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The Band of the Frog: Thumbswayup is Muppet king


Smash Lord
Jan 27, 2006
Muppetland 64
More attempts at converting
Omegle conversation log
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Hello, have you been saved yet?
Stranger: One can only hope
You: If not, I'd like to ask if I may inform you of our religion.
You: As you know 2012 is approaching, so as many people as possible should get saved before that time of judgment.
Stranger: You could. I've never been accosted on a random Internet chat by a stranger before.
You: Okay, well. Let's first highlight the perks of my religion against other religions.
You: Other religions require you worship a cranky old dude who rains thunder and death on those who don't listen to him. If you disbelieve him, he will throw you in an eternal fire with eternal suffering and everything.
You: Our religion requires you only watch an animated series about a young, attractive girl, with no fear of retribution.
Stranger: If anything, you do know the way to a man's heart - a young, attractive girl
You: Of course.
You: Instead of mass, you are instead asked to, if you have the time, participate in discussions and speculations regarding the series' future.
You: This is by far better than listening to someone preach to you about the virtues of believing in the old cranky guy or else suffer eternal pains.
You: Have I interested you yet?
Stranger: You might say that. At least, you're far better than the ASL crew.
You: Boredom, eh.
You: I figured I'd take a different approach. Most chats here begin with "hi" and end in "horny".
Stranger: So, would you say that the series creator and directors are at the forefront of the religion?
You: I would certainly say so.
Stranger: Or is it self-practicing?
You: But it is also self-practicing.
You: In fact, most part of it is self-practiced, with the series' creator and its directors providing new food for thought on a periodical basis.
You: We do not ask you to read an old book from 2,000 years past, but instead deliver the word of our god in small, pleasurable installments of twenty minutes.
Stranger: How many installments are there?
Stranger: As you know, this is an instant gratification sort of society
You: There are, at present, two seasons of this series!
Stranger: Is it akin to the Old and New Testaments?
You: There are 14 installments in the first season, and the second season is still on-going.
Stranger: Are there followers of one and not of the other?
Stranger: Or are they united?
You: There are followers of both, as they are united.
You: It is very much a continuation, rather than the 'beginning' of a new school of thought.
Stranger: Surely, critical and creative discussion regarding the series must be present.
Stranger: So, if I were interested, where would one look?
Stranger: Furthermore, what do you have to gain by enlightening me?
You: To adress the first point, critical and creative discussion is, indeed, present.
You: One would look either in the nearest shop that provides in international animation, or if one believes in free distribution of the holy word and salvation, one need look no further than Ye Local Bittorrente Site.
You: The gain in enlightening you is personal gratification.
Stranger: I believe in free thought and free speech
Stranger: Surely, free distribution is but the next step
You: Then you need only google for Ye Local Bittorrente Site, and request all files pertaining to "The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya", or simply the last two words for optimal results.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.


Smash Lord
Dec 1, 2006
I got someone good my first try. So good.

Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Hello.
Stranger: hi =)
You: May I ask, have you been saved yet?
Stranger: ?
You: Ah. It appears that you have not.
You: Would you like me to explain?
Stranger: yes very much so
You: Excellent. I will continue.
You: With the upcoming year of 2012, happiness ends for all things in our solar system.
You: Known or unknown.
You: Living or dead.
Stranger: k
You: As a result, we have created a religion.
Stranger: ?
You: Our religion promotes life and the happiness of all beings in our immediate solar vicinity, despite the fact that we will all perish come December of 2012.
You: Our deity is a young girl.
You: Her name is Haruhi Suzumiya.
You: With just twenty minutes of praise per day...
You: You will experience the most joy and happiness that you have ever experienced in your young life.
You: Are you interested in turning you life around?
You: Are you interested in living life to the fullest before the world ends in three years?
Stranger: umm still not clear
You: It is okay. Please join us. You will understand once you are saved.
Stranger: will you show me boobies?
You: Unfortunately, Deity Suzumiya does not show her genitals.
Stranger: im not talking bout that i want boobies
You: Deity Suzumiya will not expose herself to new converts.
You: You must work your way up to be exposed to the glory that is Deity Suzumiya's breasts.
Stranger: umm can i see her ***?
Stranger: wait will i be able to **** her?
You: She is present on YouTube.
You: If you wish, you may look her up, although she will not expose herself there.
You: To spark your interest, please view the video that shows her engaging in synchronized dance acts with our sub-deities.
Stranger: why is your so called savour on youtube
You: Her ways do not require explanation.
Stranger: umm wtf was that
Stranger: did anyone tell you not to drink the bong water?
You: Our savior only allows us to consume bubble tea and rice cakes.
You: We do not know of this "bong water" you speak of.
You: I am terribly sorry for not comprehending.
Stranger: um the water from the bong
Stranger: smoking water pipe?
You: We do not smoke any substances, per Deity Suzumiya.
You: Therefore, I am not familiar with what you speak of.
You: I am terribly sorry for not comprehending.
Stranger: not even opium
You: As stated, we do not smoke any substances, per Deity Suzumiya.
Stranger: everyone smokes opium
You: Therefore, the use of Opium is also not allowed, as a follower of our holy one.
Stranger: wait whats happening in 2012
You: The world will end.
You: Wouldn't you like to enjoy the rest of your young life before the world ends?
You: Please join us.
You: You will understand once you are converted.
You: You will feel a rush throughout your body.
You: You will then uncontrollably begin to dance, in-sync with various peers.
You: It is a magnificent feeling.
Stranger: what religion is this
Stranger: i didnt ask what feeling it was, dildo, i want to know what religion it is
You: As a child of Deity Suzumiya, I refuse to answer such an inferior, insignificant, and capricious inquiry.
You: Please think about what was said to you today.
Stranger: i geus this religion doesnt care care about me
You: Please join us.
You: You will know you want to be saved.
You: Trust me.
You: Trust us.
You: Goodbye.
You have disconnected.
Good god thank you Rei that was epic... made my day :laugh:


Smash Journeyman
Nov 3, 2006
Brawltimoremd, MD
no i'm not back and i'm broke, but i'm getting **** together.

the return of turbo is coming... just sometime later, haha

will try to attend something, pound 4 is happening though


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2003
Baltimore, MD
Ron... I have an idea... Otakon/Katsucon... Lez go?
I kinda wanna just put Hare Hare Yukai on my new phone, turn it up real loud, and blast it in peoples ears at convention after sneaking up on them....

,,,,I also wanna cosplay Snake and do as Trevor's avatar says.... maybe I'll crack their neck, and then play Hare Hare Yukai....>_>


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2003
Baltimore, MD
You're right, it's necessary. Need that as my ringtone as well....but somehow watching that video ended with me watching Popeye versus the Juggernaut in Mugen.....


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2003
Baltimore, MD
........If UMBC staff knew some of the things we've done there. Oh ****. >_> <_<

Hey Phil I probably can't go to AUSA btw.


Smash Master
Dec 3, 2005
Lol, I swear I laughed at that picture for like 10 minutes.

Yeah that's cool cause I prolly won't go myself xD

Seed of Sorrow

Smash Champion
May 3, 2006
Location, Location
what's better than chatting with complete strangers and ****ing with them?

Answer: nothing.

Well I can think of a few things, but not many.

Convos to follow:

Stranger: steve!?
You: stever here!
Stranger: lies
You: **** YOU
Stranger: no u
Stranger: no oyu arent
Stranger: i am steve
You: ***** I cut your balls off
Stranger: oh bb
Stranger: i like it rough
Stranger: ok
Stranger: u like it in the bum?
You: **** YOU IM STEVE
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: sup
Stranger: ??
Stranger: asl
Stranger: ??
Stranger: !!
You: you tell me yours first
Stranger: wait r u a guy
You: ....no
Stranger: oh
You: sweet I'm un
You: in*

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Hii
You: hey
Stranger: how are you doing?
You: good
You: you?
Stranger: finee
Stranger: asl?
You: what would you rather me be, m or f?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Stranger: hey
You: hey
Stranger: are you horny?
You: not at all
Your conversational partner has disconnected

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: get out
You: right now
Stranger: shut up
You: do it
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

You: you m
You: or
You: f
Stranger: hmm
You: I don;t really care
You: I can pick foir you
You: all I really need is a crease

Stranger: hi
You: hey
Stranger: asl?
You: are you female?
You: hello?
You: I guess you're checking

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hey
Stranger: hey
Stranger: iam boy
You: then you're not welcomed
You: and I'm not getting out
You: so you need to leave
Your conversational partner has disconnected.



Smash Lord
Jan 27, 2006
Muppetland 64
It could be better *sigh*. Several pages back I posted some pretty godly ones a friend of mine did about converting people to Haruhism. It's only funny when you get them going for a LONG *** time.
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