfurry 3 - Results are up!

X- Sylar -X

Smash Journeyman
Jul 2, 2007
Cambridge Ontario
Absolutely loved the tourney, great turnout.... top skill level, and up and comers along with NY this **** was too good.

Shoutouts go to....

Andy: You are a champion soldier and no john "not even life johning" "aka the pc john" is as acceptable as yours man. We all really can understand how ****ty that must have been and we hope you get better asap so you can get back to the ****.
Grmo: for hosting the event and preparing so well
Josh: for housing
Quebec for coming down and ******
David: for almost stopping it
and NY for throwing **** over the top and out of sexual control. You guys were chill and I hope i didnt offend or scare anyone lmao

Everyone else your either: A not cool enough B not gay enough or C naw im jus really tired and lazy and would rather firendly you next time i see you than drop a shoutout LMAO... so get at me next time you run into me, whoever you are.


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
Chester: wtf @ warpstar combos. epic termina/SMW/etc mirrors! bthrow all day. We rocked some epic FFA cobmos. also, you got jab ***** by Greece Coast!
Unknown522 does the Warpstar Combos. Reggie (aka Chesterr01) just looks pretty and gets ***** irl by me.


I rock the Warpstar Dair combo with Marth though :D

Actually I don't but that sounded cooler in my head.


Smash Rookie
Dec 26, 2008
Brampton, Ontario, Canada
Thanks for a great time guys. I wish I entered my I had no clue how to play melee and only notice last second it's a melee only tournament. I record some vids and put it on my youtube account. (ralphalaus) I hope I can enter on the 15th but it's not looking too good since it's marchbreak and kitchen is busy. I will record more vids of that tournament. Thanks again and it was nice meeting smashes best. it was a pleasure.


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
I know I'm going to get shot for posting here but yes Kirbykaze!!!!! And ****, I was hoping GTA> Quebec, GTA homeboys will win next time I hope.

Once again, I love KirbyKaze! 3rd is awesome.


Smash Champion
Dec 22, 2005


1: Vwins: You’re too fun to play against. I’ve gotten your MO down though… you play really passive aggressive until you get to stock 2, then you seriously bring the **** on XD. Nice seeing you again, it was really nice talking for the bit that we did. I hope to see you guys out to more Canadian events and even more US tournaments (Alucard's, go and **** M2K)! Good ****, as usual. Sorry if I bugged you! I talk too much sometimes.

2: Bam: This tournament was fun and I’m glad you came!! Sucks about the snowstorm, but I think it was awesome that you guys stayed Saturday night :p. You’re one of the most chill smashers and definitely one of the best in the world. Come with Quebec to Alucard’s in two weeks!! Maybe I won’t be too stressed out then and we can talk more ;p

3: Kirbykaze: You suck, go home. <3 David, you are awesome. An awesome person, an awesome smasher… just awesome in general. Gay smashers ftw; we’ll take over Canada soon, don’t worry XD. Fun talks in the car, we didn’t play much but we play all the time so that’s all good too. I’m always available, so when you guys are having mini-smashfests be sure to hit me up with a PM or something! And remember, no matter what happens; you’ll always be close to my heart David <3

4: RaynEX: Sex in my fries. We didn’t play too much… hell, we never play too much, lol! Srsly, it’s time we changed that. You weren’t playing at your best but don’t let that stop you from coming back and ****** beans. David outplayed you this time, so it’s time for you to step it up like he said. I wish I had more to say to all of you in shoutouts, tbh, but I was really busy the whole tournament so I didn’t get too much time together with some people (i.e, you) :S. Friendliest person ever, call me sometime if you want to randomly play!

5: Unknown522: Big sexy black dude. What’s up, lolol! Apparently I had no where to go, but you had somewhere to come from and **** me up in singles. GGs!! Playing friendlies with you after brackets was so fun. We just chill and talk about random ****… too good. We should do that more often, I always seem to avoid you and Bernard when it comes to friendlies lol. Sucks about the one c-stick away from victory, but don’t worry about that. Just get ready for two weeks from now, you’ll be getting your powerboost at Alucard’s! Hyperbolic Timechamber GO! Oh, and **** you for tripping me out!! At least it made my high a good one XD.

5: Chesterr: WALL OF ****ING TEXT SHOUTOUTS. Hi Reggie, I love you <3. I’m so glad you came to this tournament, we finally got to talk for once. Out randomly friendlies at the end had to be cut short, but never the less… PLAY MELEE MORE!! You’re super rusty but still **** <_<.. if you got your skill back, you would be scary XDD. Definitely one of the nicest guys there and super fun to hang out with. Let's get wasted at Live2Win!! I wouldn’t miss it for anything ^^.

7: I.B: Imadh… Imadh. You’re one of my favourite people and always will be. Our matches are fun and just chilling is too good. I’d say we should have talked and played more, but we really did do quite a bit of both those things XD. Good times at green greens and good **** in the tourney. I know you feel bad about your placing, but you’ll level up at Alucards, I guarantee it. Even if I quit smash one day, I hope that we don’t lose contact… seriously. Homeboys for life, forever.

7: Kage: Srsly, I don’t know what came over me when I yelled at you after your match with David. I feel/felt like such an *** XFD, it was supposed to be funny but just turned out really awkward. I made a lot of those stupid awkward mistakes this tourney; I blame lack of sleep and stress. You **** when you’re actually trying, it’s ridiculous. Best Ganon in the world? You know it mofo. I love our conversations, you’re super funny to talk to and holy**** you lost weight. You’re my Goal Kage!!

9: Grmo: Oh lawd, Garmo. Thank you for hosting. We didn’t get to play at all, but it’s fine… there will be biweeklies for that ;P. Thanks for hosting, thanks for everything. This tourney was really fun and it really has sparked the competitive scene again. Too awesome, too amazing, too everything!! Shame about your doubles placing though o.o. Congrats on 9th! I’d say more, but I think we have a mutual understanding. I’ll talk to you on msn sooner or later.

9: Afro Chris: We didn’t play at all!! I’m sorry if I snapped at you a few times, I ended up doing that quite a bit throughout the whole weekend to a slew of different people. Lots of stress, lots of things going on… it was just too much for me to handle at some points XD. Sorry about lack of recording too… there was just way too much to do and I needed some time to myself at points x.x. You’re awesome Chris!... but just remember, you suck…. From: Imadh.

9: Europhoria: We didn’t play.. ever. I mean, I haven’t played you in months. I’m going to MM you at the next event we have, get ready! I don’t know, we really didn’t talk too much this tournament.. not much to say, lol!

13: TheManaLord: TOO MANY PEOPLE!!! Like others have said, you’re REALLY quiet. I wish we actually had more time just to play friendlies and talk more, but the time we got was nice regardless. Crazy ****ing brackets match, you’re my OOC rival now :p. I’ve decided that there’s no way I’m not going to keep up with the scene, so I’m expecting you to train hard and come back at me the next time we meet! I mean, wtfux man, reverse forward air to tipper? You have some serious potential. Go to more tournaments! <3

13: Jagg: HOLY **** YOU’RE HIGH! XD @ your bracket matches that you told me about, at least you had fun. I’m glad you came out and I hope you had a good time. I’ll make sure that the same sleep BS doesn’t happen to you the next time you’re at my place. Stop hating smash so much!! Same with grmo, I’d say more but we have a mutual understanding :p. We’ll hit the movies this weekend maybe, mmk? ^_^ YAY MARCO COCKBLAST GO

13: Idea: Wat. I’m scared of you, for reals. You have gotten so much better in such a short amount of time, don’t listen to anyone who johns when they lose against you. “Oh, ****ing jiggs”; “****, wasn’t playing as well as I usually do… missed the blah blah that I never miss”. **** em. You’re good, and you’re getting amazing. I was seriously scared of facing you in Brackets. We should friendly more, we rarely do… I rarely play anyone though XD;. Sorry about the initial Friday Night breakdown when we were trying to find you, I was just freaking out about everything throughout the whole weekend. I still <3 you though. Oh, and you didn’t make a big mess at all. Don’t worry about it!

13: Summonedfist: X. F. D. @ our friendlies. We both make the most random comments while playing matches, it’s really fun to play against you. You have super technical amazingness and you’re a fun guy to talk too. I’ve only recently gotten to know you but you’re a very laid back guy. We’ll play more once I go to KW in the summer, definitely. I’m going to make an extra effort to play all the Guelph smashers because you’re all awesome!

17: Lanowen: Landy… Landy Landy Landy. You’re too good… that doubles match blew me away. I wish you’d come out to events more, you are seriously one of the smartest people I know… in smash and out. Always fun to talk to and hang out with, I love you man!! We should be permanent doubles partners though.. seriously, we were awesome and you know it. Your drawings are still amazing btw xP

17: moozles: Really fun playing you, you have some sort of inherent ability to be cool under pressure at all times. It’s a shame what happened in our first match in brackets, but that’s just how it goes… don’t be too disappointed, we were all in that SD phase once. Once you get past that, I foresee an amazing smash career in your future lol! I’ll be sure to play you much more from now on and ++ on those glasses. I’m such a glasses fashion ***** so I had to comment on them, too good!

17: Sylar: **** YOU CREEPY OLD GUY. Much luv Peter. We’ve been sparring partners for years and you still never cease to amaze me. We didn’t get much talking time or playing time in at all, but we see each other all the time XD. You’re right about having to push the scene along ourselves though… we’re going to have to fix that. Grmo already has an idea though. I’m the Peter to your Sylar, rivals till the end of time. I’ll talk to you soon!

17: Jacky: YAY GUELPH! We’ll play more in the future, definitely. I didn’t really understand your counterpick to Mute City for a Falco ditto, we’ll probably have to talk about that later <.<; I’m looking forward to playing you again as well as getting to know you. To our future smashing endeavours! See you at Anime North hopefully ^_^

17: Worldjem7: You’ve gotten a lot better Eric, much better than most give you credit for. I know I’m harsh on you sometimes, but you’re still a good guy. Thanks for helping out at the tournament. Don’t get discouraged when playing aggressively, it really suits you well. Don’t DD camp any more, it’s time to grow out of that phase and get better!! :p

17: Gar: No idea who you are o.0

17: TheKneeofJustice: Aieeeeeeee~! Sorry about the wild goose chase with Kyle… and I’m sorry you had to see me getting stressed out. It was a crazy weekend to say the least, and I’m really sick now <.>; Fun friendlies at the end, I wish we played more and talked more… Definitely next time though. See you in a few weeks!

17: Jeffman: Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerfff moannannnn!! You now know my terrible secret… what can I say? They’re hot x3. We played like two matches the entire tournament.. I really wanted to play and talk to you more. You’re going to have to link me to where you two bought those earthbound shirts, they’re too good. Come on MSN more and we’ll talk! I miss you guys in Waterloo.. and it’s a shame that we’re off stream =/. Hopefully we’ll still keep in contact! Don’t rush on sending me the combo clip, just do it whenever you get the chance.
25: Andrew: We didn’t play at all… I was kind of disappointed in that; not your fault though! Good **** on making brackets and it was really nice talking to you again. You’re gonna have to tell me how singles went. You’ll always be one of my bestest best smash friends, so we need to talk and play more…. Shame you’re in Waterloo though =(… You’d definitely be one of the top players if you had more time. I love you man!!

25: Desh: Lolwut, ****!!! We didn’t get much time to play in.. again, but I can see you’ve vastly improved in your peach game, seriously. Fox needs a bit work though XD. Good doubles matches, I seriously thought we were going to lose. I don’t know how the **** Andy pulled it off…. But anyways, nice seeing you again! Tell Eh-Andy that I wish him well.

25: Nightmare: Aww man!! No MM? :p, it was fun seeing you again. You’re pretty **** chill and were fun to talk to, lolol. You have a solid game for someone who never comes out to events… but did you hear? Grmo is thinking of hosting Biweeklies… and you know how close Grmo’s place is to your house!! You better start coming out man! We’ll talk at some point in the future, hope to see you soon!

25: hubble: We really didn’t play too much… which was sort of a bummer. We didn’t even talk too much either. I’ll hit you up at Alucards, fo shizzle!! :3

25: SD: No idea who you are, sorry :S. Good stuff on making brackets though!

25: Alan: Yay Alan! I’m glad you two came out to this event, it was fun playing you for the few matches that we did. Shame you guys didn’t stay at my place Saturday night… but you guys do have to study so it’s understandable. I really wish we could hang out more often like we all did when we went for Sushi. That was really fun ^^. Ask your brother for my e-mail address, we should talk more.

25: Omniscius: ANDREEEEEEEEEEEW, Omni Andrew as some may say. It was really a pleasure to house and see you again. Definitely one of my favourite people. Sorry about the stressout and all… it happens all too often when I play you now. I’m going to make sure that it never does again. You’re good, really good, and you frustrate me to no end with your awesomeness. Watch more HugS videos and play more often, you’re getting much better… and it’s scaring me XD. Thank you for the applejuice and everything else you’ve done for me in the past. Your friendship is something I treasure.

25: Neros: I think I have a vague idea of who you are.. you were in my pools and had a pretty solid game. It was really nice playing you, hopefully you can come out to more events in the future! We’ll talk smash and I’ll give you some tips =)

33: Rub: Thanks for coming all the way here from NY. We really didn’t play too much or even say much to each other… I’m terribly sorry about that. I wish there was more I could have done!! I’m going to make a point to play you at Alucard’s though.

33: Mikey: I’m really impressed with you Mikey. You’ve come such a long way as Ganon main… I really feel bad for how things when for you in pools, but it’s like David said; practice practice practice. Watch videos, play more and all. I’ll be sure to friendly you much more from now on. You’re a force to be reckon with and I see vast improvements in your future. Don’t get discouraged, we all love you. Sorry if you felt I gave you a hard time throughout the weekend, I was just teasing most of the time. Much love Mikey <3

33: Switchblade: I’m really sorry that this is your last tournament… I understand your disposition though. It’s a shame about what happened with the whole pools issue… I feel your pain… but hopefully what I told you on msn will make that issue come to rest. I wish you came to my place after the tourney, but I realize there was no way for you to. Keep up with us on smashboards and in the Sauga group, I’m sorry I didn’t get to talk with you too much or play… but.. bleh.. I want to just go bowling or catch a movie with you guys sometimes. I’ll see you at anime north… and I’ll really miss you Matt =(….. We’ll talk on msn, take care of yourself… :(

41: Just a frog: We only had a few words, I hope you’ll start coming out to events. I’ll chat you up and play with you then. Thank for coming out!

41: Alex3: Good stuff in pools, we had a close set. Although you didn’t make it into brackets this tournament, it seems like the skill gap between those who did and didn’t is relatively small. Keep coming out to events and keep playing! Our set was really close and it was really fun ^_^.

41: Wigi: Yayuhhz!! Tell Eh-Andy that I wish him well =P. We didn’t play at ALL, I was really busy and didn’t get friendlies in with very many people.. I apologize for that. It was awesome that you came out too, it’s really been a while since I’ve seen you. Andy will come back and avenge your loss in Singles! Don’t give up on melee just yet, you still have a lot of potential from what I saw of you.

41: San: You’re too awesome. I love you! We didn’t get to talk or play too much but you seriously seem like a really nice and funny guy. We’ll have to talk more in the future, and you should post on the boards more! I want you to come out to more events, I like you ^^. Sorry for the stressing sometimes throughout the tourney, I’m usually better than that. At least you had the great experience of fearing for your life while you in the same car as me! XP. Fo cereal though, come out more ^^.

49: Kevin: Don’t worry about the doubles flop, it’s happened to me many times in the past. I’m really glad you came out for the tournament though, you had fun right? I hope to see you at future events. Train hard so you can beat me next time! I look forward to it =)

49: Krisp: Good luck in the Brawl community!

Niko: What the ****, you look so different now… You should come out to Melee events more, lolol. It was really nice seeing you again and playing those random doubles matches XD. We didn’t get any friendlies in and I didn’t get to say goodbye, but I hope you’re doing well. We should play moar.

Dzenan: It was nice seeing you again, although we didn’t play or even talk that much. I’m glad you’re doing well in the Halo world too. Hit me up on msn so we can catch up, the tourney was really hectic and was one of the few that I actually did some real work instead of leaving everything to Adnan XD… so I was sort of busy =s/ I miss you, seriously. Go on the sauga group more often and we’ll start planning stuff.

Adnan: Did you not enter singles or something? I was positive that you did… Regardless, it was really nice seeing you again. I miss you man. I wish you could come out more… maybe I’ll see you at Grmo’s biweeklies. I dunno, I feel rather ****ty since we didn’t play at all or even talk all that much. I give you a hard time but you know it’s out of love. Go on the Sauga group and post moar… I want to hear from you more often… AND LOL my shoutouts >>>> yours. I'm the new shoutout king, bish. OWNED!!

Tameka: Tammy!!! Tammytamtams, I’m sorry you couldn’t make it to the venue… and I’m sorry that I didn’t have much time to talk with you on the phone. Things were really hectic… I hope everything is going well with the baby too. I want to visit at some point. Hit me up on msn! Us girls love to talk ^_~

Closing Sentiments​

First off, I'd like to apologize to everyone for stressing out and talking way too much, I do that sometimes. Thanks goes out to everyone who made this tournament a success; Grmo most significantly. This will tourney will forever be held in my heart as one of the best we've ever had. So many jokes, friends and good times all wrapped up into one truly amazing weekend. I feel like this tournament was a huge success and it's you, the community, that made it happen. The passion for this game will never die.

I hope this tournament meant as much to you as it did to me.


Smash Champion
Jan 16, 2006
Plymouth Rock, eating Thanksgiving dinner
I know I'm going to get shot for posting here but yes Kirbykaze!!!!! And ****, I was hoping GTA> Quebec, GTA homeboys will win next time I hope.

Once again, I love KirbyKaze! 3rd is awesome.
nahh, you're very welcome here. don't talk about that **** :chuckle:

Oh man, you should have been there. That last set of the night was ****ing insane. It was so intense, that it was like RaynEX playing guitar.
Good stuff David, Bernard, and Ryan.

=\ i really hope there are vids.
there are lots.


Smash Champion
Dec 22, 2005
1: Vwins (Various, mostly Peach/Samus this time)
2: Bam (Fox/Falco)
3: Kirbykaze (Shiek)
4: RaynEX (Fox)
5: Unknown522 (Fox)
5: Chesterr (Fox)
7: I.B (Marth)
7: Kage (Ganon)

Edit: Why do you need them exactly? <.<


Smash Hero
Jan 24, 2006
Cleveland, Ohio
wow david, impressive.

peach and samus? I didnt know vwins was that good.

This look like it went smoothly. I had a good weekend, i ****ed a mermaid.


Smash Master
Nov 24, 2007
Come By Chance Mews
maybe only cort he needs to compete with. or some other amazing peach i haven't heard of. vwins is ridiculous, apparently. he gimped a fox with two bairs off stage then got back X_X how do you do that? that barely makes sense thinking back on it.

josh - we will play more. i don't think you were as awkward/stressed/whatever as you think, cause i saw you a lot and didn't notice anything the whole time =P and thankfully, people don't john against me very much. i suppose this is cause i generally don't camp people. that would be more annoying and more likely to provoke johning.

gar was adnan, for some reason.


Smash Ace
Oct 16, 2005
Montreal, Québec, Canada
1: Vwins (Various, mostly Peach/Samus this time)
2: Bam (Fox/Falco)
3: Kirbykaze (Shiek)
4: RaynEX (Fox)
5: Unknown522 (Fox)
5: Chesterr (Fox)
7: I.B (Marth)
7: Kage (Ganon)

Edit: Why do you need them exactly? <.<
lol I used samus sometimes but not that much. I didnt use the same character twice in my pool matches that was fun but I played peach most of the time in single bracket and sheik/peach in teams.

I'll do some shoutouts later because I'm too lazy right now but I want to see some videos!


Smash Hero
Jun 4, 2006
Upstate NY
I think Vwins is the best peach there is... I only played him a little bit and I was so ****ing high on that white widow that I can't even remember... he must've thought I blew *** I was way too high and I lost all my money on MM's that night >_<

I'll do shoutouts later I'm still too lazy.


Smash Ace
Nov 3, 2007
T.dot, Canada
Afro Chris: Good games in bracket, and nice Falcon overall. Also, that auto wall jump trick is hot stuff. I'm going to steal that for my Falcon. Ultra sexy style upgrades go!
No no no no, everything that NY saw my falcon do stays in canada....last thing i want is ppl posting those tricks in the falcon boards and saying they made it, cuz that would like make my future part in the crew combo vid (trailer coming soon once everyone submits their clips!!!!!!) like pointless... so yes keep that to ur self until after the TT combo video is shown, oh and keep the TT crew vid to ur self too that gona be a surprise as well!!!!!

you got that!!!!! NY

oh i'm just gona post the vids i got i'll make a montage later once matches r uploaded and i have time


Smash Ace
Dec 9, 2007
what auto wall jump thing?
hope ur not talking about the dashattack near the edge thing, someone found that out SOOOO long ago XD


Smash Hero
Jun 4, 2006
Upstate NY
yeah, it's old... it's moderately applicable but not really lol so that's why nobody uses it. xD

I don't think I played afro, at least not when I wasn't high as ****.


Smash Ace
Nov 3, 2007
T.dot, Canada
yeah, it's old... it's moderately applicable but not really lol so that's why nobody uses it. xD

I don't think I played afro, at least not when I wasn't high as ****.
i played u i 2 stocked u both matches then went 2 go get pizza :p

this guy found it 9 months-ish ago,
and im sure someones found it before him XD
shut up ****, well i have combos that work and other **** u can do with it....so i'm gona make it well known......

and i was talking about the combo and tricks i did with it which i'm guessing not alot of the NY's saw it


Smash Rookie
Feb 22, 2009
University of Waterloo
that was fun, i gotta admit that people were more friendly then i was expecting which was nice, and i did as well as i should expect for my first time out but some of my loses were too bad for my liking but at least i made it to the bracket. still i got some work to do still :) but it was fun and i will try to make it out next time, oh and thanks for the tips from those who gave me a few.

if anyone around Waterloo wants to do friendlies sometime PM me and maybe we can work something out


Smash Master
Nov 24, 2007
Come By Chance Mews
making brackets at your first tourney is definitely something to be happy about. i lost all my pools matches at mine =P


Smash Ace
Dec 15, 2008
Rochester, NY
making brackets at your first tourney is definitely something to be happy about. i lost all my pools matches at mine =P
This is true, this tourney was my second one and **** was so good. I wish I had been playing this game longer :( Its been like whenever my join date was when I learned about ATs.

In short, Canada hosts badass tournies but doesnt shout people out. haha.


Smash Lord
Apr 14, 2007
Shoutouts time...

1. Vwins - Didn't get to play you much, ggs in the friendlies we had and good **** for ****** this tourney. Hope to see you guys at Alukard's.

1. Bam - Didn't get to play you much, ggs in the friendlies we had and good **** for ****** this tourney. Also, green greens all dai :). I better see you at Alukard's!

3: Kirbykaze - David you ****ing rapist. You enter this weird, demonic **** mode and just kill people regardless of their skill. How do you do this!? **** man, I truly admire you as a player. I love watching our progress, and regardless of the skill gap, you're probably my true rival.:mad: Destined to compete since our first tournament where we faced eachother round. Let's continue the **** at Alukard's!

4: RaynEX - Be gayer Gaynex, you're doing something wrong :laugh:. In all honesty though, I'm still proud of you mang. You've accomplished a lot this past year and you continue to grow. Keep your head up, and do what you do. Also, fun times chilling before the tourney. LOL at the convos before we tried to go to sleep.

5: Unknown522 - Ryan, Ryan, Ryan. I know what you're capable of, and this tournament was definitely not a testament to that. I guess the lack of tournaments gets to some people more than others. Don't worry - I know how you feel. Anyways, start revin' up the **** machine and let these people know man. I think you're underrated outside of GTA (maybe Montreal too), so it's time to start opening some people's eyes my *****.

5: Chester - Reggie, you *******, LOL! Those were some close games we had, very epic set if I say so myself :laugh:. Good stuff, though. The rust doesn't suit you though, get that **** outta here. Fun chilling and green greens sessions, hope to see you frenchies at Alukard's!

7: I.B - Yo motha****a. Although you were sick for this tourney, you probably wouldn't have done much better. Get better you noob. Ironically enough, you remain in the shadows of giants. You better **** at Alukard's, especially because David's depending on you. DO NOT let him down!

7: Kage - It was maaad fun chilling with you man. Falcon dittos all dai! Good **** in friendlies, good **** on green greens, good **** in tourney (props for beating me and david), good **** Warrior!

9: Sanuzi - Josh, you're the best. As expected, I had lots of fun chilling at your place before and after the tourney. Had fun playing and talking about random ****. Thanks sooo much for housing all of us and giving enough of a **** to help me while I was sick:laugh:. I'm glad to see your motivation has kicked into overdrive after this tournament. It gives me a good feeling to see other players as motivated or even more motivated than me to get better. It'll all pay off in the end. Just keep it up, and let's cause a ruckus at Alukard's!

9: Grmo - Thanks a ****load for this tournament. Our community really needed this. It's really sparked some new motivation inside us to get better. You've experienced this too. You did well against me and I'm glad you did - it caught me off guard. And you managed to do so while running this tournament. Come over more and we'll practice up.

9: Afro Chris - YOU SUCK, LOL! It's all jokes man. You're really improving. I thought your Falcon would be a lot easier than that, but you really proved me wrong. Although, some of those tricks are pretty lulzy:dizzy:. Anyways, fun times chilling and playing friendlies with you. Good stuff on placing 9th, and keep it up, you're doing well!

9: Europhoria - I didn't chill with you much at this, but good stuff regardless. Fun doubles matches and fun times at Josh's house. Good luck at future tourneys!

13: TheManaLord - It was nice to meet you. Like other people said, you were a lot more quiet than I expected. Super mindgames ftw? Anyways, ggs on the friendlies and chill times at Josh's.

13: Jagg - MARCOOO! One of my favourite people in the community. I love how we were dreading every moment of pools and were just like "ahh **** it, let's go get ripped." Mary is very nice indeed, right?:) Anyways, I really wish you cared about this game, you'd do a lot better...but you've probably heard it 1000x so what does it matter right?:laugh: Fun times chilling with you and I hope it continues at future tourneys.

13: Idea - You really surprised me at this. You tore me apart in our friendlies, and gave me a tough time during our bracket match. You've inspired me to learn how to **** Jigglypuff. Good job, I suggest learning how to play Sheik.:laugh: Fun times chilling at Josh's, and let's show the U.S that Raynex isn't the only notable Canadian.

13: Summonedfist - Jack on crack! Wow, you've improved a lot since Niagara. I think you've been taking some of Raynex's tech skill supplements. Lay off them man, that **** makes your stuff smaller!:laugh: GGs in doubles, and good luck in future tourneys!

17: Lanowen - LAAANDY! I'm glad you made it out to this. Although you don't play much, you still managed to place decently, and even step it up in doubles with Josh. I'm proud of you my fellow Mississaugan. I hope you had fun at this and continue to attend tournaments. Sauga till the death!

17: Sylar - The clock...I don't know what to say about it...other than IT BE TICKIN NON-STOP, AND IT AINT MAKIN A **** SOUND MY *****! LMAO! Another one of my favourite people in this community. I'm patiently waiting for your breakout performance, man. I'm still proud of you, though. You and Omni managed to place decently and doubles, and you did so in singles too. Good stuff, but more training is needed. Thanks a lot for the chill times and the green greens sessions. Let's sex some american ayyus at Alukard's!

17: TheKneeofJustice - Ay man, I'm glad you made it out to this. It was nice meeting you and fun times chilling with you. Also, good stuff in our friendlies, you're good. Hope to see you at Alukard's!

25: Desh - Hey ****. How you doing ****? It was fun chilling with you ****. Wanna know what was even more fun though? Finding out that your name means ****. Awww yea. It makes me wanna just DESH IN MY PANTS.
. Anyways, good stuff at this, you're improving. Keep it up homie.

25: Nightmare - GGs, I love taking your money :). Good Marth, come out to more events and improve. Also, come over and I'll train you in the ways of Marth. You'll be ****** in no time.;)

25: hubble - Fun times chilling with you. Keep your head up, stay motivated, and the improvement will follow shortly.

Tyrant/Lone Wolf - Where the hell were you in brackets? LOL, failuuureee. Don't worry, you're still awesome Adnizzle. As much as I hate to say this...I am witnessing the fall of a player who has no choice but to succumb to life johns. Yes, it does suck. But face it, you can't let her down. Don't worry, whenever you get cravings to play, you know who to call.;)
no, not ghostbusters you nub, lol
Sauga all dai!

last but not least...

D.B - DZENAN! Everybody started with that one rival player, found out about advanced techs, got better than them, thus the birth of a competitive smash career. In short, I thank you for indirectly giving birth to my Smash career. If it wasn't for you, I might not have known about Smashboards and this side of Melee. I might not have made all these new friends and adding a whole other side to my life. I thank you for this. It's also the reason it makes me sad that you don't play anymore. Regardless, I'm happy that you've found a game you enjoy thoroughly, and I wish you the best of luck in whatever you choose to pursue in that game. You're one of the most missed Smashers, and I hope you come to our bigger tourneys to show support and stuff. SAUGA ALL DAI!

To anybody I missed: I'm sorry. GGs, and keep it up.


Smash Champion
Jan 16, 2006
Plymouth Rock, eating Thanksgiving dinner
woowww, that song is so perfect.

Also I really need to post some shoutouts. No johns, but I've been completely exhausted/sick this whole time and am johning anyway. I'll post some good ones tomorrow, maybe. Also Imadh, I'm probably gonna be sicker tomorrow than I am today, so I'll just hope you see this. Thursday? I'll call you if I happen to miraculously feel better tomorrow and we can practice.


Smash Champion
Dec 22, 2005
woowww, that song is so perfect.

Also I really need to post some shoutouts. No johns, but I've been completely exhausted/sick this whole time and am johning anyway. I'll post some good ones tomorrow, maybe. Also Imadh, I'm probably gonna be sicker tomorrow than I am today, so I'll just hope you see this. Thursday? I'll call you if I happen to miraculously feel better tomorrow and we can practice.
Yeah... I feel worse than yesterday but I came into work today. Money is a good motivator, lol... and other such relationship drama :urg:. I feel like complete ***.


Smash Hero
Jun 4, 2006
Upstate NY

Vwins - we didn't play except when I was retardedly high... maybe next time.

Bam - we didn't play =(

Kirbykaze - good **** you're mad chill to hang out with. really good stuff going on at this tournament you're great.

RaynEX - if I wasn't high as hell I'dve beaten you in those m2 ditto's... next time I got you again though.

Unknown522 - good ish my falcon can't beat your fox.

Chester - we didn't play.

I.B - shame you were sick all weekend, nice chillin'.

Kage - I'ma beat you in MM's next time. I don't know where my head was at this weekend losing so many MM's. amazing ganon I've never been afraid of one before lol.

Sanuzi - Yes, you are my rival for sure haha! **** falco, that's one of my least experienced matchups, next time we meet tons of friendlies!

Grmo - Curse you! You placed higher than me even though I 3 stocked you on a counterpick you never lose on. GG!!!! More poke floats awesomeness next time.

Afro Chris - We need to play... or at least play enough to remember loL I love falcon.

Europhoria - good ish. more games next time we only played a bit.

TheManaLord - dude you ****, keep up the good stuff see you at mass madness and alukard's.

Idea - good jiggs i hate jiggs xD

Lanowen - no more infractions =)

Sylar - good **** bro, glad you got to experience my crop... if you're coming to MM and Alukard's we gotta chill again for sure.

Eric Marx - HAHA usually I don't remember people's names but I mean we had a conversation about this so I def remember. good **** and don't be so silly with those cpu's xD

TheKneeofJustice/hubble/rob - ggz

Desh - dude why do you have a fanclub??? LOL i'll join it eventually send me an invite or something good ****.

Omniscius - good samus but i'm pretty good v samus hopefully we play more in the future keep up the samus.

anyone i forgot good ****.


Smash Champion
Dec 22, 2005
^ It does for some people, myself included. I miss all l-cancels when high xfd. LOL A HYGIENE PRODUCT THAT THINKS IT KNOWS EVERYTHING



Smash Hero
Jan 24, 2006
Cleveland, Ohio
i just feel like alotta smash is mostly just muscle memory. I dont think u get better playing high, but i dont think u play that much worse.

in the midwest I used to see dope and tink play out grand finals high as balls and it was really fast and intense.

U gotta be used to it i guess
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