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The Last Tier War - Episode 2


Smash Ace
Jun 4, 2003
Here it is, the latest headquarters for The Last Tier War. My old forum is a depressing graveyard. But that's enough of what was. This is about what will be.

I hope to have Episode 2 completed and ready to show at FC in mid-august. The goal date is August 1st, because I know there will be last-minute things that need getting done. Earlier would be nice, too. I've yet to miss a deadline.

My email is gmail and my name is the same everywhere I go.

There is so much that can be discussed here! Anyone got good ideas on how to film on icicle mountain? Does the dialogue look ok or could it be better? Is this post confusing yet? How were the voices in episode 1? Will there be LTW t-shirts? (hint: there will not, but I do love a good hype)

- top
- tasks
- filming guidelines
- scene breakdown - characters and stages

- scene 1.1
- scene 1.2

- scene 2.1
- scene 2.2
- scene 2.3
- scene 2.4

- scene 3.1

- scene 3.2

- scene 4

- voices

[COLLAPSE="Tasks"]SDM - find the map and make it on computer for ppl to see
SDM - finish making this topic
FILMING - all of it. volunteers?
VOICES - need more voices, nothing's recorded yet
ADDITIONAL ADMINISTRATION - it would help just to have someone to set timetables, search for voice talent, or even...heh...improve this thread's organization[/COLLAPSE]

[COLLAPSE="Filming Guidelines"]No percentages, player indicators, or HUD things of any kind. They take away from the feel. If you can do this without AR, tell me how so I can tell others and increase the pool of potential volunteers beyond those with AR or Dolphin.

When characters are "talking" try to make them move a little. Make them seem ALIVE. Changing the camera angle can help with this too. Idle animations can be effective.

If at all possible, record in-game sounds but not music. Adding sounds manually is a chore.

Try to record in decent quality. The quality can only get lower through the editing process.

Turn items on! There need to be a few randomly strewn about so their absence is more meaningful later...[/COLLAPSE]

[COLLAPSE="Scene Breakdown - Characters and Stages"]1.1 The Interrogation - Hyrule

1.2 - Hyrule

2.1 Homerun Raid intro - Hyrule, MK2, Onett, Homerun

2.2 Homerun Raid escalation - Mute City, Homerun

2.3 Homerun Raid climax - Homerun

2.4 Homerun denoument - Homerun

3. Trekking - Greens, Yoshi64, Rainbow Cruise
Ice Climbers

3.2 - Rainbow Cruise, Yoshi Pipes, Ice Mtn

4. A Warning - Yoshi's Story

[COLLAPSE="Scene 1.1 - Interrogation"]The Interrogation

This is one of the two BIG SCENES to get done. Frankly, because there's so much dialogue and the appearance of eight characters on one stage. Fancy editing and shot placement can complete this illusion (like in episode 1) but it will be tedious. Look at 5:30 of part 2 of episode 1 to see where everyone should start.


Jiggs expose dialogue:

Jiggs: What do you want to know?

Yoshi and GaW both speak.

GaW: Sorry, go ahead.

Yoshi: No no, you first.

GaW: Please, I insist.

Yoshi: After you.

GaW: I couldn't impose.

Yoshi: No trouble, really.

GaW: You asked first.

Yoshi: No, YOU asked first.

GaW: I interrupted you.

Yoshi: I interrupted YOU.

Pichu: SCREW YOU BOTH! Where were you taking Mario? Are they all in one place?

Jiggs: I only ever brought people here, then the higher-ups would take over.

Luigi: Higher ups? On the tier list?

Roy: Has anyone got the newest tier list on them?

Yoshi: I have it here somewhere...
(yoshi in shield, noises)
Yoshi: In order, above Jigglypuff, are Dr. Mario, Samus, Ice Climbers, Captain Falcon, Peach, Marth, Sheik (shield breaks)

GaW: And Fox and Falco.

Ness: By Sakurai, there's only seven of us here and nine of them out there! Ten if you count this bloated sack of...

Jiggs: Hey now, I was under duress!

Bowser: I think this meeting is safe. Though they may be higher tier and in greater numbers, a fight this large would make it impossible for them to force us in any particular direction.

Yoshi: What if they just want to kick the crap out of us?

some others: yeah

Bowser: What would that accomplish? We just respawn when we die. Besides, all nine of them can't be on the offensive, since at least two or three of them must be guarding Mario and the others.

Jiggs: Actually, that's sort of related to the reason I agreed to help them...

Ness: Wouldn't you help them anyway, since you're upper tier?

Yoshi: She's middle tier, actually.

Ness: She's in the upper half, how is that middle?

Pichu: It doesn't matter! The point is the high tiers are playing dirty, starting this war without telling us.

Yoshi: It's never been done before! Not to mention they're trying to pick us off one by one.

Jigglypuff: That was Fox's idea. He's taking no chances, he really wants to win like never before.

Luigi: How can a tier war like this determine who's better? You're using superior numbers and the element of surprise!

Jigglypuff: It's your own fault for being unprepared. Thinking outside the crate is just as important as fighting well.

Roy: I bet if we cut her open, we find a balloon where her heart should be.

GaW: Dude, that's cold.

Pichu: (to jiggs) Do you really believe that?

Jigglypuff: Meh. I dunno. It's what Fox said at our last meeting.

Pichu: If you didn't like his plan, why go along with it?

Jigglypuff: Another thing he said was "if you're not with me, you're against me," and I don't want to be against him. He's ruthless.

Bowser: So? You should have told us sooner, we could have put him in his place for even considering such a cheap tactic.

Roy: Uh oh, there's the C word...

Pichu: Come on guys, stop it. We agreed long ago that we'd fight these wars once in a while so we could live peacefully the rest of the time.

GAW: And to shut up the high tiers about how great they are.

Jigglypuff: You're one to talk! If you low tiers had your way, the whole war would be fought on this stage!

Pichu: Guys, be quiet, I'm making a point. Anyway, there hasn't been a cheap tactic yet that's dominated the metagame, and this time is no different.

Yoshi: But how are individual characters supposed to be ranked if it's a group that wins or loses?

Pichu: I dunno, but Fox is using a group, so we better organize as well. Fox only has about a third of the cast on his side anyway, we should be able to beat them in a grand melee.

Roy: I say we strike now before any more of us are taken. Who's with me?

GaW: I am! Lead the way, fearless leader!

Roy: ...I...I meant, after we find out where they are...then...then we strike.

Roy: Sorry.

Pichu: First we should get Kirby and Mewtwo, and Ganondorf, if he'll help.

Luigi: Ganondorf's pretty high tier. I don't think he'll listen.

Yoshi (egg): Hmm..not as high as Mario, and look what happened to him.

Pichu: Kirby could be between here and the Home Run Stadium. You all should go there, it's nearly impossible to herd anyone out of it.

Roy: We'd be trapped! The only exit is through Mute City!

Jigglypuff: You'd feel trapped in a stage big enough to hold all the others combined?

(bowser grabbed Roy)

Bowser: Let's go, Roy, Home Run's a-waitin.

Roy, Jiggs, GaW, Yoshi, Bowser leave[/COLLAPSE]

[COLLAPSE="Scene 1.2"](possible overlap, chars leaving in background)

Ness: What about you? You're not going to get Mewtwo ALONE??

Pichu: One character might attract less notice.

Ness: Or be abducted.

Luigi: Where IS Mewtwo, anyway? I haven't seen him since before the latest tier list.

Pichu: He's been training on Icicle Mountain, mostly.

Luigi: That's dangerous territory, even without an evil conspiracy on the loose...want some help?

Pichu: I've been there, I can find my way.

Luigi: Maybe, but what if your way is blocked? I've wavedashed around the world, I know the paths better than anyone, of any tier.

Pichu: All right, let's get going.

Ness: Hurry back, will you?[/COLLAPSE]

[COLLAPSE="Scene 2.1 - Homerun Raid Intro"]NOTE: Mute city stops at specific stages at specific "stops". They are:
Start/finish - Homerun Stadium
Tunnel - Dream Land 64
Healing - Big Blue
Pendulum - Onett
Filming on mute city should be consistent with this.


Sheik and doc appear, follow Ness

Ness turns, they hide

Bowser: (offscreen) Ness, come on!

Ness hurries left


Doc and Sheik follow Ness across MK2, wait a bit


Sheik and Doc enter from right, low tiers already gone

fading montage to show them waiting for next mute city cycle

They board Mute City


Doc: No sentry even. Wonder if we'll get to see any action.

Sheik: We won't, we're just backup for the main force.

Doc: I thought you were supposed to be part of the main force?

Sheik: ...I was...

Doc: What're you doing here, then? Sheik?

Sheik turns and goes into homerun

Doc: Sheik??!? What are you doing? Come back! SHEIK!![/COLLAPSE]

[COLLAPSE="Scene 2.2 - Homerun Raid Escalation"]NOTE: Mute city stops at specific stages at specific "stops". They are:
Start/finish - Homerun Stadium
Tunnel - Dream Land 64
Healing - Big Blue
Pendulum - Onett
Filming on mute city should be consistent with this.


Ness: Kirby's not looking so good...

Bowser: It's Sheik!

Sheik changes to Zelda

Zelda: There isn't much time. You have to leave, NOW.

Roy: How could they know where we are already?

Yoshi: Probably the same way we did; it IS the best choice.

Zelda: Please! Leave while you still can! (runs)

Ness: Zelda, wait! (follows, as does Yoshi)

Kirby: What's going on here?

Bowser: Zelda told us to leave right away.

Kirby: Let's go, then! EVERYBODY HURRY!

Bowser: (runs into invisible wall) Crap! Just missed it...

Roy: So...hard for them to force us out, but also easy for them to keep us in, yes?

Kirby: You can rub my face in it when we get out of here.

Roy: Actually, I won't rub your face in it unless we DON'T get out of here. (may be shortened to fit time constraints)

GaW: So we plan on leaving then? What if they're on Mute City already when it comes next?


Doc: Zelda?!? Hey HEY what's happening?

Zelda: Just evening things out a bit.

Mute City starts moving

Yoshi: The others!

Zelda: It's too late for them.

Ness: Aren't the high tiers gonna get on here soon?

Zelda: No.

Doc: What??


Bowser: We'll take the fight to them. They think they'll catch us with our shields shrunk, but we'll be waiting.

Roy: Finally, a plan that involves fighting!


Yoshi: How can they invade without
Zelda: ...they'll use a secret entrance.

Yoshi, Doc: What?!?

Zelda: And I guarantee you, it'll be a complete surprise.[/COLLAPSE]

[COLLAPSE="Scene 2.3 - Homerun Raid Climax"]HRC

CHOREOGRAPHY for the hardest ~15 seconds ever

low tiers facing left
Bowser to left of HRC platform
Roy on left edge of HRC platform
Kirby behind Roy
GAW behind Kirby

-camera attached to falling char above platform, looking down and pans up (to normal) showing the falling Peach holding death veggie
~3 seconds

-wider shot of Peach falling, zoom out reveals other 3 high tiers also falling, all holding death veggies. When they line up, all throw down simultaneously.
left to right: Falcon, Peach, Marth, Samus
~3 seconds

-straight view of platform and its 3 occupants
platform low tiers get hit by veggies just before Falcon and Marth land with aerials starting combos aimed at hitting chars to the right
Falcon combos Roy (dair > side B > uair > knee) is the combo fast enough? Hopefully it takes Falcon off the platform
Marth combos GaW or kirby or both for a little while
~3 seconds

-camera looking more to the right, rather close to the platform, see Marth continuing to pummel GAW/kirby/both. Peach and Samus fall in and hit kirby/gaw off platform to the right.
High tiers run off platform to the right as bowser jumps onto left edge of platform (foreground) and dashes a short distance.
Falco lands in foreground, Bowser turns around
~3 seconds

-camera slightly left-looking.
Bowser attacks Falco, is rebuffed and comboed in spectacular fashion, ending with fsmash
(timing less important with this shot since it's the last action packed shot)[/COLLAPSE]

[COLLAPSE="Scene 2.4 - Homerun Raid Denoument"]Falco: Falco here, come in Fox.

Fox: (radio-ified) How's it going?

Falco: They're on full retreat. They never stood a chance.

Fox: Already? Outstanding! Continue as planned.

Falco: Got it. FALCON!

Falcon: Yes?

Falco: Time for inventory. See who we've got in here. NO FIGHTING. Just straight to the end and back.

Falcon: (grudgingly) All right...[/COLLAPSE]

[COLLAPSE="Scene 3.1 - The Long Way"]GREEN GREENS

(Entering from left)
Pichu: Really, Luigi, do we have to take so many detours?

Luigi: We don’t want to be noticed, now do we?

Pichu: There’s no one around!

Luigi: Exactly! (continues walking)

Pichu: (exasperated sigh)

Luigi: Does anyone else know where Mewtwo is?

Pichu: None of the high tiers, I think. We rarely cross paths and rarerly talked about Mewtwo. You think someone’s staked out at Icicle Mountain?

Luigi: They wouldn’t have to be. They only need to stake out the entrances to Icicle Mtn.

Pichu: I thought the only entrance was through Yoshi’s Pipes?

Luigi: That’s the easier entrance. There’s another from Poke Floats, off that rock-snake dude. It’ll take us well towards the top and save us some time.

Pichu: We COULD have saved time by coming straight here.

Luigi: We save more time in the long run by hiding our whereabouts. Now…if they ARE keeping watch over Icicle Mtn, there’ll be someone at the next stage; Yoshi’s Island 64.

Pichu jumps up and grabs right edge of YO64, gets up, looks around

Pichu: Looks vacant, come on up.

ICs fall and grab to freeze Pichu with up throw

Luigi: (getting up from right) Pichu!

ICs: Just walk away, Luigi.

Luigi: What? You’re letting me leave?

ICs: You can leave or I can freeze you. Your choice.

Luigi turns and starts walking away

Pichu: Luigi!

Luigi: Over my dead body!

Luigi wavedashes back to f-smash, gets shield grabbed.

ICs: (as they d-tilt infinite) You should have walked!

Luigi: You should have stayed at your post!

Pichu: He’s distracted! Go for it!

ICs: What? Who?

ICs release luigi and jump to top platform, look around

Luigi: I can’t grab you, you’re too high!

Pichu: Hit me! I’ll smash DI!

Luigi hits Pichu with up tilts, then grabs and throws left. ICs give chase briefly.

Luigi: I was right. Let’s go.

They go to RAINBOW CRUISE the ship part[/COLLAPSE]

[COLLAPSE="Scene 3.2"]Pichu: Looks like it’s time for your plan B and my plan A.

Luigi: Oh, no. We can’t go to Icicle Mtn anymore, there will be even better characters stationed at the main entrance.

Pichu: So what if there are? We're both pretty quick, it would take two or three characters to keep us out.

Luigi: Suppose there's only one there but they get reinforcements to keep us in?

Pichu: Fox only has nine characters on his side! That leaves seventeen who could fight for us. We just need to let them know the next war has started. Fox won't stand a chance.

Luigi: I’m telling you, if the back door is guarded, so is the front! If it’s not, then it’s a trap. This is too great a risk just to bring in Mewtwo.

Pichu: (sighs) I’m getting Mewtwo, with or without your help.

They jump from the upper right platforms of RAINBOW CRUISE to YOSHI’S PIPES on the left

Pichu: See? Nobody.

Luigi: You shouldn’t go just rushing in. PICHU!

Pichu runs to Icicle Mnt, Luigi follows

Pichu: See? Nobody.

Luigi: Hmm…they could be waiting for us higher up the mountain. Don’t let your guard down.

Pichu: Yes, mother…[/COLLAPSE]


Zelda runs by, followed by Doc fighting Yoshi and Ness.

Zelda stops

Zelda: STOP IT! Stop fighting!

They stop and face Zelda.

Doc: I’d hardly call this equal time. You’ve been Zelda for too long. Be Sheik again!

Zelda: It’s not just TIME! You wouldn’t understand! (goes sulking)

Yoshi: I’ve made a bit of a case study on the Zelda/Sheik duality. Time is one factor but there’s also equal influence.

Doc: Equal influence?

Yoshi: You see, now that Zelda and Sheik are on opposing sides of a conflict, neither wants the other to help. Zelda thinks that by not letting either side have access to her abilities, she’s being equal.

Doc: But it’s NOT equal! Sheik is better than Zelda! The low tiers losing Zelda is a small price to pay for the high tiers losing Sheik!

Yoshi: There’s also us to consider. None of us are taking part in the conflict at large, so we are also removed from the equation, as it were.

Doc: So you’re saying me and Sheik are of equal value to you, Zelda, and Ness?

Yoshi: I’m saying Zelda and Sheik think that, in terms of the conflict, yes, you two are equal to our three.

Ness: I wouldn’t say that, after all…

Yoshi: (interrupting) Are you trying to convince Zelda that the low tiers are benefiting more than the high tiers from us all sitting out? Because if that’s true, Sheik will have to wake up to even things out again.

Doc: So what’s wrong with letting her change back and forth? Be Zelda for a bit, fight for the low tiers, then be Sheik for a bit, fight for the high tiers.

Yoshi: You’d have to ask Zelda that.

Doc: Alright. HEY ZELDA! (he goes over to Zelda)

Doc: Why would you rather none of us fight than just let the fighting play out?

Zelda: Because… I know what Fox plans to do. You…all of you…think this tier war is just like the others, that it will eventually pass and everything will go back to normal.

Doc: …Won’t it?

Yoshi: Is it safe for you to tell us this? Will Sheik take over?

Zelda: As long as I’m…careful with my wording.

Ness: What’s different about this war, Zelda?

Zelda: The other tier wars ended gradually, as characters got bored of fighting.

Yoshi: Come to think of it, tier wars never end with victory or defeat. They just sort of…fizzle out. And then there's a new tier list.

Zelda: This one will have a winner…and a loser. If the low tiers win, the game as we know it will go on as it always has.

Ness: …and if the high tiers win?

Zelda: …


[COLLAPSE="Voices"]Fox -
Falco -
Sheik - bananapile
Marth - none
Peach - none
Captain Falcon -
Popo -
Nana - (copies Popo's lines exactly 6 frames after)
Samus - none
Doctor Mario - (same voice actor as Mario but normal voice)
Jigglypuff - Seanson
Mario - (over the top Mario voice)
Ganondorf - none
Link - none
Luigi -
Donkey Kong - none
Roy -
Young Link - none
Pikachu - none
Yoshi -
Zelda - bananapile
GaW - Hal Reader
Ness -
Bowser - (Schwarzenegger-esque)
Kirby -
Pichu - SuperDoodleMan
Mewtwo - none
Sandbag - SuperDoodleman

About half of the voices in ep1 had the pitch shifted via modplug tracker. I dunno where to get it but it's free. Sound recorder comes standard with Windows and it's what I used for about half the characters. Email me a sample if you want to try out![/COLLAPSE]


Smash Champion
Jul 6, 2005
Raleigh, NC
iirc from when I was a part of this, we had all the voice acting for this episode recorded, but after you left we couldn't get it filmed...

~Dark Hart not Gofg


Smash Ace
Jun 4, 2003
I've had a couple computer crashes since then. It's a miracle I was able to salvage the plans for scene 2.


Out of Obscurity
Sep 23, 2007
Whoah whoah whoah SDM coming out of nowhere. (Yet no thread activity? I guess nobody looks at this board >.>)

Cool to see stuff for Last Tier War is still intact and such.


Smash Cadet
Jul 26, 2010
I'd actually love to do any voice for this, I'm an actor so adjusting to moods/different voices isn't really hard. Just hit me up with a message on MN smash if you need me


Smash Ace
Jun 4, 2003
How about you email me some lines? My email is in the first post, just hidden enough to avoid any robo-email finders. I'm fine with someone voicing several characters. If you're going to help, I recommend doing it fast because it's already crunch time.
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