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Stronghold Tournament II Results!


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2004
Burnaby BC Canada

1: Otto + Tony (Otto + Tony)
2: Teddy + Toph (Teddy + Toph)
3: Coquitlam's Finest (Meta + Tahsis)
4: Brown Town (NoobKing + Blunted_Object10)
5: Manuel + Robbie (Manuel + Robbie)
5: John + Sion (John + Sion)
7: the bacon (Corbin + Axel)
7: Tilt Mode (Master C + t-iceman)
9: Coquitlam's Mediocrest (Nathan + Sean)


1: Silent Wolf
2: Diakonos
3: Vish
4: Blunted_Object10
5: Toph
5: Bladewise
7: Mad J all day
7: Sion
9: GenesisFTW
9: Dieslow
9: Tahsis
9: Violence
13: Rusty
13: Hitsugaya
13: t-iceman
13: Michealbluefalco
17: Bryan
17: NoobKing
17: Corbin
17: Faceman
17: 1337 h4x0rz
17: Travis
17: Master C
17: John
25: axel

Congratz to SilentWolf for winning the tournament! GG's everyone!


May 26, 2009
Tiphares, B.C., Canada.
Silent Wolf - GG in bracket and winning the tourney, we'll get you next time
2: Diakonos - 2nd place ain't bad
3: Vish - Tony, manuel, and sion. dang
4: Blunted_Object10 - Goodjob hosting and stuff, wonderin' what happened
5: Toph - katawa shoujo
5: Bladewise - yo teddy, good shieee
7: Mad J all day - bro, you're a little too good keep it up
7: Sion - This man can eat his fries, GG's in pools/bracket and LOSING wtf
9: GenesisFTW - we tied lol
9: Dieslow - consistent I see
9: Tahsis - ffffff
9: Violence - did we play? idunno
13: Hitsugaya - poutine combos k
13: t-iceman - lol so black you stole my jump
13: Michealbluefalco - eagle defeat toph once
17: Bryan - lol
17: NoobKing - beats me in pool, loses later GG on bald
17: Corbin - yo, good ****
17: Faceman - fought well
17: 1337 h4x0rz - YO you're actually pretty good, it's kinda weird; come out more and we'll hella play!
17: Travis - no pho
17: Master C - You know i'm always happy to see charles in action, GG's in bracket, man
17: John - wait...what...oh viewtiful jon, yeah bowserrr
25: axel - chaddaddy

This tournament was good, lets advertise a little more for the next one; we definitely could have had a much higher attendance so yeeeeh red robins

See you cats at manifest


Island of Horizon
Dec 9, 2006
Lotus Land, BC
1: Silent Wolf - my boy, otto. i should've been there to stop you LOL. ggs you ****
2: Diakonos - i didn't play you at all i think. you did well throughout the course of the tournament, save gfs. goo jaw
3: Vish - vish, you are the filthy. ggs
4: Blunted_Object10 - we didn't play this time around, but good job beating bladewise.
5: Toph - yeah. YEAH. good job in bracket. anime sometime! ggs
5: Bladewise - omg i have never been so read so hard in my life. you are so good. ggs, and a pleasure meeting you
7: Mad J all day - madj all day. you are good. really good. if you come to the mainland more often, i will make it my business to play you 10000x.
9: GenesisFTW - ggs in bracket. we didn't play at all though
9: Dieslow - maan you need to play more.
9: Tahsis - the cloud loves you. also, wesker. ggs
9: Violence - man i didn't get to play you again, guess the tournament was too hectic. we live close, though, so maybe in the near future.
13: Rusty - i would've beaten you. good job in bracket
13: Hitsugaya - man we need to step it up if we want to ruin the brackets next time. had fun, dude. ggs
13: t-iceman - should've hogged that ledge, bro
13: Michealbluefalco - sorry for yelling at you LOL. you're definitely on you're way.
17: Bryan - i don't think i played you lol
17: NoobKing - =( get 'em next time xnoobxkingxxx
17: Faceman - ggs in pools. flying birds.
17: 1337 h4x0rz - i don't think i played you either lol
17: Travis - nope =( good to see you again though
17: Master C - man you are the chillest. good to see you again, let's play next time!
17: John - hmm, didn't get to meet you =(
25: axel - it's rare to see someone so young playing smash again. ggs, looking forward to seeing you improve if you plan to do so.

won't be seeing you cats at manifest
see you cats at manifest


Smash Lord
Apr 22, 2009
I did.

Then he got some wicked momentum in the losers' bracket, and ***** me in GFs. I played pretty crappy by the time GFs came around compared to the rest of the tournament; you'll see the difference.

edit:// I'm almost too ashamed to watch GFs when they come out, that's how much **** it was


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2006
Quincy, MA
In that case - whoever is playing Vish, ever, just do this.

But, seriously, good **** Vish. Hype to play you in a month!! Better be ready to give up that $20


Smash Journeyman
Oct 15, 2008
1: Silent Wolf - u **** at smash & bishi bashi, good stuff
2: Diakonos - dont choke on presentation
3: Vish - looking fresh, good stuff on bishi bashi
4: Blunted_Object10 - sup
5: Toph - ur ddr skills r legit.
5: Bladewise - u do really good out of shield options
7: Mad J all day - ur okay ; )
7: Sion - ur shouting made me choke during my mm against toph
9: GenesisFTW - haha, same fate as roby extreme, good **** man
9: Dieslow - thx for driving me to red robins
9: Tahsis - nice close sets with sion
9: Violence - sup, i 2-0 u pools! but i lose to u in tourny, good stuff
13: Rusty - u beat adam brown...... dam nice
13: Hitsugaya - nice to see you again irl
13: t-iceman - we played some friendlies, ur marth is aiiiiiightt
13: Michealbluefalco - myself
17: Bryan - ur shiek is improving
17: NoobKing - what up g
17: Corbin - i heard ur old school
17: Faceman - ull soon find ur favorite out of falcon or falco, took me a year to find what character i wanted to main
17: 1337 h4x0rz - u r the new ka master?
17: Travis - lol wheres puff?
17: Master C - good **** in bracket, falco dittos with u was fun
17: John -hope u had fun
25: axel - hope u had fun


Smash Cadet
May 17, 2011
**** was so good. Needed more hype though :/ still filthy as ****

Btw I left my laptop charger where the grand finals and winners/losers matches happened lmao
Could someone grab it?



Smash Lord
May 31, 2010
Vancouver, BC
1: Silent Wolf: filtee.
2: Diakonos: Good ****, Manuel. Definitely a much better performance than last tournament. I was really impressed.
3: Vish: ****. Fuuuuuuuuck. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. Dude, you're pretty good. I don't know what else to say. WA *****.
4: Blunted_Object10: Next time, you should eat ALL the cookies. I will buy cookies, just so that you can eat all of them.
5: Toph: Be...betsu ni shousha ni natte hoshii wake ja nain dakara ne............. mouuu.... toffu-san tara...
5: Bladewise: I can't wait to see the vids of me getting *****. Mind if I ask you for some advice on Peach sometime? My friend is trying to learn.
7: Mad J all day: kasldfj;dsasjfjj;lasdjfladsk;fjadfkls;j;fasdjf;lasjdfkldsf;lsadjflkdsfjlask;fakldsfjlas;dfjklasdfjaskldfjas;lfjl;asdkfjalskfja;dslfkjlaskjf;laskdfj;laskjflask;djflk;asdjflak;sfjklas;djf;aklsdfjaskldfj;sadfj VISIT US AND PLAY MORE HOLY **** MAD J ALL DAI YOU'RE SOOOOO GOOOOOOD... Let's team again at the next Stronghold tournament and ACTUALLY GET PUT INTO BRACKET I'M LOOKING AT YOU ERIC BROWN AND ADAM BROWN ಠ_ಠ
7: Sion: My faith in you in unshaken. You will **** *****es at Manifest, I am quite sure of it.
9: GenesisFTW: We should play next time, we never got to.
9: Dieslow: Same goes for you.
9: Tahsis: nggg defeating a Samus.... ngggg only makes it space better. ghgkghgkghkghgkhk******... I'll see you at the next smash fest.
9: Violence: I need to get better before Manifest.
13: Rusty: Nice job beating Adam Brown, you are very much better than I am.
13: Hitsugaya: John, I always see you, and we never play. wtf.
13: t-iceman: Evan, we never got to play outside of doubles with Mad J.
13: Michealbluefalco: As far as I'm concerned, we're 1-1, and either of us can beat the other. ggs, let's play some more at smashfests.
17: Bryan: I kinda want to pick up my old Sheik(used to main her) and improve together with you. You have excellent spacing, I feel like you have the right foundation to be very good.
17: NoobKing: Beat Yakal, lose to Nathan. Adam Brown, let's do Lean Melee training together. I think at the very least, it's a good way to improve consistency.
17: Corbin: I don't think I got to play you. Next time.
17: Faceman: Good games, man. Come to more Stronghold smashfests, we'll play.
17: 1337 h4x0rz: Same with you.
17: Travis: Coquitlam 3rd Gen. Houen Region. You threw the kitchen sink at me. I feel like if you buckled down and focused on one character, you'd start to see some real improvement, fast.
17: Master C: Yo it was fun hanging out. Thanks for driving, and you're hilarious when passed out.
17: John: Nice Bowser, nice Falcon. Hope to see you at more smashfests, let's play again sometime.
25: axel: You remind me of PewPewU, and I think you're on track to improve fast. If you manage to come to a Stronghold smashfest some other time, I'll definitely get some games in with you.


Smash Lord
Sep 4, 2006
Seattle, WA
This tournament was really fun. You guys definitely make the trip up there worthwhile, even with stupid border **** to deal with. =)

See you guys at Manifest!
Jun 27, 2005
the west
yo this tournament was just what i needed to get back my spark fr melee. i had a great time at the tournament and the day after.

and thanks for smoking me out tony/adam


Smash Ace
Feb 19, 2007
Surrey, BC
GGs guys, WP vish/otto. still rapin **** i see.

LOL guys i was so cheeched on my drive home from ur hotel i rear ended somebody. was only goin 20kmph though..

<-- washed up.


Smash Ace
Feb 19, 2007
Surrey, BC
btw i think roby should be 4th and that mad J dude deserves 10th hes hella good

see ya guys next tourney,



Smash Lord
Oct 3, 2007
btw i think roby should be 4th and that mad J dude deserves 10th hes hella good

see ya guys next tourney,

thanks tony, you kinda ***** me though in friendlies as always.

well I didn't get a chance to enter this one. I sorta regret that now :p i think i was playing well.
i'll try to enter next one even though prob no tourney for like months gg. that aint cali

otto, toph, vish, charles, teddy and evan are G!! the WA **** squad right there.

have fun at manifest everyone i'll spam the livestream chat like always.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 12, 2010
Chilliwack, B.C., Canada
I had SOOO much fun at this. I don't know if I've ever learned as much about the game in 1 day before as I did there. I definitely need to come to more things like this.


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2004
Richmond, B.C, Canada
I had SOOO much fun at this. I don't know if I've ever learned as much about the game in 1 day before as I did there. I definitely need to come to more things like this.
It's great that you came out. I remember who you were. Told you there was nothing to be afriad of =-) Our community is filled with generally nice and accepting people. We always wanting to help newer players to improve :)


Smash Master
May 28, 2008
San Jose
1: Silent Wolf - omg otto. god damn otto. you swag to the maximum
2: Diakonos - <3 your Marth let's play next time (since we didn't play at all this time lol)
3: Vish - HI VISH you'll never read this :3
4: Blunted_Object10 - Glad I didn't have you in my bracket cuz I woulda got peaced out hella bad x_X
5: Toph - :D
5: Bladewise - Thanks for teaming Teddy, sorry we didn't win LOL. But <3 OMG you are viewing this thread at the same time as me at 4 AM thats weird
7: Mad J all day - Wtf your Fox is so good. I hope I don't have to play you in tourney anymore cuz you'll probably beat me next time
7: Sion - Sion :3 :3 gg's and definitely anime sometime rofl
9: GenesisFTW - Hey dude, good to see you again lol and you're beast as usual. But I'm glad Eric 4-stocked your ****ty Puff LOL
9: Dieslow - You gotta die more slowly next time dude cuz we didn't get to play this time!!
9: Tahsis - I'm on Emi's route, it's my first route. Omg we just kissed omg omg
9: Violence - HI ERIC see you this weekend. I have nichijou DVDs for you LOL
13: Rusty - GOOD **** NATHAN!!!
13: Hitsugaya - Hi John play more melee so I can see you more LOL
13: t-iceman - *shakes head*
13: Michealbluefalco - GGs and it was funny running into you at the mall on Sunday hahah
17: Bryan - idk who you are :c get a gamer tag dude!!!
17: NoobKing - Adam Brown you're a top level falcon in my heart no matter what they say.
17: Corbin - :V V: :V
17: Faceman - faec m4n
17: 1337 h4x0rz - w0rd
17: Travis - Bain
17: Master C - THE HOMIE
17: John - none of these
25: axel - OMG DAD hi dad

SECRET BONUS SHOUTOUT TO: roby extreme - omg dude i hope you enter next time. such a fun fox to fight lol. good seeing you again. i like your hat

edit: btw red robin post-tourney was really fun and we should do stuff like that again
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